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Restore Energy And Lift Your Mood With Vitamin B12

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) A deficiency of vitamin B12 can manifest itself as depression, mania, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, lack of concentration and more. Without enough B12, our health and energy levels suffer. Because B12 plays a crucial role in turning carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy, it is necessary to have adequate levels of B12 to extract energy from the food we eat. B12 also protects brain cells and affects our state of mind.


What causes vitamin B12 deficiency?

B12 deficiency is often linked to vegetarian and vegan diets because foods that contain B12 (such as milk, eggs and liver) are not part of the meal plan. However, this is only one possible cause of a B12 deficiency. You may also be deficient in B12 if stomach acid levels are low, if your gut flora is imbalanced and if your intestinal lining is not functioning properly. As we age, our absorption of vitamin B12 diminishes, so the older we get the more likely we are to suffer from a deficiency.

The Importance of B12

Ignoring how B12 affects our moods is a grave mistake. One 2003 Finnish study noted that those with higher serum B12 levels were more likely to overcome depression. Other studies have verified the connection between depression and B12 deficiency.

The great thing about vitamin B12 is its balancing effect. It increases energy, but it also calms the system. One small study showed that while B12 injections shortened overall sleep time, quality of sleep and daytime alertness were improved.

Testing and Supplementation

Testing B12 levels may help you determine whether or not you have a deficiency, but it may not speak to whether or not you would benefit from supplementation. In 1975 at McGill University, researchers noted that patients showed great improvement in their symptoms when they received B12 therapy–even when their B12 levels tested within normal range.

For these reasons, a great many people may find that vitamin B12 therapy can restore their energy levels and improve their moods. Therapy may include oral supplementation (usually of the more bioavailable form of B12, methylcobalamin) or intravenous injections for those who have severe deficiencies.

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How To Curb Junk Food Cravings Naturally

by: Anthony Gucciardi

(NaturalNews) Binge eating of sugary or fatty junk foods brought on by periods of emotional stress or otherwise may be remedied by consuming saturated fat, finds new research. The reason that many are drawn to junk foods in the first place is a nutritional deficiency. Cravings for chocolate may indicate a magnesium deficiency, for example. Similarly, your body may desire saturated fat during your craving for junk food.

Trace Minerals

The study is one of the first to show that when it comes to food affecting your emotions, taste isn`t everything. Instead, it is "even more rooted in our biology," says Giovanni Cizza, M.D., an obesity and neuroendocrinology researcher at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, in Bethesda, Maryland, who was not involved in the research. In fact, saturated fat may affect the brain by triggering the release of hormones. The connection between the brain and the gut has been well established in the past, with studies indicating that gut health may actually be directly linked to mental health and stability. Poor gut health has been found to be a major factor in the development of depression and even bipolar disorder.

Published in the August issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, they studied 12 volunteers, who were considered healthy and of normal weight. Researchers infused one of two "meal" options into the stomachs of the volunteers: a solution of saturated fatty acids or a saline control solution. After giving the volunteers their meals, researchers played sad classical music and showed them images of faces with sad expressions — two techniques that have been proven to be effective in inducing sadness in the past. Afterwards, mood surveys indicated that volunteers, who had ingested the saturated fatty acid solution, found the sad music to be far less depressing than those, who were given the saline control solution.

MRI scans taken during the study confirmed the findings; participants, who had consumed the fatty solution, exhibited less activity in parts of the brain that are involved in sadness. The researchers were excited to find that saturated fats helped to curb negative emotions, and the real world implications were quite hopeful as well. Those struggling with straining emotional times, who are often driven to consume health-damaging junk foods, can help ward off these cravings through extra consumption of saturated fat.

Great sources of saturated fat include: coconut oil, organic raw certified butter, organic ground beef, dark chocolate (70% or more cacao content), salmon, and organic eggs.

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Recover From Prostate Cancer By Changing Your Diet

by: Allison Biggar

(NaturalNews) Prostate Cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men in the United States over the age 50. According to the American Cancer Society, 32,050 men in the United States die from the disease each year. But, prostate cancer doesn`t have to be fatal. More and more people are turning to dietary and lifestyle changes to heal their bodies naturally and beat this disease.


Henry Stein was a typical 64-year-old man, who ate the Standard American Diet (SAD), and didn`t think he was particularly at risk for prostate cancer. During a routine checkup, his urologist suggested a biopsy, and it was determined that Henry had prostate cancer and a Gleason Score (a grading system that measures prostate cancer severity) of 8, a number that indicated the cancer was "fast-growing". This was very bad news for a guy that thought he was invincible.

Stein`s urologist explained all the treatment options, which included surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and chemical castration drugs. The side effects of radiation pellets were incontinence, bowel damage and the possibility that the radiation could cause new cancer. Needless to say, these side effects of the cure sounded worse than the disease! So did the fact that arthroscopic surgery (a new technique using robotic instruments) could be fatal due to a fat embolism or other complication.

"I decided that there HAD to be other choices," says Stein. "After all, I was only 64 and planned to live into my 100`s to see my Grandchildren`s Children! The standard amount of time to live was only was 5 years past treatment!"

With the help of his loving wife, Henry began to research alternative cancer cures. He started on the internet and poured over all the material he could get his hands on.

"No matter what your diagnosis or status, you have to start with RESEARCH. Don`t let anyone do it for you, as this is a journey, not a destination! The amount and quality of alternative cancer cure information available is truly staggering!"

He found several common threads in all the sites he examined. All advice pointed to a change in diet- the elimination of meat and dairy products, the addition of whole, raw and organic foods, and the switch to an alkaline stomach environment, which is created by eating mostly fruits and vegetables.

"When they say, "Change your lifestyle" and "Change your diet" they really mean "CHANGE!" Stein explains. "Like in obliterate all previously held beliefs, food choices, desires and favorite fast foods."

After 64 years of being a meat-eater, Stein gave up the Standard American Diet to become a vegan. He also installed a water filtration system to alkalize his water supply and started doing yoga, something he never envisioned his body could achieve.

"I was the only guy in yoga class," he laughs, "but now there is another guy in the class; if he shows up again!"

After only a few months of his new vegan diet, his PSA score (number that grades the cancer`s severity) was down to 4.7. A few more months on his new diet and lifestyle and his score went down further to 3.5, which is considered a number within the "normal" range. Not only that, his cholesterol went from 170 down to 138. Henry Stein is on his way to recovery without ever having to suffer the unbearable side effects that result from surgery, chemo or radiation.

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Top Five Ingredients To Avoid In Deodorant

by: Danna Norek

(NaturalNews) Deodorant is an essential toiletry that most Americans have in their medicine cabinet today. Many are still unaware of the hidden dangers in the active ingredients of modern day deodorant. They continue to use these potentially hazardous chemicals on their underarms as a way of reducing perspiration and odor.


The primary ingredient used in most antiperspirants is aluminum. Aluminum is a metal, which is used in antiperspirants to help block the sweat from escaping the pores. Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer in women and has also been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Several studies have shown a link between increasing antiperspirant use and rising rates of female breast cancer and prostate cancer in men. However, the FDA has not committed to classifying it as a carcinogen. Their position remains one of "wait and see" as more definitive studies are released.

Parabens are a family of synthetic preservatives that are often found in deodorants as well. In fact, parabens are contained in an alarming amount of our body care products. A random sampling of 100 human urine specimens performed by the CDC showed that all 100 contained parabens. This demonstrates the high absorption rate of chemicals we place on our skin.

The largest concern is that the absorption of these chemicals will disrupt our delicate hormonal balance. This can lead to things like early puberty in children and an increased risk of hormonal cancers. Paraben exposure has also been linked to birth defects and organ toxicity.

Propylene glycol is another common ingredient that is used in antiperspirants and deodorants. This is a petroleum based material that is used to soften cosmetic products due to its slick consistency. It is a cheap way to make skin care products more easily applicable to the skin.

The argument that propylene glycol is safe in small amounts has been questioned by consumer safety advocates. In large quantities, studies have shown that it can cause damage to the central nervous system, liver and heart.

This chemical is even found in many of the processed foods we eat today. Logical thought follows that decreasing our exposure to propylene glycol is the prudent thing to do. It is for this reason that using skin care products that are propylene glycol free is becoming popular in health conscious circles.

Phthalates are another class of chemicals that are often used in deodorants and antiperspirants that you may want to avoid. Phthalates are used in cosmetics, synthetic fragrances, plastics, body care products and medical goods. They help to dissolve other ingredients and to create a better consistency.

The problem with phthalates is that they have been linked to a variety of health issues. High phthalate blood and urine levels in women of child bearing age have been linked to a higher risk of birth defects. This suggests that phthalates may disrupt hormone receptors as well as increase the likelihood of cell mutation.

Triclosan is another common ingredient included in commercial deodorants. It is utilized as the odor killing part of antiperspirants for its anti-bacterial properties. It is also commonly used in antibacterial soaps, hand wipes and gels.

Triclosan is actually classified as a pesticide by the FDA. It is also classified as a probable carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency. This classification has prompted some companies to remove it from their products. However, it still can be found as an ingredient in some formulas.

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Poor Lifestyle Habits In Middle Age Cause Brain Shrinkage and Cognitive Decline

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) The result of a new study published in the journal Neurology (the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology) has found that poor lifestyle habits and related health disorders such as smoking, overweight and obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure cause brain shrinkage and cognitive decline. Researchers determined that these conditions when present during middle age predicated lower brain volume and precursor markers for dementia up to a decade later. Identifying and controlling these risk factors early is a critical step in preventing loss of cognitive function and memory in later life.


To conduct the study, researchers examined a cohort of 1,352 people with an average age of 54 from the Framingham Offspring Study. The participants were weighed, and body mass index and waist circumference were established along with blood pressure, cholesterol test and blood glucose readings to detect for diabetes. Additionally, MRI brain scans were completed over the course of a decade with the first test performed seven years after the original biomarker benchmark.

Researchers found that those participants with high blood pressure developed a condition identified as `white matter hyperintensities` or small areas of damage to the delicate vessel structure of the brain. Hypertensive participants were much more likely to demonstrate worsening scores on tests of executive function compared to those with normal blood pressure readings. The study authors found that this single factor negatively affected planning and decision making processes and corresponded with five to eight years of premature chronological brain aging.

Diabetes in middle age was associated with loss of brain volume in the memory-forming hippocampus region at a much faster rate than non-diabetics. Smokers were found to experience both accelerated brain volume shrinkage and white matter hyperintensities at a much faster rate than non-diabetic participants that did not smoke. Obese individuals were in the top quarter of those most likely to display loss of executive function and rapid rate of cognitive decline.

The lead study author, Dr. Charles DeCarli concluded that the four studied risk factors "provide evidence that identifying these risk factors early in people of middle age could be useful in screening people for at-risk dementia and encouraging people to make changes to their lifestyle before it`s too late". Poor lifestyle choices are well known to contribute to a host of potentially lethal conditions, and this body of research continues to add to the existing evidence. Health-conscious individuals will insist on a well balanced reduced calorie, low-refined carbohydrate diet along with regular physical activity to prevent obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cognitive decay.

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Pfizer Reluctantly Compensates Nigerian Families Killed By Illegal Drug Experiment

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The families of children who were permanently injured or killed in an illegal 1996 Pfizer drug trial in Nigeria are finally starting to get the promised financial compensation for their losses, according to a recent report by BBC News. After trials involving the experimental anti-meningitis drug Trovan left 11 Nigerian children dead and dozens more injured, Pfizer initially refused to admit fault, claiming that the drug was not the cause. The drug giant eventually agreed to settle the issue out of court, however, and 15 years later is finally starting to distribute payments.


There was a meningitis epidemic in Kano, a city in northern Nigeria, during the time when Pfizer came into the country and began pushing Trovan on young children. The goal of the trial was to prove that Trovan was more effective than other established treatments for meningitis, even though it never had legal authority to do so. In the end, many of the 200 children who participated in this illicit medical experiment paid the ultimate price with either their health or their lives.

When news of permanent disabilities and deaths first began to surface, Pfizer insisted that meningitis, not Trovan, was responsible. But the Kano government was persistent in pursuing justice in the matter on behalf of its people, and it eventually forced Pfizer into a settlement agreement. And besides payments made to the victims' families, Pfizer also agreed to sponsor various health projects in Kano to be determined by the government.

"People and entities can and must be held accountable for the consequences of their conduct," said Babatunde Irukera, attorney for the state of Kano, to the Washington Post back in 2009 when the settlement was finally reached. "People around the world are no different and must be accorded the same levels of protections, always."

The original lawsuit sought $9 billion in restitution for damages and 31 criminal counts, which according to the Washington Post included homicide. Pfizer's Chairman Emeritus, William C. Steere Jr., was named as one of the defendants. While that suit was dropped in exchange for the settlement, Nigeria's federal government also filed a separate suit seeking roughly $6 billion in damages that was not affected by the settlement.

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Raw Milk Is So Healthy It Must Be Attacked By The Sickness Industry

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The raw milk raids have been peaking, and so has internet media coverage of the FDA's food tyranny. Much of Health Ranger Mike Adam's intense days long coverage of the outrageous Rawsome Food Club raid has gone viral, bringing attention to the war on healthy dairy. Here's even more information proving raw milk's health benefits.

Raw Milk is a Super Food

Bacteria exist in abundance everywhere, including in our bodies. If friendly bacteria outnumber the pathogenic bacteria, there is minimal threat to health. Our immune systems actually depend on probiotics, or friendly bacteria, to keep pathogenic bacteria in check.

Most Natural News readers know that pasteurizing involves heating that kills friendly bacteria and nutrients, especially enzymes. Without enzymes, minerals and vitamins simply won't be absorbed into our cells. So vitamin and mineral content analyzed in labs and promoted by conventional milk providers is almost completely null and void for consumption. It's dead food. Dr. Max Gerson, whose daughter Charlotte still maintains the Gerson Institute, asserted decades ago that cancer is caused by eating dead food and absorbing toxins. The Gerson cancer treatment focuses on consuming live organic raw foods and fresh juices and on intensely detoxifying.

Conventional milk is both dead and toxic. Organic pasteurized milk is not as toxic, but probably almost as dead. Only raw grass fed milk is a truly beneficial health food.

One reason why it should come from grass fed cows is Lactococci , probiotic bacterium. According to University of Wisconsin Professor of Microbiology Kenneth Todar, Lactococci are associated with grass, which shows up in grass fed cows. Grass is the natural diet for milking cows, not GMO corn. The Lactococci actually kill pathogens. Yes, grass fed raw milk contains a pathogen killing microbe.

Other research has discovered another probiotic bacterium available in raw milk, Enterococcus durans, which inhibits the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Listeria monocytogenes are a major cause of most food borne sickness.

Unsafe Foods That Cause the Most Sickness

Raw milk minor adverse reactions have averaged around 30 or so annually over the past 12 years. There have been no major raw milk adverse reactions during that time or before. But there have been some serious Salmonella outbreaks of pasteurized dairy over the past few decades. The worst was in the Midwest in 1985. Considered the worst Salmonella outbreak ever, over 16,000 people were contaminated.

The major food culprits creating adverse health effects are processed meats from tortured animals force fed grains in overcrowded spaces or CAFOs (Confined Agricultural Feed Operations). CAFOs crowd diseased animals in small unsanitary feces infested areas. These CAFOs are FDA and USDA sanctioned and protected. No matter how widespread an E. Coli or Salmonella outbreak is, the worst that happens to a CAFO is a recall of distributed products.

Factory farms are never harassed by SWAT teams. That only happens, without cause, to small raw milk dairy farms and private raw dairy enterprises. Why would government agencies do this while approving GMOs, dead factory farm food, unhealthy processed foods, dangerous food additives, and pharmaceuticals that kill well over 100,000 people annually?

The government agency revolving door swings constantly for soulless or clueless careerists who'll say and do anything for status and money. Mainstream media honors them as the chosen experts, but they're hired by those whose agenda may be more sinister.

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg's psychiatrist parents have been heavily involved with different aspects of the organized Eugenics movement. This movement is a politically correct cover for depopulation. It's suspected that these family members share the same philosophy of culling the human herd slowly and profitably.

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Poison Is In Your Perfume

by: Melanie Banzer

(NaturalNews) As lovely as your favorite fragrance may smell, there's a good chance that it's a toxic chemical concoction of poisons. The ingredients used to make perfume and cologne don't stop at natural spices and pure essential oils (no matter what those romantic commercials on your TV may imply).


The list often includes formaldehyde, toluene, methylene chloride, benzaldehyde, petroleum, and phthalates. These chemicals have been linked to a wide range of damaging symptoms, including respiratory problems, nervous system issues, reproductive issues like infertility, and various forms of cancer. Phthalates are also known to be endocrine disruptors. These harmful effects have the most impact on young children and developing fetuses. In fact, pregnant women have been advised to avoid the use of perfume altogether due to these ill effects on unborn children.

But the range of products that these synthetic poisons contaminate goes far beyond your most cherished night-out-on-the-town scent. "Fragrance" is a common ingredient in air fresheners, cleaning products, lotions, cosmetics, shampoos, and sadly enough, baby products.

Under the guise of trade secrecy laws, companies are not required to inform their health-conscious consumers what ingredients are actually in this empty word- fragrance.

So how do you protect yourself and your family?

Read ingredients labels! Become familiar with the names of these adverse chemicals and don't buy products that are made with them. The sweet connotation that you may have associated with your favorite perfume will change drastically once you learn what its regular use actually does to your body. Everyone wants to smell nice, but is it at the expense of your health and your family's?

Read those labels to get a better idea of what's in these magic potions you're spraying on yourself. If the ingredients are not clear and straight-forward, but rather hidden under the catch-all term "fragrance," be very suspicious!

Skin Deep Cosmetics Database offers an online resource where you can look up the ingredients in your favorite perfumes. You'll find that the most popular brands are also often the most detrimental.

Be proactive about researching the chemicals in the products you use. Perfume, air fresheners, and lotions just won't smell as good anymore once you really know what's in them.

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Natural Coffee Compound Can Prevent Alzheimer`s Disease Progression

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Researchers publishing in the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease have discovered that a natural chemical compound found in coffee combines with caffeine to create a protective shield against the development and progression of Alzheimer`s disease. Blood levels of a protective protein complex known as GCSF, short for granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, are stimulated by coffee consumption and are shown to thwart disease progress. Health-conscious individuals will want to consider drinking several cups of java each day to dramatically lower the risk of developing Alzheimer`s disease and to preserve precious memories that can be stolen as the disease progresses.

Researchers used mice that are genetically altered to develop Alzheimer`s disease to demonstrate naturally occurring compounds in coffee are able to fight off the disease process. Prior studies confirm that caffeine alone does not protect against the memory-robbing condition, yet observational studies in humans reported that daily coffee/caffeine intake during mid-life decreases the risk of Alzheimer`s disease.

The study demonstrated that caffeine consumption is an important part of the protective nature of coffee, but another yet unidentified chemical is required to maximize the effect. No protection against Alzheimer`s disease was found with consumption of decaffeinated coffee. Lead study author, neuroscientist Dr. Chuanhai Cao commented, "Caffeinated coffee provides a natural increase in blood GCSF levels".

Mice that were fed a regular diet of caffeinated coffee (equivalent to 4 or 5 cups of coffee each day) showed a significant increase in GCSF compared to control animals fed decaffeinated coffee or water only. Dr. Cao found: "The exact way that this occurs is not understood. There is a synergistic interaction between caffeine and some mystery component of coffee that provides this beneficial increase in blood GCSF levels."

The study authors identified three critical ways that increased levels of the protective protein GCSF improve memory performance. GCSF encourages stem cells from the bone marrow to enter the brain and remove harmful beta-amyloid clusters that are the hallmark of disease progression. Further, GCSF helps to create new connections between brain cells and increases the number of new neurons in the brain. Any natural compound that promotes the release of this protein complex will protect against the development of Alzheimer`s disease.

Caffeinated coffee consumption is safe for the vast majority of adults. The study authors concluded: "We see no reason why an inherently natural product such as coffee cannot be more beneficial and safer than medications, especially to protect against a disease that takes decades to become apparent after it starts in the brain." Five cups of coffee each day may provide a protective shield against this devastating form of dementia.


Natural Remedies Help Eczema Sufferers (Opinion)

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Eczema is a chronic skin condition also known as atopic eczema. It is a common problem among children and babies, but it can also affect adults. Contrary to popular belief, keeping a dog may actually be a natural remedy for childhood eczema. Essential oils can also help to combat this skin condition.

Eczema is characterized by itchy bumps or skin rashes that may weep and crust over. Other symptoms include thick, scaly skin, which may crack when the weather is cold. In children, eczema often occurs on the face, head, neck and limbs and may become worse when commonly used soaps, shampoos and other personal care products are used on the skin. This is because these products often contain synthetic chemicals, which can irritate the sensitive skin of sufferers.Parents of children with eczema are often told to keep their children away from dogs and other animals. However, according to Dr. Tolly Epstein, an allergist and author of a study on children with eczema, household pets can affect the chances that a baby will develop eczema. In her study, published in the Journal of Pediatrics, dogs may actually prevent eczema in kids with allergies. It would seem that dogs may have the effect of stimulating and supporting the immune systems of children.Children allergic to dogs were less likely to develop eczema by age four if they lived with a dog before the age of one, compared to children who lived in a pet-free home. The same is not true when it comes to cats, however. Kids with cat allergies were thirteen times more likely to develop eczema by the age of four if living in a home with cats in the first year of life.

Essential oils can help eczema sufferers

Medical drugs that can be used topically for eczema abound on the market. Many of these come with harmful side effects and, in many cases, are only partially effective. Essential oils can help eczema sufferers because they gently moisturize the skin and can improve the immune system. Use only the best, therapeutic grade essential oils that are not adulterated with synthetic chemicals. Dilute with a carrier oil such as olive oil or jojoba oil first.

The best oils to use in treating eczema include chamomile, rose, tea tree oil, juniper, rosemary, lavender and patchouli.

It is recommended that eczema sufferers visit a naturopathic practitioner or homeopath for a full evaluation before administering any treatment at home.