Natural Remedies


by Tony Isaacs

To get rid of parasites:

* Do a good parasite cleanse just in case — such as one like Hulda Clark's. Her fluke theory of all cancers and diseases may be far-fetched, but her cleanses are excellent.

* Coconut oil – parasites hate it and it will help your liver (it helps keep the bile ducts open) and your balance of healthy fats too.

Some good herbs to use for parasites are:

* Artemisia

This is used to expel pinworms and treat malaria. Be sure to use the form artemisia annua, which is a famed anti-malarial herb that is in many parasitic formulas and has significant anti-cancer properties as well. While Artemisia annua is safe, Artemisia absinthium (also known as "wormwood") should be used cautiously due to its toxic and potentially addictive qualities.

* Black Walnut

Black walnut tincture and capsules are used for worms & parasitic infections.

* Cloves

Powdered cloves are used to kill larvae before they hatch. Cloves are among the most antibacterial spices known, but as we all know, a few cloves go a long way. Those with some familiarity with herbal medicine know that clove oil is also used to numb pain due to dental infection; but few know that part of the reason clove oil works so well is that it alleviates the infection. Cloves are antiseptic, bactericidal, and antiparasitic. For parasite cleansing, it is necessary to use fresh cloves that have not been irradiated. Most spices are irradiated with 35,000 the amount of radiation permitted in a chest x-ray. This is ostensibly done to eradicate bacteria, but spices are generally excellent bactericides so the irradiation is merely a way of destroying the precious properties of spices. Non-irradiated spices are available from most high-end health foods stores.

Other Beneficial Herbs Include:

* Agrimony for treating trichomonas.

* Barberry tincture is used for giardiasis & malaria.

* Echinacea tincture is used for trichomonas

* Garlic oil is used for parasitic infections.

* Goldenseal tincture used for malaria & giardiasis.

* Ipecac syrup is used for dysentery.

* Oregon Grape Root used for giardiasis & malaria.

* Pau D' Arco antiparasitic.

* Prickly Ash used to to eliminate pinworms.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

Featured Articles

American Healthcare: Disease Management, Not Cure

by Gary Tunsky

What is intentionally misnamed health care for political and economic reasons should be adequately called “sick care.” This gigantic, self-feeding, social cancer is bankrupting our nation and the global economy at a whopping 1.3 trillion dollars a year, with over 90 percent of the money spent in the last 30 days of human life.

Mass media propaganda covers the daily arguments of puppet politicians ignorantly presenting their hopelessly pathetic plans of how to manage health care, when in reality their health care programs fund and support expensive treatments for symptom suppression of disease and illness, not cures. Real health care is diametrically opposed in method and process to toxic pharmaceuticals and risky surgical procedures. It’s sick care, which has nothing to do with health.

We need to closely examine the misdirection of this illusionary pseudoscience called health care, that bases their scientific research on false premises of the Germ Theory of Disease. Many doctors from their own ranks are openly admitting that conventional medicine is a colossal failure and a disease epidemic in and of itself, claiming more lives annually than alcohol, abortions, homicides, suicides and tobacco combined.

Millions have suffered and died prematurely and unnecessarily because we are not following the basic principles of health that are taught in the Bible.  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”   (Hosea 4:6)  Out of ‘ignore – ance’ (ignoring the truth), we have sought the medical profession for health care when they’re trained for sick care! We have sick care insurance, not health care insurance. As a serious consequence, we are the sickest nation in the world.  This so-called health care system is the direct cause of over 1.2 million people dying annually of heart disease, over 600,000 dying of cancer and approximately 75,000 dying from diabetes. These deadly statistics mean that eventually 9 out of 10 people in the U.S. will die of some type of disease.  That means only 1 out of 10 Americans will die naturally from old age.  Is there something wrong with this picture?   

According to a Yale/New Haven Hospital study, two million Americans are hospitalized each year with adverse reactions from drug side effects resulting in over 300,000 deaths. This puts doctors and hospitals as the third leading cause of death in America.  These staggering statistics are filed under the guise of iatrogenic deaths, meaning doctor and hospital caused death.  These numbers do not include the 50,000 plus deaths that occur each year from “unnecessary operations,” nor does it include the additional 50,000 plus deaths from “necessary operations,” such as the 8,000 who die from complications during a routine gall bladder surgery.

It seems that more money, more doctors, more surgeries, more research, more drugs = more disease and more death.  The use of poisons and butchery to “make war” on disease is synonymous to a firing squad forming a circle with the prisoners in the center. Thank God the Holy Spirit enlightened me to the dangerous teachings and methods being used for treatment by mainstream medicine.  Unfortunately, it’s a tragedy that God’s people follow their pernicious teachings and allow them to drug, burn, poison and mutilate their bodies, which are temples of God.

How Long Shall The World Be Of Two Opinions?

There are really only two systems at work in this world. One is the world system of drug, cut, burn and poison.  The other is God’s system of re-establishing total health to the patient by proper nutrition and cleansing the temple. When it comes to feeding and taking care of the physical body, over 97% of the people in this world are following the world’s system!  Sadly, this includes most of the Christian Community
as well.

The Bible says: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God (your physical body), and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God (put anything harmful into it), him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”  (I Corinthians 3:16-17)

An intake of daily toxins defiles the body by defiling the blood, which is the life of the flesh.  The word defile is composed of “de” and “file.”  A “file” is anything that is in order.  When “de” is added to “file,” it means to take out of order, or balance.  In fact, Webster’s Dictionary defines “defile” as: to make filthy or to profane.  Whoever defiles (or profanes) the temple of God, him shall God destroy.  God allows the destruction of the physical body when you allow it to become polluted through free moral choice of bad eating habits and destructive lifestyles.

Another great biblical passage that is applicable to dealing with disease comes from the mouth of the prophet Elijah. While Elijah was atop Mount Carmel to confront the prophets of Baal he proclaimed to the nation of Israel:  “How long halt ye between two opinions? If The LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him…”  (I Kings 18:21)

When it comes to taking care of God’s temple (your body), as we just read in Corinthians, are you going to trust in the LORD and follow His healing methods, or Baal and his destructive anti-life methods that defile the temple? The choice is up to you!

The Deception Of Modern Medicine
There is no doubt that the script happy physician, the surgeon with his talented hand guiding the scalpel or Argon laser during an appendectomy, the highly trained radiologist burning his targeted organ with beams of cobalt radiation, or the well trained oncologist mixing his chemo cocktail poisons, believes with all their heart they are providing the best treatment medical science has to offer.  To the limited extent of their knowledge and training these practitioners receive, this is true. They can jump-start your heart, Roto Rooter your arteries, sow on a severed finger with microsurgery, cauterize a hemorrhage to keep you from bleeding to death, but they have no clue how to reverse any degenerative or metabolic disease, or even acknowledge the causative factors of disease. They are limited to symptom suppression or removal of the tissue or organ.

During the past 100 years, there has been an explosion of mind boggling technological advancements that have brought us from the horse and buggy, to stealth fighter jets that break the sound barrier at Mach III speeds, to fiber-optic wireless communication systems that link the world at a touch of a button, to enemy of the state GPS satellite surveillance systems that can zoom in on a dime from outer space.  Yet, in the area of disease research, in spite of over 40 billion dollars being funneled into government research facilities within the last 30 years, they have done absolutely nothing when it comes to finding answers for curing cancer, AIDS, auto-immune diseases, degenerative diseases or even the common cold for that matter.

Why is this? When we have accumulated more knowledge in medicine in the 20th century alone than all of history combined. Why? With dozens of non-profit organizations in existence today like the American Heart Association, American Diabetic Society, American Cancer Society, etc. raising billions to find cures. Why? With more doctors and surgeons per capita in America (1 for every 6 citizens), than any other country on earth. Believe it or not, there is a very simple explanation as to why sickness and disease has increased five fold in the last 70 years. Medical science is looking in the wrong direction.

The Deadly Effects Of The Drug Agenda

The medical establishment’s obsession of the kill mode mindset – kill the bacteria, kill the fungus, kill the virus and kill the tumors has brought about the biggest deception that has ever been perpetrated against mankind.  As a research scientist myself, I have to ask – what are they killing?  What they are killing is symptoms and killing you slowly while they’re doing it.  You can’t kill microbes without killing a part of you with it. We live symbiotically with germs, bacteria and viruses.

The big problem in our present medical system is that it is geared toward recognizing disease only when it has reached crisis proportions. This is like saying that a fire is only a fire when the flames have burst through the roof, instead of when the cigarette butt began to smolder in the couch.

If all you’re ever taught in Med school is the knowledge of trauma, crisis and emergency medicine, drug the symptom or cut out the body part, and that toxic side effects are expected to cure the disease, how can you possibly know how to get a patient to a healthy state, which is the only way to reverse disease? It’s as if we spend time and resources hiring skilled specialists to repair a crack in the ceiling with spackle and paint when the root of the problem is a structural weakness in the building’s foundation – the body’s nutritional foundation.

Shattering The Germ Theory Of Disease

Like dogs chasing their own tails, scientists go cross-eyed looking at elephants under a microbe-scope to discover new disease causing germs, when germs and microorganisms do not cause disease all by their microscopic selves. They only take advantage of us when our bodies are in a weakened state burdened by toxins.  Sickness is not caused by bacteria, but bacteria comes with the sickness. Enlightened understanding is that germs are not the cause of disease any more than flies and maggots cause garbage.  Flies, maggots and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on garbage.  They are there as a result of the garbage. They are scavengers.

That’s why I refer to the Germ Theory of medicine as the “rat theory of garbage.”  That is, if germs cause disease, then rats must cause garbage.  Show me a building that’s full of rats and I’ll show you a building that’s full of garbage and has sanitation problems.  Show me a person who has accumulated waste matter in organs and tissues, low oxygen levels, weakened immune system, nutritional deficiencies and an acidic pH environment and I will show you cancer, bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections. They seek their own habitat or growth medium.  

It has become abundantly clear that Louis Pasteur, the father of the pasteurization process to kill bacteria for extended shelf life, was correct when he declared on his death bed “I was wrong – it is not the germs or bacteria that are the enemy but rather the inner condition of the human body’s cellular terrain that is really the answer.”

Antoine Béchamp, Gunther Enderlein, Victoria Livingston-Wheeler, Gaston Naessens, Rudolph Virchow, Claude Bernard and other pioneers in research fields of cell physiology, microbiology, disease pathology and molecular biology all proved beyond a shadow of a doubt many decades ago that germs and bacteria don’t cause disease, they develop in a disease environment and are pleomorphic in nature, meaning they change forms based on the inner condition of the cellular environment. So why would mainstream science continue to look in the wrong direction of  Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease when it has long been proven that germs and bacteria are secondary, not primary causes to disease? Because around it exists a colossal infrastructure of commercial interests that supports a multi-billion dollar industry based upon this theory.

A powerful statement made by Florence Nightingale that was published in the book Bèchamp or Pasteur?  A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology, summed up the disease doctrine in precise detail.  “The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession.  There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease-conditions.”  This statement was made back in the early 1900s, and nothing has changed. It destroys the mind-set of modern medical science. They are looking in a thousand different directions and slapping disease names on disease symptoms when symptoms are just an outward expression of one disease – a disease condition to a patient.

Until medical science comes to grips with this reality they will be chasing their tails around in the dark for another thousand years.  The truth is there is only one underlying condition in all patients, which happens to manifest in a variety of outward signs and symptoms depending on the internal weaknesses of the individual.  For one person it may manifest as heart disease and in another, it may manifest as rheumatoid arthritis. It just depends on where the body’s weak links or dead zones are where the toxins and poisons have settled due primarily from an inverted way of eating and living.  All disease has an internal cellular explanation, and medical science is looking for external, destructive, symptom-suppression solutions.
The entire worldwide medical establishment today has built their house of cards around this false doctrine.  This is analogous to Satan establishing his global kingdom in the end times entirely on deception as the Bible records. Neither will stand in the light of truth, and that’s what this article is about – revealing the true cause of disease.  This global medical cabal that is deceiving the world consists of pharmaceutical companies, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), top universities and a host of other international organizations and corporations.

Another reason for ignoring the truth and not allowing research on the body’s susceptibility to disease, it’s emotional state, physical state, spiritual state and response to its external environment, is that it would completely nullify the results of countless experiments on which medical theory has built its house of cards.  If the underpinning cards should fall, the whole medical system would come tumbling down.  

Med students are only taught two ways to treat disease.  That is, you either cut it out with risky surgical procedures, or blast it out with drugs, chemo or radiation.  They also learn that if one drug or surgical procedure doesn’t work, then you try another. If that doesn’t work, then you try yet another.  This ridiculous, flip-of-a coin, guinea pig approach is the only treatment modality allowed by organized medicine.   This controlled teaching has led to the mechanical view of the human body’s inner workings being independent and non-related like a bunch of car parts. They’re taught that the heart is separate from the lungs, the stomach is separate from the liver and the mind is separate from the body. It’s a proven fact that the human body works synergistically with all ten systems simultaneously working together like a flowing river.

Medical students are further brainwashed into believing that if they can’t see it in a blood profile or an MRI, hear it in a stethoscope, or feel it in a palpitation, it’s not there – it’s all in the patient’s head.   Most people know that stress causes ulcers and heart attacks and anger can cause cancer.  But stress, anger and depression can’t be measured by any diagnostic tool in mainstream medicine. Therefore, emotions and spirit are not a factor in disease origin according to mainstream medical practitioners.

Worshipping God Or Science?

Today we accept and, in a sense, worship science and everything medical science teaches, never questioning whether their pronouncements are the truth or not.  We don’t question the fact that all that is needed to become an expert in a particular field is to earn a degree at one of these “worldly” universities. To earn that degree, all that is necessary is to take the required courses in the chosen subject and agree with what you are taught without questioning whether the information is valid or not, and then receive passing grades.

But the question we never think to ask is this: what if what they are teaching in these universities is not the full truth? Doctors are taught that the symptoms are the disease, nutrition and what you eat has nothing to do with the disease process, and the body’s organs and systems work separately from one another. What would they have a degree in? They would have a degree in error, or a degree in ignorance! Another prime example of a so-called expert hiding behind a degree is a dietician. They go to school for four years to learn nutrition and look at what they allow our children to eat at public schools and hospitals: hot dogs, pizza, French fries, sodas and sugar-laden beverages, Fritos, Doritos, sugary desserts, etc.

Allopathic physicians are programmed like robots therefore, they practice like robots. They are taught systematically based on patient’s symptoms from their “Bible,” The Physicians Desk Reference, which states that; if there is inflammation, prescribe an anti-inflammatory. If there’s an infection, pump them full of antibiotics or sulfa drugs. If the patient has a migraine or cluster headache, prescribe an analgesic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. If there is fluid retention, prescribe a diuretic. If they suffer from depression, write a prescription for Prozac, Zoloft or Paxil. If they suffer from gastric bloating or heartburn, prescribe an antacid.

However, doctors never stop to ask themselves what’s causing these symptoms. That’s analogous to a firefighter continually spraying the smoke coming out of the windows instead of putting out the fire. The smoke is the symptom of a fire, not the cause of a fire. With this type of magic bullet linear mentality, it puts them in the category of a symptom specialist, not a doctor. A true doctor gets to the core of the disease and establishes health to the patient by teaching the patient the right pathway to healing.   In fact, the word doctor literally means to teach. So what are they teaching other than how to take a script to their pharmacist?  How can you establish health and healing with toxic pharmaceuticals, chemo agents or radiation? They are at best molded into legal script writers for the drug companies.  Their wrists are tied by bureaucratic tape with HMO’s and PPO’s controlling what prescriptions they write and what diagnostic tests to use. Symptoms and disease are separate entities, and doctors are taught that they are one and the same.

Exposing The Hypocrisy Behind Pharmaceutical Drugs

I used to get angry at the doctors and their narrow mindedness, but the LORD showed me it is the system and its education, not the doctors.  Physicians are brainwashed and purposely kept in the dark by a multi-billion dollar drug industry. It is repaid for its investments of grant money pooled into medical schools by the student protégés trained to write countless prescriptions for the drug companies whether the patient needs them or not.

This drug-financed educational system continues to educate practicing physicians on the latest drugs and machines by sending suit-and-tie pharmaceutical representatives that know little, if anything, about pharmaceutical chemistry or its side effects, and have no formal training in medicine. The scary thing is these legal drug dealers, who only have a two year college degree, get paid by commission. So they wine and dine the physicians with bribery and coercion tactics like free mobile phone service or all expense paid vacations for two to the Caribbean. Where do you think you’re getting the free drug samples that are administered from behind the counter? The truth is, you’re the guinea pig for the new drug study.

A perfect example of this hypocrisy and fraud deals with the clinical studies the pharmaceutical companies conduct before getting a new drug approved by the FDA.  The only way to conduct a genuine clinical trial is to use participants who all have the same health status and identical stress levels. They also must be in the same controlled environment for the duration of the trial. This means eating the same breakfast, lunch and dinner. If these measures are not taken, then it’s like flipping a coin as to how the new drug will react. Because of the exuberant costs and difficult task in conducting a set variable drug study, it is never done. Instead, pharmaceutical companies use three thousand participants who are all bio-chemically unique with random characteristics.

For example, in one clinical trial a participant may be on Ritalin while being tested with the new drug.  Another, a teenage girl, may be taking the pill.  And a senior citizen may be ingesting six different medications mixed with the new drug chemistry. You cannot do a true valid drug study this way. Clinical trials are a deceptive ploy to give comfort or security to the ignorant masses to pacify them, and make the people believe they did the research and product safety measures. Most people believe the FDA tests new drugs but they don’t. They rely solely on the information that is submitted to them by the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA is nothing more than a rubber stamp agency for the pharmaceutical industry and was established by them to buy credibility among the public for drugs that are known to be toxic and destructive.

Thus we see the medical establishment as sound business practice, not sound scientific research. They keep this charade going by funneling drug company profits into education through the medical schools, by supporting the American Medical Association, by using journal advertising to promote their drugs and by padding the pockets of the FDA to protect their vested interest.  The entire financial circle depends upon the continued flow of high priced drugs, diagnostic equipment, surgery and revolving door office visits.  Why would they want health care or implement cures for disease?   

The result? Non-toxic treatments and nutritional solutions are ignored, discouraged or rejected outright, ultimately leading to a health care system (misnamed for political and economic reasons) that actively promotes sickness and disease. Mainstream physicians are taught that outside intervention is needed with all disease treatments and they stumble around in the dark not realizing that drug therapy is virtually useless. Instead of leaving the patient alone and allowing the disease to run its course, as in the case of the common cold or flu, they create more problems with the toxic side effects of their Band-Aid symptom suppression therapies.

Most people, including doctors, research scientists and corrupt politicians are ignorant to the simple fact that there is only one way to prevent and reverse every degenerative disease that plagues mankind: establish health to the patient by feeding the built-in, self-healing systems. Health and disease cannot coexist any more than fire and water. A healthy cellular environment and healthy immune system drowns out disease. If you have a dark room, you simply turn on the light. Light dissipates darkness. Health dissipates disease. Either health or disease dominates the body. Which one dominates yours?

So the 64,000 dollar question is – what in mainstream medicine’s tool box addresses any of the necessary factors for establishing health to the patients cells and immune system? The disappointing answer is –  nothing!

Name one drug that addresses nutritional deficiencies for repairing cellular damage! Name one antibiotic that does not cause resistant strains in the future! Name one drug that cures degenerative disease! Name one drug, surgery, chemo agent or radiation treatment that cures cancer! Name one drug that boosts and modulates the immune system! Name one drug that has nutrient building materials for the cells! Name one drug that does not have multiple side effects! There is nothing that any pharmaceutical can do but give temporary palliative symptom relief, mimic or counterfeit what the body already produces, or destroy pathogens temporarily. At best, drugs mimic or manipulate existing cell chemistry, to either speed up or slow down organ and system function, while creating a toxic residue by-product and an acidic environment that sets up a perfect growth medium for disease pathogens in the future.

De-mystifying The Disease Myth

Viruses, bacteria, fungal forms and parasites seek their own environment, just like flies, mosquitoes and vultures. Picture a stagnant swamp compared to a flowing vibrant river.  A stagnant swamp has little life, fungus and green algae growing on the top of the water, and brown decaying agriculture in the external environment, which attracts mosquitoes, bugs and insects. A flowing river has life that exudes colorful flowers and green plants and trees that repel bugs and insects.  The same is true for a healthy body that repels unwanted viruses and bacteria.

A diseased body has no blood circulation or lymphatic flow. This leads to stagnation in weak tissues and organs, which sets up shop for disease pathogens to migrate and grow into diseased tissue.  As Dr. Robert Young says in his book, Sick And Tired: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, “There is only one physiological disease –  the over-acidification of the body, due primarily to an inverted way of eating and living. This over-acidification leads to the one sickness, or primary symptom – the overgrowth in the body of microorganisms, whose poisons produce the symptoms we call ‘diseases’.” Some of these symptoms manifest as diarrhea, runny nose, thick mucous secretions, fever and profuse sweating, which science calls disease.

Most people in today’s world still have a hazy idea as to what constitutes a disease. They believe it to be something mysterious that attacks them, and that there is very little they can do about it. So in their confusion, they run to their doctor for every ache and pain, cold, cough, fever, or rash, expecting some sort of magic “silver bullet” prescription cure before they leave the office. People associate a prescription drug with good doctor care while the Bible clearly warns us of the deception of pharmaceuticals. “By Thy sorceries were all nations deceived…” (Revelation 18:24)  In the Greek concordance sorcery is defined as pharmakeia, or pharmacy.

So before I begin the de-mystification of the 10,001 diseases, which in reality are the same disease originating from the same cause, I need to make one point clear.  The human body strives for health, not sickness.  The path of least resistance for the body is a natural state of health that calls for the least amount of energy and electrical force expended.  The body’s mind, spirit and soul fights to maintain healthy balance and homeostasis 24 hours a day. Health is God’s path of least resistance.

The truth is, the laws of health are never broken.  We can only break ourselves against them.  God’s laws of health and vitality are set in motion just like the law of gravity.  If you attempt to break the law of gravity by jumping out of a 10 story window, you will only break yourself against a slab of concrete and illustrate the law in action. The same is true for anyone who goes against the law of health by continued ingestion of foodless foods, toxic beverages, pharmaceuticals, breathing industrial contaminant and long-term stress conditions. Often times you have to go against the grain for decades to manifest sickness and disease.

This may be hard for some people to swallow, but it is their own lack of knowledge, or failure to use and apply that knowledge that has brought about their ill condition.  All degenerative and metabolic diseases are merely the end point of progressive, accumulated, toxic waste matter suffocating a particular tissue or organ that’s too weak to clean house.  Therefore, there is but one disease.  A disease condition in a weak organ due to insufficient drainage and deficient, intelligent nutrients at the cellular level. This sets up a toxic, low oxygen, acidic, damp cellular environment which breeds disease pathogens.

One Disease – Many Labels

So arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are the same disease.  It just so happens through genetic disposition that the target areas — or weak links — of an arthritic patient are the joints. This is where the toxic accumulation of uric acid crystals, purines, lactic acid and other debris suffocate the cells that manufacture synovial fluid and bursae fluid (joint lubricating fluids).  In a diabetic patient, the beta cells in the pancreas that synthesize insulin for glucose regulation are the weak link in the chain. Excess toxins from the bloodstream are dumped into the pancreas coating the insulin receptors, causing insulin resistance, leading to diabetes. A cardiovascular patient’s target organs of toxic accumulation are the heart and lung tissue, which effect the cells that are involved in heart and respiratory function, and so on.

Readers, this is your real wake up call!  Medical science in their ignorance (ignoring the truth), have been on the wrong track all along.  For seventy years, scientists have been studying germs, viruses and bacteria. They should have been studying the inner condition of the body’s cellular terrain that sets the stage as a growth medium for deadly microbes.  The viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites infiltrate only when there is diseased tissue – a  food source if you will. You will never see bacterial infections, viral infections, systemic candida ablicans problems, or cancer in an alkaline pH, highly oxygenated, nutritive rich, healthy cellular environment with a strong immune system and strong filtration and circulatory systems.

You don’t blame the mosquitoes for the stagnant swamp. Mosquitoes and flies seek the stagnant waters. The vultures are not the culprit, you blame the dead rabbit. The answer has been with us since the beginning of the human race.  Drain the body’s tissues and cells of its accumulated poison – its toxic soup – feed it properly with intelligent living nutrients – and the miracle of healing occurs. Anyone who takes appropriate action need no succumb to cancer or any other disease. So, we find the cause of degenerative disease chiefly to be two-fold. Insufficient nutrition, creating weakened cells from improper drainage, leading to congestive toxicosis.  It certainly follows that correction of ill health would not be toxic pharmaceuticals and risky surgical procedures. It would be assisting the filtration organs to cleanse the waste poisons from the body, and provide intelligent nutrients to the bloodstream for delivery to the cells. This way the various organs can function at optimal levels.   

Every day your body is assailed by billions of germs, many of which can instigate illness or even death.  Yet you stay well.  Countless bacteria, viruses and microbes gain entry into your body through the food you ingest, the air you breathe, or through breaks in your skin.  Yet you stay well.  Why?  Because you can’t live without germs. There is a symbiotic relationship between good and bad bacteria that is necessary for survival, kind of like how nature keeps the overgrowth of rabbits in check with foxes. Some of them establish permanent residence in your mouth, your nose, your throat, or your intestines, where there are several pounds of soil- based microorganisms that multiply exponentially.  Yet you stay well.  If you have four people in a closed elevator with one coughing and sneezing from a recent cold and one out of the three contracts a head cold 24 hours later, while the other two remain healthy, what prevented the other two from getting sick? Diseased germs need appropriate soil to grow in – diseased tissues.

What modern medicine fails to understand is that bacteria, viruses, germs, fungi and parasites are there for a reason. They flourish as scavengers at the site of diseased tissue. They are there to clean up your mess.  They are drawn by dead cells, hardened mucous, dried blood, pus and an acidic dirty kitchen environment.  If you leave dirty dishes in the sink, breadcrumbs on the floor and honey on the counter for a few days, you will witness a variety of creepy crawlers coming out of nowhere.  Rats in your basement are there for a reason; you have garbage and old decaying boxes and debris laying around. The same is true for the human body. Through ingestion of acidic foods, toxic beverages and environmental contaminant, you create a food source for scavengers, like parasites, to breed and feed.

Time For Shifting Directions

The time is right for a paradigm shift to intelligent self-care and learning the intelligent mechanisms behind God’s magnificent, self-healing autogenic system – a process termed autogenics. We need a new level of understanding about the body’s own inherent, innate ability to heal itself.  The process witnessed from a cut in the finger or a broken bone.  It’s not the Band-Aid that heals the cut, nor the cast that heals the broken bone.  It’s the combined nutrients of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, oxygen, essential fatty acids and sunlight that are carried via the bloodstream to the diseased or injured area for complete healing.  It’s time for a real wake-up call to the true causes of nearly all diseases and the direct enemies of self-healing. Its technical name is Congestive Toxicosis.  It is the greatest threat to human lives in these end times.

Divine Design Of Symptoms

Disease is nothing more than the outworking of the natural law of autogenics; a natural, self-propelling process of the body’s inherent ability to remove the toxic accumulation in and around the cells.  Its removal methods are the uncomfortable purging mechanisms of diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, coughing, runny nose and fever that usually makes us run to the doctor.

Out of ignorance, doctors look at these symptoms as unnecessary, non-purposeful, insignificant nuisances, and in their limited understanding they stop the fever, stop the runny nose, stop the sweating and stop the cough with their “anti”-medications and, in doing so, shove the toxic waste back down your throat or back into the bloodstream and tissues, prolonging your illness by giving symptomatic relief.

A fever is an intelligent system to destroy viruses and bacteria in order to burn up the waste matter and trigger immune system production of white blood cells and immune regulator. The pores of the skin open for profuse sweating to allow excretion of toxins. A runny nose is an intelligent mechanism to flush out toxic matter out of the sinus membranes trapped by watery mucous.

Every symptom has innate intelligence the human body has been endowed with by God to purge, excrete or flush poisonous waste accumulation through one or more of the elimination channels: via the skin, colon, nose, lungs, ears and urinary tract.  What do you think the flu is?  Every symptom of a cold or flu is a symptom of detoxification.  The symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, coughing up thick mucous, and chills which generate heat are all healing crisis cleansing reactions to allow you to heal.

All Pharmaceutical Drugs Go Against Life – They Are Antis!

The drug companies tell you straight-out that they are going against your body’s healing mechanisms by the contraindications of their drugs. The mainstream philosophy of drug treatments do not cure, nor can they.  They suppress.  They are counterproductive and antagonistic in their nature, and for this reason they are called antis (meaning against).  Antispasmodics, antihypertensives, antianxiety agents, antidepressants, antacids, antiryhthmics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatories, anti-diuretics, antitusives, receptor antagonists, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, protease inhibitors and even antibiotics, which mean against bio or against life.

Probiotics are supportive of life, antibiotics destroy life by destroying good aerobic bacteria needed in the intestinal mucousa to combat bad anaerobic microbes like candida, helicobactor pylori, staph and streptococcus and other bacterial strains.  Staph infection’s (from the bacteria staphylococci) resistance to penicillin in 1960 was 13%.  The same Staph infection’s resistance to penicillin in 1988 was 91%. In the year 2004, some laboratories show evidence that it has climbed to 97% resistance. You will soon witness the fulfillment of the scriptures predicting a third of mankind dying of pestilence and plagues.  That’s two billion people.

All “Anti” medication goes against body systems and for this reason have multiple side effects.  You cannot suppress, manipulate or mimic one body system without throwing off three or four more systems.  All pharmaceuticals are counteractive and suppressive in nature, even to the point of suppressing your own body’s self healing – autogenic — process. On a short-term basis, in critical emergency situations, we should be grateful for the suppressive quality of pharmaceuticals that allows you time to deal with the causative issues triggering disease symptoms. For this I have no objection at all. That is, drug therapy for the short-term control of severe conditions such as states of trauma, severe migraine headaches, excruciating pain, hemorrhage, heart attacks, strokes, chronic insomnia, etc. If you can’t get out of bed to go to work because of a severe migraine then yes, take an analgesic pain medication. If you can’t sleep then yes, take something for your insomnia. In the meantime, address the causative factors of the headache or insomnia and wean off the medications. To rely on any drug for long-term maintenance to suppress symptoms without addressing the causes creates two dangerous situations.

First, you are building an accumulative risk because by their nature drug weapons are strong, destructive and toxic. They build bodily residues forming an acidic pH. Your doctor’s desire to fix or give symptomatic relief is often offset by side effects of toxicity, literally poisoning you and driving the disease deeper.

The second and less visible, but potentially more serious danger is the strengthening of the disease process over time instead of getting rid of the problem. For instance, scaly, itchy, cracked skin can go away on the surface (if treated medically as a symptom) with cortisone cream, but can also be driven deeper into vital organs.

The Dangerous Side Effects Of Treating Symptoms And Not Causes Of Disease

A 48-year-old patient of mine had this very problem.  Prednisone and other anticortical, anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by her mainstream physician relieved some of her problems with a skin rash. However, one year later she developed a pulmonary lung disease where the normal tissues of the lungs became fibrous and her breathing was taxed. Her hands were pink and soft, but her lungs were being crippled and becoming resistant to all the counter-productive powers of the drugs administered to her by conventional medicine. Her condition spiraled so low that she was given up on. She was sent home to get her affairs in order for preparation for her death, and to spend the remainder of her life with her family. Painkillers were being administered to ease the pain of her last days on earth.  This is a perfect example of the magical shell game and illusionary medicine that goes on daily in hospitals and doctors’ offices. They switch you from one disease to the next, until it manifests into a full-blown trauma sickness that needs surgical intervention, or extensive hospital stays creating their own business.
Upon the referral of a friend, I decided to take on this deathbed situation, and I taught her how to work with her illness instead of against it with non-toxic treatment methods. After a full-body cleanse and the rebuilding of her nutrient deficiencies (along with her immune system), her body’s self-healing systems were activated. Six months later she went back to her doctor who happily declared her healthy and in complete remission of her disease.  This ignorance continues to this day with physicians giving placebo scripts for antibiotics to treat viral infections when they should know that antibiotics work solely on bacteria, not viruses.  


So the important question is, what if symptoms are really a part of the built in autogenic healing process? The body’s own innate ability to cure itself just like a runny nose, coughing, diarrhea and fever to cure the flu. What if the symptoms of disease were the drainage process of the toxicosis, the removal of the toxic soup to establish a healthy cell environment? This would mean, if you cured the symptom with an “anti” medication, you have killed the cure! An example of this is the treatment for the common cold.

If science could produce a cold-inhibiting drug, what would the side effect be of stopping the elimination of all the cell waste normally thrown off by cold symptoms? If you stop a cold, you stop what the body is trying to accomplish with the action of a cold. You stop the healing and the cure.

It is ironic and indeed pathetic that human beings, potentially the highest form of intelligence on this planet, have managed to build the vast pharmaceutical industry on the central purpose of poisoning the lowest forms of life on the planet – germs. They substitute artificial therapy over natural, they substitute chemical therapy over nutritional, and substitute poisons over food. Then when we get sick from these poisons, we treat ourselves with another poison (drugs) to try to correct the body’s reactions to the slow poisoning and nutrient starvation and add to the existing toxins while doing it.

Featured Articles

Water and Sea Salt, A Disease Remedy?

Crusador Interviews Bob Butts

CRUSADOR Interviews Water Advocate And Researcher Bob Butts About The Water Cure He Promotes That’s Healing Thousands Of People Of Diseases Doctors Have Sent Patients Home To Suffer And Die With

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”  (I Corinthians 3:19)

Is the answer to our current health care crisis as simple as drinking half your bodyweight a day in water with a pinch of pure, unprocessed sea salt? It sounds too easy doesn’t it? However, the passage from Corinthians makes it clear that what man thinks is best or correct is generally foolishness to God. Think about it for a moment. Trillions of dollars are being made annually worldwide when it comes to health care. Pharmaceutical companies have billions of people literally hooked on drugs that do absolutely nothing to cure their health problems. Scientists, doctors and researchers are all in search of the magic bullet cure that they think will be found in some synthetic concoction they come up with. Might they all be looking in the wrong places?

Everyone knows that water is the source of all life on earth. NASA scientists send space probes around the universe in search of water because they know that if they can find water, life on other planets is possible. Why is it that something as simple as consuming more water is not considered when it comes to treating or preventing disease? Every single cell of our body runs on water. Cells are the bricks and mortar of our chemical make up. Our respiratory and circulatory systems require water to function. The simple fact is without adequate hydration we would be dead. Could it be that the manifestation of disease symptoms is really your body’s cry for water and the 75 to 80 minerals needed in the form of pure, unprocessed sea salt?

In this enlightening interview, CRUSADOR interviews water researcher Bob Butts who has spent over $600,000 of his own money trying to tell the world that drinking enough water with a mixture of salt is the solution to over 65% of the diseases afflicting mankind. Bob Butts is selflessly and heroically carrying on the astonishing work of Dr. Fereydoon Batamanghelidj, M.D. (a.k.a. Dr. B), author of the book “Your Bodies Many Cries For Water.” With no agenda other than to help humanity, Bob Butts is literally saving countless lives which otherwise would be swallowed up and extinguished by our nearly Medieval, ignorant medical/pharmaceutical industry.
Crusador:  Bob, tell our readers about Dr. B and how he came to be known worldwide as an expert in the field of water research?

Dr. B. was slated to be shot as a political prisoner of Khomeni’s revolutionaries after the government of the Shaw was overthrown in 1979. Everyone who was well off financially was assumed to have acquired their wealth dishonestly and therefore, slated enemies of the people. His family owned four hospitals, two of which were charity hospitals where people were able to get treated at no cost. While he was in prison, he found that many inmates suffered from ulcers and he used nothing but water to treat them and cured every single one of over 3,000 using nothing but water. He also found that many of these same people that suffered from severe depression were cured in just a few days by drinking lots of water.

When his trial came up a year and a half later, he presented his discovery as his defense from 32 charges, each of which carried the death penalty if he were convicted. The judge recessed the trial and reconvened two weeks later where he acknowledged that their
medical doctors concluded that he had indeed made a tremendous discovery. That is what gained his release. If you view the TV news special on our site, you’ll see and hear Dr. B.’s amazing story and a whole lot more. These same videos are now being aired in India.

After leaving Iran and coming to the USA, Dr. B continued his research at the University of Pennsylvania where he gathered the material for his ground breaking book, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.” This book has been peer reviewed by many researchers around the world where Dr. B. gave lectures. On his site there are many testimonials from medical people and institutions. Unfortunately, his discovery met with strong resistance from special interest groups whose incomes depend upon high profit problems not being solved.

Crusador:  What are some of the things Dr. B discovered?

He found out that the root cause of about 65% of most health problems is dehydration (a salt & water deficiency) and when the dehydration is corrected, many so-called incurable illnesses are greatly improved or cured. A few are asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, arthritis, anxiety, obesity, M.S., cancer, Lupus, etc.  When I am asked by talk show hosts to appear on a show, I advise them that I don’t do interviews unless the interviewer knows for a fact that the Water Cure truly works. When they do this, we set a record for the most calls in the station’s history every time. Probably the most amazing thing is the 100% cure of pet arthritis just by adding unprocessed sea salt to their water and food at ¼ tsp. per quart of water and sprinkling some on its food. Tremendous results are also seen with other pet health problems.

Crusador:  How did you meet Dr. B and what caused you to make such a commitment to this research as I understand you have spent $600,000 promoting his Water Cure, yet you don’t make one cent on it?

On our website is an ABC News story that tells some of the history. I was ripped off by our legal system and it caused me to lose a business and $800,000.  I was filled with great hate and frustration for a number of years. But something happened one night that changed my life. I woke up in the morning with all hate and frustration gone. I called my family together and told them that it is over. Everything is fine. We are going to make something come out of this so great that we’ll be glad we incurred this loss and I didn’t have the slightest doubt. I even said that I’ll never forgive the people that did this to us because there isn’t anything to forgive. God made us perfect, but our software stinks. Their actions are the result of negative values of the culture they grew up in.

It turned out to be the greatest thing that happened in my life because that is what caused me to meet Dr. B. and commit 75% of our advertising budget to promote his discovery. The initial results with the Water Cure were so astonishing that I felt that it would only take six months for it to be accepted nationwide. I never realized that we were so money driven that the powers that be had little interest in this discovery no matter how many people got well. I even ran 12,000 TV spots in 12 months of local people, including four doctors, who got rid of incurable problems and not one researcher would even talk to me or the people that got well.  You can view these same spots on our website

You can bet this greatly upset me because I’m seeing all these people get well and the powers that be had no interest in making this information available to all the other countless people who are suffering and dying needlessly. Today, I am no longer upset or
frustrated because the problem has nothing to do with orthodox medicine or the drug companies. It has to do with how we measure excellence and we measure it in terms of money and power which has predisposed us to all the problems we have. To win at this, the main thing is to excel at kindness, compassion and live our lives in service to our fellow man regardless of who they are or what they have done.

Crusador:  What effect does pharmaceutical drugs and medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation have on dehydrating the body?

Using drugs and procedures to silence the alarm signals of underlying problems is like disconnecting the warning lights from your car’s dash. Whether its people or vehicles, the answer is to give the problem no reason to exist. Common sense tells us that the only thing that can get us well and keep us well is a strong immune system. Drugs, chemotherapy and radiation do the opposite.  As Dr. Dean Burk, a friend and co-founder of the National Cancer Institute said, “Drugs are man’s way to try to bludgeon the body into a cure profitably and if there’s enough money to be made on it, research could be designed to prove that daylight doesn’t exist.”

Yes, most drugs dehydrate the body and the #1 protocol in every hospital hydrates the body which incidentally is water and salt. A saline IV has six times as much salt in it as the water cure recipe recommended by Dr. B, which only recommends a ¼ tsp. per quart. A quart of saline IV sells for up to $475 and there is only about one penny’s worth of salt water in it.
Crusador:  I noticed a headline newspaper story in a major northeastern Pennsylvania newspaper where you offered $50,000 if the Water Cure couldn’t cure every child. What prompted you to make such a bold proclamation and how did the campaign work?

I saw so many people get well from asthma that I felt it was no more a risk than betting $50,000 that tomorrow at noon it will be daylight. We have no knowledge of it failing even once. Local talk shows were talking about it and bashing it. I said that if I’m wrong, then I’ll have to pay $50,000. Nobody could prove it wrong and not one person came forward to say it failed.

Crusador:  Can you discuss a few of the chronic diseases that are caused by a lack of water such as high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, asthma, etc. and how they are linked to dehydration and not some kind of genetic problem you were born with?

High blood pressure, according to Dr. B., is primarily the result of a dehydrated body that has to elevate the pressure in order to see that every cell gets enough blood which is 94% water.  Mineral deficiency can also cause people to be salt sensitive and raise the blood pressure. Dr. B. has much info on this on his site and we have some testimonials also.

Heart disease is similar and a great article is on our site under the headline from Family practice News which reads; “Water Sinks Fatal Heart Disease Risk.” High Cholesterol is the result of a dehydrated body needing more cholesterol to seal the water in the cells to minimize water loss. I’ve never seen a case yet where correcting the dehydration didn’t cure the problem.

Asthma is a very simple problem produced in a dehydrated person when the brain deliberately constricts the bronchials in order to prevent water loss. Drinking two glasses of water for an adult having this problem and then putting a pinch of salt on the tongue will stop an asthma attack in minutes. I’ve seen or heard of it work many times.

Crusador:  Can you tell by the color of your urine or any other visible signs that your body is dehydrated?

The darker the urine, the more dehydrated one is. The skin of a dehydrated person is very dry and often wrinkled. Eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, and raccoon eyes are also obvious symptoms of dehydration, along with depression and low energy.

Crusador:  How many lives and how much money would be saved if the water cure were endorsed by our medical system?

According to Dr. B., possibly one million Americans every year could be saved from premature death and 1500 billion dollars ($1.5 trillion). Even if Dr. B. were only half right as Paul Harvey put it, the water cure would still be the greatest health discovery in history.

Crusador:  Don’t some people think you’re crazy? You’re in the auto parts business and what makes you think that you know more than doctors?

In the beginning the skepticism was so great that half the people thought I was nuts and the other half knew I was. That is no longer the case as northeastern Pennsylvania abounds with testimonials and the TV news specials covering this story certainly increased our credibility. Cars and people are a lot alike. Neither will run well if they are water deficient. People come into our store and ask for help. They rattle off their health problems with all the scientific labels and ask me what I think. I think you have drought. You are a couple of quarts low I respond, and they are. I explain that doctors are trained to follow protocols or they could be sued if they don’t.

Crusador:  You have said that if cars were as easy to fix as people you’d be out of business. Can you elaborate on that statement?

If cars were as easy to fix as people all we’d have to do is to throw all the raw materials that each part is made of in the trunk and the car would digest them and renew every part. That’s all we have to do to fix our bodies, but the raw materials need to be what our bodies need and not be compromised with processing. We need live food, not micro-waved or devitalized food from cooking.

Crusador:  You say that medical research already knows that the Water Cure is true and researchers would have to be dumb beyond belief if they didn’t know. Explain why?

When a prominent TV personality and attorney with MS contacted me after his MD told him to do so, he told me that he had lost 90% of his vision in one eye and had difficulty walking up and down steps. I told him that as far as I’m concerned, MS stands for monumentally stupid because researchers would have to be dumb beyond belief if they couldn’t figure out its cause and cure. You already know that the nerve tissue of a person with MS hardens and researchers should certainly know that nerve tissue is 85% water. Therefore, what would cause it to get hard? Obviously lack of water! I never knew of one person with MS who wasn’t severely dehydrated. I told him that his vision would be back in four or five days and in a couple of months most symptoms would be gone and that’s exactly what happened.

Crusador:  Why is salt such an important part of the Water Cure?

Without adequate salt, your body will never retain enough water to make the body function properly. That is why the saline IV is so great and uses so much salt. No metabolic process can take place properly without enough salt.

Crusador:  Compare a saline IV with the Water Cure?

First of all, for the hard nosed skeptic with a health problem, ask your MD to give you a saline IV twice a day for four days, drink no caffeine or alcohol and see what happens. You can also go for a swim in the ocean for an hour and note the improvements.
The Water Cure is an oral saline IV with less salt and more minerals. The big difference is the IV costs up to $475 and the salt water only cost one penny.

Crusador:  If the Water Cure is so simple, then why isn’t everyone using it?

Because there’s a rule that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Talk show host Barry Farber turned me down for an interview initially when I told him that I don’t do interviews unless the host knows it’s not too good to be true. He verified the truth and called this the most incredible story in his 44 years of broadcasting. The interview we eventually did resulted in about seven shows with Dr. B. and me. He said that our interviews caused switchboard meltdown.

Crusador:  Medical people say that the success stories you publish are just anecdotal and don’t mean much. How do you answer that?

I tell them that the only reason they are called anecdotal is because research already knows the stories are true. Why else would their #1 protocol and most profitable protocol be salt water in the form of a saline IV? Whoever invented the saline IV knew very well all that it would do. Actually, Hippocrates, the father of medicine and the namesake of the Hippocratic Oath, was the first to use the Water Cure as documented in the 1934 book, “Back to Eden.”

Crusador:  I understand that some prominent people whom you’ve helped have been warned to stop telling people about their success or economic sanctions will be taken against them. Can you elaborate on who these people are and what type of sanctions would be taken?

The president of a well known animal welfare group was telling everyone, including Barry Farber’s coast to coast audience about her 15 year old arthritic dog who was running up and down the stairs within two days after getting sea salt in its food and     water. Her board of director told her she’d be fired if she didn’t stop telling this story. An executive of a prominent accounting firm whose daughter had severe asthma necessitating frequent emergency room trips was quickly cured of asthma and the owner of the company told him that he could not put this story in the paper because this firm does a lot of work for medical people. A radio personality was told he cannot use his name and the station’s name in any way connecting him and it with the Water Cure. The station where he worked previously had no problem with it. Doctors, including the head of one hospital, told me they’d be fired and possibly lose their jobs and licenses if they told that the Water Cure is nothing but common sense.

I must say that one local doctor, Dr. Lang Su of Mid-Valley Hospital, spoke very highly of the Water Cure, including once on TV and he never had any kind of sanctions taken against him or was warned in any way. There are a number of other stories also.

Crusador:  Have you been threatened by anyone in the medical community or the government for telling people that most diseases are linked to a lack of water and salt?

Not even once or even had a hint of any threat other than from a few customers who quit buying from me because they thought I was nuts. By the way, every one of them came back after learning the truth.

Crusador:  Do your colleagues and family support the work you’re doing?

My family does now and all who have worked with me for any length of time do now.

Crusador:  What kind of effect does soft drinks, coffee, and alcohol have on the body?

Caffeine and alcohol are deadly because they are diuretics that remove more water from the body than was in the drink originally. The sugar in soda is certainly bad and caffeine and aspartame make a bad thing even worse.

Crusador:  Have you been on any well known radio or TV shows?

I have been on the Art Bell Show with Dr. B. for four hours. The show made the front cover of Art’s monthly magazine and our interview was aired a second time four weeks later. We weren’t allowed back on because the interview upset some powerful people.

Crusador:  I understand that you have no ill feelings toward any of the powers that be for stonewalling this simple solution. Why not?

Because the job of every CEO is to make more money for the company and its shareholders. He’d be fired if he didn’t do that. The problem is that every business is the same and there are no incentives for any business to eliminate the problems that are their main sources of income. How many of us would blow the whistle on a problem that is our main source of income?

Crusador:  Is your faith in God and your desire to help others the main reason why you are so motivated to share this message with the world?

Absolutely! I consider myself the luckiest person in the world and I wouldn’t trade places with anyone for all the money in the world. The Water Cure is truly a gift from God and passes the litmus test for being this gift. It is free, has no negative side effects, it works and is truly a blessing to the world. I just prayed the following as I completed this questionnaire: “Bless my words with God’s light and love to give them the energy to heal, strengthen and nourish the bodies and spirits of all who read them.”

Read Dr. B.’s dedication in each of his books:  “To our Creator, with Awe, Humility and Love.” I can honestly say that I am infinitely rewarded in the wonderful feeling that I receive in knowing that I am sharing Dr. B.’s tremendous discovery with people around the world. I am deeply honored to be able to do it and I hope these words will inspire many more to pass this wonderful discovery on.

Crusador:  Have you had any support from doctors and the medical community?

From a few who can be seen on the TV special by WYOU TV and Dr. Su who have willingly put their seals of approval on it and many other doctors who have quietly supported the Water Cure and shared it with their patients. Many nurses and people who work in local hospitals are also passing this on.

Crusador:  Thanks for the opportunity to interview you, Bob. Hopefully thousands of people reading this interview will find the healing they have been searching for that won’t leave them penniless, in debt, and confused.

Bob:  Thanks, Greg. I assure you that anyone trying the Water Cure recipe will see astounding results nothing short of miraculous.

The Water Cure Recipe

Drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces, daily. Example: 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that's how many glasses you will need to drink, daily. Use 1/4 tsp. of unprocessed sea salt for every quart of water you drink. Use sea salt liberally with food. As long as you drink the water, you can use the salt. Use only 50 to 80 mineral, no additive, unprocessed sea salt.  Avoid table salt.  It only has three minerals in it. While the best sea salts contain all minerals, you should eat a banana or two a day for potassium and take some magnesium, calcium and zinc to maximize your immune system. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These are diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz. of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz. of water to re-hydrate you.

Monitor your pH checking both urine and saliva with test strips. The best pH is 7.36. The lower the reading, the more acid your body is and the more difficult it is for it to repair itself because it is then in a degenerative state. You will find that in most cases, the people with cancer and other terrible health problems are very acid. Water & sea salt are the best for neutralizing acid, but there are foods you need to select for proper pH.

Featured Articles

Class Action Suit

by Lynn Berry

(NaturalNews) Five years ago the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) took drastic action against Pan Pharmaceuticals because of the hospitalisation of 19 people who took Travacalm (a travel sickness drug). TGA stripped the company of its licence and ordered a recall of all their products including natural supplements.

Such action is unheard of with pharmaceutical drugs that cause adverse effects. Even though Pan Pharmaceuticals had withdrawn the product (a standard procedure in the circumstances), TGA continued with the recall, the biggest in history, of 1600 different products, causing chaos amongst retailers and suppliers, as well as concern amongst consumers. Pan Pharmaceuticals collapsed with repercussions across the industry.

Last week the former CEO of Pan Pharmaceuticals was awarded $50 million dollars (AUS) with an extra 5 million for legal costs for what he claims was an abuse of power by the TGA. The case revealed that the TGA had abused their powers.

Now as a result of the settlement, a $200 million dollar class action has been launched which would enable those directly and indirectly affected by the TGA’s action to claim compensation.

The travel sickness product was the trigger for other astounding actions by the TGA. Consider that the TGA rated other products (vitamins and minerals) made by Pan Pharmaceuticals as class 1 meaning that these products would be capable of causing death or injury even though there had been no complaints about them.

This is in contrast to a drug such as VIOXX, made by Merck, which the TGA rated as a class 2 recall meaning that it could cause illness. However, VIOXX caused over 55,000 confirmed deaths to Americans. The class 2 ratings given indicate that the drug could not cause death or injury.

Since the Pan debacle, other organisations that produce natural supplements have been pressured in various ways by the establishment including increased compliance costs (up by 800% for one company) or into signing agreements protecting TGA from loss of business claims that might emanate from increased regulation, see (…) for further details.

Over 100 companies are interested in joining the class action including the high profile Blackmores, a producer of natural supplements. The executive chairman of Blackmores said that in the first week of the TGA action against Pan Pharmaceuticals, Blackmores lost 20% of their customers.

Some are claiming that the case highlights the need for natural supplements need to be regulated. Would that be the same regulation pharmaceutical drugs like VIOXX are subjected to?

Featured Articles

Blood Sugar Regulation

by: Kal Sellers

(NaturalNews) Blood sugar issues lead to problems with every system of the body. Everyone knows about these problems and most people are mildly to moderately worried about them. Blood sugar that is too high can exhaust the pancreas, damage all tissues, including neurological and cardiovascular tissues, throws the endocrine system out of balance and can cause weight management problems.

Blood sugar too low will result in fatigue, weird food cravings, poor brain function and possibly death of brain cells. It will lead to a complex endocrine pathology and will lead to deficiency in all sorts of nutrients from proteins to minerals and vitamins to water.

The complexity of low sugar problems comes because of the release of cortisol that causes the release of cellular proteins in order to create more glucose in the liver from those proteins.

All told, the problem with blood sugar may be the cause of as many problems as constipation and seems to be a serious matter. Corresponding interest in the subject seems to be present, but a good deal of misinformation on the subject also exists.

The place to start with any issue is the simple question, what does Nature teach us about the subject?

When you know what we would experience in nature, you have the one clue without which no accurate solution can ever be reached. All attempts to solve the problem in a laboratory will omit key facts simply because it is impossible for the human conscious mind to manage the literally thousands of operations, pathways, checks and balances involved with any physiological response to any situation.

A simple glance at nature results in the obvious conclusion that we are designed to consume plenty of leaves, nuts, seeds, fruit and honey along with some tubers and other vegetables, grasses and grains in a far lesser degree.

We are unsuited for attacking and disemboweling our prey and are well suited for highly evolved selection of our food, lending itself to the ability to avoid damaged foods and insects, or to eat insects and other animals in times of extreme dearth. This function also allows us to eat very bitter and strongly medicinal herbs to facilitate adaptation beyond simple natural selection (in other words we can cure illness and strengthen our systems consciously, instead of falling prey to such things which would select out the weak for elimination/death naturally).

Thus we can glean a basis, a foundation, if you will, for selecting the conclusions we will endorse and accept regarding blood sugar problems and ideal human diet.

Humans, like all mammals, are suited for consuming the majority of the enzymes we use, rather than producing these ourselves. Plants produce enzymes without consequence to their growth and health and we are adapted to benefit from their enzyme production as part of our symbiotic relationship with them.

Thus we can go forward and discuss blood sugar and the 5 key principles prerequisite to healthy blood sugar levels for life.

Principle 1: Usability

The primary question on our minds when dealing with blood sugar should be, "how easily is this sugar used by my body?"

The issue is not how quickly will it digest, but, rather, how easily, once digested, will it go into my cells and liver for use or storage.

Sugars that are processed or cooked, which also enter the blood quickly, create major problems because they tend to stay in the blood for inordinate amounts of time, relative to the rate at which they enter the blood. They go in fast, but are used slowly. This is the definition of high blood sugar.

If an unrefined/raw carbohydrate enters the blood slowly, it is also okay if it takes a little longer to get it into the cells and into storage. This is the case with green leafy vegetables and whole seeds.

If a carbohydrate breaks down into sugar quickly and enters our blood rapidly en masse, it is vital that it is effortlessly used, which means it must be perfectly formulated for immediate uptake without consequences of chemical imbalances in our cells.

Raw honey, sprouts and ripe fruit are perfect examples of carbohydrates that immediately become glucose (the only usable sugar) and enter the blood rapidly. These, if they are raw and whole and if they are eaten wisely so that they do not ferment, are perfectly formulated and balanced and are effortlessly taken into the cells and easily used.

Yes, these can be over consumed, but generally, they will have only the best of consequences when they are eaten wisely, even in what would appear to be excessive volume and quantity.

Where we get into trouble is when we eat refined or cooked sugars/carbohydrates that enter the blood quickly but are either unusable in that form (sucrose, which must be converted to glucose for use) or are so refined that the uptake of them will inevitably result in chemical imbalances in the body.

This is the truth about sugars and fruits. We do not over consume healthy sugars in our culture, rather, we grossly under consume them and the consequence is a roller-coaster of blood sugar which results in regular deficiencies, which start the cortisol process rolling, which disturbs pretty much every body function and results in pretty much every deficiency (including water/hydration) known to humanity.

The key is eating high quality sources.

An equally valuable key in considering use of sugars is learning to chew well and eat while relaxed. The violation of either of these valuable principles will result in imbalance in the body and poisoning of the system.

Principle 2: Competition in the blood

This concept is one that has been treated in dozens of ways under as many titles, but boils down to the presence of things in the blood that lead to inhibited flow of nutrients into the cells of the body.

This can be toxins, but often is unusable or excessive macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and protein fragments. It also can be wastes from the cells that are poorly eliminated.

These problems are treated in many places, including the author's website and on ( and do not need to be addressed here.

One simple issue that arises for the healthiest eater, and which is often overlooked, is the issue of fats and sugars. The conclusion we will strive toward is that one should not consume very much of fats with sugars.

Raw foodists have this as perhaps their number one vice. They love to eat high quality glucose with fats in the form of treats or salad dressings.

Truly stable fats are healthy for our bodies and include raw tropical oils and olive oil. Raw nuts, if not rancid, also contain healthy oils that are less stable, but which are stabilized by protective devices in the nuts (also applies to seeds) which work well as long as the temperature is kept relatively low.

Even the healthiest fat poses a threat to healthy blood sugar balance however, since they greatly obstruct the flow of healthy glucose into the cells and cause it to remain in the blood abnormally long. This is when insulin is secreted heavily and when those sugars can feed yeast and cancer and can form triglycerides and adipose tissue and can lead to immune reactions and endocrine dysfunction.

In this situation, we are little better off than when eating processed sugars. We are better off in some ways because of the micro nutrients and enzymes present in the healthy sources of glucose, but it will still cause great distress in the body.

Thus we encourage a habit for anyone who struggles with blood sugar issues that they separate the consumption of high quality glucose (generally honey, ripe fruit, sprouts and raw non-starchy vegetables) from fat.

Naturally, we strongly encourage only the healthiest fats so that they do not stay in the blood an inordinate amount of time and so that they do no damage. Generally, raw (cold-pressed, extra virgin, exclusively cold-pressed in centrifugal presses) olive oil is the only oil that may be consumed every day.

This separation, while subtle, will yield profound results in how one feels. This article is by no means directed toward pathological conditions, such as diabetes, but, if applied by those having diabetes, would be sure to surprise them favorably as well.

Principle 3: Constancy

Our bodies are made of protein; they do major regulation with fats which also form many of our regulatory structures. Yet with all of this very real need for fats and proteins, comparatively little of these are actually needed regularly under most circumstances.

The focus for fats and proteins should be on quality, not quantity.

Glucose, on the other hand, is always used up in every major process and most minor processes in the human body. It is burned 24-7 and must be regularly replenished.

If glucose were totally removed and no secondary reserve or manufacturing source were allowed, the human brain would die just as fast as it would with total removal of oxygen. They are needed together.

Thus, we have a need to supply regular doses of glucose all day long.

There are three valid approaches to this which should be approached with understanding and with consideration of combining rules, which are addressed in detail in Traci's books found on ( .

Approach number 1 is to eat high quality glucose sources every hour or so all day long. This is generally done when one is juice fasting and may only be consuming fruit or non-starchy vegetable juice all day long for several days. The juice is usually drunk every hour and distilled water drunk on the half hour between.

This regular dosing could be accomplished with any of the four sources of high quality glucose (sprouts, honey, ripe fruit, raw, non-starchy vegetables).

Approach number 2 is to eat slower-yielding sources of high quality glucose at less frequent intervals. Non-starchy vegetables, eaten raw, actually provide both short term and long term glucose. When cooked, they only provide long-term glucose and when really overcooked, they only provide low-quality short-term glucose and will lead to disease.

All vegetables and raw tree nuts can be consumed under this plan and will have slow uptake.

Here is the place where you make the decision at your stove whether it is a health food or a disease food. If you lightly cook or eat raw, you will get the delayed benefit. If you cook to death, you will get a low-quality, sudden uptake that throws your body out of balance.

Sprouted, low-heated grains are also slow-releasing sources of glucose that can actually feed and fuel you all day without ever running out of glucose (in fact, they are so dense with it that even in the absolute most healthy form, as taught in Traci's books, if you overdo them you will always gain weight just because they supply so much usable nutrition).

Approach number 3 is the consumption of protein.

This approach plans on the conversion from protein into glucose slowly throughout the day.

This has all of the benefits of Approach number 2, and is often the cop-out used by nutritionists who do not want to stand up and be counted as assertive healing experts. They are selling the long-term for the short term.

True, this method is the easiest method, but there is a catch. If you do this all the time, especially if you are consuming concentrated sources of protein (some nuts, beans that have not been sprouted and animal proteins), there is a consequence of toxic byproducts that are produced.

That assertive word, toxin is probably controversial. There are protein fragments that are not usable and tend to cause acidic conditions in the blood that place additional stress on elimination organs to remove.

One of the greatest concerns of the protein method is early exhaustion of the key body systems like the adrenal glands and the liver. The toxicity will definitely have repercussions.

Very often the load on the kidneys is even more profound and leads to actual renal failure. High protein diets kill people and when the second Atkins diet revolution took place, they included ketone strips for your urine because they hoped to avoid killing people the second time around from extreme ketosis.

Still, this method can pan out very well if one is still consuming enough healthy glucose to offset the total dependence on protein and if that person will consume protein of the highest caliber.

High quality protein is found in raw tree nuts, green legumes (like peas or edamame or alfalfa sprouts), seaweeds, algae, sprouted grains, raw hemp seed (which, by the way, provides a totally raw protein powder without the hemp oil, which is cool, because it is raw) and the like.

Principle 4: exercise/breathing

Oxygen is needed to use up glucose and when exercise is regularly done, there is a change that occurs in the cells so that they will take up glucose better and will metabolize nutrients better.

You do not have to become a tri-athlete to get benefits of this sort. Some sources suggest that intense exercise for 20 minutes every 5 days is enough to make substantial metabolism changes. This will maintain muscle and bone mass if it includes the right sorts of exercises. Often serious athletes will find that they can actually improve their performance and health.

While this subject does not fit here for a long discussion, it is a vital point that is at least as important as any other subject here.

Indeed, that improved metabolism from exercise will help the individual deal well, physiologically speaking, in those weak moments when food choices are not ideal. Notice, "not ideal" is not the same as, "terribly toxic."

Principle 5 Damage Repair/Maintenance

When damage to metabolism or to endocrine glands has taken place, healing must be done. Future damage, it is logical to say, should be avoided.

This section includes a few short discussions of some issues of repair or maintenance that can be noticed and addressed with some immediate value.

1) It is a good idea to learn about some healing foods or medicines for the pancreas, adrenal glands and for the cells themselves. Many of these are discussed on ( and many others are available anywhere on the internet. One can always contact the author through ( and request formulas or information about healing some particular system or organ.

It is well to select products that are whole food products that could be made in a cave and that are free of preservatives and chemicals of all sorts.

2) Blood poisons appear all around us, which damage blood cells and their ability to carry nutrition and carry on nutrient exchange. It certainly seems wise to avoid these.

While the list is certainly long, we shall focus on the big ones that are totally in our power, which are preservative nitrates and nitrites found in processed meats.

While thinking about really toxic foods, we should also take a peek at dairy. Diary is known to cause blood sugar problems and some articles to this end have been published in medical journals in recent years. Further, the congesting affect of dairy causes poor circulation and adds insult to injury when there is a problem getting sugar out of the blood and into the cells where it belongs.

3) If a person has had blood sugar problems for very long, cardiovascular repair is in order. Many good products are on the market, though few have the immediate effectiveness of cayenne and blackstrap molasses. Generally, cayenne pepper is taken by the dose of 1/4 teaspoon in water 15 minutes before each meal, which is believed to both heal the heart and greatly improve digestion.

One study suggested that just smelling cayenne in water would result in a 30% spike in digestive secretions. Many of us would like to see some modern data on that subject, as the last such study is about 15 years old and our dietary and stress problems have changed since then. Clinically, this approach still seems to work very well.

Blackstrap molasses is loaded with potassium, calcium and iron. It also seems to have an affinity for any tissue that would be robbed by refined sugar, which means the bones, teeth and capillary/cardiovascular system.

This odd affinity puts blackstrap molasses in the natural healer hall of fame and so far it has not been equaled for that purpose. Dr. Christopher, my mentor, used to use it always for a rheumatic heart or one damaged from infection or weakened from malnutrition.

While processed sweeteners seem to make problems with blood sugar worse, blackstrap seems to do the opposite, making the whole blood sugar system work more smoothly. It was Dr. Christopher's idea of a superfood. It is inexpensive, easy to obtain and readily absorbed by everyone in the author's experiential domain.

4) For blood sugar issues, it is logical to cleanse and regenerate the liver. If this is done with herbs, it is required to cleanse the bowel at the same time and anytime thereafter that liver cleansing/healing is done.

One of the Author's recent clients called to announce that the mild cleansing formula given her by her naturopath resulted in extreme problems from skin eruptions to swollen and painful joints to body stench. After only a few seconds, it was ascertained that the problem was that nothing was being done to facilitate the removal of said toxins through the bowel. The formula was stopped temporarily while the bowel was brought up in activity using Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel formula. When 5 Bowel Movements daily is reached, the formula will be reintroduced.

Generally, the Author recommends either Dr. Christopher's Liver Gall Bladder formula or Richard Schulze's formula by the same name for cleaning and restoring the liver. It is remarkable how promptly every body function seems to be buoyed or significantly altered for the good when the liver is tended properly.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,

Kal Sellers, MH

Featured Articles

A Drugged Nation

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) More than 50 percent of insured residents of the United States regularly take prescription drugs for at least one chronic health condition, according to a study conducted by Medco Health Solutions, which manages prescription benefits for 20 percent of the population.

Medco reviewed the prescription records of 2.5 million customers of all ages between 2001 and 2007. The company found that 51 percent of children and adults in the United States took at least one prescription drug for a chronic health condition in 2007, compared to 47 percent in 2001. The majority of drugs were taken at least once per day.

The use of drugs for chronic health problems occurred in all age groups, with 25 percent of children and, 52 percent of adult men, nearly 67 percent of women over the age of 19, and 75 percent of seniors 65 and older taking at least one such drug.

A striking number of seniors were regularly taking five or more drugs: 22 percent of men and 28 percent of women.

The largest increase in drug use came among both women and men between the ages of 20 and 44. Most new drug use in this age group was for the treatment of asthma, attention deficit disorder, depression, diabetes and seizures.

Another large increase was in the use of obesity and diabetes drugs among children. According to the study, 1.2 million U.S. children now take drugs for Type 2 diabetes, heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems, and sleeping trouble. Many of these health problems are linked to unhealthy body weights.

"Honestly, a lot of it is related to obesity," said Robert Epstein, Medco's chief medical officer. "We've become a couch potato culture [and] it's a lot easier to pop a pill" than to fight obesity with diet and exercise.

Experts said that in addition to worsening public health, drug use has probably increased due to aggressive marketing by drug companies. The most heavily marketed drugs are those for chronic conditions.

Featured Articles

The Colon, A Matter of Health or Disease

By Greg Ciola
Health Truth Revealed
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”  (Deuteronomy 31:19)
How often do you consider what you consume and whether it will lead to life or death? I believe the statement Moses made embraced every area of our lives, especially food choices and our health. What we put into our bodies can either harm us or help us. If I were to ask you whether you’re choosing life or death through your diet, what would your answer be?  It’s easy to see things externally on the human body. Seeing what’s going on inside is another story altogether.

Your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and wastes determines your entire state of health. Did you know that every cell, organ, and system in your body is designed to bring in nutrition and fuel to survive, and eliminate waste when it’s done? A majority of this waste eventually ends up in your colon. While discussing the body’s intestinal system is not generally a topic people feel comfortable sharing with others, it’s one that cannot be ignored if you want to remain healthy or restore lost health.

The simple truth is that the human body was not designed to handle an overwhelming assault of fried, processed, packaged, microwaved or genetically modified foods. It also can’t handle large amounts of meat, pasteurized and homogenized dairy products, white flour, refined sugar, hydrogenated fats, soda, candy, cakes, artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, pesticides, and a host of other ingestible products. All of these items can have a negative effect on your intestinal system and your health over time.

We have an enemy called the devil who is out to kill us and destroy God’s creation.  Our bodies are the battlefields.  Satan knows that if he can get you to overload your body with the kinds of substances just mentioned above, that your health will suffer greatly and you will likely die a premature death.  It’s very difficult to serve God effectively when your body is in a state of disarray and you feel terrible.  Might this be why Moses stressed the importance of choosing life instead of death?

If we were truly choosing life then we would make better choices when it comes to our health.  The first step that must be taken to reverse these deadly habits is to become knowledgeable about how the human body functions internally, and understand the negative impact improper eating can have on it over time.

A healthy functioning gastrointestinal system is absolutely critical for good health.  If your digestive system is not working perfectly it’s only a matter of time before you go back to the dust of the earth just as the scriptures proclaim.  Proper digestion is essential to release the nutrients contained within our foods so they can be absorbed into the bloodstream and nourish the body’s cells with life.  Proper elimination of metabolic wastes is also essential to keep the system clean and free of morbid wastes.  Any malfunction in the digestive process can ultimately lead to a cellular malfunction, which given enough time, can lead to a complete system malfunction.      

The human body is equipped with five major filtering/processing systems and elimination routes that are designed to expel wastes, process nutrients, regulate hormones, and keep the body functioning in a normal, healthy state.  They are the gastrointestinal system (colon), liver, kidneys, skin, and lymphatic system.  The gastrointestinal system, however, is probably the most important of the five because in many cases, without a healthy gastrointestinal system you are almost guaranteed that the other four bodily systems will be in serious trouble.  Although we could spend a great deal of time focusing on each bodily system and its importance to our health, this particular article will focus on the role your intestinal system plays in health, and how you can keep it functioning optimally.

Here Are Some Interesting Facts About Colon Health

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S. Over 50,000 Americans die each year from this type of cancer. In men it ranks third in frequency behind lung and prostate cancer, and third in frequency behind lung and breast cancer in women. Colorectal cancer accounts for about 10% of all new cases of cancer each year and approximately 10% of all cancer deaths.

Experts estimate that over 20% of middle-age and older adults may have one or more colon polyps. Up to one in five Americans (approximately 60 million) has irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS accounts for more than 1 out every 10 doctor visits.  Some health experts have stated that every American will develop some type of colon disease, polyp, tumor, or colon cancer in their lifetime.

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms for an extended period of time you have reasons to be concerned.

• Diarrhea or constipation
• Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool
• Stools that are smaller in width than usual
• Abdominal gas and discomfort
• Frequent gas pains
• A feeling that the bowel never completely empties
• Unexplained weight loss
• Constant tiredness
• Unexplained anemia

Any one of these symptoms could indicate an intestinal disorder that needs attention. It could also be a sign of cancer.

The Role Of Flora & Intestinal Health

More and more health conscious consumers are becoming aware of the importance of intestinal flora when it comes to digestive health.  Intestinal flora are colonies of microscopic bacteria found in both the small and large intestine. Nutritional supplements and foods that support the body’s flora are referred to as probiotics. The word probiotic actually has an interesting meaning. “Pro” means to be in favor of something.  “Bio” is a prefix meaning life.  When the two are put together into the word probiotic, it means to be in favor of life.

Probiotics are life giving aerobic bacteria that serve as the intestinal system’s clean-up crew. The definition of “aerobic” is anything that pertains to, or is caused by the presence of oxygen. Anything anaerobic either lacks oxygen or causes the destruction of oxygen. With probiotics we are talking about life-giving oxygen producing bacteria.

Everyone knows that oxygen is the most critical element for life. Every cell of the body requires oxygen to survive. Without oxygen we would be dead. Oxygen is also nature’s  most effective sterilizer and deodorizer. What few realize is that oxygen generated by probiotics is what keeps your intestinal system disinfected and working properly. Without a healthy supply of flora, your health will spiral quickly downward.  

A healthy intestinal system contains hundreds of different strains of friendly aerobic bacteria such as acidophilus, bifidus, plantarum, and bulgaricus to name a few, which release an abundance of nascent oxygen (hydrogen peroxide) to keep the intestinal system clean and anaerobic bacteria in check.  In addition, flora supports the body’s immune system by thwarting off harmful bacteria and it supports the immune system’s front line defenders, such as your T-cells and natural killer cells. The whole battle of good and bad bacteria that determines health or sickness takes place primarily in your intestinal system. This is why proper digestion, waste removal, and flora balance is so critical when it comes to staying healthy or restoring lost health. Another function of flora is to synthesize certain nutrients such as vitamin K, biotin, and pantothentic acid. Flora can also produce almost all the B vitamins, including niacin, B6, B12, and folic acid, as well as make one B vitamin into another.

According to renowned health expert Dr. Robert O. Young in his book The pH Miracle:  “In a healthy, balanced human digestive system, you’d expect to find three to four pounds of probiotics.  Unfortunately, I estimate that most people have less than 25% of the normal amount.  Eating animal products and processed foods, ingesting chemicals, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, overeating, and excess stress of all types disrupt and weaken the probiotic colonies and compromise digestion.  That, in turn, allows the overgrowth of symptom-causing microforms and all the problems that come along for the ride.”

If you’re like many, you’ve probably overindulged in far too many foods you know you shouldn’t have eaten. Over time, if not eliminated from the body, these foods can impact the colon and eventually ferment, putrefy, and stick to your colon wall like Plaster of Paris.  There is only so much abuse your body can handle before it eventually becomes intoxicated and shuts down. One of the first signs of your health going down hill begins with gastrointestinal problems, which by the way are the number one complaint to doctors. If intestinal waste is not fully excreted from the body, over time it can wreak havoc on your health and negatively impact your flora, by causing it to literally suffocate from the overload.  Once the body’s aerobic bacteria starts dying off, anaerobic bacteria will get the upper hand and things will start to deteriorate rapidly. It’s like knocking over a domino.

Flora’s Worst Enemy – ANTIOBIOTICS!

In light of the fact that the word probiotic means to be in favor of life, antibiotic has the exact opposite meaning. “Anti” means to be against.  In other words, antibiotics are counterproductive to life itself.  The main problem with antibiotics is that they cannot distinguish between good aerobic bacteria and unwanted anaerobic bacteria.  Antibiotics kill off everything.  Excessive use of antibiotics will literally destroy your health and wipe out your immune system.

If life and health are important to you, then you will do everything possible to avoid antibiotics, unless they are absolutely necessary to overcome a stubborn infection or keep you alive during a health crisis.  If you’ve ever subjected your body to antibiotics it is imperative that you do an intestinal detox and take a round of probiotics. Many of the health problems people are enduring today can be directly attributed to the overuse of antibiotics.  Sadly, in their lack of understanding on how the human body functions, doctors are prescribing antibiotics like they’re candy.  How many people run to the doctor at the sign of the first sniffle to get on a cycle of antibiotics, thinking it will do their body good?  We need to question medical intervention a little further before putting things into our body that can potentially harm it. There are plenty of safe, natural alternatives that can do wonders for the body without harming your body’s delicate bacterial balance.        

When the body’s intestinal flora diminishes or dies off and the intestinal system is impacted with excess wastes and sludge, you’re more than likely on a slow, steady, downward trend toward serious health complications.  As the intestinal system continues to degenerate, unwanted metabolic wastes can be absorbed through the colon wall and into the bloodstream flooding the body with free radicals and carcinogens.  At this point, it’s now up to the kidneys, liver and lymphatic system to filter out this mess.  But these vital systems can only handle so much abuse before they become overwhelmed and exhibit signs of trouble.  Additionally, since many people live sedentary lives, they sweat very little thus denying themselves another powerful waste eliminator.  In essence, a malfunctioning intestinal system can eventually lead to a complete system malfunction if not corrected.  

Beware Of Parasites & Other Microorganisms

Another often overlooked problem with a colon that is impacted with putrefying, fermenting wastes and inadequate healthy flora is that it can become a breeding ground for unwanted microorganisms, such as parasites, viruses, fungus, flukes, and of course, anaerobic bacteria.  These microorganisms fester in this mess as a source of food because your body didn’t do the job.

A perfect analogy of what can happen internally is if you were to leave a pile of dirty dishes in the sink with food crumbs and debris lying around your house for an extended period of time.  What do you think would happen?  Your home will be invaded with cockroaches, ants, and other microscopic scavengers.  Similar things take place in the human body when unwanted wastes and debris are lying around for extended periods of time without being properly eliminated.  It’s time we started putting the same kind of focus on internal cleanliness as we do on external cleanliness.  

Over the last decade many alternative doctors and nutritionists have been treating parasitic problems in humans, and have linked them directly to a vast array of ailments.  Some health researchers estimate that over 90% of the population has parasites residing in their body.  Usually we only associate harmful microorganisms with third world countries where the water and food is not always safe.  Better think again! Health endangering scavengers could be feeding on, and breeding in, your impacted metabolic waste.

Mucus Doesn’t Only Come From Your Lungs & Nose

To compound the intestinal assault, harmful heavy metals and toxins consumed from your diet force the body into another serious protective reaction.  The body will create a mucus film that goes from the tongue straight throughout the intestines in order to stop toxins from making their way into the bloodstream.  People with a thick mucus coating on their intestines usually have a noticeable white film on their tongues.  As more and more toxins come into the body, more mucus will be produced.  Over time, this mucus film can become thicker and harder, and eventually wreak havoc within the intestines.

When digestion isn’t working properly, and food and wastes aren’t being eliminated, you run the risk of autointoxication, a $10 word for self-poisoning.  This condition can literally starve the cells in your body by blocking them from receiving their nutrition, eventually causing severe malnutrition.  All the supplements in the world will do nothing for your body if the intestinal system is in a state of disarray.  Constipation, irregular bowel movements, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gas, nutritional deficiencies, and other intestinal related problems are in many cases the result of an intestinal system that has been overloaded and is heading for a complete breakdown.

The good news is that there are many things that you can do to reverse this trend and get back on track to health and wellness.  Remember – it’s not God’s will that we suffer from all manner of physical ailments.  It’s His will that we walk in health all the days of our life.

Things You Must Do To Detoxify & Support Your Intestinal System

Hopefully by now you understand why it is so crucial to address intestinal health. Here are a few things that can be done to clean out excess wastes, rebuild your system, and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system.

1.  Start taking probiotics:  There are many good probiotic supplements on the market to choose from that can help rebuild your intestinal flora. It is important to first do a cleanse of the intestinal system in order to get the bowels working more consistently if you’re constipated, and to get rid of excess waste so there is fertile ground for the probiotics to colonize.  

2.  Start taking digestive enzymes after each meal:  Most people are severely enzyme deficient and aren’t adequately breaking their food down that they eat, causing digestive problems and malnourishment. The best way to get enzymes into the body is to start eating more raw organic fruits and vegetables that contain an abundance of life-giving enzymes. Almost all cooked foods and packaged foods are devoid of enzymes. This puts unwanted stress on the body because it has to use its bank of enzyme reserves to break the food down. In addition, it is important to take a high quality full spectrum enzyme supplement after each meal that helps break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Enzyme supplements assist the body in breaking food down more effectively so partially digested foods don’t get stuck in the intestinal system causing weight gain. This is a big reason why people have constipation and intestinal build-up, especially those consuming high meat diets where the food didn’t fully break down.

3.  Start eating fermented foods: There are some very beneficial fermented foods such as sauerkraut, organically cultured yogurt, cheese, Kefer, sourdough bread, pickles, Tempeh, and Miso to name a few that can help the body tremendously with digestion. Fermentation is a process that activates the enzymes in food and allows bacteria, yeasts and molds to “predigest” which helps break down the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Fermentation dates back thousands of years and was used to extend the life of food and to enhance flavor. It can do amazing things for your overall digestive health. Researchers believe that the longevity of many in the Far East can be attributed to a lot of the fermented foods they eat regularly. Only recently have more in the West taken a closer look at how fermented foods support the intestinal system and the body’s overall health. In some cases certain foods cannot release their nutritional properties unless they are fermented. Soybeans are a great example of this. The only way you should eat soybeans is in a fermented state. Any other form will not be beneficial and could actually be dangerous.

4.  Learn more about eating foods in proper combination:  Improper food combinations can be linked to many diseases. This is an area where few people know what to do yet it could have a profound impact on your health. For example, you shouldn’t consume proteins and starches at the same time. Fruit should be eaten separately from all other food. Fruits and vegetables should not be eaten together. There’s a statement about melons that you’ve probably heard before: “Eat it alone or leave it alone.”  There are some excellent books on the market that can help you in this department. You should visit a health food store or do some research online to help you in this area as it is vitally important if you want your body to be in balance and functioning at a high state of health.

Health & Freedom

In Government We Trust? Part 1

by Ron Paul

Many who agree with me on a lot of other issues, do not understand my enthusiasm for gold and sound money or why I spend so much time studying and talking about monetary policy.  It's true that I talk about money differently than most, but the fact is sound money offers many benefits.  For example – peace.

Can sound money really bring about peace?  Actually, it plays a big part in peaceful international relationships.  Money based on commodities, rather than paper, is not subject to government manipulation, and is a key component to free and honest trade.  History shows that if countries engage in trade with each other, their governments tend to find ways to get along for the same reason you do not kill your customers at your place of business, even if they occasionally annoy you.  If someone outright cheats you, however, you may engage in “war” by taking them to court, for example, and the relationship will sour.  Governments and central banks with unfettered power to manipulate currency also have the ability to cheat their creditors.  One way they do this is to simply create enough currency to pay off debts.  This devalues the currency and “cheats” the recipient out of what they are owed.  It would not be fair if you watered down your product the way our government waters down its currency, so it is not hard to understand, in these simplified terms, why loose monetary policy contributes so much to ill will and war around the world.

Sound money, on the other hand, simply is what it is.  Removing governmental power to manipulate money, removes the temptation for government to spend, print and cheat.  Sound money ensures that our government’s spending priorities would be brought into sharp focus and reduced to only what we can afford.

Sound money also limits the ability to wage wars of aggression.  Imagine how much more careful Washington would have to be about starting a war if they did not have this financial sleight of hand at their disposal!  Fiat currency allows government do expensive things they should not be doing while paying the bills with cheap money.  The Federal Reserve has lately been auctioning off large amounts of treasury bills as a way to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and our crushing entitlement burden.  The resulting devaluation of the dollar is quickly eroding our image as a good trading partner in the world.  As a consequence, there is therefore more talk of economic isolation and war.

This vicious cycle of spending, fighting and inflating is not what Americans want.  It is what the government wants, and it has had to deceive the citizens into allowing and supporting it.  Sound money curbs the government’s ability to engage in these shenanigans and reduces the wars we fight to only truly defensive ones, for which Americans are more than willing to stand and fight.  So in these ways, sound money is very conducive to peace.

Living By Grace

A Place Beyond “Religion”

By Gwen Watkins

So Gloriously fair.
A place that only
My God and I share.

A place of quiet communion
So gloriously sweet.
A place where only I
Sit at His feet.

A temple not made by hands, but the very presence of God dwells here. (Acts 17:24 ). While others hurry and scurry off to the four walled churches, my Lord, asks me to Stay and Pray.

From my temple, my Father gives me pictures of many four-walled gatherings. Times and seasons for the people who enter there to worship, praise our Lord, hear His Word, preach, sing, and be inspired to commit their lives to Him. Many parts of the Body of Christ, I pray, are working in these gatherings…many individual temples gathered together under one roof.

But, my Lord has called me aside…as He has others. We are a different part of the Body of Christ…almost like a hidden part. He has a need for us. Not that we are any better than the other parts, but that we are vitally necessary.

Our ears can no longer abide the loud, clanging symbols, the many outside spirits that filter in with some of the people  often without them knowing it. But our spirits can sense them and they agitate our spirits, robbing our peace…and preventing the Holy Hush…that precedes the arrival of our King.

It’s in this quiet temple that I sense the Power of the Prayers the Holy Spirit places inside of me to pray. It’s here that I can hear His still-small-voice clearer than among the throngs.

There was a season when I walked among men, evangelizing, soul winning, administrating, reaching out, healing, teaching, loving, directing, initiating action, exhorting, cleaning the physical four walled church. It’s because I have walked where they are walking now that I can pray for them with a pure heart.

“STAY and PRAY”, my Father says. What is it to me what others think?

Yes, there is a side of me that says, “I wish my loved ones understood just how much I do love the Lord.” You Lord…and many do. And perhaps, when they have been where I’ve been…they too will desire this sweet, quiet, satisfied, fellowship I find with my Lord in my private temple.

As I stay and pray for the Holy Hush to come over the many gatherings…all over the world…when they hear the angels begin in a soft whisper: “He’s coming  He’s coming….”

And the Power of sustained Silence turns all eyes to the door of HIS Arrival. Later, trumpets will sound and a great fanfare…but not until the Holy Hush…covers the earth. May it begin with you. (us)

The Best Years In Life

Natural Remedies for Treating Parasites

by Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people suffer from some type of parasitic infection. Not all of these people live in third world countries; many in the developed world have any number of parasitic infections, some of which are so highly contagious that extremely casual contact with something that has been handled by an infected person can infect another person.

It is extremely easy to contract a parasite infection. Contaminated water is one source of infection. Improperly washed or undercooked food is a common means of infection. Transmission from pets is another. Contact with another infected person is also a common route of infection. Travel can escalate the risks. Antibiotics pose another problem because they interfere with normal intestinal flora, some which tend to control certain types of infection.

Acute parasite infection is usually characterized by greater or lesser abdominal distress and diarrhea, often urgent and attended by burning sensations and tremendous fluid loss. Only rarely is there any visible evidence of infection. Moreover, many laboratories fail to detect the presence of parasites even when presented with specimens from infected persons. It is therefore sometimes necessary for the patient to determine whether infection is likely and to self-administer some remedy since allopathic medicine requires a diagnosis before prescriptions can be written.

Once a condition has moved from acute to chronic, there may be alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea, abdominal distention and bloating, intestinal cramping followed by burning sensations and the sudden urge to eliminate. Generally, there is malabsorption of nutrients, especially fatty foods. Irritable bowel syndrome, blood sugar fluctuations, sudden food cravings, and extreme emaciation or weight gain are all possible symptoms — but, as stated, not necessarily proof of parasitic infection.

Itching is a possible clue to infection, especially among children; however, the absence of itching does not mean there is no infection. The itching tends to be worst where there is moisture: nose, eyes, ears, and of course the anus. Skin sensitivity is also common: rashes, eczema-like conditions, and even serious eruptions.

Many parasites affect the nervous system and give rise to sleep disorders, such as insomnia. In children, hyperactivity is common, but adults may have symptoms ranging from depression to anxiety. Some parasites affect the brain and memory. In short, the part of the body affected depends on where the parasites have invaded: blood, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, brain, etc. To make infection even more difficult to determine, add to this scenario the fact that many, if not most, parasites migrate so the symptoms could change depending on where the parasites are at any given time.

To get rid of parasites:

* Do a good parasite cleanse just in case — such as one like Hulda Clark's. Her fluke theory of all cancers and diseases may be far-fetched, but her cleanses are excellent.

* Coconut oil – parasites hate it and it will help your liver (it helps keep the bile ducts open) and your balance of healthy fats too.

Some good herbs to use for parasites are:

* Artemisia

This is used to expel pinworms and treat malaria. Be sure to use the form artemisia annua, which is a famed anti-malarial herb that is in many parasitic formulas and has significant anti-cancer properties as well. While Artemisia annua is safe, Artemisia absinthium (also known as "wormwood") should be used cautiously due to its toxic and potentially addictive qualities.

* Black Walnut

Black walnut tincture and capsules are used for worms & parasitic infections.

* Cloves

Powdered cloves are used to kill larvae before they hatch. Cloves are among the most antibacterial spices known, but as we all know, a few cloves go a long way. Those with some familiarity with herbal medicine know that clove oil is also used to numb pain due to dental infection; but few know that part of the reason clove oil works so well is that it alleviates the infection. Cloves are antiseptic, bactericidal, and antiparasitic. For parasite cleansing, it is necessary to use fresh cloves that have not been irradiated. Most spices are irradiated with 35,000 the amount of radiation permitted in a chest x-ray. This is ostensibly done to eradicate bacteria, but spices are generally excellent bactericides so the irradiation is merely a way of destroying the precious properties of spices. Non-irradiated spices are available from most high-end health foods stores.

Other Beneficial Herbs Include:

* Agrimony for treating trichomonas.

* Barberry tincture is used for giardiasis & malaria.

* Echinacea tincture is used for trichomonas

* Garlic oil is used for parasitic infections.

* Goldenseal tincture used for malaria & giardiasis.

* Ipecac syrup is used for dysentery.

* Oregon Grape Root used for giardiasis & malaria.

* Pau D' Arco antiparasitic.

* Prickly Ash used to to eliminate pinworms.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!