The Best Years In Life

Swine Flu Scam Continues, Exposing Elderly and Others to Needless Risks

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The great Swine Flu hoax marches on, once again putting our elderly and other vulnerable people at unnecessary risk for the sake of greed and profits. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the end of the H1N1 pandemic-that-never-was, the untested H1N1 swine flu vaccine is being included in the annual flu jab this winter. Health officials claim that swine flu could still become a major epidemic, but it is most likely being done to reduce enormous stocks of the vaccine that governments were conned into ordering last year.

Forced Vaccination Protocol

Virtually all flu shots usually have questionable benefits and the risk of harmful side effects. However, the decision to include the H1N1 vaccine will pose even greater risks to large numbers of vulnerable people – including the elderly, children, and those with heart disease, chest problems, and diabetes. The H1N1 vaccine has never been properly tested and it contains a mercury-based preservative, thiosermal. Last year, key workers who were vaccinated reported having headaches, sleeplessness and stomach cramps.

A new study in the Journal of American Medical Association suggests that the 2009 H1N1 flu virus had lower risk of most serious complications compared to recent seasonal flus. The study by Edward A. Belongia, M.D. and colleagues found that the 2009 H1N1 flu did not cause more hospitalizations and pneumonia, which are the most common severe complications of influenza.

Last year, some countries refused and/or denounced the H1N1 vaccine, and a report in the British Medical Journal revealed that top scientists who convinced the WHO to declare the pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines. Already this year Australia has banned flu vaccines in children after reports of vomiting, fevers and seizure. Finland has also banned H1N1 flu vaccines and Sweden's Medical Products Agency (MPA) is investigating the H1N1 vaccine Pandemrix on the request of the European Commission after it has been linked to narcolepsy in children. In addition to Sweden and Finland, there have also been cases reported in France, Germany, and Norway.

The truth mainstream medicine and the vaccine makers do not want the public to know is that there are better and safer natural alternatives for preventing and beating the flu. Eating and living healthily to boost the body's natural immune system is a far better plan than relying on risky and marginally effective flu jabs.

Supplementing during flu season with Vitamin D and other natural immune enhancers, immune modulators and pathogen destroyers can provide even more vital protection against the flu. In case one does catch the flu, keeping potent natural anti-virals on hand in case one does catch the flu can help minimize the effects and quickly knock it out.

Superior immune booster supplements include:

*Oleander extract
*Echinacea (forget the flawed mainstream studies!)
*Pau d'arco
*Medicinal mushrooms
*Beta glucans
*Aloe vera

Superior natural anti-viral pathogen destroyers include:

*Colloidal Silver
*Olive leaf extract
*Oil of wild mountain oregano
*Grapefruit seed extract

Most of us have never been exposed to a Swine or Avian type flu, and thus our bodies have no natural antibodies for such influenzas. As a result, exposure to such flus runs the risk of causing the release of a cytokine storm which can literally eat up our lungs or drown us. In addition to anti-virals it would also be very wise to also take natural immune modulators to help prevent such a dangerous over- reaction. Notably, vitamin D3 is a strong immune modulator. Others include:

*Magnesium (which most of us are deficient in to begin with)
*Blackseed oil (Nigella sativa)

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Aloe Vera Gel: Heal With the Band Aid of Mother Nature

by: Dianna Dill

(NaturalNews) The historical use of aloe vera dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who used it for natural wound care and healing. Over the centuries, different cultures around the world have ascribed aloe gel with a near-miraculous healing capacity not only to promote the healing of wounded or infected skin and restore it to health, but also to help keep it beautiful.

Aloe Gel: Nature's Own Band Aid
Aloe vera has been described as a portable first aid kit that you can use to treat cuts, burns, bruises, scrapes, sunburn, bites and stings. When aloe vera gel is applied topically onto or into a wound, it serves as a natural, band aid or wound dressing that seals it against outside infection, accelerating the body's own healing process. It is an effective, inexpensive first-aid solution for all minor burns and scalds.

How Aloe Vera Gel Works
Like all other succulents, aloe vera is a self-healing plant. If a living aloe leaf is cut or torn, it will immediately seal the "wound" to prevent the loss of water and nutrients and to protect against bacterial contamination. Within minutes, the aloe gel will seep out to the surface and form a water-tight, rubber-like coating over the injured area. This gel coating contracts as it dries, pulling the edges of the wound shut. Within days the wound heals completely with zero scarring.

The same natural, healing mechanism is triggered when aloe vera is applied topically to a wound, accelerating the healing process. Aloe gel forms a seal over the damaged skin, helping to staunch bleeding and protect against wound infection. It provides essential nourishment to the traumatized tissues, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells and connective tissue. Aloe gel also alleviates inflammation, reducing redness and swelling.

A Wealth of Healing Properties
Aloe vera gel contains a wealth of biologically active compounds that give this herb its potent medicinal properties. It is rich in nourishing phytonutrients that play a key role in the healing process. These include vitamins, especially the antioxidant vitamins A, B complex, C and E, minerals including calcium, magnesium and zinc as well as amino acids like tyrosine and phenylalanine. Other beneficial compounds include: prostaglandins, polysaccharides, saponins, enzymes, glycoproteins, anthraquinones, plant sterols and lignin.

All these active components work synergistically to create a healing environment for burns, bruises, cuts, scrapes and other types of wounds. They work in tandem to promote the regeneration of new skin tissue, alleviate skin inflammation and soothe pain or skin irritation. Aloe gel also exerts strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and antifungal properties that help prevent and fight wound infections.

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Government Orders Family Farm To Commit Suicide By Destroying 50,000 Lbs of Cheese

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The United States of America is currently in the midst of a hostile takeover by a rogue government hellbent on controlling the nation's food supply. And in one of its latest acts of domestic terrorism, federal and state officials recently decided to go after Morningland Dairy, a family-owned dairy farm in Missouri, ordering it to destroy 50,000 pounds of raw, artisan cheese — worth roughly $250,000 — for no legitimate reason.

The incident dates back to June 2010 when federal and state officials raided Rawesome Foods, a private food buying club in Venice, Calif., for alleged code violations. Government agents held workers and volunteers hostage at gunpoint and stole thousands of dollars worth of food products, including cheese from Morningland Dairy.

According to testimony, the agents confiscated Morningland's cheese from Rawesome as part of their sweep and put it in un-iced coolers for later testing. Even though California state law mandates that confiscated food be tested immediately, it took officials seven weeks to conduct the tests, and nobody knows where the cheese was or how it was handled during that time — other than that it was not properly refrigerated from the moment it left Rawesome.

When the tests were finally completed almost two months later, they allegedly came up positive for bacterial contamination, which prompted immediate action by officials back in Missouri where Morningland dairy is located. Both the Missouri Milk Board and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showed up at Morningland on August 26 and "embargoed" the dairy from making or selling any product because of the alleged contamination.

So for a month and a half, Morningland was forced to dump all of its milk and avoid all production, even though no official and properly conducted tests had proven there to be anything wrong with the cheese stock in the first place. The dairy was also forced to recall and destroy all cheese sold since January 1, 2010.

A month later, officials came back to Morningland Dairy and verbally demanded that it destroy its entire stock of cheese, even though an official FDA-conducted swab of the entire dairy plant and farm found no contamination whatsoever. The FDA did not, however, take any official samples of the dairy's cheese for testing, which makes the demand to destroy it all even more bizarre.

Morningland immediately contested the outlandish demands, pointing to "lack of scientific evidence, lack of transparent protocol and complete lack of any illness associated with [its] cheese." And as of this writing, the dairy is awaiting a proper response from authorities.

Officials improperly took and handled cheese samples
In order for the initial cheese samples to be considered legitimately valid, duplicate samples had to have been given to Morningland. But Morningland never received duplicate samples of the original, supposedly tainted product as it should have in accordance with the California Food and Agriculture Code (#32732). The code states that "[n]o prosecution which is based upon a sample of milk, cream, a product of milk or cream, or a product resembling milk products shall be had unless a duplicate of the sample is left with the accused."

And rather than properly test the samples right away, authorities took the unrefrigerated cheese and held it for seven weeks before deciding to test it. Such action negates both the integrity of the "evidence" and any warrant to pursue further action against Morningland.

Samples later collected directly from Morningland's cheese stock were not taken according to protocol, either. And after realizing that the samples had been improperly handled and possibly cross-contaminated, Morningland notified the FDA that new ones needed to be taken. But according to Morningland, the FDA refused to do anything and, instead, falsely indicated that the original samples were taken in accordance with official guidelines.

Morningland petitions for a reasonable alternative to destroying their entire business
Morningland Dairy has been operating for over 30 years without one single incident of a customer becoming ill from its products. The dairy is regularly inspected by both state and federal officials, and has a flawless track record of providing clean, raw cheese to its many satisfied customers.

Ordering Morningland to destroy all of its product because of a questionably tainted sample is both unwarranted and ludicrous. Such a demand is not only unjustified based on the aforementioned facts, but is also wholly unreasonable.

A reasonable remedy, which Morningland has instead suggested to the Missouri Milk Board, is to have proper tests conducted on the actual stocks of cheese in question. Morningland has agreed to test each batch individually before selling any of them. If any batch shows up positive for contaminants, the dairy has agreed not sell them.

But demanding that the entire stock be destroyed based on flimsy evidence appears to be nothing more than an attempt to put Morningland out of business. One report says the attack on Morningland is part of the FDA's goal to eliminate private, independent farms in accordance with the goals of Healthy People 2020.

No matter what the agenda, the government assault on Morningland is criminal. Protocol was not followed, laws were broken, and due process was ignored, paving the way for authorities to furnish illegitimate evidence to justify their tyrannical actions. And if they are not stopped, another honest, family farm devoted to real food will be destroyed.

Support Morningland Dairy and food freedom
Winning the battle against government tyranny takes both persistence and plenty of financial resources. And government agencies have a seemingly endless arsenal of both, which can be discouraging. But when citizens unite together in the fight for freedom and liberty, real progress is made.

Morningland Dairy needs your help, and supporters of the family farm have set up a website called The UN-Cheese Party ( where supporters can donate to dairy, which also supports the larger cause of defending food freedom. At the site, supporters can "sponsor a cheese" for $5 per pound.

To find out more about The UN-Cheese Party, visit:

Concerned citizens can no longer sit on the sidelines and hope that tyranny will simply stop on its own. The ruling authorities will only continue their abuses unless The People go on the offense and stop them. The good news is that, even though raids and threats have been increasing, so has the push back from both the public and those being raided. People like the good folks at Morningland Dairy simply are not standing for it any longer. But in order to be successful, they need our continued support.

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Selenium: Find Health with the Mercury Magnet

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Today's society is loaded with powerful toxins of all shapes and sizes. One of the most harmful & potentially lethal of these biological toxins is mercury. Mercury has a strong affinity for fatty tissue and loves to clog up the brain, liver, & kidneys. Science has now revealed that selenium is a powerful mercury detoxifying agents.

Selenium Synergy

Many people have very high levels of mercury in their body. Mercury attaches and competes for cellular binding sites with other major trace minerals. When we are trace mineral deficient mercury is able to infiltrate and contaminate cells by shutting down their energy producing and anti-oxidant enzyme systems.

The major sources of mercury come from dental amalgam fillings, processed foods, vaccines, fish, & industrial pollution. According to a large study published in the Journal of Environmental Health in 2009, mercury cell chloralkali chemicals are used to manufacture color additives such as FD&C Yellow 5 and FD&C Yellow 6 and high fructose corn syrup.

Selenium is a trace mineral that incorporates itself into proteins to produce selenoprotein enzymes. These enzymes act as an anti-oxidant in the body to destroy free radicals and boost both the immune system and thyroid function. Mercury binds with selenium and reduces selenoprotein production. This deficiency hampers immune & thyroid function.

Selenium acts as a mercury magnet with a very strong binding affinity for the toxic substance. This strong attraction allows selenium to mix and neutralize their reaction characteristics. This new Hg – Se substance that is produced is not absorbed by the body and gets flushed out of the system. This is a very beneficial interaction that removes mercury from the body before it can lodge in fatty tissue and cause damage.

It is critical that we maintain a surplus of selenium in our body to effectively neutralize mercury and produce the anti-oxidant enzymes that benefit us so much. We must consume less mercury and more selenium in order for this to happen. If we have increased mercury consumption (dental amalgams, vaccines, processed food consumption), then we will need increased selenium consumption of up to 1000 mg/daily.

We should normally consume between 200-400 micrograms of selenium daily. Too much selenium is toxic; however, the average American consumes just 60 mg daily. This creates a deficiency that leads to lowered immunity and increased risk of disease. The most common disorders associated with selenium deficiencies include cancer, fatigue, stunted growth, high cholesterol and liver & pancreatic disorders.

Fish consumption has been a source of controversy due to the elevating mercury levels from industrial pollution. However, fish is also a great source of selenium. The key is to use fish sources that are minimally processed and contain significantly more selenium than mercury.

Dr. Nicholas Ralston's report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that (southern) Flounder, Tuna, and Wild Pacific Salmon (including Chinook, Sockeye and Coho) have much more Selenium than Mercury. Pilot Whale, Tarpon and most types of Shark were shown to be the most hazardous.

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Prozac Contaminates British Oceans

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Contamination of British coastal waters with antidepressants is likely changing the behavior of prawns and other marine life, according to a study conducted by researchers from Portsmouth University.


In recent years, scientists have become increasingly aware that pharmaceutical products and byproducts are contaminating the world's fresh- and saltwater. These come from products washed off human bodies and clothing, partially metabolized drugs given to humans and animals, and unmetabolized drugs discarded from hospitals and pharmaceutical plants.

"It's no surprise that what we get from the pharmacy will be contaminating the waterways," researcher Alex Ford said.

Water treatment plants are unable to prevent this kind of pollution.

"Drugs are partially broken down in the treatment process but what we are realizing now is that a lot more gets through than we thought," Ford said. "The treatment plants weren't designed to break down medicines so some inevitably get concentrated [and] released into streams or onto beaches. Effluent is concentrated in river estuaries and coastal areas, which is where shrimps and other marine life live – this means that shrimps are taking on the excreted drugs of whole towns."

To test the possible effects of this pollution, Ford and colleagues exposed prawns to the same levels of Prozac found in British wastewater. They found that the animals, which normally prefer hiding in dark places, became five times more likely to swim up toward light after drug exposure — thereby placing them at increased risk of being eaten by predators.

"Crustaceans are crucial to the food chain," Ford said. "If behavior is being changed this could seriously upset the balance of the ecosystem."

The researchers believe that, as in humans, Prozac is likely affecting the levels of serotonin in the brains of aquatic animals. The effects of other drugs — such as hormones, cholesterol drugs and antibiotics — remains unknown, as does the effect of drugs in combination.

The Best Years In Life

Tax Dollars Help Agribusiness-Chemical Coalition Lie About Pesticides

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) The California Department of Food and Agriculture has awarded $180,000 in federal funds to finance an agribusiness-chemical industry plan to "correct the misconception that some fresh produce items contain excessive amounts of pesticide residues". It appears that the funds will actually be used to attack those who warn about pesticide dangers and make false safety claims: helping offset lost profits due to the growing popularity of organic produce and increased awareness of pesticide dangers.

"This grant is a slap in the face of California's rapidly-advancing organic agriculture sector," said Ken Cook, president and founder of Environmental Working Group. "While conventional produce has seen demand stagnate, organics are enjoying dynamic growth. The state should think twice about using U.S. taxpayers money to attempt to give chemical-dependent industrial farming a competitive edge over organics."

Over the past decade, organic fruit and vegetable sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to the Pesticide Action Network of North America, in 2008 California growers deployed 161 million pounds of pesticides on all crops, including 53 million pounds of pesticides on crops whose growers comprise the AAF.

Last July, the AFF set up a web site and press webinar to attack EWG's Pesticide Guide, contending that there is "no scientific evidence" that a small amount of pesticide residue on food "represents any health risk." While the food growers and pesticide companies would have us believe their self-funded studies, real scientific evidence tells us just the opposite.

Pesticides have been linked to leukemia, Parkinson's disease and other nervous system disorders, damage to the reproductive system and other organs, developmental and behavioral abnormalities, disruption of hormone function and immune dysfunction. About 16 million US citizens are sensitive to pesticides (i.e. they have compromised immune functioning as a result of pesticide exposure).

Pesticides accumulate in the fat deposits in the body where they remain and cause damage. Infants and young children consuming breast milk ingest pesticides. Pregnant women can pass pesticides on to their fetus and nursing women pass on the insecticides to their nursing children. Pesticides initiate and propagate multiple chemical sensitivities. Some pesticides become even more toxic as they break down. In addition, so-called "inert ingredients" may be even more toxic than the active ingredients which are listed on pesticide labels. A whopping 3700 chemicals can legally be concealed by listing them merely as inert ingredients without specifying the chemical compound.

Many industry "safety tests" on pesticides are fundamentally flawed: they test for the acute (not chronic) effects of single (not multiple) chemicals on healthy (not sick, chemically sensitive or immuno-suppressed etc.) adult (not fetuses or young) animal (not human) subjects exposed over short (not long) periods of time. Some companies testing pesticides have been charged and convicted of falsifying study data. In the US it is a violation of federal law to state that pesticide use is safe.

Non-industry studies tell a much different story. For example, and EPA-funded study found that eating organic foods provides children with "dramatic and immediate" protection from exposure to two organophosphate pesticides that have been linked to neurological harm in humans. A second study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2006 confirmed these results.

Other pesticide safety studies have found:

*Damage done by pesticides may last for four generations or more.
*Children who have high levels of pesticide residues are 93% more likely to have ADHD
*For every 55% increase in residue in children's urine, there is a 10% greater risk of ADHD.

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Powerful Compound in Vegetables Proven To Prevent Cancer

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) New research out of the University of Illinois (U of I) has proven that sulforaphane, an organosulfur compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, is transferred directly from the digestive system into the body through the "good" bacteria that live in the gut. When operating at optimal capacity, the body is able to absorb the most sulforaphane and gain considerable anti-cancer benefits from it.

Natural Cellular Immune Booster Protocol

Sulforaphane is known to have anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial properties, but researchers have wondered exactly how, and how well, the compound is assimilated into the body. According to their inquiry, intestinal microbiota actually consume and break down glucoraphanin, the parent compound of sulforaphane, and deliver it into the bloodstream where it provides a direct anti-cancer effect.

"The presence of sulforaphane in measurable amounts shows that it's being converted in the lower intestine and is available for absorption in the body," explained Elizabeth Jeffery, a U of I professor of human nutrition. "It's also comforting because many people overcook their broccoli, unwittingly destroying the plant enzyme that gives us sulforaphane. Now we know the microbiota in our digestive tract can salvage some of this important cancer-preventive agent even if that happens."

Since broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in sulforaphane, it does not take very much of them to achieve a substantial anti-cancer benefit. Sulforaphane is so potent that even minimal amounts are capable of staving off the disease.

"The amount that you get in three to five servings a week — that's less than one daily serving of broccoli — is enough to have an anti-cancer effect," said Jeffery. "With many of the other bioactive foods you hear about, vast amounts are required for a measurable outcome."

But having a healthy digestive system with well-functioning gut microbiota is vital for obtaining the most benefits, which is why Jeffery stresses the importance of eating plenty of prebiotics and probiotics as part of a healthy diet.

"One way (to boost bacteria in the colon and enhance the anti-cancer effects of sulforaphane) might be to feed the desirable bacteria with prebiotics like fiber to encourage their proliferation," she said. "Another way would be to use a probiotic approach — combining, say, broccoli with a yogurt sauce that contains the hydrolyzing bacteria, and in that way boosting your cancer protection."

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Scientists Strike Gold: ‘Silver Bullet’ Could Finally Beat Common Cold

By Daily Mail Reporter

A ‘silver bullet’ against the common cold and other illnesses is being developed by scientists. Tests show that arming bacteria with minute studs of silver endows them with the ability to combat viruses.

Advanced Colloidal Silver


Norovirus, the winter vomiting bug, is unable to cause infections after coming into contact with the silver-impregnated bacteria.Researchers believe the same technique could be used to ward off other viruses, including those which cause flu and the common cold.

Belgian professor Willy Verstraete discovered a way of ‘studding’ harmless bacteria often found in probiotic yoghurts with nanoparticles of silver, each thinner than a human hair.

Sprayed up the nose or rubbed into the hands, the silver-studded bacteria stop any viruses that cross their path from infecting cells.

As viruses need to hijack a cell’s internal machinery to live and breed, barring them entry leads to their death.

The common cold wreaks havoc among all age groups but the huge number of different viruses behind the symptoms means that a cure has, so far, eluded scientists.

The Best Years In Life

Ten Top Items: Address Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Many consider it to be an autoimmune disorder; however, others theorize that high hydrogen sulfide levels cause inflammation and lesions typical in ulcerative colitis. Still others believe the disease may be due to problems in the large intestine's protective mucous layer (mucosa). Regardless of the causes, ulcerative colitis can often be addressed naturally without side-effect laden mainstream drugs.

Ulcerative colitis can happen at any age, but it usually starts between ages 15 and 30. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Other symptoms may include:

*Weight loss
*Loss of appetite
*Severe tiredness
*Feeling of urgency
*Inability to have a bowel movement

Symptoms may also occur outside the gut and include joint pain, eye inflammation, skin rashes and lesions, and mouth ulcers.

Mainstream medicine usually treats ulcerative colitis as an immune disorder and often prescribes the dangerous steroids and other drugs to control symptoms. Natural remedies, on the other hand, often control symptoms and lead to prolonged remission without drugs or surgery. Some of the best are:

1) Colloidal silver combined with probiotics can be very effective. Colloidal silver helps eliminate bad intestinal bacteria as well as any other pathogens which have invaded the affected areas. Colloidal silver also aids healing. Since colloidal silver may also eliminate beneficial bacteria, it is essential to take probiotics separate from the colloidal silver.

Probiotics are themselves among the most popular inflammatory bowel disease remedies. "Friendly" bacteria that reside in the gut help manage ulcerative colitis because they help control the number of potentially harmful bacteria, reduce inflammation, and improve the protective mucus lining of the gut.

A University of Alberta study found that probiotic supplementation of 3,600 billion bacteria a day for 6 weeks resulted in 53 percent of the patients having remission and another 24 percent having noticeable improvement.

2) Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil capsules, can reduce inflammation in people with ulcerative colitis. One study found marked improvement from fish oil supplementation and an elemental diet.

3) The herb boswellia has been found to block chemical reactions involved in inflammation. Unlike anti-inflammatory medication, boswellia doesn't appear to cause gut. Rare side effects of boswellia include diarrhea, nausea, and skin rash.

4) A basic diet avoids items, which have been associated with ulcerative colitis and may result in higher toxins, and it may result in marked improvement. Such items to avoid include sweets, bleached white flour, insoluble fiber, carbohydrates, processed meat and alcohol, as well as allergenic foods such as wheat, dairy products and corn.

5) Natural immune modulators can help prevent immune dysfunction which may cause ulcerative colitis. Among the best are magnesium, curcumin, oleander extract and blackseed oil (Nigella sativa).

6) Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple stems, reduces inflammation and aids healing. A Duke University animal study found that daily oral bromelain decreased the incidence and severity of colitis.

7) Folic Acid. People with chronic ulcerative colitis are at greater risk of colon cancer. A University of Toronto study found that dietary folate found four times the RDA of folate significantly suppressed ulcerative colitis-associated colon cancer.

8) Stress should be avoided as it may cause the onset of ulcerative colitis symptoms. Mind/body therapies such as breathing exercises and meditation can help.

9) Cleansing and fasting help eliminate toxins and restore natural balance.

10) Vitamin C helps protect and heal the mucosa.

Other natural remedies for ulcerative colitis include:

*Oral aloe vera gel
*Marshmallow Root
*Slippery Elm
*Devil's Claw
*Ginkgo biloba

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

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Food Addictions Come with the Standard American Diet

by: Cindy Jones-Shoeman

(NaturalNews) No, people don't think of food addiction like they do other addictions. For example, people don't go to a dark alley with a wad of cash to score a chocolate chip cookie, and people don't go to a rehab clinic so they get help kicking their caffeine addiction. While there are no food rehab clinics and there are no illegal foods that are bought and sold on the black market, food addiction is very real. Unfortunately, food addictions are inevitable if one is following the Standard American Diet. 

Dr Ken Video-SAD

Just a little research on the topic will lead readers to discover that withdrawal from food addictions can result in many of the same symptoms drug addicts suffer when they withdraw, suffering from symptoms like headaches, sweating, chills, and depression, among others.

Foods that People Might Find Themselves Addicted To

Caffeine: Most people have heard and know that caffeine can be addictive. Caffeine is a mild stimulant that can be found in a variety of foods, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and – of course – soft drinks with added caffeine. While there is still much debate as to whether caffeine is good or bad, many people would agree that any substance that causes addiction is not good.

Sugar: Few people would argue today that sugar is a good additive to have in food. Not only is sugar highly addictive, but it also has been proven to be bad for one's health. Sugar, in its many forms, can lead to many diseases, the most well-known being Type 2 Diabetes.

Salt: Salt is added abundantly to many processed foods and so it is easy to become addicting. Most Americans eat far more salt than is necessary and, like other foods, they can become addicted to it, craving more and more as time goes on.

Fat: One now-famous study published in Nature Neuroscience in March 2010 demonstrated that rats who became addicted to high-fat foods experienced withdrawal symptoms similar to those experienced by drug users, and they found it difficult to quit the fat. Fatty foods can be addictive to people as well.

Casein: Casein is a protein found in cow's milk and consequently cheese and other dairy products. Casein, according to Dr. Neil D. Barnard, breaks down during digestion into casomorphins, which are opiates that work just like any other opiate. They make the eater feel good during and after eating, create cravings, and cause withdrawal when the eater gives them up. Barnard states that casein is more concentrated in cheese than in milk.

So how does a person avoid becoming a food addict? Barnard, like other experts, recommends a low-fat vegan diet, which avoids many of these addictive foods; avoiding processed foods, which are known for being heavily-laden with salt, sugar, and fat, will also help people avoid the worst of these foods. People don't want to be slaves to their food; food should nourish, satisfy, and fuel a body, not make it go through withdrawal symptoms when people can't get their lunch fix right away.

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]