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Busted! Scientists Leave Out Data To Produce Bogus Findings

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Clinical trials of drugs and other medical therapies are carefully carried out and are the very gold standard of scientific proof, right? According to an in-depth review of this question just published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ,) the answer is no. In fact, the BMJ is sounding the alarm that data reported by scientists is too often not the truth — because the researchers leave out inconvenient evidence. The result of facts-gone-missing could well be harming patients, spiking up healthcare costs by the selling of medical treatments based on bogus findings, and threatening the very integrity of medicine.

These warnings come from multiple papers released by the BMJ. The whistle-blowing authors of these articles examined the extent, causes, consequences of hidden facts, figures, and other data scientists discover as they do human trials. It turns out this is no "once in a while" kind of problem, either. The BMJ claims a "large proportion of evidence from human trials is unreported, and much of what is reported is done so inadequately."

In an editorial, Dr. Richard Lehman from the University of Oxford and BMJ Clinical Epidemiology Editor, Dr. Elizabeth Loder, nail the current state of medical research as a "culture of haphazard publication and incomplete data disclosure." They call for full access to raw trial data to allow better understanding of the benefits and harms of many treatments.

Bottom line: when data is left out, the missing facts distort the scientific record and published results of a study. This then leads doctors to make potentially dangerous clinical decisions about what drugs or procedures patients need because the docs are relying on skewed and even bogus "evidence."

Conveniently missing facts left out of drug trials and more
Papers in the current issue of BMJ include a study by Dr. Beth Hart and colleagues, which document how unpublished data is "conveniently missing" from many published meta-analyses of drug trials. That's right. Big Pharma's pills and potions are often pushed based on studies that simply ignore and leave out major data about what was really discovered about a medication lacking of benefits, potential dangers, side effects and more. Dr. Hart's team argues that access to full trial data is necessary to allow drugs to be independently assessed.

Two additional studies show the requirements for mandatory trial registration and timely sharing of results are poorly followed, if at all. For example, it turns out that less than half of US National Institutes of Health funded trials are published in a peer reviewed journal within 30 months of completion and only 22 percent of trials that are supposed to be subject to mandatory reporting had results available within one year of completion.

"When the word mandatory turns out to mandate so little, the need for stronger mechanisms of enforcement becomes very clear," the researchers report.

And what happens when ethical, dedicated scientists try to assess true harms vs benefits of Big Pharma drugs and other interventions? It's not a pretty picture for their careers, apparently. Additional studies published in the special BMJ issue highlight the many difficulties these researchers face when they try to buck the system.

Dr. Lehman and Dr. Loder, however, are bravely speaking out and directly saying that a concealment of data in clinical trials is anything but unusual. They label this "a serious ethical breach" and demand that clinical researchers who fail to disclose data "should be subject to disciplinary action by professional organizations. These changes have long been called for, and delay has already caused harm. The evidence we publish shows that the current situation is a disservice to research participants, patients, health systems, and the whole endeavor of clinical medicine."

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Woman Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Frito-Lay

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Many major food manufacturers have been on a kick to jump on the "all natural" bandwagon, with all sorts of processed food products now claiming to be healthy and free of artificial and synthetic ingredients. However, one such company, Frito-Lay, is the subject of a new class action lawsuit that pegs the company for illegally marketing its snack products, which are loaded with genetically-modified (GM) ingredients, as being natural.


Represented by Milberg LLP of Los Angeles, Calif., Julie Gengo of Richmond, Calif., recently filed a class action lawsuit against Frito-Lay alleging that its snack products are fraudulently labeled. Frito-Lay Sun Chips and Tostitos products are made with GM vegetable oils and potentially even GM corn, but they are both labeled as being "All Natural." But GMOs are not all-natural ingredients, and are, in fact, admittedly synthetic, which makes any product that contains them unnatural.

Named in the lawsuit are Tostitos Restaurant Style Tortilla Chips, Tostitos Bite Size Rounds Tortilla Chips, Tostitos Crispy Rounds Tortilla Chips, Tostitos Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Tostitos Scoops Tortilla Chips, Tostitos Restaurant Style with a Hint of Lime Tortilla Chips, Tostitos Artisan Recipes Fire-Roasted Chipotle Tortilla Chips, Sun Chips Original Flavored Multigrain Snacks, Sun Chips Garden Salsa Flavored Multigrain Snacks, Sun Chips French Onion Flavored Multigrain Snacks, and Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar Flavored Multigrain Snacks.

"Each of the products that are the subject of this action contain corn and vegetable oil as their main ingredients. But the corn and vegetable oils (including corn, soybean, and canola oils) are made from genetically modified plants and organisms," says the lawsuit. "Monsanto Company defines GMO on its website as food with a genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs."

The lawsuit alleges Frito-Lay's marketing practices violate two California Business & Professions Codes, a California Consumers Legal Remedies Act, and the federal Magnuson – Moss Act, as well as constitute a breach of express warranty. It includes as a plaintiff anyone who has ever purchased a Frito-Lay product labeled "All Natural."

You can view a copy of the lawsuit here (

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CDC Pushes Unproven Vaccine ‘Cocooning’ Scheme

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The latest vaccine scam being peddled on the public by US health authorities involves vaccinating parents and family members against certain infectious diseases in order to supposedly prevent transmission of these diseases to babies that are too young to get vaccinated themselves. However, the practice, known as "cocooning," has admittedly never been scientifically proven to work in the first place, and in all honest terms is nothing more than unsubstantiated quackery.

Vaccine Protocol


A report recently published in the journal Pediatrics by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) claims that cocooning can help prevent babies from becoming infected with pertussis, also known as whooping cough, as well as influenza. But Dr. Herschel R. Lessin, one of the authors of the report, admitted recently that the concept has never been scientifically tested, and nobody can say for sure that it actually works.

"It's a relatively new concept," Dr. Lessin is quoted as saying by Reuters Health. "I don't know that anyone has looked at whether it works."

In fact, the only studies that have actually been conducted on cocooning have had to use made-up estimates and calculations rather than actual tests. In other words, scientists just created some numbers and percentages, which they then used to say that cocooning might work. And the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is always quick to endorse any program that promotes vaccines, took the opportunity to immediately endorse cocooning, despite a complete lack of evidence that it even works.

Officials in Canada are not taking the bait, however, as they say the cost of administering vaccines as part of a cocooning program, assuming they even work in the first place, far outweighs any supposed benefits. Even if cocooning might work in some cases, which has never been proven, it would take vaccinating a million people or more just to save one child from death, which would cost millions of dollars.

Many vaccination concepts have absolutely no basis in science, but are used to get as many people vaccinated as possible
It is mind-boggling to think that many vaccine advocates support vaccination concepts like cocooning or "herd immunity" on the false basis that they are rooted in sound science, when they are really nothing more than fairy tale myths. And yet these same folks are quick to malign anyone who questions or opposes such vaccination nonsense, accusing them of ignoring and denying science.

The real goal of the new report, though, is not necessarily to prevent infant deaths, or to even back up the cocooning theory with a semblance of sound science — the purpose is simply to "get everyone immunized," these being the exact stated words of Dr. Lessin, who admitted openly his opinion that "immunization is the greatest thing in the history of mankind." So who needs actual science when your personal faith in vaccines is already set in stone?

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Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You

Every once in a while a study pops up on the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database known as MEDLINE that not only confirms the therapeutic relevance of natural substances in cancer treatment, but blows the conventional approach out of the water.


 Published in 2007 in the journal Planta Medica, researchers found that an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems known as bromelain was superior to the chemo-agent 5-fluorauracil in treating cancer in the animal model. The researchers stated:

"This antitumoral effect [bromelain] was superior to that of 5-FU [5-fluorouracil], whose survival index was approximately 263 %, relative to the untreated control." [view entire study]


What is so remarkable about this research is that 5-FU has been used as a cancer treatment for nearly 40 years, and has been relatively unsuccessful due to its less than perfect selectivity at killing cancer, often killing and/or irreversibly damaging healthy cells and tissue, as well.

As a highly toxic, fluoride-bound form of the nucleic acid uracil, a normal component of RNA, the drug is supposed to work by tricking more rapidly dividing cells — which include both cancer and healthy intestinal, hair follicle, and immune cells — into taking it up, thereby inhibiting (read: poisoning) RNA replication enzymes and RNA synthesis.

The material safety data sheet (MSDS) for 5-FU states:

The dose at which 50% of the animals given the drug die is 115mg/kg, or the equivalent of 7.8 grams for a 150 lb adult human.


 Keep in mind that a 7.5 gram dose of 5-FU, which is the weight of 3 pennies, would kill 50% of the humans given it. Bromelain's MSDS, on the other hand, states the LD50 to be 10,000 mg/kg, or the equivalent 1.5 lbs of bromelain for a 150lb adult, which means it is 3 orders of magnitude safer!

How then, can something as innocuous as the enzyme from the stem/core of a pineapple be superior to a drug that millions of cancers patients over the past 40 years have placed their hopes of recovery on, as well as exchanging billions of dollars for?

There is a well-known effect associated with a wide range of natural compounds called "selective cytotoxicity," whereby they are able to induce programmed cell death (the graceful self-disassembly known as apoptosis) within the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells and tissue unharmed. No FDA-approved chemotherapy drug on the market today has this indispensable property (because chemicals don't have behave like natural compounds), which is why cancer treatment is still in the dark ages, often destroying the quality of life, and accelerating the death of those who undergo it, often unwittingly. When a person dies following conventional cancer treatment it is all too easy to "blame the victim" and simply write that patient's cancer off as "chemo-resistant," or "exceptionally aggressive," when in fact the non-selective nature of the chemotoxic agent is what ultimately lead to their death.

Keep in mind that bromelain, like all natural substances, will never receive FDA drug approval. Capital, at the present time, does not flow into the development of non-patentable (i.e. non-profitable) cancer therapies, even if they work, are safe and extremely affordable. This is simply the nature of the beast. Until we compel our government to utilize our tax dollars to invest in this type of research, there will be no level playing field in cancer treatment, or any treatment offered through the conventional medical establishment, for that matter. Or, some of us may decide to take our health into our own hands, and use the research, already freely available on possible natural cancer treatment, to inform our treatment decisions without the guidance of the modern day equivalent of the "priest" of the body, the conventional oncologist, who increasingly fills the description of an "applied pharmacologist/toxicologist" – nothing more, nothing less.

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Dow Seeks Deregulation of Agent Orange Corn

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Residents of a small West Virginia town near a Monsanto chemical production plant have filed a class action lawsuit against the agri-giant for pollution caused by the decades-long production of 2,4,5-T, a chemical compound that represents about half of the infamous Agent Orange herbicide. At the very same time, the Dow Chemical Company is seeking government deregulation of a new genetically-modified (GM) variety of corn resistant to 2,4-D, the other half of Agent Orange.

Agent Orange is the same herbicide chemical weapon that the US government sprayed over agricultural land in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and that has been banned since the 1970s. Nearly a half million people were killed, and another half million children born with birth defects, as a result of the mass murder sprayings conducted by the US government and military.

But tens of thousands of Americans have also suffered from exposure to Agent Orange chemicals as well, particularly those living in Nitro, WV, where Monsanto had been producing the carcinogenic chemicals for many decades. More than 80,000 local residents are included in a class action lawsuit against Monsanto, which highlights the cancer-causing effects of exposure to 2,4,5-T.

However, while this lawsuit takes shape, the Dow Chemical Company, another purveyor of GMOs and their toxic herbicides and pesticides, is petitioning the government to deregulate a new variety of GM corn known as DAS-40278-9, which has a built-in resistance to 2,4-D. This means, of course, that the company will need to spray 2,4-D on the crops in order for them to grow, which would require the EPA to lift its ban on the chemical.

2,4-D is said to be the less lethal portion of Agent Orange, and yet it is known to cause very serious health problems, including abdominal cavity bleeding and increased mortality in pregnant rats. The chemical is also linked to causing serious birth defects, organ damage, neurological dysfunction, and infertility (…).

With both this and the lawsuit in mind, it is absolutely ludicrous that Dow is now seeking permission to douse the American agricultural landscape in these very same Agent Orange chemicals. Perhaps the company simply thinks nobody is paying attention and that it will quietly get away with this little scheme by keeping it quiet — if so, it is sadly mistaken.

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Natural Remedies To Avoid Depression Without Medical Drugs

by: Tara Green

(NaturalNews) If you live in the upper reaches of the Northern Hemisphere, winter can often mean a seemingly interminable period of cold weather and short days. For many, the lack of sunshine, combined with life stress factors, can lead to depression.

Colloidal Gold


Often people fail to recognize depression for what it is, treating it as a weakness or personality flaw rather than an illness. A "suck it up and get on with it" attitude often keeps people from labeling themselves as depressed, but this approach is counterproductive; failing to treat the disease only prolongs it.

Some of the signs of depression include: difficulty concentrating; persistent sadness or anxiety; inability to experience ordinary pleasure and enjoyment; irritability; change in appetite; ongoing fatigue and feelings of hopelessness. Learn how to cope with dark days naturally, without recourse to pharmaceutical anti-depressants which can cause serious side-effects ranging from nausea to reduced sex drive.

Vitamin D
A depression which recurs annually during the winter, as well as feelings of depression which deepen during this period, are related to lack of vitamin D, which is delivered in its most powerful form through sunshine. Vitamin D increases brain levels of serotonin, which has been called the "happiness hormone." Vitamin D also plays an important role in the body's production of dopamine, a mood-lifting transmitter. One excellent source of vitamin D is fermented cod liver oil; just one teaspoon a day delivers a potent dose of this vitamin. Dietary sources include salmon, sardines and mackerel as well as organ meats and eggs (choose organic sources for maximum health benefit, of course). You may also want to try a vitamin D supplement to ensure that you get your daily dose.

St. John's Wort
This plant has been used as a nerve tonic for centuries. Its name derives from the fact that its bright yellow flowers bloom around June 24, the day when the feast of St. John was celebrated in the medieval era, shortly after the summer solstice. Traditional herbalists have long held that a tincture made from this plant delivers some of the bright solar energy of that time of year. Recent medical research has confirmed its efficacy in treating anxiety as well as moderate depression.

Side-effects and precautions: St. John's wort should not be taken in combination with pharmaceutical anti-depressants. Some studies suggest it may interfere with oral contraceptives. St. John's Wort may increase the effect of sleeping medications and anesthetics. It may cause sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Also, for people suffering from bipolar disorder, taking this herbal remedy may increase mood swings.

Balanced Lifestyle
In addition to taking St. John's wort and vitamin D, take care that your lifestyle remains healthy and active throughout the winter months. Avoid eating too many "comfort foods" as many of these do not travel easily through the digestive tract, leaving the body constipated and with an overall sluggish feeling.

Try not to succumb to the temptation to hibernate through the winter; human bodies are not designed for months of stillness. You can try to develop a better relationship with cold weather by learning a winter sport such as cross-country or downhill skiing, ice-skating or hockey. Or commit to a regular program of indoor exercise, preferably something you enjoy enough that you won't find excuses to avoid it. Try dancing or doing yoga if the prospect of getting on a treadmill fills you with boredom.

Also, take some time to perform emotional self-care. Express your feelings rather than suppressing them, whether by visiting a therapist, writing in a journal or talking with a trusted friend. Re-connect frequently with feelings of happiness, whether watching a funny movie or listening to music that lifts your spirit.

Often people believe they must either deny their emotions or end up drowning in their feelings. Learning to meditate can help provide a balanced path between those two extremes and enable you to feel that you are not at the mercy of your emotions.

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Find Natural Relief For Hepatitis C

by: Marsha Anderson

(NaturalNews) There are approximately 180 million people worldwide that are infected with hepatitis C. Of those with access to conventional treatment approximately 20-50% do not respond to therapy. The likelihood of responding to treatment is largely determined by the genotype of the virus. Genotype 1 is the most common in the United States, and it is also one of the most difficult to treat. The current mainstream standard of care for treatment of hepatitis C can result in many side effects: including flu-like symptoms, nausea, depression, injection site reactions, anemia, fatigue, headache and skin rash. There are a number of natural remedies that are helpful AND their side effects include things such as increased feelings of well being, better digestion, and more energy.

Colloidal Silver
Liver Cleanse

Garlic improves the liver's ability to metabolize and neutralize carcinogens. The sulfur compounds in garlic, the most well known is Allicin, promote the body's detoxifying activities. Laboratory studies have shown garlic to be antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal. Garlic is helpful both raw and cooked, but the most effect for viral control comes from eating it raw. Add it to baked potatoes, sandwiches, salads, and fermented vegetables. Pesto is a common and delicious way to eat more garlic.

Turmeric is an antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antibacterial, and immune system stimulant. It also promotes production and flow of bile, protects against liver damage, reduces cholesterol and relieves arthritis. Turmeric is widely available as a dietary supplement as capsules or tinctures, but it is most economical to buy the spice. Some stores have a bulk bin section for spices, and this is the most cost effective option. One teaspoon is a good serving size, which can be blended into smoothies or simply stirred into a glass of water. Curry is a delicious way to add more turmeric into your diet.

Licorice is an immune system stimulator, and it is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-tumor, and anti-ulcer. Licorice has a long history of use for coughs, colds and ulcers. Scientific studies have reported licorice as a modulator of the immune system: if the immune system is overactive, licorice calms it down; if it's under-active, licorice pumps it up. It increases the number and aggressiveness of white blood cells, stimulates interferon production, and enhances antibody formation. Licorice has a sweet taste well loved by some people. It can be used as a tincture, powder, tea, or capsule. DGL Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice is available as a tasty chewable tablet.

Castor Oil increases circulation, improves lymphatic flow and increases lymphocyte production and activity. A castor oil pack over the liver is effective for reducing inflammation and for relief of pain. It also relieves chronic fluid retention, and congestion in the gallbladder and liver. Castor oil can be effective in preventing the growth of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds. For a Castor oil pack use a cotton or wool flannel cloth folded in several layers and a good quality, cold-pressed oil. Saturate the cloth in oil and apply it to the skin. Put plastic over the pack to keep the oil from dripping, then wrap an old towel around the pack for more protection. A hot water bottle placed over the pack will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. It can be left in place as long as all night. Because of the antimicrobial properties of the oil, the same pack can be used over again many times before discarding.

Herbs for Hepatitis C and the Liver by Stephen Harrod Buhner, 2000 Storey Books

Venture Inward, A.R.E. Membership magazine article by Harvey Grady, July/August 1988

Dr David G Williams complementary Newsletter v6 n1, July 1995

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Fatty Liver Disease – Choline Provides Nutritional Solution For Silent Epidemic

by: Helmut Beierbeck

(NaturalNews) Fatty liver disease used to be associated with alcoholism, but it is no longer restricted to heavy drinkers. Our calorie-rich but nutrient-poor diet has led to an epidemic of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that tracks our rising obesity and diabetes rates (1). Autopsies and ultrasound studies have shown that up to 75% of the obese and 70-85% of type 2 diabetics have fatty livers. And the low-profile but essential nutrient choline appears to provide the solution to the problem (1, 2).

Liver Cleanse

What is NAFLD?

NAFLD develops in two stages (1). In the first stage fat accumulates in the liver. This fat can come from several sources: free fatty acids released into the blood by fat tissue, lipogenesis in the liver from carbohydrates (especially fructose from HFCS or table sugar), and dietary fats carried to the liver by chylomicron remnants. Fatty liver disease is a silent epidemic because its first stage, fat accumulation, generally doesn't produce overt symptoms.

Unfortunately, the accumulated fat can be damaged by reactive oxygen species, especially if there is a lack of fat-soluble antioxidants and an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids vulnerable to lipid peroxidation. Oxidative stress leads to the second stage, an inflammatory response that is made worse by our dietary omega-6 / omega-3 imbalance (3). The end result of the second stage is scarring and potential liver failure or cancer.

The role of choline in NAFLD

A healthy liver prevents the accumulation of fat and its associated complications by packaging excess triglycerides in very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) and releasing them into the blood stream. Making VLDL particles requires phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), a choline-containing phospholipid. A shortage of choline prevents the liver from making VLDLs and delivering its fat stores to the appropriate tissues.

Phosphatidylcholine can be made from the precursor phosphatidylethanolamine; choline is simply ethanolamine with three methyl groups at the nitrogen atom. But ethanolamine has to come from the diet as well, and its conversion to choline additionally requires the amino acid methionine, a methyl group donor. For this reason increasing methionine consumption also improves fatty liver disease.

Organic liver, eggs and wheat germ would be the best dietary sources of choline. But liver does not play a significant role in the North American diet, and egg consumption has decreased because of our cholesterol phobia. Not surprisingly then, nutrition surveys show that most Americans consume far less choline than the recommended Adequate Intakes, 425 mg/day for women and 550 mg/day for men (2).

Choline doesn't just help prevent NAFLD; it is also needed for neurotransmitter synthesis, cell membrane signaling and methyl group metabolism (2). Choline deficiency is therefore a major health hazard. We need to increase consumption of this important nutrient, but judging by the obesity and diabetes trends, society isn't getting any closer to a healthy diet. Supplementation with lecithin is an effective and affordable way to get enough choline.

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Benefit From Castor Oil

by: Marsha Anderson

(NaturalNews) "No drug exists that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the job can easily be handled through the topical application of Castor oil," said Dr David G. Williams. In addition to increasing the flow of lymph, Castor oil can increase lymphocyte production and activity. Topical application of Castor oil through massage or packs has been shown to be an effective remedy for: skin keratosis, ringworm, fungal and bacterial infections, sebaceous cysts, warts, muscle strains and spasms, itching, reducing inflammation, and relief of pain. It can relieve chronic fluid retention, arthritis, gallbladder and liver congestion and can remove mucus in the lungs and bowels. It makes an effective deodorant and can be used around the home for tasks such as lubricating a squeaky juicer. Castor oil should not be used during pregnancy because of the risk of miscarriage.

Castor oil's American revival began with "The Sleeping Prophet," Edgar Cayce. Cayce recommended both oral and topical use in his telepathic health readings. He said that Castor Oil caused a reflux reaction in the ascending colon and that this internal scrubbing moved stagnation along which otherwise could lead to disease conditions. The ascending colon is a common spot for gut trouble possibly because peristalsis needs to push against gravity in this zone.

Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of Ricinus communis, a plant native to India but now known worldwide. The plant is commonly called Palma Christi because of its large "hand shaped" leaves. It`s ironic that a plant known for its many health benefits is also the source of one of the deadliest toxins on earth. The oil is not toxic; all of the deadly portion is left behind in the pulp of the seeds. Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids. Approximately 90% of its fatty acid content is made up of ricinoleic acid, and it is this aspect that is thought to give the oil its remarkable healing abilities. Ricinoleic acid can be effective in preventing the growth of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds.

Max Gerson, as part of his famous natural cure for cancer, prescribed Castor oil by mouth followed by a Castor oil enema (this is contraindicated in a patient, who has undergone chemotherapy, because it releases too much toxicity at one time). The usual oral dose is one tablespoon for adults. It`s excellent for massage or when simply rubbed onto the skin.

For a Castor oil pack you will need a cotton or wool flannel cloth folded in several layers to hold the oil. It`s important to get a good quality, cold-pressed oil. Saturate the cloth in oil and apply it to the skin. Packs are frequently applied to the liver and intestinal areas, or joints and muscles. Plastic should be placed over the pack to keep the oil from dripping. Plastic wrap or a plastic sheet can be used, then wrap an old towel around the pack for more protection. Castor oil will not wash out, so protect the sheets or couch fabric well. A hot water bottle placed over the pack will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. An hour is the usual length of time to leave a pack on, but it can be left in place all night. They can be used every day for weeks at a time, or a less intensive schedule would be three times a week over two weeks. Because of the antimicrobial properties of the oil, the same pack can be used over again many times before discarding. Don`t try to wash the cloth just start over with a fresh piece of fabric.

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Lawmaker Blasts TSA, Warning Travelers About Full Body Scanners

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Regular readers of already know that the expectation of privacy in America has slowly been eroded through a series of laws and court rulings. In the modern era, one of the most egregious and serial violators of privacy has been the Transportation Security Administration.

Radiation Protocol

The only good news in the sorry state of affairs regarding constitutional violations and privacy abuses by the TSA is that with each new indignity the public – and official – outcry has gotten louder. Enter Alaska state Rep. Chris Tuck-D, who has produced a new public service announcement railing against the TSA's full-body scanners and informing constituents and prospective travelers that they can be mad as hell and don't have to take it anymore.

"The TSA installed new body scanners at [Alaska] airports. These machines still allow TSA screeners to see through your clothes," he says in his video, which was posted online at, a daily politics newspaper that covers Congress.

"Air travel safety is appreciated but no one should be humiliated or degraded," Tuck says in the 30-second spot. "If you don't want inappropriate pictures of you or your children taken and stored, or if you're concerned about the possible health affects [of radiation], then all you have to do is ask to opt out."

"It is your right," Tuck said. "Instead, they will pat you down, and if they touch you inappropriately, call the airport police. This is still a free country."

Tuck is only the latest critic of the TSA's procedures, but he joins a growing cadre of critics who have railed against the widespread use of body scanners as an invasion of privacy and a legitimate health concern. The TSA says the machines are safe and that its newest machines will only show generic outlines of human bodies in order to reveal potential terror threats.

The agency also says it will begin relying more on a so-called "risk-based" system, in which travelers are pre-screened and known travelers have an opportunity to receive expedited screening.

But even that will involve providing personal background information to the TSA or some other federal agency. All for exercising your right to freedom of movement and travel.

Tuck, in his video, asserts that "this is still a free country." But is it, as long as one agency can become so powerful as to violate rights and liberties that are supposedly protected by the Constitution?