Customer Testimonials

Rachel in Tennessee

Hi Utopia Silver,
It took me a while, but I finally ordered the silver and gold soap after my Burt's Bees soap ran out. I am so glad I did! I love the soap!!!!!

It cleans very well and without a lot of lather that you spend extra time and water washing off. It absolutely will not dry out your skin, and after years of not using any soap products on my face, I can now use it freely and have a great clean feeling without any harsh chemicals or that tight feeling from using traditional soap.

It does "lather" to some degree, but it is a long lasting soap too. That really impressed me, since it does cost a little more than what you buy in the store. But the value is great! It doesn't melt away like other soaps.(Even the Burt's Bees soaps used up quickly). You are left feeling clean and refreshed without harmful chemicals.

We live in the country and have well water. The high mineral content can be problematic. I am also careful what I put down my drains due to the septic system. The silver and gold soaps are a wonderful addition to overcoming the high mineral content that can leave you feeling less than clean after a shower, and I don't have to worry that I could be adding contaminants to the soil or water table.

Now I just need to convince my son and husband to use it. You won't go wrong with these soaps.

I wish this had been available when my children came along. If you have young children, or are expecting a new bundle of joy, you should consider using these soaps on your baby. No harmful chemicals! And so very good for the skin and overall health.(Have you read the labels on the baby soaps we have in abundance in the stores? You should!)Less is more. That's certainly true with these soaps.

Rachel in Tennessee — 

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