by: Ethan A. Huff
(NaturalNews) Correction: The initial version of this article incorrectly stated that the Pinellas County Commission was reconvening to consider adding fluoride back into the county's water supply. The Pinellas Park City Council, which is located within Pinellas County, is considering adding fluoride back into the water supply that serves just its own city, not the entire county.
Just days after one of the biggest health freedom victories of 2011 took effect, it was reported that advocates of tyranny are now trying to reverse this victory, at least in one of the cities involved, and force medication on the public via its water supply. The Tampa Bay Times reports that the Pinellas Park City Council in Florida, whose city was included in Pinellas County Commission's vote back in October to remove fluoride from the entire county's water supply, is now considering adding fluoride back into its own water supply in response to petitions by a few pro-fluoride fanatics.
As NaturalNews reported previously, the county's commission voted 4 – 3 back in October to stop adding fluoride to the entire county's water supply, which stands to save the county more than $200,000 a year, as well as restore the health freedom of 700,000 local residents who will no longer have to bathe in and drink water tainted with a toxic byproduct of the aluminum and phosphate mining industries.
But an upcoming hearing could change all that for those living specifically in Pinellas Park.
After deliberating with pro-fluoride advocates insistent on delivering fluoride to residents about alternatives, the council is now considering caving to those who are whining the loudest, which at the current moment include fluoride advocates like councilman Jerry Mullins. Mullins and various others in the community bemoan the fact that the county's water is no longer being poisoned, and insist that fluoride be reinstated for the sake of the children.
So on January 24, the Pinellas Park City Council will convene to discuss ways in which fluoride can be reinstated into the city's water supply, despite it having been removed from the county's shared supply. One suggested way is to inject the chemical at three different entry points, a method that leaves a lot of room for mixing and dilution errors and that could put public health at serious risk.
These fluoride apologists continue to cling to antiquated and disproven pseudoscience that touts the made-up benefits of fluoride consumption. They also refuse to acknowledge the host of more recent science proving that water fluoridation is dangerous and causes brain damage, that it exposes the public to unspecific doses of an unapproved drug, and that it does not even provide the health benefits that its advocates claim it does.
In order to stop Pinellas Park's regression back into the dark days of forced public medication, it is crucial that the commission hear from concerned individuals about the dangers of fluoride. Health freedom advocates need to bombard the council with opposition to its proposed reversal back to water fluoridation before it meets to discuss the issue on Jan. 24.