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Omega-3s Prevent and Slow Arthritis Progression

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Humans have been consuming omega-3 fats from natural fish, nut and seed sources for countless generations. Our core genetic structure depends on a regular supply of the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA to form cell wall structures and perform millions of metabolic functions that we normally associate with vibrant health. Imbalance of omega-3 to omega-6 fats cause a surge in inflammatory cytokines that can lead to the painful and debilitating condition known as osteoarthritis. New research published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage has shown for the first time that omega-3 fats supplied by fish oil could "substantially and significantly" reduce the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis as we age.

Flax Seed Oil


Researchers from the University of Bristol in England tested the effect of omega-3 fats on a breed of guinea pigs that are genetically predisposed to develop arthritis. Guinea pigs were chosen for this study as they develop osteoarthritis in a similar manner to humans. Anecdotal reports over the years provide support for the beneficial effect of fish consumption on joint health. Dr. John Tarlton from the Matrix Biology Research Group and his team set out to confirm the impact of omega-3 fatty acids, either sourced from fish oil or flax oil, in preventing or slowing down the progression of osteoarthritis.

Omega-3 Fat Supplementation Slashes Osteoarthritis Disease Progression by Half
The team fed one group of guinea pigs a diet including full-spectrum omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA) and compared the results to a second control group of non-supplemented animals. Typical degradation of collagen in cartilage and the loss of molecules that give it shock-absorbing properties were both reduced in the omega-3 supplemented group. Researchers noted that omega-3 fats reduced disease by 50 per cent compared to the control group.

Upon examination of the results, Dr. Tarlton explained: "there was strong evidence that omega-3 influences the biochemistry of the disease, and therefore not only helps prevent disease, but also slows its progression, potentially controlling established osteoarthritis." This is a critical finding, as most people suffering from arthritis are prescribed a plethora of ineffective pain medications that dramatically increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or of suffering a heart attack.

Omega fat imbalance from a poor diet causes excessive joint inflammation and needless suffering. Researchers performing this study concluded "Most diets in the developed world are lacking in omega-3, with modern diets having up to 30 times too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. Taking omega-3 will help redress this imbalance and may positively contribute to a range of other health problems such as heart disease." Many health-minded individuals will want to supplement with a molecularly distilled form of fish oil (minimum 1200 mg EPA/DHA content) each day to combat inflammation and osteoarthritis.

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US Topsoil Contains Levels of Radioactivity 10,000% Higher

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Few in the mainstream media are talking about it these days, but radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is still spewing into and contaminating the environment. And a professional engineer from Worcester Polytechnic Institute's (WPI) Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering says that levels of radioactive cesium in US topsoil have recently been detected at levels up to 10,000 percent higher than previous studies have found.

Radiation Protocol

Marco Kaltofen, PE, has been investigating nuclear material release as part of his dissertation, entitled Radiation Exposure to the Population in Japan After the Earthquake. And samples of US topsoil he recently collected and analyzed revealed levels of radioactive cesium up to eight nanoCuries per kilogram (nCi/Kg), which is about 10,000 percent higher than levels previously assumed in a study by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB).

The UCB study included soil samples taken from various locations throughout California. The sample containing the highest level of radioactive cesium came from Sacramento, and registered at a mere 0.0739 nCi/Kg. But Kaltofen's readings, which are believed to have come from somewhere near the Cascade mountain range in the Pacific Northwest, were more than 108 times this amount.

What this means is that individuals living in areas like the Pacific Northwest and California continue to be heavily exposed to high levels of Fukushima radiation that are blowing over from Japan. And if Kaltofen's readings are accurate and indicative of exposure levels throughout the region, the food supply coming from that region is most likely also highly contaminated with deadly radiation.

Cesium-134 and cesium-137, both of which were identified in the soil samples, have a relatively long half-life. Cesium-134 takes two years to decay by half, while cesium-137 takes a disturbing 30 years to decay by half. Both substances, of course, damage healthy cells and DNA, and can lead to cancer.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to stop testing for Fukushima radiation back in May, however, after declaring that "no harmful levels of radiation (were) reaching the US from Japan." But based on Kaltofen's new data, the EPA is either woefully ignorant of reality, or is deliberately covering up the truth about radiation and deceiving the American public.

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New Reasons Discovered For Supplementing With Alpha Lipoic Acid

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) Alpha lipoic acid – a.k.a., ALA, linolenic acid, or a-lipoic acid – is a potent, versatile antioxidant that also serves to convert blood sugar into metabolic energy. Recent research has shown lipoic acid's power to help repair nerve damage and possibly protect against Alzheimer's as well as declining vision. And there are many more health issues covered by ALA than most know.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

The more it is researched, the more it appears to be a miraculous substance that's easy to supplement. The term ALA will be used throughout this article.

ALA as a potent antioxidant
Unlike most other antioxidants, ALA functions in cellular water or fat. Though it is produced in our bodies, production wanes as we age. So supplementing with ALA is yet another approach to anti-aging.

It is unusual because it can actually recycle glutathione, considered the master oxidant because it recycles other antioxidants after they are used up from capturing free radicals. The ALA antioxidant even recycles the master oxidant.

That master oxidant, glutathione, is also critical for liver and overall health. Glutathione cannot be introduced into our systems directly because it can't get past the GI tract. Its normal production from the liver can only be stimulated externally by precursors. So recycling glutathione is very helpful for maintaining high glutathione levels.

ALA combines synergistically with both glutathione and CoQ10 to maximize free radical protection. As we age, uninhibited free radicals destroy internal tissues and allow bone mass deterioration.

ALA's ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier and function in fats (the brain is composed of mostly fatty tissue) has helped repair stroke victims' brain damage. It also shows promise for protecting against and repairing nerve damage known as neuropathy from injuries, strokes, diabetes, or toxic pharmaceuticals.

Neuropathy is experienced as tingling or burning sensations as well as numbness.

Again, since ALA functions in cellular fats as well as cellular water or serum, ALA eye penetration has enhanced glaucoma victims' vision and seems to slow cataract growth and retinal deterioration.

There is plenty of research proving ALA's protection of the liver, that under appreciated organ responsible for cleaning our human housing. A good deal of low energy symptoms come from toxically overburdened weakened livers.

ALA is even more than an antioxidant
ALA converts blood glucose into energy on a cellular level. This contributes toward leveling out blood sugar. A corollary to this comes from recent research.

That corollary involves metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and poor coronary health. The research found that ALA supports insulin sensitivity and endothelial (blood vessel) function.

Even bone health is aided by ALA's ability to suppress osteoclast cell production, which affects bone quality and mass. It's not unusual for some commercial chelation products to be mixed into ALA, because ALA alone has heavy metal chelation capabilities.

It's obvious that ALA is a full spectrum supplement covering a wide range of health issues. Some consider a higher potency ALA is found with R-dihydrolipoic acid. ALA works synergistically with the B vitamins, vitamins C and E and other antioxidants.

It chelates heavy metals, balances blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, protects against and repairs nerve damage for eye health, adds to bone density and cardiovascular health, protects the liver, offers cataract protection, and restores the master oxidant glutathione while capturing free radicals itself. Who could ask for anything more?

Cautions: Dosages used in testing ranged from 300 to 1800 mgs per day. Those who are on blood pressure or diabetes meds are cautioned to monitor themselves through their health care professionals. There are no known long term studies with ALA on pregnant or nursing women.

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DHS Streetlights Include Surveillance Cameras and Loud Speakers

by: S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) As part of a federally funded project, public street lights will soon have the ability to record conversations, broadcast government warnings, advertise just about anything, and possibly even x-ray bodies for concealed weapons, just like the highly controversial TSA scanners. The street light surveillance systems are fail-proofed because they are linked together through underground cables and a wireless network, so if one goes out, the rest still work in tandem.

If you thought the Patriot Act was an infringement of civil and personal rights, wait until you get a load of this. Like some strange deja vu of the Nazi concentration camps, the manufacturer Illuminating Concepts is now installing hi-tech devices, paid for with tax dollars, which enable "big brother" to monitor, record, display, and announce just about anything he wants.

Do citizens get to vote for or against this latest disturbance of the peace? When people drive down the street with car stereos pumping music too loud, police pull them over and write tickets, but no citizen will have any say at all in what pumps out of the street speakers: including political propaganda, pharmaceutical advertisements, religious speeches, promotions for unnecessary vaccinations, and inappropriate, unrated or biased information.

The city of Farmington Hills, Michigan is the first guinea pig for the new Homeland Security light poles, which include the speaker system for emergency broadcast alerts and advertising, light sensors to record pedestrian and road traffic, and an LED video display for directional instructions.

The British are already using them as surveillance tools. The city of Middlesbrough uses the speakers to bark orders at people and reprimand them for "inappropriate behavior," littering, or committing other minor offenses in public.

Beyond the video cameras themselves, the speakers may pose the most invasive disturbances, blaring out advertisements at people as they walk past. What about restaurants with outdoor cafes and patios which try to create cultural atmosphere of their own?

What about when natural disasters and emergencies are overrated and exaggerated, like the "horrific" hurricane Irene that evacuated millions of people from east coast cities, but ended up being just a tropical storm? Will there be loud sirens screaming at the public in the streets for days or weeks on end, creating a sense of anxiety and panic?

The United States could be on the fast track to becoming one huge police state
In fact, the Nazi Party depended heavily on speakers to get its message across. Nazi camp commanders used music to mentally break down the prisoners and rob them of their dignity and cultural identity, and to achieve ideological ends. By using the concentration camps' loudspeaker systems, they aimed to manipulate, intimidate, and indoctrinate.

The Jews referred to the Nazi national music, which pervaded the air by day and night, as sonic torture. The Nazis commanded Jewish prisoners to come up with "donations" to fund the construction of Dachau's loudspeaker system in 1933.

The Nazi loudspeaker system was also regularly put into action during festivals and holidays symbolically important to the regime. Could this be the beginning of Fox News broadcasted into the streets, or pharmaceutical advertisements blared at people trying to enjoy the peace and quiet of the great outdoors?

Occupy Wall Street may not have one overall definitive message, but its major topics like surveillance street lamps are the fuel that fires up the masses. If you oppose invasions of privacy and you want to support personal rights and freedom, join a movement and write editorials so your voice will be heard.


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Kelp – Find Health in This Sea Vegetable Powerhouse

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Kelp is a group of large sea algae that is commonly referred to as seaweed. This amazing plant species has been used for many years by sea dwelling cultures. It is renowned for its powerful nutritional benefits.

Kelp is part of the brown algae family in the order of Laminariales. There are about 30 different genera of this form. In the 19th century, the word "kelp" was used to describe seaweeds that were burned to form soda ash (sodium carbonate).

Kelp grows in shallow, underwater oceanic forests. It depends on cool temperatures between 43-57 degrees F (6-14 degrees C). Some kelp species grow well over a foot a day and can reach heights of 250 ft. These kelp species are easily harvested due to their surface canopy and underwater growth rate.

Kelp is extraordinarily rich in alkaline buffering nutrients such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is also a phenomenal source of chlorophyll to boost blood cell formation and purify the body.

Powerful Source of Iodine
Kelp is considered the world's most potent source of naturally occurring iodine. Some species have been known to concentrate iodine by up to 30,000 times the amount in sea water. Iodine deficiencies are becoming increasingly common throughout the world. The areas with the least amount of iodine deficiencies are typically coastal regions where seaweed is readily available. Iodine deficiencies are known to cause hypothyroidism and goiter formation. Kelp has been used for many years as a remedy for these problems.

The Japanese call several Pacific species of kelp Kombu. These cultures use Kombu in many traditional dishes such as soups, stews & sushi. Kombu is a powerful source of natural glutamic acid, which is a precursor to the body's master anti-oxidant glutathione. Kombu is often used to soften beans during cooking and to help convert challenging sugars into a more digestible form, thus reducing flatulence.

Sea vegetables like kelp are also a great source of the mineral vanadium. Vanadium helps form the haloperoxidase enzymes that help provide a natural antioxidant defense, which has allowed these sea vegetables to flourish.

Vanadium is a critical trace mineral that enhances insulin signaling and blood sugar balance by inhibiting the tyrosine phosphatase enzyme. This process also reduces glucose formation and enhances the body's ability to store sugar in the form of muscle and liver glycogen. This is an important adaptation that helps the body withstand stress more effectively.

Sulfated Polysaccharides
Sea vegetables also contain a unique group of polysaccharides called fucoidans. These fucoidans have a characteristic branching pattern with sulfur containing molecules. They are being widely studied for their ability to reduce inflammation within the body. These sulfated fucoidans have been shown to reduce pain, fight viruses and prevent atherosclerosis.

Fucoidans produce their anti-inflammatory effects by blocking selectin production and inhibiting pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and enzymes. Selectins are glycoproteins (sugar-protein molecules) that are often used to signal inflammatory processes in the body. Fucoidans also inhibit the enzyme phospholipase A2 (PLA-2) that turns on inflammatory processes.

These sulfated polysaccharides have also been shown to block the typical binding sites for many viruses such as Herpes. By blocking binding sites the virus is unable to replicate. Without adequate replication, the viruses are unable to survive.

These sulfated polysaccharides are also revered for their powerful ability to reduce blood clots. Popular pharmaceuticals used to reduce clots are also sulfated polysaccharide although they are in synthetically derived form. While these drugs come with a number of dangerous side effects, naturally occurring sulfated polysaccharides in kelp have no known side effects.

The Best Years In Life

Increase IQ With Mental Exercises, Lifestyle, Diet and Supplements

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Contrary to common misconception, IQ does not measure a person’s actual intelligence, but rather is measurement of one’s problem solving abilities. It has long been thought that a person’s IQ remains fairly stable from very early in life. However, new studies have found just the opposite, indicating that IQ can be increased by as much as 20% or more with proper diet, lifestyle, mental exercises and more.

Colloidal Gold

In a new study published this month in the journal Nature, researchers found that during adolescence, a fifth of children can gain or lose as many as 20 points in IQ. The study, “Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain”, also found that IQ improvement corresponded to actual structural changes in the brain. Children who had an increase in IQ during adolescence also had an increase in the density and volume of gray matter in the brain.

Study co-author Sue Ramsden indicated that “late developer(s) can catch up”. She likened the brain changes to changes in a child’s physical fitness over the teenage years and compared increasing IQ to a couch-potato kid joining a sports team and becoming athletic several years later.

Other studies have indicated that IQ can also be improved in adults. In 2008, a study was published which was pretty much a game changer for research on IQ. The study, titled “Building Fluid Intelligence with Training on Working Memory”, demonstrated that it might actually be possible to increase IQ to a significant degree through training.

Learning and exercising the brain are major ways to increase IQ. This can be as simple as solving puzzles, reading stimulating books, learning a new language or learning how to perform a new task. Some other good brain boosting suggestions are:

*Lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly
*Have an active social life
*Get involved in new activities and hobbies
*Write – including writing with your opposite hand
*Avoid and manage stress
*Minimize television watching
*Play challenging video games
*Don’t smoke
*Drink in moderation
*Avoid refined sugar and SADS processed food items
*Avoid water with fluoride
*Avoid vaccinations and mainstream medications

Nutrition can be vital in increasing IQ and maintaining healthy brain function. Just like other organs, the brain needs proper nutrition to develop and function properly. Brain performance may be greatly improved through eating the right kinds of foods as well as supplementing to help address any deficiencies, which may be affecting thinking ability and behavior.

Some brain boosting foods are:

*Salmon and other fatty cold water fish
*Lean organic free range beef, chicken and turkey
*Organic free range eggs
*Caffeine (but don’t overdo it, as excess caffeine can over-stimulate the adrenal glands).
*Berries, especially blueberries (and don’t forget mulberries)
*Dark grapes (preferably seeded)
*Dark green leafy vegetables such as baby spinach
*Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
*Citrus fruits
*Organic yoghurt
*Olive Oil
*Green Tea

Supplements can help address nutritional deficiencies and boost brain performance. Two of the best brain boosting supplements are colloidal gold and phosphatidyl serine (PS). Studies have shown that colloidal gold can result in IQ increases of 20% or more and that PS increases lucidity and the rate of learning.

Other brain boosting supplements include:

*Super foods powders
*Vitamin C
*Vitamin E
*Alpha-lipoic acid
*Folic acid
*Ginkgo Biloba
*Saint John’s Wort

Note: As the first study mentioned above found, IQ can also decline just as much as it can improve – yet another good reason to follow this article’s advice.

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CDC Covered Up Scientific Data Showing Link Between Vaccines and Autism

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Deniers of the link between mercury-laden vaccines and autism are going to have a hard time denying the latest findings by the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD). The nonprofit group has obtained critical documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that exposes the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) role in deliberately lying about and manipulating a key Danish study that showed a clear link between vaccines containing mercury and autism.

Vaccine Protocol

In 2003, the journal Pediatrics published a study conducted in Denmark that observed a significant decline in autism rates following the country's elimination of Thimerosal, a mercury-based component, from vaccines. But thanks to the CDC's corrupting influence, the published version of the study in Pediatrics actually claimed the opposite, and alleged that removal of Thimerosal brought about an increase in autism rates.

According to the documents, CDC officials removed large amounts of data from the study that showed a decline in autism rates following the removal of Thimerosal. The agency then twisted the remaining data to imply an increase in autism rates following the removal of Thimerosal, and suggested that there was no link between Thimerosal and autism.

Upon submission of the CDC's tainted version of the study to Pediatrics, the study's authors contacted CDC officials to let them know that the agency had incorrectly interpreted the data. They tried to tell the CDC that its figures and conclusions were wrong, and that corrections needed to be made.

The CDC allegedly responded by saying that it would take a look at the incorrect data, but proceeded to submit the corrupted version of the study to Pediatrics anyway. After encouraging the editors of Pediatrics to perform an expedited review of the corrupted study, the CDC ended up convincing the journal to publish the fraudulent study, which it did in 2003.

Now that this critical information has been officially released for the world to see, CoMeD is pressing the CDC to conduct a full criminal investigation into the matter, and make a formal declaration about whether or not scientific fraud was involved. CoMeD is also calling for a full, immediate retraction of the corrupted study from Pediatrics.

"This should not be tolerated by those who are entrusted with our children's health and well-being," says Lisa Sykes, President of CoMeD.

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Children’s Vitamins Largely Made of Sugar and Corn Syrup

by: Selena Keegan

(NaturalNews) Those brightly colored gummy or chewable vitamins you give your children in hopes of providing them with more nutrients may actually harm their health. The sweetening ingredients added to make vitamins more attractive to children also put them at risk for obesity, diabetes, asthma, diarrhea and other ailments. Take a look at what our label research turned up about these products.

LL Complete

Disney Princess
According to the label, Disney Princess Gummies contain: corn syrup, sugar, grape juice concentrate, gelatin, modified corn starch, citric acid, lactic acid, purple berry color concentrate, (maqui berry juice concentrate, sugar), maltodextrin, fractionated coconut oil, beeswax, dicalcium phosphate, natural flavors, black carrot juice color oncentrate, silica, annatto color, mannitol. Disney does not manufacture these vitamins but licenses its logo to NBTY, Inc. and two of its subsidiaries, NatureSmart LLC and Rexall Sundown, Inc. In 2010, these companies agreed to pay just over $2 million to the Federal Trade Commission for using false claims that their vitamins promoted healthy brain and eye development in children.

Flintstones Complete Gummies are comprised of "glucose syrup, sucrose, gelatin, water, choline bitartrate; less than 2% of: artificial flavors, ascorbic acid, bees wax, carnauba wax, citric acid, d-biotin, d-calcium pantothenate, fd&c blue #1, fd&c red #40, fd&c yellow #6, folic acid, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vegetable oil (coconut or palm), vitamin A acetate, vitamin B12, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin E acetate, zinc sulfate." Flintstones Vitamins are under the umbrella of Bayer AG, a German-based chemical company which also produces One-a-Day Vitamins, Alka-Seltzer and Aleve, as well as pharmaceuticals and high-tech materials for the automotive and construction industries.

Gummi King
Gummi King Sugar Free Multivitamins contain: maltitol syrup, maltitol, water, pectin, fumaric acid, citric acid, natural flavors, colors added (black carrot juice concentrate, turmeric), fiber." Gummi King is a vegan line, and their website prominently displays the approval of PETA. This line of vitamins is manufactured by Vitamec USA, Inc. which also produces vitamins as well as mineral and food supplements for adults.

The Centrum line of vitamins is owned by the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Centrum produces a wide spectrum of vitamin products for different age groups, including a kids chewable vitamin. Centrum Kids Complete Multivitamins ingredients are "sucrose, dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol (wheat), calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid (vit. C), stearic acid (soybean), pregelatinized corn starch, mono- and di-glycerides." The label also notes that the product contains less than 2% of the following: acacia, aspartame, beta-carotene, bht, biotin, calcium pantothenate, carbonyl iron, carrageenan, cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), chromic chloride, citric acid, corn starch, cupric oxide, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), dextrose, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), dried corn syrup, fd&c blue no. 2 aluminum lake, fd&c red no. 40 aluminum lake, fd&c yellow no. 6 aluminum lake, folic acid, gelatin, guar gum, hypromellose, lactose (milk), magnesium borate, magnesium stearate, malic acid, maltodextrin, manganese sulfate, medium chain triglycerides, modified corn starch, natural and artificial flavors, niacinamide, phytonadione (vit. k), potassium iodide, propylene glycol alginate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), silicon dioxide, sodium ascorbate, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, sodium molybdate, sorbic acid, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), tocopherols, tribasic calcium phosphate, vanillin, vitamin a acetate, zinc oxide.

Harmful Ingredients
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been linked to a range of health conditions such as tooth decay, liver damage, obesity, diabetes and ADHD. Additionally, the manufacturing process which transforms corn first into corn starch and then into HFCS involves the use of toxic chemicals. One of those, glutaraldehyde, is an embalming fluid which can induce headaches, dizziness, burning eyes, and asthma. Mercury is also used in the HFCS production process. In a 2009 study, between half and one third of all products containing HCFS were found to have mercury contamination (…).

Unfortunately, maltitol, one of the substitutes some companies use for HCFC, carries its own health issues. Products containing maltitol technically qualify as "sugar-free." Maltitol is a sugar alcohol, meaning its chemical structure resembles both sugar and alcohol. Unlike sugar, sugar alcohols are not fully absorbed in the bloodstream so they have less impact on blood sugar. Sugar alcohols cannot cause inebriation but they can ferment in the intestinal tract, causing gas, bloating or diarrhea.

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Naked Body Scanners Have Up to 40% Error Rate

by: Christina Luisa

(NaturalNews) Recently trials of the naked full-body scanning machines in Australia have revealed that the highly invasive technology has a huge error rate of up to 40%, but Australian government officials plan to set up the scanners in airports regardless.

Radiation Protocol

These radiation-launching machines, also known as Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT), have once again been proven completely incompetent and absurd even though Australian Transport Minister Anthony Albanese described the scanners as the "most advanced passenger screening technology available in the world."

The Australian Office of Transport Security announced this week that out of 23,500 scans carried out at Melbourne and Sydney airports throughout the months of August and September, around 20 to 40% of the alarms set off were done so in error. What's even more ridiculous is the lack of certainty as to what exactly caused the machines to raise false alarms in the first place.

In other words, not only are these dangerous and ineffective naked scanners beaming serious amounts of radiation into passengers, they're needlessly setting off alarms for unknown reasons– and STILL the Australian government plans to continue installing them. This isn't comforting considering NaturalNews learned earlier this year that the energy emitted by these machines may damage human DNA (…).

Sound the alarm — this sweaty passenger is clearly a terrorist!
Prison Planet reported in August that it was suspected that passenger sweat is one of the main causes of the error, although this possibility has not been confirmed (…). During a $6 million trial of the scanners, the alarms were set off repeatedly at an Australian airport by passengers with sweaty armpits. In fact, one of the machines unnecessarily set off an alarm three different times on the second person to walk through it at a Sydney airport.

TSA plans to keep the scanners coming despite their now-proven inefficiency
Despite the massive glitch rate that has become apparent through the scanner trials, Office of Transport Security executive director Paul Retter told a recent Senate estimates committee hearing that the technology was improving "on a weekly and monthly basis." And while security experts have repeatedly warned that the scanners cannot even detect explosives successfully, Retter still insisted the inefficient and dangerous technology provides "the best chance in the world today to detect explosives, including home-made explosives."

He also claimed that while the government has not yet decided whether to entirely adopt the technology, he plans to recommend the scanners be installed at eight international airports. This "rollout" of scanners will likely begin in the early part of 2012.

The German government says, 'No futile radiation for us'
Before the Australian trials, the German government decided to abandon plans to use the full-body scanners. This occurred after police described the radiation-heavy machines as "useless" following a 10-month trial.

According to a German federal police report (…), 35 percent of the 730,000 passengers checked by the deficient scanners set off the alarm multiple times although they had nothing prohibited on their person whatsoever. In fact, the same report noted that an alarm was raised without reason in roughly seven out of every ten cases, adding that the scanners did not deal well with people wearing layers of clothing or boots and zip fasteners. Even the posture of passengers passing through seemed to affect the probability of a false alarm!

The German report concluded that the machines are far too sensitive to movement, and they operate too slowly to be of any practical use.

Potentially dangerous AND ineffective? The TSA could care less
These findings clearly reveal that these defective full-body scanners do not yield reliable results and are more than undependable — they are useless. They fire radiation into passengers and raise false alarms over absolutely nothing. They require people to pass through them multiple times and therefore repeatedly shower them with radiation WITHOUT CAUSE.

Yet the Department of Homeland Security in the US continues to roll out hundreds more of the scanning machines into airports across the country, all the while falsely claiming the machines have passed rigorous safety and efficiency tests. Their statements about the scanners, in fact, have been reported by Prison Planet to be "highly questionable at best" (…).

These very same scanners — which now have been PROVEN ineffective — have never been proven safe for human use, and even the TSA couldn't tell us whether or not the long-term effects of their radiation could cause everything from cancer to infertility. In fact, the president of the Allied Pilots Association (APA) even issued a letter urging all pilots to opt out of the full-body scanning . Yet the scanners are still carelessly being rolled out in airports all over the US.

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Green Vegetable Consumption Stimulates Immune System

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) We all know that our immune system is the first line of defense against a wide array of potentially deadly pathogens, bacteria and viruses. Yet many people take this crucial defense barrier for granted and do little to ensure that they are adequately protected against a multitude of microscopic invaders. Researchers publish the result of a research body performed at the University of Cambridge in the journal Cell, and they demonstrate that compounds found in green vegetables, from bok choy to broccoli, are the source of a chemical signal that is important to activate a fully functioning immune system. Help protect yourself and your family from maladies ranging from the common cold and influenza to autoimmune diseases and certain cancers by including healthy portions of green vegetables in your daily diet.

Immune Booster Protocol

Prior research indicated the breakdown of cruciferous vegetables can yield a compound that can be converted into a molecule, which triggers the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) on cell wall surfaces. Further reports found AhR's can be regulated by dietary ingredients found primarily in vegetables including broccoli, kale, spinach and many varieties of leafy greens. This action ensures that immune cells in the gut and the skin known as intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs) function properly.

Include Ten or More Fresh Vegetable Servings Daily to Boost Immune Health
Researchers fed otherwise healthy mice a vegetable-poor diet for several weeks and were amazed to find that 70 to 80 percent of these protective IEL cells disappeared during this short period. Dr. Marc Veldhoen, lead study author, noted: "protective IELs exist as a network beneath the barrier of epithelial cells covering inner and outer body surfaces, where they are important as a first line of defense and in wound repair." It was determined the number of IEL cells can be regulated by dietary ingredients found primarily in cruciferous vegetables.

Poor dietary intake consisting mostly of hydrogenated and oxidized fats, sugar and processed foods directly alters the surface receptors of cells lining the digestive tract, responsible for more than 80 percent of our immune response. Researchers commented: "individuals fed a synthetic diet lacking this key compound experience a significant reduction in AhR activity and lose IELs. With reduced numbers of these key immune cells, individuals showed lower levels of antimicrobial proteins, heightened immune activation and greater susceptibility to injury."

Dr. Veldhoen concluded: "it's already a good idea to eat your greens… the results offer a molecular basis for the importance of cruciferous vegetable-derived phyto-nutrients as part of a healthy diet." The current recommendation to eat 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day is anemic and insufficient in the light of this important study. Health-minded people will want to include fresh, raw greens at the core of their diet and include 10 or more generous servings each day to boost immune health.