The Best Years In Life

Brace Yourself for the “Golden Era” of Vaccines

by Tony Isaacs

Brace yourself for a new onslaught of vaccines as drug makers around the world are jumping on the vaccine profits bandwagon that is being hailed as the "golden era of vaccines". According to market research firm Kalorama Information, vaccine sales should double, from $19 billion last year to $39 billion in 2013 – five times the $8 billion in vaccine sales in 2004.

Alzheimer's disease, AIDS, pandemic flu, genital herpes, malaria, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, grass allergies, traveler's diarrhea – you name it, the pharmaceutical industry is working on a vaccine to supposedly prevent it.  The lure of big profits and government support has been drawing in new companies, from new biotechs to Johnson & Johnson, helped along by traditional vaccination supporters such as the World Health Organization, the CDC, global charities and the mass media.

With only one or two makers of most vaccine types, price competition is rare in wealthy countries and vaccines are commanding ever higher prices.  The three shot Gardasil series costs around $375.  Plus, vaccine makers rarely face generic competition.

As Emilio Emini, Pfizer Inc,'s head of vaccine research, enthusiastically stated, "Even if a small portion of everything that's going on now is successful in the next 10 years, you put that together with the last 10 years (and) it's going to be characterized as a golden era."

Five years ago, the vaccine market was relatively stagnant.  Then came the vaccine the experts call the "game changer" – Wyeth's Prevnar, aimed at ear infections, pneumonia and blood infections. Prevnar became the first vaccine to exceed $1 billion in annual sales.  Prevnar had sales of $2.8 billion in 2008, followed by Gardasil, with $2.3 billion.

Last year we had the great Swine Flu Scare, which boosted vaccine makers' profits by even more billions. Britain's GlaxoSmithKline estimated a boost in vaccine sales by as much as $2 Billion dollars from its Swine Flu vaccine alone.  Sanofi-Aventis forecast that H1N1 vaccines would add about $500 million to its sales last quarter and indicated sales would continue "at a similar rate" into the first quarter of 2010. Overall, Sanofi estimates a 40% increase in vaccine sales in 2010.

GlaxoSmithKline, gunning to unseat Merck as the world's top vaccine opened a state-of-the-art vaccine packaging plant in Marietta, PA last spring to help it expand in the U.S. market. Glaxo, which sold only one vaccine in the U.S. 13 years ago, now sells 12 here and 30 worldwide. It has 20 more in human testing.

Johnson & Johnson, which had previously avoided vaccines, is planning on building a full vaccine portfolio, starting with universal flu and Alzheimer's vaccines. Pfizer Inc,'s $68 billion acquisition of Wyeth in October was due in large part to getting Wyeth's vaccine expertise.

Flu shot use has jumped from 20 million doses in 1990 to 113 million last year.  That parallels the huge increase in childhood vaccinations.  In 1984 there were 10 mandatory vaccinations for children from birth to age 6.  By 2007 the number had grown to 36.


Meanwhile, there have been no long term studies on vaccination safety for even single vaccines, much less the effects of so many combined vaccines. Already, vaccinations have been linked to disorders of the blood, brain, skin, and nervous system – including encephalitis, paralysis, nerve inflammation, diseases of the lymph glands, skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, cancer and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

With the push for new vaccinations in store for us, we can only shudder at what the negative health effects might be and wonder if every sniffle that comes along may become the "next" swine flu.

Sources included:

Dr. Ken's Vaccine Protocol

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Treat Depression Naturally and Avoid Harmful Drugs

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Depression is a prolonged feeling of unhappiness and gloom. The condition can range from a short spell of "the blues" to chronic long term sadness, which may have its start or be exacerbated by events in a person`s life, such as a death in the family, divorce, retirement or childbirth. Someone with chronic depression may contemplate suicide. In many cases, over-the-counter or prescription medicines only seem to worsen the condition. There are herbal, homeopathic and aromatherapy methods and supplements which may help sufferers.

Herbal Remedies for Depression

Herbs that can be taken for depression include balm, borage, limeflower, oats, rosemary and vervain. These can be taken as herbal teas, taken in tablet form or added to bath water. Oats in the diet contain a rich source of antidepressant B vitamins.

Tissue Salts for Depression

Biochemic tissue cell salts are made from the minerals that are found in the rocks and soil of the earth. These minerals should be present in our food and bodies for balanced health. Due to modern agricultural practices, many vital minerals are leached from the soil and this can cause a mineral deficiency in the human body.

Taking tissue salts is a gentle, non-toxic way of finding relief for depression. Follow the dosage recommendations that come with each bottle of tissue salts.

Kali. Phos., tissue salt no. 6, is one of the most important tissue salts for the over-emotional and will help to elevate the mood during the times a sufferer feels depressed, desperate or anxious.

Nat. Mur., tissue salt no. 9, helps the clinically depressed and should be taken regularly to lessen feelings of despair, listlessness, lack of joy and gloom.

Nat. Sulph., tissue salt no. 11, alleviates feelings of despondency, insomnia and irritability. It is a particularly good salt for those who suffer with manic depression.

Taking a combination of Kali. Phos., Nat. Mur. and Nat. Sulph. is an excellent mood-lifter and natural tranquillizer.

Homeopathy for Depression

For those who are severely depressed, a qualified homeopath will be able to make a full evaluation and prescribe the correct treatment and dosage to ameliorate their condition.

Specific remedies include:

Aurum for feelings of worthlessness, suicidal feelings and self-loathing,
Pulsatilla for over-sensitivity, tendency to cry easily, fear and depression,
Ignatia for depression due to an external cause, such as bereavement or emotional trauma.

Aromatherapy for Depression

There are several essential oils with antidepressant properties, which can be used in the bath, in a vaporizer or during a massage to help the depressed individual to cope. These include neroli, jasmine, geranium, melissa and rose. Ylang ylang, lavender and chamomile can work as a sedative and antidepressant.

Colloidal Gold
75 Minerals

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Vitamin D Promotes Weight Loss

by: E. Huff

(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people have better success in losing weight when their vitamin D levels are increased. Dr. Shalamar Sibley, the researcher who headed the study, placed 38 obese men and women on a diet program and discovered that those whose vitamin D levels were increased lost up to a half pound more than those who followed the diet plan only.

When combined with a reduced-calorie diet, it appears that supplementation with vitamin D helps to promote increased weight loss among those whose levels are low to begin with. For each nanogram per milliliter increase in vitamin D precursor in the blood, it was observed that an extra half pound loss in weight was able to be achieved while the diet plan.

A study published earlier this year in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that 75 percent or more of American teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to all sorts of serious illnesses including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Researchers in the weight loss study are unsure whether vitamin D deficiency causes obesity or if obesity causes vitamin D deficiency. Nevertheless, there is a clear connection between the two.

Vitamin D, in conjunction with calcium and sunlight, helps to properly assimilate food and regulate normal blood sugar levels. When there is a lack of calcium, oftentimes due to a vitamin D deficiency, the body increases production of synthase, a fatty acid enzyme that coverts calories into fat. Calcium deficiency can cause synthase production to increase by up to 500 percent, explaining the correlation between low levels of vitamin D and obesity.

Mainstream research has only begun to scratch the surface about the importance of vitamin D in general health maintenance. A clinical study conducted in April of 2000 revealed that patients who were bound to wheelchairs because of chronic fatigue and body weakness became mobile after just six weeks of supplementation with 50,000 IU of vitamin D per week. Other studies are showing remarkable healing from all kinds of diseases when vitamin D is brought up to proper levels.

Although current guidelines suggest daily intake somewhere between 400 and 600 IU, recent research is suggesting that this may be too low. Getting between 4,000 and 10,000 IU a day will have a much more therapeutic effect, boosting health and fending off disease. When natural sunlight is not an option, supplementation with vitamin D3 is the next best option.

Vitamin D

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Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Reduce the Risk of Bone Fractures

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) In recent years, Big Pharma has produced a variety of widely hyped bisphosphonate drugs including alendronate (Fosamax), ibandronate (Boniva), risedronate (Actonel) and zoledronic acid (Reclast) that are aimed at preserving bone mass and reducing the risk of fractures.

Unfortunately, as NaturalNews has reported, the more these medications are pushed on patients, the more serious side effects are being reported, from dangerous heart arrhythmias to dental problems, esophageal ulcers, abdominal pain and severe damage to the jaw bone. But a new study involving almost 70,000 people from throughout the U.S. and Europe shows that nutrients — calcium and vitamin D taken together — offer a natural, side effect-free way to prevent fractures.

Because broken bones are a major cause of disability and loss of independence for elders, these findings are of particular interest to older people. In fact, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), fall-related injuries are the leading cause of accidental death among Americans age 65 and older. However, fractures can be serious at any age, causing pain, sometimes necessitating surgery and almost always restricting activities.

Good news: the researchers found it isn't only the aged whose bones benefit from taking calcium and vitamin D. Remarkably, they found the supplements reduced fractures in everyone — the young and old, women and men, and even people who had already sustained fractured bones in the past.

The study, published in the January issue of the British Medical Journal, involved an international team of scientists headed by researchers from Copenhagen University in Denmark. They assessed the results of seven large clinical trials from around the world to document whether vitamin D alone or with calcium was effective in reducing fractures.

One of the most important trials included in the new investigation was a long term study conducted at the University of California at Davis (UC Davis) in Sacramento as part of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). This 15 year long national program was designed to study the effect of calcium and vitamin D supplements in preventing hip, spine and other types of fractures.

"What is important about this very large study is that it goes a long way toward resolving conflicting evidence about the role of vitamin D, either alone or in combination with calcium, in reducing fractures," John Robbins, professor of internal medicine at UC Davis and a co-author of the journal article, said in a statement to the media. "Our WHI research in Sacramento included more than 1,000 healthy, postmenopausal women and concluded that taking calcium and vitamin D together helped them preserve bone health and prevent fractures. This latest analysis, because it incorporates so many more people, really confirms our earlier conclusions."

Bottom line: the researchers concluded that it is the combination of calcium and vitamin D, rather than vitamin D alone, that is most effective in reducing a variety of fractures. "Interestingly, this combination of supplements benefits both women and men of all ages, which is not something we fully expected to find," Dr. Robbins stated. "We now need to investigate the best dosage, duration and optimal way for people to take it."

Vitamin D
Bone Up

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Radiation Treatment for Cancer Causes Diabetes in Children

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) People who are undergo radiation therapy for childhood cancers are significantly more likely to develop diabetes as adults, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Emory University and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

A number of studies have found that radiation, chemotherapy, and other such treatments significantly shorten the lives of childhood cancer survivors.

"As a result of their curative therapies, childhood cancer survivors face an increased risk of morbidity and mortality," the researchers wrote. Nearly 75 percent of such children develop a chronic health condition within 30 years of diagnosis, while 42.4 percent develop severe, disabling or life-threatening health conditions. Because cardiovascular disease is a major killer of childhood cancer survivors, the researchers examined the effect of radiation treatment on the risk of diabetes, a major correlate of cardiovascular mortality.

The researchers examined diabetes rates in 8,599 people who had been diagnosed with cancer before the age of 21, between 1970 and 1986. These rates were compared with 2,936 of their cancer-free siblings, who were randomly selected. All participants were screened for diabetes in 2003.

After adjusting for other diabetes risk factors including age, body mass index, ethnicity, exercise, income, insurance and race, the researchers found that those who had undergone cancer treatment as children were 1.8 times more likely to have diabetes as adults than their siblings were. Those who had been treated with abdominal radiation were 2.7 times more likely to have diabetes, while those who had been treated with whole-body radiation were a shocking 7.2 times more likely to be diabetic.

Risk increased with radiation dose used, and decreased with age at diagnosis. People diagnosed with cancer before the age of five had 2.4 times the diabetes risk as those diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 20.

A previous study found that childhood cancer survivors were five to 10 times more likely to suffer from heart disease than their cancer-free siblings, and significantly more likely to suffer from kidney disease.


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War on Cancer is a Dismal Failure

by: Allison Biggar

(NaturalNews) Almost four decades ago, Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971 and the "war on cancer" began- or so the mainstream media would like us to think. The so-called war on cancer is not only a dismal failure but has also become an outright lie perpetuated by big business. Not only are more people dying of cancer than ever before but more people are getting cancer at earlier ages than ever before.

According to Newsweek writer Sharon Begley, "Cancer is on track to kill 565,650 people in the United States this year – more than 1,500 a day, equivalent to three jumbo jets crashing and killing everyone aboard 365 days a year."

However, finding the cure for cancer might just put the pharmaceutical industry out of business and would certainly end the careers of countless doctors and so called "researchers." Therefore it is in the best interest of these and related institutions to suppress all knowledge of real, proven cancer cures that do exist and have existed for thousands of years.

Since no one can patent a natural cure and make money off of it, the cures are suppressed and even attacked by big companies and the media. Not only does the "cure" for cancer exist, but it has existed for thousands of years. The "cure" is not a magical pill or a chemical concocted in a lab, but purely a detoxification program that prevents cancer from surviving and thus cures it.

Your body is designed to heal itself. Think about when you get a cut. In a few days your body has healed your wound and the cut disappears. It is the same with disease. When you prevent your body from being able to heal- by flooding it with toxic substances such as unhealthy food, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy and more- your body is unable to fight off the overload of toxins, and therefore you become sicker and sicker. However, when you feed your body what it needs such as pure, raw, alkalizing foods and juices then it is able to repair itself of any disease.

Billions of dollars are spent on cancer research- the research of concocting chemicals in pharmaceutical labs to sell more drugs to innocent and desperate patients who so badly want to believe that this drug is their magical cure. According to Cancer researcher Ty Bollinger, chemotherapy has a 97 percent fatality rate. "The cancer 'box' is largely the creation of multinational pharmaceutical companies attempting to peddle their poisons in an effort to increase shareholder profits," says Bollinger. "Sadly, these profits are oftentimes generated at the expense of the dying cancer patient."

"Alternative medicine" is not just a term coined by hippies and mystics but is biological and scientific fact. Studies abound on the effectiveness of natural cures; however unfortunately for us, the information is suppressed and manipulated in order to keep us in the dark so that we are life-long customers of Big Pharma's endless pharmacy of lies.

There are countless accounts of cancer patients healing themselves naturally. One needs only to visit the Gerson Institute in San Diego or the American Botanical Pharmacy in Marina Del Rey to find doctors who are curing patients every day of what western doctors call "incurable disease."

Instead of putting our time and energy into these ineffective efforts we should put our money into education of prevention methods and alternative treatments that treat the cause of the cancer, not just the symptom. There are no incurable diseases and the sooner we realize this fact, the sooner we can all be on a path to healing and well-being.

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New Evidence Shows Selenium and Omega-3s Prevent Colon Cancer

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) When scientists gathered in Houston recently for the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, they heard groundbreaking evidence about how colon cancer can be prevented. The new data wasn't about drugs or surgery, either. Instead, two separate research groups concluded natural substances appear to protect from often deadly colon malignancies.

Colon cancer, which the American Cancer Society estimates is diagnosed in over 108,000 Americans each year, is intricately linked to adenomas, also called polyps. These lesions grow in the large bowel and start off as benign. However, they can turn into cancerous tumors and 70 to 80% of all cancers of the colon (the longest part of the large intestine) and rectum result from adenomas-turned-malignant.

So, in hopes of preventing future cancerous growths, polyps found during colonoscopies are snipped off and biopsied. Unfortunately though, pre-cancerous polyps often return. But scientists at the National Institute for Cancer Research in Genoa, Italy, conducted a long term study that shows the risk of pre-cancerous polyps (dubbed colorectal metachronous adenomas) coming back after they've been removed can be greatly reduced. The key? Taking specific antioxidants, including a selenium-based compound.

"Our study is the first intervention trial specifically designed to evaluate the efficacy of the selenium-based antioxidant compound on the risk of developing metachronous adenomas," said Luigina Bonelli, M.D., head of the unit of secondary prevention and screening at the National Institute for Cancer Research, in a statement to the media.

40% reduced risk
The research team studied volunteers between the ages of 25 and 75 who had already had one or more colorectal adenomas removed. None of the participants were diagnosed with any additional colorectal disease, cancer or other life-threatening illness and none were taking vitamins or mineral supplements when the study began. The scientists randomly divided the 411 participants into two groups: those in one group received an inactive placebo and those in the second group took a daily antioxidant supplement containing a selenium compound (selenomethionnine 200 ug), zinc 30 mg, vitamin A 6,000 IU, vitamin C 180 mg and vitamin E 30 mg.

"Our results indicated that individuals who consumed antioxidants had a 40% reduction in the incidence of metachronous adenomas of the large bowel," Bonelli said. "It is noteworthy that the benefit observed after the conclusion of the trial persisted through 13 years of follow up."

Omega-3s help prevent colorectal cancer
Another study just released at the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference — this one from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina — found that omega-3 fatty acids, which are primarily found in cold water fish such as salmon, may be able to prevent colorectal cancer.

The scientists recruited 1,509 Caucasian participants (716 cancer cases and 787 controls) and 369 African-American participants (213 cancer cases and 156 controls). A validated food questionnaire was used to collect information on the frequency and amount of foods typically consumed by the research subjects in the past 12 months. Those who ate more long-chain omega-3 fatty acids had a significantly reduced risk of large bowel cancer. In fact, the highest intake was linked to an almost 40% decreased cancer risk. Unfortunately, the greatly reduced risk was only seen in white research subjects and the scientists are trying to figure out what might account for the racial disparity.

"Experimental data have shown benefits of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in colorectal carcinogenesis, ranging from reduced tumor growth, suppression of angiogenesis and inhibition of metastasis," research leader Sangmi Kim, Ph.D., said in a statement to the press. "Our finding of inverse association between dietary intakes of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and distal large bowel cancer in white participants adds additional support to the hypothesis."

Omega 3-6-9

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Indoor Air Pollution: Look at the Causes and Solutions

by: Kim Evans

(NaturalNews) According to the EPA, air pollution indoors is often two to five times worse than it is outside. In extreme cases, air pollution inside can be a hundred times worse than outside. The reason is partly because numerous chemicals, like cleaning supplies, hair sprays and perfumes, are used inside the home. Another part of the problem is that many items inside our homes and materials used in home construction are notorious for letting off poisonous gasses – for years. Carpets, shower curtains, paints, upholstery, plywood, particle board, cabinets, computers, and synthetic materials all let off poisonous gasses and chemicals. Because most homes are well insulated, it leaves those poisons trapped inside for us to breathe.

However, there's a solution and as with most problems, the solution comes from nature – and not from a chemical company. NASA studies show that having ample plants indoors can detoxify up to 85 percent of indoor air pollution.

Acting like a filter for the air, some plants mop up formaldehyde. Others remove benzene, carbon monoxide, and trichloroethylene. Unfortunately, all of these chemicals are common in the air of most homes. If you're wondering how the air inside your home became quite so toxic, have a look at some sources of common chemicals.

Indoor Air Pollution: Common Culprits
Formaldehyde is used in plywood, particle board and glues; it's found in most cabinets, carpets and walls. Formaldehyde is regularly brought into homes in grocery bags; it's even in some tissues and paper towels. Formaldehyde is also released in cigarette smoke and from fuel burning appliances. In the garage and into homes with attached garages, formaldehyde is released from tailpipe emissions. Formaldehyde is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a human carcinogen, meaning that it causes cancer.

Benzene is a petrochemical; it's used in detergents, latex paints, oils, foams, dyes and rubber. It's common in building materials, exhaust fumes, and especially in cigarette smoke. Benzene is even found in some pharmaceuticals and it's known to induce leukemia.

Trichloroethylene is found in paints, lacquers, carpet shampoos, spot removers and adhesives. It's also used in dry cleaning, although this is becoming less so. Since trichloroethylene has contaminated some of the water supply, it can also enter the air of your home from shower vapors. Trichloroethylene is a central nervous system depressant.

Carbon monoxide is found in homes with gas stoves, and it's regularly found in high concentrations with worn or poorly maintained furnaces. Carbon monoxide also enters homes with attached garages from car exhaust. In high levels, carbon monoxide can cause sudden death.

Indoor Air Pollution: Plants to Remove It
Some of the best plants to remove these dangerous chemicals from the air in your home include:

Palms: especially Areca, Bamboo and Dwarf Date Palms
Ferns: especially the Boston Fern
English Ivy
Peace lily
Mums and daisies: including Gerbera daisies
Spider plants

It's also important to open the windows and doors of your home, daily if possible, to allow fresh air to circulate in. As a bonus, having plants inside adds oxygen to the air you're breathing, and having plants inside is even known to decrease the stress levels of the inhabitants.

In a 1,800 square foot home, 15 to 20 house plants should be used throughout.

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Vaccinations: How to Recover

by: Kal Sellers

(NaturalNews) Vaccinations cause various problems that have led to their becoming controversial more than ever before. Because we now know more about what happens. In this article, we plot a step-by-step route to recovery from their effects.

While some studies show that nearly 40% of those surveyed are seriously considering not vaccinating their children, the majority of those surveyed were vaccinated themselves. (1) Generally, the medical profession thinks of the dangers of vaccinations in terms of deaths or retardation due to adverse reactions to vaccinations. Many parents may think about autism concerns. Actually, the dangers of vaccinations are far more widespread and certain in two important ways.

First, vaccinations interrupt normal immune development when given before immune system maturity. When given after, they serve to hyper-excite one facet of the immune system in its relation to four other stages of natural immune system response. Normally, the immune system goes from:

– you smelling a sick person to
– contact with the mucus membranes to
– the blood (the specific area targeted by vaccinations) to
– byproducts of pathogen breakdown which then requires activity in the body cells and the lymphatic system.

When one part is over-excited, the others may not function adequately, and the one targeted is likely to react excessively and ineffectively, such as in the case of allergies and auto-immune disease.
Second, vaccinations also deposit a foreign protein (or protein particle) and its attendant cocktail of chemicals (and possibly heavy metals) into the body without natural processes (e.g. injury) to alert the body to repel any invaders. History has shown us sadly that these particles may end up deposited in the body somewhere – usually an already weak area.(2)

These two factors (immune mal-development and deposited supertoxins) have long been criticized by outspoken doctors as possible contributors to rising rates of cancer and other diseases. (3) According to Dr. Richard Schulze, the London Journal of Medicine published two articles in the 1890s which voiced the concerns of medical doctors that cancer rates had quadrupled since the introduction of the compulsory vaccination act there.

Fortunately, today we know more about how to recover from the ill effects of vaccinations than ever before. Following is a formula that can be followed to that end. Also included is a short explanation of each:

1.Do regular cleansing – monthly or seasonally. This helps your body to start cleaning out areas which normally would be ignored as a low priority.
2.Clean your liver vigorously. The liver is in charge of monitoring weak areas of the body and can change digestive chemistry and cravings to suit the needs of a needy area of the body. Unfortunately, due to clutter from stones, stress and toxicity, the liver may never have a chance to do this as it should.
3.Get a massage. The massage therapist will work areas of your body that are not normally attended.
4.Think green…drinks! Raw chlorophyll regenerates blood and enhances resistance to EM radiation and the resonance of heavy toxins.
5.Utilize technology to fight technology by using bio-energetic devices that promote healthy vibration in your home. Technologies such as Quantum Biofeedback can specifically target hidden poisons and the ill resonance they set up in your body.

Thank you for reading,
Kal Sellers, MH

Dr. Ken's Forced Vaccination Protcol

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Zero Deaths Caused by Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids or Herbs

by: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) To hear opponents of natural medicine say it, vitamins and herbs are extremely dangerous for your health. They should be regulated, we're told, because they're so dangerous!

Statistics from the U.S. National Poison Data System prove otherwise. According to a 174-page report just published, the number of people killed in 2009 across America by vitamins, minerals, amino acids or herbal supplements is exactly zero.

Compare that to the 100,000 (or so) Americans killed each year by FDA-approved pharmaceuticals — and that's even according to studies published in JAMA. Also consider the thousands of women harmed or killed by medically-unjustified cancer treatments following false positives from faulty mammograms. And don't forget about the more than 16,500 Americans killed each year from internal bleeding caused by NSAIDs (over-the-counter painkillers).

As the July 1998 issue of The American Journal of Medicine explains:

"Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone." (Singh Gurkirpal, MD, "Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy", The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S)

So if NSAIDs alone are killing 16,500 people a year (or likely much more now, as use of these drugs has risen significantly since 1998), and nutritional supplements are killing zero people a year, why do health regulators try to scare everybody about vitamins being so "dangerous?"

Pharmaceuticals, meanwhile, are openly allowed to be prescribed for off-label use, meaning that doctors can prescribe them for diseases and health conditions for which they've never even been tested!

What's wrong with this picture? It's clearly a war against nutrition — a war against natural medicine — being waged by the health regulators of the world who are conspiring with Big Pharma to keep the people trapped in a state of malnutrition (all while profiting from their disease by selling them more patented pharmaceuticals).

The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service published a full article on this issue. Here's what they had to say about the safety of nutritional supplements and the misguided attempts by world governments to limit or outlaw many supplements.

No Deaths from Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids or Herbs

Poison Control Statistics Prove Supplements' Safety

There was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

Additionally, there were no deaths whatsoever from any amino acid or herbal product. This means no deaths at all from blue cohosh, echinacea, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, kava kava, St. John's wort, valerian, yohimbe, Asian medicines, ayurvedic medicines, or any other botanical. There were zero deaths from creatine, blue-green algae, glucosamine, chondroitin, melatonin, or any homeopathic remedies.

Furthermore, there were zero deaths in 2008 from any dietary mineral supplement. This means there were no fatalities from calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc, colloidal silver, selenium, iron, or multimineral supplements. Two children died as a result of medical use of the antacid sodium bicarbonate. The other "Electrolyte and Mineral" category death was due to a man accidentally drinking sodium hydroxide, a highly toxic degreaser and drain-opener.

No man, woman or child died from nutritional supplements. Period.

61 poison centers provide coast-to-coast data for the U.S. National Poison Data System, which is then reviewed by 29 medical and clinical toxicologists. NPDS, the authors write, is "one of the few real-time national surveillance systems in existence, providing a model public health surveillance system for all types of exposures, public health event identification, resilience response and situational awareness tracking."

Over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. Even if each of those people took only one single tablet daily, that makes 154,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of over 56 billion doses annually. Since many persons take more than just one vitamin or mineral tablet, actual consumption is considerably higher, and the safety of nutritional supplements is all the more remarkable.

If nutritional supplements are allegedly so "dangerous," as the FDA and news media so often claim, then where are the bodies?

Those who wonder if the media are biased against vitamins may consider this: how many television stations, newspapers, magazines, and medical journals have reported that no one dies from nutritional supplements?


Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, Green JL, Rumack BH, Giffin SL. 2008 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers' National Poison Data System (NPDS): 26th Annual Report. Clinical Toxicology (2009). 47, 911-1084. The full text article is available for free download at… .

(Vitamins statistics are found in Table 22B, journal pages 1052-3. Minerals, herbs, amino acids and other supplements are in the same table, pages 1047-8.)

Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:

The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

Editorial Review Board:

Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.
Damien Downing, M.D.
Michael Gonzalez, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Steve Hickey, Ph.D.
James A. Jackson, PhD
Bo H. Jonsson, MD, Ph.D
Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D.
Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D.
Erik Paterson, M.D.
Gert E. Shuitemaker, Ph.D.

Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., Editor