Ask Utopia Silver

Prescription Drugs

I am taking several doctor prescribed meds. One for depression, one for sleep, one for reflex disease, 3 for pain that I have in my leg from a full leg DVT after a car accident 10 years ago. The DVT took almost a year to resolve itself and left behind some permanent damage in my leg.

I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I take almost 20 pills, most of which don’t work and make me tired and constipated. I vomit at least twice a week and I feel like crap. I am only 56 years old and don’t want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

My cousin swears by these products. So, I need to know if these 3 products: Colloidal silver, probiotics and zeolite will cause negative side affects / interfere with my meds? I am taking a couple pills that I will need to be weened off. I can send you the names of the pills if you need them.

Thank you,
Penny in Virginia

Hi Penny,
You are too young to feel anything but good. But doing so may require a lot of diligence and hard work. If you’re overweight, you can never be as healthy as you should be without reducing the weight. One must get some exercise outside in the sunshine; modest walking is good.

Just remember, disease is not a deficiency of drugs as mainstream medicine would have us believe! Another thing to remember, clinical studies are not only often fabricated by drug companies, there are almost never studies done on the effects of combinations and multiples of combinations of drugs. It is very likely that some of the drugs you’re taking to counter the side effects of other drugs. This is chemical insanity and almost never ends well for those caught up in that hamster wheel. Therefore the symptoms and side effects from taking these chemical concoctions can be almost anything one can imagine, from physical maladies to psychosis.

Sleep: The issue of insomnia is one of the most critical of issues involving both mental and physical health. You may want to read this from our Home Page, Insomnia and Sleeplessness Protocol

Constipation: Colon Klenz can often diminish the effects of constipation.

Reflux: Mainstream medicine usually treats this with ‘anti-acid’ drugs, but very often it is caused by a lack of stomach acid rather than too much stomach acid. If you don’t have enough acid, your food will not digest properly causing ‘indigestion’. A simple test is, next time you get acid reflux, take 1-2 teaspoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in 4-8 ounces of water. Generally if this improves your indigestion, then that indicates you are low in stomach acid. You may also want to look at this Enzyme Healing Protocol for digestion.

Healing: Silver has been found to enhance tissue healing, taken orally and used topically to damaged tissue. Enzymes can also reduce fibrin buildup and scar tissue which might improve your leg damage. One of the secret weapons (in surgery and medicine, as well as for athletes in the Olympics) of the old Soviet Union and the Eastern block countries was the use of “Systemic Enzymes” to enhance the healing of physical damage.

DVT: Enzymes can also reduce clots, but that may then alter your anti-clotting medication needs. The best thing you could do is to find a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) who is also an MD, who can see you personally. You should not simply go “cold turkey” off of multiple drugs without close and expert supervision.

Never take Enzymes with drugs, as they will enhance your body’s absorption, causing the dosages to be too high. Enzymes taken with other supplements is usually good as they will reduce the wasting of the supplements- also aiding the body’s absorption.  Colloidal silver, Zeolite, and Probiotics should not interfere with any drugs, but to be on the cautious side, simply take them your supplements at different times from your drugs.

Ben in Utopia

Healing Protocols

Insomnia and Sleeplessness Protocol

by Ben Taylor

There can be many causes of insomnia and sleeplessness, but here are some suggestions that in most cases will heal this health, both mind and body, destroying issue. Sleep issues can very often be caused by deficiencies in any of the nutrients listed below. We have listed some supplements below that are essential for restful and effective sleep:

1. Membrane Complex– contains the AEP form of magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which are closest to plant produced and 100% absorbable. One of the primary causes of insomnia is severe magnesium deficiency. 3-5 capsules taken 1/2 hour before bedtime can induce a whole body relaxation and sleep that is unmatched by any drug. It is important to know that the citrate and carbonate forms of calcium are difficult for the body to absorb and end up being stored in the joints, causing Arthritis; in the arteries, causing plaque build up and blockage; and in the muscle tissue, causing stiff and sore muscles.

2. Drenamin– aids in the rebuilding of the adrenal glands which are essential to the regulation of the body’s metabolism. Reduced adrenal function can be indicated by any one or more of the following: weakness, fatigue, sleeplessness, headaches, memory issues, dizziness, food cravings, allergies, and blood sugar disorders. One of the great side effects of using Drenamin to rebuild the adrenal glands is that if taken just before bedtime, it enhances sleep and can trigger better REM sleep and dreaming. My experience and of others is that I started dreaming ‘in color’ again after being on Drenamin for less than a week.

3. L-Tryptophan– is an essential amino acid, especially found in turkey meat that helps to trigger sleep enzymes and relaxation. If taken with Drenamin just before bedtime, it can produce a deep and restful sleep.

4. Taurine– is a building block of all other amino acids and is a key component of bile. It is essential for the proper absorption of magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium. Low levels of magnesium and potassium especially, are often key in the inability of muscles to relax as a prerequisite to sleep.

5. Enzymes (Systemic)- taken in mega servings reduces inflammation of tissue and capillaries enhancing the body cells oxygen absorption, which increases relaxation. Am enzyme tablet taken with food or supplements greatly enhances the absorption. (Note: Do not take enzymes with drugs as it will also enhance the absorption causes problems with the dosage level.

6. IP-6/Inositol– is a vitamin that has a calming effect on the body as well as reducing cholesterol levels. Research has also shown that inositol in high quantities can also alleviate depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders and anxiety disorders. It is also claimed to enhances REM sleep and dreams.

7. Vitamin C– aids in the production of anti-stress hormones and lowering the blood pressure and reducing cholesterol.

8) Alcohol consumption- If you have followed this protocol and you are still experiencing issues of insomnia, you may need to limit your alcohol consumption and in some cases eliminate it altogether. If you are a drinker of alcohol and you awake at night after 2-4 hours of sleep and then are wide awake, you may be experiencing alcohol induced insomnia. Alcohol is actually fermented sugar which can trigger sugar highs at night resulting in restlessness and even insomnia.

9) Liver Cleanse– If you are an alcohol drinker whether experiencing insomnia or not, you should be doing a regular liver cleanse of some kind as alcohol severely damages the ability of the liver to function properly as the body’s toxin filter. This will also exacerbate health problems and may compound sleep issues.

It is always important to get plenty of exercise and to eat a healthy diet when attempting to heal any health issue, so do not neglect these aspects of good health when dealing with insomnia and sleeplessness.