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Monsanto Buys Bee Research Firm After Being Implicated In Bee Colony Collapse

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Amid all the controversy over genetically-modified (GM) crops and their pesticides and herbicides decimating bee populations all around the world, biotechnology behemoth Monsanto has decided to buy out one of the major international firms devoted to studying and protecting bees. According to a company announcement, Beeologics handed over the reins to Monsanto back on September 28, 2011, which means the gene-manipulating giant will now be able to control the flow of information and products coming from Beeologics for colony collapse disorder (CCD).


Since 2007, Beeologics has been studying CCD, as well as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), for the purpose of coming up with intervention-based ways to mitigate these conditions. And based on the way the company describes both CCD and IAPV on its website, Beeologics has largely taken the approach that intervention, rather than prevention, is the key to solving the global bee crisis.

Now that Beeologics is owned and controlled by Monsanto, the company is sure to completely avoid dealing with the true causes of CCD and IAPV as they pertain to Monsanto's crop technologies — GMOs and their chemical counterparts. So going into the future, it seems expected that Beeologics will come up with "scientific breakthroughs" that deny any link between CCD and GMO technologies, and instead blame mystery pathogens and other factors that require more chemicals to eliminate.

According to Anthony Gucciardi at Activist Post, Beeologics has also long had a cozy relationship with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is convenient for Monsanto. The USDA, in fact, considers Beeologics to be one of the foremost bee research organizations in the world, as does the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the mainstream media and "leading entomologists" worldwide, according to the company.

Monsanto to use Beeologics' 'biological tools' to develop more GMOs, crop chemicals
Beeologics' acquisition announcement explains that Monsanto plans to incorporate all the biological research that Beeologics has conducted over the years into its own programs for developing more GMO systems. Monsanto has also seized control of a key product that is currently in the Beeologics development pipeline that supposedly "help[s] protect bee health."

"Monsanto will use the base technology from Beeologics as a part of its continuing discovery and development pipeline," says the announcement. "Biological products will continue to play an increasingly important role in supporting the sustainability of many agricultural systems."

To translate, it appears as though Monsanto plans to use even more chemical inputs to supposedly solve the bee collapse problem, even though it is these very inputs that are largely the cause of the bee collapse problem. Several recent studies, after all, have definitively linked crop pesticides and herbicides, as well as high fructose corn syrup, to CCD.

The future looks bleak for bees, in other words, as Monsanto appears poised to slowly gobble up all the competing companies and organizations that threaten its own GMO products, while pretending to care about the dwindling bee populations. And unless drastic action is taken to stop Monsanto in its continued quest to dominate global agriculture, the food supply as we know it will soon be a thing of the past.

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Open Sesame! 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of This Super-Seed

by Sayer Ji

Sesame (Sesamun indicum) is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, prized as an oilseed for at least 5,000 years.  While it is beginning to regain favor due to its exceptionally high calcium and magnesium content, few realize it is also one of the most potent medicinal foods still commonly consumed today.

In fact, its history as a medicine goes back 3600 years to Egyptian times where it was listed in the scrolls of the Ebers as a favored medicine.  Also, women in ancient Babylon were believed to use a mixture of honey and sesame seeds (havla) to prolong youth and beauty, and Roman soldiers ate the mixture for strength and energy.

In the past twenty years, a glut of scientific information has poured in demonstrating that sesame seed, and its components, have over three dozen documented therapeutic properties [see sesame research page].  Given these new revelations, it would seem that sesame would be just as at home in a medicine cabinet as it would be a kitchen cupboard.

Here are just 10 evidence-based medicinal properties of this food-medicine:

    Diabetes: A study published in 2011 in the Clinical Journal of Nutrition showed that sesame oil improved the effectiveness of the oral antidiabetic drug glibenclamide in type 2 diabetic patients. [1]  Another study published in 2006 in the Journal of Medicinal Foods showed that the substitution of sesame seed oil as the sole edible oil lowers blood pressure and glucose in hypertensive diabetics. [2]

    High Blood Pressure:  A study published in 2006 in the Yale Journal of Biological Medicine showed that sesame seed oil has a beneficial effect in hypertensive patients on either diuretics or beta-blockers. Substitution of all dietary oils with sesame oil brought down systolic and dystolic  blood pressure to normal, in addition to decreasing lipid peroxidation (bodily rancidity) and antioxidant status. [3] One of the compounds identified behind sesame seed’s antihypertensive effects are peptides that act as angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors.[4]

    Gingivitis/Dental Plaque: Sesame seed oil has been used for oral health for thousands of years in the traditional Indian medical tradition known as Ayurveda in a process known as "oil pulling." It involves swishing sesame seed oil in the mouth for prolonged durations and has been said to prevent teeth decay, halitosis, bleeding gums, dry throat, and for strengthening the teeth, gums and jaw. Clinical research now confirms that it compares favorably to chemical mouthwash (chlorhexidine) in improving plaque-induced gingivitis,[5] and that it is capable of reducing Streptococcus mutans growth associated with oral plaque formation. [6]

    Infant Health/Massage Oil:  A study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research in 2000 showed that massaging infants with sesame oil improved both their growth and post-massage sleep, in comparison to control oils such as mineral oil.[7]

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS): In the animal model of MS, also known as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, sesame seed oil protects mice from developing the disease by reducing IFN-gamma secretion, a key factor in initiating autoimmune inflammation and injury in the nervous system.[8] It has also been research for its potential beneficial role in another neurodegenerative condition, Huntington’s disease. [9]

    Antibiotic-Induced Kidney Damage: Sesame seed oil protects against gentamicin-induced kidney damage in rats by reducing oxidative damage caused by the antibiotic.[10]

    Atherosclerosis: Sesame seed oil prevents the formation of atherosclerotic lesions in mice fed an atherogenic diet.[11]  The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory lignan found within sesame seeds known as sesamol has been identified to be partially responsible for its anti-atherogenic properties. In fact, sesamol has been shown to possess over two dozen beneficial pharmacologically active properties, many of which may contribute to improving cardiovascular health.

    Depression: The sesame lignin sesamol was shown to exert an antidepressant-like effect in behavioral despair in chronically stressed mice, specifically by modulating oxidative-nitrosative stress and inflammation.[12]

    Radiation-Induced DNA Damage: Sesamol has been shown to protect against gamma radiation-induced DNA damage, likely through its antioxidant properties. [13] It is capable of reducing mortality in radiation treated mice, in part through preventing intestinal and spleen damage.[14]   When compared to another powerful antioxidant, melatonin, it was found 20 times more effective as a free radical scavenger.[15]

    Cancer: Sesame contains a fat-soluble lignin with phytoestrogenic properties known as sesamin, and which has been studied for inhibiting the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cells, including:

    Multiple Myleoma
    Colon Cancer
    Prostate Cancer
    Breast Cancer
    Lung Cancer
    Pancreatic Cancer
    Lung Cancer

Sesamin’s anticancer effects have been linked to the NF-kappaB signaling.[16]

Sesame deserves to be recognized, along with garlic, honey, turmeric and a select few other substances,  as an easily accessible and affordable food-medicine that, if consumed regularly, could quite possibly save lives.

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Stress Hormones Found To Make Cancer Resistant To Treatment

by Sayer Ji

There are many things that drive cancer. Poor diet, chemical and radiation exposures, and certain infections, figure prominently in the process. Stress, however, is a major contributing factor that is often completely overlooked.

Immune Booster Protocol

What is A Drug Company’s Principle Responsibility? New research, however, sheds light on just how critically important the physiological consequences of stress are on cancer cell progression.
Adrenaline Increases Cancer Malignancy

Published this month in the journal Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics and entitled "Adrenaline induces chemoresistance in HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells," researchers found that the stress hormone adrenaline induces multidrug resistance in colon cancer cells.1

Adrenaline is released during times of stress and participates in what is known as the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system.  The study investigated the cellular consequences of adrenergic activation (adrenaline activation), which included a dose-dependent increase in the expression of the cancer-associated gene (oncogene) known as ABCB1 gene and its gene product, P-glycoprotein, which is known to protect cancer cells from anticancer compounds.  

When adrenaline-induced P-glycoprotein levels increase within cancer cells, they become more effective at excreting drugs that may do them harm, e.g. chemotherapy. P-glycoprotein is used to transport xenobiotics out through what are known as ATP-dependent efflux pumps. These are highly expressed in the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver, and capillaries of the brain, testes, and ovaries, and normally defend healthy cells against toxicants in the environment.  In cancer, however, a wide range of oncogenes are upregulated and tumor suppressor genes downregulated, resulting in assemblages of cells (tumors) that can do great harm to the body as a whole.
Stress Is As Real A Threat To Health As A Heart Attack

Stress Reduction Techniques

This study raises a very important issue in conventional cancer treatment: often the psychological health, attitudes, expectations and feelings of patients diagnosed with cancer are considered secondary or merely "subjective" factors, merely an afterthought in juxtaposition to clinically verifiable, or so-called "objective" signs, e.g. tumor markers, genetic tests, etc.  This "Cartesian" division between mind (the "ghost in the machine") and the body ("the machine"), is at the root of the conventional medical model of disease treatment, and could itself be considered an inherently dis-eased or pathological system of thinking.

Indeed, recent research published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed that the very stress associated with being diagnosed with cancer is as lethal as the cancer itself, and sometimes far more so. After analyzing over 500,000 people who were diagnosed with cancer, it was discovered that the risk of suicide was 12 times higher and the risk of heart-related death 6 times higher during the first week following cancer diagnosis versus those who were cancer free.2

If these findings are correct, and stress hormones are capable of transforming normal cancer cells into a multi-drug resistant ones, or in increasing the risk of heart attack 6-fold, then stress reduction techniques, and other "intangible" factors, e.g. whether the doctor has a positive or negative attitude or expectation (i.e. the "placebo" and "nocebo" effect), should be given the same weight as the type of chemotherapy that is chosen, or the results of cytopathology or histopathology reports.
Can Simply Smelling Essential Oils Reduce Stress?

Aromatherapy reduces stress

Simple techniques can be employed to reduce the cancer-promoting effects of elevated adrenaline in invariably stressed and anxious cancer patients.  As we reported a few months ago, researchers have found that the simple inhalation of patchouli and rose oil may reduce sympathetic nervous activity by up to 40%, with rose oil reducing adrenaline concentrations by 30%.

A few other ways to reduce stress include:

    Chocolate: If taken over a 2 week period, daily consumption of 40g of dark chocolate can reduce urinary excretion of stress hormones cortisol, and catecholamines, while reducing other metabolic indicators of stress.

    Qigong: Qigoing can reduce blood pressure and catecholamine levels of patients with essential hypertension.

    Yoga: Yoga can reduce anxiety, depression, perceived stress, cortisol levels in breast cancer outpatients undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy.

    Tryptophan : Dietary tryptophan reduces plasma cortisol and noradrenaline concentrations in animals.

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What is A Drug Company’s Principle Responsibility?

I admit, there was a time when I bought the comforting image of a drug industry that had your and my best interests in mind. I just assumed that every new breakthrough drug gave each of us a better chance of living longer healthier lives.

But that was a long, long time ago — long before I started writing about health care.

Over the past decade the Big Pharma curtain has been pulled back, and what a revelation it’s been! Disastrous fiascos (Vioxx, Avandia), trusted names, crashing and burning (Johnson & Johnson, Merck), and the unsettling realization that drug factories are often mismanaged — all of this has combined to make many consumers as jumpy as cats in a hurricane when it comes to using newly-approved drugs.

So with trust in pharmaceuticals at an all-time low, who is the last person drug companies would want to hear from?

Someone like Donald Light, Ph.D., who states it plainly: The drug industry is a “market for lemons.”

Ask your doctor if lemons are right for you

Specifically, Dr. Light calls the drug industry a “two-tier market for lemons.”

In tier one, drug companies overstate a new drug’s benefits and downplay or even hide details about serious side effects.

Tier two: Doctors are given misleading information that they pass along to their patients.

And a lot of patients go home with a lot of lemons.

In an analysis he presented at a meeting of the American Sociological Association, Dr. Light ticked off three key reasons why the drug industry produces lemon after lemon:

1) New drugs are tested by drug companies
2) Drug companies put up complex walls of legal protection to hide information about possible harm or lack of effectiveness
3) A new drug doesn’t actually need to be very effective to get FDA approval

Hmmm…I wonder if Dr. Light’s been reading the HSI e-Alert?

He’s also been poring over research. And he found this gem: In a study that examined more than 100 drug applications, about 40 percent didn’t have adequately randomized trials, nearly 40 percent were short of evidence to support efficacy, and only about half recognized serious adverse side effects.

Yeah…that sounds about right.

But here’s the best part: the drug industry rebuttal.

A senior VP of PhRMA (an industry advocacy group) told The Pharma Letter that Dr. Light’s analysis is “insulting to patients.” And you can imagine the gist of his defense: Many billions of dollars are devoted to R&D each year, lives are improved and extended, it’s difficult to bring a drug to market, etc.

And on the topic of safety: “To allege a lack of transparency about the risks of medicines is flatly incorrect.”

How in the world did he manage to say that without bursting out laughing? A lack of transparency is a drug industry art! Even the CIA doesn’t do lack-of-transparency as well as drug companies do.

In the end, I thought Dr. Light’s analysis was best summed up by this comment from Dr. Max Pemberton, a columnist for The Telegraph: “A drug company’s principle responsibility is to its shareholders, not to the patient.”

There you go. Once you get that, everything else is transparently clear.

Health & Freedom

Another Way To Kill US Farmers…

by Rady Ananda

Monsanto’s Food and Drug Administration can’t close down small dairies and private food clubs fast enough, bursting on the scene with guns drawn as if the criminalized right to contract for natural foods we’ve consumed for millennia deserves SWAT attention.

Now, Obama has the Dept. of Justice going after small farmers under the post-911 "Bank Secrecy Act" which makes it a crime to deposit less than $10,000 when you earned more than that.

"The level we deposited was what it was and it was about the same every week," Randy Sowers told Frederick News. The Sowers own and run South Mountain Creamery in Middletown, Maryland.

Admittedly, when the Sowers earned over $10,000 in February, and learned they’d have to fill out paperwork at the bank for such large deposits, they simply rolled the deposits over to keep them below the none-of-your-f@$!ng-business amount, rather than waste time on bureaucratic red tape aimed at flagging terrorism or other illegal activities.

"Structuring," explains, "is the federal criminal offense of splitting up bank deposits so as to keep them under a threshold such as $10,000 above which banks have to report transactions to the government."

While being questioned, the Sowers were finally presented with a seizure order and advised that the feds had already emptied their bank account of $70,000.  The Dept. of Justice has since sued to keep $63,000 of the Sowers’ money, though they committed no crime other than maintaining their privacy.

Without funds, they will be unable to make purchases for the spring planting.

When a similar action was taken against Taylor’s Produce Stand last year, the feds seized $90,000, dropped the charges and kept $45,000 of the stand’s money.

Knowing that most farms operate on a very thin margin, such abuse of power wipes out a family’s income, and for a bonus, the feds enhance the monopoly power of Monsanto, Big Dairy and their supply chain.

You can just smell attorney Michael Taylor behind all this, Obama’s dairy dog. Who you’ll find, instead, is US district attorney Stefan Cassella. He’s the first to head the DOJ’s Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section, created in 2009, having wrote the books on it. He cut his teeth on seizing $1.2 billion from real money launderer, BCCI. Guess his focus has changed since then.

The Maryland Dept. of Agriculture had no trouble hitting up the Sowers for a recipe in its Buy-Local cookbook; but Cassella must’ve missed that public service, or it’s what drew his attention – "Ah! A small dairy! Let’s rob them of their cash, those evil Big Dairy competitors. They probably sell raw milk under the table. Even if we find no evidence of wrongdoing, we’ll keep their money anyway." (Cue Curly’s, "yuh, yuh, yuh.")

City Paper reports that in 2011, "Maryland brought 14 of the nation’s 99 structuring cases, making it the top state for such prosecutions. Nationally, the numbers have been rising; the 2011 figures are up 8.8 percent from the year before and up 57.1 percent from five years ago."

Funny, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and other criminal banksters are still in operation, despite committing millions of acts of fraud during mortgage reassignations. But DOJ prioritizes squashing family farmers since it’s easier to pick the low-hanging fruit than to do battle with well-financed criminals who’ve illegally seized the homes of millions of US citizens.

Former Maryland assistant U.S. attorney Steven Levin told the paper, "The emphasis is on basically seizing money, whether it is legally or illegally earned. It can lead to financial ruin for business owners, and there’s a potential for abuse here by the government."

Ya think?

The Bank Secrecy Act was passed after 9/11, another in a long line of Constitutionally-abhorrent laws enacted by officials who cannot prove they were elected to office (given those elections were held on electronic voting systems that can be hacked without leaving evidence of the crime).

With the current Administration’s Agenda 21 focus on destroying the natural food and herb industry, is it not surprising to see Unconstitutional terrorist legislation used on innocent, law abiding citizens?

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Antineoplastons: A Cure for Cancer Ignored For 45 Years?

by Sayer Ji

Could a cure for advanced, chemotherapy and radiation resistant cancer have already been discovered as far back as 1967? Could this curative substance have been so close to us for all this time, as to be part of our own blood and a constituent of our own urine?

Immune Booster Protocol

As crazy as it may sound to conventionally-minded folks in both the general public and medical professional spheres, the discovery of powerful anti-cancer peptides secreted by our own bodies only adds to hundreds, if not thousands of already extant natural and/or naturally-derived anti-cancer treatments, some which scientists have known about for over a century, e.g. turmeric has been proven to have therapeutic potential in over 100 cancers, but which threaten the financial and political hegemony of far more toxic and less effective therapies, e.g. chemotherapy and radiation.

Dr. Burzynski's Cancer Cure

burzynski cancer cure

Antineoplastons are a group of naturally-occurring peptides and amino acid derivatives which control tumor growth, and have been proven in clinical studies on a number of advanced cancer cases to be highly effective and non-toxic, relative to chemotherapy.

First identified by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski  in human blood in 1967, he observed  "[T]here were significant differences in the peptide content in the serum of cancer patients as compared with the control group."

Owing to the fact that similar peptide fractions are found in human urine and can be purified as a bulk source of antineoplastons, Dr. Burzynski began a research program "for the identification of antineoplastic peptides from urine" known as the Burzynski Research Institute (BRI), which was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware in 1984.[i]

The discovery that urine contains therapeutic compounds is not novel. According to Dr. Burzynski:

"Medicinal use of urine and urine extracts has been known for centuries in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, India and North and Central America. In modern times, the first study of growth-inhibiting substances in urine was conducted in 1937. The research on urinary peptides has a long history and was initiated by a Polish researcher, S. Bondzynski, in 1897."[ii]

Dr. Burzyinski’s research lead to the discovery of five different peptide fractions which he named Antineoplaston A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. The first active component was identified as 3-phenylacetylamino-2,6-piperidinedione and was named Antineoplaston A10. Two synthetic derivatives of Antineoplaston A10 were named Antineoplaston AS2-1 and Antineoplaston AS2-5. has done an exhaustive index of the research on the topic as found on the National Library of Medicine, which can be found on its Antineoplastons research page. The information found there indicates the preventive and/or therapeutic value of antineoplaston therapy in up to 30 diseases.

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Michigan SWAT Teams Invade Farms, Forces Farmer To Kill His Own Livestock

by NWV News Writer Jim Kouri

Americans’ Food Supply and Freedoms in Jeopardy

In an unprecedented private property grab, Governor Rick Snyder's Michigan Department of Natural Resources issued an Invasive Species Order (ISO) that allows his agents to forcibly commandeer and destroy heritage breed pigs on thousands of family farms in that state.

Citizens groups and conservative organizations are complaining that Governor Snyder's DNR is actively taking action to destroy these pigs, the farms and the farmers' liberties. In fact, the DNR teams have been likened to out-of-control SWAT teams.

"They are blatantly trampling civil liberties and natural rights and doing it to the great benefit of some very powerful lobbyists," said Tony DeMott, State Coordinator of the non-profit, non-partisan Michigan Campaign For Liberty.

"The actions of Governor Snyder's DNR are so dangerous that it is very important for you to understand the details," DeMott stated.

"The local food movement is under attack in Michigan. In a brazen power grab threatening the livelihood of small farmers across the state, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is using the state Invasive Species Act to expand its jurisdiction beyond hunting and fishing to farming operations," stated Pete Kennedy, an attorney with Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

According to several sources, Governor Snyder ordered the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, in total violation of the Fourth Amendment (Illegal search and seizure) to conduct armed raids on pig farmers in that state.

The DNR chose two farms to start their purge: one in Kalkaska, MI, the other in Cheboygan.

According to several sources, including Brad Roon, who is collecting signatures for a petition to stop this Gestapo-like slaughter of farm animals, "The Michigan Pork Producer Association pigs are magically alright. If left in the woods (as the killed pigs are NOT) the inbred pigs would be just as damaging as the alleged "feral" pigs had they actually been allowed to run wild."


On April 1, 2012, an Invasive Species Order (ISO) that DNR issued in 2010 went into effect.

The ISO prohibits the possession of specified breeds of swine and the Michigan DNR stated that the order was necessary "to help stop the spread of feral swine and the disease risk they pose to humans, domestic pigs, and wildlife as well as their potential for extensive agricultural and ecosystem damage."

On April 4th, DNR issued a press release stating that it had begun active enforcement of the order.

The ISO allows DNR to seize and destroy heritage breeds of pigs raised by Michigan farmers. To add insult to injury the DNR refuses to reimburse farmers for the pigs they destroy.

The law also stipulates that possession of prohibited swine after April 1 is a felony with penalties of up to two years in jail and $20,000 in fines.

'In other words, the Michigan anti-pig 'storm-troopers' will raid a farm, kill livestock and on top of that arrest and prosecute farmers as felons. The state of Michigan — a state full of radical Islamists — is criminalizing farming and planning to imprison them for doing what they're supposed to be doing. Farmers are now joining pro-life activists as extremists in this era of Obama," states political strategist and attorney Mike Baker.


Michigan's governor's understanding of the law dictates that any pig in Michigan whether wild or domestic could be prohibited. Instead of using common sense in limiting the order to feral hogs that roam in wild and unfenced public and private lands, DNR is basing its interpretation as to what constitutes a prohibited swine on eight physical characteristics listed in its Declaratory Ruling issued on the swine ISO in December 2011.

The Ruling lists a ninth "characteristic" consisting of "characteristics not currently known to" DNR. The characteristics include ones involving underbelly fur, tail structure, ear structure, and skeletal appearance. Using these characteristics, any pig in the state could be prohibited under the ISO.

Mark Baker, a hog farmer in Marion, is one of four people who have filed lawsuits to stop the implementation of the ISO. As pointed out in Baker's complaint, "There is nothing inherently vicious or unhealthy about the breeds of pigs targeted by the ISO. Any pig, whether used in 'domestic hog production' or not, will exhibit the same problematic behaviors if allowed to become feral, that is, to live outside the husbandry of humans. It is the state of being feral which causes the problems identified by the DNR in the ISO and declaratory ruling, not any particular breed of pig." (Note: Mark Baker is not related to attorney Mike Baker.)

There are two political agendas at work behind the issuing of the ISO. According to Baker's complaint, DNR has tried unsuccessfully for many years to have the legislature eliminate hunting preserves and estates. In these facilities, privately owned pigs and other animals live in a contained natural environment where customers pay for a chance to hunt and harvest these animals. Further the DNR does not collect licensing fees from these contained private preserves which they do get from hunters on public and other private land.

The other agenda at work is that of the Michigan Pork Producers Association (MPPA) who has publicly supported the ISO. "The small farmers I have talked to wonder why the DNR is singling out their pigs and is joining forces with the Michigan Pork Producers Association on this issue."

Implementation of the ISO will deny farmers their property rights and the right to make a living. It will reduce or eliminate customer access to heritage breed pork, a product that has become increasingly popular in restaurants across the state.

The ISO will impact farmers and consumers around the nation; the National Pork Producers Association and government agencies in other states are watching to see whether DNR can get away with enforcing the ISO.


The state of Michigan is not the only place in the U.S. unfriendly towards farmers. The Obama Environmental Protection Agency's plan to initiate a so-called greenhouse gas tax on privately owned dairy farms and livestock has farmers up in arms.

The EPA has instituted new rules and regulations to control greenhouse emissions by farm animals. During this tough economic time, it is unfair and irresponsible to levy such a tax on family farms, according to conservatives.

Under Title V of the Clean Air Act, farmers would pay a hefty permit fee for animals that emit 100 tons of greenhouse gasses annually, affecting the vast majority of the nation's livestock operations. Any farm with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would have to obtain a permit to operate, which, according to the United State Department of Agriculture, would cover 99 percent of New York dairy production, 95 percent of its hog production and 90 percent of beef production.

According to one organization, the New York Farm Bureau, the new permits would cost farmers well over $110 million a year, dramatically impacting the agricultural sector and economy. The tax is estimated at $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 per hog. The added financial burden on already-struggling farmers could force many family farms out of business and lead to a raise in food prices.

While greenhouse gas contributes to global warming — according to some scientists and liberal-left politicians — not all emissions are equal. Under this federal proposal, livestock is held as accountable as the industrial and transportation sectors, which is simply illogical. That's essentially saying that a living, breathing cow is as detrimental to the environment as a coal-powered machine.

"The Obama Administration and the EPA officials fail to understand how important family farms are to our upstate rural communities. I don't support any tax that hurts farms and I am appalled with this permit requirement which could shut down our agricultural sector, causing catastrophic consequences the American economy," said political strategist Mike Baker.

"I would advise Americans to buy skis because we are in the precipice of a very slippery slope. The federal government will now begin to dictate what farmers may own and what they must do on their own property."

In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency has told Maryland's poultry farmers it intends to enforce for the first time federal pollution rules governing chicken manure — a crackdown that has surprised and angered growers while pleasing environmentalists who've long complained about agricultural runoff fouling up the invironment.

At meetings between EPA officials and farm associations, attendees were told that hundreds of farmers must get federal pollution-discharge permits if any manure from their flocks are washing off their land into drainage ditches and streams. More than half of the state's 800 poultry farmers have filed notices to get the permits, state officials say, but most observers are not confident of being successful unless the case goes to the US Supreme Court and before President Obama has an opportunity to nominate more leftist SCOTUS justices.

The federal permits are tougher in key respects than what Maryland has so far been unable to establish for its poultry farmers. State regulations and permit requirements developed last year to cover about 200 of the largest chicken farms are on hold because of appeals filed both by environmentalists and farmers.

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Increased Vitamin D Intake Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

People with higher intakes of vitamin D may be at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, suggests new data from France. The highest average intakes of the sunshine vitamin were associated with a 77% decrease in the risk of Alzheimer's, report researchers in the The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science.

Vitamin D3-5

The highest average intakes of the sunshine vitamin were associated with a 77% decrease in the risk of Alzheimer's, report researchers in the The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science.

"To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first one to use a prospective design, allowing us to conclude that the low consumption of vitamin D precedes the onset of Alzheimer's disease, although eating lots of vitamin D rich foods is associated with a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease," wrote researchers led by Cedric Annweiler from Angers University Hospital.

The build-up of plaque from beta-amyloid deposits is associated with an increase in brain cell damage and death from oxidative stress. This is related to a loss of cognitive function and an increased risk of Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia and currently affects over 13 million people worldwide.

The direct and indirect cost of Alzheimer care is over $100 bn (81 bn) in the US, while direct costs in the UK are estimated at 15 bn (22 bn).

Study details

The French researchers analyzed data from 498 women with an average age of 79.8 who did not take vitamin D supplements. Dietary intakes of the vitamin were assessed using food frequency questionnaires (FFQ).

The women were followed for seven years, after which the researchers found that women with lower vitamin D intakes (50 micrograms per week) at the start of the study had a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's, compared with women with higher intakes (59 micrograms per week).

In addition, the highest average intakes of vitamin D were associated with a lower risk of Azheimer's, compared with lower intakes.

Commenting on the potential mechanism of protection, Annweiler and his co-workers said that vitamin D has been linked to hippocampus protection in rodents, or by influencing the production and clearance of beta-amyloid proteins.

The potential brain benefits of the vitamin may also be linked to the nutrient content of vitamin D-rich foods, such as fish. "In particular, there is reasonably good evidence that eating fish reduces the risk of dementia including Alzheimer's.

"This effect is generally attributed to the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids even if data are conflicting."

Sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D refers to two biologically inactive precursors – D3, also known as cholecalciferol, and D2, also known as ergocalciferol. Both D3 and D2 precursors are transformed in the liver and kidneys into 25- hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), the non-active 'storage' form, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D).

While our bodies do manufacture vitamin D on exposure to sunshine, the levels in some northern countries are so weak during the winter months that our body makes no vitamin D at all, meaning that dietary supplements and fortified foods are seen by many as the best way to boost intakes of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency in adults is reported to precipitate or exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases. There is also some evidence that the vitamin may reduce the incidence of several types of cancer and type-1 and -2 diabetes.

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Many US Hospitals Continue To Serve McDonald’s Fast Food In Their Cafeterias

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Many people still think of hospitals as places where the sick become healthy, and where disease is nursed into wellness — but these notions could not be further from the truth. Besides being cesspools of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" and filth in many cases, dozens of U.S. hospitals, including children's hospitals, continue to serve McDonald's fast food to guests in their cafeterias and lobbies, a telling indictment of Western medicine's prevailing lack of discernment and knowledge in the area of proper nutrition.

Detox Protocol

The group Corporate Accountability International (CAI), a consumer advocacy group, recently sent a formal letter to 21 U.S. hospitals that still serve McDonald's to guests and visitors, urging them to "stop fostering a food environment that promotes harm, not health." The group cites numerous statistics that point to junk foods, like those served at McDonald's, contributing to the very diseases now being treated at U.S. hospitals.

"The rates of children suffering from diet-related disease are staggering," says the letter. "Today, private practices, pediatric clinics, and emergency rooms are increasingly bearing witness to children suffering from preventable chronic conditions related to the food they eat […] in the decades to come, one in three children will develop type 2 diabetes as a result of diets high in McDonald's-style junk food."

You can read the entire petition letter here:

Hospitals that still serve McDonald's include Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago; the Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis; Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego; and Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. CAI is urging these hospitals and others to end their contracts with McDonald's, and begin working towards the implementation of food options that support the role of improving health, rather than counteract it.

"We hear from physicians saying kids come in for their diabetic check-ups and they hear the parents saying, 'If you are well-behaved, we'll take you for a treat at the McDonald's down the hall," said Sara Deon, director of CAI's McDonald's campaign, to USA Today about the hypocrisy of the situation. It is akin to NaturalNews selling pharmaceutical drugs while simultaneously promoting health and wellness through nutrition.

If hospitals were truly about health, they would focus on serving more organic, grass-fed, and 'superfood' items
Getting rid of McDonald's is a start, but most hospital food, including the food served to sick and dying patients, is completely devoid of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics, and other important nutrients that promote health. In fact, most hospital food is highly processed and loaded with toxic chemicals, which puts patients at risk of developing further illnesses and infections.

Some hospitals are starting to do things right, including over 40 hospitals in the Northeast that have begun purchasing clean, local foods, including grass-fed meats, to serve to patients ( But many others are still greatly lacking in the nutritional department, and patients nationwide are suffering as a result.

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New Zealand Woman’s Coca-Cola Habit Blamed For Her Death

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The Coca-Cola Company is currently embroiled in an investigation involving a New Zealand woman who allegedly died as a result of drinking too much of the company's sugary beverage. According to reports, Natasha Marie Harris had been consuming a steady diet of roughly two gallons a day of Coca-Cola in the years before her untimely death at the young age of 30.

Membrane Complex

Natasha's overall lifestyle was by no means healthy, as she reportedly ate very little actual food, and smoked about 30 cigarettes every day. But it was her ridiculous Coca-Cola habit that appears to have pushed her over the limit, robbing her body of potassium and eventually leading to liver and heart problems that culminated in a fatal heart attack.

"She drank at least ten liters a day," said Christopher Hodgkinson, Natasha's partner. "The first thing she would do in the morning was have a drink of Coke and the last thing she would do in the day was have a drink of Coke by her bed."

Because the cause of Natasha's death was unclear at the time, New Zealand's inquest court, which handles inexplicable deaths, began an investigation. And what the court uncovered is that Natasha died of cardiac arrhythmia, and had also likely been suffering from hypokalemia, or a severe lack of potassium in the blood.

According to Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency medicine physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, people who drink too much sugary soda are extremely prone to developing hypokalemia. Fructose induced osmotic diarrhea, for instance, which is a side effect of drinking sugary soda, causes the body to lose potassium, as does the massive release of insulin from the pancreas that results from drinking sugary soda.

Additionally, the caffeine in Coca-Cola drives potassium out of the bloodstream and into the cells which, combined with these other effects, is a perfect recipe for potassium deficiency. And in someone like Natasha who had been drinking outrageous amounts of Coca-Cola, the effects were even more potent and deadly.

Natasha was afflicted with all these symptoms and more, as she reportedly vomited several times a week from what appeared to be caffeine toxicity, and also had a severely diseased liver, which is a common side effect of consuming soft drinks. A 2009 study found that drinking just two cans of soda a day, in fact, is enough to cause long-term liver damage (

"[High fructose corn syrup] increases the chances of suffering from a fatty liver, which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer," said Dr. Nimer Assy, lead author of that earlier study.