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Understand The Reason Why Aluminum Is In Our Vaccines

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Vaccines are one of the most sensitive topics in the health care debate. Many people swear by them and credit vaccines with putting an end to childhood infectious diseases. Others are strongly concerned about the growing number of vaccines on the market today and about legislative policies that would enforce vaccines upon the public. The most important things to understand: What exactly is in a vaccine and how does it work?

Forced Vaccination Protocol

Aluminum Hydroxide: This form of aluminum is a protoplasmic poison and a potent neurotoxin that is completely unnatural to the biochemical process of any life form on earth. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and other tissues. Aluminum toxicity is known to cause encephalitis, bone disease and anemia.

`Aluminum hydroxide is used in vaccines to increase the body's production of antibodies, though no one knows how it works,` says Purdue researcher Stanley Hem, professor of industrial and physical pharmacy.

Antigens are protein molecules that stimulate the immune system. Antibodies are protein molecules made by the immune system to defend against foreign substances. In the 1930`s vaccine researchers tested a number of ingredients to see what would effectively bring antigens into the body so the immune system of the individual would produce antibodies. Aluminum was proved to be an effective adjuvant or substance that irritates the immune system and causes antibody production.

The FDA limits the dosage to 0.85 mg of aluminum per vaccine to minimize exposure. Children following normal vaccine protocols receive up to 3.75-4 mg of aluminum in the first 6 months of life. The kidneys normally eliminate aluminum from the body. People with strong, healthy kidneys should be able to excrete the aluminum in vaccines. Most research has shown that about 50% of aluminum in vaccines or food is eliminated within 24 hours and 85% is eliminated in 2 weeks. However, infants have reduced renal function and may not be able to excrete ample amounts. Kidney function is very low at birth and does not reach maturity until 1-2 years of age.

A 1992 study showed that aluminum based vaccine injected into mice caused a transient rise in brain tissue aluminum levels that peaked around the 2nd -3rd day after injection. This is particularly concerning because aluminum does its greatest damage in the brain. This study showed that it is possible for aluminum to cross over the blood brain barrier and lodge into areas of the brain. A 1997 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that premature babies injected with aluminum build up toxic levels in the bones, blood, & brain. This aluminum toxicity can lead to very serious mental handicaps by 18 months of age.

Aluminum is found in the DTP, Haemophilus Influenzae, Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus, Anthrax, & Rabies vaccines. A 2004 article published by the FDA states, `Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function including premature neonates who receive aluminum at greater rates than 4-5 mcg per kilogram of body weight per day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity.`

Based on these FDA toxicity thresholds a 6lb baby could not handle more than 11-14 mcg of aluminum. The Hepatitis B vaccine, which is given at birth, contains 250 mcg, which is 20x the toxicity threshold. Average babies weigh close to 12 lbs at 2 months of age when they are injected with 1,225 mcg of aluminum in their vaccines – which is 50 times the toxicity threshold.

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Kill Candida Overgrowth With These Nine Powerful Herbs

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) Whether you are battling full-blown candida overgrowth or simply want to prevent future infections from occurring, herbs are a powerful tool for naturally keeping candida at bay. Here`s a list of nine highly effective herbal remedies for candida:

Advanced Colloidal Silver


#1 Oregano Oil

The phenols in oregano oil are highly concentrated and extremely effective in fighting bacterial infections, fungal infections and candida overgrowth. Wild organic oregano oil is known to be especially effective in fighting conditions like candida.

#2 Olive Leaf Extract

The oleuropein in olive leaf extract is used by the body to fight fungal infections caused by candida overgrowth. A high-potency standardized olive leaf extract can obliterate candida quite effectively.

#3 Pau D`Arco

Another popular anti-candida herb, Pau D`Arco is often brewed into a tea. Drinking one cup per day is an easy way to harness its antifungal properties.

#4 Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Candida cannot survive when garlic is present, so consistency is the key. Garlic can simply be added to your normal meals, but most find it more convenient (and less odorous) to take standardized garlic capsules three times per day.

#5 Neem

Used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine, neem is known for stimulating the immune system and fighting infections and fungal overgrowth. It is also a potent detoxifier. Neem oil can also be applied topically as needed.

#6 Apple Cider Vinegar

Not quite an herb (but too effective to leave off this list), apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of your body and can prevent harmful pathogens like candida from growing out of control. A teaspoon to a tablespoon taken before each meal can aid digestion and prevent undigested food particles from feeding candida in the gut.

#7 Echinacea

Although echinacea is best known for stopping a cold in its tracks, this herb also provides anti-candida benefits. It supports your immune system in the fight against candida as well as other infections.

#8 Black Walnut

Black walnut is a natural herb which contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both candida overgrowth and a parasitical infection.

#9 Coconut Oil

Also not an herb, but coconut oil`s anti-candida properties are too powerful to ignore. The medium chain fatty acids that make coconut oil such a great energy source are also what fuel its ability to fight candida. Fatty acids like caprylic acid and lauric acid are potent antifungal agents. Work up to taking three tablespoons of coconut oil per day to harness its anti-candida power.

Note: Avoid jumping into any anti-candida regimen too quickly. Killing off candida too fast can produce a die-off reaction that includes symptoms like foggy thinking, headaches and chills. For some this can be quite uncomfortable. If you notice these symptoms, cut back on your dose and start again more slowly when symptoms subside.

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Gibson Guitar Raid Part Of Government Effort To Extinguish American Workforce

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) As a followup to our report about the US government's recent illegal raid of Gibson Guitars Corp., a major US based manufacturer of musical instruments , Gibson's CEO Henry Juszkiewicz has openly announced that the US government actually advised him in a pleading that if he simply were to move his workforce to Madagascar, he could avoid his current quandary entirely.

This shocking, written admission by government agents, which was expounded upon by Juszkiewicz himself during a recent interview on KMJ AM's The Chris Daniel Show, clearly illustrates what the federal government is up to these days. By targeting a US-based company with a US-based labor force — which is an amazing rarity in today's globalized world, by the way — for no legitimate or legal reason, it is obvious that an ulterior motive is at work.

"Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of American labor?" Daniel is quoted as asking Juszkiewicz in a recent Redstate report. After responding that the suggestion was, indeed, made in a written pleading, Juszkiewicz confirmed insinuations by the government that if Gibson would simply outsource its labor force, Juszkiewicz's problems would "go away."

Ironically, Gibson's first encounter with federal agents back in 2009 specifically involved rare wood imported from Madagascar, none of which was actually confirmed illegal. A ruling was also never made in that case, and Gibson was never convicted of committing any crime. And now officials are instructing the company to move its workforce to the very same country that is an unexplained problem for the US government.

So what exactly is going on here? Why is the US government repeatedly attacking Gibson on baseless charges, and now instructing it to actually eliminate American jobs by exporting them to Africa? The only logical explanation for all this madness in light of the facts is a sinister plot to target America's few remaining large manufacturers for extinction, and drive what few jobs remain to developing countries.

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How Bad Is The Drought In Texas, Really?

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) As I've been living in Austin, Texas, for a while, I thought I would report on the Texas drought situation first hand. How bad is the drought situation here? It's critically bad, actually. Even the wildlife are facing starvation and dying of thirst. I saw some wild pigs the other night (they're quite common throughout Texas), and they looked like they were barely surviving in a state of near-starvation.

My neighbors tell me to shoot the poor creatures out of sheer mercy, but I still don't have the heart to pull the trigger on a wild pig. I do hear rifle shots every few days, however, so somebody else is quite literally bringing home the bacon while probably easing the starvation burden on those wild pigs that are somehow still alive. Overpopulation of wild animals, it turns out, sometimes has its own consequences in terms of animal suffering.

Why drought causes beef prices to plummet
In talking to local ranchers, I've learned that the beef processing facilities have been backlogged for weeks due to the fact that ranchers can't keep their cattle fed, so they're having them slaughtered instead. This has the short-term effect of thrusting beef prices into alarmingly low territory, and it's also decimating the cattle population across Texas. If this drought continues, many Texas cattle herds could be down to just twenty percent of their normal size. And even those remaining cattle aren't looking well fed these days. Most ranchers can't even afford to bring in the hay, either, because fuel prices make hay transportation extremely expensive. You can't spend $100 a week feeding a cow that, right now, fetches less than $1,000 at the auction.

Although cattle prices are extremely low right now, this is all going to drive the price of Texas cattle into the stratosphere over the next 1-2 years. One rancher even told me he thought a head of cattle might reach $3,000 in the medium term. Ultimately, this means huge increases in beef prices over the next several years, at least if that beef comes from Texas cows.

Many factory-farmed cows begin their life in Texas (and end it in Colorado)
Now, you might think most of the beef sold in America comes from places like Greeley, Colorado, and that's true in a way. But the cows that get sent to those factory-farmed feedlots are first birthed and grown in places like Texas. Only after the cows are 18 months old or so are they shipped off to places like Greeley where they're fed GMO corn (!) and fattened up for slaughter. This is all one more reason to buy local free-range beef, by the way, if you consume beef.

Beyond the cattle issue, there's also the issue of rainwater and agricultural techniques. The skinny in the organic agriculture movement is that the conventional, pesticide-based, GMO-contaminated agricultural methods that have been practiced in Texas (and taught by Texas A&M, which is considered the "evil" empire by organic farmers in Texas) have quite literally altered the climate in Texas and turned fertile soils into drought-ridden arid lands.

There's a lot of truth to that: When you clear-cut forests to make room for cattle grazing, you drastically reduce the water capturing and retention potential of the land. Across Texas over the last hundred years or so, countless millions of acres of forests have been either cut down to pure pasture or thinned to about one tree per acre, causing a predictable loss of top soils and turning what used to be moist forests into dry prairie lands.

What Texas needs now more than ever is a mass reforestation effort that reenergized the water retention capacity of the land. Of course, the professors at Texas A&M don't seem to understand this, anymore than a conventional medical doctor understands holistic nutrition. For too long, agriculture and cattle ranching has been conducted in a rape and pillage type of operation, and now Texas is seeing the inevitable results of those actions.

How to help Texas farming and ranching recover
The good news is that Texas farmers and ranchers are, by and large, very smart and capable folks. The level of interest in organic agriculture across Texas is skyrocketing, and drought conditions have motivated many farmers and ranchers to look more seriously at water conservation, reforestation, rainwater collection and efficient irrigation techniques. In fact, I would say that Texas farmers and ranchers are the most practical and capable people I've ever met, and when they learn about a better way to do something, they're very quick to take on those improvements and test them in the field.

This drought, in fact, has renewed interest in the following solutions, all of which desperately need to be investigated and field-tested across Texas and other states such as Oklahoma:

• Rainwater harvesting – Yes, it's expensive, and you need a large roof to gather the rain in the first place, but when combined with drip irrigation systems, rainwater can provide a significant source of "free" water that also happens to be the perfect pH for gardening, showering or drinking.

• Permaculture instead of agriculture – Permaculture is a system of growing plants that respects the natural, holistic interactions found in nature. It involves understanding the role of water, insects and trees (including dead trees, which serve as habitat for many animals). While permaculture takes more effort to get set up, it offers an abundance of long-term harvests for many years in the future. Permaculture is, you might say, the opposite of monoculture which focuses on the use of pesticides and GMOs to sterilize the soil, kill the bugs and produce contaminated food.

• Improved irrigation technologies – Gone are the days of spraying water into the air and hoping some of it lands on your crops. Today's farmers are increasingly using precision water delivery systems to drip water right where it needs to go, effectively using half as much water to produce the same amount of food or forage.

• Surface water retention – All across Texas as the ponds (called "tanks" in Texas talk) have run dry, those ranchers who can afford to are expanding their tanks to hold more water in the future. Some are adding extra layers of clay lining to their tanks to minimize seepage. Of course, even the largest tanks are almost universally dry right now, thanks to months without rain, but as they are engineered to hold more water, they are made more resistant to future drought.

In combination, these techniques can help Texas farmers and ranchers restore their herds, increase crop yields and protect themselves from future droughts. And that's a huge concern across Texas these days, where there is now open talk that climate change (not necessarily from carbon dioxide, but from the jet stream currents that largely determine rainfall in Texas) is upon us and Texas may become more desert-like for a while.

On the other hand, folks in Texas tell me, "Every Texas drought ends with a catastrophic flood," so we may soon find ourselves drenched in more water than we know what to do with.

That would be a nice change, surprisingly. Nearly everyone in Texas would welcome a catastrophic flood at this point. I've never seen so many people pray for a hurricane. Yes, the drought is really that bad. Somehow, though, the golf courses keep pumping water onto their manicured lawns. If there was ever a sign of the insanity of modern civilization, it's got to be the water-saturated green golf courses in Arizona, Texas and other semi-arid or desert climates. Somehow, whacking white balls on green grass has taken precedence over protecting the water remaining in North American aquifers.

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Be Aware Of The Dangers Of Mammography

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Women all around America and other industrialized nations are told that regular mammograms are the best approach for early breast cancer detection. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast that looks to find tumorous growths that are otherwise undetectable in a physical exam. X-rays use ionizing radiation to create the photographic image. Despite enormous funding and research, mammography has a very strong opposition in many quadrants of the medical and natural health communities.

This opposition is due to the dangers involved with the amount of harmful radiation, the inaccuracy rates and the economic costs. Yearly mammograms had been recommended for women over the age of 50. In 2001, US health officials began recommending women over 40 get regular mammograms. The Lancet wrote in July 1995 that 'the benefit (of mammograms) is marginal, the harm caused is substantial, and the costs incurred are enormous.'

Many doctors have trouble trusting mammograms due to their enormous rate of false positive diagnosis. In one large study looking at 60,000 women, the researchers found that 70% of the detected tumors were not tumors at all. These false positive results create a great amount of emotional stress on patients and family members involved. Even worse, these results lead to many unnecessary and invasive biopsies. Research has shown that 70-80% of all positive mammograms do not show the presence of cancer upon further biopsy testing.

False positives and unnecessary biopsies can dramatically alter an individual's health. The emotional stress of believing you have cancer when you do not is enough to trigger the onset or the acceleration of disease in the body. Many women have undergone unnecessary chemotherapy, radiation and mastectomies after receiving false positive results on a mammogram. This creates an enormous overall economic, emotional, and physical stress on the individual due to the limitations of this sort of testing.

Routine mammography exposes the individual to an exceptionally high amount of ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is something we are all exposed to in nature and the body can handle a certain amount each year without it becoming risky. One series of mammograms (2 xrays on each breast) is equivalent to the radiation dose of 1000 normal chest or spinal x-rays.

Due to this enormous blast of radiation many experts warn that mammography actually increases the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, estimated that annual mammography increases the risk of breast cancer by 2% each year. The National Cancer Institute has stated that mammography is especially dangerous for younger women. In fact, they have stated that it could cause 75 cases of breast cancer for every 15 it identifies. Other studies have shown up to a 52% increase in breast cancer mortality in young women given annual testing.

The incidence of certain forms of breast cancer such as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has increased by 328% since mammography was introduced. Cancer research has also found a gene called oncogene AC that is very sensitive to radiation. Women who have this gene are at extraordinarily high risk when exposed to mammography. Researchers estimate that 10,000 of these gene carriers will die of breast cancer each year due to mammography.

Mammography also requires the patient`s breasts to be compressed. This compression is known to cause the release of cancerous cells into circulation which greatly increases the risk of malignant spread. Dr. Charles Simone, a former clinical associate in immunology and pharmacology at the NCI, has been a strong advocate against mammography. He says, 'Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer and raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth.'

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Cancer Breakthrough: Harmless Bacteria In Soil Kills Cancer Tumors

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Cancer remains one of the most feared diseases on the planet — and cancer patients being treated by mainstream medicine are usually bombarded with radiation and subjected to toxic chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells and weakens the body while trying to kill tumors.


Thankfully, as NaturalNews readers are aware, a growing body of research is revealing that many natural substances have cancer prevention and treatment potential, including Mediterranean type foods that fight prostate cancer ( and walnuts which contain breast cancer preventive phytochemicals.

Now there's evidence a cure for cancer may be all around us and is as common as dirt. In fact, it's something in dirt.

Researcher Aleksandra Kubiak just presented the startling discovery at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference currently underway at the University of York in the UK. She and other members of a research team from the University of Nottingham and the University of Maastricht have found that a strain of harmless bacteria that is widespread in soil is actually deadly — not to people but to cancerous tumors.

The researchers have developed a therapy using Clostridium sporogenes, a bacterium common in dirt. They found that when spores of the bacteria are injected into cancer patients, they only grow in solid tumors. Inside the cancerous growth, the bacteria produce a specific enzyme that activates a cancer drug. The results? Unlike current chemotherapy, the natural bacteria treatment causes only the cancer cells to be destroyed while healthy cells are left unharmed.

"Clostridia are an ancient group of bacteria that evolved on the planet before it had an oxygen-rich atmosphere and so they thrive in low oxygen conditions. When Clostridia spores are injected into a cancer patient, they will only grow in oxygen-depleted environments, i.e. the center of solid tumors. This is a totally natural phenomenon, which requires no fundamental alterations and is exquisitely specific," head researcher Professor Nigel Minton said in a statement to the media. "We can exploit this specificity to kill tumor cells but leave healthy tissue unscathed."

He added that the new discovery could lead to a simple and safe procedure for curing a wide range of solid tumors. "This therapy will kill all types of tumor cell. The treatment is superior to a surgical procedure, especially for patients at high risk or with difficult tumor locations," Professor Minton said.

"We anticipate that the strain we have developed will be used in a clinical trial in 2013 led by Jan Theys and Philippe Lambin at the University of Maastricht in The Netherlands. A successful outcome could lead to its adoption as a frontline therapy for treating solid tumors."

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ConAgra Sued For Label Fraud, GMO Oils Labeled 100% Natural

by: Christina Luisa

(NaturalNews) There are a huge number of food products in supermarkets labeled "natural" for consumers to choose from, including the popular "Wesson" brand cooking oils. However, these products are perhaps not as "natural" as they claim to be — and this is demonstrated by a recent class action lawsuit against food giant ConAgra for the deceptive labeling of its Wesson oils as "100% natural."



ConAgra is not the first company to be called out for deceitful labeling. Unfortunately, it's not abnormal these days to find the words "all natural" on the packaging of products that are anything but – such as processed chips or other packaged items. A good example would be Ben & Jerry's ice creams, which were falsely labeled "all-natural" for a good while before a class action lawsuit corrected the lie.

Many consumers assume food items labeled "natural" are the healthier choices in grocery stores, but these products are not required by law to contain only natural ingredients. Unlike the label "organic," "natural" has no definition in law by the Food and Drug Administration and no regulation. The Food Marketing Institute openly states that "the term 'natural' is not regulated except for meat and poultry."

Food marketers are well aware of how consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with eating healthful foods, and they use this information to their advantage by exploiting the natural label and sticking it on products that contain chemical ingredients and are made with non-natural processes.

The truth is out
Thankfully, a handful of discerning consumer lawyers are on to this deceptive marketing process and are taking action against food companies that are participating in it. Although various lawsuits have been filed in recent years exposing the fraudulent marketing of food giants using the term natural, a recent suit filed in June of this year in California against ConAgra could shake the entire foundation of the contemporary food industry.

The plaintiff filing the suit against ConAgra claims he relied on Wesson oils "100% natural" label, when in reality the products are made from genetically modified organisms (both corn and soy), disqualifying their labeling as all-natural.

If the suit is ruled in favor of the plaintiff, the terms "all-natural" have limited days left as an unchecked, phony catch-all for semi-processed foods.

GMOs aren't exactly natural, says Monsanto
Oddly enough, the plaintiff's complaint cites a definition of GMOs by Monsanto, the company that has become widely known for its promotion of the process of genetic modification of foods. According to Monsanto, GMOs are: "Plants or animals that have had their genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs."

The complaint filed also quotes another GMO definition from the World Health Organization: "Organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally."

The meaninglessness and obscurity of the term "all-natural" is rapidly becoming one of the food world's dirtiest open secrets. This skeleton is out of the closet, and it took a hard beating a few weeks ago when news of the orange juice industry's indeterminate recipe for "100% all-natural orange juice" got some significant attention. One thing is clear: foods marked as "natural" are at least as likely as any other in commercial food stores to be artificially made or processed.

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Doctor Sues Family Of Young Girl He Killed With Prescription Drugs

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Dr. Kevin Buckwalter of Henderson, Nev., has a history of malpractice and shady dealings during the time when he still had a practice and a license to prescribe controlled substances. Now that he has lost both, Buckwalter has sunk to a new low by countersuing the family of Andrea Duncan, a young girl who died in 2005 from intoxication by opiates and benzodiazepines he had prescribed to her, according to a recent report by ProPublica.

Young Andrea, of course, was not the only victim of Buckwalter's rampant and careless drug prescribing practices, either. Andrea's father Clint, a 69-year-old woman named Barbara Baile, and at least five other patients have died or committed suicide in recent years at the hands of Buckwalter and his small prescription notepad, according to the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). And yet this man now has the gall to target the families of the very people that he directly violated.

In a 2007 deposition for a different lawsuit, Buckwalter is seen on camera explaining, under oath, that he did not, in fact, provide adequate care for Andrea prior to her death. Rather than examine her on her first visit, Buckwalter explains that he simply prescribed her 300 tablets of the anti-anxiety medication Xanax, as well as the painkiller hydrocodone and a synthetic opiate, and sent her on her way — all because he "did not have time" to properly evaluate her.

Failing to conduct a proper physical examination prior to prescribing drugs is a clear violation of proper medical practice and is downright irresponsible. And beyond this, Buckwalter failed to properly verify Andrea's previous medical records and to monitor her status during the time in which he was prescribing her as much as 300 pills of high-dose Xanax, as well as the other narcotics.

As a result, Andrea eventually overdosed on these drugs and died just four days after her father, who suffered the very same fate of a similar Buckwalter-induced drug overdose. A year later, the DEA and the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (NSBME) withdrew Buckwalter's license to prescribe controlled substances, and he eventually shut down his private practice as well.

ProPublica explains that at least six lawsuits have been filed against Buckwalter on behalf of seriously injured or killed patients, as well as Andrea's lawsuit. Signed affidavits have revealed that Buckwalter failed to maintain adequate records for many of his patients, and that he had an extensive history of failing to perform necessary physical examinations on patients prior to prescribing them highly addictive, and highly dangerous, drugs.

Buckwalter, however, denies the allegations against him and insists that he has always provided adequate care to his patients. And rather than just try to defend his position, Buckwalter has actually decided to take an offensive position against the Duncan family, alleging in his own counter-lawsuit that the family has intentionally inflicted "emotional distress" and has interfered with his "ability to do business."

Such a position is truly mind-boggling in light of the evidence that has been presented against him, not to mention his license suspension. But Buckwalter also reportedly tried to sue his own state's medical board in order to regain his revoked license , an effort that ultimately failed.

Prescription drug overdoses leading cause of unintentional injury death in US
Buckwalter clearly has no business practicing medicine based on his dismal track record of harming and killing patients, but neither do the thousands of other doctors out there that continue to recklessly prescribe dangerous benzodiazepines, opiates, and other narcotic drugs to their patients, many of whom become addicted, and later overdose, on them.

According to a study published in the May 2010 issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, hospitalizations due to poisoning by prescription medications increased a whopping 65 percent between 1999 and 2006. Consequently, prescription drugs have now surpassed automobile accidents as the number one cause of unintentional injury death in the US (…).

Personal responsibility, of course, is crucial for any patient taking drugs prescribed by his or her doctor. But doctors who dispense such drugs like candy to their patients, while failing to properly assess and monitor them along the way, are directly responsible for the subsequent injuries and deaths that may ensue.

The drug companies dispensing such drugs are also directly responsible, especially when they illegally market them for conditions mild or wholly unrelated to those for which they were originally approved. Purdue Pharma, for instance, was criminally convicted for illegally marketing OxyContin, and yet this drug remains on the market to this day.

The Best Years In Life

Enjoy A Healthy Change With Meatless Tacos

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Try a delicious and healthy change of pace for breakfast with these breakfast tacos, which use no unhealthy processed meats and are made with healthier wheat tortillas and homemade pico de gallo (directions for the pico de gallo are included below).

While the recipe is not a strictly vegetarian one, it is perfect for lacto-ovo vegetarians (people who eat only vegetables with the exception of dairy products and eggs). Plus, with a few adjustments the recipe can be made into a strictly vegetarian one if desired, as suggested below.

Healthy Breakfast Tacos


2 large russet potatoes, scrubbed but unpeeled
2 tbsp light extra virgin olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
Sea salt and ground pepper
8 large free range organic eggs
1 tbsp unsalted butter
8 wheat tortillas, each about 6" in diameter, warmed
1 cup shredded organic Monterey Jack, Cheddar or Provolone cheese (or a combination thereof)


1. Place the potatoes in a large saucepan and add enough cold salted water to cover. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until tender when pierced with a knife tip (about 25 minutes). Drain and rinse the potatoes under cold running water. Refrigerate until chilled, two or more hours (or overnight).

2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Heat the oil over medium-high heat in a large pan. Add the potato cubes and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned, about 10 minutes. Add half of the onion and cook, stirring often, until softened (about 2 minutes). Remove the potato mixture from the heat and season with salt and pepper.

3. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the tortillas for browning by spreading a light coating on one side of each of the tortillas.

4. Meanwhile, whisk together in a bowl the eggs, 3/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper until just thoroughly blended. Avoid over-beating. Return the pan with the potatoes to medium-low heat and add the egg mixture. Cook until the eggs begin to set (about 20 seconds). Stir with a heatproof spatula, scraping up the eggs on the bottom and sides of the pan and folding them toward the center. Repeat until the eggs are barely cooked into moist curds. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for about 1 minute to allow the residual heat to finish cooking the eggs.

5. Fill the tortillas with equal amounts of the potato egg mixture, sprinkle with cheese and top with a spoonful of the pico de gallo.

Pico de Gallo


2 large ripe tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
3 tbsp cilantro, minced
1 tbsp lime juice
1/2 jalapeno chili, seeded and minced
Sea salt.


1. In a non-reactive bowl, combine the tomatoes, onion, cilantro, lime juice and jalapeno. Season with salt. Cover and let stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes or up to 3 hours.

To make a strictly vegetarian version of the tacos:

1. Forego the eggs and cheese and add chopped or sliced portabella mushrooms and/or avocados.
2. Use extra virgin light olive oil or another healthy oil substitute to spread on the tortillas in place of the butter.

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Ease Back Pain Naturally Through Inversion Therapy

by: Shona Botes

(NaturalNews) These days, a large portion of the population suffers with some form of back pain. While conventional doctors are quick to recommend operations to repair damage and relieve pain that has been sustained by the discs between the vertebrae, it is good to know that there are actually natural and less invasive ways of dealing with back pain. The most common remedies involve either exercise or inversion therapy or a combination of the two.

Inversion therapy places a person upside down so that pressure can be relieved on the spinal nerves, ligaments and discs. By reducing the pressure on these parts, pain in them is also significantly reduced. A study carried out as far back as 1978 showed that patients who engaged in inversion therapy experienced a 35% decrease in pain levels almost immediately. Another study revealed that over 80% of patients who had undergone just eight inversion table treatments were able to return to work and normal everyday activities. The most recent study confirmed that just over 70% of patients who were scheduled for back surgery were able to cancel their surgeries.

Not only does inversion therapy benefit those suffering from back pain, but it has also been shown to offer benefits to those suffering from pinched nerves, scoliosis, neck pain, spinal stenosis, Fibromyalgia, herniated discs, Sciatica, spinal arthritis, vertebral compression fractures and Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Patients have also reported a significant decrease in headaches and migraines after engaging in inversion therapy.

Those beginning with inversion therapy should start with inverting to between 25 and 30 degrees initially. Once you are comfortable with this degree, you may extend the table to around 60 degrees. Most people will find that they do not need to go beyond the 60 degree mark. However, those who wish to may extend the inversion table to the full 90 degree mark.

You do not need to invert a full 90 degrees to experience the benefits of inversion therapy. Inverting by as little as 25 degrees for just a few minutes each day will improve the flow of lymphatic fluid and help to ease tense muscles. This therapy can also help to train core muscle groups without placing any additional pressure on the spine. It has been shown to help improve circulation and may also be beneficial in the fight against the ageing process.

Patients suffering from osteoporosis, Pink eye (conjunctivitis), middle ear infections, retinal detachment, uncontrolled high blood pressure and heart or circulatory disorders and those who have had complete hip or knee joint replacement surgery should always consult with a physician before using inversion therapy. Pregnant women, those who have suffered recent bone fractures or severe spinal cord damage, patients who have suffered a stroke and those who are clinically obese should also exercise extreme caution and seek medical advice before using inversion therapy.