Ask Utopia Silver

Iodine Test

Hello Ben,

The Iodine went away completely about 18 hours after I put it on my stomach. So I guess that is not to bad right? Also, what disease might be causing my chest cramps if my heart is OK?

Thank You,
J. in Minnesota

Hi J.,

That is very good on the Iodine; for most it disappears within 2-6 hours; 18 hours suggests that you have a near optimal iodine level in your body. In this case, monitor it closely with a frequent patch of iodine (½ to silver dollar size area) and back off the iodine if you reach the 24 hour retention.

Coeliac disease is one that our Naturopath consultant says can cause chest pains. Just be certain it isn’t a cardiac condition; that could be deadly. Although mainstream medicine may not generally diagnosis Coeliac’s in conjunction with what feels like cardiac angina, naturopaths often recognize it, …if there is no heart issues.

Coeliac Disease is considered an auto immune disease and is described as damage to the small intestine often associated with eating foods that have gluten a type of protein that is usually found in barley, wheat, and rye. Once a person suffers from Coeliac Disease, other parts of the body can also be affected.

More Info:

What Causes Coeliac Disease?

Genetic Predisposition. People with Coeliac disease have been found to have first degree relatives who are suffering from the same condition. For genetically predisposed persons, various factors could cause certain changes in the small intestine, which could pave the way for an irregular immune system response leading to the occurrence of the condition. Some of the said factors include bacteria, surgery, and virus.

Environmental Factors. Various dietary grains were known to cause Coeliac disease. Some of these foods are wheat, barley, and oats. These foods contain certain amounts of ‘toxic’ proteins which are collectively referred to as gluten.

Diagnosis, Signs and Symptoms of Coeliac Disease

When a person ingests gluten, the body’s auto immune system responds immediately by attacking the villi in the stomach lining, which are eventually destroyed. This leads to malabsorption, which then creates severe gastrointestinal disturbances. Once the body experiences nutrient malabsorption, as well as deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, the body could suffer from anaemia as osteoporosis (thin bones).

There can be many symptoms of Coeliac disease. Some common symptoms are some or many of the following:

    Muscle cramps

    Stomach cramps (sometimes mistaken for cardiac pain.)


    Poor appetite


    Abdominal pain



    Weight loss


    Inflamed tissues

    Neuropathy, or feeling of tingling numbness in the hands and legs due to nerve damage

    Aphthous ulcers, or pale sores found inside the mouth

    Dermatitis herpetiformis, or painful skin rashes

    Thyroid dysfunction (Thytrophin PMG and Lugol's Liquid Iodine can correct this in a few months)

    Tooth discoloration, or loss of enamel

    Missed menstrual periods which is usually brought about by excessive weight loss

    Alopecia, or hair loss



    Pain in the joints

    Repeated miscarriages

Remedies, Treatment and Cure for Coeliac Disease

Exercise. Those who suffer from Coeliac disease needs to exercise at least four times a week. Moderate and not heavy exercises should be done. You may include gentle jogging, power walking, yoga and aerobics.

Nutrition. Food plays a very important role in reducing the symptoms of Coeliac disease. You should take note what foods you can eat, and foods that you cannot eat. Make sure that you also maintain a gluten-free diet for six months since it takes that much time to eliminate the immune activated antibodies present in the body.  

Remedies, Treatment and Cure for Coeliac Disease

Exercise. Those who suffer from Coeliac disease needs to exercise at least four times a week. Moderate and not heavy exercises should be done. You may include gentle jogging, power walking, yoga and aerobics.

Nutrition. Food plays a very important role in reducing the symptoms of Coeliac disease. You should take note what foods you can eat, and foods that you cannot eat. Make sure that you also maintain a gluten-free diet for six months since it takes that much time to eliminate the immune activated antibodies present in the body.

Diet for Coeliac Disease

Foods to Avoid

Gluten. Since this is one of the things that is known to trigger Coeliac disease, you must avoid eating foods that contain such. Some of these foods include rye, barley, oats, wheat, durum flour, semolina, couscous, spelt, bulgur, karnut, and triticale.

Starch. Beware of foods that contain starch – either wheat starch or corn starch. Malt, dextrin, maltodextrin, natural flavouring, modified food starch, fillers, hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP), hydrolysed plant protein (HPP). These foods may possibly contain gluten.

Dairy products. This often becomes necessary due to a deficiency in the lactase enzyme, which is needed to digest milk sugars.

Friendly Foods

 Carbohydrates. You can substitute gluten grains with foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as corn, rice, potato, pumpkin, kumara, quinoa, cornmeal, millet, etc.

Vitamins and minerals

Coeliac sufferers often suffer from a deficient absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore it is necessary that you have a healthy consumption of vitamins and plant minerals.

Advanced Colloidal Silver
Sometimes Coeliac may be caused by Bacteria or viruses. (Be sure and do not take the silver and probiotics at the same time as the silver will kill the probiotics.

IntraMax Super Therapeutic Vitamin, Mineral, & Herbal Formula

Iron. Take iron supplements. Oftentimes, Coeliac sufferers were found to be deficient in iron. Some even suffer from iron deficiency anaemia. Red meat, along with liver and kidneys of animals are rich sources of iron. Some nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, and hazelnuts are rich in iron as well. Sesame seeds are good sources of iron too.

Calcium, magnesium (Membrane Complex ), Vitamins B1, B2, and B6, folic acid, Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, and other vitamins must be sufficient in the body as well. Proteins and fats should also be substantiated. It takes a long time for the symptoms of Coeliac to be reversed and if gluten is not removed from the diet completely, reversing it might be impossible.  

Colostrum Prime Life (4g daily). This encourages the healing of the villi and stomach lining. You can combine it with 2 tbsp of Flax Oil Organic , or 3000mg of fish oil, 5,000iu of Vitamin A, 45mg of Zinc, and 300mcg of folic acid. This helps in healing the cell membranes in the body’s stomach wall.

Enzyme Complex . Use a broad spectrum enzyme, Pancreatin, Lipase, Amylase, Protease, etc.

Glutamine (10g-40g daily). This is an amino acid that helps in healing the stomach lining area.

Probiotics . Bifidus and acidophilus (1 billion in capsule form) are good bacteria that could help in keeping the digestive system in a healthy state. Take this on an empty stomach to help repopulate the digestive system.


-Slippery Elm (1tsp with a glass of water). This is a gentle and nutritious coating that will allow healing to take place in the digestive system. Drink this quickly and must be taken separately from other herbs.

-Aloe Vera juice (50ml with every meal). Speeds up healing of the digestive tract. Helps in increasing the absorption of nutrients as well as in food digestion.

-Chamomile. This assists the digestive tract in recovering from inflammatory processes. Drink the tea. You may also take 2g – 4g of dried flowers.

Hope this helps,
Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

CS for Hair Growth?

Has anyone ever used CS for hair growth?  My hair has periods when it falls out, and I just wondered if CS could help.

Carol in North CarolinaA:
Hi Carol,
I have heard that claim made, but I’m not personally convinced.

I do know what your problem may be. Unlike men, most women who loose hair have a thyroid issue. This can usually be corrected by rebuilding the thyroid gland with Iodine and a product like Thytrophin.

Ben in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Unsafe?

Hi Utopia,

Dr. Andrew Weil's website says it's [colloidal silver]not safe: Colloidal Silver: Is It Safe? Widely promoted as a cure-all for everything from ear infections and shingles to AIDS, colloidal silver is a solution of silver particles suspended in liquid. Promoters claim that colloidal silver is an alternative to antibiotics and can extend life and remedy mineral deficiencies that lead to a weakened immune system. 3 reasons to be wary.

Twana D.

Hi Twana,

Dr. Weil, a medical doctor has some good info at times, …BUT in this case is simply mouthing what most mainstream MDs masquerading as quasi alternative practitioners would say. Nothing surprising. The bottom line is this, how long do we continue to trust mainstream medicine and its practitioners who are trained and propagandized at schools funded and controlled by the pharmaceutical industry? They kill and maim thousands of times more people and seldom admitting it than any use of alternative/natural healthcare. I have used colloidal silver for 15+ years and I am healthier than 99% of the people I know of any age. Additionally, the so-called “Blue Man” (the one who consumed 16+ ounces of colloidal silver made with saline solution per day for years and developed Argyria) was given extensive testing for organ damage and there was none. There may well be some level at which silver can cause physical damage, but I haven’t seen it yet.

The bottom line is this, anything you put in your body is potentially harmful in excess. Too much water can kill by causing a hyper-hydration that dilutes the electrolytes to the point of interfering with your heartbeat and causing death. Too much calcium can cause arterial plaque buildup and heart attacks, as well as being deposited in the joints and tissue causing Arthritis. We cannot live and have good health without iron, copper, iodine, chromium, etc. but there are levels at which they are all detrimental to good health. An aspirin or two will relieve a headache, but a whole bottle will cause death. There is simply no substance on earth that isn’t potentially harmful in excess in the wrong circumstances.

How often do you hear the drum beats of caution about the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by approved drugs and mainstream doctor mistakes? Read “Death By Medicine”, short version- Death by Medicine  longer version,

I hope this gives some degree of perspective to those who are constantly bombarded with the propaganda of pharmaceutical controlled mainstream medicine.

Ben Taylor in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver

Opana Er


Hey Ben,

I am definitely "sold" on the benefits of Colloidal Silver and am ready to purchase; however, I just have two specific questions that I would like to ask first.

 1) I have Hypo-Pituitary Adrenal Insufficiency and am on Prednisone (corticosteroid) as a cortisol-replacement therapy.  In addition, due to a successful diagnosis taking over two years I suffered extreme nerve damage in my abdomen region and suffer from chronic pain which is managed by taking Opana Er.  I am hoping that the therapeutic benefits of the colloidal silver will help, but my specific question is whether it is safe to take the colloidal silver with the Opana Er.  The Opana Er time-release mechanism is rather sensitive, so I wanted to make sure that I would be ok in proceeding.

2) With so many products and supplements available on your site, is there anything else you recommend in conjunction with the colloidal silver?  Unfortunately, I am not a "rich" man in the material sense of the word….so I have to be rather selective with how I spend my money.  The colloidal silver is #1 on my list, but I am willing to try anything to help remedy my situation and improve my long-term health moving forward.

At this point, if the colloidal silver is safe to take with the Opana Er and the process of making one's own solution is relatively user-friendly I am going to go ahead and order at least the 3-pack of colloidal silver solution and the necessary items to make my own.  I greatly appreciate your willingness to answer my questions.  Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you!

Aaron in Pennsylvania


Hi Aaron,

Of course, I am not aware of any tests using Colloidal Silver with Opana Er (which is a morphine/opiate type pain reliever) that would note any contra-indications with silver or any other pain medication.  Silver is simply a trace mineral in water. The purpose of silver is to boost the immune system by killing any ‘germ’ (one-celled organism) overgrowth and is reported to enhance tissue regeneration; any other benefit is speculative at best.

You may want to look at Pancreatin (enzymes) ; 3-6 caps taken on an empty stomach fights inflammation and scarring both internally and externally. Whether or not it will aid in regenerating any nerve damage, I can’t say. Another beneficial side effect is that it improves (sometimes dramatically) circulation in the capillaries throughout the body by reducing plaque build up. You may want to start slowly (1-3 on an empty stomach), but do not consume enzymes with it any drug in that it will enhance the absorption and intensify the effects. It is ok to take with supplements to increase their absorption.

Good Luck my friend,

Ben in Utopia

(edited for brevity)

Ask Utopia Silver

Toenail Fungus

Dear Utopia,
Can Colloidal Silver be used for treating early stage toenail fungus?

Leean in California
Hi Leean,
It can be effective on early stage toenail fungus, but may require soaking rather than just spraying on. Silver kills fungus on contact, …BUT it is very difficult to bring the silver in contact with the fungus. This is the overriding issue with any toenail fungus treatment. It can also be beneficial to do a Magnesium oil foot soak also prior to the silver soak.

Prevention may be more effective by keeping the fungus out of your shoes. Simply spray the inside of your shoes with either Advanced or Ionic Silver every couple of days and let it dry.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Rose Laurel


Have you heard of any instances where someone taking the oleander capsules have experienced heart rhythm issues? I'm diagnosed w/ cancer and have an irregular heartbeat. I've tried several natural and alternative approaches w/o much success so i'm very interested in the oleander caps. Is there a suggested protocol that comes w/a purchase?

Brent in Tennessee

Hi Brent,
Go to Natural Cellular Immune Booster Protocol , which is recommended if doing any kind of therapeutic healing. That protocol is by an MD/ND who does consultation for us. It is always recommended to do a Liver Cleanse and to take the Membrane Complex prior to doing any IP-6 or Rose Laurel (oleander) since IP-6 can accelerate the body’s use of calcium and magnesium and any deficiency of these can be the root cause of weaken heart rhythms or arrhythmias.  The use of either IP-6 or Rose Laurel should start with a minimal amount and build up to therapeutic levels if your body responds OK.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver

Multiple Sclerosis

Hello Utopia,
I was reading your testimonials and the one regarding Multiple Sclerosis.  The person stated that they drank 16 ounces per day for a certain period of time.  I have been ordering your colloidal silver for some time but take the recommended dose.  I have MS and wonder if it's safe to ingest that amount daily.  Is it?

Any response is appreciated.
Bonnie California

Hi Bonnie,

16 ounces per day is a lot, I certainly wouldn’t consume that much for very long, but I have on occasion for 2-3 days consumed 3-6 ounces per day when I was catching a cold or virus. With heavy therapeutic use I would start off with ½ – 1 oz. for a few days and then increase as you feel appropriate. If I had MS developing, I would probably try almost anything. You may also want to look at the Immune System Booster Protocol.

Any longer term silver consumption should be followed an hour or two afterward by Probiotics to replenish the colon flora for proper digestion.

Have you considered colloidal gold?

Please stay in touch and feel free to call or email if you need further input. You might also want to do a consultation with Dr. Ken O’Neal MD, ND Look for his link on the Protocol page.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver


I have to ask you about taking Silver & Gold at the same time. Is it OK?

What is the recommended dose for Silver if taken daily, and what about the Gold? I have terrible pain in my knees and my right wrist and the doctor has ordered xrays and blood work to check for rheumatoid arthritis. She put me on Celebrex which makes me nervous because of the side effects….death is possible when taking it. Any suggestions?

Nancy in Wisconsin

Hi Nancy,
Yes, we even sell a mixture of the two called Life Solutions. Since everyone and every situation is different, it isn't possible to say how much to use, but here is an article that may give some input. A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver

Gold has long been used to alleviate Arthritis and Silver kills viruses which may also be a cause of Arthritis, but I have a question for you. Are you taking Citra-Cal? That particular form of Calcium (Calcium Citrate) can itself cause Arthritis. The best kind of calcium is Membrane Complex which is Calcium AEP, along with Magnesium, etc. Membrane Complex

Enzymes in mega-doses on an empty stomach  can be helpful with Arthritis. It also reduces inflammation, improves circulation for healing, as well as breaking down fibrin which causes scar tissue.

Ben in Utopia.


Thank you for responding.  I couldn't believe the statement about CitraCal, I'd just recently switched because my chiropractor said it was the best form to take.  Now I will stop immediately and go back to my other Cal-mag formula until I get my order of Membrane Complex.  I've been taking CS for almost a week hoping it would help with the pain in my knees but also increased my CitraCal, talk about wrong choices.  I purchased CG but didn't start that as yet because I didn't want to start two new things together.  If I had a problem I wouldn't know which would be the source of any problem ,f I started both together.  So now I will quickly add the CG and drop the CitriCal and pray for a good result.  I'm scheduled for x-rays and blood work to determine if rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of the pain.  Please keep this in prayer for me as I have had multiple issues with RX drug reactions.  Thanks so much for your help!  

John 6:47 "I tell you the truth, whoever believes has eternal life." Believe with me!

Nancy in Wisconsin

I have an 84 yr. old lady friend where I go to Bible study in her home, who was having terrible issues with stiff joints and bad circulation resulting in numbness in her feet. She had taken CitraCal religiously for 10 years. I suggested she stop for a while and see what might happen. She did and within a month, most of her pain was gone and her circulation improved. The problem with Calcium Citrate (especially, but  is that it is very difficult for the body to assimilate and what it cannot absorb, it stores in the tissue, joints and arteries, which clogs the arteries with calcium plaque. The plaque can be removed using mega doses of Enzymes on an empty stomach.

Also, our Joint Care containing MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin can be very effective for joint issues. One of our shipping ladies got rid of carpal tunnel syndrome in her wrists using it.

(Note: Although gold can alleviate some Arthritic symptoms, it will not correct the root cause of the problem, which as suggested may be too much of the wrong kind of calcium. In the case of wear and tear, your body needs the materials to rebuild the joints, in which case you need the Joint Care.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver


What is the single best herpes product?
Gary in Australia

Hi Gary,
The herpes virus manifests  itself in many different ways. It is responsible for cold sores, chickenpox, shingles, various autoimmune disorders, possibly multiple sclerosis, roseola, lymphatic system infections, and genital herpes. Predictably, a microbe that manifest itself in so many varied ways is not that easy to get rid of with one magic bullet.

The Herpes virus, unlike most viruses which travel in the bloodstream, travels along nerves and hibernates in the nerves at the base of the spine and joint of the jaw and probably other equally hard to reach places. This is one reason that outbreaks can occur after long dormant periods and makes it very difficult to reach the virus so they can be killed by generally effective germs killers such as silver.

The only protocol which I know of that can result in extended remission times; 6-12 months that I am aware of and possibly longer if used periodically before outbreaks occur. If one can't afford to do but one thing, my choice would be the DMSO and Colloidal Silver mixture. Iodine applied directly to the outbreak can also be very effective. But if one is
serious about eliminating it or putting it into extended remission the whole protocol should be exercised.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Iodine Test

Utopia Silver,
Took the iodine test; it absorbed in 6 hours. Repeated it twice, in different locations…same results. Purchased potassium Iodide tabs, it says to take 1 a day.  Is this enough?  Once my levels are normalized what positive effects would this most likely have?
Jacki in Minnesota

Hi Jacki,
I would take as directed for a week or so and only then consider a more therapeutic amount. Be aware that you can get too much iodine, but it will be evidenced by one or more of the following: metallic taste, mouth sores, swollen salivary glands, diarrhea, and in more severe cases, vomiting.

As for the benefits of iodine, they are many as it is an essential trace mineral. Iodine helps to metabolize excess fat and is crucial for physical and mental development. It is also required for the prevention of goiter and a healthy thyroid gland, which is critical for a proper and healthy metabolism. Iodine deficiency in children can manifest itself as mental retardation. It has also been linked to breast cancer and obesity.

I would try the iodine test periodically and see if the absorption time is increasing.

Ben in Utopia