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Study Shows Selenium May Protect Against Pancreatic Cancer

by: Tara Green

(NaturalNews) High levels of selenium in the body appear to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study published in December 2011 in Gut, the journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology.

Immune Protocol

Pancreatic cancer is particularly lethal. It tends to be diagnosed only in advanced stages and 80% of patients die within a year of diagnosis. Statistics show that only 5% of pancreatic patients are still alive five years after diagnosis. In the US, it is the fourth leading cancer in terms of mortality. For 2011, the National Cancer Institute estimated 44,030 new cases of the disease and 37,660 deaths from this form of cancer.

Nail clippings reveal trace elements
The Gut article was based on a study looking at patients with exocrine pancreatic cancer, the most common form of the disease. An international research team analyzed trace element levels in the toenails of 118 pancreatic cancer patients, comparing them with 399 hospital patients without cancer. Researchers choose this method because nails, especially toenails, are believed to be the most reliable indicators of trace element levels.

Selenium and Nickel Among Non-Cancer Group
Patients without cancer exhibited high levels of selenium in their toenail clippings. Selenium boosts immune system function and reduces inflammation. Previous studies have shown selenium can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach, oily fish like tuna and sardines, molasses, mushrooms and garlic are all good sources of selenium. Levels of selenium can also vary geographically. Produce and livestock grown in regions with a high selenium concentration in the soil contain more of this element.

In addition to the selenium, researchers also found higher levels of nickel among the toenail clippings of the patients who did not have pancreatic cancer. Nickel enables dietary iron absorption and contributes to the development of red blood cells. Good food sources of include lentils, asparagus, oats, mushrooms, beans and pears. Patients with the highest levels of nickel and selenium were between 33 per cent and 95 per cent less likely to have pancreatic cancer compared with those with the lowest levels. The positive influence of selenium and nickel appeared to be unchanged even after researchers accounted for other known risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, and obesity.

Arsenic and Cadmium Among Cancer Group
On the other hand, researchers found high levels of lead, arsenic and cadmium among the cancer group. They determined that high levels of lead were six times more likely to occur among cancer patients than those without cancer. High concentrations of arsenic and cadmium were two to three times more common among the pancreatic cancer sufferers. The high cadmium levels relate to cigarette smoking as this element is present in tobacco. Health experts believe as many as one-third of all pancreatic cancer cases are linked to smoking.

In the Gut article, the researchers wrote "Our results support an increased risk of pancreatic cancer associated with higher levels of cadmium, arsenic and lead, as well as an inverse association with higher levels of selenium and nickel." They suggested that clinical trials directly test selenium as a preventative measure for people at high risk of pancreatic cancer.

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Vitamin D, Cod Liver Oil Effective at Treating Tuberculosis

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) Sometimes the old fashioned ways of treating disease are still the safest and most effective. A recent review of an 1848 study conducted at the former Hospital for Consumption in Chelsea, UK, now known as the Royal Brompton Hospital (RBH), has found that cod liver oil, which is rich in vitamin D, is still an effective treatment for tuberculosis.

Vitamin D3-5


Professor Sir Malcolm Green, who used to work at RBH but has since retired, unearthed the old study which involved over 1,000 patients with tuberculosis, a contagious bacterial infection that can lead to death. One group composed of 542 patients was given standard treatment along with cod liver oil, while another group of 535 patients was given only the standard treatment.

At the conclusion of the study, doctors saw stabilization of the disease in 18 percent of the patients given cod liver oil, while only six percent of those in the control group saw improvement. Thirty-three percent of patients in the control group also ended up dying, compared to only 19 percent of those in the cod liver oil group.

"It could well be that the widespread use of cod liver oil encouraged by doctors played a significant part," in mitigating tuberculosis, said Prof. Green. The steady decline of the disease in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is commonly attributed to improved sanitation and living conditions, but Prof. Green says improved nutrition was also crucial.

"A role for vitamin D in combating tuberculosis gives a rational basis for sunshine therapy, which was widely practiced for patients in sanatoriums before chemotherapy became available, as vitamin D is synthesized in the skin when exposed to the sun," added Prof. Green. "Patients were put out on their beds to lie in the sun in summer and winter, and many were sent to Switzerland and other sunny countries for treatment."

A study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine back in October also confirms that, in order for the immune system to develop the capacity to fight tuberculosis infection, it must have optimal levels of vitamin D. Many patients with tuberculosis who are tested often turn up vitamin D deficient, which suggests that supplementing with vitamin D or getting more sunlight exposure can greatly improve healing capacity.

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BPA May Cause Arrhythmia, Heart Attacks In Women

by: Tara Green

(NaturalNews) Bisphenol A overrides the natural heartbeat signal causing female heart cells to misfire, according to a recent study. Given how pervasive BPA is these days, this could mean heart problems, possibly even fatal ones, for millions of women.

Membrane Complex
Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup

BPA is Everywhere

BPA is ubiquitous in the industrial world: in clear plastic containers, in the epoxy lining of canned foods, in dental sealants, and even coating many store receipts. Studies in the past five years have shown that nearly everyone living in the industrial world encounters at least trace amounts of this compound.

Yet industries using plastics for packaging, as well as some mainstream medical experts, have long assured the public that small concentrations of BPA do not pose a serious health hazard. FDA efforts in reference to BPA have so far been limited to supporting industry self-limitation such as eliminating the compound from products specifically designed for infants and children.

Yet mounting evidence shows that BPA is a health hazard for adults as well as children. Previous studies have demonstrated that adults whose urine reveals high levels of BPA also have higher risk for cardiovascular disease.

New research on BPA and estrogen

In new research, which will be published in the February 2012 issue of Endocrinology, now finds that even low concentrations of BPA can cause heart problems for women because of the way the compound mimics estrogen's effect on the heart.

Researchers, led by Hong-Sheng Wang of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, exposed female heart tissue to levels of BPA similar to what has been reported in humans. The study found that parts-per-trillion concentrations of BPA caused heart-muscle cells to shift their beat from that of the body's central pacemaker. The unsynchronized beating can cause arrhythmia, and possibly trigger sudden cardiac death, says Wang.

In laboratory studies, the researchers observed that both estrogen and BPA cause female heart cells to leak calcium. The research team traces this gender-specific effect to cell-surface the estrogen sensors in the heart. Estrogen sensors seem to operate differently in heart tissue than elsewhere in the body, with changes in cell contraction occurring within two minutes. Wang's team found that both estrogen and BPA can cause arrhythmia even at a dose as low as 0.2 parts per billion. Delivering equal doses of estrogen and BPA together increases the cardiac effect more than a double dose of either substance on its own.

Laura Vandenberg of Tufts University emphasizes the importance Wang's study in demonstrating the dangers of even low levels of BPA. Vandenberg, whose own research has shown that the US population has higher concentrations of BPA levels than Canadians, states that "We need to start pushing for chemical reform," she states.

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Infant Formula Linked To Baby Death

by: Ethan A. Huff

 (NaturalNews) Walmart has voluntarily recalled a batch of Enfamil Newborn powdered formula cans from 3,000 US stores after the substance inside them was linked to causing death in some babies. Though the product in question, which includes 12.5-ounce cans from lot number ZP1K7G, are suspected to be the culprit, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not ordered a recall, and the product's manufacturer, Mead Johnson Nutrition, has refused to disclose whether or not formula cans from the suspected lot were distributed to any other stores besides Walmart.

The Associated Press (AP) reports that Walmart decided to pull the formula after recent newborn Avery Cornett of Lebanon, Missouri, died of a rare bacterial infection caused by Cronobacter sakazakii, which is particularly fatal in children less than one month of age. Back in November, another small child fell deathly ill after being fed a couple different types of powdered baby formula, but that child reportedly recovered.

"We decided it was best to remove the product until we learn more," said Dianna Gee, a spokeswoman from Walmart. The FDA, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Missouri Department of Health (MDH) are all reportedly still investigating the situation to identify the culprit. In the meantime, customers who purchased the suspected formula are merely being urged to return it to stores for a refund if they feel like it, and authorities are acting as if there is no real threat at this point.

To regulators, processed food is always safe, and local family-scale food is always dangerous
Compare this situation to what happened last month to Organic Pastures Dairy (OPD) in California. In case you missed that event, state regulators shut down OPD after discovering a potential, but later disproven, link between OPD raw milk products and several cases of mild E. Coli infection. Even before a single scientific test was conducted, authorities ordered a full recall of all OPD products, and demanded that the company stop selling all raw milk products indefinitely.

It was only after OPD owner Mark McAfee and his thousands of loyal customers began to aggressively challenge the unreasonable quarantine of the dairy's milk products that regulators finally backed off. But for nearly a month, regulators prevented the company from conducting its business, and treated OPD's products as contaminated until proven uncontaminated, or "guilty until proven innocent," if you will.

The potentially-tainted Enfamil product, on the other hand, is being treated as innocent until proven guilty. Children are potentially dying from this product, and yet the FDA, CDC, and other health agencies are allowing it to remain for sale. They are turning a blind eye to Mead Johnson Nutrition playing public relations games with public safety by withholding the names of stores besides Walmart that may also be carrying the product.

The comparison between these two incidents is a clear illustration of the double standard that so-called health authorities approach public safety issues. Processed, factory-scale food products are almost always assumed safe, even when all the evidence is stacked against them, while local, family-scale foods like raw milk are nearly always treated like the black plague.

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Sick Dogs Reports Flooding In As Warning Issued About Chinese Pet Treats

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is still reportedly trying to pinpoint the cause of an illness outbreak affecting an increasing number of dogs all over the country. According to a recent warning issued by the FDA, dog owners need to be aware of the source of their pet treats. Many chicken jerky treats imported from China have been making dogs severely ill.

D Earth
Bentonite Clay

Just a few weeks ago, we reported on 70 known cases of dogs becoming severely ill or dying from chicken jerky treats imported from China. But that number has spiked to more than 350 after the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine issued a new warning to pet owners to beware of the Chinese imported pet treats.

"FDA is advising consumers who choose to feed their dogs chicken jerky products to watch their dogs closely for any or all of the following signs that may occur within hours to days of feeding the products: decreased appetite; decreased activity; vomiting; diarrhea; increased water consumption and/or increased urination," says the FDA warning.

At this point, regulators have been unable to identify a specific brand, or even a specific contaminant, that may be responsible for causing the illness. However, the warning follows several others dating back to 2007 and 2008 when the FDA issued similar warnings about chicken jerky treats that were making dogs ill, an anomaly that remains to be solved.

Many popular pet treats and pet food products are questionable to begin with, as the source of their ingredients are typically undisclosed. Even pet food products manufactured by domestic companies may contain ingredients sourced from other countries, and sometimes contaminants slip in undetected, as was the case in 2006 when Diamond Pet Foods recalled 19 varieties of dog food that was contaminated with aflatoxin.

As an alternative to store-bought food and treats, pet owners may wish to search out local sources of pet food made from farm-fresh ingredients instead. Some local suppliers will carry raw meat products derived from pastured animals, for instance, that are specifically made just for pets.

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) also has a buying guide for pet products that you can use to find trusted sources of quality pet food in your area.

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Prostate Cancer Risk Linked To Diet High In Red and Processed Meats

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer and second most common cause of cancer related death in men in the United States. Nearly one in five men will develop the disease during their lifetime. New research demonstrates that increased consumption of ground beef or processed meat is positively associated with aggressive prostate cancer, according to a study published in the journal PLoS ONE. Researchers found a strong correlation between well cooked, grilled or barbequed red meat and processed meats and the development of prostate cancer. Health-minded individuals will want to severely limit and review cooking methods for red and processed meat consumption to limit this prostate cancer risk factor.

Immune Protocol

The result of a study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), offers solid evidence of a link between aggressive prostate cancer and meat consumption. Scientists found prostate cancer growth is driven largely by consumption of grilled or barbecued red meat, especially when it is well-done. Senior study author, Dr. John Witte set out to explain the result of prior studies and to establish a scientific basis for increased prostate cancer risk with red and processed meat consumption.

Well Cooked Red and Processed Meats Dramatically Increase Prostate Cancer Incidence
Researchers used a cohort of 470 men with aggressive prostate cancer and contrasted them against 512 matched controls that did not have prostate cancer. All the men completed questionnaires that enabled the researchers to assess not only their meat intake for the previous 12 months, but also the type of meat and how it had been prepared. Researchers placed special emphasis on the "doneness level", ranging from rare to well-done.

The study authors used pre-established levels of carcinogens from the National Cancer Institute's CHARRED database, which contains the mutagen content for each type of meat by cooking method and doneness. Compiling the data obtained from the participants allowed the researchers to determine the consumption levels of chemicals that have the potential to transform into cancer-causing compounds including heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The study established the following conclusions:

"Higher consumption of any ground beef or processed meats was positively linked with aggressive prostate cancer, with ground beef showing the strongest association."

"The main driver of this link was intake of grilled or barbecued meat, with more well-done meat tied to a higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer."

"Men who ate high levels of well or very well cooked ground beef had twice the odds of developing aggressive prostate cancer compared to men who ate none."

Dr. Witte and his team were able to make a conclusive link between well cooked and processed meats and incidence of prostate cancer. Of particular importance was the degree of cooking and use of high heat cooking methods that add carcinogens to the surface of the meat. Most health-conscious people avoid regular meat consumption. This study provides further evidence that limiting or eliminating meat from the diet and utilizing proper cooking practices for all types of food can help prevent prostate cancer and many chronic illnesses.

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Local Farms Use Human Waste As Fertilizer

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) It is one of the latest forms of "greenwashing" that has many thinking they are "recycling" solid waste, but the practice of dumping biosolids (which is really just concentrated human waste) on farm fields is a serious environmental detriment.

NBC Philadelphia reports that local residents in Lehigh County, located in eastern Pennsylvania, have been raising an issue with local and state authorities about the use of "granulite," a type of sewage sludge fertilizer made from human waste, on nearby farm fields. The so-called fertilizer has reportedly contaminated groundwater and left a disgusting mess all around town.

"There's a huge difference between using fertilizer and using human feces that's been treated with different chemicals," said local resident Bill Schaffhouser to NBC Philadelphia. "This stuff will end up in the food and meat they eat, the milk they drink, this is a real issue."

By renaming human waste as "biosolids fertilizer," wastewater treatment facilities, public utilities and farm supply companies that sell them apparently think it is safe to apply to farm crops. But in Pennsylvania, residents see it as sewage sludge that is polluting their water supplies, yards, creeks, and neighborhoods.

Back in 2010, the Food Rights Network (FRN) conducted tests on "organic biosolids compost" that the city of San Francisco was distributing to local residents as natural fertilizer. The "compost" was made of sewage sludge, and was determined to contain "appreciable concentrations" of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants; triclosan, a toxic antibacterial agent; and nonylphenol detergent breakdown components; as well as other chemical.

Turning sewage sludge into "fertilizer" may help keep less waste from being dumped in other places, but now much of it is being dumped on the food supply. Human waste, of course, is far different from animal manure gathered on small-scale farms, and applied in small quantities to crops — the former is a toxic biohazard, while the latter is how crops have been fertilized for centuries.

"It's on the streets, it's all through our neighbor's yard, and it's supposed to be regulated but who's regulating it?" asked Schaffhouser. "We've got the chemicals going into the ground, got human feces going into ground (sic) none of it's normal, none of it's natural."

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Fisetin From Fruits and Vegetables Protects From Brain Aging and Cancer

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Fisetin is a unique flavonoid compound found naturally in many fruits and vegetables including strawberries, blueberries and the skin of cucumbers. A wealth of scientific research now explains how a diet packed with raw fruits and vegetables can help prevent amyloid plaque formation in the aging brain and can promote the early destruction of cancer cells by triggering the body's innate immune response. Researchers reporting in the journal Neuroscience Letters found that fisetin is neuro-protective and helps to maintain normal memory processes while inhibiting plaque formation around synapses. The International Journal of Oncology has published the work of Chinese scientists documenting how fisetin promotes the natural death of potentially malignant breast cancer cells. Fisetin is rapidly emerging as a powerful tool in the arsenal against a number of diseases associated with premature aging.

Colloidal Gold

Fruits and vegetables in their natural state are typically packed with polyphenols; these polyphenols are structurally bioactive and target specific areas of the body or help to lower oxidative stress and inflammation that is behind many disease processes. The brain is particularly sensitive to stress from a high rate of metabolism necessary to oxygenate and fuel the sensitive neurons that control memory and cognition.

Fisetin Helps Prevent Inflammation in the Brain to Boost Memory and Cognition
Researchers have found that fisetin operates in a very specific pathway to boost nerve cell glutathione levels and to reduce one of the most damaging free radicals, peroxynitrite. Scientists have determined that the natural compound protects nerve cells from damage during stroke, while at the same time maintaining vital energy production in the brain. Fisetin also prevents excess activation of specialized glial cells in the brain that helps deter inflammatory nerve damage, excitotoxicity, and declining neurological health. And fisetin reduces amyloid beta fiber accumulation to improve memory and thwart cognitive decline.

In a separate body of research, scientists examined the effect of fisetin from dietary and supplemental sources on breast cancer programmed cell death. Cancer cells normally are detected and destroyed by an alert immune system response. Inflammatory messengers such as TNFa (tumor necrosis factor alpha) allow cancer cells to become cloaked and invisible to our immune system, which prevents cancer cell death through the process known as apoptosis. Fisetin negates the damaging effect of TNFa, reducing systemic inflammation and enabling the normal immune response.

Many health-conscious individuals may not be immediately familiar with fisetin, although they already consume therapeutic quantities from their healthy dietary choices.
Nutrition experts recommend including fruits such as strawberries and mangoes as a source of dietary fisetin or supplementing with 50 mg per day to boost memory and high-level brain function and to promote natural cancer cell death.