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Planned Parenthood Scandal?

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The media is abuzz with chatter about Susan G. Komen for the Cure's flip-flopping on the issue of whether or not to fund Planned Parenthood, the controversial reproductive health services group that provides abortions for women, in order for it to offer breast exams and promote mammograms. But the real controversy is the fact that Komen's mammograms, which are promoted as a "lifesaving" intervention, actually cause breast cancer.

Immune Booster Protocol

On January 28, 2012, The Washington Post (WP) announced that Komen had decided to cut funding for Planned Parenthood because the group has been embroiled in a federal investigation as to the legitimacy of its funding. And Komen's official policies do not permit funding for groups that are in the midst of such a controversy.

But just a few days later, the Los Angeles Times and many other media sources reported that Komen had reversed its decision and decided to continue funding Planned Parenthood after all. Apparently Komen's policies on funding providers that are at the center of congressional investigations is a little more flexible than we all thought.

Komen's flip-flopping on this important issue has drawn extensive criticism from both sides of the argument. But the bigger issue here, of course, and one that is not receiving any national attention, is the fact that the screening procedures endorsed and promoted by Komen do not necessarily prevent breast cancer — and in the case of mammograms, they actually cause breast cancer.

Mammograms cause cancer, but Komen will never admit this
The mammograms causing breast cancer issues is one that we have addressed on many occasions here at NaturalNews, but it is one that deserves repeated attention, especially since Komen is in the spotlight once again. Mammograms not only cause cancer, but they also result in many false positives that lead thousands of women every year to undergo invasive and detrimental procedures for a disease they do not actually have.

Back in 2009, for instance, a study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) showed that continual low-dose radiation exposure from mammograms can cause breast cancer. Roughly one year later, researchers from Oslo University Hospital revealed that mammograms cut the risk of dying from breast cancer by about two percent, at best, while simultaneously causing many women to be falsely diagnosed with cancer.

However, Komen's entire business model is to continue pushing mammograms and screenings on women whether or not they actually work. The group also fails to warn women about the obvious risk factors that lead to cancer.

Back in October, for instance, Komen denied that bisphenol-A (BPA), the harmful plastics chemical, is linked to causing breast cancer, even though science says otherwise ( And at the same time, Komen has allowed its pink logos to appear on cancer-causing products like KFC meal buckets and Mike's Hard Lemonade alcohol bottles (

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