Customer Testimonials


Utopia Silver,

My husband suffers from Hep C, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, eczema, disorientation, he is in the end stages of liver disease. In June of 2002 doctors said he had about 6-12 months to live. Since he started on the silver/gold his mental state has improved, he has an appetite and is eating small meals all day long.

He was taking 3-4 short naps throughout the day and now some days he goes all day without napping. He has had eczema real bad on his scalp, neck and behind the ears. It looked so bad and he would scratch til he was bleeding. He is spraying some silver directly on his scalp and it is completely gone. He had the eczema for about 3 years and doctors had prescribed medicated shampoo, ointments etc. and nothing ever worked.

I have several other testimonies but do not have time right now.

Customer Testimonials

Kaille in Virginia

Thank YOU! I will tell you, if it weren't for angels like YOU we have found along the way, I don't know where we would be today.

Customer Testimonials

Frank in Massachusetts

Dear Utopia Silver,
Good Service

Frank in MassachusettsThank you Frank. Sarah, Audrey, Phyllis and Jessica do a very good job in
taking and filling orders.

Customer Testimonials

Mike H.

My wife and I have had allergies bad for several years.  My wife has had to take allergy shots all her life.We started taking Utopia (Silver) and she has not had to take an allergy shot and I am not stopped up all the time. We have also gotten several of our friends at church on it also.  They are not having bad headaches or allergies.  I have found this product to be the answer to our allergies.

Thanks for your time
Thanks Mike H.

Customer Testimonials


Hi Utopia Silver,

I’ve had a gum condition for the past few months and have been unable to get rid of it. After ordering Utopia Naturals Silver Aloe Soap and seeing that it contained all natural ingredients (plant minerals, aloe vera, and essential oil of juniper, etc.) with no “chemicals”, I decided to use it to brush my teeth. Lo and behold, within a few days my gum condition cleared up.

Lee in Texas

Editor’s Note: Hi Lee, On your suggestion, I have started doing the same thing. Although it may not be for everyone, I like it. It has a very good foaming and cleansing action and actually seems to stimulate my gums. Anything is better than fluorinated toothpaste!

Thanks for the suggestion.
Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials


I have taken Colloidal Silver since Oct., 2001, with grand success! As I wrote several times before, I had sinus infections since childhood, and in 2000 and 2001, was almost constantly on antibiotics of some type or another for them.
They got to the point of not working, so the Dr started giving me steroid shots too.  Finally I went online and found UTOPIA SILVER, ordered a case, and the rest is history.  I also got the little generator, which I adore!  Since 2001, I have NOT been to the doctor with another sinus infection!  I have my mom and dad on silver, have treated all kinds of animals and cured them, and even saved a few vacations when I got bad bug bites, by soaking them in silver.

Here is the real reason I am writing again!  After the holidays, I returned to work this morning, in the daycare baby room.  To my surprise, not a single baby showed up this morning, and my helper showed up coughing her head off.  Apparently there is a really bad upper respiratory infection of some sort that was passed through my room last week, and they all got it — EXCEPT ME!   I am the only one taking colloidal silver daily.  Need proof this stuff works????? WELL, here I am!

Over the years people have read this site's testimonials, and emailed me to ask if I was really telling the truth!  I always reply to them and say TAKE THE SILVER!  There is no telling how many viral and bacterial infections I have avoided in the past 6 years by using silver.  I remain thankful and thankful again to all who guided me and sold me the silver and the generator!  May God richly bless each of you who passed into my life and enriched it so much!  Silver WILL remain the first part of my daily routine, always!

Love & Peace,

Sarah in South Carolina
Customer Testimonials


Hi Ben,

I want to share a testimony about Advanced Colloidal Silver and express my gratitude. I started taking silver orally per instructions in late January, 2008. Within two weeks my entire family came down with a horrible strain of flu. I never got it, and the only difference was that I was on silver and they weren't.
Also, in early March I was stricken with a mild case of stress-induced rosacea, a problem I have never had in my life. The rosacea looked like a really bad, blotchy sunburn across my cheeks, nose, and forehead covered over with tiny blemishes. The area burned, stung, and itched, and was tender and warm to the touch. I remembered reading a testimony about rosacea and silver on the USS website, and decided to try a topical application of CS twice a day to see what would happen.

Ben, the inflammation was completely gone in a week. My skin is healing itself. I am totally amazed. Thank you so much.

Donna in Texas

Customer Testimonials

What A Relief!

For over a year I have been having chronic problems with my ears nose and throat… Constant throat infections, sinus problems, allergies, otitis in middle ear… coughing spattering you name I had it… many types of antibiotics, steroid nasal sprays, and antifungal syrups were given to me to no avail..

They would disappear for a week or so… These horrible symptoms would constantly return… Not only was my life a living misery but my husbands life was made miserable also… My mood swings and the worries that it caused for me, did not make me a nice person to live with… (He's a very patient man) Then six weeks ago I was referred to ENT (ears, nose and throat specialist) they thought I may have had cancer in the throat… But I had to wait as many weeks to see him…

Two weeks ago, I simply had enough of all the pain, sore throat, blocked hears and nasal passages… The possibility of the worst news kept lingering… But I asked my husband if he could go and buy me some silver… This he did… Against the concerns of well wishers whom are close to me I started placing the colloidal in my ears and nose… and I drunk it as well… The next day I felt even worse, but I kept it up… Gradually as the detoxification progressed… I started to feel much better, but I still had some breathing problems and a blocked nose…

Earlier on today I finally was able to see the specialist and after listening to my story he examined me… After the examination told me that it was unbelievable that I had suffered all these symptoms as my ears and throat were very healthy. No sign of infection ever being there…He also said whatever you have been doing has done its job…I told him about the colloidal silver, he said that he had never heard of it… Who knows???…

However I do have a problem… Deviated Septum (nostril is closing up) which he said it will require an operation… But it does not feel as bad prior to having stated using the colloidal silver… As for the infections…. Hurray they have all gone….


Ben Taylor Comment:

Freebeans, I would suggest that you also try using the colloidal silver with a nasal mist sprayer. You can find them at .

It may also be helpful to occasionally clear and flush your sinuses to break up impacted materials with this simple protocol.

With a towel over your head, run hot water through a basin/sink allowing steam to rise. Inhale this steam through your nose, but be careful not to get it too hot. Do this for 5-15 minutes or until you feel your sinuses are reasonably cleared.
Mix about ¼ cup of distilled water very lightly with Himalayan or Sea Salt and flush it through your nose using an eyedropper or small measuring spoon.
Last, using the eyedropper or mist sprayer flush your sinuses with colloidal silver.
You may have to repeat this process several times, but wait several hours in between.

Customer Testimonials


Dear Utopia Silver,

I was suffering from an inflamed cyst on my back for about 2 weeks when I saw your ad and decided to give Advanced Colloidal Silver a try. 

I received your product on Monday and started with a teaspoon a day.  By Tuesday night the pain was gone.  On Wednesday it started to drain out of a head on the cyst.  It is still draining today (Thursday) and has gone from the size of a lemon to normal.  I have dealt with this twice before over the past 12 years and both times had to have it lanced by a doctor and drained, costing me quite a sum not to mention the pain.  I can’t believe my luck finding your product when I did.  Of course everyone is skeptical as to whether it was really the colloidal silver and how could it have worked so fast.  Well, I’m certainly no expert and so I can’t say for sure that it was your product that did the trick, but I’m very happy with the results.


Customer Testimonials


I just wanted to say thanks!  My new puppy had kennel cough so bad he wasn't eating and was losing weight. I gave him Advanced Colloidal Silver three times a day for 3 days and he is a new puppy!
Thank You.