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Flax, Fenugreek And Fennel Strongly Protect Lungs And Large Intestine

by: Melissa Sokulski

(NaturalNews) In Traditional Chinese Medicine autumn is the season which corresponds to the metal element: the lungs and large intestine. Fall is a wonderful time of year to strengthen and rejuvenate these organs.

Signs that the lung and large intestine may be taxed and would benefit from rejuvenation include:

  • Chronic cough
  • Frequent colds and flu
  • Excess mucous
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn's Disease
  • Thick tongue coating

A diet high in meat, dairy, eggs and white flour can also contribute to difficulties with the metal element and often can show up as chronic issues of the lungs and large intestine. Eliminating or greatly reducing these foods from the diet is often helpful.

Drinking the following tea daily for at least four weeks in the fall protects, strengthens and clears mucous from the lungs and large intestine. The tea is mainly composed of fennel, flax, and fenugreek seeds and is sometimes called "Three F Tea." Seeds are best prepared as a decoction and need to be simmered for at least twenty minutes. Full information about preparation is found below.

Traditionally comfrey was added to this formula. Now comfrey has been replaced by nettles as the FDA has warned against the internal use of comfrey due to possible liver toxicity from its high concentration of certain alkaloids. Herbalists of the past used comfrey extensively to treat lung ailments and loosen mucous from the lungs. Peppermint is also added for flavor though that can be left out or replaced with licorice which adds sweetness. Licorice should be avoided by people with high blood pressure.

Three "F" Tea to Strengthen Lungs and Large Intestine:

  • 1 Tbsp fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • 1 Tbsp fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenumgraecum)
  • 1 Tbsp flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum)
  • 1 Tbsp nettle leaf (Urtica urens) or 1 Tbsp comfrey leaf (Symphytum officinale) – the FDA warns against internal use of comfrey, see above.
  • 1 tsp peppermint leaf (Mentha piperita) or 1 tsp licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) – do not use licorice if you have high blood pressure.
  • 5 cups water

To Prepare Tea:

  1. Add fennel seeds, flax seeds, and fenugreek seeds (and licorice root, if using) to water and bring to a boil.
  2. Turn heat down and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Turn heat off and add nettles or comfrey, steeping for 15 minutes.
  4. Add mint and steep 5 more minutes.
  5. Strain and drink at least 1 cup of tea, twice a day.
  6. Extra tea may be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.

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Zinc, Selenium, Iodine and Calcium To Grow Hair

by: Melanie Grimes

(NaturalNews) A deficiency in minerals can cause hair loss because hair production requires a wide variety of minerals and trace minerals. Numerous systems in the body participate in the production of hair. For instance, hormonal balance is needed in order for hair to grow, and the hair follicles where hair is produced rely on specific nutrients in order to be stimulated.


Selenium Helps Grow Hair
Selenium is a trace element used by the body in small but vital quantities. A deficiency of this mineral can lead to heart conditions and cancer, as well as to poor hair growth. Selenium is part of the metabolic pathway of iodine metabolism and also contributes to the synthesis of protein. Selenium is found in the soil, especially in the land around Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, but food grown in other areas of the country may not absorb enough selenium from the soil. Fertilizers prevent the natural absorption of trace minerals from the soil as well; so organic food is likely to contain more of this mineral. Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium, along with brown rice and walnuts.

Iodine Prevents Hair Loss
The mineral iodine is used by the thyroid gland and iodine deficiency can lead to hair loss. Iodine is found in fish and especially in seaweeds, such as kelp. Iodine is found in sea salt, along with other trace minerals found in the sea. Adding seaweed to the diet can add the additional iodine needed to nourish the thyroid gland and prevent hair loss.

Zinc Stimulates the Hair Follicles
The cells of the hair follicle utilize zinc. Many Americans are deficient in this mineral as well. Zinc can be taken orally or it can also be applied by use of topical zinc creams designed to help prevent hair loss.

Calcium Needed for Hair Growth
Calcium and magnesium are both needed to grow hair, as well as to grow bones. The most abundant mineral in the body, calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. Adding sesame seeds to the diet can add much needed calcium. Another good source of calcium is found in cooked spinach, with 120 milligrams in a half-cup. Sardines provide a fish source of calcium with about 100 mg of calcium per ounce. Chinese cabbage and kale also provide a large amount of calcium- about 90 milligrams for each raw cup.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup – Two Reasons To Avoid This Corn Sugar

by: Derrell Jones

(NaturalNews) The move is on to further muddy the waters pertaining to High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). The goal is to convince or confuse consumers into thinking that HFCS is like sugar by changing its name to Corn Sugar. While there are issues that surround processed sugar, HFCS or Corn Sugar presents a wider problem. The primary concern is how HFCS is metabolized by the body and the hidden, and not-so-hidden, genetic modifications it undergoes.

HFCS is comprised of approximately 55% fructose. This fructose is unbound meaning it is not attached to any other molecule. In nature fructose would be bound most likely to glucose. Unbound fructose is immediately taken up by the liver for metabolizing when HFCS is consumed. This initiates a metabolic nightmare. The liver is forced to work hard at metabolizing the instantly present fructose. Often times the liver has to ignore or inefficiently handle other metabolic duties such as the breaking down of fatty acids. In addition, the liver may be unable to metabolize all of the fructose. All of this leads to a fatty liver and increased fat storage in the body.

Unmetabolized fructose in the body must be captured and "put away," which raises triglyceride and cholesterol levels adding to our waistlines. A fatty liver also becomes sluggish and inefficient leading to Cirrhosis (which is becoming more and more prevalent in children), increased weight gain, and gastrointestinal issues. The increased triglyceride levels have been linked to increased adverse cardio-vascular events.

Many would have consumers believe that HFCS is metabolized the same way fructose found in fruits and some vegetables are. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. The fructose found in nature is bound to glucose which undergoes a breaking down process in the stomach before the fructose moves on to the liver. This process allows the liver time to efficiently handle the fructose over time instead of being flushed with fructose within a few minutes. Dr. Meira Field and a research team with the USDA demonstrated how high levels of unbound fructose can scar the livers of lab rats. Cirrhosis soon followed and made the livers resemble that of an alcoholic.

The Hand of Genetic Modification

When HFCS, aka Corn Sugar, and genetic modification (GM) are discussed, the tendency is to think of the corn component. After all, it may seem that corn is the only ingredient of HFCS production but there are two other ingredients to consider. Three enzymes are required to make HFCS, and two of them, alpha-amylase and glucose isomerase, have been genetically modified. Alpha-amylase is used to make shorter chains of sugar called polysaccharides. Isomerase is used to convert glucose into a glucose/fructose mix. These enzymes are genetically manipulated to withstand the high heat needed to make HFCS without them breaking down and becoming unusable. If a consumer wished to avoid GM foods then HFCS in any product must be avoided.

The Bottom Line

The Corn Refiners Association has taken an "If you can`t beat them, confuse them" approach by calling HFCS "Corn Sugar." Most consumers simply want to thrive and be healthy but will find it increasingly difficult when blatantly misled. The truth is Corn Sugar will be the same genetically modified metabolic nightmare as HFCS considering they are virtually one in the same. Let the consumer beware and be conscious.

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

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Iron, Folic Acid During Pregnancy Improve Childs Motor Skills

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association highlights the importance of getting plenty of the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients during pregnancy. The study showed that Indian women who supplemented with prenatal iron, folic acid and vitamin A produced children who were smarter and had better motor skills than children from mothers who did not supplement.


"Micronutrient inadequacy is a critical concern among pregnant women and young children throughout the world," explained Parul Christian, Dr.P.H., from Johns Hopkins University, and his colleagues in their study paper. "Gestation and the early postnatal period are considered sensitive periods for brain development, and nutritional deprivation during this period may lead to functional impairments."

Researchers evaluated 676 children between 7-9 years of age who had been born to various women given either folic acid and iron; folic acid, iron and zinc; folic acid, iron, zinc and 11 other micronutrients; or placebo. The team found that iron and folic acid in particular improved intellectual capacity, executive function, motor function and fine motor control.

Iron deficiency in particular is associated with negative alterations in cognitive development, which can lead to decreased intellectual capacity and under-developed motor skills. Additionally, women who do not get enough folic acid during pregnancy have a much higher risk of bearing a child with birth defects (…).

Foods naturally rich in iron include string beans, turnip greens, mustard greens, spinach, chard and other leafy greens. These same greens also contain high levels of natural folate, as do beans, peas, asparagus, avocados, strawberries and oranges. And zinc-rich foods include oysters, certain meats, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and green peas.

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Patients Injected With Flu Vaccine Even If They Don’t Want It

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Even those who deliberately chose to forego vaccination against the H1N1 swine flu last year will have to receive the shot if they want protection against the seasonal flu.

Advanced Colloidal Silver

Every year, researchers pick three influenza strains that they expect to be circulating, and include those in that year's vaccine. This year, one of the three strains selected is H1N1 swine flu.

Yet many of those who neglected to get vaccinated against swine flu last year did so out of concerns that a vaccine rushed into production might not be safe. Indeed, the history of flu vaccination gives good reason for such concerns.

"In 1976 an extensive flu vaccination program in America led to a massive outbreak of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease affecting the nervous system," writes Andreas Moritz in the book Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation.

"The outbreak, known as the 'Great Swine Flu Fiasco,' paralyzed 656 people and 30 elderly persons were found dead within hours after they were vaccinated."

"Various investigations concluded that the problems caused by the swine flu vaccine occurred because the vaccine was produced in too much of a rush," write Elinor Levy and Mark Fischetti of the incident in their book The New Killer Diseases.

"Tests were not yet conclusive about the right dosage. Side effects were not thoroughly explored."

As a consequence, many conscientious H1N1 vaccine objectors are angry that they must choose between getting a vaccine they don't want or not getting one they do.

"At the very least there should be consumer choice so that patients can get what they want rather than this one-size fits all," said Jackie Fletcher of the United Kingdom-based vaccine awareness nonprofit JABS. "We also want to know that the Department of Health carefully examines every adverse reaction to swine flu jabs, so we can be reassured the jab is safe."

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Vitamin D Levels Found To Be Extremely Low In Women With Breast Cancer

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of South Carolina and presented at the Third American Association for Cancer Research Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Miami.


Researchers measured vitamin D levels in 107 women who had received a breast cancer diagnosis within the past five years. Not only was vitamin D deficiency widespread among the participants, but lower levels of the vitamin were also significantly correlated with triple-negative breast cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer is the most aggressive and hardest to treat form of the disease, as it is unresponsive to all the most effective drugs. The researchers found that it was eight times more common in women with vitamin D deficiency than in those with adequate levels of the vitamin.

The findings may explain why rates of triple-negative are consistently higher in black and Hispanic women than among white women.

"We know that darker skin pigmentation acts somewhat as a block to producing vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, which is the primary source of vitamin D in most people," researcher Susan Steck said.

Indeed, while only 15 percent of white women in the study had low levels of vitamin D deficiency, 60 percent of black participants had insufficient levels.

"[The study] corroborates other research showing racial differences in vitamin D status and provides further support for a protective role of vitamin D in breast cancer," the researchers wrote.

As more evidence of vitamin D's role in disease prevention has emerged in recent years, health experts have become increasingly alarmed at the widespread levels of deficiency across the United States.

"Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic in America, and it contributes not only to the development of osteoporosis but to increased cancer and heart disease as well," writes Joel Fuhrman in his book Cholesterol Protection for Life.

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Gardasil’s Trail of Deception

Is Gardasil’s Trail of Deception Actually Hiding the True Scope of Deaths and Injuries?

PRLog (Press Release)Dec 08, 2010 – While the number of deaths and serious adverse events reported due to Merck's controversial Gardasil vaccine continues to grow alarmingly, the true number of people who have been killed or injured by the deadly vaccine is likely far higher. The truth about Gardasil has been deliberately hidden through a trail of deception, cover-ups, ignorance and under-reporting that dates back to the very inception of the vaccine.
The first key deception occurred during Gardasil trials. Instead of using a saline solution as the placebo, Merck used the vaccine's carrier agent minus only the HPV virus components. In addition to sodium chloride and water normally found in a saline solution placebo, the placebo Merck chose also contained dangerous aluminum along with polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.

Although polysorbate 80 is used as a food additive to increase the water solubility of flavoring oils, injection is quite different. According to the polysorbate 80 Material Safety Data Sheet, it may be carcinogenic as well as mutagenic. When injected into prepubescent rats, polysorbate 80 caused abnormal growth of reproductive organs and made the rats sterile. When used intravenously with vitamins, it has been known to cause anaphylactic shock.

An analysis of the actual trial data for Gardasil reveals that a shocking 73.3 percent of the participants who received Gardasil acquired a new medical condition ranging from flu-like symptoms to paralysis. Almost 60% had systemic reactions. Though the “placebo” recipients had similar results, obviously no mere saline solution would have produced even a fraction of such reactions. The results would likely have been even higher if the study had lasted longer than 15 days.

The lack of dangers in the prescribing information furnished to doctors by Merck and the VAERS requirement that only serious and life-threatening events be reported both likely play big roles in the under-reporting of Gardasil reactions. Doctors are reluctant to report deaths and injuries from anything they administered or performed in the first place, and the lack of information and guidelines have insured that they are far less likely to report anywhere near all the adverse reactions from Gardasil.

Other factors which help skew the picture of Gardasil dangers include:

*The rate of deaths and adverse reactions are reported as a percentage of doses distributed, not doses actually administered.

*Gardasil is given in a series of three injections. Thus the number of adverse reactions per number of patients is triple the adverse events per injection.

*Many parents are not aware of the definition of adverse event or that they can file their own VAERS report.

Disturbingly, already reported deaths and reactions may be being hidden or altered to be attributed to other causes. When SANEVAX looked at the latest reported VAERS totals, they discovered that five previous death cases are now inexplicably missing.

Another Gardasil danger which has also been largely hidden and ignored is the danger presented to young women who have already been infected with HPV. Despite the fact that girls (and boys) can be exposed to HPV viruses from birth onwards, there is no screening required and not even a recommendation for screening before a young woman reaches the age of 21.

In a paper Merck submitted to the FDA on young women who tested positive for the HPV strains 16 or 18, the facts are alarming. Protection against the HPV virus for young infected women was much worse than if they had not been vaccinated at all.  According to the paper, infected women had who were given Gardasil had a 44.6% increased risk of abnormal cervical cell development than did non vaccinated women.

The true magnitude of Gardasil’s harm and dangers could be horrendous. Reports for other vaccines deaths and adverse reactions are estimated to represent no more than 10% of the actual totals. With Gardasil, estimates range as low as only 1%.

If 10% are reporting, there could be as many as 890 deaths and 205,000 adverse events. If only 1% are actually reported, there could be 8,900 deaths and 2,050,000 adverse events.

Behind Gardasil's trail of deception is a very large and mostly hidden trail of tears. Parents and the general public richly deserve to be told the full truth to keep that trail from turning into a raging flood of sorrow and suffering.

Tony Isaacs, Contributing Author, SaneVax Inc.

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Why And How Microwave Cooking Causes Cancer

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The fact that modern mainstream medicine can`t fathom a connection with microwaved foods to cancer is simple: Orthodox medicine thinks nutrition and diet have nothing to do with disease. It`s focused on germs and genes. Their intervention is based on man made drugs or surgical procedures. Check out hospital food as a partial confirmation of this philosophy.

Immune Booster

Mainstream MDs may agree that direct contact with microwave radiation causes health problems. But they can`t make the cancer causing connection to the food from microwave ovens. Hans Hertel, the heroic Swiss researcher featured in this author`s Natural News article linking cancer to microwave cooking, clears the scientific fog formed by medical science`s half-witted declarations.

Agitated Molecules

Normally cooked food is heated from the outside in. This is the normal function of thermal dynamics: heat transfers to cold. Although raw food advocates will rightfully point out the heat destroying nutrients, especially enzymes, normal cooking doesn`t create nearly as much damage as microwave cooking.
You probably know that microwave radiation heats from the inside out. How is this accomplished?

Hertel explains, "Technically produced microwaves are based on the principle of alternating current. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second."

"There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts.
(…) This is how microwave cooking heat is generated – friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality."

So it`s the water molecules in foods that are directly agitated first to produce frictional heat. Journalist Tom Valentine played devil`s advocate by posing this question: "What about microwaves from the sun? Are they harmful?"

Again, it`s the AC current propelling microwave ovens that create an extremely rapid polar shift of the subjected water molecules. Hertel went on to explain that the sun`s microwaves are based on a pulsating direct current. This type of microwave radiation doesn`t shear molecules because there is no rapid oscillation of polarity.

And There`s More

Besides these thermal modifications, there is direct damage to cell walls and genes from microwaves. Gene altering technology, which includes the biotech food industry, alters genes by weakening them with microwaves. Hertel explained further, "… the cells are actually broken, thereby neutralizing the electrical potentials – the very life of the cells – between the outer and inner sides of the cell membranes."

Strange and unknown compounds are created by microwave energy`s penetration into organic matter. They are called radiolytic compounds. Many scientists argue that these are created from normal cooking as well. However, Hertel`s research has indicated that far more radiolytic compounds are created by microwave cooking.

Hertel concludes that the food damaged from microwaving modifies the cellular activity in the human consumers of that food. One`s cells are forced by the damaged cells and radiolytic compounds to adapt into an emergency mode of energy production. The human cells are forced from normal cellular oxidation into the anaerobic energy production of glucose fermentation. This is a cancerous condition.

Anaerobic glucose fermentation is how cancer cells survive and thrive. This is why cancer cells cannot exist in oxygen. This is why cancer patients should not eat sugar or foods made with sugar. It`s simple. Exchanging cancerous conditions for convenience doesn`t make sense.

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Flu Shot Propaganda

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) This year marks the first time that, under U.S. law, Medicare and private insurers will be required to cover the full cost of seasonal influenza vaccination, with no co-pays or deductibles allowed. Uninsured children will also receive free flu shots.

Vaccine Protocol

Following last year's scare over H1N1 swine flu, which resulted in delays and shortages of flu vaccines, manufacturers have produced 165 million doses of the vaccine for use in the United States, which has a population just under 300 million. The government now recommends flu vaccination for all residents over the age of six months.

Thirty million doses are already available on retailers' shelves. A new high-dose vaccine is also being offered for the first time to people over the age of 65, though such doses have never been used before.

This year's seasonal flu vaccine is designed to protect against H1N1 and two other flu strains believed to be circulating this winter. An estimated 60 percent of the U.S. population is still believed to be vulnerable to H1N1 infection.

"We could still have a bad year," says Trish Perl of Johns Hopkins University Hospital.

Although public health officials have been promoting flu vaccines for years, evidence suggests that the vaccines do not actually reduce death rates in the elderly, typically considered the most vulnerable population.

Many flu shots in the United States include the common vaccine ingredient thimerosal, a mercury derivative.

"We absolutely shouldn't be exposing all of these kids to this known developmental neurotoxin, especially when most of them don't even need a flu shot in the first place," writes Deirdre Imus in the book Growing Up Green.

"We also need to be calling more public attention to the health consequences of thimerosal," Imus writes. "Over the last few years, scientists have begun to focus on the possible correlation between mercury exposure in early childhood and the rise of autism spectrum disorders."

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Flu Vaccines Judged Ineffective

by: Dr. Randall Neustaedter

(NaturalNews) Every year studies are conducted evaluating the effectiveness of flu vaccines. Every few years the Cochrane Collaboration reviews the scientific literature on the effectiveness of flu vaccines. And every review shows that flu vaccines are relatively ineffective. Despite these findings, vaccine manufacturers and government committees continue to recommend flu vaccines for the entire population.

Advanced Colloidal Silver

The July 2010 Cochrane Database Review of 50 studies of flu vaccine use in healthy adults showed once again that these vaccines are not effective for those adults (Jefferson 2010). This confirms a previous review from 2007. That review looked at 274 studies. Both these reviews revealed that flu vaccine had no effect on complications such as pneumonia or on hospital admissions. And flu vaccine reduced the symptoms of illness by only a modest one percent.

The authors of these reviews make an interesting observation. Industry-funded studies were more likely to be cited by other articles and the media. And publicly-funded studies were much less likely to show results favorable to vaccines. Don't forget that if a vaccine manufacturer study does not show the results that the industry wants, they will discard the study.

The authors also note widespread misrepresentation of the conclusions that were reached in these reviews. They berate official government articles that misquote their findings to justify actions previously taken to recommend flu vaccines. Articles from the Centers for Disease Control that quote the Cochrane reviews misrepresent the efficacy of the flu vaccine to serve an agenda that promotes the use of these vaccines. Their conclusion: "The CDC authors clearly do not weight interpretation by quality of the evidence, but quote anything that supports their theory."

The final conclusion of these authors is that their results should discourage the use of flu vaccine in healthy adults as a routine health measure.

Previous reviews of other age groups have shown similar ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine. The vaccine is ineffective in babies and in the elderly. The Cochrane review of flu vaccines in children less than two years of age showed the vaccine had no protective effect compared to placebo (Jefferson 2008). Similarly in the elderly, who are more susceptible to complications of the flu, studies were unable to show effectiveness (Rivetti 2006).

Finally, the flu vaccine itself causes notable adverse effects. For example the swine flu vaccine campaign of 1976 was halted because of a significant incidence of paralysis as a direct effect of the vaccine. This was an H1N1 vaccine similar to the swine flu H1N1 vaccine that is included in this year's flu shots. And the new H1N1 vaccine is showing similar problems.

There are much more effective ways to prevent the flu. Taking immune system enhancers such as vitamins A and D supplements and medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps, reishi and shiitake, as well as lactoferrin and immunoglobulins contained in whey powder or colostrum, will maintain a strong immune system. All of these supplements are available at most health food stores. There are also excellent natural treatments for the flu (Neustaedter 2005).


Jefferson T O, Rivetti D, Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, and Demicheli V.. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 (2): CD001269.

Jefferson,T O, Rivetti A, Harnden A, Di Pietrantonj C, and Demicheli V.. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008 (2): CD004879.

Jefferson,T O, Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Bawazeer GA, Al-Ansary LA, Ferroni E. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010 (7): CD001269.

Neustaedter R. FLU: Alternative Treatments and Prevention. 2005. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA.

Rivetti D, Jefferson T, Thomas R, Rudin M, Rivetti A, Di Pietrantonj C, and Demicheli V.. Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 (3): CD004876.