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Candida Overgrowth Triggers Your Child’s Chronic Ear Infections

by: Anita Khalek

(NaturalNews) Research documented by Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D. at the Wisconsin Institute of Nutrition demonstrates a strong link between Candidiasis (candida overgrowth) and chronic infections in the middle ear, mainly in children. Other studies on candida support this correlation and the deteriorating effects candidiasis has on the immune system.

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83 percent of all children get at least one ear infection before the age of three, and with millions of new cases every year, otitis media (middle ear infections) now account for 35 percent of all visits to the pediatrician. The usual course of treatment is antibiotics. Where chronic infections occur, the child cycles in a viscous loop of infection/antibiotic/infection with no clear relief in sight. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010 shows antibiotics having no significant effect on treating ear infections, while causing much harm to the body's intestinal flora. Stomped for answers, pediatricians often recommend tube surgery as the next step, which in many cases has to be repeated.

What is candida?
Candida albicans or yeast is a microorganism naturally present in the areas of the back of the mouth, throat and intestinal tract, and also in the female genital tract. The use of antibiotics indirectly supports candida overgrowth by eradicating the benign and good bacteria, an integral part of the immune system and the first line of defense against a candida overgrowth. With their natural predators diminished, candida flourishes in the intestinal tract and may then jeopardize the immune system over time by releasing dozens of toxins in the body, potentially causing an autoimmune response. Candida continues to thrive by feeding on sugary foods, and is further aided by pharmaceutical drugs, especially antibiotics and immuno-suppressants.

Candida has the potential to double its colonies in a very short time, thereby challenging the immune system's defenses. It also works with other harmful bacteria and viruses to foster a more toxic environment in the body. The result is often a continuous stream of infections in the area of the middle ear where candida is in close proximity.

How do you know your child exhibits symptoms of candida overgrowth?
In babies, candida overgrowth may exhibit itself as diaper rash, eczema, colic, interrupted sleep, white film on the tongue or thrush, excessive crying or even digestive disturbances where the child becomes intolerant of the formulas. In older children, crankiness, hyperactivity, sugar cravings, tantrums and high susceptibility to colds and flus are all strong indicators. In these cases, children begin developing sensitivities or allergies to foods and may even develop asthma. As the child gets more vaccinations, the increased mercury intake helps candida thrive further. The extended use of antibiotics for infections and steroids, such as cortisone for asthma, also suppress the immune system.

Dr. Semon cites measurable improvements using an anti-yeast treatment in the cases studied. The treatment is comprised of eradicating the candida with anti-yeast medicine (synthetic or natural) while simultaneously eliminating all the foods that candida eats by following the candida diet. Only then can the body regain its balance and repopulate the intestinal tract with good bacteria that feeds off the candida. The treatment may take some time, but the benefits have a tremendous impact on the child's quality of life as well as on the parent's. Benefits include happy, healthy children with increased focus and better state of well being. Meanwhile, the mainstream medical research community continues to narrowly focus its research in this area on isolating the bacteria or viruses that cause ear infections and on developing the appropriate vaccines.

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