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Boost The IQ Of Your Child With Natural Diet

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) The United States has an epidemic of childhood neurodevelopmental disease such as autism, ADHD, Asperger`s and mental retardation. Much of this is due to the influence of industrial chemicals, processed foods, birth and childhood spinal trauma, & sedentary behavior. A natural diet and innate lifestyle can dramatically benefit children`s brain development, boost IQ, and improve learning processes.

Children should eat a whole food based diet that is rich in color and variety. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds of different colors, shapes, & sizes. Every color boasts its own unique variety of phytonutrient anti-oxidants. The novelty of the different produce will excite the child`s developing cerebellum and boost neural growth patterns in this important area of the brain.
Super shakes using coconut, hemp, or almond milk with frozen berries and other frozen fruit is an amazingly refreshing and satisfying treat that could be made in a unique fashion more than once a day. Try different fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, banana, etc. Berries are typically higher in pesticides so be sure to get the organic frozen or fresh variety.

Non-denatured, grass-fed whey protein is one of the best fuels for a growing child. This protein provides a mega dose of L-glutamine, which is a very important amino acid for tissue healing and a strong gastro-intestinal system. Due to inflammatory diets and the overuse of anti-biotics and other medications many children have a very weak gastrointestinal lining. When this lining is damaged, proteins are able to cross into the bloodstream. The body then goes into self-defense against these alien proteins and triggers an inflammatory attack creating food allergies and intolerances.

High quality whey protein also boosts glutathione, which is the body's master anti-oxidant. Glutathione protects cells by neutralizing oxygen molecules before they damage cells. It also boosts natural liver detoxification and protects the arteries, brain, heart, and immune cells among others. Children who are deficient in glutathione are much more likely to develop neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, ADHD and Asperger`s.

High quality whey protein also provides highly bioavailable amino acids that help produce healthy muscle tissue. This is especially important for active kids and athletes engaging in long practices and physically demanding sports. These amino acids also help produce enzymes that carry out extremely important functions in the body. Active enzymes help metabolize inflammatory wastes and positively influence tissue healing processes.

Children should be getting a minimum of 1 gram of high-quality long chain omega 3 fatty acids EPA & DHA each day. The best natural source of EPA & DHA is wild, Alaskan sockeye salmon. Salmon also contains astaxanthin, which is another powerful anti-oxidant that is particularly good for eye health. Having wild salmon (never farmed) once or twice a week is particularly good for children. Grass-fed beef is also high in EPA and DHA as are free range eggs and wild game such as venison. These should all be rotated into the diet and eaten on a regular basis. Additional supplementation with a high quality, purified fish oil containing ample amounts of EPA & DHA is also highly recommended.

Municipal water is extraordinarily toxic to healthy brain development. Clean, filtered water that has removed chlorine, DBP`s, heavy metals and fluoride is essential. High quality reverse osmosis systems are one of the very few water systems that is able to effectively remove fluoride. Add back a pinch of pink salt (1/4 teaspoon per gallon) to replace any lost minerals from the reverse osmosis process. Teach your children not to use municipal water fountains but instead to carry bottled water in either glass or stainless steel bottles.

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