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EU Says Water Not Healthy

By Giles Sheldrick

THE EU was ridiculed last night after it took three years to issue a new rule that water cannot be sold as healthy. In a scarcely believable ­ruling, a panel of experts threw out a claim that regular water consumption is the best way to rehydrate the body. The bizarre diktat from Brussels has far-reaching implications for member states, including Britain, as no water sold in the EU can now claim to protect against dehydration.

Any producer breaching the order, signed by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, faces being jailed for up to two years. It took the 21 scientists on the panel three years of analysis into the link between water and dehydration to come to their extraordinary conclusion.

Last night the decision of the European Food Safety Authority’s panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies was labelled “beyond parody”. Ukip’s deputy leader Paul Nuttall, who sits on the European Parliament’s Public Health Committee, said: “I had to read this four or five times before I believed it.

“It is a perfect example of what the EU does best and makes the bendy banana law look positively sane.”

Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said: “The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are, highly paid, highly pensioned officials trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true.

“If ever there were an episode which demonstrates the folly of the great European project then this is it.”

A spokesman for the Department of Health said: “Of course water hydrates. While we support the EU in preventing false claims about commercial products, we need to exercise common sense as far as possible.”

Jose Manuel Barroso and David Cameron at a round table meeting earlier this year

German professors Dr Moritz Hagenmeyer and Dr Andreas Hahn, of the Institute for Food Science and Human Nutrition at Hanover Leibniz University, applied for approval for the seemingly uncontentious claim that “regular consumption of significant amounts of water can reduce the risk of development of dehydration”. However, bureaucrats refused to back them.

After a meeting in Italy a delegation of scientists concluded that reduced water content in the body was a symptom of dehydration rather than a risk factor that drinking water could control. Now their verdict has been turned into a regulation that will become UK law by December 6 and is bound to send shockwaves through the soft drinks industry.

Last night Professor Hahn said he was considering appealing against the ruling in the European courts.

The EU has a long history of passing bizarre regulations, the most infamous being 1995 rules setting out dimensions for fruit and vegetables which led to excessively curved bananas and ugly carrots being banned. And last year attempts to regulate the use of root vegetables in Cornish pasties sparked chaos.

EU spokesman David D’Arcy said last night: “Of course drinking water is essential for health and the commission is not stopping anyone from saying so.

“This is a specific case with specific characteristics. Either way the final decision is for member states.”

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Readied For Organ Donation, 21-Year-Old Emerges From Coma

By SUSAN DONALDSON JAMES | Good Morning America

Sam Schmid, an Arizona college student believed to be brain dead and poised to be an organ donor, miraculously recovered just hours before doctors were considering taking him off life support.


Schmid, a junior and business major at the University of Arizona, was critically wounded in an Oct. 19 five-car accident in Tucson.

The 21-year-old's brain injuries were so severe that the local hospital could not treat him. He was airlifted to the Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Medical Center in Phoenix, where specialists performed surgery for a life-threatening aneurysm.

As hospital officials began palliative care and broached the subject of organ donation with his family, Schmid began to respond, holding up two fingers on command. Today he is walking with the aid of a walker, and his speech, although slow, has improved.

Doctors say he will likely have a complete recovery. He even hopes to get a day pass from the hospital to celebrate the holidays with his large extended family.

"Nobody could ever give me a better Christmas present than this — ever, ever, ever," said his mother, Susan Regan, who is vice-president of the insurance company Lovitt-Touche.

"I tell everyone, if they want to call it a modern-day miracle, this is a miracle," said Regan, 59, and a Catholic. "I have friends who are atheists who have called me and said, 'I am going back to church.'"

Schmid's doctor, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Robert Spetzler, agreed that his recovery was miraculous.

"I am dumb-founded with his incredible recovery in such a short time," said Spetzler. "His recovery was really remarkable considering the extent of his lethal injuries."

Hospital officials are crediting Spetzler with having a "hunch" that despite an initially dire prognosis, the young man would make it. But he said it was "reasonable" for others to consider withdrawing the patient from life support.

"It looked like all the odds were stacked against him," said Spetzler, who has performed more than 6,000 such surgeries and trained the doctor who operated on Congressman Gabrielle Giffords after she was shot at the beginning of this year.

During surgery, Spetzler clipped the balloonlike aneurysm in the blood vessel — "as if I were patching a tire," a procedure that eventually worked.

For days Schmid didn't seem to be responding, but what puzzled his doctor was that he did not see fatal injuries on the MRI scan. So he decided to keep Schmid on life support longer.

"There was plenty wrong — he had a hemorrhage, an aneurysm and a stroke from the part of the aneurysm," Spetzler said. "But he didn't have a blood clot in the most vital part of his brain, which we know he can't recover from. And he didn't have a massive stroke that would predict no chance of a useful existence."

So while the family was given a realistic picture of Schmid's poor chances for survival, Spetzler ordered one more MRI to see if the critical areas of the brain had turned dark, indicating brain death.

"If not, we would hang on and keep him on support," he said. "But I didn't want to give the family false hope."

Schmid's mother said no one "specifically" asked if her son would be a donor, but they "subtly talk to you about quality of life."

"At some point, I knew we had to make some sort of decision, and I kept praying," said Regan.

The MRI came back with encouraging news during the day and by evening Schmid "inexplicably" followed the doctors' commands, holding up two fingers.

"It was like fireworks all going off at the same time," said Spetzler.

Today, Schmid — his speech clear and sounding upbeat — told, "I feel fine. I'm in a wheelchair, but I am getting lots of help."


Sam Schmid Has No Memory of the Accident

He said he remembers nothing of the accident nor coming around after being in an induced coma. "It wasn't until I woke up in rehab," he said. "But they told me about afterwards."

Schmid was returning from coaching basketball at his former Catholic school when a van swerved into his lane. The Jeep in which he was riding went airborne, hit a light pole and landed on its side.

Schmid's left hand and both of his femurs broke and required surgery. But the worst were the traumatic head injuries, which were complex and nearly always fatal.

All those involved say the support that Schmid got from family and friends — and especially the care at Barrow — may have made the difference. His brother John, a 24-year-old IT specialist, took a leave of absence from his job in Chicago to be at his brother's bedside.

Family flew in from around the country, and Delta Chi fraternity brothers made regular visits, even creating a mural for their friend.

"It seems like we were being led down a path to plan for the worst and that things were not going to work out," said John Schmid. "The miracle, to put it bluntly, was that in a matter of seven days, we went from organ donation to rehab. What a roller coaster it was."

He said his brother's speech is slow, but he understands what others are saying. Sam Schmid's athleticism — as a basketball coach and snowboard instructor — probably helped, he said.

"Honestly, I am at a loss for words," said John Schmid. "I am just so proud of Sam. He's got a strong constitution and he's very determined. But it's been quite an eye-opener for me — a real learning curve. You can't take anything for granted."

Sam Schmid's surgeon agrees.

"You get incredible highs when you save someone facing neurological devastation or death," said Spetzler. "That is counter-pointed by the incredible lows when you fail to help someone."

"In a way, his recovery was truly miraculous," he said. "It's a great Christmas story."

Ever the scientist, Spetzler wasn't willing to speculate what a comatose patient hears. But he admits, "There are so many things we don't understand about the brain and what happens at the time someone is near death."

"The whole family was at his side during the day and at night hovering over him, then to see there was a chance after being ready to let go," he said. "But I am very much a big believer that positive thoughts and positive energy in a room can only help."

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NFL Players Sue League For Drugging Players To Conceal Concussions

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) With all the controversy surrounding the willful use of steroids and other illicit, performance-enhancing drugs by some professional sports players, it might come as a surprise to some readers to learn that professional sports leagues themselves may also be responsible for illicitly dishing out dangerous pharmaceutical drugs to players before games in order to conceal deadly injuries.



At least 12 former football players in the NFL have filed a lawsuit against the league for what they say is an irresponsible and highly-dangerous concussion policy. The plaintiffs allege that, before games, athletic trainers and medical staff administered injections of Toradol, a high-risk, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), to all players, regardless of their individual health conditions, in order to make them feel good for games.

It is fairly common for professional sports players to sustain concussions every now and again after undergoing big hits, and athletic trainers and medical staff are trained to respond quickly with appropriate treatments following an injury. But the NFL's alleged overuse of Toradol for all players put many of them at risk, particularly those who unknowingly may have had concussions or other serious injuries.

"The difference with this case is what we've learned from our players is that they used to administer a drug called Toradol, which is basically a painkiller, even when players didn't have symptoms," said attorney Christopher Seeger, who reportedly filed the lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs in a federal court in New Jersey. "Our experts say that's the worst thing you can do for a brain injury or concussion."

The NFL allegedly administered Toradol, despite its known risks, in order to cover up the symptoms of concussions, and thus cover up the very existence of concussions. Players suffering from head injuries, in other words, may have been unaware of the severity of their injuries thanks to the painkilling effects of Toradol. Taking the drug not only put them at high risk of further injury from it side effects, but also from sustaining more injuries on the field.

"Countless players were injected whether or not they were injured," says attorney Marc Albert, who is also representing the plaintiffs. "It was part of the routine. It would dull pain so players would feel good during the game. This is going on in every locker room. Football is a tough sport, but we're not talking about torn ligaments. These are life consequences. These are brain injuries."

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Report Concludes That ‘Fracking’ Causes Groundwater Contamination

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) For the first time, a federal report has verified that chemicals used in natural gas hydraulic fracturing, also known as "fracking," can, and do, cause groundwater contamination. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a 121-page draft report on the issue that contain evidence linking water contamination in Pavillion, Wyo., to fracking chemicals from nearby gas wells.


For years, the natural gas industry has denied that fracking contaminates groundwater, insisting that hydraulic pressure forces fracking fluids so far down into the ground that they cannot travel back up into water supplies. The industry also claims that layers in the earth's crust prevent chemicals from moving towards the surface by acting as a watertight barrier.

But none of this is panning out to be true, as the EPA report has exposed ten different compounds found in the Pavillion water supply, all of which are known to be used in fracking fluid. The report explains that "glycol ethers and the assortment of other organic components (found in the water) is explained as the result of direct mixing of hydraulic fracturing fluids with ground water in the Pavillion gas field."

Back in 2008, the EPA took water samples from around Pavillion after residents complained about water contamination. The agency found hydrocarbons and other contaminants that appeared to have come from nearby gas wells, but that could not be definitively linked. But in 2010, the EPA took more water samples which, in that case, confirmed that the chemicals found were linked to the drilling.

In order to release oil and gas from reserves in shale rock, fracturing equipment forces a fluid mixture of water, sand, and proprietary chemicals into the ground at incredible force, which breaks up the rock and releases the fuel. But in the process, all those tons of chemicals, the names of which have mostly been kept hidden from the public to allegedly protect trade secrets, have to disperse somewhere — and this somewhere appears to be both groundwater and the environment at large.

The biggest problem in linking contamination to fracking is the proprietary nature of fracking chemicals — as NaturalNews has reported previously, federal law does not require natural gas drillers to disclose the chemical contents of their fracking formulas. However some individual states, including Texas, and Colorado, are now requiring their full disclosure.

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Is Nutritional Intelligence Lost?

by: Hesh Goldstein

(NaturalNews) We are living in a time that makes great demands upon our efforts to keep healthy through a well-managed dietary program.

75 Minerals

With all the devitalized and synthetic foodstuffs at our disposal, it is often very difficult to obtain the necessary natural foods that will keep our bodies in good health.

Millions of hard-earned dollars are being wasted by way of our mouths.

All of us are hungry for those necessary requirements that our "All-Knowing" Creator designed our bodies to have, to maintain a healthy, vigorous and responsive body.

We can no longer depend upon nature alone to supply the human body with its vital life forces.

We must cooperate with nature by having a thorough understanding of our physiology and bodily needs. Then, and only then, can we reap from nature that which keeps us in good health.

We have come face to face with three "giants" in our modern society. They respectively are: our food producers, marketing agencies and supermarkets, and uninformed consumers and housewives who are responsible for the food that is set before us.

The producers of our foods today find it difficult to be competitive and still grow foodstuffs without commercial fertilizers and sprays. Because of this we can hardly avoid buying contaminated foods. The marketing agencies do not want ripened fruits and mature vegetables, for fear of losses due to spoilage and shipping. Therefore, most foods are forced-grown and harvested pre-maturely, making them inferior in nutritional values.

Fresh, ripened foods, in their natural state, possess the highest nutritive value and this cannot be improved by preserving, processing, heating, or fermenting. These only tend to destroy its value.

Boiled vegetables that have been peeled and the water thrown away have no taste. Therefore, something must be done to make them palatable. So, we "doctor them up" by mixing sugar, salt, spices, MSG, butter or margarine, and other "things" together.

We polish the rice, we remove the germ and the husk to make refined flour for baking, we refine the sugars, we remove the skins, seeds and cores of apples and pears, and we peel the potatoes and scrape the carrots. We make beverages from coffee and cocoa beans and tea, all containing stimulating poisons, we use wonderful grapes to make fermented and intoxicating drinks, which in time paralyze the brain, and meat, fish, cheese and eggs, supply us with an enormous amount of animal protein, which must be countered by calcium taken from the bones, and we even preserve good food with chemicals such as sulfuric acid, arsenic, salicylic acid, nitrites and nitrates, and benzoic acid.

Then, because these devitalized and tampered-with foods cannot supply our bodies with what it needs and actually takes nourishment from it and depletes our store of nervous energy, we take sedatives, tranquilizers or aspirins, which eventually makes our condition worse.

If we would learn that adding organic sulfur to our diets that was extinguished by the petro-chemical fertilizers and we could learn to eat more raw foods in their natural state, the common ailments we now have would be few. Sickness would be replaced with health, The fresh complexion, sound teeth and gums, lustrous hair, vigorous build, perfect posture and natural graces of the body would present the strongest argument of natural living.

Much praise can be given to the mother, father, daughter, son, nurse, doctor or any other person who realizes that our bodies must not be defiled, and who puts into these "temples" food that will radiate a natural healthy beauty.


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Forget Pesticides: Vineyards Can Use Natural Predation To Control Pests

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Conventional agriculture is heavily dependent on the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides to control pests and protect crops. But researchers from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) have made an interesting discovery about natural predation that could eliminate the need for these synthetic pest management interventions in grape vineyards.


Predation is a natural pest management system based upon the idea that when there is a healthy balance between predator birds and their bug and insect prey, the predators will effectively manage the pests by killing and eating them. And as the predators continually feed on the pests, they will naturally thrive and perpetuate a healthy and continuous cycle of natural pest management.

But the use of man-made chemical and other artificial pest management systems has thwarted the predation balance by eliminating the pests before the predators can get to them — and in some cases, these interventions also eliminate the predators. As a result, predator populations have declined, which has created an ever-worsening dependency on artificial pest management techniques to protect crops.

Published in the online journal PLoS ONE, a study on this predation conundrum conducted by Julie Jedlicka and her colleagues sought to identify ways by which the natural predation balance could be restored. They found that when simple nest boxes were placed in vineyards, predator bird populations increased significantly.

According to study data, vineyards with nest boxes effectively saw a 50 percent increase in the number of avian species compared to vineyards without them. Insectivorous bird populations also jumped by nearly 400 percent as a result of nest boxes, while Western Bluebird populations increased by nearly 1,000 percent.

"Insectivorous birds are often overlooked as sources of pest predation," said Jedlicka concerning her team's findings. "However, they are likely providing pest control services in many agricultural fields, we just need to look for it."

At the same time, the nest boxes did not spur a noticeable increase in avian populations prone to eating grapes or otherwise damaging crops. So vintners who utilize nest boxes can get the best of both worlds, and also can reduce or eliminate their need for chemical pesticides and herbicides.

"These results suggest an effective method for vineyards to simultaneously protect their crop and encourage avian conservation," says the study announcement.

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Simple Strategies Buffer Blood Sugar

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Sweet foods and starches are not genetically congruent to eat on a regular basis. Our ancestors looked at these as rare delicacies. Most people in our society today are raised on a steady diet of sugars, grains and other starches. Here are the best strategies to lower the blood sugar/insulin response when consuming carbohydrate rich foods.

Chromium GTF

Foods are measured for their effect on blood sugar through the Glycemic Index (GI). The GI ranges from 0-100. Foods that have a GI index under 55 are considered low GI. A range of 56-69 is considered medium GI while 70+ is considered high. It is recommended to eat foods that are low GI and to utilize different strategies to lower and/or buffer these GI responses in your body.

Another way of ranking the blood sugar response of different foods is through the Glycemic Load (GL). The GL measures how long the food will release sugar into the system. Many foods may be high GI but low GL. An example of this would be fruit such as watermelon. Other foods are low GI but high GL such as oatmeal, which releases sugar into the system for an extended period of time.

A GL of 20 or more is high; a GL of 11-19 is medium; and a GL of 10 or less is low. High GL foods are inflammatory in nature, so it is advisable to stick with foods that are low GI and GL as much as possible or to use advanced strategies to buffer the glycemic response in the body.

Simple Strategies to Improve Blood Sugar Signaling
1. Use Lemon: The citric acid in lemon helps to buffer the release of blood sugar. Additionally, the anti-oxidants and trace minerals within lemon help to improve insulin signaling, boost liver function and stabilize blood sugar. Squeeze a lemon on as many foods as possible and drink it freshly squeezed in purified water.

2. Use Apple Cider Vinegar: Vinegar is very high in acetic acid. This acid has been shown to reduce the glycemic response of a typical carbohydrate based meal by 31%. Another study reduced a carbohydrate meal from a typical glycemic index of 100 to 64. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) also provides enzymes, probiotics and trace minerals that enhance blood sugar signaling. Use ACV on as many foods as possible.

3. Use Fermented Foods: This would include coconut kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, & kimchi. Raw, grass-fed fermented dairy includes yogurt, kefir, amasai, fermented whey & raw cheese. These foods have a natural acid to slow the release of blood sugar, and they provide enzymes, probiotics and other bioactive nutrients that enhance blood sugar signaling. Use a variety of different fermented foods every day.

4. Use Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to reduce gastric emptying rate, improve insulin receptor sensitivity and inhibit enzymes that inactivate insulin receptors. Cinnamon also has an extremely powerful anti-oxidant potential that prevents inflammatory conditions that damage cell membranes and insulin receptors.

5. Whole Food Multi-Vitamin with Chromium: Whole food multi-vitamins help the body by supplying tons of highly bioavailable trace minerals and B vitamins that are critical for healthy blood sugar balance. One such nutrient is chromium, which both increases the production and activates the glucose transport molecule GLUT-4.

Chromium activates GLUT-4 to shift its location from deep within the cell to a position on the cell membrane. This opens a window in the cell that allows glucose to flow into the cell through a concentration gradient where it can be metabolized for energy while lowering circulating blood sugar to stable levels.

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FDA Expands Use of HIV Drug to Children

The Intel Hub
December 22, 2011

SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND (BNO NEWS) — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Wednesday announced that it has approved Isentress (raltegravir) for use with other antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in children and adolescents.

Vaccine Protocol

Isentress works by slowing the spread of HIV in the body and is part of a class of medications called HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitors. Under the FDA’s accelerated approval program, the drug was first approved for use in adult patients in October 2007. Children and adolescents from 2 to 18 years old will now be able to take the medication.

The FDA’s accelerated approval program allows the agency to approve a drug to treat a serious disease based on clinical data showing that the drug has an effect on a surrogate endpoint that is reasonably likely to predict a clinical benefit to patients.

The program is also designed to provide patients with earlier access to promising new drugs, but the company will be required to submit additional clinical information after approval to confirm the drug’s clinical benefit.

“Many young children and adolescents are living with HIV and this approval provides an important additional option for their treatment,” said Edward Cox, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Office of Antimicrobial Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

A single, multi-center clinical trial of 96 children and adolescents ages 2-18 years with HIV-1 infection evaluated the safety and effectiveness of Isentress. These patients previously received treatment for HIV-1 infection. After 24 weeks of treatment with Isentress, 53 percent of these patients had an undetectable amount of HIV in their blood.

The FDA said the most commonly reported severe, treatment-related side effects in patients taking Isentress include trouble sleeping (insomnia) and headache. However, the frequency of these side effects is similar for children and adults.

One pediatric patient reported severe treatment-related insomnia, while another pediatric patient experienced a drug-related skin rash. The drug should be discontinued if this occurs.

The agency underlined that Isentress does not cure HIV infection, and patients must stay on continuous HIV therapy to control HIV infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses.

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Flu Shot Fantasies: Why Influenza Vaccines Don’t Halt Flu Infections

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) Vaccines are so effective at halting disease that they confer total immunity, say vaccine advocates. "Take a flu shot and you won't get the flu!" Both flu shots and MMR vaccines are so safe and effective that everybody should be forced to take them, they insist.

Flu Protocol
Vaccine Protocol

And why? Because they claim all those un-vaccinated people will spread disease to the vaccinated people!

(Insert vinyl record screeching sound here.)

Hold on just a minute. Wasn't their whole argument about vaccines based on the idea that they confer total immunity to those who take them? Well, if that's true then they should have no fear whatsoever of un-vaccinated people!

According to vaccine promoters, if you take a flu shot vaccine, that means you can run around and drench yourself in flu viruses with total immunity. You can lick dirty doorknobs, shake hands with people who just wiped their runny noses, and even touch filthy drooling babies right before you eat a sandwich with your contaminated hands. Thanks to the vaccine, you're now bulletproof!

So why worry at all about un-vaccinated people infecting you?

Vaccines cause brain damage
See, the vaccine logic just doesn't add up. There's a reason for that, of course: Vaccines make you stupid. The chemical adjuvants added to vaccines actually cause neurological damage and interfere with healthy cognitive function. That's why brain-damaged people who take vaccines — also known as Vaccine Zombies — can't work out the simple logic explained above.

It's also why people who take vaccines are easily fooled into taking yet more vaccines. The critical thinking parts of their brains have been impaired, and they also have trouble with math and finances. Did you know that two-thirds of Americans cannot explain how compound interest works? Try to explain fundamental concepts of fractional-reserve banking to your average vaccine consumer and you'll quickly discover just how brain damaged they really are.

Vaccines, fluoride, MSG and toxic heavy metals all work together in our modern world to chemically lobotomize the masses, turning them into drooling (useful) idiots who are just barely smart enough to punch a clock and operate some machinery on the job, but not nearly smart enough to realize how much they're all being ripped off by the Fed's money creation schemes that devalue the currency.

In fact, you might say that a vaccine-impaired population is absolutely essential for the existence of a police state government that relies on the poor cognitive function of its own citizens to maintain power and control over them. If people could actually do math, for example, they'd be marching in Washington right now — just over the national debt if nothing else.

Vaccine zealots are time travelers (in their own minds)
Another especially hilarious truism about flu shots is that they only work if you go back in time to the year before and expose yourself to last year's flu viruses. That's because each year's flu shot is made from the circulating viral strains found last year, not this year.

Viruses mutate rapidly, resulting in structural changes that often circumvent immune system antibodies, especially if those antibodies were created in response to exposure of a different strain. So getting injected with last year's viral strains is only useful if you're a time traveler with a time machine in your living room. Wanna relive the flu season of 2007? No problem! The vaccine companies have those strains readily available for you. Just crank up your time-traveling gizmo that you bought on eBay and you're ready to roll!

But if you're looking to protect yourself in the present (or the near future), getting injected with last year's influenza strain is about as idiotic as thinking you can beat the stock market by buying a crystal ball off eBay.

Vaccines need no proof that they work
The best part about the total morons who get vaccinated every year with flu shots is watching them try to explain why they always get sick anyway!

Me: "Hi, Cathy. Merry Christmas. Oh, you're sick again this year? What happened?"

Cathy: "I don't know, I just started feeling tired and achy again, and now I'm vomiting every four hours and can't eat."

Me: "Huh, sounds like the flu. But that's weird, don't you get the flu shot every year?"

Cathy: "Yeah, and it's a good thing, too, because if I didn't, this flu would have been even worse."

This is, of course, the very kind of loopy "quackery" logic that mainstream medicine invokes when attacking holistic medicine or homeopathy. Notice that Cathy has now justified her vaccine injections by believing they offered her flu protection even when she's the one who's sick? Furthermore, she mistakenly believes that flu shots reduce the severity of her influenza infection, even when that's pure bunk as well.

It's a curious behavioral tendency in humans, of course, to rationalize their decisions with irrational thinking. This is especially true in the vaccine industry where people have been brainwashed into thinking vaccines are effective whether or not they actually work.

Option #1) Did you avoid the flu this winter? Must have been the flu shot!

Option #2) Catch a flu this winter? Oh, it "could have been worse" without the flu shot.

So, in the minds of the flu shot takers, there is no scenario in which the flu shot fails. It ALWAYS works in their minds, regardless of the outcome. That's a sure sign that somebody at the medical clinic is quacking like a duck… Quack! Quack!

99% of the vaccine-taking public are delusional
What makes this all so hilarious? Well, for starters, flu shots only prevent flu symptoms in 1 out of 100 people who take them (…).

This means that 99% of flu take takers are delusional, living in a medical wonderland complete with fairies, unicorns and leprechauns who magically appear to defend them against influenza infections.

Perhaps more hilariously, 99% of the doctors and pharmacists are also delusional because they promote flu shots even when there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the idea that they really work. There are no credible clinical trials performed on any flu vaccines before they are rolled out, did you know? Sure, the drug companies inject a few dozen volunteers with the shot and watch for symptoms over a period of 14 days or so, but that's not a real clinical trial (too small, too short, and it's all funded by the vaccine companies anyway). Not surprisingly, nobody in the field of medicine bothers to test the efficacy of flu shots versus vitamin D supplements, because they know vitamin D would vastly out-perform flu shots in its ability to prevent influenza infections.

That's the beauty of flu shots: They need no proof! Because the people who take them will convince themselves that the flu shots are working, even when they're the ones getting sick all the time.

Meanwhile, the people who are NOT getting sick tend to be the people who are taking vitamin D supplements, who are drinking immune-boosting herbal tea, and who lead healthy lifestyles. That's what really works to prevent the flu… no vaccine necessary!

So watch out for the loopy logic and twisted minds of flu shot promoters. These people are a bit lacking in the brains department, with a few shelves missing from their cognitive library. A few fries short of a Happy Meal. In a room full of chimpanzees, they'd be the last to escape.

These are not the best and brightest that humanity has to offer, that's for sure. No wonder vaccines are now being used to promote infertility, because even Bill Gates admits that the globalists don't want these people to reproduce.

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Antidepressant Drugs Cause Many To Have Worse Depression

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A recent industry-funded study on antidepressant drugs has revealed that the medications can cause roughly 20 percent of patients to get worse depression symptoms than if they simply took nothing. Published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, the study, which was largely controlled by drug giant Eli Lilly, is an eye-opener for those who still put their faith in antidepressants like Cymbalta (duloxetine), which carry with them life-altering side effects.

Colloidal Gold

Lithium Orotate
Flax Oil


Ralitza Gueorguieva, lead author of the study from the Yale University School of Health, and her colleagues conducted trials on 2,500 people, all of whom were given either Cymbalta, various other antidepressant drugs, or a drug-free placebo for two months. At the conclusion of the study, most of those who received the placebo saw a gradual improvement in their depression symptoms, while nearly 20 percent of those taking antidepressants saw a worsening of their symptoms.

Those taking antidepressants rather than a placebo were grouped into one of two groups — "responders" or "non-responders." Responders allegedly saw some improvement from the drugs, while non-responders saw no improvement at all. Eighty-four percent of all patients in the drug groups reportedly saw some improvement, while 16 percent saw no improvement at all — and this 16 percent actually saw a worsening of symptoms, as well as various other harmful side effects.

According to Reuters Health one of the study's three authors is an employee of Eli Lilly, the company that makes Cymbalta, while another is on the company's scientific advisory board.

What this all means is that patients who choose to use antidepressants, despite the numerous studies showing that they really do not work and can cause tremendous harm , as well as their doctors, need to pay close attention to what effect the drugs are having. If no improvement is seen, it is perhaps best to stop using the drugs completely and turn to alternatives.

Several recent studies have found, for instance, that S-adenosyl-L-methionine, also known as "SAM-e ," is more effective in relieving depression than antidepressant drugs, and without all the harmful side effects. SAMe is a natural compound produced in the liver, and that is found throughout the body in areas like the brain and adrenal glands.