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Melbourne Woman Crippled By Gardasil

by: Joanne Waldron

(NaturalNews) One more woman wishes she could be "one less" person to have received the Merck Gardasil vaccine. In an article in The Herald Sun, Brigid O'Connell reports that a 28-year-old Melbourne woman experienced an auto-immune and neurological attack after receiving a Gardasil jab in July of 2008. A group of seven other women, one who suffered a miscarriage purportedly due to the Gardasil injection, are contemplating joining the court case.

Vaccine Protocol

According to O'Connell, the woman's doctors originally diagnosed her with multiple sclerosis and later recanted this diagnosis and declared that it was a neurological reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. After receiving the injection, she was afflicted with convulsions. Racked by excruciating neck and back pain, she also became unable to walk. Due to the disruption of her life which lasted over two years, the young woman is hoping to be compensated for her medical expenses and lost income.

Body Count Escalating

Meanwhile, in the U.S., the Gardasil body count continues to climb. Barbara Hollingsworth reports in The Washington Examiner that between Sept. 1, 2010 and Sept. 15, 2011, 26 new deaths and many more severe adverse reactions were reported in patients receiving Gardasil injections. The adverse reactions included seizures, paralysis, and blindness.

Doctors Silenced

Doctors who dare to speak out about Gardasil are being silenced. According to an article by Norma Erickson, Dr. Sin Hang Lee was aware of some studies that had been submitted to the FDA before any HPV vaccines were approved. These studies demonstrated that there was a substantial increase in pre-cancerous lesions for those who had been exposed to vaccine-relevant genotypes of HPV before receiving Gardasil or Cervarix injections. In order to try to protect those people who were thinking about getting an HPV vaccination, Dr. Lee offered his HPV genotyping test to U.S. medical consumers so they might avoid that potential risk. Dr. Lee's admirable actions were rewarded by him losing his medical staff privileges at Milford Hospital.

Sex Fears Used To Peddle Vaccines

Dr. Diane Harper, who was instrumental in developing the HPV vaccine, says that unrealistic promises are being made about the jab. According to The Kansas City Star, Harper states that "fear is what sells." Dr. Douglass quips in The Douglass Report, "When it comes to risk, however, the sky's the limit: HPV shots have been linked to thousands of horrific problems, including a debilitating nerve disorder and dozens of deaths — and the feds were caught red-handed last year trying to cover them up."

Most Dangerous Vaccine Ever Concocted

Dr. Douglass calls HPV vaccines "some of the most dangerous vaccines ever concocted" and states that Gardasil "has been killing and crippling girls since it first came to market." In spite of this, the CDC is now recommending this vaccine for young boys. Reuters reports that Merck sales have trumped forecasts bolstered by the sale of the Gardasil vaccine, with global revenues rising to over 12 billion. The only question that remains is whether the profits will continue to climb as quickly as the body count.

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Menopausal Women Do Not Absorb Enough Vitamin D

by: Michelle Bosmier

(NaturalNews) A number of tests carried out by researchers at the Carlos III Institute of Health in Spain has revealed that post-menopausal women may not get enough vitamin D in their diets, which can contribute to a range of dangerous health problems, including abdominal obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, as well as a number of cancers.

Vitamin D3-5

Menopause can be a stressful time for women, both physically and psychologically, as the effort of adjusting to metabolic changes may weaken the body's ability to defend against various health problems. For this reason, a healthy diet can become a women's best ally in overcoming these new challenges.

"Biological and physiological changes in women caused by the menopause come with a greater risk of developing health problems in which diet plays an important role", explains Dr. Marina Pollan, one of the researchers involved in the Spanish study.

A thorough analysis of the dietary patterns of pre- and post-menopausal women has provided significant insight into the potential health complications women can experience later in life, and it has helped scientists better understand how food can ameliorate health.

The Spanish study looked at 3574 of ages ranging between 45 to 68 over the course of 10 months, from October 2007 to July 2008. The women were selected from several Spanish cities, to represent various segments of the overall population. Based on food frequency questionnaires, the researchers were able to determine that the women received adequate amounts of all vitamins, other than vitamins E and D. 29% of the examined women were obese, while 42% were overweight.

"A diet with less fat and protein that is high in vegetables, nuts, and carbohydrate-rich foods will even out the energy balance and corrects levels of vitamin D and E," explained the science team.

While vitamin D can be obtained from foods of animal origin (such as organic raw milk, fish and egg yolk), there are non-animal sources of vitamin D that vegans can use to improve their diets, and these include natural sunlight and mushrooms. Mushrooms are a 100% raw and vegan source of vitamin D, and just one cup of sliced mushrooms can provide more than half of the recommended daily intake of the vitamin.

Moreover, according to the National Academy of Sciences, "Women who have regular sunlight exposure do not require vitamin D supplements". While it is difficult to determine the right amount of sun exposure for each individual, a daily intake of approximately 5 micrograms of vitamin D can easily be achieved.

A second study published in the Gynecological Endocrinology Journal reveals a clear link between body weight and hormonal and metabolic changes that come with menopause. The research concludes that through an adapted diet and adequate nutrition, women are able to gain a measure of control over these bodily changes, as well as prevent abdominal obesity and bone tissue loss.

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You May Be Eating Food Additives Without Even Knowing It

by: Christy Pooschke

(NaturalNews) It is common knowledge that candy bars, chips and fast food aren't healthful, so it's no surprise to find food additives in those ingredients lists. However, there are a surprising number of additives lurking in more innocent-sounding products like applesauce and sour cream, as well. Shoppers may logically assume that foods like these contain just one ingredient, but often they contain much more.

Bentonite Clay
Sometimes, consumers are purposely choosing these types of foods instead of more highly-processed items because they want to avoid the health effects of chemical additives. Unfortunately, many seemingly "whole food" choices often contain the very same additives and hidden sources of MSG that are found in things like fast food! These chemicals are added to foods because they increase food industry profits by reducing production costs, extending shelf life, and increasing sales by making products more addictive.

If you wish to avoid these additives, you must read the ingredients list on everything you purchase, regardless of how self-explanatory you think the product should be. Following are examples of some foods you may not suspect contain chemical additives.

While it is possible to make applesauce from just apples, this is not often the case with commercial varieties. Many contain chemical flavorings and high fructose corn syrup! To be safe, select an unsweetened variety and verify on the ingredients list that it contains only "apples."

The only ingredient required for making butter is "cream" or "cultured cream." Some varieties also contain salt, but you may be surprised how many brands also contain additives like "natural flavor," "citric acid," and "annatto." Natural flavor is commonly added to "unsalted" varieties of butter to compensate for the lesser flavor. Annatto is sometimes added to give a yellowish appearance to butter made from poor quality cream. Read the labels closely, and choose brands that list only organic "(cultured) cream" or organic "(cultured) cream and salt" as the ingredients.

Peanuts sound like such a pure, whole food snack, but you may be surprised to see how many ingredients are listed on the back of the package – regardless of how healthful and "MSG-Free" the product claims to be on the front label. Many brands contain more than a handful of additives, including MSG and high fructose corn syrup! Be selective and choose brands that contain only "peanuts" or "peanuts and salt."

Sour Cream
The only ingredient required for making sour cream is "cultured cream." The first ingredient listed on the label of some varieties of commercial sour cream is "milk." Because cream is much thicker than milk, additives like carrageenan, modified food starch and guar gum must be added to such varieties to thicken them into a sour cream consistency. Additives are also prevalent in "reduced-fat" and "fat-free" sour cream varieties for the same reason. Read the labels and select a brand that contains only organic "cultured cream."

Certainly no one is under the impression that eating pancake syrup is a healthful way to start the day, but it may surprise many consumers to learn that the majority of syrup available at the grocery store contains absolutely no maple syrup! Instead, most varieties contain high fructose corn syrup mixed with additives like artificial flavors, coloring agents, and "hexametaphosphate." Check the ingredients to be sure you purchase syrup that contains only "pure maple syrup." It will cost much more than the corn syrup imposters, but when you consider that it takes 40-60 gallons of real, natural sap to make each gallon of pure maple syrup, it is easy to understand the price difference.

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Seven Things You Need To Know About Green Tea

(NaturalNews) If you want to completely eliminate caffeine from your diet, you will have to add green tea to your list of forbidden foods. However, if you merely want to reduce your caffeine intake, you may want to substitute green tea for coffee as your morning pick-me-up beverage. Consider these facts about green tea:

Alpha Lipoic Acid

1. As long as the number of cups you drink remains the same, replacing your morning coffee with a cup of green tea will reduce your caffeine intake by about 70%. One cup of coffee contains 100-150mg of caffeine; a cup of green tea has only about 25mg of caffeine. However, there are many variables affecting these numbers. For example, the caffeine content of different types of green tea can vary; also a longer brewing period can result in more strongly caffeinated tea.

2. Green tea contains two other stimulants in addition to caffeine. These substances, theobromine and theophylline, may affect heart rate and the central nervous system in a way somewhat similar to caffeine. These substances are also found in chocolate.

3. The combined stimulant effects of caffeine, theobromine and theophylline in green tea may be balanced by another substance in the tea, the amino acid L-Theanine which simultaneously calms the nervous system and enhances concentration abilities.

4.Take some time to consider your reasons for wanting to eliminate caffeine from your diet. If you experience negative effects such as anxiety, irritability or insomnia after drinking coffee, consider whether these might be related to the number of cups you drink per day, the time of day when you consume coffee, and what you add to your coffee to sweeten it. You may want to try cutting down on the number of cups you drink per day, switching to another beverage after early afternoon and/or cutting down on the sugar you add to your coffee. There is increasing evidence that caffeine is not as much of a dietary culprit as experts previously thought. For example, some studies indicate caffeine intake may have a protective effect against Parkinson's disease as well as liver and colorectal cancers.

5. If you feel certain that the caffeine in coffee is having a negative effect on your health, or if your health goals include weight loss or better dental health, you may want to switch from coffee to green tea, either entirely or midway through the day. Green tea boosts metabolism, helping the body burn fat more efficiently. Unlike coffee, which gives people bad breath, green tea has a natural antibiotic effect, killing bacteria in the mouth, which not only combats bad breath but can contribute to better dental check-ups. Also, green tea can help protect against heart disease.

6. As with any foods, careful selection of the most natural product helps you receive more of the potential health benefits. Most prepared teas in cans or bottles are pre-sweetened, often with high fructose corn syrup. Also, Japanese green tea leaves are often treated with fluoride. Try to select tea bags or loose tea leaves which are not chemically treated. How you prepare the tea can also have an effect: many health experts believe boiling water destroys the flavonoids in green tea which give it its healing potency. You may want to heat the water without bringing it to a full boil to preserve the positive effects of green tea.

7. If you want to receive the healing benefits of green tea without any caffeine, you can purchase decaffeinated tea. Green tea which is labeled as "naturally decaffeinated" has been treated with the chemical solvent ethyl acetate. A healthier choice is green tea where the caffeine has been removed through a process of "effervescence" using carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.

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Abandoned Wind Turbines Now Litter America

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Literal beacons of the "green" energy movement, giant wind turbines have been one of the renewable energy sources of choice for the US government, which has spent billions of taxpayer dollars subsidizing their construction and use across the country. But high maintenance costs, high rates of failure, and fluctuating weather conditions that affect energy production render wind turbines expensive and inefficient, which is why more than 14,000 of them have since been abandoned.

Before government subsidies for the giant metals were cut or eliminated in many areas, wind farms were an energy boom business. But in the post-tax subsidy era, the costs of maintaining and operating wind turbines far outweighs the minimal power they generate in many areas, which has left a patchwork of wind turbine graveyards in many of the most popular wind farming areas of the US.

"Thousands of abandoned wind turbines littered the landscape of wind energy's California 'big three' locations which include Altamont Pass, Tehachapin and San Gorgonio, considered among the world's best wind sites," writes Andrew Walden of the American Thinker. "In the best wind spots on earth, over 14,000 turbines were simply abandoned. Spinning, post-industrial junk which generates nothing but bird kills."

Walden speaks, of course, about the birds, bats, and other air creatures that routinely get tangled in and killed by wind turbine propellers. And as far as the "post-industrial junk" language, well, if it costs too much to run the machines in the first place, then it definitely costs too much to uproot and remove them post-construction.

This whole wind energy mess just further illustrates how the American people have been played by their elected officials who bought into the "global warming" hysteria that spawned the push for wind energy in the first place. And now that the renewable energy tax subsidies are gradually coming to an end in some places, the true financial and economic viability, or lack of wind energy, is on display for the world to see.

"It is all about the tax subsidies," writes Don Surber of the Charleston Daily Mail. "The blades churn until the money runs out. If an honest history is written about the turn of the 21st century, it will include a large, harsh chapter on how fears about global warming were overplayed for profit by corporations."

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Scientist Deliberately ‘Militarizes’ Flu Strain

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) For years, health officials from around the world have been warning that the H5N1 avian flu virus, which is currently not a threat, will one day mutate into a deadly, pandemic strain. But now their predictions — or warnings, depending on how you look at it — could come true, as a European scientist has genetically altered H5N1 to effectively spread between mammals.

Advanced Colloidal Silver
Immune System Booster Protocol

NPR reports that Dr. Ron Fouchier from Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands announced at a recent flu conference in Malta that he had discovered a way to make the avian flu virus more contagious. By deliberately modifying the virus' genes, Dr. Fouchier was able to induce H5N1 transmission between ferrets, which represent the animal model typically used to study flu transmission between humans.

So in case you missed it, a virologist has deliberately altered the deadly H5N1 avian flu virus to become more transmissible between mammals — and he has done so in the name of studying the nature of the virus and, according to NPR, "what it is capable of." Never mind that in its native state, H5N1 is incapable of doing much at all on a global scale. Now that it has been purposely altered, the virus could eventually have devastating global consequences should it ever be released into the wild.

"It's just a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a lethal and highly contagious virus," said Dr. Thomas Inglesby, a bioterrorism expert and director of the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, concerning the experiment. "And it's a second bad idea for them to publish how they did it so others can copy it."

Though Dr. Fouchier has not yet published his findings in a scientific journal, he very well could in the near future. In response to an NPR inquiry as to whether or not he intends to publish the study, Dr. Fouchier allegedly told NPR via email that he refused to comment until a National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity committee decides whether or not to recommend that the study be published.

In defense of publishing sensitive studies of this nature, Lynn Enquist, editor in chief of the Journal of Virology, told NPR that it is necessary in order to "be prepared" for how the virus might evolve and spread.

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Garlic Oil Compound Found To Offer Heart Protection

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Emory University (EU) School of Medicine in Atlanta, Ga., have discovered a natural compound derived from garlic oil, known as diallyl trisulfide, that protects against heart damage. When taken after a heart attack, during cardiac surgery, or as a treatment for heart failure, this powerful compound was found to reduce tissue damage by 61 percent.

Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup
Membrane Complex

David Lefer, PhD, professor of surgery at EU and director of the school's Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Laboratory, and postdoctoral fellow Benjamin Predmore tested the effects of diallyl trisulfide on a group of mice. The duo deliberately blocked the coronary arteries of the mice for 45 minutes in order to simulate a heart attack.

Just as they were about to release the blockages, the team administered diallyl sulfide to some of the mice. After the compound was administered, the team observed a reduction in the proportion of heart tissue damage by 61 percent compared to mice that did not receive the compound.

"Interruption of oxygen and blood flow damages mitochondria, and loss of mitochondrial integrity can lead to cell death," said Lefer. "We see that diallyl sulfide can temporarily turn down the function of mitochondria, preserving them and lowering the production of reactive oxygen species."

The findings are noteworthy because, currently, doctors typically inject hydrogen sulfide-producing drugs directly into heart patients. In high doses, hydrogen sulfide is a highly-toxic chemical gas that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), can cause respiratory, immunological, lymphoreticular, cardiovascular, and neurological damage, as well as death, when inhaled (…).

Diallyl sulfide, on the other hand, is simply a natural organosulfur compound in garlic oil that naturally produces small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas. This method appears to be safer and come with less side effects than the synthetic drug-based versions.

The diallyl sulfides in garlic are also linked to the production of ferroportin. Ferroportin facilitates the release of stored iron in the body at times when it is needed, which is essential for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to bodily tissue, as well as for other functions.

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Folate Helps Fight Colorectal Cancer

by: Michelle Bosmier

(NaturalNews) A study published earlier this year in Gastroenterology, the official journal of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute, has revealed that folic acid may influence the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer in humans. Also known as vitamin B9, folic acid is a water soluble vitamin which is not itself biologically active, but that becomes biologically relevant following its conversion to dihydrofolic acid in the liver.

Liquid Life Complete

Dr. Victoria Stevens of the American Cancer Society and the lead scientist involved in this study pointed out that "all forms and sources of folate were associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer" and that "the strongest association was with total folate, which suggests that total folate intake is the best measure to define exposure to this nutrient because it encompasses all forms and sources."

The research looked at 99,523 participants in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort, to analyze the link between folate intake and colorectal cancer. Scientists discovered that a higher folate intake correlates positively with a lower incidence of colorectal cancer. Moreover, this was the first study which discriminated between different chemical forms of folate, by looking at both natural folates and folic acid.

Vitamin B9 is considered essential for a multitude of bodily functions: including in the synthesis and repair of DNA molecules to methylate DNA and to cofactors in a number of biological reactions. It plays a major role in aiding rapid cell division and growth, making it vital to pregnant women and children (since a lack of proper folate intake can have devastating effects on child development).

Moreover, folate is used by both children and adults to prevent anemia and produce functional red blood cells. Folate deficiency can lead to numerous health problems: including neural tube defects in developing embryos, diarrhea, macrocytic anemia with weakness or shortness of breath, nerve damage with weakness and limb numbness, mental confusion and cognitive decline. Due to the link between folate deficiency and potential neural tube defects, the World Health Organization has made recommendations concerning an increased folate intake for pregnant women.

A continuing survey of food intakes that spanned several years revealed that most adults do not in fact consume adequate amounts of folic acid from natural sources, and will often rely of chemically fortified processed foods to complement their diets. However, the recommended daily amount of folate can easily be obtained through an increased consumption of vegetables and fruits. Raw, natural foods high in folate include leafy greens, such as asparagus and spinach; dried or fresh legumes, including beans and lentils; and yeasts and sunflower seeds, while moderate amounts of folate can also be derived from many fresh fruits and vegetables (including oranges, bananas, broccoli and sprouts).

A number of medications may also interact with the bio-synthesis of folic acid.

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Dietary Supplements Are Becoming An Endangered Species

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) First the powers that be create a problem to get a reaction that gives them the green light to produce a solution to satisfy their ulterior motives. The problem, whether true or not, is presented through the media to also condition the public for accepting their desired solution.


A perfect example of this strategy has occurred as a backdrop for accepting the elimination of vitamins and supplements, which may occur sooner than you think.

The messages put through the media
Big Pharma front groups and FDA press releases are readily accepted by the main stream media (MSM) without investigation. They're easy content fillers for lazy journalism. Besides, Big Pharma puts a lot of advertising money into the MSM. So what MSM hack is going to fuss over the accuracy of any Big Pharma or FDA press releases?

Most of the MSM's public is cowed by the medical mafia's powerful priesthood. So they'll accept almost anything from the medical mafia as gospel.

If it's in newspapers, magazines, and on TV; If it's from the religion of mainstream medicine; If it's also being repeated often without a whimper registering on the MSM from the other side of the issue, then it must be true. You can fool most of the people all the time.

A recent series of reports and press releases based on twisted studies, lies, and excerpts from reports taken out of context falsely publicized the dangers of vitamins and supplements. Though this negative propaganda campaign reached a boiling point over the last few months, it had been simmering for years.

Where the media lies are taking us
Remember: problem, reaction, solution. The problem of vitamins is a total lie. The reaction doesn't have to be dramatic. The MSM's shrill headlines have enough raving reactions. This is sufficient conditioning for the public's accepting the solution of FDA control over vitamins. After all, the FDA is a cardinal among the medical mafia's priesthood.

Unfortunately, the vitamin industry is headed for serious problems that will affect us all. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 is endangered yet again. Passed in 1994 as a result of a huge outcry from supplement consumers and health freedom advocates, this bill protected supplements from the FDA enough to allow supplements to be continued with marketing.

But apathy and indifference have set in over the past decade. It appears there are too many new battle fronts for health freedom, smothered by even more health agency and congressional corruption since that celebrated victory with The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994.

Perhaps the DSHEA victory put everyone to sleep. As in don't worry, the "DSHEA protects our rights to use supplements as we wish." Unfortunately, now it's looking bleaker than ever. The FDA has propagandized the nation and owns Congressional representatives enough to stonewall them and carry out their plan to completely bypass the 1994 DSHEA by the end of 2011.

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Doctors Now Discriminating Against Anti-Vax Patients

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) There are still many individuals in modern society, including doctors, that cling to the notion that if medical authorities say it is good for you, then it must be. And this blind allegiance to Western medicine has created a climate of intolerance towards those that refuse vaccinations, for instance, which has resulted in some doctors actually "firing" patients who make this personal choice for their families.

Vaccine Protocol

Before getting licensed, every physician makes an oath swearing to practice medicine ethically, and to "do no harm" to patients. But apparently this does not apply to patients who choose not to assume the health risks involved with vaccinations. And USA Today reports that a some doctors are now flat-out discriminating against such patients on the grounds that they are a public health threat.

At a recent meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Dr. Thomas Tryon, a pediatrician at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City, Mo., and his colleagues presented data showing that more than 20 percent of 900 surveyed doctors that practice medicine in Midwestern states have stopped seeing patients who refuse vaccinations.

Dr. Tryon is one such intolerant doctor, who believes that individuals who refuse vaccinations are a threat to his other patients; this is one of the reasons he refuses to see them. Dr. Tryon used to respect his individual patients' freedom of health choice, but he now insists that all of his patients either comply with his vaccination guidelines, or else look for another doctor.

Pediatrician Raymond Catteneo, also of Kansas City, Mo., has also "instituted a strict immunization policy — no refusals and no alternative schedules" — these are his own words. He believes that giving patients any leeway in making their own vaccination choices allows them to "decide something that [is] not right."

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a group that supports the right to refuse vaccines, says this attitude of superiority and intolerance towards differing beliefs by some doctors has driven many families towards integrative, holistic, and alternative practitioners that are respectful and more willing to work with them (

According to the same survey, roughly 60 percent of doctors indicated that one in 20 families in their practice has either refused or requested modifications to the suggested vaccination schedules. And four percent of doctors said that a majority of their patients have either refused or requested modifications to the suggested vaccination schedules.