by: Ethan A. Huff
(NaturalNews) Obviously unnerved with the growing number of parents that are choosing to avoid vaccinations for their children, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has decided to establish localized vaccine "task force" squads that go door-to-door in local communities in order to harass parents into compliance.
Jeffry John Aufderheide from reports that the federal government's recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows for the US government to arbitrarily detain, and even murder, American citizens that it deems to be a threat to national security, goes hand in hand with the new vaccine task forces. Both strip individuals of their God-given and constitutionally-protected liberties, and instead force tyranny on them in the name of public safety.
Door-to-door vaccination efforts have already begun in California, where school officials from the Natomas School District recently went on a witch hunt in pursuit of unvaccinated children. Conveniently leaving out the fact that parents are not required by law to have their children vaccinated, these officials tried to strong-arm parents into compliance with intimidation tactics — naturally, most of the parents rejected the ploy.
In 2009, the US Senate passed HR 3590, which provisioned for the CDC to create "Community Preventive Services Task Forces" — this being the politically-correct name for the vaccine-enforcement mafia groups that would soon result. And this Big Pharma-driven agenda, which is, of course, funded by taxpayer dollars, tasks local school and health officials with doing the dirty work.
Fortunately, most of the parents who opt out of vaccines for their children in the first place are smarter than the system, and they know their rights. But many parents in general still falsely believe that vaccines are mandatory, and that they have no freedom of choice to refuse them. And taxpayer-funded vaccine enforcement squads only make the situation worse, as they utilize fear, intimidation, and lies to maintain the status quo.