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Healthy Hips Require Plenty of Vitamin D

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Healthy bones cannot be maintained without adequate levels of vitamin D. And a recent study out of New Delhi, India, confirms what previous studies have already found concerning vitamin D's critical role in bone health. According to recent data, more than 75 percent of people who experience hip fractures are vitamin D deficient, while fracture rates among those with adequate levels is far lower.


Presented at the second annual 1st Asia-Pacific Regional Osteoporosis Meeting held in Singapore, the findings revealed that , based on a sampling of 90 hip fracture patients, most had vitamin D levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), which is recognized as being far too low. Only about 32 percent of patients in a control group, on the other hand, had low vitamin D levels.

Previous research out of Scotland found that 98 percent of bone fracture patients had insufficient vitamin D levels. It also found that supplementing with vitamin D helped reduce overall occurrences of fractures by up to 50 percent (…).

According to the Vitamin D Council, a group of concerned citizens and scientists working to educate the public about the importance of vitamin D, healthy blood levels of vitamin D typically fall between 50 – 80 ng/mL. In order to maintain healthy levels, the group recommends that people expose themselves regularly to natural sunlight or take vitamin D3 supplements, especially during the winter when sun exposure is limited.

It is also important to get adequate amounts of the nutrient co-factors needed for the body to properly utilize vitamin D. These co-factors include magnesium, zinc, vitamin K2, boron and vitamin A (…). Vitamin D also helps increase calcium absorption, which is a primary reason why it improves the integrity of bones.

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Chemtrails Are Now A Deadly Fact

by: Christopher Gussa

(NaturalNews) Many people are absolutely convinced that the job description of the government as it stands today is to simply round us up and dumb us down. One of the best examples of government abuse that would fit this statement (Other than the FDA) is chemtrails. We've all seen them; if not, just look up to the sky. This attack on the very air we breathe is most likely the largest attack on mankind that was ever devised and it is being purposely ignored by the media. Ron Paul knows about all of this, just ask him.

Immune System Protocol

These chemtrails are all under the watch of ARM which stands for Atmospheric Radiation Measurement. This is the branch of government responsible for measuring the aerosol particle scattering campaigns we call chemtrails. Their site can be found here: ( ) The reason this dot-gov site exists is simply to appease the public due to the Freedom of Information Act. Remember ARM makes it hard to see the fact they are measuring dangerous chemicals scattered into the atmosphere, but you will see that they do admit it if you probe deeply into their site. (They also admit they monitor who views their site).

These chemtrails are always full of barium and aluminum as well as sulfur dioxide, and they often contain newly invented viral strains. However, most any flu or viral outbreaks from these chemtrails can be eradicated with a formula similar to the one found here:

Put in a Google search on chemtrails. Granted, many of the small private websites are somewhat ignorant in their ideas and conclusions, but these are common people with some very legitimate questions like: "What are they doing to us and who are they"?

A good video can be seen here: (… ).

It is not just the media showing irresponsibility. It is almost everyone looking up to the skies saying: "They are spraying that stuff again. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. If there was anything wrong or dangerous going on they would report it on TV. I am sure they know what they are doing. I don't want to sound like one of those conspiracy guys".

The truth is, we should all be screaming at the top of our lungs and asking every local TV news station to report this on a daily basis until we force the big media to get their heads out of the sand. This is the most American thing you can do.

You can email ARM with a few questions; however, they will always say, "We only measure the natural particles found in the atmosphere." The next step is to send them a photo of chemtrails (similar to the one seen here: (… ) with a message saying: "OK, Then please tell me which branch of the government is doing this." They will then stop communications with you. Yet, on their own website they talk about the many campaigns (past and future scheduled) of scattering aerosols into the atmosphere.

When you call ARM and ask them who is responsible for the visible trails in the sky they tell you they are merely contrails. When you ask them to please look at the picture of chemtrails, they tell you they are terminating the conversation and simply hang up on you. (Author's own experience)

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Chlorinated Pools Increases Risk of Cancer

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Going for a swim may increase your risk of cancer if you use a chlorinated pool, according to a series of studies conducted by researchers from the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, Spain, and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

Immune System Protocol

"Parents send their children to pools because they want to do something good for them," said toxicologist Alfred Bernard of the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium, who was not involved in the study. "But we actually don't know the long-term effects."

Prior studies have raised concerns that chlorine in pools can react chemically with sweat, skin cells and other organic material to produce chemicals linked with asthma and bladder cancer. In one of the new studies, researchers analyzed water from a public swimming pool and identified more than 100 such byproducts, including many toxins.

The researchers then tested the blood, urine and breath of 50 healthy adults both before and after they swam laps for 40 minutes. They found an increase in a marker for respiratory distress, suggesting a decreased resistance of the lung lining to foreign substances. They also found a sevenfold increase in several markers of DNA damage that have been associated with cancer risk.

Chlorine is a known toxic chemical, and health advocates have been raising concerns about its use in pools for a long time.

"Chlorine causes scarring of the arteries," write Kevin Gianni and Annmarie Colameo in their book The Busy Person's Fitness Solution.

"When the arteries scar, cholesterol now has something to attach itself to," they write. "This is what clogs arteries. So basically tap water, pools, and hot tubs help you clog your arteries."

"We have good evidence that you have to be careful with these chemicals," Bernard said. "Maybe chlorine is not the best choice for disinfecting swimming pools."

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Hormone Gel Could Regrow Teeth

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) A new hormone gel that may stimulate teeth to grow back the tissue destroyed by tooth decay, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute for Health and Medical Research in Paris and published in the American Chemical Society's journal ACS Nano.

Membrane Complex

The gel is composed of a mix of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and the drug-transporting chemical poly-L-glutamic acid. MSH causes the body to produce more melanin, responsible for skin color. Recent research has suggested that it can also stimulate bone regrowth.

In studies conducted on human dental cells, the MSH gel led to the growth of new dental cells and their adhesion to existing cells. When the gel was applied to the decaying teeth of live mice, the cavities completely disappeared within one month.

It will take at least three to five years to develop the gel into a medical product. If all goes well, the gel may render dental drills obsolete. The researchers believe that because the gel stimulates the regrowth of the body's own cells, the rebuilt teeth would be just as strong as the old ones — in contrast with artificial fillings, which can fall out or wear down. The gel would also be painless to apply and would not require anesthesia.

Of course, it is still best to avoid fillings in the first place by means of good dental hygiene. A good diet can go even farther, notes Michael Pollan in his book In Defense of Food.

"In the 1930s an argument raged in medical circles as to whether hygiene or nutrition was the key to understanding and treating tooth decay," Pollan writes.

"That hygiene ultimately won the day had as much to do with the needs of the dental profession as it did with good science; the problem of personal hygiene was easier, and far more profitable, to address than that of the diet and entire food system."

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Celebrity-Branded Perfumes Loaded With Toxic Petrochems

(NaturalNews) Even high-end perfumes are made with cocktails of dangerous and untested chemicals that may produce problems from allergies to hormone disruption, a study by the Environmental Working Group and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has found.

Immune System Protocol

The Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1973 explicitly exempts manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products from having to disclose any of the ingredients used to give fragrance to their products, as long as "fragrance" is listed in on the label. This lack disclosure becomes particularly dangerous when combined with a large-scale lack of data on the safety of these compounds; neither the FDA nor any publicly accountable organization has ever tested the majority of fragrance compounds for safety as ingredients in personal care products.

Upon request from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, the Environmental Working Group sent 17 brand-name perfumes to be tested by the independent laboratory Analytical Sciences. Thirteen of the perfumes had been purchased in the United States, and four had been purchased in Canada.

Researchers uncovered 40 different chemicals in the perfume samples, in addition to the 51 listed on product labels. Of the 40 ingredients found, only two were listed on the label of every product containing them; the other 38 were unlisted on at least one of the 17 labels.

Each product contained roughly equal numbers of listed and unlisted chemicals, averaging 14 secret chemicals per product. Products including more than the average number included Britney Spears Curious (17), Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio (17), Chanel Coco (18) and American Eagle Seventy Seven (24).

The average perfume contained 10 known allergens that can trigger reactions from asthma to headaches to contact dermatitis. Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio contained the most known allergens, at 19.

Even more seriously, researchers uncovered 10 chemicals known to disrupt the hormonal (endocrine) system, with each perfume containing an average of four. The perfumes Halle by Halle Berry, Quicksilver and Jennifer Lopez J. Lo Glow all contained seven different endocrine disruptors — six estrogen mimics and a thyroid disruptor.

Among the endocrine disrupting chemicals were sun-blocking chemicals, the synthetic musks Galaxolide and Tonalide and diethyl phthalate (DEP). Galaxolide and Tonalide, which have been shown to accumulate in human and animal bodies, were found in more than eight of the products. DEP was found in 12 products in concentrations from 30 to 30,000 parts per million, the latter in Eternity for Women. It has been linked to reproductive defects in male infants, sperm damage in men and, more recently, hyperactivity in children.

Other perfume ingredients are known to react with indoor air to form formaldehyde, ultrafine particles and other pollutants. These dangerous fragrance chemicals are also found in air fresheners, shampoos, lotions, bath products, and dishwashing and laundry detergents.

Yet because the FDA has no authority to force fragrance manufacturers to test their products for safety, vast numbers of such chemicals remain unknown quantities. Only 19 of the 91 ingredients in the study have ever been tested for safety by the industry-funded Cosmetic Industry Review, and only 27 have ever been tested by either the International Fragrance Association or the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials. Of the unlabeled ingredients found, only 34 percent have had safety assessments published.

While industry sources may claim that more ingredients than these have been tested, many have only been tested in non-cosmetic contexts, for example as food additives. And even evaluated chemicals remain untested in combination with the many other chemicals thrown in to cosmetics and other products to produce the vague legal category of "fragrance."

With no requirement for either safety testing or labeling, there is simply no way for consumers to know what lies behind that term.

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Probiotics Relieve Infant Colic

by: Dr. Randall Neustaedter, OMD

(NaturalNews) Infant colic causes tremendous distress for parents who have to cope with a suffering baby in obvious pain and hours of daily screaming. A study in the September 2010 issue of Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, provides a simple remedy for these symptoms. A probiotic, Lactobacillus reuteri (pronounced roy-ter-eye) was shown to significantly relieve these symptoms when compared to placebo in a double-blind study (Savino, 2010). This confirms the findings of a previous study that compared the effect of L reuteri to a medication, simethicone (Savino, 2007).


This study, conducted on 50 breastfed infants who cried for at least three hours per day at the beginning of the study, found that L reuteri in a dose of ten billion colony-forming units per day caused at least a 50 percent improvement in crying time. The treatment group also showed an increase in healthy lactobacilli in the stools and a decrease in E coli, a bacterium associated with colic. No side effects occurred as a result of the treatment (Savino, 2009).

Other effective treatments for colic

Probiotics represent a simple solution to treat colic in babies. This supplement combined with other interventions provides help for parents looking for solutions. For example, swaddling babies (wrapping them snugly in a blanket) has been shown to reduce crying times (Van Sleuwan, 2006). Eliminating certain foods from the diet of breastfeeding mothers has also proven to reduce crying. In one study eliminating common allergenic foods (cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and fish) reduced crying in infants (Hill, 2005). Several herbs have proven effective as well. One study evaluated the effect of a popular tea containing chamomile, fennel, vervain, licorice, and balm mint in a double-blind clinical trial. The group that received the tea showed significant improvement in symptoms compared to placebo (Weizman, 1993).

Other treatments commonly used for colic in holistic pediatrics include chiropractic, homeopathic medicines, acupuncture, and Chinese pediatric herbal formulas (Neustaedter, 2010). Relief of neck tension through chiropractic adjustment is thought to reduce the nerve irritation that triggers digestive symptoms and crying, and one study showed a significant improvement from adjusting the spine (Olafsdottir, 2001). Chinese herbal formulas such as Kang Ning Wan (Curing Pill), or its modern counterpart Grow and Thrive, that contain hyancinth bean, Chinese yam, lyceum, poria, and other herbs have been used successfully and safely for hundreds of years to treat infantile colic.

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Almonds, Cinnamon and Chromium Prevent Chronic Disease

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Many people don`t give a second thought to their blood glucose levels until a physician indicates a problem with sugar regulation or there is a diagnosis of diabetes. At this point, a cascade of metabolically mediated events is taking place that paves the road toward chronic disease and an early demise. Even slightly elevated blood sugar readings have been shown to be a significant cause for concern that signals the early stages of a host of potentially fatal conditions and debilitating complications. The good news is you can halt and even reverse the damage caused by poor blood sugar control with almonds and by including the natural nutrients cinnamon and chromium before meals.




Checking Blood Sugar Levels to Prevent Disease
The importance of checking blood sugar levels cannot be understated. Researchers have demonstrated that fasting levels and post meal (postprandial) readings currently considered normal by standard medical practice lead to many chronic illnesses including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Fasting readings should be no higher than 80 mg/dl and postprandial levels should not rise more than 40 mg/dl. When blood sugar is allowed to exceed these readings, pancreatic beta cell death ensues leading to insulin dysfunction. Purchase an inexpensive blood sugar meter and check your fasting and post meal readings until you have a good understanding of how different foods affect your glucose levels.

Almonds Shown to Dramatically Lower Blood Sugar
Diet is the most powerful intervention you have to bring blood sugar reading in control. Everybody has a different tolerance level for the number of glucose-inducing carbohydrates that can be consumed at each meal. Highly processed foods are most likely to trigger high blood sugar levels while raw foods such as almonds have been found to have a neutralizing effect on sugar spikes.

Information published in the American Journal of Infectious Diseases found that eating almonds had a profound effect on a wide variety of health biomarkers including blood glucose. Almonds are packed with phytonutrients, antioxidants and biologically active compounds that lower the risk of many chronic diseases. The study authors concluded, "The present study has demonstrated that inclusion of 10 g of almonds in diet led to a significant reduction in fasting and post prandial blood glucose levels."

Cinnamon Restores Normal Sugar Metabolism
Cinnamon not only tastes great, but also is rich in bioactive compounds that have been shown to regulate the impact of rising blood sugars. In an article published in the journal Phytomedicine, cinnamon extract was shown to trigger cellular signaling of proteins inside the pancreas that assists secretion and regulation of insulin. This action prevents deadly blood sugar surges when taken before eating a carbohydrate controlled meal.

Chromium Aids Glucose Breakdown
Chromium is an essential element that has been shown to be chronically deficient in the diet due to poor farming practices. Chromium is critical to healthy glucose metabolism and works by interacting with cellular receptors that enhance our response to insulin. The online forum Current Diabetes Reports explains that chromium improves insulin sensitivity and aids in the transfer of glucose from the blood into cells by activating special glucose transport molecules. Most people will need to supplement with 200 mcg twice daily before meals.

Maintaining blood sugar in a narrow range is critical to lower disease risk and to achieve optimal health. Monitor your own fasting and post meal blood sugar readings to better understand the dietary impact of different foods, and take advantage of almonds, cinnamon and chromium to assist healthy blood sugar regulation.

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CDC and EPA Caught Withholding Truth About Toxic Drinking Water

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A recent story from The Washington Post reveals that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knowingly dragged their feet on releasing an important report about the dangers of contaminated drinking water supplies. And top officials are now trying to justify this reprehensible action by claiming the agencies were only acting out of a human instinct that is "slow to admit error."

Immune System Protocol

The CDC and EPA have tried to minimize the risks of lead in water supplies for years, but the recently released report on the 2004 lead contamination crisis of the Washington, D.C., water supply revealed that the problem was much worse than the agencies had originally indicated. And according to reports, the agencies just recently came forward and released the report after several years of delay and denial.

Many older neighborhoods are still served by lead pipes that release a steady stream of the toxin into drinking water. And in addition to denying the severity of the problem, the CDC and EPA have long stated that partial-pipe replacements are effective. However, the delayed report indicates that the agencies have known for a while that partial-pipe replacements can actually make the problem worse, but did not rectify their error in a timely manner.. So in essence, the agencies have been hiding vitally important information from the public for years in an effort to save face.

"They were too quick to publish a flawed study, and they were too slow to retract it, when they knew that others were relying on it," explained Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC), chairman of a committee that released a report back in may about the agencies' mishandling of the whole situation.

Spin doctors responded by trying to justify the agencies' dereliction of duty, deeming it as nothing more than a simple human error. Some even tried to claim the agencies were only trying to protect the public from becoming panicked over the situation.

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Scottish Doctors Now Warning People To Get More Sunshine and Vitamin D

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) The Scottish government has begun distribution information urging people to get enough vitamin D in an effort to reduce rates of rickets, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin D

The body naturally produces vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight. Moderate deficiency is believed to hamper the immune system, while severe deficiency can lead to the softening and weakening of bones and teeth.

"Vitamin D is key to maintaining healthy bones," Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said. "Young children have a high risk of deficiency and we are seeing an increase in reported cases of rickets in Scotland. These conditions are easily prevented by improving diet and taking a supplement if you are at risk. Recent research suggests that vitamin D deficiency may also contribute to a range of other medical conditions. The Scottish government are keen to continue to monitor this evidence."

The body can produce all the vitamin D it needs in only a fraction of the time it takes to burn — 10 to 15 minutes a day is sufficient for light-skinned people.

"The problem of a lack of sun is likely more prevalent than too much sun," writes KC Craichy in the book Super Health.

"If you don't want to get melanoma, just avoid getting burned."

Because the sun is so weak during the winter in Scotland, an extra effort may be required to maintain optimum levels, especially for people with darker skin.

"We know that in Scotland the winter sun is not strong enough to provide the minimum vitamin D needed for health — especially for those with darker skin," said Sturgeon. "A significant proportion of the U.K. population has low vitamin D levels. This leaflet aims to ensure that those at risk are aware of the implications of vitamin D deficiency and know what they can do to prevent it."