by Ben Taylor
This protocol was assembled with input from Dr. Ken O'Neal ND, MD and corroborating information from "Prescription For Natural Healing" by James Balch, MD and Phyllis Balch, CNC. This protocol is intended to facilitate the healing of the heart and the rebuilding of the cardiovascular system as well as healing some of the neurological related issues that can commonly be a part of the problem. Symptoms can range from angina pectoris to heart arrhythmias. Angina (chest pain) is commonly accepted to be caused by a lack of blood/oxygen flow to the heart, but what is usually overlooked is the fact that mineral deficiencies, especially magnesium, calcium, and potassium can also result in similar symptoms.
Following is a general heart healing protocol for adults using supplements that are safe and can be very effective in cardiovascular rebuilding. The suggested supplements will generally give positive results, but they will be enhanced and usually hastened by also following steps 1-5. The supplements listed below are somewhat in the order of importance as considered by the writer.
(1) Put aside stressful situations in your life and past traumas behind you, as stress alone can accelerate health decline. Focus on a positive outlook with healing your body, mind, and spirit as a priority. Research has shown that prayer, which puts the mind, body, and spirit into agreement with God and with the healthy actions you are taking is very helpful for optimum healing. God created a Universe of logic and order and has built into it "cause and effect". We cannot expect regeneration of our physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy thoughts and unnecessary worries.
(2) Stop all alcohol and tobacco use as well as food abuse (overeating of foods, especially processed foods) as they will lower your immunity even further and may well be a part of the root cause of your health problems. It is impractical to expect regeneration of the physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy practices.
(3) Drink non-chlorinated and non-fluorinated water (6 – 8 glasses per day). Be careful above 64 oz. per day (depending on your body weight) as too much water can result in electrolyte dilution which itself can cause neurological problems. Generally people do not get enough water rather than too much.
(4) If you are having heart or circulation issues and are taking calcium in the citrate form, stop immediately. Calcium citrate is very difficult for the body to absorb and is often stored in the joints causing Arthritis and in the arteries as plaque causing blockages. Also, if you are taking aspirin regularly, there are supplements contained in this protocol which may also act as blood thinners, so do not take both.
(5) Remove the consumption of sugars (except for fruit) and most animal proteins whether in food or drink. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein. Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Raw organic carrots and apples and/or their juices are very good. Take Bromelain (a pineapple digestive enzyme) with your supplements to enhance nutrient absorption.
(6) EnzymesMega doses of enzymes (used systemically rather than as digestive aids, 4-6 capsules 3 times daily) on an empty stomach will enhance circulation by acting as a potent chelating agent to reduce plaque buildup and inflammation in the arteries. Most people who have the before and after LDL and HDL testing done have also noted a dramatic drop in bad cholesterol levels.
Notice: Do not take Bromelain or other Enzymes with any drugs you may be taking, as it will intensify the effects because of enhanced digestion and could be dangerous.
(7) Membrane Complex This is a Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium complex which provides the most absorbable source for these essential minerals. Deficiencies of Magnesium and Calcium are often the root cause of heart angina and arrhythmias. Calcium is required for muscles (including the heart) to contract and Magnesium is essential for muscles to relax. An imbalance or deficiency of any three of these can severely interfere with normal heart function. For example, it is well known that muscle cramps elsewhere in the body are often caused by such deficiencies … and after all the heart is a muscle too. If you are having muscle cramps in the legs, this is a signal that you may be depleted in these minerals and your heart could be the next muscle to cramp causing angina or heart attack.
(8) Iodine is another of the most basic minerals which can affect heart rhythm and acute iodine deficiency is very prevalent in modern cultures. 2-10 drops per day may be used for 'loading' purposes in the case of iodine depletion. (See the Iodine Replacement Therapy video for more information.) Iodine is not only essential for proper heart rhythm, but is also critical for normal thyroid function.
(9) Colloidal Silver Research in recent years has show that the origins of some heart health issues is infectious bacteria, such as H. pylori, which are associated with stomach ulcers. Chlamydia pneumonia found in cases of pneumonia may also be another bacterial source of heart damage. For maintenance purposes colloidal silver consumption can be from 1-4 teaspoons daily and for therapeutic use from 1-3 oz. daily for 2-4 weeks. There is no rule of thumb that fits everyone and it may be helpful to read A Layman's Guide to Using Colloidal Silver.
(10) Zinc Balance contains both zinc and copper and are essential immune system stimulant. Take between 30mg (2 capsules) up to 60 mg (4 capsules) per day for 2-4 weeks and then reduce to 15-30 mg every 2 days for maintenance, but never exceed 100 mg per day for any length of time.
(11) Selenium is one of the most vital and potent antioxidants for protecting and healing the heart. Its deficiency has been specifically linked to heart disease. Take at least 200 mcg daily and up to 600 mcg per day for a limited period (2-4 weeks) and then reduce to 200 mcg per day for continuing maintenance.
Other supplement suggestions well worth consideration:
(12) Hawthorn Berry Heart Syrup is the best heart supplement complex to increase blood flow and lower blood pressure, both as a maintenance supplement taken daily (1/2 teaspoon 3 times) as well as an emergency supplement (1-3 ounces at one time until one can get to emergency facilities).
(13) Vitamin C can be an extremely important vitamin in the regulation of blood pressure.
(14) Omega Oils and essential fatty acids are also necessary for the proper functioning of the heart by aiding in the prevention of hardening of the arteries. Take up to 3 tablespoons per day for 2-4 weeks and reduce to 1-2 tbsp for maintenance afterwards.
(15) CoQ10 increases oxygenation of heart muscle tissue and may help prevent second heart attacks. (50-100mg daily)
(16) Alpha Lipoic Acid is an anti-oxidant that lowers LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
(17) Grape Seed Extract is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the clotting tendencies of the blood. Notice: If you are taking anti-clotting drugs, it may be best not to take this supplement.
(18) IP-6 and Inositol is also known to protect the heart by preventing clots and reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Notice: If you are taking anti-clotting drugs, it may be best not to take this supplement.
(19) Chromium GTF is very beneficial in that it has been shown to raise the HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
Notice: This writer has no formal training in any field of healthcare, but I have been interested from childhood in natural healing because of my grandmother's knowledge. She was trained by pioneer experience, as well as the passing down from both her pioneer and 'original native' American families of certain naturopathic healing practices. I am simply following in her footsteps in this interest. I consult regularly on many topics of natural healing and healthcare with close friends who are Doctors of Naturopathy as well as Medical Doctors as well as others who are well practiced natural healing researchers. All information and suggestions on natural healing, whether personal or in the conducting of my livelihood, are passed on to you as an exercise of my God-given Right of speech and opinion.