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Naturally Treat Digestive Problems with Tissue Cell Salts

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Mineral salts found in the earth's rocks and soil are necessary in order for the human body to function as it should. Minerals that are vital for good overall health are generally leached from the soil due to modern agricultural practices in which chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers are commonly used. For those with digestive problems, tissue cell salts can provide a simple, non-toxic way to relieve symptoms. Visit a naturopathic practitioner or a qualified homeopath if symptoms are severe or do not ameliorate with time.


Digestive Problems due to Acidity

Nat. Phos. (tissue salt no. 10) is the mineral salt which is an acid neutralizer.

Digestive problems such as sour reflux, ulcers, heartburn, nausea and discomfort indicate a Nat. Phos. deficiency. In cases where the body is overly acidic, acid gets deposited in the joints, which can result in painful inflammation. Take 2 tablets as symptoms occur and more every hour or so or until discomfort eases.

Excess stomach acid can be avoided by eating foods that are more alkaline, such as almonds and leafy vegetables. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol. Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs as they may predispose a person to excess stomach acid.

Foods rich in Nat. Phos. include asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, carrots, peaches, apricots and apples.

Stomach Cramps and Heartburn

Mag. Phos. (tissue salt no. 8) is the cell salt which relieves heartburn, colic and flatulence. Lack of magnesium can cause stomach cramps and even severe diarrhea. According to Dr.John Miller, "Magnesium acts as a stimulant in the creation and development of enzymes that are essential to process our food".

Magnesium in the soil is vital for a healthy crop of vegetables, especially root vegetables. A deficiency will cause carrots and sweet potatoes to be misshapen, blemished and small. When growing an organic garden, make sure that the soil is rich in magnesium in order to encourage the growth of a healthy crop of vegetables.

Foods rich in Mag. Phos. include walnuts, figs, lentils, bananas, oranges and green leafy vegetables.

Nervous Indigestion

Kali. Phos. (tissue salt no. 6) helps individuals to cope with life's pressures. It has a calming effect, especially where there is nervous tension or "butterflies in the stomach" before an event or exam. This tissue salt can therefore assist with digestive problems related to stress.

Kali. Phos. is a cleanser of putrefactive conditions such as gas, diarrhea and infections of the gastric tract. Take 2 tablets four to six times throughout the day.

Foods rich in Kali. Phos include onions, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, olives, oats, lemons, guavas, apples and dates.

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Detoxify in the Wake of the BP Oil Disaster with Calcium Bentonite Clay

by: Cheryl McCoy

(NaturalNews) For the past two months, millions of gallons of crude oil have been billowing into the Gulf of Mexico daily due to the BP deep sea oil well disaster. This noxious oil, along with the toxic dispersants that have been used in an attempt to break it up, are making their way through the Gulf, onto the southern shores, and into the air. These pollutants will push farther inland with coming rains. It's vital to protect yourself as much as possible from this coming chemical onslaught. Calcium Bentonite Clay can be used to detoxify your body and your environment from this barrage.


Calcium Bentonite Clay has a uniquely strong negative ionic charge. When hydrated, it attracts anything with a positive ionic charge, such as toxins, metals and parasites. This clay has the ability to both adsorb (stick to the surface) and absorb (draw inside) these undesirables. The toxins are then permanently bound to the clay and are removed when the clay is removed.

People who are in the direct vicinity of the Gulf Coast should be taking Calcium Bentonite Clay internally. Perry A~, author of Living Clay, Nature's Own Miracle Cure, was recently interviewed on the topic and suggested the following protocol: Take 1 ounce of liquid clay and add it to a bottle of water. Sip on it constantly through the day, with at least 3 bottles of clay water daily. Also take 3 clay baths per week with 1 cup of Calcium Bentonite Clay added to the bath water.

Calcium Bentonite Clay can also be added to your pets' food to keep them detoxed and parasite free. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of hydrated clay with their food. Clay baths are great for pets as well, and will help remove any pesticides or chemicals they are exposed to when outdoors.

Another good suggestion is to get a new yard sprayer (one that hasn't been exposed to chemicals) and spray your grass and garden at least 3 times a week with clay water. This will help to bind and remove any toxins delivered by the chemically tainted wind and rain. This is especially important if you're growing your own vegetables, or if you, your children, or your pets are spending time on your lawn.

The fallout from this BP disaster isn't going to be limited to the Gulf Coast. It will be extremely widespread. It is an invisible long term exposure threat to the health of those exposed to it on a regular basis. Using a high quality, natural Calcium Bentonite Clay can help you and your family stay healthy.

All clays are not created equal, so it's important to know what to look for when you're choosing your clay. First and foremost, look for a company that has an established quality control program and makes reports available to their customers. Any company that either doesn't do periodic testing or doesn't want to make reports available to the public should be an automatic big red flag. Also, look for a company that provides contact information with easy access to a knowledgeable staff. For internal use, look for a non-gritty, 325 screen mesh, and a pH of 9.0 or higher to balance and alkalize the body. Now get some Calcium Bentonite Clay and protect your health.

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Diet Soda Linked to Premature Birth

by: Danna Norek

 (NaturalNews) New studies are suggesting there is a link between premature births and regular consumption of artificially sweetened soft drinks. The study, which was commissioned in Denmark, looked at 60,000 pregnant women and their resulting births and studied their consumption of diet soft drinks.

They found that women who had a higher intake of diet soda had a significantly higher risk of delivering their babies preterm. The increased risk was calculated around 38% higher in women who had one diet soda per day in comparison to women who had none at all.

Even more alarming, they found that women who had four or more diet sodas per day had an 80% higher risk of giving birth prematurely than their diet soda free counterparts.

While regular soda has been linked to high blood pressure in and of itself, the premature birth link to soda is specific to artificially sweetened soft drinks only. This logically suggests that the link is really due to the artificial sweeteners that are commonly used to sweeten soft drinks.

The artificial sweeteners that are typically used to make soft drinks taste sweet are aspartame and saccharin, but aspartame seems to be the most popular. Aspartame has the alarming ability to break down in the body to other toxic compounds like formaldehyde and formic acid.

The recommendation for pregnant women has always been that consuming these artificial sweeteners in moderation during pregnancy is acceptable.

However, this new research study may prove otherwise, and have pregnant women everywhere searching for healthier alternatives. Or better yet, avoiding diet soda all together.

Even for people who are not pregnant, this is food for thought as to what you are actually putting in your body when you drink diet sodas. Any substance that adds to the risk of premature birth cannot be good for the human body, after all.

Women who are pregnant may want to think about healthier alternatives for their sugary soda cravings. There are some lower calorie sweetened soda beverages that can be found in health food stores that contain natural sweetener alternatives.

Also, they may want to consider adding fresh squeezed lemon to their water, which can satiate some of the cravings for sugary sweet drinks. Adding some fresh fruit to water for flavor also may help healthfully satisfy these types of cravings.

Or, if they really want to experience a soft drink, perhaps reaching for the real stuff may be a slightly healthier option than diet soda, according to this study. It's important to note however, that carbonated beverages in general have been linked to bone weakness because of their potential to leach calcium.

Carbonated beverages in general should be consumed minimally, especially by women, who tend to experience bone brittleness and calcium retention issues more than men.
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Music Trains the Nervous System and Improves Learning

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Researchers from Northwestern University recently published a series of data in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience, revealing that music plays an important role in nervous system development. According to various, diverse scientific literature, musical training improves the brain's overall ability to learn new things.


After poring through data from numerous labs and research centers around the world, Nina Kraus, lead author of the report, and her team, came to realize how valuable music is in enhancing learning ability.

"The brain is unable to process all of the available sensory information from second to second, and thus must selectively enhance what is relevant. Playing an instrument primes the brain to choose what is relevant in a complex process that may involve reading or remembering a score, timing issues and coordination with other musicians," she explained.

In other words, musical training helps to develop the foundation for thinking by which cognitive function is able to improve throughout a person's lifetime.

"Science has studied the effects on humans of various kinds of sound, and the consensus is that the right sort of music definitely has a beneficial effect on our state of health," explains Alfred Vogel in his book The Nature Doctor: A Manual of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

The data also revealed that children who receive musical training are more adept at interpreting pitch changes in speech, and they generally have a better vocabulary and reading ability than children who receive no musical training.

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Sunlight Exposure is Good, Not Bad, Say Some Scientists

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Exposure to sunlight, we are often told, is dangerous and can lead to melanoma, also known as skin cancer. But a group of U.K. researchers recently published a report in the British Journal of Dermatology decrying the scare campaigns put out by government and cancer societies that warn against the supposed dangers of sun exposure. Contrary to popular belief, sun exposure can actually decrease the likelihood of developing malignant melanomas.

Vitamin D3


Sam Shuster, one of the study researchers, and his colleagues are tired of hearing about the 84,000 "skin cancers" that appear each year from sun exposure, because almost all of them are harmless. Malignant melanomas are simply not caused by sun exposure, despite what the "experts" claim. In reality, malignant melanomas tend to shrink back from sun exposure, as do many other harmful cancers in the body.

But the myth that the sun causes malignant cancers continues to persist, even though it is patently false. Excess sun exposure, especially if you lack proper nutrients and fail to let your body grow accustomed to the sun, can cause harmful sunburns. But gradually and regularly exposing your skin to the sun without burning it will only help you, not hurt you.

According to the report, the reason why harmless sun melanomas have been classified as malignant ones is due to a "diagnostic drift which classifies benign lesions as … melanomas, [which is] driven by defensive medicine, an unsurprising response to its commercialization."

The UV rays from sunlight are necessary for the body to produce vitamin D, maintain bone health and prevent disease. Sunscreen blocks these essential rays from penetrating your skin. So getting your body used to sun exposure apart from sunscreen is the best way to obtain the sun's many health benefits.

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Expectant Mothers Who Take Probiotics Have Healthier Babies

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) recently conducted a study on the effects of probiotic supplementation during pregnancy. The team found that mothers who drank probiotic-supplemented milk during their pregnancies cut their children's risk of developing eczema by 40 percent.

Probiotic 10-20

The study is part of a larger Norwegian research project being conducted by the university called "Prevention of Allergy Among Children in Trondheim", or PACT. In this particular study, women were given either milk with probiotics or milk with a placebo, beginning at week 36 of their pregnancies. Neither group knew which formula they were drinking. Researchers evaluated the women and their children from pregnancy until the children were two years old before presenting their findings.

"The taste of both products was similar, and the milk was delivered in unmarked milk cartons. This means that neither the participants in the study or the researchers knew who had received probiotic milk or placebo milk," explained Torbjorn Oien, one of the study researchers. "We can therefore say with great certainty that it was the probiotic bacteria alone that caused the difference in the incidence of eczema between the two groups."

Probiotics have been studied quite heavily in recent years, and science continues to discover the many health-promoting benefits of this beneficial bacteria.

"Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria (like Candida albicans, or "yeast"), promote good digestion, boost immune function, and increase resistance to infection. Probiotics also contain enzymes that help break down and digest dairy products like lactose in milk," explains Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., in his book The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth about What Treatments Work and Why.

The Norwegian study is the first to identify a definitive link between probiotics and eczema prevention, particularly as the effects are passed down from mother to child. The team plans to conduct a follow-up study to evaluate the preventative effect of probiotics on allergies like asthma as well.

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Being Overweight Causes Memory Problems

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A new report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reveals that overweight people tend to have poorer memories. Based on the memory test used in the study, every extra point on the body mass index (BMI) led to a one-point drop on the test, indicating that the more obese a person is, the more memory problems he or she will have.

75 Colloidal Minerals

Most people are aware of the various other health dangers associated with obesity, including heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, but this new research adds brain function to the list as well.

A team comprised of researchers from Northwestern University and the University of Pittsburgh conducted the study on 8,745 women between the ages of 65 and 79. All participants filled out questionnaires that evaluated their lifestyle, overall health and background. In the end, results indicated that being obese seems to be directly correlated to having memory problems.

The team did find that being obese around the hips is more detrimental than being obese around the waist, but that both are obviously problematic.

Researchers are not exactly sure how being overweight affects brain function, but they suspect that it has something to do with the way extra fat affects a person's hormone levels. Altered hormone levels can significantly impact the way the brain functions, which lends credence to this hypothesis.

They also speculate that perhaps the entire body is affected by being overweight, and that the heart and circulatory problems induced by obesity also affect brain function.

Either way, experts recommend that overweight people strive to lose weight as part of a healthy overall lifestyle.

"The most common causes of obesity are poor diet and/or eating habits and a lack of exercise," explains Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, in her book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements.

So for many people, simply eliminating processed and junk foods from their diets and exercising more will help to get rid of those extra pounds.

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Mercury: The Silent Epidemic is Killing American Dental Professionals, Part I

by: Aaron Turpen

(NaturalNews) Dental amalgams (known as "silver" or "mercury" fillings) are known to be a health threat to people who've had them installed to fill in cavities.1 From the moment you step into the average American dental office, you're likely being exposed to large amounts of mercury vapor. It gets worse for those who work in that environment every day.

"I was diagnosed with heavy metal toxicity to mercury and lead in May 2004 after a year of testing," says Karen Palmer. "Not only did I have 'silver' mercury fillings in my mouth, (since safely removed), I handled amalgam daily at my job as a dental assistant…"2 She says the American Dental Association (ADA) not only refuses to acknowledge any health concerns with mercury amalgams, but also fails to give adequate warnings to dental staff about their safe handling.

Karen's story is, sadly, not entirely unique. Studies of dental offices and personnel have revealed startling safety issues in regards to mercury exposures. In a large sampling of U.S. dentists, 10% were found to have high mercury levels and 1% to have very high levels.3 An OSHA study also found that up to 16% of U.S. dental offices exceed their standard of mercury in the air, on equipment, etc.

David Kennedy, DDS, has over 30 years of experience in dental practice and is now public information chair for the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). He is a participating author in several studies regarding mercury in the dental office and co-producer of Is Your Water Safe, a documentary on mercury from dentistry entering public water supplies. Dr. Kennedy says that there are about 250,000 dental assistants in the U.S. who are at risk "solely because of [the ADA's] denials and the utter failure of the profession to implement OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] guidelines and of OSHA personnel failures to enforce their employee protections."4

Dr. Kennedy further states that many dentists are aware of the dangers of mercury both in their offices and to their patients, but risk losing their license if they speak out. They are often cited by the ADA for "practicing medicine without a license" despite ADA guidelines which encourage dentists to take a patient's blood pressure if they appear to need a referral to a physician for heart problems and to watch for signs of diabetes.

So which do they do? Commit the crime of "practicing medicine without a license" by informing patients of the danger of mercury fillings or ignore every other health issue they may suspect about their patients and leave their clientele in the dark about their own physical well-being? The ADA can't have it both ways and selectively enforce "medicine without a license." All or none or it's just politics.

Dr. Kennedy also states that despite having spent years abiding by the OSHA guidelines in his office regarding mercury contamination control, his mercury levels would still repeatedly test high.

In our next segment, we'll explore those OSHA guidelines, Dr. Kennedy's thoughts on them, and how dental mercury is one of the primary sources of mercury contamination in humans.

1 – Mercury Dental Fillings: What the FDA and the ADA are not Telling You by Aaron Turpen, NaturalNews

2 – Case History of Karen Palmer full text, as sent to Aaron Turpen on June 18, 2010.

3 – Health Effects from Dental Personnel Exposures to Mercury Vapor from Dental Amalgam B. Witham, FLCV.

4 – Interview with Dr. David Kennedy, DDS, June 21, 2010 by Aaron Turpen, link to full text.

5 – Legal brief filed in 1995 by attorneys for the ADA in W.H. Tolhurts vs. American Dental Association, et al recorded on IAOMT website.

Special thanks to NaturalNews readers Karen Palmer and Robert Reeves as well as the IAOMT for research assistance and support for this article series on mercury poisoning.

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