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Roundup Herbicide Toxic To Life In Parts Per Billion Range

by Sayer Ji

New research on the DNA-damaging effects of the popular herbicide known as Roundup® indicates that it can do significant harm to fish even after short-term, environmentally low concentration exposures in the parts per billion range (μg /L).

Detox Protocol

Published this month (July, 2012) in the journal Environmental  Monitoring and Assessments researchers set out to evaluate the genotoxic effects that the herbicide Roundup®, and its primary ingredient glyphosate, can have on a species of catfish known as Corydorasa paleatus.  When exposed to minute concentrations of Roundup (at a concentration of 6.67 μg/L, corresponding to 3.20 μg/L glyphosate) for 3,6 and 9 days, the following effects were observed:  "[T]he comet assay showed a high rate of DNA damage in group exposed to Roundup(®) for all treatment times, both for blood and hepatic cells." The researchers summarized their findings:

We conclude that for the low concentration used in this research, the herbicide shows potential genotoxic effects. Future research will be important in evaluating the effects of this substance, whose presence in the environment is ever-increasing.


First, it is very important to understand how low a μg /L or parts per billion concentration is.  One way to visualize it is to think of one drop in one billion drops of water, or what amounts to one drop of water in an entire swimming pool.[ii]

Owing to the fact that glyphosate is now a ubiquitous contaminant in our environment, having been found in most U.S. air and rain samples tested,[iii] as well as being measured beyond the limit of quantification (higher than 2.5 ug/L) in 41% of 140 groundwater samples collected from Catalonia Spain, this new finding has profound implications for environmental and human health alike. With over 88,000 tons of the stuff used in the US in 2007, according to the USGS, and with an ever-expanding volume being applied to increasingly glyphosate-resistant GM crops, the problem of exposure is only going to get worse in the future – that is, if we continue to support the growth of glyphosate-dependent GM crop industries.

Monsanto, the originator of glyphosate and its most popular branded formulation, Roundup®, once marketed their herbicide "as safe as table salt," and claimed it was "highly biodegradable." These claims have now been disproved. Like Agent Orange, another Monsanto co-creation (along with Dow Chemicals, and several other government contractors), this herbicide exhibits a broad range of biocidal (life-killing) properties. (Note: the concept of a "weedkiller" is absurd. These chemicals do not selectively kill only targeted plants. Also, a "weed" is simply a plant whose virtues we have yet discovered [Emerson], or which is encroaching on a plant we favor).  

Some of the ways in which glyphosate formulations have been experimentally confirmed to disrupt, mutate, alter or kill are as follows

  • Apoptotic
  • Aquacidal
  • Aromatase Disruptor
  • Bioaccumulator
  • Carcinogenic
  • Cell Cycle Inhibitor
  • Clastogenic
  • Cytotoxic
  • Embryotoxic
  • Endocrine Disrupter
  • Endocrine Disruptor: Testes
  • Genotoxic
  • Hepatotoxic
  • Mutagenic
  • Necrotic
  • Nephrotoxic
  • Neurotoxic
  • Oxidant
  • Teratrogenic (Birth Defect Causing)

Of all the adverse health effects listed here, the genotoxicity (DNA-damaging) of glyphosate is the most concerning, and the most consistently supported by the evidence. We have 16 studies on our database substantiating this connection alone, and these studies involve human cell line and animal research as well.  DNA-damage has, in fact, been considered the primary factor in carcinogenesis for well over half a century, that is, ever since the multi-mutation theory on cancer was first conceived by Carl O. Nordling in 1953.   

If, as accumulating research indicates, the world's most popular herbicide is contributing to cancer, and that all GM-produced food which is engineered "Roundup Ready" and therefore saturated with glyphosate residues is also a cancer risk, the increasingly global food hegemony of biotech corporations such as Monsanto will be halted in its tracks. Could the growing recognition that glyphosate-based herbicides are contributing to cancer be one reason why Monsanto has been ramping up its funding of privately contracted published research explicitly refuting the accumulating glyphosate/Roundup-cancer connection?  

While the pseudo-scientific technocratic dictatorship holds the "weight of the evidence" toxicological risk assessment standard against exposed populations, compelling them to prove that the harms of agrochemicals to human and environmental health outweigh their purported benefits, those of us with a modicum of common sense, and even a layman's understanding of the precautionary principle, i.e. if there is preliminary evidence a chemical to which we are exposed is unsafe, regulate it accordingly, can vote with our forks and dollars and stop spending our money on GM-containing and/or GM-assocciated foods and products. Also, support the California GMO labeling initiative.

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Colorado Killer Received Grant Money From National Institutes of Health

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) As if there wasn't anything negative to add to the story of the horrible massacre committed during an opening weekend midnight matinee of the new Batman movie in Aurora, Colo., this past weekend, you likely will be sickened to learn that the suspect, James Holmes, had previously been awarded a $26,000 taxpayer-supported grant to go to school.

The grant, which was one of six awarded to the brightest of students by the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., is considered extremely prestigious. NIH is part of the Department of Health and Human Resources.

The agency awarded the stipend to Holmes and also paid his tuition to the highly competitive neuroscience program at the University of Colorado Denver. Five other students at the school were also given the stipend.

It wasn't clear if any of the funds were used by the suspected gunman to purchase the vast array of weapons, 6,000 rounds of ammunition and other gear – such as his bulletproof vest, shin, groin and neck protectors, as well as a gas mask and other items – he used in the attack and to booby trap his apartment.

No cooperation with police

Holmes, who dyed his hair bright reddish-orange and called himself "Joker" – a character in the Batman series – has reportedly refused to cooperate with police. He is likely to be formally charged next week.

He is currently being held on suspicion of many counts of first-degree murder, but will probably also face numerous accounts of aggravated assault and weapons violations. During the shooting spree, 12 people were killed and another 58 wounded, many seriously.

Weeks before the shootings, Holmes abruptly left a 35-student Ph.D program in neuroscience for reasons that still aren't clear.

He reportedly took an intense oral exam that marked the end of his first year but so far, university officials won't say whether or not he passed, due to privacy concerns.

At a news conference following the shootings, university officials would not go into much detail regarding Holmes.

"To the best of our knowledge at this point, we think we did everything that we should have done," Donald Elliman, the university chancellor, said earlier this week.

The judge in the case has issued an order banning attorneys in the case from commenting publicly on matters related to the trial, including evidence, whether or not a plea deal is in the offing, or results of any examination or test performed on anyone.

With a female guard close by his side, Holmes was completely silent in his first court appearance Monday.

Death penalty a consideration

Prosecutors in the case asked the judge, who readily agreed, to give them more time to file charges.

The judge also placed Holmes in a no-bond hold.

As the judge advised him of the charges against him, Holmes – dressed in a maroon prison jumpsuit – sat there motionless, his eyes appearing tired and droopy.

David Sanchez, whose son-in-law Caleb Medely was shot in the head and survived, was in court when Holmes appeared.

"He looks demonic. His eyes are just crazy," Sanchez told the New York Post. "There's something wrong with that man."

The alleged shooter had been held in solitary confinement since his arrest early Friday morning, shortly after the melee ended. Because he is refusing to cooperate, investigators have said it could take months to learn about what prompted the violent, sadistic attack on moviegoers.

18h Judicial District Attorney Carol Chambers has said her office is considering pursuing the death penalty against Holmes. She said a decision will be made in consultation with victims' families.

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Researchers Recommend Increase In Vitamin C Dietary Allowance

Scientists at Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute are proposing an increase in the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C from the current level of 90 milligrams per day for men and 75 milligrams for women, to a modest intake of 200 milligrams. Writing in a recent issue of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Professor Balz Frei and colleagues observe that the current RDA is based on the amount necessary to prevent scurvy and that present methods of evaluating nutrients such as vitamin C have often failed to find further disease-preventive benefits due to faulty methodology. "Phase III randomized controlled trials—designed principally to test the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs—are ill suited to assess the health benefits of essential nutrients; and the currently available scientific evidence is sufficient to determine the optimum intake of vitamin C in humans," they write.
Vitamin C
 "It's time to bring some common sense to this issue, look at the totality of the scientific evidence, and go beyond some clinical trials that are inherently flawed," commented Dr Frei, who is the director of the Linus Pauling Institute. "Significant numbers of people in the U.S. and around the world are deficient in vitamin C, and there's growing evidence that more of this vitamin could help prevent chronic disease. The way clinical researchers study micronutrients right now, with the same type of so-called 'phase three randomized placebo-controlled trials' used to test pharmaceutical drugs, almost ensures they will find no beneficial effect. We need to get past that."

Dr Frei and his coauthors argue that these trials do not always demonstrate the protective properties of compounds already present in the human body, whose benefits may be evident only after many years of optimal intake. They note that increased long-term intake of vitamin C will provide greater tissue saturation at a cost of only a penny per day if consumed as a supplement, resulting in a significant payoff of lowered risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer as well as a reduction in the conditions that contribute to these diseases, including inflammation.

"We believe solid research shows the RDA should be increased," Dr Frei concluded. "And the benefit-to-risk ratio is very high. A 200 milligram intake of vitamin C on a daily basis poses absolutely no risk, but there is strong evidence it would provide multiple, substantial health benefits."

In a review published online on April 4, 2012 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from Johns Hopkins in Baltimore report a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in associated with vitamin C supplementation.

For their analysis, Edgar R. Miller III and his colleagues selected 29 randomized clinical trials conducted between 1996 and 2011 that involved the oral administration of vitamin C for at least two weeks. Average pretreatment systolic blood pressure ranged from 117 to 175 mmHg, and diastolic from 73 to 97 mmHg. The dose of vitamin C used in the studies varied from 60 to 4000 milligrams per day, with a median dose of 500 milligrams daily.

In a pooled analysis of the trials' participants, vitamin C supplementation was associated with a 3.84 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure and a 1.48 mmHg reduction in diastolic pressure. When trials involving patients with hypertension were analyzed, reductions averaged 4.85 mmHg and 1.67 mmHg. Mechanisms posited for vitamin C in reducing blood pressure include an increase in a cofactor for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (which increases the production of nitric oxide), and improvement of endothelial function of brachial and coronary arteries.

"This meta-analysis is the first quantitative review of randomized trials evaluating the effect of vitamin C supplementation on blood pressure," the authors announce. "In short-term trials, vitamin C supplementation reduced systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Long-term trials on the effects of vitamin C supplementation on blood pressure and clinical events are needed."

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Exposure To Solvent Chemicals Increases Birth Defect Risk In Children

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Women looking to get pregnant need to make sure they avoid exposure to chemical solvents, as their children could end up suffering the consequences in the form of birth defects. A new study published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine reveals that women exposed to organic solvent chemicals in the months leading up to getting pregnant are at higher risk of having children with birth defects compared to women not exposed.

Detox Protocol

Dr. Suzanne M. Gilboa from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and her colleagues examined data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), a multi-site, case-control study that continues to evaluate both genetic and non-genetic risk factors for birth defects. Dr. Gilboa and her team specifically looked for a link between solvent exposure and the onset of congenital heart disease subtypes.

Dr. Gilboa and her team pulled figures on children born with congenital heart defects between 1997 and 2002, and compared them to figures on healthy children born during the same time. They then analyzed the data to see if there was any correlation between maternal exposure to solvent chemicals in the workplace, and birth defects in children exposed to such chemicals via their mothers who were exposed at some time before or during their pregnancies.

Using the expert consensus approach, the team found that five percent of mothers whose babies were born with birth defects, and four percent of those whose babies were born without birth defects, were exposed to an organic solvent chemical during the time they were trying to conceive, or after becoming pregnant. A published evidence approach to the data revealed that 10 percent of mothers whose babies were born without birth defects, and eight percent of those whose babies were born without birth defects, were exposed to an organic solvent chemical.

"Our results indicate that maternal occupational exposure during the period of one month before conception through the first trimester of pregnancy is a potential risk factor for some specific congenital heart disease phenotypes," wrote the authors in their study. "Some of these findings were consistent with those previously reported in the literature, and other findings were new, yet all warrant corroboration in other study populations."

Organic solvent chemicals are typically found in paints, glues, dyes, plastics, printing inks, degreasing and cleaning agents, polymers, synthetic textiles, and agricultural pesticides and herbicides. Solvent chemicals are highly toxic, and easily absorb through the skin, as well as through the lungs and mouth.

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Opiate-Based Prescriptions Declared Epidemic By The CDC

by: Be

(NaturalNews) There has been a recent epidemic of opium-addiction that is growing fast as one of America's drug problems. The CDC says this is not coming from foreign cartels, traffickers or drug dealers, but from the pharmacy that so many visit for prescribed medicines. These opiate-based drugs include Vicodin, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, and other opioid pain relievers. The CDC says that last year alone, enough of these drugs were prescribed to medicate each and every American adult with "five mg of hydrocodone (Vicodin and others), taken every four hours, for a month, and have led to over 40,000 drug overdose deaths."

Detox Protocol

Currently, there are more overdose deaths from these prescribed drugs than heroin and cocaine combined. Furthermore, the consumption of these drugs are costing health insurers approximately $72.5 billion annually. As many people know, the problem also lies in the fact that the underlying causes are not being managed, but rather just the pain when it comes to pain killers like these.

Opiate-based drugs are by far the most addictive painkillers available, and sadly, people who take these medications to cope with legitimate pain can find themselves becoming addicted. Even the doctors who prescribe these medications are at risk – some studies show that as many as 10 percent of the doctors who are prescribing these painkillers can become addicted.

Why are these painkillers so addictive? The opiates themselves and the effect they have on the human brain are the reason. The opiates found in these prescription drugs create and release artificial endorphins in the brain, creating warm and good feelings. With regular use, the brain stops making these endorphins and the only way the user can experience the same feeling is to continue taking these drugs. After the body stops producing these endorphins, the user now must take these drugs to avoid feeling bad. It isn't used as a way to feel good anymore, but rather to avoid negative feelings.

It is unfortunate that these addictions are becoming common, and there are many factors that attribute to this epidemic. Part of the problem lies in doctors, where they may find it more efficient to prescribe medication to help the pain instead of spend more time on the underlying cause of the pain. Another problem are the patients, demanding immediate relief from pain rather than allowing doctors to follow steps in properly curing them. Government too could better police prescriptions to ensure that this problem isn't spiraling out of control.

If all these elements worked together, there would be a much greater chance to eliminate this unfortunate epidemic. The end result is tragic for patients, when there are so many options of alternative medicine or natural remedies without depending on prescribed medications.

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Simple Solution That Can Stop A Massacre Anywhere

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater shooting, a surveillance video has surfaced that shows the simple, obvious answer to the question on everybody's mind: How do we stop a massacre?


The answer is revealed in the stunning short video shown below. This remarkable solution:

• Requires no police.
• Costs the taxpayers no money.
• Requires no up-front paperwork.
• Protects innocent lives.
• Is deployed in as little as FIVE seconds.
• Works everywhere.
• Deters violent crime.
• Makes bad guys flee immediately.
• Is easy to learn.
• Functions at the local level.
• Does not require control or intervention by the United Nations or any government entity.

Watch the video at:


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Worst Whooping Cough Outbreak In 50 Years Happening Fully Vaccinated

by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) If four shots of toxic vaccines do not work against pertussis (AKA whooping cough), then maybe five or six will work… Or maybe not… The CDC now reports the highest level of pertussis cases in 50 years. Of course, they are encouraging all children and adults to line up for yet another shot in the dark.

Colloidal Silver

Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases reports 18,000 nationwide cases of pertussis so far this year – twice as many cases as there were at this time in 2011 and matching the 1959 numbers reported by this time of the year.

Pertussis is a bacterial infection involving the respiratory tract that spreads by coughing and sneezing. It often starts out like the common cold, but can become a life-threatening infection, particularly for infants under the age of one. The vaccination for pertussis is included in the DTaP vaccine.

The pertussis vaccine in not solving the problem
CDC data shows 84 percent of children under the age of three have received at least four DTaP shots and yet, despite high vaccination rates, whooping cough still keeps circulating, largely among the fully vaccinated. This is because pertussis is a cyclical disease where natural increases in infection tend to occur every four to five years no matter how high the vaccination rates are.

81 percent of 2010 California pertussis cases under the age of 18 were fully vaccinated children. In a pertussis outbreak in Texas, the CDC statistics show that 81.5 percent of cases were fully vaccinated with four DTaP shots. Washington State health officials are saying this year's pertussis cases could top a 60 year old record in spite of approximately 84 percent vaccination coverage. Reuters recently reported that according to the CDC, the number of pertussis cases is growing – in the fully vaccinated population!

In a very recent DTaP vaccine study, researchers reported a dismal 24 percent vaccine effectiveness among those aged 8-12. With this ridiculously low rate of DTaP vaccine effectiveness, the public health brainiacs have come up with their best plan for everybody to have three primary shots and three follow-up booster shots.

DTaP is bad news for babies

A study at UCLA indicated that in the USA, approximately 1,000 babies die annually as a direct result of DTaP vaccination. One survey found a 7.3 percent risk of SIDS within three days after a DTaP inoculation.

Vaccine reaction symptoms within days of the DTaP shot include: high fever; sudden collapse; hours of persistent crying, high pitched screaming with arching of the back, signs of brain inflammation; severe and/or bloody diarrhea; redness, swelling and pain at the injection site and signs of seizures.

Raymond Obomsawin, M.D. said "Delay of DPT immunisation until two years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects… an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death." Amazingly, pertussis during the first two years of babies' lives also dropped sharply. Instead of preventing pertussis, the DTaP actually promotes it as well as SIDS.

Many vaccines are implicated in causing Juvenile Diabetes, but the vaccine-virulent poison – pertussis toxin, is the worst. Pertussis toxin affects the pancreas in the insulin-secreting parts. As early as the 1970s, the pertussis shot was known to stimulate over-production of insulin by the pancreas followed by exhaustion and destruction of the islets of Langerhans, resulting in diabetes.

Vaccination is not immunization!
Recovering from whooping cough confers a naturally-acquired immunity that is much stronger and longer lasting than any artificial immunity induced by the toxic laden vaccine. Vaccination requires more and more booster doses to try to extend the artificial vaccine immunity.

Vaccines are medical procedures that always come with risks. Study up before you let them shoot your child!

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Candida Overgrowth Triggers Your Child’s Chronic Ear Infections

by: Anita Khalek

(NaturalNews) Research documented by Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D. at the Wisconsin Institute of Nutrition demonstrates a strong link between Candidiasis (candida overgrowth) and chronic infections in the middle ear, mainly in children. Other studies on candida support this correlation and the deteriorating effects candidiasis has on the immune system.

Colloidal Silver

83 percent of all children get at least one ear infection before the age of three, and with millions of new cases every year, otitis media (middle ear infections) now account for 35 percent of all visits to the pediatrician. The usual course of treatment is antibiotics. Where chronic infections occur, the child cycles in a viscous loop of infection/antibiotic/infection with no clear relief in sight. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010 shows antibiotics having no significant effect on treating ear infections, while causing much harm to the body's intestinal flora. Stomped for answers, pediatricians often recommend tube surgery as the next step, which in many cases has to be repeated.

What is candida?
Candida albicans or yeast is a microorganism naturally present in the areas of the back of the mouth, throat and intestinal tract, and also in the female genital tract. The use of antibiotics indirectly supports candida overgrowth by eradicating the benign and good bacteria, an integral part of the immune system and the first line of defense against a candida overgrowth. With their natural predators diminished, candida flourishes in the intestinal tract and may then jeopardize the immune system over time by releasing dozens of toxins in the body, potentially causing an autoimmune response. Candida continues to thrive by feeding on sugary foods, and is further aided by pharmaceutical drugs, especially antibiotics and immuno-suppressants.

Candida has the potential to double its colonies in a very short time, thereby challenging the immune system's defenses. It also works with other harmful bacteria and viruses to foster a more toxic environment in the body. The result is often a continuous stream of infections in the area of the middle ear where candida is in close proximity.

How do you know your child exhibits symptoms of candida overgrowth?
In babies, candida overgrowth may exhibit itself as diaper rash, eczema, colic, interrupted sleep, white film on the tongue or thrush, excessive crying or even digestive disturbances where the child becomes intolerant of the formulas. In older children, crankiness, hyperactivity, sugar cravings, tantrums and high susceptibility to colds and flus are all strong indicators. In these cases, children begin developing sensitivities or allergies to foods and may even develop asthma. As the child gets more vaccinations, the increased mercury intake helps candida thrive further. The extended use of antibiotics for infections and steroids, such as cortisone for asthma, also suppress the immune system.

Dr. Semon cites measurable improvements using an anti-yeast treatment in the cases studied. The treatment is comprised of eradicating the candida with anti-yeast medicine (synthetic or natural) while simultaneously eliminating all the foods that candida eats by following the candida diet. Only then can the body regain its balance and repopulate the intestinal tract with good bacteria that feeds off the candida. The treatment may take some time, but the benefits have a tremendous impact on the child's quality of life as well as on the parent's. Benefits include happy, healthy children with increased focus and better state of well being. Meanwhile, the mainstream medical research community continues to narrowly focus its research in this area on isolating the bacteria or viruses that cause ear infections and on developing the appropriate vaccines.

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Does Drinking Coffee Reduce The Risk of Skin Cancer?

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the journal Cancer Research claims that coffee drinkers may be at a reduced risk of developing basal cell carcinoma, one of the most common types of skin cancer. According to the research, individuals that drink at least three cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent decreased risk of developing this mild form of skin cancer which, while not necessarily deadly, can cause significant disfigurement of skin.

Immune Booster Protocol
Vitamin D3-5

Jiali Han, author of the study and associate professor of dermatology and epidemiology at both Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and the Harvard School of Public Health, evaluated data on 113,000 men and women, all of who drank three or more cups of coffee a day. She discovered that rates of basal cell carcinoma were 20 percent less among this group compared to those who drank no coffee at all, and that the active substance in question appears to be caffeine.

"Caffeine may help the body kill off damaged skin cells," claimed Dr. Josh Zeichner, an assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, in response to the study's findings. "If you get rid of these cells that are damaged, then they don't have the opportunity to grow and form cancers."

The findings seem to correlate with a 2011 study out of Rutgers University that identified a link between caffeine and skin cancer prevention. According to that research, caffeine appears to be an effective topical treatment for protecting skin against damage caused by excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. (

"Although it is known that coffee drinking is associated with a decreased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, there now needs to be studies to determine whether topical caffeine inhibits sunlight-induced skin cancer," said Allan Conney, Director of the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research about the Rutgers study.

Drinking coffee can exhaust your adrenal glands, lead to substance addiction
As promising as the new research on coffee drinking may initially appear for preventing skin cancer, it is important to remember that coffee consumption can be dangerous and damaging to health. There are many other ways to prevent skin cancer, including regular exposure to natural sunlight without burning and vitamin D supplementation, that do not cause other health problems.

Coffee consumption stimulates the production of adrenaline in the body, which can overspend the adrenal glands, leading to chronic fatigue, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), allergies, chronic infections, and other problems. (

Drinking coffee is also highly addictive, as many who regularly consume it suffer withdrawal symptoms such as headaches when they try to stop. While it may give its drinkers a buzz that helps them through their busy days, coffee ends up exhausting the body's energy reserves, which can lead to irritability, confusion, severe mood swings, and other problems. (

Instead of coffee, why not try naturally exposing your skin to between 15 and 30 minutes a day of unfiltered sunlight, or supplementing with between 2,000 and 10,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 every day? This simple, inexpensive, and proven health regimen will not only help protect you against skin cancer, but will also improve your health in many other areas while preventing a myriad of chronic illnesses. (


Chocolate Can Improve Blood Circulation, EFSA Rules

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) The EFSA is the European Food Safety Authority, and it considers it okay for a food to promote health benefits based on scientific proof. This is not the attitude of USA’s Food and Drug Administration.

Cardio Protocol
Our militantly aggressive FDA has the viewpoint that only large pharmaceutical corporations can promote health benefits for their toxic formulas that harm more than they help.Look out for the FDA if any food group, such as walnut growers, cherry producers, and others who have promoted health benefits with independently documented scientific proof. Those food groups and others have been harassed and threatened in the past until they were forced to rescind their factual health claims. (

Meanwhile, junk cereal makers falsely promote nutrients in their toxically polluted products and the FDA ignores that. But it certainly helps keep Big Pharma’s products on the market until the death toll gets public attention and lawsuits are filed.

All bureaucracies tend to be dysfunctional. But food safety agencies outside of North America and Australia seem to be a little saner. Even so, the EFSA’s decision on chocolate has to be signed off by the European Commission, and they have been stricter on such matters.

The EU chocolate push
Barry Callebaut’s Swiss based company, Callebaut Chocolate, is the largest chocolate producer in the world. They are wholesalers to several international brand name candy companies who use chocolate, providing them with large blocks of chocolate and containers of cacao powder.

So Barry made a push to incorporate several independent studies of dark chocolate and cacao’s cardiac health benefits, which state that daily consumption of dark chocolate or cacao greatly reduce the risks of coronary issues, heart attacks, or strokes.

Those studies had isolated flavanols in raw chocolate that boosted or maintained normal vasodilation, or dilating blood vessels to improve blood flow. Barry went the remaining distance by supplying the EFSA with scientific documentation proving his special process of creating chocolate does not destroy the flavanols that normal chocolate making does.

Callebaut’s chunks of chocolate and containers of cocoa powder supply companies internationally that manufacture chocolate candies and cocoa powders or beverages.

The EFSA ruling, if it is signed off by the European Commission, will create “… new market potential both for us and for our customers,” according to chief executive Juergen Steinemann. Those customers include Nestle’s, Hershey’s, and many lesser known candy and cocoa powder providers.

The implication is those “customers” may be able to promote the same health claims that Barry and company have strenuously sought. One wonders if that really means the FDA will ignore those chocolate and cocoa product claims when they arrive on US store shelves.

The EFSA adds that in order for the cardiovascular health claim to be valid, one must consume 200mg of cocoa daily, which equates to 10 grams of dark chocolate or 2.5 grams of high-flavonol cocoa powder as part of a balanced diet. These numbers equal less than one ounce.

Cardiologist Dr. Kenneth Ong of the Brooklyn Hospital Center responded with this typical allopathic perspective: “I suspect that consuming dark chocolate every day for 10 years may have unintended adverse consequences.” His concern was for increasing sugar intakes among those overweight and at risk for diabetes.

So doc, are you saying statin drugs are safer than less than an ounce a day of really dark chocolate containing very little sugar? (

Hopefully, this may be the tip of a spear to puncture the FDA’s disdain for natural food health claims. But this will be a moot point if the European Commission doesn’t sign off on the EFSA approval.