by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) It is very encouraging to see a mainstream medicine insider with impressive credentials come out and confirm what some of us outsiders have known for a while.
Dr. Landell’s current perspective on heart health
Dr. Lundell has seen through the cholesterol hoax, the low fat diet scam recommended by medical authorities, and the high adverse risks without benefits of statin drugs. From his experience as a heart specialist, he realizes that statin drugs are more dangerous than high cholesterol.
He maintains that lowering cholesterol unnaturally invites other health issues. Our bodies need cholesterol for cell walls, nervous system sheathing, and brain matter. Cholesterol is part of our necessary physiology. Cholesterol is also converted into various hormones by the endocrine system.
Dr. Landell points to low fat diet recommendations as a major factor for raising cardiac and diabetes issues statistics nationally. He points out that healthy fats do exist and they’re important. Medical dietary recommendations have expanded an already toxic food industry by promoting unhealthy fats.
Dr. Landell has seen evidence of inflammation within blood vessel inner walls while performing his many heart surgeries. Inflammation, he asserts, is the cause of heart disease and other chronic health issues. This has been explored by a few other MDs and naturopaths over the past few years.
So now that he’s out of the Medical Mafia Matrix, Dr. Lundell is promoting nutrition with whole foods and healthy fats. He has written a book, The Cure for Heart Disease: Truth Will Save a Nation, and has founded the Healthy Humans Foundation.
He warns that toxic processed oils are pervasive, saturating processed foods and market shelves. This contributes to an omega-6 to omega-3 imbalance for most of the population. The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio should be 3 to 1, or inflammation will definitely occur sooner or later. Among Americans, this ratio is sometimes as high as 35 to 1.
Kudos to Dr. Landell for stepping out of the Medical Mafia Matrix to realize the value of nutrition for heart health and debunk several decades of AMA and Big Pharma cholesterol myth-making that slandered healthy fats.
Dr. Landell is one of the more prominent mainstream medicine members stepping out to slowly unravel the false paradigm for heart health, which even many alternative health practitioners have fallen for.