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Nitric Oxide & Its Many Health Benefits

by Nathan Bryan, Ph.D.

When most people hear the word "nitrite" they immediately think of a harmful food additive added to cured and processed meats like hotdogs and bacon. But what people don't understand is its critical role not only in preventing food borne illnesses, but most recently its recognized health benefits due to its ability to form nitric oxide or NO. Up until the 1970s it was thought that nitrite and nitrate are synthetic un-natural molecules, but then it was realized that nitrite is actually produced in the body of mammals through natural metabolic processes.

This realization is what ultimately led to the discovery of nitric oxide. The discovery of nitric oxide warranted a 1998 Nobel Prize to the three American scientists responsible for its discovery. Now we know and appreciate the essential nature of both nitric oxide and nitrite in the modulation of human health and disease. As we begin to recognize safe and effective delivery systems for nitrite and nitric oxide, we can begin to develop new technologies that will certainly have enormous benefit to human health. So, once thought as a harmful toxic molecule in our food supply, nitrite is now considered an essential nutrient and molecule produced in our body to regulate a number of physiological functions. In fact, the emerging physiological data on nitrite are strikingly analogous to a vitamin, perhaps Vitamin N. Becoming more evident is the enormous benefit of dietary nitrite and nitrate in a number of disease models. A simple ubiquitous molecule we have been advised to avoid may be an indispensable nutrient that many are lacking.


Did You Know?

Nitric Oxide and Sleep Apnea

Much has been written about the etiology of sleep apnea, including a blocked or narrowed airway. A vitally important but lesser known etiology of sleep apnea is the intermittent failure to transport adequate nitric oxide (NO) to the lungs. This is problematic since inadequate NO translates into a lack of oxygen (which in turn results in disturbed sleep in order to 'kick start' breathing). In addition, NO plays important roles in the pharyngeal dilation and mediating other aspects of the thoracic musculature. Also, the return to sleep following recurrent cortical arousals (i.e., a shift in the EEG pattern to alpha frequencies) also uses NO. There is a clear and well-defined relationship between NO and sleep apnea.


Haight JS, Djupesland PG. Nitric oxide (NO) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep Breath. 2003;7(2):53-62.


 Neo40 FAQ's:

I have been taking Neo40 for a while now, but my test strips are still reading low or depleted. Is it working?

If you do not produce sufficient amounts of Nitric Oxide or your body uses all it makes, you will continue to test low when you measure several hours after taking a Neo40 Daily or eating leafy greens. The length of time it takes to replete your levels and sustain them varies dramatically with your cardiovascular condition. Though not often the case, if you have a persistent, chronic health issue, it is possible that recapturing satisfactory levels can take months or even a year. Continue to take the product twice a day until you see improvement. If you want to confirm that the Neogenis® test strips are effectively measuring your Nitric Oxide levels, simply test immediately after taking a Neo40 Daily or immediately after eating a leafy green salad. You will see your test strip reading change significantly. Make certain you are not diluting your saliva with water or food before testing, which will render test results inaccurate, as will the use of antiseptic mouthwash and antibiotics.

My mouth feels very sensitive/uncomfortable after taking Neo40. Is that normal?

Mouth sensitivity is the most commonly reported side effect with Neo40, but there are steps you can take to alleviate it. The nitric oxide conversion process begins in your mouth when the lozenge reacts with your saliva. Make sure you move the lozenge around in your mouth as it dissolves and stay hydrated. You can also chew the lozenge instead for faster absorption and to minimize the amount of time it is in your mouth.


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