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Vitamin B12 Deficiency- Common Cause of Chronic Coughing

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) A recent study done by the University of Turin and Mauriziano Hospital in Italy showed a significant correlation between vitamin B12 deficiency and unexplained chronic cough. This study, which was presented at the World Allergy Organization XXI World Allergy Congress, discussed the impact of this new finding in the world of allergies and immunology.

This study examined 302 patients with chronic cough at the Italian hospital. The most common diagnosed cases of chronic cough included adverse drug events, cough reflex sensitivity, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and allergic rhinitis. 15% (40) of the population had no known origin for their chronic cough.

The research group, led by Dr. Guiseppe Guida, hypothesized the possible connection to sensory neuropathy and B12 deficiency. Out of the 40 individuals with chronic unexplained cough, 25 had a B12 deficiency (serum levels <300 pg/ml), while 15 did not.

Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a water soluble vitamin with a key role in the formation of blood cells and normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. A common side effect of B12 deficiency is a peripheral sensory neuropathy, causing symptoms such as numbness, tingling, burning, and complete lack of sensation.

This study showed that a sensory neuropathy due to a B12 deficiency is a possible factor in unexplained chronic cough and dysfunction of the pharynx and larynx. Biopsies showed elevated levels of nerve growth factor in the oropharyngeal epithelial cells. Increased NGF is thought to increase neurogenic inflammation that would disrupt the airway and cause chronic discomfort and coughing. Through this mechanism, B12 deficiency may cause neurogenic inflammation of the airway, due to elevated levels of nerve growth factor (NGF).

This process also reduces cellular metabolism in the epithelia, disrupting cellular polarity and creating a relatively unstable electrochemical state. Histamine, a biogenic amine and neurotransmitter, is associated with increased inflammatory processes. Individuals with b12 deficiency showed lowered histamine thresholds and cough thresholds that significantly improved with supplementation.

Research reveals that 39% of the population is B12 deficient. Those most at risk for B12 deficiencies include older populations, individuals with gastric reflux, previous or current H Pylori infections and diets deficient in b12 (vegans), and those who are taking prescription medications. In addition, those who have trouble sleeping are commonly deficient in b12, which is needed to produce melatonin, the sleeping hormone.

Increase Your B12 Naturally:

1.Eat Healthy Animal Products: Grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish, & free-range eggs are nature's best sources of highly absorbable B12.

2.Seek Supplementation: Individuals who choose not to eat meat should seek supplementation since vegetation sources such as algae actually contain a B12 analog that is active in the blood and shows up on tests but does not perform the same biological activities within the body. This is especially dangerous for vegans because they may be severely deficient yet have normal values on the standard immunoassay, which has become the normal medical method for testing for B12 deficiency.

The best delivery of B12 supplementation is through sublingual tablets or low dose sprays. Tablets are not as effective. The most bio-available form of cobalamin appears to be methylcobalamin. Cyanocobalamin, the most common form of supplemental b12, is derived through chemical synthesis or through isolation from animal products or waste. Although it is popular, cyanocobalamin does not have effective uptake in the body. Methylcobalamin appears to be taken up by the body and used more efficiently.

3.Use Probiotics: H Pylori infections of the stomach have been shown to cause B12 deficiencies. Probiotic supplementation helps the body fight the infection and reduces chances of recurrence later in life. Aim for 50-100 billion organisms of diverse cultures.

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Regular Exercise Can Help With Diabetes

by: Anthony Gucciardi

(NaturalNews) Regular exercise could be a natural and effective way to help treat diabetes. A study conducted with diabetic Hispanic men and women undergoing a strength training routine found that within 16 weeks there was dramatic improvement with their sugar control. With its positive impact on blood sugar, weight, and blood pressure, exercise is an activity that should be included in any routine.

Besides its beneficial properties regarding blood sugar, weight loss, and blood pressure, diabetics who exercise regularly have been found less likely to experience a heart attack or stroke than those who do not. This exercise is not specific to strength training or anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise, such as walking or jogging, is similarly effective. Both of these exercises, whether combined or isolated, have been found to aid in the fight against diabetes.

How much exercise is too much? Over-exercising could cause your blood sugar to rise. Obviously, this is not something that is desirable for a diabetic. Be sure to start your exercise program very slowly in order for your body to adapt to the new regiment that it is going through. Start your exercise routine out by going on brisk walks or lifting weights. Always make sure to consult your physician.

The length of the exercise is also rather important. Most experts agree that roughly 45 minutes of exercise is enough. This prevents over-exercising, and therefore prevents the negative effects on your blood sugar levels. While it is recommended that you exercise for no more than 45 minutes, exercising for a shorter period of time is acceptable.

Warming up is very important as well. Always warm up before you start training in order to prevent too much stress on your body. Doing 10-15 very light repetitions of any exercise will increase blood flow, and eventually get your body ready for the exercise that you are about to perform. This is an important step that many often overlook.

When should you not exercise? If your blood sugar is above 250 mg/dL and you are ketones positive then it is considered a bad idea to exercise. Exercise could do more harm to your body than good at these levels. If your blood sugar is above 300 mg/dL but you are not ketones positive, then it would be advisable to exercise carefully. While exercise is certainly a great method of natural improvement, you do not want to do it when your body cannot handle the stress.

Exercising can help those suffering from diabetes improve their health. When following the guidelines and techniques outlined in this article, exercise can be a powerful tool against diabetes. Always be sure to also monitor your diet, ensuring it is full of living foods and super-foods.

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Just 16 Ships Expel as Much Pollution as All the Cars in the World

by: E. Huff

(NaturalNews) Large shipping vessels have become commonplace in today's global marketplace as goods are imported and exported across the world. While the high levels of pollution they create are something that most people don't think too much about, some scientists are beginning to evaluate their environmental effect. One of the most disturbing facts discovered about these giant ships is that a mere 16 of them emit as much sulfur as do all the cars in the world combined.

Fred Pearce, a science writer and environmental consultant for New Scientist, has been studying the shipping industry for quite some time. He has focused particularly on their use of filthy, toxic fuel that is polluting the air at a staggering pace. According to his assessment, thousands of people die every year from the toxic fumes that are emitted from their smokestacks, lingering in the air as a brown haze for many days. If current practices continue, he estimates that upwards of a million people will die in the next decade due to ship pollution.

The type of fuel typically used in large ocean craft is composed of the dirty leftovers from the refined fuel that is used in cars, trucks, and other land vehicles. It is thicker than land fuel and high in sulfur. It is essentially a cheap, filthy form of fuel that would never be permitted for use on the mainland but that are tolerated on international waters. The chemicals found in the smoke trails of this "bunker fuel" are known to cause severe inflammation, cancer, breathing problems and heart disease.

The sheer size of these ships is astounding, measuring a quarter of a mile long on average. Each one holds approximately 14,000 full-size shipping containers, typically carrying goods from Asia to Europe and North America. There are over 100,000 ships and counting on the seas today.

The reason why reckless ship pollution is allowed to continue is due to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) policy that permits bunker fuel containing up to 4.5 percent sulfur to be used in international waters. This number is 4,500 times higher than the sulfur amount permitted in vehicle fuel in the European Union.

The IMO has reluctantly agreed to reduce the sulfur limit to 3.5 percent by 2012 and, eventually, to 0.5 percent. The biggest barrier to enacting stricter pollution guidelines is the increased cost of cleaner fuel. Bunker fuel is inexpensive and plentiful, allowing shippers to make use of the leftover byproducts of clean fuel production.


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More Evidence Supports the Importance of Vitamin D in Heart Disease Prevention

by: Marek Doyle

(NaturalNews) Although the link between low Vitamin D status and chronic disease has been well known for some time, a new study has shed further light on the role of Vitamin D in cases of hypertension and congestive heart failure.

Researchers from the Medical College of Wisconsin analysed genetic data from 617 individuals stored at the Marshfield Clinical Personalized Medicine project, a DNA databank. They separated the group equally into a healthy control group, those with high blood pressure and those with high blood pressure and congestive heart failure, and it became clear that there was a striking correlation between those who suffered from both ailments and a deviation in the CYP27B1 gene, which reduces the rate that the body converts stored vitamin D into its active form.

Robert Simpson was one of the authors of the study. "This study revealed that a critical enzyme absolutely required for production of the vitamin D hormone has a genetic variant associated with the development of congestive heart failure," he said. "If subsequent studies confirm this finding and demonstrate a mechanism, this means that in the future, we may be able to screen earlier for those most vulnerable and slow the progress of the disease."

Although more likely to suffer from hypertension and CHD, individuals with this genetic disposition will not necessarily succumb to poor health. It is important to note that not individuals who expressed the deviation in the CYP27B1 showed chronic disease and this altered gene does not stop the body from using Vitamin D; instead, it slows the rate that calcidiol is converted into calcitriol (this is the `active` form of Vitamin D). This means that affected individuals may require significantly more UVB exposure/dietary Vitamin D than average, although this research is still to be done before any true comparison can be made. "This initial study needs to be confirmed with a larger study that would permit analysis of the full cardiovascular profile of the population possessing the gene variant," added Simpson.

A variation in the CYP27B1 gene has previously been associated with an increased risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes, and more research is expected to further elucidate both the role of this gene and Vitamin D in general in a range of degenerative disease. Meanwhile, this latest research is unlikely to change recommendations made in nutritional clinics, although it gives rise to the possibility that, in future, tests may exist to identify those who require more Vitamin D than average. Mainstream medicine is yet to welcome the use of Vitamin D, regardless of the wide array of protective effects it has been shown to have on cancer, CHD, hypertension, depression, auto-immune conditions and insulin sensitivity. This latest research represents more useful insight into the function of this powerful nutrient, and another slow step towards acceptance of this fat-soluble vitamin as an important weapon in the fight against chronic disease.

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Traffic Noise Raises Blood Pressure

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Living in areas with high traffic noise may lead to higher blood pressure and a concurrently higher risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a study conducted by researchers from Lund University Hospital in Sweden and published in the journal Environmental Health.

"Road traffic is the most important source of community noise," said lead author Theo Bodin. "We found that exposure above 60 decibels was associated with high blood pressure among the relatively young and middle-aged, an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke."

Previous studies have found connections between living near airports and higher blood pressure. Scientists believe that constant noise may place the body in a state of chronic stress, leading to higher heart rate and blood pressure. It may also harm health by disturbing sleep patterns.

Researchers examined health and residence data on more than 24,000 adult residents of Sweden, using their home addresses to determine the average level of ambient traffic noise in their neighborhoods. Young and middle-aged adults being regularly exposed to average noise levels between 45 and 65 decibels were significantly more likely to have high blood pressure than those in quieter neighborhoods, with risk increasing proportionally to noise level.

Among the middle-aged, 28 percent of those living in areas with noise averaging above 64 decibels reported high blood pressure. Only 17 percent of adults in the same age group and quieter neighborhoods suffered from hypertension. The numbers in younger adults were similar.

The researchers did not know why there appeared to be no link between noise and blood pressure in the elderly.

"The effect of noise may become less important, or harder to detect, relative to other risk factors with increasing age," Bodin said. "Alternatively, it could be that noise annoyance varies with age."

Sixty-five decibels is a little louder than a normal conversation. Recent data suggest that 30 percent of the European Union's population is exposed to average traffic noise of 55 decibels or higher continually.

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The Cause Behind the Great Potato Famine (And Why it’s Coming Back)

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Researchers have sequenced the genome of the fungus responsible for the Great Irish Potato Famine in the 1800s, uncovering the reason that the organism continues to plague potato farmers to this day.

"This pathogen has an exquisite ability to adapt and change, and that's what makes it so dangerous," said lead researcher Chad Nusbaum of the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Mass.

The organism, known as Phytophthora infestans, is a type of water mold that continues to cost potato farmers billions of dollars every year. It prefers cool, wet climates and is capable of destroying entire fields of potatoes and tomatoes within only a few days. In 2003, P. infestans destroyed Papua New Guinea's entire potato crop.

The mold evolves resistance to antifungal sprays with astonishing speed. In just the last few years, potato farmers in the United Kingdom have increased chemical spraying by 30 percent in an attempt to hold the organism at bay, and the ongoing blight in Ireland has been called "the worst in living memory," according to the BBC.

According to information published in the journal Nature, P. infestans' genome is especially large, at least twice as long as the genetic code of its closest relatives. Some regions of the genome are particularly dense, containing many genes in a small area, while others are much less dense. It is these gene-light areas that may hold the key to the organism's adaptability: more than 700 key genes were mapped in these regions, some of them coding for attacks on potatoes' immune systems.

"The regions change rapidly over time, acting as a kind of incubator to enable the rapid birth and death of genes that are key to plant infection," said co-lead author Brian Haas. "As a result, these critical genes may be gained and lost so rapidly that the hosts simply can't keep up."

Modern agriculture has exacerbated the problem, said Paul Birch of the Scottish Crop Research Institute. Widespread application of chemicals encourages pest evolution, while genetic standardization of food crops makes them more vulnerable to infestation.

75 Minerals

Living By Grace

Prodigals, ‘Let Them Come Home’

by: Abraham PiperAt first I pretended that my reasoning was high-minded and philosophical. But really I just wanted to drink gallons of cheap sangria and sleep around. Four years of this and I was strung out, stupefied and generally pretty low. Especially when I was sober or alone.

My parents, who are strong believers and who raised their kids as well as any parents I’ve ever seen, were brokenhearted and baffled. (See sidebar story below.) I’m sure they were wondering why the child they tried to raise right was such a ridiculous screw-up now. But God was in control.One Tuesday morning, before 8 o’clock, I went to the library to check my e-mail. I had a message from a girl I’d met a few weeks before, and her e-mail mentioned a verse in Romans. I went down to the Circle K and bought a 40-ounce can of Miller High Life for $1.29. Then I went back to where I was staying, rolled a few cigarettes, cracked open my drink, and started reading Romans. I wanted to read the verse from the e-mail, but I couldn’t remember what it was, so I started at the beginning of the book. By the time I got to chapter 10, the beer was gone, the ashtray needed emptying and I was a Christian.

The best way I know to describe what happened to me that morning is that God made it possible for me to love Jesus. When He makes this possible and at the same time gives you a glimpse of the true wonder of Jesus, it is impossible to resist His call.

Looking back on my years of rejecting Christ, I offer these suggestions to help you reach out to your wayward child so that they, too, would wake up to Christ’s amazing power to save even the worst of us.

1. Point them to Christ.
Your rebellious child’s real problem is not drugs or sex or cigarettes or porn or laziness or crime or cussing or slovenliness or homosexuality or being in a punk band. The real problem is that your child doesn’t see Jesus clearly. The best thing you can do for rebellious children—and the only reason to follow any of these suggestions—is to show them Christ. It won’t be simple or immediate, but the sins in their life that distress you and destroy them will begin to disappear only when they see Jesus more as He actually is.

2. Pray.
Only God can save your children, so keep on asking Him to display Himself to them in a way they can’t resist worshiping Him for.

3. Acknowledge that something is wrong.
When your daughter rejects Jesus, don’t pretend that everything is fine.

If you know she’s not a believer and you’re not reaching out to her, then start. And never stop. Don’t ignore her unbelief. Ignoring it might make holidays easier, but not eternity.

4. Don’t expect them to be Christlike.
If your son is not a Christian, he won’t act like one, and it’s hypocrisy if he does. If he has forsaken your faith, he has little motivation to live by your standards, and you have little reason to expect him to.

If he’s struggling to believe in Jesus, there is little significance in his admitting that it’s wrong to get wasted, for instance. You want to protect him, yes, but his most dangerous problem is unbelief—not partying. No matter how your child’s behavior proves his unbelief, always be sure to focus more on his heart’s sickness than its symptoms.

5. Welcome them home.
Because your deepest concern is your son’s heart, not his actions, don’t create too many requirements for coming home. If he has any inkling to be with you, don’t make it hard for him. God may use your love to call him back to Christ. Obviously there are instances when parents must give ultimatums: “Don’t come to this house, if you are …” But these will be rare. Don’t lessen the likelihood of an opportunity to be with your child by pushing him away with rules.

If your daughter stinks like weed or an ashtray, spray her jacket with Febreeze and change the sheets when she leaves, but let her come home. If you find out she’s pregnant, then buy her folic acid, take her to her 20-week ultrasound, protect her from Planned Parenthood, and by all means let her come home. If your son is broke because he spent all the money you lent him on loose women and ritzy liquor, then forgive his debt as you’ve been forgiven, don’t give him any more money—and let him come home. If he hasn’t been around for a week and a half because he’s been staying at his girlfriend’s—or boyfriend’s—apartment, urge him not to go back, and let him come home.

6. Plead with them more than you rebuke them.
Be gentle in your disappointment.

What concerns you most is that your child is destroying herself, not that she’s breaking rules. Treat her in a way that makes this clear. She probably knows—especially if she was raised as a Christian—that what she’s doing is wrong. And she definitely knows you think it is, so she doesn’t need this pointed out. She needs to see how you are going to react to her evil. Your gentle forbearance and sorrowful hope will show her that you really do trust Jesus.

Her conscience can condemn her by itself. Your role is to stand kindly and firmly, always living in the hope that you want your child to return to.

7. Connect them to other believers.
Obviously, you are distant from your wayward child; otherwise you wouldn’t think they’re wayward. This is another reason why pleading is better than rebuking—your relationship with your rebellious child is tenuous and should be protected if at all possible.

But rebuke is still necessary. A lot of rebellious kids would do well to hear that they’re being fools, but you’re probably not the one to tell them. Try to keep other Christians in their lives and trust God to connect your son or daughter with a believer who can point out your child’s folly without getting the door slammed on them.

8. Respect their friends.
Of course your daughter’s relationships are founded on sin. And, yes, her friends are bad for her. But she’s bad for them, too. And nothing will be solved by making it evident that you don’t like who she’s hanging around with.

Be hospitable. Her friends are someone else’s wayward children, and they need Jesus, too.

9. E-mail them.
When you read something in the Bible that encourages you and helps you love Jesus more, write it up in a couple of lines and send it to your child. The best exhortation—better than any correction—is for them to see Christ’s joy in your life.

Don’t stress out when you’re composing these as if each one needs to be singularly powerful. Just whip them out and let the cumulative effect of your satisfaction in God gather up in your child’s inbox. God’s Word is never useless.

10. Take them to lunch.
If possible, don’t let your only interaction with your child be electronic. Get together with him face to face if you can. You may think this is stressful and uncomfortable, but trust me that it’s far worse to be in the child’s shoes—he is experiencing all the same discomfort, but compounded by guilt. So if he is willing to get together with you for lunch, praise God, and use the opportunity.

It may almost feel hypocritical to talk about his daily life, since what you really care about is his eternal life, but be sure to do it anyway. He needs to know you care about all of him. Then, before lunch is over, ask about his soul. You don’t know how he’ll respond. Will he roll his eyes like you’re a moron? Will he get mad and leave? Or has God been working in him since you talked last? You don’t know until you risk asking. God will give you the gumption.

11. Take an interest in their pursuits.
Odds are that if your daughter is purposefully rejecting Christ, then the way she spends her time will disappoint you. Nevertheless, find the value in her interests, if possible, and encourage her. You went to her school plays and soccer games when she was 10; what can you do now that she’s 20 to show that you still really care about her interests?

Jesus spent time with tax collectors and prostitutes, and He wasn’t even related to them. Imitate Christ by being the kind of parent who will put some earplugs in your pocket and head downtown to where your daughter’s CD release show is. Encourage her and never stop praying that she will begin to use her gifts for Jesus’ glory instead of her own.

12. Point them to Christ.
This can’t be stressed enough. It’s the whole point. No strategy for reaching your son or daughter will have any lasting effect if the underlying goal isn’t to help them know Jesus.

The goal is not that they will be good kids again. It’s not that they’ll get their hair cut and start taking showers; it’s not that they’ll like classical music instead of deathcore; it’s not that they’ll vote conservative again by the next election. The goal is not for you to stop being embarrassed at your weekly Bible study or even for you to be able to sleep at night, knowing they’re not going to hell.

The only ultimate reason to pray for them, welcome them, plead with them, eat with them, or take an interest in their interests is so that their eyes will be opened to Jesus Christ.

And not only is He the only point, but He’s the only hope. When they see the wonder of Jesus, satisfaction will be redefined. He Himself will replace the money, or the praise of man, or the high, or the sex that they are staking their eternities on right now. Only His grace can draw them from their perilous pursuits and bind them safely to Him—captive, but satisfied.

God will do this for many. Be faithful and don’t give up.

Abraham Piper
Abraham Piper lives with his wife and son in Minneapolis, where he works for Desiring God Ministries.

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Big Pharma Kills Yet Another Celebrity

by: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) It's not normal to die at age 32 of a heart attack. To make that happen, you normally have to be taking chemical substances of some kind, either recreational drugs or prescription drugs. Actress Brittany Murphy, who died this last weekend from a heart attack, was reportedly taking prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of the flu (not to actually treat the flu itself, mind you, just the symptoms of the flu). She was found collapsed in her shower after her heart gave out.

If prescription drugs are the cause, this would be just the latest celebrity death caused by pharmaceuticals. Other celebrity deaths recently caused by pharmaceuticals include:

• Heath Ledger

• Patrick Swayze

• Bernie Mac

• Michael Jackson

• Farrah Fawcett

And from the realm of politics and the media, the following celebrities have also been killed by pharmaceuticals:

• Tony Snow

• Tim Russert

• Peter Jennings

If you add it all up and include all the non-celebrities killed by Big Pharma, these dangerous prescription medications are racking up a body count that makes terrorists look like amateurs.

Pharmaceutical industry is a giant fraud
The pharmaceutical industry, as operated today, is based almost entirely on scientific fraud, bribery of doctors, misleading advertising and corrupt regulatory agencies like the FDA. Most prescription medications simply don't help most people. They only mask symptoms while ignoring the underlying causes of disease.

Nearly all pharmaceuticals are sold with the Big Lie… the implied (but false) promise that "These drugs will make you healthier." That's why drug ads always show happy, healthy people popping their pills. (Well, technically they never even show them popping the pills. They just show them doing yoga, hiking in the woods, or whatever looks good.)

I can't think of a single pharmaceutical that actually makes you healthier. Almost universally, prescription medications cause long-term damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and nervous system. Over time, they erode your health, accelerate your apparent aging and promote chronic degenerative disease.

Nutrients can make you healthier and prevent disease, but pharmaceuticals have no such abilities. That's because the human body was never designed to digest patented chemicals. It was, as you probably learned in high school health class, designed solely to digest natural foods and nutrients provided by Mother Nature.

Of course, pharmaceuticals are very seductive. The idea that you can pop a pill and have all your health problems corrected is very appealing to many people. This is perhaps what got into Brittany Murphy. She mistakenly believed FDA-approved drugs would protect her health when, in reality, they took her life.

NaturalNews mourns her death and hopes that others will learn the truth about dangerous prescription drugs and seek out safer, more natural alternatives that can save their lives.

Why celebrities need really good nutrition
Being a celebrity is extremely stressful and demanding. The long work hours, lack of time in nature, sunlight deficiency, frequent travel and poor sleep quality all add up to a lifestyle that can devastate your health. That's why celebrities, more than almost anyone, need to pursue a super clean diet with lots of superfoods.

Only through very powerful, potent foods can celebrities hope to maintain anything close to a healthy life while under the stresses of celebrity existence. (And make no mistake, being a celebrity is harder than you think. The stresses are unbelievable…)

The smart celebrities are already on natural diets — Woody Harrelson, Suzanne Somers, Daryl Hannah and so on. They will tend to far out-live others who pursue extremely stressful lifestyles while trying to survive on a diet of processed foods and FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.

There is no doubt in my mind that Brittany Murphy's life could have been saved by reading NaturalNews. If she had been taking vitamin D supplements, immune-boosting herbs and following a diet of healthy superfoods, she would very likely still be alive today. That's just my opinion, of course, as I don't yet know all the medical details about her death, but for someone to die of a heart attack at age 32, their health has to be severely compromised in one or more significant ways.

The sad part is that the conventional medical industry never tells people the truth about nutrition and disease prevention, so even people who consider themselves to be "well informed" are lacking basic knowledge about vitamin D, minerals, phytonutrients, living foods, superfoods and so on. To my knowledge, Brittany was not known as a health food person, so she most likely followed conventional health information (junk food, drugs and surgery). And that's almost certainly what killed her.

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Avoid Heart Attacks With This Critical Whole Food Vitamin

Crusador Interviews Christopher C. Barr

Though Practically The Last Of The Vitamins To Be Identified & Extensively Researched, Could The Vitamin Called B6 Be The Most Important Of All?

“There is a difference and your body knows the difference between nutrients in the form The Almighty made them versus the form that man makes them.” — Christopher Barr

Coronary heart disease is the nation’s #1 killer. While just about everyone has great expectations for an exciting, prosperous 2010, 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year and of those, an estimated 500,000 will die and become another “death by heart attack” statistic.

Post holiday heart attacks are one of the biggest killers in North America. A U.S. study of 53 million deaths between 1973 and 2001 showed deaths from heart disease peaking in December and January. There are a number of factors for this such as overeating during the holidays, stress, depression, and lack of exercise.

While heart health should be a primary focus of your regimen all year long, during the winter months and with the onset of a New Year with new resolutions, it is especially important to pay more attention to it.

Heart disease is the most studied and researched of all diseases simply because it is the #1 killer. Much has been discovered and written as far as what causes heart attacks and the ways to avoid one. Certainly the consumption of trans fats and toxic fats plays a destructive role when it comes to heart disease. Getting off of the bad fats and putting the healthful fats in your body like Omega-3’s, 6’s & 9’s can have a profound impact on your arteries and heart.

Another prominent marker that scientists and researchers have linked to heart disease is elevated blood levels of homocysteine. Research has proven that those with high blood levels of homocysteine experience a greater number of heart attacks. Much could be written about how and why homocysteine levels are raised in the blood and what could be done to lower it or prevent it from elevating in the first place. Modern medicine is just now catching up to what some early health pioneers knew a long time ago. A trio of B-Vitamins (B6, Folate, & B12) has demonstrated the ability to lower blood levels of homocysteine and positively effect heart health and longevity.  

In this interview, Christopher Barr shares his insights about this trio of B-vitamins and the knowledge he has regarding these early pioneers who were far ahead of their time when it comes to knowing how to lower and prevent heart attacks. In addition to the positive impact these B-vitamins have on heart health, Barr also explains why they play a significant role in many other bodily processes as well.

Crusador:  Thanks again for another interview, Chris. I know you’re a very busy man so I consider it a blessing that you continue to write for our paper about all of the life saving knowledge you have. In this interview, I’d like you to share your pearls of health wisdom on vitamin B6, folate and vitamin B12. To begin, why do you feel that of all the B-vitamins, B6 is the most important one that deserves our attention?

First, let me also thank you Greg for the opportunity to present nutritional health information without regard to all the political and egotistical infightings from both medicine and nutrition that have significantly held back real progress for many decades about the roles of nutrients.

As for the pyridoxal group collectively referred to as B6 it is “more than a feeling” to quote the old Boston song as to its “most important status” among “all the B vitamins”.  In fact, this is the single most important of all those nutrients classified as ‘vitamins’.  It is the only one of the so called ‘vitamins’ for which I make significant recommendations and I refer to ‘pyridoxals’ rather than ‘Vitamin B6’ in the interest of greater accuracy.

Pyridoxals are necessary for more than 100 enzyme systems involved in protein metabolism alone as well as hormone activities, nervous and immune system functions, red blood cell metabolism and production of hemoglobin.  There are none of the so called vitamins more involved in so many vital functions of the body.  Couple its need in so many functions with the callous removal of it from the food supply by modern day food processing and it is easy to see why it is the single most important of all of those nutrients identified as vitamins – easy to see for those bothering to look which is sadly too, too very few.

Crusador:   Let’s get into what I feel is the most important aspect of vitamin B6 – its role in helping to prevent heart disease. From the research I’ve seen there’s a positive correlation between vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplementation and lower incidences of heart disease. This trio also helps patients who have had heart attacks to live much longer than those not supplementing with this vitamin. Why is this so important for heart health?

In recent years the build up of an amino acid metabolite called homocysteine has been recognized as an important risk factor for heart disease – finally.  I first learned of this almost 30 years ago in the book, ‘Vitamin B6: The Doctor’s Report’ by Dr. John M. Ellis, M.D. published in 1973 by the mainstream giant Harper & Row publishing house.

Dr. Ellis wrote at length about the work from the 1960s of Dr. Kilmer McCully, M.D. at Harvard University regarding the substance of homocysteine.  Dr. McCully noted that homocysteine contributed to heart disease and that it was created because of a deficiency of pyridoxal.

McCully continued his researches and promotion of this very basic truth through the 1970s until his job at Harvard was threatened if he didn’t stop pressing the matter.

It was about another 10 years before the matter of homocysteine as a risk factor for heart disease began to receive notice again and only in recent years before receiving significant notice.

Folate and B-12 are involved in helping with the homocysteine problem though theirs are significantly lesser roles.

Crusador:  Tell us about the work of John Ellis, M.D. and Kilmer McCully, M.D.; what did they discover and why should their research be held in high esteem?

Dr. McCully at Harvard had discovered the biochemistry of how pyridoxal deficiency contributes to heart disease in the late 1960s as he followed up on the work of others from 1951 who had determined that pyridoxal deficiency can indeed result in heart disease.

Dr. Ellis came upon the work of McCully as he expanded his own researches on pyridoxal that he had begun in 1961.  His work was far more exhaustive with regard to pyridoxal and Ellis subsequently wrote the book on the subject – quite literally.

Ellis and McCully actually did join together in some professionally published research regarding pyridoxine, homocysteine and heart disease in the 1990s.

For those who may question the relevance of a book on nutrition more than 30 years old, well, there has been no noteworthy contributions to that of Ellis on the subject excepting his own follow-ups including ‘Vitamin B6 Therapy’ more than 25 years after his classic work on the subject.  This 1999 publication primarily substantiated his postulations from the 1973 work and should really be considered as an addendum to the earlier work.

One need only glance over some of the table of contents of the more recent work to get a hint at the much greater picture of importance demonstrated within the work.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders
Coronary Heart Disease
Arthritis and Rheumatism
Brain Function

A sad and tragic footnote to all of this is that Dr. Ellis was killed just one year ago in a car accident at the age of 89.  Equally sad and tragic is that his passing went unnoticed by the nutrition industry although in a sense that is apropos since his magnificent work was so often overlooked and unnoticed.  The local Mt. Pleasant Daily Tribune newspaper gave him accolades.  Though the nutrition industry was silent, even the Texas State Legislature honored his memory with an official resolution commemorating much about him including that “Dr. Ellis gained national attention for his extensive research on the benefits of vitamin B6”.

Crusador:  When it comes to heart health, what are the most important nutrients someone should be taking and why?

Well, Greg, among the most important nutrients to take when it comes to heart health is the mineral chromium in only a 100% whole food, grown variety (as that is the only form the body will readily utilize) for a couple reasons.  First, chromium manages cholesterol and in the absence of chromium cholesterol is unmanaged and out of control.  Second, chromium is vital for getting glucose into the cell and the heart is a muscle and as such has a higher need for sugar than other tissues.  Dr. Henry Alfred Schroeder of Columbia, Yale and Dartmouth universities who also received the highest award of the American Heart Association noted that chromium deficiency was THE cause of heart disease.

The mineral selenium is very important for another couple reasons.  First there is the unsurpassed antioxidant power of selenium that protects against damage to the arteries.  It is damaged arteries that are primarily subject to cholesterol build-up.  Second, selenium is required for the body to produce CoEnzymeQ10 which is very important to heart health.  Of course, if you are deluded into taking statin drugs then you don’t get this benefit because statin drugs interfere with selenium’s ability to produce CoQ10.

The mineral silicon (or silica) is another very important nutrient for heart health because of its importance for structural integrity of the arteries.  It contributes both strength and elasticity to the arteries.  Low silicon levels and unhealthy arteries are two sides of the same coin.  Plenty of silicon keeps the arteries strong and less susceptible to damage from free radicals and homocysteine.  Silicon is also a semi-conductor and electrical impulse is another facet to a healthy heart.

Magnesium is another mineral that is also a very important nutrient for heart health due to its role in maintaining a healthy heart rhythm.

Finally, pyridoxal is of great importance because it is a lack of this vital nutrient that results in escalating production of homocysteine.  This nutrient is vital for complete and healthful breakdown of the essential amino acids methionine and tryptophan.  In the absence of enough pyridoxal the methionine does not complete its breakdown and gets hung up at homocysteine.

It is incredible that as the polluted mainstream of modern medicine has finally recognized the problem of homocysteine, they emphasize the use of folic acid which is first of all, the wrong form of that nutrient (folate is the correct form), and secondly, of much less importance to the issue.  In fact, without addressing the more important pyridoxal deficiency that is of the most predominant importance to the issue, it is debatable whether even folate is of much value against homocysteine.

You see, Greg, folate merely causes the homocysteine to revert back to methionine.  If you do not address the need for pyridoxal then the methionine metabolism will just end up in escalating levels of homocysteine again.  Emphasizing folic acid or folate more than or to the exclusion of pyridoxal just puts one on a merry-go-round and a merry-go-round just goes round in circles never actually getting anywhere.

It is most interesting to note that all of these most important nutrients for heart health are predominantly removed when white flour is made.  For more than 50 years the conventional wisdom has actually been conventional foolishness.  While turning butter-on-bread into the bogeyman along with other saturated fats, the real terror has been the white bread.

This point was made in a recent Men’s Health article about the promoting of saturated fat in 1953 as causing heart disease because of a correlation between greater saturated fat consumption and heart disease in Americans compared to less of each in 5 other nations.  It was noted that another study in 1957 demonstrated that the correlation fell apart when all 22 nations for which that same data was available for were compared.  The Men’s Health article then noted of Americans that “perhaps they also consumed more sugar and white bread”.  BINGO!  The increased sugar intake would also increase chromium deficiency and escalate the heart degradation thereby making chromium deficiency a much greater problem regarding heart disease.

Crusador:  What is the difference between vitamin B6 found in fruits and vegetables and vitamin B6 found in animal products?

Now that is a very little known but very distinctive and extremely revealing difference.  The pyridoxal form found in non-animal foods is very stable to heat whereas the pyridoxal form found in animal products is very unstable to heat.  In other words, cooking your veggies results in minimal pyridoxal loss but cooking meat and eggs decreases pyridoxal, and in the case of dairy –can you say PASTEURIZATION — virtually eliminates the very high level of pyridoxine normally found in milk.

Crusador:  You stated to me that every time someone consumes an animal protein that they should pop a vitamin B6 tablet.  Why is that?

Because, Greg, unless you are eating your meat raw (something I don’t recommend) the pyridoxal is substantially reduced and – and this is a great big and – animal protein is a more concentrated protein that is the highest source of the essential amino acids methionine and tryptophan that particularly require pyridoxal for proper use.

This also demonstrates that The Almighty intended animal protein to be a garnish or occasional item rather than the predominant part of the dietary.

You see, Greg, it is not the saturated fat of meat that is so much the problem as it is the pyridoxal that is cooked out of it.

Crusador:  Why are women more often deficient in vitamin B6?

Women have a greater propensity for pyridoxal deficiency because of the great importance of this nutrient to hormonal activity and they being women operating more hormonally than men.

The Dr. Guy Abraham of UCLA that I referred to in the magnesium interview also has demonstrated the importance of pyridoxal specifically in partnership with magnesium for women’s health issues and especially regarding hormonal activity.

Of course, Dr. Ellis had already fully developed this importance of pyridoxal and magnesium for women ahead of Dr. Abraham.

Crusador:  You stated to me that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is easily eliminated with vitamin B6 supplementation. Can you tell us about the pathogenesis of CTS and why vitamin B6 can reverse it in a very short period of time despite the fact that the medical community says that most cases of CTS don’t have a known cause?

Dr. Ellis discovered this with much research and clinical application in the 1960s and proved it very well, and he was a prominent member of the medical community though they ignored his excellent and elaborate research pretty much the same as the nutrition industry.

Of course, you had to follow the protocols properly.

Dr. Ellis told me personally, “One with carpal tunnel syndrome should first take 200 milligrams of vitamin B-6 every day for 90 days.  If there is no response after that time then surgical options should be considered.”  That was three years ago when he was 87.  He then concluded, “In my experience I have found this regimen to provide a 90 per cent success rate.”  Now that is saying a lot since the experience of Dr. Ellis with carpal tunnel syndrome was extensive and went back more than 40 years to 1961.

As for me, I’ve had a 100 per cent success rate going back more than 20 years.  Part of my higher success rate might be due to not having helped as many people with this problem as Dr. Ellis.  On the other hand the better success I have had has usually been with only half as much pyridoxal or less than Dr. Ellis recommended with results generally seen much more quickly as well.

Dr. Ellis’ experience was with USP pyridoxine hydrochloride.  This is a man-made synthetic variety commonly available.  My experience has been with a 100% whole food, grown variety that is not so commonly available.  There is a difference and the body knows the difference.  Our bodies were designed for that which is grown (food) in a form that only The Almighty can form.

Crusador:   The online encyclopedia Wikipedia says that there are numerous therapeutic uses for vitamin B6. One preliminary study has found that this vitamin may increase dream vividness or the ability to recall dreams. It is thought that this effect may be due to the role vitamin B6 plays in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. According to a prospective study from the Netherlands, intake of vitamin B6 could cut the risk of Parkinson’s disease by half. Other studies suggest that vitamin B6 and magnesium in combination can help attention deficit disorder. What can you tell us about these studies and why there are such effective results?

Well, Greg, I have to laugh because you have rather answered your own questions within the asking of them.

Yes, all of these matters are covered in some depth by Dr. Ellis in his books on pyridoxal.  Indeed, pyridoxal is vital for tryptophan metabolism which results in some 20 different metabolites.  The most common and useful are conversion to niacin, serotonin and dopamine.

Pyridoxal and magnesium are cofactors in many aspects especially in brain and central nervous system functions, such that they are helpful together for ADD, ADHD, Down syndrome and autism as well.

Crusador:  Studies have shown that individuals diagnosed with autism have responded extremely well to high doses of vitamin B6 and magnesium. Apparently this therapy is one of the most popular complementary and alternative choices for autism. What makes these two nutrients work so well when taken together?

As previously noted pyridoxal and magnesium work together in a great many ways and certainly autistic children have often benefited especially with extra B-Complex vitamins.  It should be noted that not all autistic children respond to this and it is certainly not a cure for autism.

It should also be noted that when using high doses of pyridoxal (100 milligrams or more) a daily B-Complex should be taken as a base because large doses of single isolated B-Complex nutrients can throw off other B-Complex nutrient balances.  Simply taking a B-Complex in the morning with a pyridoxal dose will suffice so that pyridoxal can be taken thereafter throughout the day without additional B-Complex nutrients.

Crusador:  Tell us about the difference between folic acid and folate and why folic acid should be avoided?

There is no folic acid in foods.  This nutrient in foods is in the form of folate.  It would be more accurate to consider folic acid as a drug than as a nutrient.  Even nutritionally oriented doctors know that in order to get results with folic acid they have to use large quantities even in amounts of thousands of micrograms daily.  You’re basically forcing square pegs into round holes that way.  It is really a disservice to use folic acid at all but so few know anything about whole food nutrients.

Crusador:  Folic acid is promoted to pregnant women as something necessary to help prevent birth defects. Are the experts in error about this or is what they’re saying true, but folate in a food grown state is the real answer instead of a synthetically produced version of folic acid?

To be honest Greg, I haven’t looked into the neural tube defects issue to know whether that is actually a folate matter but if it is then without a doubt folate would be the correct answer rather than folic acid.

Crusador:  There are seven known forms of vitamin B6. Can you explain the differences between them and which form is the best one to use as a nutritional supplement to experience the best overall health benefits?

That is a lot of discussion so let me simplify by noting that there is a difference and your body knows the difference between nutrients that are grown as only The Almighty can form them and all the rest that pass for nutrients.  I have insisted upon using only 100% whole food nutrients and have seen more results and seen them more quickly than the literature indicates.

Crusador:  Why are so many people deficient in these three nutrients?

Government figures have placed American consumption of refined white flour as 20 per cent of the dietary.  Most of these nutrients are removed during the processing.  Then there is the matter of milk which is normally a rich source of pyridoxals that are even more substantially destroyed by pasteurization than refining removes them from whole grain.  Finally there is the high meat consumption common with so many people.  Greater meat consumption means greater need for pyridoxals but the cooking of meat substantially reduces the content of pyridoxals.

If you eat only whole grains, drink unpasteurized, raw milk, and consume meat only as a garnish or occasional item then you avoid deficiency.  The more you stray from these guidelines the greater your deficiency will be.

Crusador:  You have been a very outspoken promoter of the Innate Response line of supplements because they are one of the few companies in the entire nutritional supplement industry that actually derives its nutrients from 100% food grown sources. Tell us about the Folate, B6 & B12 product that Innate Response manufactures and what kind of results have people experienced that you have recommended this product to?  

For starters I have seen responsiveness in 100 per cent of carpal tunnel syndrome cases with this product.  It is also a part of my heart protocols.  It has been a key in turning around many cases of rheumatoid arthritis as well.  Then there is the matter of diabetes.

Though the primary cause of adult diabetes is a gross deficiency of the mineral chromium there are several other underlying nutritional issues.  In almost every instance 100% whole food chromium in sufficient quantity will turn diabetes around though the other underlying nutritional issues are still there.  In the very rare circumstance where a diabetic is non-responsive to proper chromium intake, I have found that addressing the other underlying nutritional issues then brings that one around.  These include pyridoxals and magnesium that work together in this regard (and many other regards also), as well as zinc, silicon and selenium.  Notice that those include the most important nutrients for heart health (with the exception of zinc) so it should be no wonder that diabetics are at much greater risk for heart disease than non-diabetics.

Truthfully, all diabetics should take all of these nutrients though proper chromium intake so often makes such a profound difference all by itself that it is often difficult to talk them into doing anything else even though the lesser needs are still there.

Crusador:  Is there anything else important that we need to cover or share with our readers that we didn’t get into?

Well, there are a couple.  Pyridoxal deficiency is the primary cause of neuropathy though sometimes diabetics with this problem receive relief after prolonged chromium use (with the right form of chromium of course).  However, medical scare tactics will often warn against use of pyridoxals stating that their use can cause neuropathy but that is a half truth and a half truth is a whole lie.  Dramatically high use of pyridoxals in excess of 500 mg. for sustained periods of time can result in neuropathy but the same medical literature that documents this also notes that the damage is not permanent and almost immediately ceases after discontinuing this high amount of pyridoxal.  Personally I have never recommended amounts anywhere near that amount and have never known of a case where Dr. Ellis did either.

In recent years the Institute of Madness, er, uh, Medicine that is the primary source for government recommendations has set an “Upper Limit” of just 100 milligrams daily.  Those buffoon lackeys of all things medical pretty much never get anything right when it comes to nutrition.

Dr. Ellis took 200 milligrams daily for almost 50 years and was in robust health when a traffic accident ended his life in the backside of his 90th year.  He also routinely recommended the same intake for all his patients and he had a very large number of patients who lived to more than 100 years of age following that advice – and extra longevity due to that level of pyridoxal intake is actually published in a 1995 journal with Dr. Kilmer McCully as co-author.  I am certain Dr. Ellis would have lived so long as well except for his accidental death last year.  One of my many calls to him in recent years was kept brief because he was on his way to a funeral for a former patient who had died at 103.

The last item I will only bring up in brief as it would take an entire issue just to cover the basics on it but I’ll throw it out here as just a little teaser.  Scurvy is actually more of an extremely severe pyridoxal deficiency syndrome than it is a deficiency of what has come to be called “Vitamin C”.  OK, so that is a BIG TEASE but it takes a lot of explaining which we don’t have time for here.  I once spent the better part of an hour going into all the details with a prominent biochemist.  His comment was, “Chris, I can’t find any flaw in what you are saying but it can’t be true because it goes against so much of what we have been taught.”  That gave me a hearty laugh as I responded, “You’ve been taught wrong,” while still laughing.

Let me just close with two quotes from the two greatest figures regarding so called ‘Vitamin C’ – each of them Nobel laureates.  First from the most well known of all, Linus Pauling.

"When an old and distinguished person speaks to you, listen to him carefully and with respect — but do not believe him. Never put your trust in anything but your own intellect. Your elder, no matter whether he has gray hair or has lost his hair, no matter whether he is a Nobel Laureate, may be wrong. The world progresses, year by year, century by century, as the members of younger generations find out what was wrong among the things that their elders said. So you must always be skeptical — always think for yourself."

That quote came from Pauling in a speech to Swedish university students in 1954 where he had come to receive his first Nobel Prize.

The final quote is from Albert Szent-Gyorgyi who received his Nobel Prize due to studies that brought him to his alleged discovery of the anti-scorbutic factor.

"Discovery consists in seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody has thought."

These two great quotes from allegedly great men have been an important part of the foundation for all my own work.

Crusador:  Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Chris. I’m sure many of our readers with diabetes or heart disease will be helped by what you’ve reported.

Chromium GTF

Omega 3-6-9
B Complex

Featured Articles

Former Head of CDC Lands Lucrative Job as President of Merck Vaccine Division

by: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) You've heard it before, how the pharmaceutical industry has a giant "revolving door" through which corporations and government agencies frequently exchange key employees. That reality was driven home in a huge way today when news broke that Dr. Julie Gerberding, who headed the CDC from 2002 through 2009, landed a top job with Merck, one of the largest drug companies in the world. Her job there? She's the new president of the vaccine division.

How convenient. That means the former head of the CDC was very likely cultivating a relationship with Merck all these years, and now comes the big payoff: Heading up a $5 billion division that sells cervical cancer vaccines (like Gardasil), chickenpox vaccines and of course H1N1 swine flu vaccines, too.

So what's the problem with all this? The problem is that private industry and government health offices such as the CDC or FDA should never be so cozy. When they are, it creates an environment of collusion between Big Government and Big Pharma. We've already seen this with the government-led push for swine flu vaccines that are manufactured (and sold) by drug companies like Merck.

You might even say that the CDC already functions as the marketing division of the pharmaceutical industry. It was the CDC that pushed so hard for swine flu vaccines, even amid the obvious realization that swine flu was no more dangerous than seasonal flu. To this day, the CDC still hasn't bothered to recommend vitamin D for the prevention of either seasonal flu or swine flu. It remains heavily invested in the lucrative vaccine approach — an approach that just happens to financially benefit the very corporations that are hiring ex-CDC employees like Dr. Gerberding.

How to triple your salary by selling out to industry
Getting a job offer from Big Pharma, by the way, is one of the most-desired career paths for many CDC employees (and FDA workers, for that matter). It's easy to accomplish it, too: Just operate in your government position as if you were a Big Pharma lackey. If you produce enough good business for the drug industry, sooner or later they'll offer you a lucrative position that doubles or triples your government salary (or even better).

Now, I don't want to lump all CDC employees in this same pathetic group, because there are indeed a great many bright, honest scientists working at the CDC who do excellent work tracking pandemics and trying to save lives. They are overshadowed, however, by those ambitious profit seekers who see their CDC job as merely a stepping stone for a far better-paying job at a major drug companies. And by any measure, Dr. Gerberding just cashed in big.

Her actual salary at Merck hasn't been publicly released yet, but given that she's heading up a $5 billion vaccine industry, it's probably not chump change. I'd bet she's now making at least ten times the salary of the President of the United States (and probably a lot more).

So now, Dr. Gerberding's new job involves the incessant promotion of yet more vaccines — a job not very different from the one she held at the CDC, come to think of it. More vaccines for more diseases afflicting more people… it's just another day at Merck, where the world is never so healthy that it doesn't need one more mandatory vaccine.

As a special bonus to Merck in all this, Dr. Gerberding has a wealth of contacts not merely throughout the CDC, but also at the World Health Organization. When you're the former head of the CDC, the top public health officials of the world are literally just one call away. But starting today, that call is a commercial, corporate-sponsored call, not a public health call. There's a huge difference.

Does Dr. Gerberding suffer from an "ethics deficiency?"
My question in all this is whether Dr. Gerberding has any real ethics when it comes to issues like vaccines and public health. If she does have such ethics, why would she accept a job with a company that has been engaged in outright scientific fraud? (…)

Why would she go to work for a company that maintained a "hit list" of doctors to attack and "neutralize?" This is true — it came out in recent court documents (…).

Why would she take a job with a company that has a pattern of threatening doctors who speak out against its drugs? (…)

Why would she be okay with the idea of working for a company that commits scientific fraud by hiding documents showing its drugs to be dangerous? (…)

Why would she feel okay about working for a company that dumps chemicals and vaccine waste products into the public water system? (…)

Why would she want to collect a paycheck from a company that has been caught hiring ghost writers to pen "independent" science papers submitted to science journals, when they were actually crafted by Merck? (…)

Why would she feel comfortable representing a company that committed blatant scientific fraud with its Vytorin cholesterol drug study? (…)

Maybe Dr. Gerberding is fine with all this. Maybe she has really "flexible" ethics. Or maybe she suffers from an "ethics deficiency" — an epidemic disease for which Merck apparently has no vaccine at all.

In any case, she's now allied herself with a company engaged in so many repeated acts of fraud that in my opinion all its executives should be arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Those executives will now include Dr. Gerberding, it seems.

Did the CDC cover Merck's back?
You might say, though, that she hasn't done anything yet for Merck. But check this out: As a previous NaturalNews story explains, when a fourteen-year-old girl named Jessica died following a cervical cancer vaccine injection (made by Merck), the CDC covered for Merck and pointed the finger at the girl's birth control pills.

Care to guess who was heading the CDC at the time of this maneuver? Dr. Julie Gerberding, now a top Merck executive.

You pat my back and I'll pat yours.

For years, under the lead of Dr. Gerberding, the CDC has maintained a rather bizarre position that Merck's vaccines are so safe that all side effects should be dismissed outright. This is explained in a Dallas Morning News article (…), among other places.

The CDC, in other words, has been running defense for Merck for many years, downplaying vaccine side effects and insisting that Merck's vaccines are safe. Now that the president of Merck's vaccine division and the former chief of the CDC are one and the same, it brings up obvious questions of whether there was some level of ongoing collusion between the CDC and Merck and how deeply Dr. Gerberding might have been involved.

Some of the word games played by Dr. Gerberding demonstrate amazing Clintonian-like speech patterns designed to deflect blame from Merck's vaccines. Listen to this exchange where Dr. Gerberding indirectly admits that vaccines can cause autism (or as she says, "Autism-like symptoms," which is exactly the same thing, as the symptoms define the disease in the first place). Watch it yourself in this segment on YouTube — this is a must see video segment on the link between vaccines and autism:…

Who else is on the Merck team at the CDC?
That the CDC's chief would be offered one of the very top jobs at Merck now makes me wonder just how deep the culture of collusion between Merck and the CDC really goes. How many other CDC employees are in line for future job offers from Merck — and what might they do in order to win those jobs?

There's a solution to all this, of course: Pass a law that bans employees of the CDC, FDA, FTC, EPA or USDA from ever working for pharmaceutical companies. The people who run the regulatory agencies and public health offices should never be allowed to leap into employment at the very same companies they were once regulating. There's just too much risk of cross-contamination of influence, which is why we have the corruption and collusion problems we're seeing today with the FDA, FTC and CDC, all of which seem to be operating as marketing extensions of the pharmaceutical industry.

As long as the revolving door remains wide open between Big Pharma and Big Government, there will be a strong tendency towards corporate collusion that betrays the people whom government is supposed to serve. Instead of our government serving the People, in other words, it increasingly exists to serve the interests of Big Business. And big business doesn't get much bigger than Big Pharma.

After all, inventing fictitious disease, creating pandemic panics, then selling questionable patented drugs to gullible consumers is a lucrative business model. And now the official job of the former head of the CDC is to make sure it all stays that way. So roll up your sleeves, folks: There's a vaccine with your name on it, and Dr. Gerberding is here to make sure Merck sticks it to ya.

Advanced Colloidal Silver
75 minerals