by: Jonathan Landsman
(NaturalNews) Should government run agencies manipulate the weather, cause earthquakes and destroy the atmosphere? More importantly, if the public found out what was really going on – how would we stop it? This may sound like a bad, science-fiction novel – but our planet is under attack – and the evidence is shocking!
Keep reading (below) to learn more about "HAARP". (it's crazy)
"Thank you so much, Jonathan. You've had so many good guests!" – Esther
The basics about HAARP
According to Dr. Begich, "HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater". The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth."
"Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; an antenna that sends out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything – living and dead."
Make no mistake – the military is involved with HAARP technology and there is much more behind its capabilities and practical applications.
HAARP possibilities are insane
Related research by Begich and Manning uncovered bizarre schemes related to HAARP. Did you know there are U.S. Air Force documents revealing a system that is being developed for manipulating and disturbing human mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation (like HAARP) over large geographical areas.
Don't believe this? The most telling material about this technology came from writings of Zbigniew Brzezinski. (former National Security Advisory to U.S. President Carter)
The following statement was made by Brezinski while a professor at Columbia University:
"Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says accurately-timed, artificially-excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth … in this way one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period"
" … no matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages, to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades."