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Tonsillectomy Linked to Weight Gain in Kids

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Children who have their tonsil surgically removed early in life are significantly more likely to become overweight or obese by age eight, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands, and published in the journal Pediatrics.

The researchers measured the height and weight of 3,963 eight-year olds who were participating in the Dutch Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort study. Every year up to age eight, the children's parents had filled out detailed questionnaires supplying information about height, weight, surgical procedures and a number of other factors.

Analysis of the data showed that children whose tonsils had been removed (tonsillectomy) were 61 percent more likely to be overweight at age eight than children whose tonsils had not been removed, and 131 percent more likely to be obese. This statistic remained the same whether or not the adenoid glands were also removed (adenoidectomy), and after adjusting for possible complicating factors such as sex, birth weight, breast-feeding, smoking in the home, and maternal education, weight or smoking during pregnancy.

Adenoidectomy without tonsillectomy did not increase the risk of being overweight, but did increase the risk of obesity by 94 percent.

Rates of tonsillectomy have decreased significantly since the 1950s, but the procedure remains one of the most common surgeries in children in the United States. Tonsillectomy is usually prescribed to alleviate snoring, sleep apnea and other conditions related to upper respiratory blockage. Adenoidectomy is also common, normally prescribed to alleviate restricted nose breathing or chronic ear infections.

In order to be certain that tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy were causing obesity and not the other way around, the researchers looked at obesity rates at age two, finding no correlation with later removal of tonsils or adenoids.

The researchers suspect that removal of the tonsils or adenoids may cause a reversal of previously slowed growth, leading to excessive weight gain.

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Medical Research Frequently Bogus

by S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) If you read research in a scientific or medical journal, especially one that is peer-reviewed, you know it is presented as accurately as possible, right? Researcher Daniele Fanelli of the University of Edinburgh decided to study the scientists doing the studies to see if she could find the answer.

After conducting the first meta-analysis of surveys questioning scientists about their misbehavior behind the scenes — notably, falsifying their research — she came up with results that are nothing less than shocking. It turns out that researchers apparently alter or just plain make up data far more frequently than previously estimated. And the practice seems to be particularly high in medical and drug research.

Bogus science isn't new, of course. In recent years researcher Hwang Woo-Suk's stem-cell lines were shown to be fake and cancer researcher Jon Sudbo was outed for making up cancer trials. These and other examples have demonstrated that made-up research can be easy to publish, even in some of the top, prestigious journals.

The media and many in the scientific community have mostly explained these cases as rare instances of non-ethical researchers. However, Fanelli's study, just published in the journal PLoS ONE, suggests scientific misconduct and outright fraud might be relatively frequent.

Previous estimates on bogus research have been based on not-very-accurate indirect data such as counting official retractions of scientific papers or random audits that show data were incorrect. Other researchers have tried simply using surveys to ask scientists all over the world about fraudulent research practices. But because of many different methods and questions used in the surveys, those results have been labeled inconclusive.

To try and sort all this out, Fanelli conducted a meta-analysis to specifically focus on behaviors that actually distort scientific knowledge. She excluding data about plagiarism and other kinds of professional malpractice and concentrated on documenting the frequency of scientists who recalled having committed a particular fraudulent activity at least once, or who knew a fellow scientist who did.

The results from all the surveys showed that only about two percent of scientists admitted to either making up or altering data to improve the outcome of a study at least once. Because the surveys asked very sensitive questions, Fanelli pointed out that it likely that some respondents did not reply honestly, especially when asked about their own activities. So the two percent figure is probably a very conservative estimate.

A much larger number, around 34 percent, admitted to other questionable research practices that can totally skew the results of a study — including "failing to present data that contradict one's own previous research" and "dropping observations or data points from analyses based on a gut feeling that they were inaccurate." What's more, 14 percent of the scientists said they knew someone who had fabricated, falsified or altered data, and the vast majority, around 72 percent, said they knew someone who had taken part in other questionable research practices.

In all the surveys examined by Fanelli's meta-analysis, misconduct was reported most frequently by drug and medical researchers. So what's the bottom line? Either scientists studying drugs or working on health issues are more open and honest than other researchers when they answer questions about bogus research, or frauds, trickery and bias are disturbingly more frequent in pharmacology and medicine. In a statement to the media, Fanelli concludes the last interpretation supports growing suspicions that industrial sponsorship, including the mega-bucks provided by Big Pharma, could be severely distorting scientific evidence to promote commercial treatments and drugs.

Fanelli D (2009), How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data. PLoS ONE 4(5): e5738. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005738

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Hospital-Acquired Superbug Infections Soar in Newborn Babies

by Sherry Baker

(NaturalNews) It's scary enough to have a newborn baby in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) because he or she is premature or has health problems. But now there's reason to worry that many NICUs, places that are supposed to be dedicated to healing and protecting the youngest and most fragile of babies, are actually dangerous environments for neonates. According to a new study just published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, superbug infections — specifically antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections — in US NICUs increased over 300 percent in less than ten years.

Researchers Dr. Fernanda C. Lessa and colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used a national database on hospital-acquired infections and analyzed data voluntarily reported by NICUs between the years of 1995 and 2004. In all, the study involved information collected on nearly 5.9 million patient-days in 149 NICUs across the country.

In newborns, infections that occur during the first three days of life are most often acquired during labor and delivery. On the other hand, late-onset infections, defined as infections that developed more than three days after a child was born, are known to be primarily transmitted by parents, doctors, nurses and other health care personnel. The investigators focused on late-onset infections and found that out of about 4,400 Staph infections with antibiotic resistance, 23 percent were found to be the result of a MRSA superbug.

From 1995 to 2004, the rate of late-onset MRSA infections soared from less than one for every 10,000 hospital days to three infections per 10,000 hospital days — an enormous increase of 308 percent. The types of MRSA infections were not found to change during the years studied. About 30 percent involved bloodstream infections. Other frequent kinds of MRSA infections that were identified included pneumonia and eye infections (conjunctivitis).

For some reason, the steepest rise in MRSA infections occurred after 2002. While the tiniest babies with extremely low birth weights of 1,000 grams (about 35 ounces) had the sharpest increase in MRSA infections, the superbug infection rate actually rose in all birth weight groups.

The ever increasing rate of superbugs has become a worldwide public health problem, with Staph bacteria developing resistance to commonly used antibiotics. MRSA infections have increasingly been found within communities and not just in hospitals. However, in the new study the Staph strains found in NICUs were clearly in the class of superbugs responsible for hospital-acquired infections, not those which have been reported in the non-medical community setting.

So what's the bottom line result of the study? According to researchers Dr. Fernanda C. Lessa and colleagues at the CDC there is clearly a need for healthcare workers to follow routine infection control steps that are already well-known to be effective in preventing the spreading of MRSA infections. They aren't high tech chemicals or vaccines, either. Instead, the most important is simple hand washing.

As reported earlier in Natural News,  one approach to fighting superbugs in hospitals has already backfired. A study showed that instead of killing potentially dangerous infections, disinfectant wipes may actually spread drug-resistant and sometimes deadly bacteria.

Featured Articles

A Dialogue On Colloidal Silver, Which Do You Think Is More Believable?

Pro response to the Con below:

Don't believe all the mainstream information on this thread – the only risk properly made and administered colloidal silver poses is to the huge profits of the pharmaceutical industry's patented antibiotics – which are less effective, less safe and far more expensive.

I have personally witnessed and heard testimonials to nano-sized particles of colloidal and ionic silver healing everything from minor skin, eye and ear infections, sore throats, colds and flu to MRSA, Chrohns, Lyme, Candida, Fibormyalgia and much more. Yes, that is right, a good colloidal or ionic silver will heal MRSA – the deadly antibotic resistant staph infection that mainstream medicine has no answer to. One such person is my own father.

Silver receptors have been discovered on human nervous tissues – indicating that, far from being a health threat, silver is actually an essential item. If nano-sized particles of silver is quackery, one wonders why NASA and the Russian space agencies use it to purify the astronauts water in the space station? Or why Potters for Peace uses it in their filters to purify water in underdeveloped countries? Why one supposes do most major hospital burn units use silver bandages and often have no scarring even with third degree burns? Or why does the Hong Kong subway system use colloidal silver to prevent the spread of infections in their subways?

Silver ineffective? That rather flies in the face of the Merck Index, which demonstrated silver was effective at killing over 650 single celled pathogens. Prior to the advent of patentable and more profitable sulfa-drugs and antibiotics, silver was an essential ingredient in no less than 34 FDA approved prescribed and over the counter medications. Silver did not become less effective (in fact, with improved technology to make sub nanometer sized particles, it has become much more effective), it simply became less profitable and a threat to the patented products of the drug companies.

Silver makes you blue? Rubbish! Millions of people use it, so where are all the tribes of Smurffs? All you find are very rare instances like the famous blue man Paul Karason, who we have seen paraded around to endless media shows and publications. He made his own home-made ionic silver, contaminated it with salt and drank over a quart a day for months on end. Seldom mentioned is the fact that Karason, who claims silver saved his life from at least three serious conditions, took a complete physical at Mount Sinai Hospital at the request of one of the talk shows and, despite the blueness he seems to revel in, was given a clean bill of health.

One has to cast a jaundiced eyes at the motivation of those who always spring forward to condemn silver. And I note that, after years of denying silver's benefits, a group of so-called activist and environmental organizations got together to petition the EPA to regulate silver as a pesticide. Their reasoning – silver kills bacteria and viruses, which they chose to define as "pests". Isn't it interesting that virtually every group that signed up to initiate the petition was discovered to have funding and/or other links to the pharmaceutical companies.

You can pretty well count on industry-backed "studies" and articles condemning just about anything that represents a threat to patented drugs. After all, there is a trillion dollars a year at stake. And that includes natural vitamins, minerals and plants (remember the FDA going after Washington cherry growers because the dared suggest they had health benefits?). I have to wonder when did God and Nature become quacks, and man become God?

Pravda recently announced that colloidal silver beats the Swine Flu. It is a shame that we find more truth about some things like colloidal silver in a publication like Pravda than in our own mainstream media – which not coincidentally receives hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising from the drug companies annually. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr recently noted though – due to the control of our media by special interests we are the least informed of all the developed countries.

For more real information about colloidal silver, see:

Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine "Singing the Blues"

Merck, other Pharma Companies Funding Activist Groups behind the EPA Petition to Regulate Silver

Colloidal Silver Beats the Swine Flu

The Merck Index (listing pathogens killed by colloidal silver)


Colloidal Silver had been tested by medical science and the outcome is always negative. This treatment is ineffective and actually quite dangerous.

"the Food and Drug Administration's 1999 ruling that colloidal silver is not recognized as a safe or effective treatment in over-the-counter products for any condition, and its manufacturers therefore cannot make drug-like claims about the product. "

"Considered potentially toxic by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration"

"there's no evidence that taking colloidal silver can do anything to fight disease or improve health, says Dr. Edmund Pribitkin, a professor of otolaryngology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia"

"the National Institutes of Health warns that large doses of colloidal silver could cause seizures, kidney damage, stomach trouble, headaches and fatigue"

"People are spending a lot of money on something that has never been proven to work",1,5020689.story

Argyria (Skin turning blue) can occur after many months of exposure.

"Argyria occurs in people who eat or breathe in silver over a long period (several months to many years)"

"Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. One is argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the body. Argyria is not treatable or reversible."

Please don't put your hope in these scams, you'll end up with is less money and could get terrible side effects from unproven and untested medicines.

Tony I- The 'Big Pharma' conspiracy theory is nonsense. 'Big Alt Med' makes a LOT of money from selling alternative medicines. Both fields are out to make money, but mainstream medicine is the only one that can prove efficacy of most products.
If your best evidence is what you've seen and testimonials, that just doesn't hold up. If silver works, you can easily prove it with a proper double blinded test, using the agreed on standards of scientific testing. If you don't trust 'big pharma' to do the tests, do them yourself. Write your results in a peer reviewed journal. If you can prove it works, we'll be happy to apologise.

When you've finished doing that test, you'll also need to do a full scale test on human subjects to prove that it is safe. It is disgusting that you tell people it is safe without the evidence to prove it… and the fact that you've seen people take it without problems is NOT evidence. Are you really that stubborn in your beliefs that you don't care if people are injured?

Unfortunately most proponents of silver don't do proper tests. They just believe what they want without evidence. That's is fine if you want to keep your beliefs private – but the moment you come on here and give unproven medical advice to people, you're putting lives in danger.

The Best Years In Life

Merck Funds Activist Groups Behind EPA Petition to Regulate Silver

by Tony Isaacs

Recently it was revealed that a handful of the activist agencies behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide have received funding from pharmaceutical giant Merck, which annually has hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from patented antibioics which many believe are less effective, less safe and far more expensive than colloidal nano-silver products.  Now, further investigation has discovered that the initial revelations may just be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Merck and other pharmaceutical companies' funding of the groups who support the EPA petition.

The actual source of the funding that was first revealed in emails and colloidal silver blogsites was the John Merck Fund was set up in 1970 by Serena Merck, the widow of Merck Pharmaceuticals CEO George W. Merck, in honor of their short-lived son John. The recipients of funding who are signees on the petition to the EPA were identified as:

Funding To Activist Groups

Total Donated

Time Frame

Center for Food Safety


1999 – 2005

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy


1992 – 2003

International Center for Technology Assessment


1999 – 1999

Consumers Union of the United States


2000 – 2001



2000 – 2002

Friends of the Earth


1992 – 2000

The Center for Food Safety (CFS) which along with its sister organization the International Center for Technology Assessment (ICTA), initiated the EPA petition and enlisted the other groups which signed off on the petition, received the second largest amount of funding of any group from the John Merck Fund – second only to the huge total of the Tides Center/Tides Foundation, whose total funding of almost $2.7 Million dwarfs the combined total of $1.75 Million given to the CFS and the ICTA and CFS.

Tides Foundation & Tides Center


1989 – 2005

As it turns out, the top funding recipient Tides Foundation and Tides Center are also actively involved in the petition to regulate silver, as well as the source of funding and support to several of the other groups who signed the EPA petition.  When one goes to the Tides Center website, their position is apparent to one and all with the posting of a press release urging support of the EPA petition:

Information on Tides Center's website and other web searches found the following Tides Center/Tides Foundation connections to groups not listed as Merck funding recipients:

    *     Center for Environmental Health (a project of the Tides Center)
    *      Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (previous funding and connections with the Tides Foundation)
    *      Clean Production Action (a Tides Center project)
    *      Food and Water Watch (receives donations from the Tides Foundation)
    *     The Loka Institute (has no current offices but was previously provided office space and a mailbox in Washington. DC by the International Center for Technology Assessment in their offices)

In addition, a $200,000 grant for 2006-2007 from a second Merck Foundation, the Merck Family Fund to another petitioner, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, was discovered.

A quick internet search reveals that Merck is not the only pharmaceutical company which provides funding to the Tides Foundation and Tides Center, as this listing of the top funding recipient from the Pfizer Foundation demonstrates:

Funding To Activist Groups

Total Donated

Time Frame

Tides Foundation & Tides Center


2003 – 2004

The Tides Foundation is described by as quickly becoming "the 800 pound gorilla for activist funding." As reported on ActivistCash:

The Tides foundation was established in 1976 by California activist Drummond Pike, Tides does two things better than any other foundation or charity in the U.S. today: it routinely obscures the sources of its tax-exempt millions, and makes it difficult (if not impossible) to discern how the funds are actually being used.

In practice, “Tides” behaves less like a philanthropy than a money-laundering enterprise (apologies to Procter & Gamble), taking money from other foundations and spending it as the donor requires. Called donor-advised giving, this pass-through funding vehicle provides public-relations insulation for the money’s original donors. By using Tides to funnel its capital, a large public charity can indirectly fund a project with which it would prefer not to be directly identified in public. Drummond Pike has reinforced this view, telling The Chronicle of Philanthropy: “Anonymity is very important to most of the people we work with.”

Due to the efforts of many foundations to keep their funding activities anonymous, it is difficult to determine the true scope of pharmaceutical company funding for the Tides group as well as the individual activist groups.  Given the information outlined above, one can only wonder what other pharmaceutical funding is linked to these groups and shudder to think of how many activist groups have been corrupted by funding from Big Pharma and other companies with agendas that are anything but in the public interest.

It is easy to see how such subterfuge can corrupt decision making, the same as can paid lobbyists and political funding.  Obviously it would be in the distinct public interest to require full disclosure of funding sources for every organization which petitions a government agency or legislative body to see where there might be funding sources who would stand to benefit as a result of the desired action or legislation.

Similarly, it would also be in the public interest to require full details of all the activities and efforts of lobbyists, including expenses and the details of each meeting held by lobbyists with government officials.  While we are at it, we would also be a better informed and better served citizenry if every elected official's vote on any measure included donations and links to any companies or other entities affected by such legislation.

Granted, such reforms are a tall order, but until we see such altruistic change all the talk about true transparency in government is merely lip service – and the words from our own lips will continue to have little chance of reaching those whose ears are captured by the special interests who have bought off and otherwise rigged the process in their favor.

Customer Testimonials


I was on the website tonight, and what is the difference between regular Utopia Silver & ionic silver besides the price is cheaper. I'm allergic to anything with gold in it.

Utopia Silver is great for my allergies this time of the year. Please reply so I can make a decision for my allergies.

Thanks Alice P.

Hi Alice,
Our silver products have no gold content unless you buy Life Solution which is 50% gold and 50% silver.

Here is a short article about particle silver vs. ionic silver. Generally the particle silver is better overall, especially in the saline fluid environs of the body and if it must pass through the hydrochloric acid of the stomach.

Note that silver generally will not stop allergic reactions unless it is caused by microbial sources. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, your silver result may be limited unless the root of the allergy is bacteria attached to the pollen. In that case, silver will kill the bacteria and reduce infection. Our mist sprayers are very effective in delivering silver into the sinuses and nebulizers are best for delivery to the bronchial and lungs.

Ben in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver

Canine Cyst

Hi Utopia Silver,
I have a dog who has a nasty cyst on his eyelid which has like a "core" in the middle. The vet told me to keep an eye on it but now it's getting bigger and irritating his eye. He has breathing problems because he isn't a young dog so I don't want to put him through surgery if I can at all help it.

What product would you recommend and would you treat it directly into the cyst or not.

Many thanks for your help.

Regards Chris

Hi Chris,
Two things, I would apply silver apply directly in the event it is microbial related, but if it’s a tumor, IP-6 is what I would use also. IP-6 article on our website.

MD Anderson Reference


If it continues to grow, seeing a veterinarian may be in order.

Ben in Utopia

Featured Articles

Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations (Opinion)

by Barbara Minton

(NaturalNews) If you are living in the U.S. or many other parts of the world, you may soon be forced to accept a vaccination that is actually a biological weapon created with the intent of causing your death or injury, according to evidence compiled by journalist Jane Burgermeister. To defend yourself and your countrymen you can now take legal steps using documents she has created specifically for this purpose. After many days of intense effort and two failed attempts due to hackers, Jane has these documents ready to be downloaded. She gives them freely with the hope that others will follow her lead in standing up for their rights while there is still time.

Any person can call his or her local district court and find out how to file a criminal complaint as a private citizen. Then complete the blanks in her Criminal Charges document, and hand it in. This document is a 112 page comprehensive masterpiece reflecting months of exhaustive evidence gathering and assembly. It exemplifies a dogged devotion to purpose and cause.

The Criminal Charges allege a crime has been committed

As reported on June 25th by Natural News… Jane alleges the crime involves acts of bioterrorism that are in direct violation of U.S. law. These acts have been and are being committed by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers controlling the Federal Reserve, against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. Her Criminal Charges file contains a mountain of verifiable, unambiguous and consistent evidence to back up these allegations.

According to her, there is no need for you to hire a lawyer to file these forms. As this is a criminal complaint, not a civil complaint, there is no fee required for filing it. If you are wanting to bury your court in evidence, you can include the extra back-up evidence file which presents over 100 pages of additional information and documentation.

Every citizen is entitled and even required by the moral imperative to report a crime if there is evidence. In this case, the evidence is overwhelming. No person reporting a crime can be accused of defamation because he or she is supplying proof. The person reporting a crime will not be labeled a political extremist because he is not making a political statement but simply reporting a crime.

The evidence supporting the charges is available to anyone who sifts through the huge amount of information available in scientific journals and other publications, keys in on the significant facts, and presents these facts in a legal context.

Because the alleged crimes directly affect you and your countrymen, you have the special right to file these charges. It is the responsibility and mandate of law enforcement agency to initiate an investigation if anyone presents credible evidence of a crime. That is what they are there for. They cannot refuse to accept your charges.

You are not guaranteed a conviction simply because you have filed charges. State-sponsored crimes are more difficult to prosecute for obvious reasons. The criminals you are charging have infiltrated high government offices and now use the apparatus of the state to carry out and cover up their crimes, and they will try to stop investigative and enforcement actions from taking place.

However, by filing these charges you are guaranteed that your local law enforcement officials will be required to read them and assess the evidence you have presented. Their mandate as law enforcement officials dictates that they must. At the very least, they will become aware that there are bioterrorists in the U.S., and that they are sitting in high government and corporate places. If enough people file charges in the U.S., a District Attorney somewhere may actually take action and prosecute.

The Evidence Document contains additional facts and arguments to support the notion that an international financial crime group that has annexed high government office is using the artificial pandemic virus for the purpose of genocide prior to allowing World Health Organization and United Nations troops to occupy the U.S.

Put down your blind faith and insist on accountability from your government

Not even the President of the United States is above the law. There is no office of power great enough to abolish the Constitution. It is the Constitution that grants all government officials their power. Therefore, no government official including the President of the United States can abolish the Constitution by any executive order without abolishing his own power as well.

In addition to filing charges or instead of filing charges, you can write letters to your state congress and senate representatives and add links to these documents and the evidence they contain.

You can also learn about the Vaccine Resistance Movement Petition and how to sign it at…

If you witness a crime being committed by the government, Jane is urging you to file new charges. You always have that right. Insist on accountability from law enforcement agencies. The U.S. Constitution was created to protect you.

Whether you file charges or not, these documents must be read

Links to these forms and files can be found at , under the date of June 24th. Whether you have an interest in filing charges or not, the Criminal Charges is a document that must be read. It will undoubtedly move you to some sort of action.

Steps to safeguard liberty must be taken now

At a time when we have just completed the annual celebration of our Constitution with its Bill of Rights, we must recall that the Constitution says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

And from the Bill of Rights, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Today we find that our government and other governments around the world have become corroded and corrupted by greed and hunger for power. We are facing a resurrection of Nazi style totalitarianism, under which people are being reduced to the status of slaves who are expendable when they get in the way of wealth and power accumulation.

The deliberate release of an artificially created virus by men with the purpose of triggering forced vaccination with a toxic substance indicates that governments around the world have joined forces with the criminal corporate elite against the rest of humanity.

Yet, we have been slow to wake up to this fact because we have come to believe that if we don't hear about something on television or read about it in the mainstream media, it can't be true. We have failed to realize that these traditional information outlets are owned and controlled by the very people who are plotting against us. Any mention of their true agenda is prohibited in traditional information outlets.

The powers that scheme against us have tried to make us distrustful of the information found on the internet, the one remaining source for freedom of speech. Their representatives deride reports of what we witness everywhere around us as being conspiracy theory. But once we have read the Criminal Charges, we can no longer fail to recognize the tightening grip of totalitarianism.

We have failed to safeguard our most precious possession, our liberty. We have devoted ourselves to the mindless accumulation of goods and services and we have used our possessions as weapons against each other. We have allowed our possessions to divide us, and we have become complacent and compliant in the face of what really counts. It is time to wake up from our national stupor and realize we are about to lose the only possession that really counts.

The charges filed by Jane Burgermeister with the FBI on June 10th may be the force that galvanizes us into action. By filing her charges she has rubbed our faces in the fact we are rapidly losing out liberty. This fact can no longer be denied. Many Americans are embarrassed that while our heads were buried in the sand, these charges were filed by a person living in Austria. And now we know that she has paid a high price for trying to save us.

On June 30th, Jane was unexpectedly fired from her job as European correspondent for the publication Renewable Energy, just days after receiving a promotion from them, and immediately after the Natural News exclusive article appeared. Renewable Energy is a publication of PenWell, a company geared toward coverage of the power generation industry. Jane was already an employee of Renewable Energy when it was acquired by PenWell in 2007. She believes the decision to fire her was the result of the information presented in the article. If she is correct, her firing follows the pattern of other journalists who have recently been fired as the result of standing up for what they believe is true. This muzzling of journalists is one more symptom of descending totalitarianism.

Featured Articles

Cancer Drug Causes Holes in GI Tract

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Bevacizumab is the generic name for the widely used Genetech cancer drug marketed as Avastin. It inhibits tumor growth by blocking angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels. But according to an article just published in the June edition of The Lancet Oncology, cancer patients treated with Avastin in combination with chemotherapy are at a heightened risk of experiencing a potentially catastrophic side effect. In fact, it's a side effect that could kill them before their malignancy does — a gastrointestinal (GI) perforation (a hole in the wall of the stomach, small intestine or large bowel).

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), gastrointestinal perforations lead to leakage of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity, causing an inflammation known as peritonitis. Symptoms of this condition may include severe abdominal pain, chills, fever, nausea and vomiting. Treatment includes antibiotics and sometimes surgery. In a patient already weakened from previous surgery and chemo, additional major surgery and drugs clearly pose serious risks.

There have been concerns about the use of bevacizumab and GI perforation in the past, spurring the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a black-box warning stating the drug should be discontinued in patients who already had a GI perforation. However, a direct link between the drug and perforation hasn't been firmly established — until now.

A huge hole in your stomach
As reported in The Lancet Oncology, scientist Shenhong Wu and colleagues from Stony Brook University Cancer Center in New York conducted a meta-analysis of 17 randomized trials involving 12,294 patients with a variety of solid tumors to find out whether bevacizumab causes GI perforations. The researchers also investigated whether the dose of bevacizumab is related to an increased risk of developing GI perforations and whether having a specific type of cancer ups the risk, too.

The results of the study showed that the incidence of GI perforation was almost one percent, with two times the increased risk of GI perforation in patients receiving bevacizumab compared with controls. What's more, the researchers found a mortality rate of 21.7 percent in cancer patients who developed GI perforation.

The chance of developing a GI perforation was found to be dose-dependent. Lower doses of bevacizumab (2.5 mg/kg per week) increased the chance of GI perforation by 61 percent; while at a higher dose (5 mg/kg per week), the risk of a GI perforation increased by 167 percent. The incidence of GI perforation with bevacizumab also varied depending on what type of cancer the patient had. The highest incidence was found among patients with advanced colorectal cancer and renal cell cancer, and the lowest was in patients with pancreatic cancer.

"As bevacizumab is extensively used in routine cancer treatment…it will be increasingly important to recognize symptoms indicating perforation and intervene promptly to reduce morbidity and fatality…our study might help to identify a subset of patients receiving bevacizumab at high risk of bevacizumab-associated perforation," the study authors concluded in their article.

This is not the first time bevacizumab, a.k.a. Avastin, has had some bad publicity. First approved by the FDA in 2004 for metastatic colon and non-small cell lung cancer, the drug was also approved to treat metastatic breast cancer in 2008. That decision generated controversy because it went against the recommendation of the FDA's own advisory panel. The reason? FDA approval for late-stage cancer treatments is supposed to be contingent upon data showing a drug extends or improves the quality of patients' lives. According to Genentech's own application for the approval of Avastin, this drug does neither.

Health & Freedom

Independence Now and Forever

by Chuck Baldwin

As we approach Independence Day, it behooves us to recall the principles of America's founding, especially in light of the ongoing attempt by today's political and commercial leaders to merge the United States into a hemispheric government. In fact, the clarion call for independence is just as fundamental, just as revolutionary as it was 233 years ago.

Regarding the signing of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams said, "[Independence Day] will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore."

Adams went on to say, "You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we should rue it, which I trust in God we shall not."

Indeed, the signers of America's Declaration of Independence endured the sacrifice of both toil and blood. Pertaining to the lives of the signers, David Limbaugh writes, "Of those 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence, nine died of wounds or hardships during the war. Five were captured and imprisoned, in each case with brutal treatment. Several lost wives, sons or entire families. One lost his thirteen children. Two wives were brutally treated. All were at one time or another the victims of manhunts and driven from their homes. Twelve signers had their homes completely burned. Seventeen lost everything they owned."

Yes, America's Declaration of Independence, which is our nation's birth certificate, was purchased at a very high price. Rightly did its primary author, Thomas Jefferson, invoke God's name no less than four times in the Declaration. Without God, our struggle for independence and freedom would surely have failed.

Jefferson, along with the vast majority of America's founders, knew that freedom was, first, the gift of God, not the accomplishment of men. He further understood that man's law must be subordinate to the natural laws of God.

Therefore, with an appeal to Heaven for the "rectitude of [their] intentions," America's Founding Fathers courageously forged a document that would put their own lives at risk, but would also change the course of history.

The question now is, "How long can we maintain our nation's independence?" The forces of global government seem to dominate both major parties in Washington, D.C., most corporate boardrooms, and most newsrooms.

In fact, hemispheric or regional government never had more powerful and committed allies than former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now President Barack Obama. Mark my words: if and when America loses its independence, it will have been these Presidents that led the way in making it happen.

If the United States is going to maintain its independence and freedom much beyond the year 2010, it will only be because millions of freedom-loving Americans (and the governments of the States in which they reside) are willing to fight for it.

Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. Daniel Webster gave the eulogy for both men on August 2 of that year. Included in his remarks on that notable day were these words: "It [the Declaration of Independence] is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God, it shall be my dying sentiment. Independence now, and independence forever."

To Webster's words, I say a hearty AMEN! I promise no loyalty to the North American Union, the United Nations, or any other brand of global government. When the day comes that I am required to submit to any form of global authority, I will be an outlaw. There is no freedom without independence, and there is no independence without eternal vigilance. To my dying breath I will say with Daniel Webster, "Independence now, and independence forever!"