by: Anthony Gucciardi
(NaturalNews) Less than one month after bombshell new research revealed that "environmentally safe" compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) contained carcinogenic chemicals, two leading bulb makers have introduced a new brand of LED light bulbs. The bulbs were introduced as an alternative to the toxin-laden CFL's, though there is a drawback. Thanks to government regulations, traditional incandescent bulbs will soon be phased out of production — leading to a very frightening ultimatum: if you don't want carcinogenic CFL light bulbs, you'll have to pay $50 each for the new LED bulbs.
Peter Braun, who performed the light bulb tests at the Berlin's Alab Laboratory, said: "For such carcinogenic substances it is important they are kept as far away as possible from the human environment."
CFL bulbs are already widely used both in the European Union and in the United States. Thanks to a call by the EU government to phase out incandescent bulbs by the end of 2011, many households have converted to carcinogen-producing CFL's under the guise of saving the planet with the "environmentally-friendly" bulbs. The health consequences of such widespread use are currently unknown, as the results will only come with time. With an excess of cancer-causing chemicals being pumped into the average household, an explosion in already-skyrocketing cancer rates may be the result. Despite the research coming out over the negative health effects of the bulbs, The Department for the Environment still insists that they are perfectly safe.
On The Department for the Environment website it states: "Energy efficient light bulbs are not a danger to the public."
Thanks to alternative news pushing the dangers of CFL's into the mainstream, and this vital new research, a growing number of people are recognizing the dangers associated with using them. This leads the population to look for alternatives, as with any product that consumers do not want to purchase. The problem is, however, that government regulations threaten the consumer's ability to purchase traditional incandescent bulbs that do not leak carcinogens into the air. Congress passed a law in 2007 mandating that bulbs producing 100 watts of light meet certain standards, which conventional light bulbs do not. The law goes into full effect by 2012, with California already banning stores from restocking on 100-watt incandescent bulbs. It seems that the other option — besides hoarding incandescents before they are banned — is to purchase a new brand of LED bulbs. The bulbs will cost $50 each, and they will escape the federal ban due to being energy-efficient by the standards of the new law.
These LED bulbs may be more efficient and do not contain harmful substances, but they simply are not affordable for the majority of consumers worldwide. Government regulations have driven consumers to begin purchasing light bulbs that will endanger their health and quite possibly give them cancer, as the alternatives may not be economically viable. While it may not be a simple issue to remedy, one thing is for sure: the health of the nation should not suffer due to poorly designed light bulbs that contain known carcinogens.