Customer Testimonials


I was on the website tonight, and what is the difference between regular Utopia Silver & ionic silver besides the price is cheaper. I'm allergic to anything with gold in it.

Utopia Silver is great for my allergies this time of the year. Please reply so I can make a decision for my allergies.

Thanks Alice P.

Hi Alice,
Our silver products have no gold content unless you buy Life Solution which is 50% gold and 50% silver.

Here is a short article about particle silver vs. ionic silver. Generally the particle silver is better overall, especially in the saline fluid environs of the body and if it must pass through the hydrochloric acid of the stomach.

Note that silver generally will not stop allergic reactions unless it is caused by microbial sources. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, your silver result may be limited unless the root of the allergy is bacteria attached to the pollen. In that case, silver will kill the bacteria and reduce infection. Our mist sprayers are very effective in delivering silver into the sinuses and nebulizers are best for delivery to the bronchial and lungs.

Ben in Utopia.

Customer Testimonials


Utopia Silver,
Several months ago my boyfriend tested HIV positive. It was a real shock to both of us because we've been together for 4 years and he had a blood transfusion outside united states, perhaps this is how he got infected. We both were scared and didn't know what to do. After i run set of tests i found out that i am HIV negative and after digging deeper i found out that i am one of 5% lucky people who has dual DNA mutation and cannot contract it.

My boyfriends numbers weren't too bad CD4=420 and Viral load at 10000. At that point we decided to try few things before making a decision regarding starting antiviral drugs or not. After some research and reading different opinions regarding the colloidal silver we decided to try it anyway, without much believe we ordered 2 bottles just to try it out. My boyfriend has been taking one tablespoon 4 times a day for about 10 days before his next HIV test and CD4/CD8 test… since it was only 10 days on silver we didn't expect much to change. Today his doctor called him… Surprise!!! Our doctor said that his viral load is down to 7000 (3000 points down in short month since his previous test) his CD4 count was also slightly up to 440 (20 points up) sounds like a small change but doctor asked if he's been doing anything different because he was very puzzled about his numbers – at some point doctor said "keep doing whatever you're doing, i am very puzzled because i have never seen numbers go down so quickly and so dramatically in people who don't take antiviral cocktails". he also said that my boyfriend's numbers showing around 10% improvements. His CD4/CD8 ratio is also 17% better. Sooo… it may not work for everyone the same but trying doesn't hurt.

My boyfriend has been taking colloidal silver for about 6 weeks now, he did slowed down his dose to only one teaspoon twice a day (morning and evening) as always on empty stomach but we are going to go back to 4 times a day after getting these results today.

I wish i started taking it as well because about 3 weeks ago i got swine flu and was "destroyed" for a week, i was also so scared that my BF would contract it from me – HE DIDN'T!!!!!!! i kinda thought that he probably wouldn't get the swine flu from me because he's been taking silver for about 3 weeks when i got sick but wasn't sure. he sneezed maybe few times – but no other symptoms.  Miracle? I'd say science, a science that many don't trust. "Whatever" to those who don't believe in stuff like this, go take your poisons and stop reading my review 🙂 i am not trying to convince anyone but rather just sharing my real story.

At the end – i don't know how exactly this thing works but the fact is it works for my boyfriend, i am looking forward to see his numbers from his next blood work and i will definitely share our findings.

one more thing – this is totally my theory why his numbers are down – my boyfriend takes silver 6 hours apart – i believe this is the key. HIV replication time i believe is around 4-5 hours after replication process is complete it gets back to the blood stream; taking silver every 6 hours will kill HIV in blood stream after it gets replicated and released to the blood stream. Taking it every 4 hours sounds crazy and difficult to follow so every 6 hours kinda works.

Also, we tried other brands that sounded also good or better but Utopia silver worked the best for us – the taste is better and it just feels it's working better than other brands…

good luck to everyone!
A grateful customer in California

Hi DS,

Thanks for the testimonial. You called it correct; it is not an unexplainable ‘miracle’; it is simply ‘science’. HIV is a viral infection and silver kills viruses; always has and always will; that is the scientific nature of the mineral. It is regrettable that mainstream medicine is bought and paid for by big pharmaceutical interests who only interest is making money, rather than in curing or preventing disease. If I could eliminate the suffering of mankind from disease, I would be happy to cure all disease, then go out of business tomorrow and find another profession.

Please keep us updated.
Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Alice P.

Utopia Silver,
Ted and I were on the website tonight, and what is the difference between regular Utopia Silver & ionic silver besides the price is cheaper. I'm allergic to anything with gold in it.

Utopia Silver is great for my allergies this time of the year. Please reply so I can make a decision for my allergies.

Thanks Alice P.

Hi Alice,
Our silver products have no gold content.

Here is a short article about particle silver vs. ionic silver. Generally the particle silver is better overall, especially in the saline fluid environs of the body and if it must pass through the hydrochloric acid of the stomach.

Note that silver generally will not stop allergic reactions unless it is caused by microbial sources. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, your silver result may be limited unless the root of the allergy is bacteria attached to the pollen. In that case, silver will kill the bacteria and reduce infection. Our mist sprayers are very effective in delivering silver into the sinuses and nebulizers are best for delivery to the bronchial and lungs. &

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Customer Testimonials

Bill in Texas

Hi Ben,
I am greatly concerned about these weasels who are paying big money to get the EPA to ban Colloidal Silver. Aside from getting the equipment to make it ourselves (bootlegging?) do you foresee any way of still buying the "insecticide" to kill the little "insects" we harbor from time to time? I hope that someone with a lot of clout and readership will loudly publicize what our "public servants" are really doing and how they do it.

And more power to you!
Bill in Texas

Hi Bill,
We are dealing with nothing less than gangsters and shake-down artists under the guise of ‘government’ and I believe that when the American people come to a realization of that, there-will-be-hell-to-pay! When I found out during my court case that the ‘Judiciary Courts of the State of Texas’ were listed on Dun & Bradstreet under ‘Business Solutions’ as Business Type: Corporation for Profit, I was not at all surprised.

We can’t change this by way of legislation and Congress; most of them are cheap whores and have already been bought and sold time and again. The only solution is for “We The People” to simply say ‘NO’ to this corporate government beast and refuse anything that is not based on the organic laws, which are “The Supreme Law of The Land”. To read the American Organic Laws, go to, and other relevant information about where we should be,,

Ben in Utopia
within The organic State of Texas

Customer Testimonials


Hi Utopia Silver,
I want to report my ongoing success at treating MRSA skin infections.  I haven't had a severe MRSA boil since October 08, ever since starting taking the Advanced Colloidal Silver treatment, dosage approximately one fluid ounce spaced out daily. I don't see much specificity on the web for treatment of this condition with silver (could have missed it) so I'm happy to tell my story as a benchmark for others, since I know firsthand how scary and painful it is untreated.  I'm glad to not have had to start hardcore antibiotics (though it's nice knowing what my options are)  I've been to my family doctor, and it's funny how she parroted the Blue Man story to me when I told her about the silver!

Additionally, I wanted to say that I initially found your product from comparing others and it was the best combination of consistency and price.  However, even at these prices (by the gallon) I wonder how sustainable it really is to keep warding off MRSA this way, and if there is a known dose that would finish it off for good, rather than take this for the rest of my life.


[edited for brevity]

Hi Steve,

Silver works very simply; bring it into contact with a one-celled organism and it will die, …because it disables the organism’s oxygen metabolizing enzymes. This is according to the research done by Curad, one of the world’s largest medical supply companies. The biggest variable is usually how widespread the ‘germ’ is and does it go into a protective/hibernating state as does the Herpes virus in the jaw or the base of the spine? (Herpes virus also travel the nerves which are inherently more difficult to treat than is something in the bloodstream.) The body’s liquid environments and the bloodstream are very extensive so something that is systemic may require short-term large quantities.

For more information on my personal perspective on using silver, read the article titled, “A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver” .

Thanks for your comments.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials


The way you hawk worthless and potentially dangerous crap to unsuspecting people for profit, while mixing in "religious blessings" makes me flat pissed off, both as a Christian and a Texan.Response

Hi Greg,

Is it possible that you are misjudging me without knowing the truth yourself? …and just how Christian is that?

Do you mind telling me what I am selling that you believe is worthless and potentially dangerous crap and on what facts and/or whose opinion is that based? If you are willing to dialog with me for a while and look at some facts, both historical and recent, I believe that you will change your mind.

Ben in Utopia

Nah- you won't change my mind- I just tripped over you on the colloidal silver path.  Voodoo that'll turn ya blue- with NO SCIENTIFIC basis at all.  It's just infuriating, as is the entire industry. And I did NOT judge you (reread my email), only your mode of sales- that would have been un-Christian of me, wouldn't it?



Hi Greg,

If my ‘mode of sales’ is as unscrupulous as you say, then how can I not be a pretty despicable fellow. Any kind of silver taken to excess for a long period could cause a build-up in the fatty tissue under the skin, resulting in Argyria, …but it is highly unlikely with simply silver and water taken reasonably, otherwise we would see blue people everywhere; I have only heard of three or four examples all total. I have personally averaged from ½-1 ounce of silver per day (combination of ionic and non-ionic) for the past 7-8 years and the only blue you will see around me are my Wranglers and the South Texas sky. I have a friend who consumed an 8 oz. bottle of silver every couple of days for 2 years and still isn’t blue. All one has to do is simply stay away from chemically produced large particle/high ppm silver, silver nitrate, silver in saline solution and silver in gelatin/protein.  They are the culprits in all the cases of Argyria that I am aware of. [Read the three part series concerning my experience with silver.]

Can you answer a question for me, Greg? Are you also a crusader against ‘patented drugs’, which kill hundreds of thousands every year? Over the counter pain-killers alone kill thousands and cause extensive organ damage (liver and kidneys) in thousands more. Except for the small handful of idiots who consumed a quart a day and developed Argyria, there are no serious side effects or deaths from using silver. An aspirin or two will kill a headache; a bottle will kill you; that is the truth with even water. Over consumption of water can cause such a dilution of electrolytes that it can cause one to have a heart attack. Water kills, silver doesn’t, unless you drown in a tub of colloidal silver, so where is your logic based? There is common sense to all things and silver isn’t excluded from that, but it is safer than any drug sold either over-the-counter or by prescription.  If you’re truly looking for a Crusade; have you read “Death By Medicine”? Now there is a crusade for you,

How about cell phones?

OR Fluoride?

There are real dangers out there from dangerous food to unsafe drugs, without arbitrarily going after mankind’s oldest, safest, and most effective natural anti-biotic mineral. Considering your vitriolic and un-scientific attacks on silver, could it be that there is more to your story than you are revealing? Who do you work for and what is your business? Call me if you like; I don’t mind talking to you without hiding behind an email address.

Thanks for your time.
Ben Taylor
830 966-2315


Thus far, there has been no further response from Greg, …if that was his name.

Customer Testimonials


I'd use your product for sure.


[Editor’s Note: Larry had previously asked for my comments on Dr. Mercola’s colloidal silver article and on the EPA labeling silver as a pesticide.]

Hi Larry,
There is some solid info in Mercola’s silver article, but it’s pretty obvious, he’s not speaking from first hand experience.

I have averaged ¼ -1 oz. per day for years with nothing but positive results. On the other hand there are silver products that I would not use in any quantity on a regular basis. (Silver proteins/gelatins, silver nitrates, silver in saline solutions, etc.)

As for the EPA labeling silver as a pesticide, I guess they will have to do the same with all the dish and washing detergents and chlorox that is going down the drains and into the sewage system in quantities of millions of gallons a year. Silver consumption is miniscule in comparison and besides when silver goes back into the soil, it binds with other minerals. Silver is naturally occurring in most soils and water already.
Without Prejudice UCC 1.308
Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements

Customer Testimonials

Maura in New York

Hello Utopia Silver,
I found your product in an off color place; a flea market. The woman only had the silver for external problems, i.e. burns, rashes etc. But she started telling me about your product and gave me this web site. She told me about her father who had very bad teeth and they were going to pull all of them out, but he started taking silver and saved every one of his teeth. My husband has bad teeth and I would love to be able to help him, I am not sure what I should be buying though.

Thank you,
Maura in New York

Hi Maura,
Sublingually, holding in the mouth and under the tongue and forcing between the teeth is a good way to kill bacteria in the mouth. I personally use a water pik with distilled water and silver and sometimes pure silver. This is super effective in that it forces the silver, not only between the teeth, but around the gums. I have a friend who had gum disease and got rid of it with a water pik and colloidal silver.

I also have a retired lawyer friend that got completely rid of periodontal disease by using our Silver Aloe Soap as a tooth paste. This may be a good idea for the long-term. I use it myself now.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials


Let me say I'm very impressed with your web site and quick service. I am heartened by your dedication to the causes you espoused so well below[in your Notice:], and hopeful I will find more answers as I go along.

Best wishes and hopes for your continued success.

Thanks Steve,
If we would put God and ‘The Supreme Law of The Land’ as envisioned by our American Founders back in its proper place and hold our politicians to it (or
string them up-whichever they prefer), our Nation would be in much better shape rather than being on the precipice of total collapse.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. We also encourage you to diligently research all information on our websites to decide if you are in agreement with the opinions offered. All decisions made in the use of supplements is the sole responsibility of each individual.

All information offered here is strictly opinion and is presented as an exercise of our God-given unalienable Right of free speech, as well as the right to help others set forth, in part, by The Herbalist’s Charter, a part of American Common Law which along with the Organic Laws make up The Supreme Law of The Land.

We conduct all business activity only under The Common and Organic Laws within the organic State of Texas, The United States of America. The use of any other ‘law’ in dealing with Ben Taylor or Utopia Silver Supplements must be by our consent with full disclosure.

Without Prejudice UCC 1.308
Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements

Customer Testimonials

CureZone Colloidal Silver Forum

Posted on a CureZone Colloidal Silver Forum.

A general question was asked by ‘Steve’ about the best brands of generators and this response was posted by another contributor, Melly.

Hi Steve,
I think it depends on type of generator one uses. Got two. A Silvergen which registers 6 to 7 ppm when dial is put at 3 o'clock position, is colorless [primarily ionic] and cooks in 2 to 3 hours. The Utopia (Silver Bullet}generator registers at 10 ppm with a champagne color [a combination of ionic and particle silver] and cooks depending on setting of timer. The setting I used was the one done by Utopia and it cooks around 3-4 hours.

I've ingested both solutions produced by above machines and found the Utopia {Silver Bullet) generator product more potent and effective.

The Utopia Advanced Colloidal Silver 20 ppm beats both solutions. Was hoping my Utopia generator could produce close to the advanced cs, but nope, Utopia uses a much much more sophisticated and expensive machine.


Editor’s Note:
For more info on the best use of ionic silver and particle silver, go to,