Health & Freedom

The FDA Is Pressing Ahead – Act Now – Fight Back

As was recently reported by another health-freedom group, the FDA has once again become very active and has sent “warning letters,” breaking its promise not to enforce the draft Guidance on New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs).  Actually, the FDA had previously said it was cracking down on such supplements, so this was not a surprise. The FDA has already issued warning letters of this sort. So, this is not new “News.”  If Daniel Fabricant can be believed, this FDA action has no direct relation with the raft Guidance on NDIs (as he discussed just this in a webinar with industry some months ago). These are warning letters and not withdrawal-from-the-market-enforcement letters.  There is a difference, although it does not mean that we should not work even harder to kick the props out from under this draft Guidance.

But, this FDA action to get tough on warning letters is just another example of why the National Health Federation’s legislation, the Dietary Supplement Protection Act (H.R.3380), is needed and needed now.  And, not sitting on the sidelines while oppression from the FDA continues.

Many of you have been great supporters and have called and petitioned your Congressional representatives to co-sponsor H.R.3380, but many of you reading this have not.  Please get onboard with this cause and legislation and get others to back this legislation.  Contrary to rumors, H.R.3380 can pass.  If it does not, then it will be a major setback for all of us.

We need a tsunami wave of consumer outrage to hit the FDA and Congress and force this legislation to be enacted.  Just recently, the Family Farm bill was withdrawn due to the deluge that Congress received from the grassroots groups of individuals, farmers, and others who vehemently opposed this bill.  The bill basically told farmers under what conditions their own children could work on their own farms, a definite overreach by government if there ever was one.  The issue also became too politically risky for Obama in an election year.  But, what is most important is that it was stopped by American citizens persistently demanding their rights.

As an American, you must fight back against the FDA and let them hear your voice.  You may never have another chance to make this issue right.  Do not stay in the shadows, hoping that someone else will speak for you, they will not.

Join the NHF in demanding our dietary-supplement rights via H.R.3380.

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