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Obesity as Dangerous to Health as Lifetime of Smoking

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Severe obesity shortens a person's expected lifespan by 10 years, comparable to the effect of a lifetime spent smoking, according to a study conducted by researchers from Oxford University's Clinical Trial Service Unit and published in the journal The Lancet.

(NaturalNews) Severe obesity shortens a person's expected lifespan by 10 years, comparable to the effect of a lifetime spent smoking, according to a study conducted by researchers from Oxford University's Clinical Trial Service Unit and published in the journal The Lancet.

"This is the latest and most convincing demonstration of the close relationship between being overweight and poor heart health, and confirms that smoking is harmful regardless of your weight," said Peter Weissberg of the British Heart Foundation.

Researchers compared lifestyle and mortality data for nearly one million people worldwide, and found that every increase in body mass index (BMI) over 25 significantly decreased life expectancy.

BMI is a commonly used measure of obesity, calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. A range of 20-25 is considered normal, 25-30 is considered overweight, 30-40 is considered obese, and 40-50 is considered severely obese.

In the current study, moderate obesity reduced life expectancy by an average of three years, while severe obesity reduced it by 10.

"Excess weight shortens human lifespan," concluded lead researcher Gary Whitlock.

Health experts warn that it is easier to avoid gaining extra weight than it is to lose it later on.

"Being obese not only shortens life, it also leads to chronic ill-health — diabetes, high blood pressure, gallstones, back and joint troubles," said Alan Maryon-Davis, president of the U.K. Faculty of Public Health. "My advice is don't let it creep up on you. Cut down the fat in your food and use every opportunity to be more physical."

The researchers estimated that excess weight is responsible for up to one in 16 cancer deaths and one in four deaths from heart attack or stroke among middle-aged residents of the United Kingdom. Approximately 2 percent of U.K. residents are categorized as severely obese.

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Liver Cleansing Brings Health and Detoxification

by Kim Evans

(NaturalNews) Steve Jobs' public liver transplant is a testament to what mainstream medicine offers when you've damaged your liver to the extreme. It's also a testament to a consumerism attitude with a "buy a new one" flair and ambiance, instead of an eye for caring for what you already have. But these days most people don't know much about their liver, except perhaps that alcohol damages it, and most people don't know how to care for this all important organ either.

Your liver is a hardworking three to five pound organ that sits under your right rib cage. Unlike most organs with just a handful of jobs in your body, your liver has over a thousand jobs, and daily detoxification is one of its most important ones.

Your liver is your prime detoxification organ; it's responsible for rendering harmless the hundreds of man-made chemicals that most people put in and on their bodies each and every week.

Too many people accept the notion that we can consume processed, pesticide laced, genetically altered, preservative and chemical laden foods – and that these foods cause no harm in the body. Even if people don't believe this on a conscious level, eating habits often suggest otherwise.

There's an underlying belief that our bodies can somehow remove all of these chemicals, which is simply a fallacy in thinking. Most people don't take into account that these chemicals and genetic alterations are new to the food supply, and that it takes the body many thousands of years to biologically adapt to anything new.

With all of these chemicals entering your body many times each day, your liver, your prime detoxification organ, is often the hardest hit.

When your liver is overwhelmed with incoming chemicals, two things happen. First, those chemicals and toxins back up in your body and become trapped inside because your liver didn't have the resources to deal with them. When there is an accumulation of these chemicals and toxins in your body, health problems are often the result.

Second, weight loss becomes difficult because in addition to being your prime detoxification organ, your liver is your prime fat burning organ. When your liver is overwhelmed with detoxification, weight loss can be extremely challenging.

Fortunately, as with so many of our problems, nature has provided a solution. The solution is simply to cleanse your body and liver, to remove the stored toxins from your liver and to reduce your body's toxic load in general. In today's chemical driven world, internal body cleansing should be as commonly regarded as washing your hands.

Actually, most people are familiar with the substance used to cleanse the liver, but most are using it the wrong way for it to be effective in cleaning out your liver and body of stored toxins.

Coffee, believe it or not, used in an enema, is a very effective way to cleanse and care for your liver. Coffee has been used in this manner for almost a hundred years and coffee enemas have played a critical part in the success at many holistic cancer treatment centers.

According to Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Dr. Max Gerson of the Gerson Therapy, coffee enemas were discovered in World War One. A couple of nurses noticed the positive impact that drinking coffee was having on the doctors who were working at an exhausting pace and decided to try coffee in enemas on the wounded patients (enemas were a standard health care practice at the time). As a result of the coffee enemas, the wounded soldiers' pain diminished remarkably, and coffee enemas were brought to the world.

Coffee enemas work to cleanse your liver and body because the caffeine in the coffee dilates or opens your bile ducts, which is the pathway from your liver to your colon. When the pathway from your liver to your colon is open, your liver has an open path to dump its stored toxins into your colon for removal with the enema, which it happily does.

Because all of the blood in your body travels through your liver every three minutes to be cleansed, this process also cleans your blood by allowing your liver, in a less burdened state, to remove chemicals and toxins that it was unable to address.

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The Diet That Could Have Saved Michael Jackson from Death by Western Medicine

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) There's no question that Michael Jackson was killed by western medicine. Autopsies reveal a devastating pattern of drug injections, bone mineral loss (he suffered rib fractures when administered CPR) and hair loss. When he died, his stomach contained not food, but half-digested pharmaceuticals

I believe Michael Jackson was chemically abused by his handlers in some sort of twisted, pharmaceutically-powered profit motive. But what, if anything, could Jackson have done differently with his health to have avoided this tragic death while pursuing many more decades of healthy songwriting and public performance?

For starters, let's state the obvious: Performing in public is excruciatingly stressful, especially if done on a regular basis. Dancing and singing on stage takes its toll on anyone, and for it to be pursued, it must be accompanied by a serious commitment to a healthy diet.

Here's the diet Michael Jackson could have pursued to keep himself alive and vibrant while continuing to share his musical gifts with the world.

The Michael Jackson diet that could have been

• 90% plants, 10% meats (if desired)

A healthy diet must be based on plants to begin with. I don't know if Michael Jackson was a vegetarian, but he would have done well to pursue a primarily plant-based diet. If he wished to eat meats, adding a small amount of omega-3 rich fish to his diet could have been helpful. At least half of his plant intake should have consisted of raw, living plants (sprouts, for example).

• Fresh raw superfood smoothie every day

To keep up with his performance schedule, Jackson would have needed at least one major infusion each day of high-density nutrients in the form of a superfood smoothie. There are many recipes he could have followed, and here are some elements he could have included in the recipes: Raw avocados, raw cacao powder, high-end superfood powders (like Pure Synergy, Boku Superfood or LivingFuel), organic celery, raw cruciferous vegetables, fresh wheatgrass juice and much more.

• For sustained energy during the day (coupled with healthy sleep at night), Jackson could have consumed bee pollen, cordyceps (and other medicinal mushrooms like Chaga), rhodiola and even raw buckwheat granola with homemade, raw almond milk.

• To increase his bone density and greatly improve his emotional state, Jackson could have pursued a daily dose of sunlight exposure, even in the privacy of a courtyard in his own mansion. The sunlight would have radically improved his bone health while helping eliminate the need for all the dangerous psychiatric medications he had been taking.

• Instead of taking pharmaceuticals to manage his sleep cycles, Jackson could have used sunlight exposure combined with natural dietary supplements to get him on the right track: Chamomile, melatonin or even Kava Kava (once his liver function had improved).

• Jackson should have adamantly refused to consume any sodas or caffeine (due to their bone-wasting effects), and he no doubt needed to greatly increase the alkalinity of his diet through the consumption of greens, spring water and fresh vegetable juices ("Juice Feasting").

• Because of the huge pharmaceutical burden that had been placed upon him, Jackson no doubt needed a huge liver cleanse, which could have been accomplished with the help of the cleansing products from Dr. Ed Group ( or Jon Barron (, or many other cleansing experts.

This list, of course, could go on for days. With the amount of money Jackson had at his command, the natural world could have been his medicine chest. Unlike many consumers, Jackson could easily afford to eat a 100% organic, custom-prepared meal three times a day, even if it included expensive wildcrafted ingredients.

And yet, sadly, it appears Jackson's medical advisors offered him no such advice. While we can't know what conversations went on between Jackson and his doctors, from the autopsy report we can certainly gather than his doctors were all too eager to pursue the pharmaceutical injection route rather than insist that Jackson try something more natural to resolve his underlying health issues.

Choose your medical advice carefully

We can't blame Jackson for all this, in other words. He may have been surrounded by precisely the wrong people — those who kept pumping him full of chemicals rather than recommending real food. The fact that Jackson died with half-digested pills in his stomach rather than real food is a strong indication of the way he lived his life for the past few years. His doctors gave him chemicals, not food. And he paid the ultimate price for following their dangerous advice.

Jackson's death teaches us all a hugely important lesson: When it comes to health, be careful of whose advice you choose to follow. If you follow the advice of a conventional medical doctor, you, too, may die with a stomach full of half-digested pills. You may live your final years in excruciating pain, watching your body waste away in the mirror, a victim to the chemical agenda of the pharmaceutical industry (or the cancer industry).

Or, should you choose a different path, you can live a life of astounding longevity, much like Peter Ragnar ( You can reclaim your health from the chemical pushers, ultimately living a far higher quality of life than even one of the most famous celebrities in the world.

Health is more important than wealth

Jackson, you see, had fame and fortune. But without his health, all the rest was virtually meaningless. YOU can achieve a degree of health that exceeds what Michael Jackson experienced, and you don't have to be a super-famous celebrity to pull it off. Good health, in fact, is ridiculously simple and affordable. It requires no doctors, no pharmaceuticals and no suffering. It's based on the natural principles of human biology and Mother Nature, and it is within the reach of every single person living today (including celebrities).

Michael Jackson was apparently never taught these principles, and he was no doubt "protected" by his handlers in an attempt to isolate him from many outside influences. But you, on the other hand, have no such barriers.

Consider your lack of celebrity status a blessing. It gives you the freedom of not being hounded by the media or pressured by your handlers. It allows you to go shopping in a health food store in a state of relative anonymity, where you can buy your foods in private, without a gang of tabloid photographers assaulting your senses with camera flashes. YOU, in other words, have opportunities to live your life in a healthy way that Michael Jackson could never have accomplished. He was too famous, too wealthy and too valuable to his handlers. Jackson had neither his privacy nor his health. But you can have both.

And I beg each of you, please take every opportunity you have to be healthy and long-lived, regardless of whatever level of economic abundance or personal fame you may have achieved. There's a lot more to life than money and fame, and even if you manage to become the most famous person in the world, dying at age fifty is a life cut far too short.

Here at NaturalNews, we wish Michael Jackson's soul a safe journey to whatever the universe holds for him next, and we hope that his fans might learn from his health mistakes and pursue healthier lifestyles based on food and natural medicine instead of destructive chemicals. By learning from Jackson's mistakes, we can honor him one more time, even when his physical body is no longer with us.

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Top 12 Food Additives to Remove From Your Diet

by Jennifer Newell

There are many reasons that some people choose to shop and eat a completely organic range of foods, but the primary reason seems to center around the additives in various non-organic food items. Those additives have been studied and linked to various diseases, and instead of taking the chance that unhealthy preservatives and flavorings might be integrated into grocery store items, people often opt for the strictly organic route so as to avoid them altogether.

But everyone cannot afford the prices of organic foods or the time it takes to shop at specialty markets for them. Thus, becoming informed about the additives in everyday food items can make for an easier shopping experience and healthier items being ingested by everyone. In addition, a mass boycott of foods that contain such additives could prompt food manufacturers to remove such harmful ingredients from their products in the future.

Thanks to MSN Health & Fitness contributor Jean Weiss, a list of the most medically questionable and harmful additives in everyday foods has been compiled to educate the masses. There are several that may be recognizable due to news reports and popular opinion, but others may be new to some and worthy of notation.

One of the most common additives in food is the preservative, which can come in different forms. Sodium nitrite is one of them, as it is added to not only preserve food but to add color and flavor to meat products, most commonly bacon, ham, hot dogs, sandwich meats, and smoked fish. BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydrozyttoluene) are other preservatives added to foods like cereal, gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils to prevent them from oxidizing. And propyl gallate has similar de-oxidizing values and is found in meats, chicken soup base, and gum. All of these preservatives have been found to cause cancer through certain types of food preparation, such as cooking meat at high temperatures. Though the studies are not conclusive and mostly conducted on animals, all of them contain reactive compounds that can be harmful.

As far as flavoring, monosodium glutamate (MSG) used to be a very common amino acid used in restaurant foods, soups, and salad dressings, though most food preparers and manufacturers have removed it from their list of ingredients. Beware of canned and frozen foods that still may attempt to use it, as MSG can cause migraines and other adverse effects. Trans fats are also being eliminated from most foods, as the studies linking them to heart disease, strokes, and kidney problems are widely-accepted.

Sweeteners are another item to avoid when possible. Aspartame is found in products like Nutrasweet and Equal as well as diet foods and soft drinks. And acesulfame-K is a newer sweetener used in soft drinks and some baked goods. These products, only preliminarily linked to cancer, have the same negative nutritional value as white sugar, all of which should be minimized in any diet.

Many food colorings have been banned by the FDA but some can still be found in foods that require a particular color. And Olestra is a product also discouraged by health food organizations that is rarely used anymore, though was common for a time in potato chips as an additive that prevented fat from being absorbed in the digestive system. Each of these items should be avoided at all costs, as the food colorings have been tied to cancer and Olestra simply blocks vitamins from being processed through the body and blocks the digestive process from functioning normally.

Potassium bromate is sometimes added to white flour, breads, and rolls to increase the volume of the products, but there are cancer-causing properties that have prompted some states in America to actually require a label to that effect.

Finally, sodium chloride is also known as salt, and though it is a common additive in many—if not most—foods, it can be dangerous if not kept to a minimum. Large doses can lead to heart and blood pressure problems, as well as strokes and kidney failure.

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FDA Admits Drug in Tylenol and Excedrin is Main Cause of Liver Failure in U.S.

by Jane Jones

(NaturalNews) The drug in question is acetaminophen. It`s in prescription and all too popular over-the-counter drugs including Tylenol and Excedrin. According to the FDA, taking too much will kill you and the government agency also admits this chemical is the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S. Acetaminophen is responsible for 56,000 emergency room visits and 456 deaths annually, according to studies done between 1990 and 1998. In spite of this, billions of doses are sold each year.

The FDA rarely admits the damage the drugs they`ve approved do. In fact, in recent years, the drug approval agency has been in the spotlight for doing precisely the opposite; they`ve been caught hiding this information from public view.

The harmfulness of the substance is highlighted by the fact that people are dropping dead from inadvertently consuming "too much" and that begs some pretty serious questions.

Questions like – "If taking too much accidentally has a decent chance of killing me, isn`t it likely that taking even the recommended amount is doing some damage?" And, "If it`s doing damage, how am I to know what damage it`s actually doing?" And even, "Why are doctors prescribing drugs that are known to be harmful to me?"

The last question might be the most important one because in allopathic, drug-centered medicine prescribing harmful chemicals in the name of "health" and of a "cure" is done all too often. Then, the consequences of those chemicals are often blamed on the disease, or are seen as another problem that appears down the road. According to your medical provider the harmful chemicals you`ve been consuming and your health problems are completely unrelated. Besides, they will say, you "need" the drugs.

In any case, liver failure isn`t a problem to be taken lightly; it`s often synonymous with death.

Your liver is such an important organ that according to the American Liver Foundation, "Anything that keeps your liver from doing its job – or from growing back after injury – may put your life in danger."

Using a substance that impairs your liver is all the more tragic when it`s combined with other chemicals, which is often the case with drugs. This is because your liver is the organ that breaks down those substances. If your liver is slowed from doing that job by the acetaminophen, it means the other chemicals will remain in your body longer, and they too, are often toxic.

In a small step in the right direction, FDA panelists voted to eliminate acetaminophen from prescription drugs that also include other medications and to lower the recommended dosage amounts. The FDA, however, is not required to follow the advice of the panel and what they will actually do remains to be seen.

In the nineteen years since data collection began on the harmfulness of acetaminophen, it can be extrapolated that over a million emergency room visits and 8,000 deaths have stemmed directly from the use of this drug. For those who are keeping track, over two and a half times as many people were killed from this drug as were killed on that fateful day in September, 2001. And unfortunately, acetaminophen is but one drug, of many drugs, that cause significant harm to the population – all with the stamp of the FDA.

In light of the facts, it`s about time a serious conversation took place to stem the use of this drug, although eliminating its use entirely makes a lot more sense. Hopefully, more conversations about other harmful drugs will follow and ideally, with a lot less pain and tragedy in the meantime – and a much faster reaction time by those who are supposed to be protecting our health.

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OBAMA’S Health (SICK) Care CONtroversy

by Christopher C. Barr

“Health care reform is an economic necessity,” was the headline of an op-ed by Christina Romer who is chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers just prior to Obama’s blitzkrieg tour of the nation promoting what he is calling health care reform.

The centerpiece of the Obama health care reform is to require all Americans to purchase health insurance.
Yet just two months ago a mainstream new item about health care reform noted, “Medical bills cause half of all U.S. personal bankruptcies, most among middle-class workers with health insurance, according to a 2005 study by researchers at Harvard University” (emphasis added). This profound fact was buried at the very bottom of the article. As a footnote please note that the study cited is from Harvard – the President’s own alma mater.
It certainly appears that health insurance is lacking in economic benefit – and that does not even address whether it is actually beneficial to health care.
“To put it simply, good health care reform is good economic policy,” concluded Romer’s op-ed referenced at the opening of this column.
Mandatory health insurance does not appear to be a good solution if “good economic policy” is a necessary criteria.
Then only two days after Romer’s op-ed a news item headlined, “Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies: study”.
Yet the actual article opens, “Medical bills are behind more than 60 percent of U.S. personal bankruptcies.”
The very next line then notes, “More than 75 percent of these bankrupt families had health insurance but still were overwhelmed by their medical debts, the team at Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School and Ohio University reported in the American Journal of Medicine.” Again, like before as a footnote, please note that the study cited is from Harvard – the President’s own alma mater – and additionally includes the Harvard Law School of which Obama was an editor of their Law Review.
“‘Using a conservative definition, 62.1 percent of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92 percent of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5,000, or 10 percent of pretax family income,’ the researchers wrote,” continued the very next line in the original version of the mainstream news article. This line was moved to almost the very bottom of the article in later versions after the original edition.
Quick review
From 50 per cent in 2005 (according to Harvard) to 60 per cent – and then growing like Pinocchio’s nose to “more than 60 percent”, “62.1 percent”, “75 percent” and “92 percent” – in 2007 (again according to Harvard) with the numbers ever escalating in the wrong direction regarding both health care costs and numbers of health insured when it comes to declaring bankruptcy.
As another footnote please note that President Obama has leaned heavily and often upon Harvard connections with regard to appointees and advisers. Yet Harvard studies so central to his promotion of health care reform and health insurance for all – though antithetically so – are missed (or ignored).
Completely removed from the original version of the most recent medical bills and bankruptcy news item in later versions was a line that noted “only 29 percent directly blamed medical bills for their bankruptcy” while further noting that these individuals did acknowledge “an illness was responsible” or that they “had lost income due to illness or some other medical factor.”
“Denial is not just a river in Egypt,” the old saying goes.
It appears that denial is also a central theme of Harvard graduate President Obama and his administration leaders when it comes to health care reform, health insurance, beneficial economic changes regarding health care costs, and genuine health benefits.
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Learn about the Physical Causes of Depression

by Alex Howard

(NaturalNews) Currently 3 million people are diagnosed with depression in the UK, which affects most people to varying degrees, during their lifetime. Depression can be a common phase people can go through after major life events. It can be incredibly strong or relatively mild. Either way, it is uncomfortable and a hindrance to living life to the fullest.

Events that can Lead to Depression Include:
– Loss of a job
– Loss of a loved one
– Contracting a chronic disease or illness
– After an accident
– Anything else experienced as traumatic by a person

Aside from mood, symptoms of depression can also include loss of sex drive, insomnia or excessive sleep, headaches and irritability. When depression continues for an extended period of time, it seems to have an inexplicable cause, or treatment by psychiatrists or psychologists seems to be ineffective. It is definitely worth looking at the nutritional imbalances below that are now increasingly being linked with depression. The mind and body are connected, and just as the mind and emotions can affect the physical health of the body, the imbalances in the physical body can also affect your mood, mind and emotions.

These Nutritional Imbalances May include:

-Essential fatty acid deficiency – Omega 3 fats have been found to regulate and improve the performance of neuro-transmitters in the brain, including serotonin. Neurotransmitters are used by the brain to send messages from one cell to another. Serotonin is a neuro-transmitter which makes people feel happy. Low amounts of omega 3 fats are associated with depression. Omega 3 has been found often to be deficient in the diet, due to modern day cooking methods and a change in food choices in the diet (i.e. there is less intake of oily fish, nuts and seeds).

-Under-active thyroid – An under-active thyroid is one of the most common causes of depression. Often, as a result of stress and poor nutrition, nutrients required by the thyroid gland to produce the hormone thyroxine become depleted. Thyroxine is a hormone which tells the brain and body cells to stay active. Nutrients including iodine, tyrosine and zinc and selenium are all important in supporting the thyroid gland.

-Amino acid deficiency – Amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan provide the basis for the body's production of important neuro-transmitters in the body. These neuro-transmitters include serotonin, noradrenalin, adrenalin and dopamine. Adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine are associated with feeling motivated, happy and able to deal with stress. Stress and a poor diet can deplete the production of these neuro-transmitters in the body. Supplementing with tryptophan (or 5-hydroxy-tryptophan) keeps depression at bay.

-B vitamins, Vitamin C, magnesium, iron and zinc deficiency – Symptoms of depression have been linked to low levels of Vitamins B3, B6, B12, and C, Folic acid, magnesium, iron and zinc which are all needed to help the body change amino acids into neurotransmitters. Deficiencies in some of these vitamins also cause high homocysteine levels. High homocysteine causes inflammation in the brain and body, and has now been linked with depression together with other mental health problems.

-Blood sugar imbalance – A diet high in refined carbohydrates contributes to nutrient deficiency, which can lead to high homocysteine, and a low protein intake, resulting in deficiencies in neurotransmitters (as mentioned above), and blood sugar balance problems. According to Dr Joel Robertson, low serotonin has also been linked to a higher complex carbohydrate intake, and a fast drop in blood sugar; both of which are linked to a drop in tryptophan, (the precursor to serotonin).

-Food allergies and intolerances – There are a number of foods that are known to cause various mental health problems, including depression. The most common one is wheat, and others include: cow's dairy, oranges, eggs, non-wheat grains, foods which contain yeast, shellfish, nuts, soya and the nightshade family. When the body reacts to an allergen, it creates an immune system response. This can result in raised histamine levels, which in turn have been linked to depression.

-Adrenal Exhaustion – The adrenals produce a number of hormones including DHEA, adrenalin and noradrenalin which are all motivational hormones. Stress can cause the adrenals to become depleted. Eating a healthy diet and taking specific supplements such DHEA has been found to improve symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

-Pyroluria – Pyroluria is linked to depression and other mental health issues, and results from a genetically increased need for zinc and Vitamin B6. Stress can also deplete zinc. A healthy diet and supplementation of relatively large amounts would be required: 50mg zinc and 500mg of Vitamin B6 daily. People with pyroluria produce too many chemicals called "pyrroles," which deplete the body of essential nutrients.

-Heavy metals – Heavy metals from sources such as mercury, lead, copper and cadmium (even in relatively low levels), are toxic and have been associated with symptoms including anxiety, depression and fatigue. Increasing fiber, anti-oxidants and antagonistic minerals such as zinc and calcium can reduce metal toxicity.

-High histamine level – Some people are genetically programmed to overproduce histamine. Researchers at the Brain Bio Centre in Princeton, U.S. have found high histamine in a substantial number of patients with depression. They need extra anti-histamine nutrients including vitamin c, zinc, manganese and vitamin B6.