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EPA, Army Corps Draft New Clean Water Act

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) On Wednesday, April 27, the Obama administration's US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and US Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) jointly released a new draft guidance for the federal Clean Water Act that aims to dramatically expand both the scope of what constitutes a "water source," as well as the legal power federal agencies can exert over those water sources.

If enacted, the proposal will basically allow the EPA and ACE to control any stream, pond, or even puddle that they determine "has a physical, chemical or biological connection" to any larger body of water, which includes even privately-owned water sources.

One of the biggest impacts of the guidance will be to reverse previous Supreme Court decisions that have established the proper constitutional limits on the scope of federal government regulatory authority over not only water, but other natural resources.

By undoing these decisions, the EPA and ACE will essentially be giving themselves a free pass to arbitrarily develop and establish their own rules, and they will be able to do so without proper congressional approval.

"Under this new guidance, a bureaucrat at the EPA will be able to dictate radical new rules," said US Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ). "This is just another example of the Environmental Protection Agency's attempt to circumvent Congress and develop rules and regulations that far exceed the authority granted to the agency under existing public law."

The EPA and ACE, of course, claim that expanded jurisdiction is needed to protect water from pollution and other contaminants. But given how the EPA has already given pollution exemptions to companies like Monsanto in the past, as well as allowed millions of gallons of toxic COREXIT to be dumped into the Gulf of Mexico during the BP disaster, it is clear that protecting water is not necessarily the EPA's primary agenda. Instead, the draft actually takes more control away from individual citizens, and gives it to corrupt bureaucrats — all in the name of protecting water quality and promoting public health.

"Through vague definitions and broad interpretations laid out in this draft guidance, EPA and the Corps have once again shown little regard for the practical implications of their actions or Congress' intentions under the CWA," said Ashley Lyon, Deputy Environmental Counsel for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "Despite a letter from 170 members of Congress opposing the guidance, EPA and the Corps have crowned themselves kings of every drop of water in the country – except maybe a backyard swimming pool."

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EPA Ends Special Monitoring For Fukushima

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced yesterday that it is ceasing its special monitoring protocols in the US for radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, despite the fact that no real progress at the plant has been made, and threats to the US are persistent. At the same time as the EPA announcement, foreign reports also indicate that levels of radiation in Pacific waters near the Fukushima plant are now up to 1,000 times normal levels, with no real indication of where this radioactive water is flowing.

The EPA has stated that radiation levels in the US related to the Fukushima incident have been "consistently decreasing," and that the agency no longer needs to regularly test food, air, and water for radiation in the manner that it has been. In fact, the agency is so confident that it states in its announcement that "[t]he next round of milk and drinking water sampling will take place in approximately three months."

But just a few weeks ago, EPA data revealed that several milk and water samples from across the country were testing positive with dangerously high levels of radiation. Iodine-131, Cesium-134, and Cesium-137 — all of which are being emitted from Fukushima — had been turning up in the US in escalating amounts.

On top of this, the EPA was never even testing for all the different types of radiation being emitted from Fukushima in the first place. EPA data sheets reveal that the agency was never testing for uranium or plutonium, and none of its water supply tests involved testing for anything other than radioactive Iodine-131. But everything is just fine, they say, and further testing is unnecessary.

Meanwhile, foreign reports reveal that water samples recently taken from the Pacific Ocean near Fukushima are testing up to 1,000 times normal radiation levels, and at depths of nearly 100 feet.

It has also been revealed that up until yesterday, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which owns the crippled Fukushima plant, as well as the Japanese government, had been concealing crucial radiation information to allegedly avoid mass panic (…). Part of this information shows radioactive Cesium-137 and Iodine-131 spreading all across the US Pacific Northwest on May 5.

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SuperFood Omelet Helps The Brain And Body

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered 'super-foods.' When we combine certain superfoods together it creates nutritional synergy that boosts the bioavailability of the nutrients found within. The new superfood omelet is an example of superfood synergy that both powers up your brain and body.

Eggs: This has been a misaligned food for the past 40 years. Many people eat egg whites for the high quality bioavailability of the amino acids found within. Egg yolks, often discarded due to fears over saturated fat and cholesterol, are considered the most nutrient dense region of the egg. The yolk is loaded with anti-oxidants and B vitamins that have been shown in studies to raise HDL (the good cholesterol) and lower triglycerides. Egg yolk also significantly boosts metabolism and fat burning.

Eggs are a major source of the brain enhancing B vitamin choline. Choline also helps the liver detoxify correctly and increases fat-loss potential. According to Iowa State researchers in 2007, 90% of the American population is choline deficient. Egg yolks and egg based lecithins are some of the richest and most bioavailable sources of choline.

Choline is important for the brain for several reasons. It helps to produce phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. These two molecules make up a particularly high percentage of the brain's total mass. Choline also helps to form a critical neurotransmitter in the brain called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the body's primary molecule for sending messages between nerves & muscles.

Choline also helps protect the body's stores of a folic acid which is a key B vitamin for the development and maintenance of the nervous system. Finally, choline has important anti-inflammatory properties called methylation. This process of methylation plays a significant role in many chemical events which actually turn certain genes on and off in the body.

Spinach: Popeye got it right with this nutrient rich vegetable. Spinach contains its own type of plant based steroids called phytoecdysteroids. Phytoecdysteroids are similar to insect molting hormones and have been shown to dramatically increase glucose metabolism. This keeps blood sugar levels stable and minimizes the need for the critical fat-storage hormone insulin. Additionally, phytoecdysteroids increase human muscle tissue growth rates by 20% when applied in a culture medium.
Spinach is also rich in the powerful carotenoid anti-oxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. These phytonutrients are extremely important for healthy vision & brain function. Additionally, spinach is an important source of copper, zinc and selenium which boost immunity.

Red onions: These contain sulfur groups that powerfully assist the body in weight loss and detoxification. Red onions are also a rich source of the flavonoid anti-oxidant quercetin and the polyphenol anti-oxidant anthocyanin. These anti-oxidants prevent the oxidation of dietary and cellular fatty acids. This helps stabilize and protect the essential fatty acids we are consuming in our egg omelet. Additionally, red onions are a fantastic source of chromium which lowers blood sugar and enhances cellular insulin sensitivity.

SuperFood Omelet:
3-6 large organic, free-range eggs with organic coconut milk for creaminess – whip it up.
2 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Coconut oil
2 cups of Spinach
1/4 red onion freshly diced
Stainless Steel Pan

Apply coconut oil to pan and begin heating. Pour egg/coconut milk into pan and begin cooking. Flip one half over the other to keep onions in the center. Omelet should be solid but not black or burned in any way. Put it on a bed of raw spinach and apply apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, pink salt, and herbs. Homemade salsa or ketchup can be used as well.

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Japanese Sweet Potato May Cure Diabetes

by: Melanie Grimes

(NaturalNews) A white sweet potato extract from the Ipomoea batatas plant may cure diabetes, adding to other recent research showing blood sugar reducing benefits from coffee, the gingko tree, and nuts. Diabetes is at epidemic proportions but traditional medicine has used plants to treat this condition worldwide.

Sweet Potato Diabetes Research
Researchers are now studying the Ipomoea batatas plant, a traditional sweet potato remedy from the mountains of Japan. The white sweet potato has been used for centuries in Japan to treat high blood pressure, anemia and diabetes. The raw potatoes come from the Kagawa region of Japan, a mountainous region between Osaka and Hiroshima.

Recent research with the sweet potato extract has shown promise in stabilizing blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. A study in Austria and Italy enlisted 60 participants who consumed 4 g of an extract of the white sweet potato, called caiapo. After three months, many reported reduced blood sugar of 15 points.

When participants consumed 2 grams of the extract, their results were not curative, but those on the 4 gram a day diet showed at least a 13 percent reduction in fasting blood sugar, as well as a 30 percent drop in cholesterol and a 13 percent drop in LDL cholesterol.

The caiapo extract seems to have an effect by decreasing insulin resistance; however, further tests are needed to confirm these findings. Sweet potatoes join the ranks of other foods thought to help reduce insulin resistance and prevent the onset of diabetes, such as coffee and nuts.

Coffee Reduces Risk of Diabetes
The coffee research showed that one cup of coffee reduced diabetes risk by seven percent. These findings, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, collected data from numerous studies that totaled over a half million participants.

Nuts Lower Blood Sugar
Nuts have been shown to lower blood sugar by slowing the digestion of carbohydrates, according to the American Diabetes Association. Nuts also contain important nutrients such as magnesium, as well as fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which also benefit a diabetic diet.

Ginkgo Biloba Herb Treats Diabetes
The herb Ginkgo biloba has long been used in Japan and China as a treatment for high blood sugar. The tree is one of the oldest known in the world and contains a powerful antioxidant. A ginkgo tree withstood the nuclear blast in Hiroshima during World War Two. Ginkgo has been used to treat diabetic retinopathy because it helps increase blood flow to the eyes and also the limbs.

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Beat ADHD Naturally

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently surveyed 73,000 children and found one in 10 has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is a 22% increase since 2003. Research has shown that toxic and deficient lifestyle patterns are the chief contributing factor for this disorder. Natural lifestyle solutions can prevent and reverse ADHD.

Many researchers consider chronic ADHD symptoms a sign of mild-moderate brain damage. When regions of the brain are chronically inflamed it signals the primitive regions of the brain to be on overdrive. This inhibits frontal lobe function which is the region responsible for concentration and emotional stability. The primitive regions on overdrive include the reticular activating system and limbic system. When this primitive brain is imbalanced it leads to poor concentration and emotional outbursts.

ADHD is commonly caused by an inflammatory based diet and toxic food additives. These food additive chemicals are mild-moderately neurotoxic. They also have a strong synergistic effect when combined with sugars such as fructose. A recent Lancet study concluded that food dyes along with the preservative sodium benzoate (found in many soft drinks, fruit juices, & salad dressings) cause many children to become significantly more hyperactive and distractible. This study also found that food additives and dyes can do as much damage to children's brains as lead in gasoline.

Digestive problems can also dramatically affect brain function and development. A common factor with ADHD is a weak intestinal system and food allergies. Often times a Candida infection is present and producing brain damaging toxic metabolites. It is wise to address the gut and allow it to heal by avoiding allergens and supplementing with high quality Probiotics.

The most common food allergens to avoid include all pasteurized dairy products and gluten containing grains such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, kamut, & spelt. Soy products, some nuts, eggs, and heavy proteins are often not tolerated well. Other allergens include those of the nightshade family such as eggplant, tomatoes, & potatoes.

An anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle are critical for full recovery from this condition. Anti-inflammatory foods help to modulate the immune system and give it a more accurate pair of eyes so as to not over-inflame when stimulated. To effectively de-inflame it is key to completely avoid man-made foods, sugars, and food allergens as listed above. The long chain omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are critical for brain function.

Healthy movement patterns produce proprioception (movement information) which is a critical essential for healthy brain enhancing and neurodevelopmental patterns. Boosting proprioceptive input through good posture and spinal function is critical for healthy brain development. Regular chiropractic care along with spinal hygiene exercises are essential lifestyle factors for healthy neurological function.

Children, teenagers, & adults with ADHD symptoms do very well with a regular exercise program that incorporates core stability and functional balance training. Many hyperactive kids are naturally drawn to activities such as rebounding and jumping on a trampoline as well as balance sports such as skating, surfing and snowboarding. All of these dynamic balance based activities powerfully enhance proprioceptive input into the brain.

Other critical nutrients that are key for brain function include Vitamin D, Folic acid, Pyridoxine (B6), Vitamin B12, Zinc, CoQ10, and trace minerals. Vitamin D levels should be between 60-100 ng/ml. Boost Vitamin D naturally with 20-60 minutes of healthy sunlight every day or 5,000-50,000 IU of emulsified vitamin D3 daily to get the levels where they should be. A raw, whole-food multi-vitamin that supplies ample amounts of folic acid (400 mcg), B6 (4mg), B12(100 mcg), Zinc (15 mg), trace minerals, & CoQ10 (500 mcg) should be consumed daily.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup And Cane Sugar

by: Bethany Sciortino

(NaturalNews) A current television commercial from the Corn Refiners Association touts the equality of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to cane sugar. It claims, "When it comes to corn sugar or cane sugar, your body doesn't know the difference. Sugar is sugar." True, sugar is sugar, but it certainly is not HFCS, a highly processed sweetener that is linked to obesity and a host of other health problems. This, undoubtedly, is the reason for the marketing strategy of changing its name to corn sugar, an attempt to have consumers believe that all sugar is created equal.

Sugar is the broad spectrum term for sucrose, lactose and maltose, respectively. Sucrose is the form most commonly found in foods, or table sugar, a derivative of sugar beets or cane sugar. Fructose is derived from fruits, lactose from milk, and maltose from malted foods, such as barley.

HFCS is derived from highly processed corn, a starchy grain. It has near equal amounts of fructose and sucrose and is similar to table sugar from a compounding perspective. Unlike fruit, however, this type of fructose is not bound to fiber causing the body to process it faster and leaving the body unsatisfied. Starches and grains often have a higher glycemic index than all sugars, and corn falls within this category. In addition, almost all of the United States corn production is genetically modified, adding to health risks.

A Princeton University study showed rats gained significant more weight when consuming HFCS in comparison to table sugar, even when the caloric intake was the same. Most interesting is the rats accessibility to sucrose was equal to the sweetness of sugar and the HFCS was half as sweet as that found in soft drinks. The rats who consumed HFCS gained 48% more weight than their sucrose peers and had significant deposits of abdominal fat and circulating triglycerides. In humans, these are characteristics of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Glucose is released into the blood stream when the body metabolizes carbohydrates. The glycemic index (GI) is the rate at which the body processes the glucose. A high GI indicates a food that is rapidly absorbed by the body. A low GI indicates a food that is slowly absorbed and prevents spikes in blood sugar by releasing small amounts of insulin from the pancreas. In turn, your body is more likely to use the glucose as fuel, rather than store it as fat. Mass release of insulin causes a rapid drop in blood sugar, signaling hunger in the brain. This is why (controlled) diabetics use carb-counting as a method of sugar control: eating small meals every two to three hours to moderately release glucose and avoiding rapid spikes and dips in blood sugar.

Type of Sugar Glycemic Index
Artificial Sweeteners n/a
Stevia 0
Xylitol 7
Agave Nectar 15-30
Fructose 17
Brown Rice Syrup 25
Raw Honey 30
Organic Sugar 47
Turbinado 65
Raw Sugar 65
Cola 70
Corn Syrup 75
Table Sugar 80
High Fructose Corn Syrup 87
Glucose/Dextrose 100
Maltodextrin 150

The GI does not determine whether a sugar is healthy or unhealthy. For example, artificial sweeteners do not fit into a GI category; however, they should never be used as all are toxic chemicals by design.
HFCS clearly substantiates weight gain with consumption as well as raises blood sugar levels. Re-branding HFCS as corn sugar does not change its properties, and while marketing campaigns may fool consumers short term, the intelligence of the human body cannot be trumped and definitively knows the difference.

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You Have Been Lied To About Cholesterol And Fats

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) For decades we have been indoctrinated that cholesterol from saturated fat is the major harbinger of heart disease and death. The result has been big profits for unhealthy, cheaply produced no/low fat foods like margarine and Big Pharma's dangerous statin drugs.

Over several decades, this propaganda has diminished or even destroyed the health of millions while killing thousands who have been put on cholesterol lowering statin drugs. Simply put, cholesterol as the major heart disease threat is disinformation.

Bad vs Real Science

The original study that started the whole cholesterol/heart disease hypothesis was conducted on rabbits. They were fed enormous quantities of butter and lard daily, equivalent to a quart a day for humans. But those animals are herbivores, not omnivores. Herbivores are not equipped to digest animal proteins and fats. When a similar study was conducted years later on rats, which like humans are omnivores, there were no negative consequences whatsoever.

More impressive are the three epidemiological human studies involving tens of thousands of subjects over two to three generations. They all discovered higher death rates among those with lower cholesterol counts. Those studies were: The Framingham Study; The Honolulu Heart Program Study; The Japanese Lipid Intervention Trial.

Many agree that stress coupled with heavy refined carbohydrate and junk food diets (SAD) are the sources of most obesity, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and heart disease.

Getting Fats Into Your Diet

Cholesterol is essential to many metabolic functions and forms 20% of our brains as well as part of our cell walls. Depression is often the result of low blood cholesterol levels. Our bodies make some cholesterol while regulating cholesterol blood levels. So if you consume too much cholesterol, the body compensates by making less.

The only bad cholesterol is external, unnatural oxy-cholesterol, which is the result of heating fats to where they oxidize. This occurs commonly in processed and fast food. Natural oxy-cholesterol is produced in the body as part of a regulatory function. But unnatural oxy-cholesterol can obstruct bile functions and eventually cause arterial problems. This arrangement is prevalent among SAD consumers.

A leading nutritional biochemist, Dr. Harry Eidiner Jr., has confirmed in medical journals that you cannot digest protein without fat in your diet. A vegetarian who consumes raw milk dairy products from grass fed cows and free range hen eggs has no problems with taking in sufficient fats.

Strict vegans may have a more difficult time getting enough fats. Virgin coconut oil and fresh raw nuts can be added. Unrefined cold pressed poly-unsaturated plant based oils have positive fatty acid value also. Balancing omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids (around two or three to one) is healthiest. Hemp oil has that balance.

Omega-3 flaxseed oil can offset the imbalance of omega-6 olive oil. Avocado and avocado unprocessed oils are rich in good fats. Avocado is so nutrient dense it's often considered a super food. Just make sure polyunsaturated fat oils don't go rancid or get overheated. Seafood or fresh water fish not farmed are good fatty acid sources. But choosing healthy seafood is getting dicier daily.

Eating meat? A few of us need to. But unless you're wiling to go the extra mile to find meats from grass fed livestock treated humanely and pay the extra bucks, you'll be eating meat from diseased, drugged, and distressed animals. Not so healthy. This diet also perpetuates more massive, outrageous suffering to our friends in the animal kingdom.

Include some fat in your diet. Simply avoid refined carbs, processed or fast foods and the phony food no-fat diet craze that lingers on as the legacy of some old bad science.