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Recover From Prostate Cancer By Changing Your Diet

by: Allison Biggar

(NaturalNews) Prostate Cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men in the United States over the age 50. According to the American Cancer Society, 32,050 men in the United States die from the disease each year. But, prostate cancer doesn`t have to be fatal. More and more people are turning to dietary and lifestyle changes to heal their bodies naturally and beat this disease.


Henry Stein was a typical 64-year-old man, who ate the Standard American Diet (SAD), and didn`t think he was particularly at risk for prostate cancer. During a routine checkup, his urologist suggested a biopsy, and it was determined that Henry had prostate cancer and a Gleason Score (a grading system that measures prostate cancer severity) of 8, a number that indicated the cancer was "fast-growing". This was very bad news for a guy that thought he was invincible.

Stein`s urologist explained all the treatment options, which included surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and chemical castration drugs. The side effects of radiation pellets were incontinence, bowel damage and the possibility that the radiation could cause new cancer. Needless to say, these side effects of the cure sounded worse than the disease! So did the fact that arthroscopic surgery (a new technique using robotic instruments) could be fatal due to a fat embolism or other complication.

"I decided that there HAD to be other choices," says Stein. "After all, I was only 64 and planned to live into my 100`s to see my Grandchildren`s Children! The standard amount of time to live was only was 5 years past treatment!"

With the help of his loving wife, Henry began to research alternative cancer cures. He started on the internet and poured over all the material he could get his hands on.

"No matter what your diagnosis or status, you have to start with RESEARCH. Don`t let anyone do it for you, as this is a journey, not a destination! The amount and quality of alternative cancer cure information available is truly staggering!"

He found several common threads in all the sites he examined. All advice pointed to a change in diet- the elimination of meat and dairy products, the addition of whole, raw and organic foods, and the switch to an alkaline stomach environment, which is created by eating mostly fruits and vegetables.

"When they say, "Change your lifestyle" and "Change your diet" they really mean "CHANGE!" Stein explains. "Like in obliterate all previously held beliefs, food choices, desires and favorite fast foods."

After 64 years of being a meat-eater, Stein gave up the Standard American Diet to become a vegan. He also installed a water filtration system to alkalize his water supply and started doing yoga, something he never envisioned his body could achieve.

"I was the only guy in yoga class," he laughs, "but now there is another guy in the class; if he shows up again!"

After only a few months of his new vegan diet, his PSA score (number that grades the cancer`s severity) was down to 4.7. A few more months on his new diet and lifestyle and his score went down further to 3.5, which is considered a number within the "normal" range. Not only that, his cholesterol went from 170 down to 138. Henry Stein is on his way to recovery without ever having to suffer the unbearable side effects that result from surgery, chemo or radiation.

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