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Children’s Fitness Levels Continue to Decline

by: E. Huff

(NaturalNews) Researchers from Essex University recently concluded a study that evaluated the changing fitness abilities of modern children. Evaluated a decade apart based on physical strength, the study revealed that 10-year-olds from 1998 were capable of outrunning 95 percent of 10-year-olds in 2008.

While most studies about health focus on obesity, this study aimed to address children's physical fitness levels aside from their weight. Researchers purposely conducted the study in an area of town that had generally low obesity rates in order to test their hypothesis that being of a normal weight does not necessarily mean that a person is physically healthy. Their findings confirmed this to be true.

Comparatively, the participants from both the 1998 group and the 2008 group were of similar weight profiles. However when tested based on their speed and endurance in a shuttle run, a significant decline in ability over the course of just ten years was obvious and troubling to researchers. They believe that the results would probably have been even worse had the study been conducted in an area with high obesity rates.

Some experts worry that too much focus on obesity has led to an overall decrease in health among people of more normal weights who assume that they must be in good health because they are not overweight. All agree that children are spending too little time outdoors engaging in physical activity and too much time indoors in front of the computer and television screens. Educational facilities are partly to blame as well, they say, citing a lack of organized outdoor activities for kids during the school day.

The British government has begun a campaign designed to encourage healthy lifestyles among all children. Addressing obesity remains an important issue because overweight people, especially children, are more prone to developing chronic illnesses. However officials recognize the need to encourage everyone to participate in regular physical activity for their own well-being.

In the United States, the President's Challenge is a physical fitness testing protocol that schools often use to gauge the fitness levels of their students and spur them towards getting and staying in shape. Instructors give recognition and awards to children when they achieve the goals and requirements of the program. When used in conjunction with a complete and regular physical fitness program, including healthy lifestyle and diet recommendations, it can be highly successful at motivating children to stay fit and achieve better health.

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Behold The Great Light Bulb Scam!

Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) are showing up everywhere. Traditional light bulbs we’ve all used are about to be a thing of the past. CFLs are another example of good intentions gone bad. It should really be called “Green Insanity”. According to the “so-called experts” CFL bulbs use 75% less energy and last about 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb. The official US government website states the following:

“CFLs produce light differently than incandescent bulbs. In an incandescent, electric current runs through a wire filament and heats the filament until it starts to glow. In a CFL, an electric current is driven through a tube containing argon and a small amount of mercury vapor. This generates invisible ultraviolet light that excites a fluorescent coating (called phosphor) on the inside of the tube, which then emits visible light.
CFLs need a little more energy when they are first turned on, but once the electricity starts moving, use about 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. A CFL’s ballast helps ‘kick start’ the CFL and then regulates the current once the electricity starts flowing.”
Lie #1 – These bulbs last longer. Fact: In some cases yes and in some cases no. Many people who have replaced their lights with CFLs have not experienced a longer lasting bulb. One user in Florida noted the following:
“I have CFLs throughout my house, both inside and out. At first I didn’t want to use the bulbs but when I needed to replace some older ones that was all that was left to purchase. I was quite shocked actually to see that I can hardly find the older bulbs I used to use any more. I expected to see these new bulbs last for years after hearing all the hyped up reports about them. I typically leave my porch lights on at night. To my surprise these bulbs burned no longer. In fact, they have burned out faster. I have 6 of them inset into my kitchen ceiling and one after the other has burned out. This is all in less than a year. How can that be? I thought these bulbs would last for years without needing to be replaced. Boy do I think we’re all being conned. I’ve talked to others and they tell me the same thing. So, why is the government really mandating these bulbs to be used when they aren’t burning longer?”
Lie # 2 – CFLs are better for the environment. Fact: This is a complete lie backed up by no facts. They claim that power plants create up to 4 times the mercury to light an incandescent light. That sounds like a number pulled out of thin air just like all the cooked books to sell us on global warming. How can that be when these bulbs don’t last much longer? The truth is these bulbs are a 1,000 times worse for the environment because of the mercury gas they contain. These bulbs will emit mercury gas thereby contaminating a person with the second most toxic heavy metal known to man and they will contaminate the earth with mercury on a scale unseen in human history. They say “be careful of the mercury inside the bulb and if you accidentally break one be sure to open the windows and use gloves to pick up the pieces.” How many people will do that? Duh! Billions of people all over the world will be dumping their burned out CFLs in the garbage which will contaminate the landscape of the earth with mercury.
According to mercury expert John Moore in a story published in Crusador: “The new long-life, low-energy fluorescent light bulb that is in the marketplace is a mercury light bulb. What makes fluorescents work is that you put a coating on the inside of the bulb, then you put mercury in it, then you activate the mercury and it lights the tube. Unfortunately, over time the mercury escapes through the glass. The mercury cannot be contained; it will pass through the glass. Mercury will dissolve all but 3 metals: iron, platinum, and nickel according to the chemistry handbook that is used at universities. It’s an unbelievable material. Mercury is also the only metal that goes from a liquid to a vapor form, and it starts doing that at 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. It’s really the genie out of the bottle.”
Lie # 3 – CFLs won’t harm people. Fact: It appears that the sole reason for switching to these bulbs is to harm people. First of all in the near future you won’t even be able to buy an old light bulb. That means that every single human being will be exposed to mercury vapor off-gassing from these bulbs. It also means that this mercury will seep into vital waterways worldwide as landfills get piled up with burned out CFL bulbs. That means more mercury in your fish and food. Where’s Al Gore the liar to save us? We have thimerosal in vaccines which anyone except a paid off turn-coat working for industry or government knows harms people. Just ask all the vaccine injured children. Whatever happened to mercury thermometers? We were told they were safe but you can’t buy one anymore. Guess they learned after all that they were bad. Then we have mercury amalgam dental fillings. “Oh, they’re totally safe and good for you”, says the government. Really! Just ask all the people who have seen their health destroyed by mercury fillings. The fact is mercury is an absolute known human health destroyer and mercury laced light bulbs will just add to an already over-burdened toxic load in people.
And last of all, check the country of origin for all the CFLs. They’re all made in China! That’s right, the great nation of the world who has done more to pollute and contaminate the environment in the last twenty years than any other industrialized nation before it. Do you remember Melamine in milk that blows out your kidneys coming from China? How about all the drywall that has contaminated millions of homes with toxins? How about all the children’s toys loaded with lead and cadmium? That’s just scratching the surface. So, when it comes to CFLs, users beware!
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Use Natural, Non-Toxic Pest Control without Resorting to Dangerous Pesticides

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Too often, people will reach for a can of insect spray and virtually empty the can at the first sign of a mosquito or spider. Not only is this toxic for the environment but it is harmful for humans as well. Have a look at the active ingredients on a can of pesticide and do a little research on the dangers of these ingredients before simply buying and spraying. Although no-one wants fly, mosquito and flea infestations, really simple concepts and products can help to control insect problems without the use of dangerous chemicals.

Easy Steps in Controlling Bug Infestations Harmlessly

It is impractical to think of eliminating bugs altogether. Ants, spiders, termites and wasps, among other creatures, are here to stay. Many play an important role in pest control themselves so exterminating them may simply cause a bug infestation of a different kind. Even potentially dangerous spiders such as the black widow can live in relative harmony with man and help to control house flies, fruit flies and other insects around the home.

Screens on doors and windows are not ground-breaking information. Investing in screens will keep out flies, mosquitoes and night flying insects such as moths. Make sure vents are screened as well.

Keeping a home clean with fresh, natural products is one of the easiest ways of controlling pests in the home. Do not leave food or dirty dishes lying around. Clean food preparation areas thoroughly and be sure to clean under stoves, refrigerators and behind counters regularly.

Certain herbs and plants have repellent properties. Using essential oils made from these herbs and plants can work effectively to repel insects. For example khakibos is a weed found in South America and Africa and works well to repel ticks, fleas and flies. Lavender essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil and citronella oil keep mosquitoes at bay. Planting citronella grass and marigolds around a home under windows can work very effectively in repelling mosquitoes.

Mosquito nets and/or the use of an oscillating fan at night works well to keep mosquitoes away without using harmful, chemical based products on the skin. Lighting a citronella candle and applying some citronella oil or lavender essential oil will allow for a peaceful, mosquito free evening outside.

Wearing gloves when working in the garden or cleaning up outside will keep the risk of spider bites down. Keep shrubs, grass and weeds cut low around a house. Hosing down areas under eaves will keep spiders from nesting in these areas while sweeping in corners of walls, ceilings and bookshelves will do the same.

Caulking cracks eliminates insect hiding places and traps such as pheromone, flypapers or light traps can be used in pest control without resorting to the use of dangerous chemical based pesticides. Many insects are attracted to moisture – make sure taps do not drip and any leaky pipes are repaired.

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Cocaine, Spices, and Hormones Now Being Found in Drinking Water

by: E. Huff

(NaturalNews) A University of Washington research team recently released the results of a study it conducted on contaminant residue in the waters of Puget Sound in Washington State. Various spices, flavorings and other substances are being identified as making their way out of water treatment plants and back into the world's water supply.

Winter holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas bring extra amounts of cinnamon while chocolate and vanilla are especially popular on the weekends. Likewise, caramel corn residue and waffle-cone pieces are particularly excessive around the Independence Day. The most popular contaminant found in the sound is artificial vanilla flavor which is found at an average of 14 milligrams per liter of water.

Around the world, scientists are finding all sorts of things from pharmaceutical drugs to illegal drugs in water supplies despite rigorous efforts to remove them at water treatment facilities. Piggy-backing a report from last year that found trace levels of pharmaceutical drugs in most U.S. water supplies, this report highlights even further how easily water is being contaminated by various human elements.

While spices and flavorings may not inflict any noticeable harm, the concept that traces of everything flushed end up in the water is what researchers wish to convey. Contaminant byproducts, also known as metabolites, regularly make their way out of water treatment plants back into natural waters. Experts hope that awareness of this will encourage people to be cautious about what they flush and engaged in working toward a solution.

Illegal drugs have become a problem in many water supplies where the residue is toxic to both animals and other humans. A 2008 study found that 92 percent of water samples at a Spanish treatment plant contained trace elements of cocaine. Italy's longest river, the Po River, is also said to carry daily noticeable levels of the narcotic through its waterways as well as 44 pounds of daily pharmaceutical drugs which are also highly problematic.

Of notable concern is water contaminated by perchlorate, a chemical used in rocket fuel and fireworks that inhibits the uptake of iodine. Iodine is vital for proper thyroid gland function, and without it serious diseases like hypothroidism run rampant. Perchlorate is currently unregulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Current EPA guidelines require that more than 90 known contaminants be removed from water supplies, but the introduction of new chemicals as well as the use of ones that are not completely filtered out are becoming troublesome. Awareness of the issue will hopefully drive the effort to remedy the problem.

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Israeli Scientists Show DNA Evidence Can be Fabricated

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Scientists from the Tel Aviv, Israel-based company Nucleix have demonstrated that it is possible to create fake DNA samples and plant them as evidence at a crime scene, in a paper published in the journal Forensic Science: International Genetics.

"You can just engineer a crime scene," said lead researcher and Nucleix co-founder Dan Frumkin. "Any biology undergraduate could perform this."

In addition to having developed a method of fabricating DNA evidence, Nucleix has also developed a method of detecting faked DNA that it plans to sell to forensics labs.

The scientists have developed two different ways to manufacture DNA samples in order to fool law enforcement. The first involves using DNA profiles from law enforcement databases, which record the code at 13 different spots on a person's genome. Using a pooled library of DNA samples from a number of different people, the geneticists were able to physically construct DNA that was identical to a suspect's DNA at those 13 points. It would take only 425 different DNA snippets to be able to construct every possible permutation, the researchers said.

The second method involved collecting actual DNA from the person whose genetic material was to be faked, such as by collecting a strand of their hair or saliva from a cup they had used.

In both cases, the DNA was then reproduced in large quantities using a technique called whole genome amplification. This DNA was inserted into red blood cells, which were then passed off as a real DNA sample.

A normal blood sample would contain both red and white blood cells, and the red blood cells would contain no DNA. In addition to this difference from a normal sample, amplified DNA lacks certain molecules contained by normal DNA. Forensics labs are unlikely to test for either of these anomalies without cause, however.

"DNA is a lot easier to plant at a crime scene than fingerprints," said Tania Simoncelli of the American Civil Liberties Union, in response to the study. "We're creating a criminal justice system that is increasingly relying on this technology."

The researchers warned that their techniques could also be used to replicate enough of a person's DNA to carry out genetic testing on them without their consent, thus violating their right to genetic privacy.

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Beekeeping Practices are Killing Honeybees, Part I

by: Laura Weldon

(NaturalNews) It`s a troubling and little-known fact. Today`s beekeepers use herbicides, fungicides and insecticides in and around beehives. They say they have no choice. Honeybees increasingly suffer from disease and parasites, forcing their keepers to fight back with powerful chemicals. But modern beekeeping practices put severe stress on honeybees, possibly causing this weakened resistance to diseases and parasites in the first place. These practices include unnatural feed, migratory beekeeping, artificial insemination, and chemical treatments. In part one of this series we`ll look at the first two practices.

Unnatural Feed.
The only natural foods for honeybees come from the nectars and pollens they collect. These foods contain vital nutrients that optimize the health of these tiny insects. Bees carefully vary their own diets, flying farther to find different blooms if large amounts of nectar have been gathered from one type of plant. But today`s beekeepers commonly feed their honeybees artificial syrups and patties made out of high fructose corn syrup (HFC). Unlike the range of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals found in pollen and nectar HFC is devoid of any real nutrition.

Worse, about 85 percent of all corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. Let`s remember what that means. Crops are genetically modified, in part, to resist insects yet beekeepers are feeding that crop right back to insects. There`s no way of determining how honeybees will react to being fed genetically modified corn products generation after generation. In addition, bees also forage for pollen and nectar on GM crops, adding to their exposure. It isn`t difficult to imagine their health might be compromised.

Migratory Beekeeping.
The majority of large scale beekeeping operations don`t make their money from honey production; their profit lies in pollination services. Large monoculture crops require pollination for a few weeks in the growing season, yet the scorched earth methods of agribusiness leave no other plants for honeybees to live on during the rest of the year. That`s where migratory beekeeping comes in. Truckloads stacked with beehives crisscross the country for months. According to the American Beekeeping Federation nearly two-thirds of the estimated 2.4 million colonies in the U.S. are transported for pollination purposes.

During travel it`s difficult for bees to maintain crucial hive temperatures and impossible for them to forage for food. The stress takes its toll. A recent study by the University of Massachusetts compared the prevalence of viruses in migratory bees to locally maintained bees. The researchers reported, "The migratory bees were more consistently infected and had a significantly higher prevalence of triple infections. This may be due to the differences in both exposure to pathogens that migratory and local bees experience and overall fitness of the hives as related to stress." In other words, this practice is bad for bees.

The massive honeybee disappearance called Colony Collapse Disorder that has researchers stumped is more prevalent in transported, not locally maintained, honeybees. Some migratory beekeepers have lost up to 90 percent of their colonies.

Thomas, Pat, 2007. Give Bees a Chance. Ecologist 37:30-35.………………… michael-bateman-on-insemination-technology-and-an-ancient-sweet-1559458.html……………
Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture by Ross Conrad

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Use Probiotics to Lose Weight and Treat Illness

by: Maddie Ellison

(NaturalNews) Millions of people suffer from colds, flu and stomach upset every year. Research is showing that this could be caused by a lack of good bacteria in your stomach. Fortunately, there are supplements you can take to increase the amount of good bacteria and improve your health.

It's strange to think that you can treat and even prevent illness with bacteria, but it's true. Your body contains trillions of bacteria – some are good and some are bad. When the number of good bacteria starts to decrease due to antibiotics or a poor diet your chances for illness are increased.

Probiotic supplements have been shown to have many health benefits. Research has shown that taking probiotics can help aid digestion and keep you regular. Studies show they can also help eczema and vaginal and urinary infections, and they can help prevent or lower your chances of catching a cold or the flu.

Probiotics are not "one size fits all". There are many different strains of probiotics each having its own power. If you're having stomach issues like an upset stomach from an illness, from antibiotics or from traveling or because you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), look for the probiotics that contain lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus GG, and Lactobacillus coagulans. These can be found in your local health food store, drugstore and in yogurt you can purchase from your grocery store.

If you suffer from eczema, studies have shown that taking a probiotic that contains lactobacillus acidophilus can help, especially in children. If you want to avoid getting colds and the flu supplement your diet with probiotic strains lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus casei, or bifidobacterium lactis.

Millions of women get urinary or vaginal infections each year, many due to antibiotics which can kill both the bad bacteria in your body and the good. Taking a probiotic that contains Lactobacillus coagulans, lactobacillus reuteri or lactobacillus rhamnosus can help prevent these kinds of infections and can also lessen their severity if you already have one.

Beyond the above health benefits, studies are showing that probiotics can actually help you lose weight. A recent study done at Stanford University has shown that the amount of good bacteria is higher in those who maintain a healthy weight and it's lower in those who are overweight. Researchers are suggesting that it's possible to increase your intake of healthy bacteria (probiotics) to lower your weight.

Whichever probiotic you choose look for products that say "clinically proven" on the box or label. Also pay attention to the directions. Some products need to be refrigerated.

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