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FDA Approves New Cancer Drug To Treat Effects From Another Cancer Drug

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new cancer drug that allegedly treats the deadly side effects caused by another popular cancer drug. The new drug, Voraxaze (glucarpidase), is said to expel methotrexate, a commonly prescribed and highly toxic chemotherapy drug, from the body. But Voraxaze comes with its own set of harmful side effects, which shows that approving drugs to treat the side effects of other drugs is an endless, but highly profitable, cycle of toxicity.

Immune Booster Protocol

Methotrexate's known side effects include kidney and liver destruction, skin rashes, mouth sores, damaged intestines, and death. The drug often lingers in the body following cancer treatments, as weakened organs become increasingly incapable of expelling it from the body. So to "fix" this problem, the FDA has decided to approve another drug that it says breaks down methotrexate and eliminates it from the system.

But Voraxaze, which is made from genetically-modified (GM) enzymes, carries with it harmful side effects of its own, including hypertension, arrhythmia, allergic dermatitis, nausea, and vomiting. And these are just the short-term side effects observed among a small clinical trial group of just 290 patients, which is the only trial that has been conducted evaluating the safety of Voraxaze.

Worse, Voraxaze received "fast-track" approval from the FDA based on a single clinical study of just 22 patients, which allegedly evaluated the drug's effectiveness. By all reasonable scientific standards, a single study with this ridiculously small amount of participants can hardly be considered a valid indicator of a drug's efficacy (

Contrast this with mainstream medicine's rejection of at least 24 separate studies, all with much larger sample sizes, that have identified a clear and definitive link between fluoride consumption and disease in recent days. "Further research" is always necessary when the issue involves proving fluoride's toxicity, or proving the benefits of an herbal or dietary supplement. But when a new drug is up for approval, one small, industry-funded study is enough for regulators.

So thousands of cancer patients who become poisoned by methotrexate, which is also used to treat psoriasis and arthritis patients, will also now receive an intravenous dose of GM enzymes that have never been definitively proven either safe or effective. Leave it to the FDA to once again pander to Big Pharma at the expense of public health.

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Studies Confirm Chiropractic Treatment Prevents Heart Attacks

by: JB Bardot

(NaturalNews) The popularity of chiropractic care has grown dramatically since the middle of the 20th century. Although most people seek chiropractic treatment to relieve musculoskeletal pain, certain types of pain may be indicative of the patient experiencing a heart attack just before or during treatment.

Heart Syrup
Membrane Complex

Chiropractors should expect to have at least one presentation of a myocardial infarction, or heart attack, during their careers, according to chiropractor Dr. Dwain M. Daniel. Research indicates that regular chiropractic adjustments may prevent heart attacks, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, relieve chest pain and support the cardiovascular system, according to the Palmer Chiropractic College.

Studies at the College investigated the effects of chiropractic treatment on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in reference to an analysis of heart rate variability. Findings indicated that chiropractic adjustments do reduce pain and lower participant's mean heart rate.

Additionally, adjustments of the atlas, or first cervical vertebra, may stop some heart attacks while they are occurring, according to chiropractor Dr. Christopher Clarke of the Vibrance Family Chiropractic Center in Nashville. If a patient experiences a heart attack during an adjustment, gentle manipulation of the atlas may be appropriate and may alter the outcome; however, other emergency measures must be performed in an attempt to save a patient's life, including transport to the nearest medical facility.

Reducing blood pressure
Chiropractic treatment also has a significant effect on blood pressure and anxiety levels, according to a study reported in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. The study examined systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels and patients' anxiety levels before and after an adjustment. In all cases, those subjects who received active treatment experienced a distinct drop in blood pressure and a decrease of their anxiety levels. Results of this study provide evidence that chiropractic treatment offers support to the cardiovascular system.

Recognizing signs and symptoms
Women are just as likely to have heart attacks as are men; however, women are less likely to seek medical treatment or attend rehabilitation during or after a heart attack, according to the Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association. Because women are more than twice as likely to seek chiropractic care, according to Clarke, it's important to recognize the specific symptoms they may exhibit. Men tend to experience extreme pain and heaviness in the chest and left arm during a heart attack. Although women may also experience these effects, they may exhibit very different symptoms, making a heart attack more difficult to diagnose. Women often complain of neck and upper back pain, which is mild and annoying and often mistaken as a structural problem. They are more likely to be misdiagnosed because of the vagaries of their symptoms.

Other symptoms reported by women during a heart attack can range from chest pain brought on during exercise or other strenuous activity that then feels better during rest. There may be crushing chest pain accompanied by other wandering pains to the rest of the body, vague wandering pains extending down one or both arms, and difficulty breathing with shortness of breath, fatigue or weakness. They may also be fearful, anxious and in denial.

Chiropractic treatment can increase vitality, boost immunity, relieve a variety of musculoskeletal ailments and strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system for both men and women. Patients should always check credentials for any chiropractic doctor before undergoing treatment, especially if they have a history of heart disease or other related disorders. Look for an experienced doctor who performs a thorough exam before attempting any adjustments.


Researching Genetics As An Autism Cause – Attempt To Protect Vaccines

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) It seems that every effort to discount vaccinations as a source of autism has gone into research to prove defective genes as the major culprit. Some epidemiological study based on twins with autism spectrum disorders was done as early as the mid-1970s.

Vaccine And Detox Protocol

Since then, autism has increased 40-fold. All this from a sudden case of bad genes? This coincides nicely with a dramatic increase of early childhood vaccination schedules.The gene theory does not explain how healthy babies suddenly became autistic after undergoing part of an intense series of vaccinations, some shots given with multi-vaccines, at toddler age.

As a matter of fact, there is very little effort to objectively pursue the autism-vaccination connection. Opposition to the gene theories of autism, or gene theories of many diseases, comes from those who consider environmental causes as primary causal factors.

But that opposition is not as funded as the genetic research into autism camp, by $1 billion to $40 million over the past ten years. Many in the environment causal camp point to increased environmental toxins more than vaccines. But at least they disagree with the genes cause all camp.

Flawed study used to divert from the vaccine-autism connection
A recent study used MIR brain scans of three-year-olds with autism spectrum disorders compared to three-year-olds developing normally. They found that the children with autism had slightly larger brains than normal children. Then they concluded that this “proved” there was no case for vaccines as causal.

Huh? Health blogger Heidi Stevenson easily debunked this flaw-filled study and concluded that it made the vaccine-autism link more obvious. The children’s brains enlarged progressively according to the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule.

But the study subjects’ vaccine records were conveniently excluded. Heidi proclaimed the enlarged brains were swollen from inflammation, the type that vaccines can and do cause. Therefore, this study inadvertently supports the vaccine-autism connection.

Naturally, the mainstream press dutifully passed on the study’s press releases that deflect vaccines as having anything to do with autism.

Pursuing the genetic theory gets researchers paid more
The complexity of genetic research for disease creates a great deal of work for a lot of researchers. More work, more money, and keeping busy with what one enjoys. But according to a GreenMedInfo article by Sayer Ji, only one percent of disease is caused by defective genes.

Sayer’s conclusion doesn’t eliminate the gene factor completely. Instead it focuses on how genes react to different environmental toxins, which include toxic vaccines of course. All this money for proving genetics to be the root cause of autism is going into rabbit holes to deflect attention from vaccine connections.

Instead, there should be more focus on what can be done to remedy the autism pandemic. Backing off vaccine schedules and not demonizing vaccine refusal parents would be a good start, as well as not making compliance to those vaccine schedules a prerequisite for pediatric care and school enrollment.

Then funds should be diverted from genes in rabbit holes to exploring the actual cures that already do exist for autism, such as: Homeopathy therapy from a good practitioner, and Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) therapy developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. She created the GAPS protocol by curing her own son from autism.


Discover Silica’s Anti-Aging and Heavy Metal Detox Properties

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The mineral silica (Si) is getting more notice for its important functions. Sometimes called the “beauty mineral” because it improves skin elasticity and hair and nail growth, a few other more important aspects have been explored lately.

D. Earth
Detox Protocol

Silica helps ensure collagen elasticity of all connecting tissues in the body, including tendons and cartilage. This reduces aches and pains and maintains your body’s flexibility. It has also been determined lately that high levels of blood serum silica keep arterial plaque from building and clogging blood vessels.The main culprit for that plaque has recently shifted from cholesterol buildup to calcification from calcium in the blood that is not absorbed as bone matter. It has been known that silica is an important part of building bone matter. Without it, calcium goes elsewhere to potentially calcify in the soft tissue of inner artery walls and the heart.

Silica is vital for keeping strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular system.
This qualifies silica as an essential anti-aging mineral that is much more than skin deep.

Silica for detoxing heavy metals – especially aluminum
Even PubMed acknowledges silicic acid as an antidote for aluminum poisoning and silica as a detox agent for heavy metals. Both brain tissue calcification and aluminum toxicity are linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Now it’s been discovered that silica can be supplemented to help prevent yet another aspect of aging – dementia. Obviously it can also be used as an adjunct with any other Alzheimer’s treatment, such as pure cold pressed coconut oil (

Aluminum (Al) is passed out through the urine when one supplements silica. It seems there’s little danger of taking too much, as long as adequate water is consumed and vitamin B1 and potassium levels are maintained.

There is no shortage of aluminum toxicity in our environment. It’s in cookware, beverage containers, foil, second hand cigarette smoke, cosmetics, sunscreen, chemtrails, and more. For sure, it is in all vaccines. Injecting aluminum bypasses the normal route of eliminating it.

Aluminum accumulates in tissue that doesn’t have a rapid cellular turnover. The slow turnover tissues are contained in bone matter, the heart and the brain. The brain and its associated nervous system is where diseases such as Parkinson’s, MS, chronic fatigue and other neurological or auto-immune diseases manifest.

Dr. Chris Exley, PhD, has dedicated almost two decades of his scientific life to researching aluminum toxicity. He calls the period of time from the early 20th Century to now the “Age of Aluminum.” Before then, aluminum remained in the ground and hadn’t yet been mined. Exley claims mining aluminum and using it in so many ways corresponds to the marked increase of neurological diseases.

He recommended a couple of pricey mineral waters high in silica that better health food stores carry (Video source below, Exley lecture). He claimed positive results occurred with vaccine injured children drinking these waters, but there are other good less pricey silica sources as well.

Silica sources
Horsetail is an excellent and inexpensive herbal source of silica. Horsetail has been around for centuries, and mostly forgotten until recent research attention uncovered more attributes. Until then, horsetail was used mostly as a diuretic or treatment for kidney stones.

Anything for which silica is useful will benefit from horsetail. And there are supplements that are formulated for silica intake that you may want to look into. Foods that help keep your silica levels high are: Unrefined whole grains such as rye, barley, oats, and wheat. Alfalfa sprouts nuts, and other seeds will boost your silica levels.

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Big Pharma May Face Consequences of DES-Breast Cancer Link In Court

by: Tara Green

(NaturalNews) The first-ever lawsuit hinging on the link between DES and breast cancer may soon come to court in Boston. Fifty-three DES daughters are attempting to sue 14 drug manufacturers for the health consequences of one of the pharmaceutical industry's more notorious products.

Immune Booster Protocol

Big Pharma trying to avoid lawsuit
The synthetic estrogen DES or diethylstilbestrol (day-eth-uhl-stil-bes'-trawl) was prescribed to millions of pregnant women from 1938 until 1971 to prevent miscarriages. In 1971, the FDA told doctors to stop prescribing the drug for pregnant women after a study indicated the pharmaceutical hormone broke through the uterine barrier and had an impact on children later in life. DES taken during pregnancy is linked to DES daughters developing a rare vaginal cancer in their teens and 20s. Since the early 70s, thousands of lawsuits have been filed regarding links between DES and cancers, as well as infertility problems. Many of those cases were settled out of court.

The Boston case is the first one to focus on the link between DES and breast cancer in DES daughters over the age of 40. Lawyers for the women suing the pharmaceutical firms are citing a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in October 2011 which says DES daughters over age 40 have double the normal the risk of developing breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute study put the chance for DES daughters at 1 in 25, compared to a 1 in 50 chance for the average woman.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs say that DES drug manufacturing companies such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly knew of the DES risks but suppressed the information. "This drug, DES, was the biggest human experiment of quackery in the history of medicine," said Aaron Levine, the attorney who filed the Boston lawsuit.

The drug companies deny the DES-breast cancer link. Eli Lilly's most recent annual report stated "We believe these claims are without merit and are prepared to defend against them vigorously." Drug companies state that the recent study is not conclusive and that there is no general acceptance in the medical community that fetal exposure to DES causes breast cancer. Lawyers for the pharmaceutical firms are moving for the case to be dismissed, arguing that the plaintiffs side is not scientifically reliable.

The judge in the case has heard testimony from experts on both sides. Final arguments on whether or not the case will go to trial are scheduled for January 19, 2012. Depending on whether the case goes to court and how it is decided, it may lead to similar cases by other DES daughters diagnosed with breast cancer.

Lingering health consequences of DES
Several of the DES daughters involved in the case say that, due to their knowledge of their mothers taking the drug while carrying them, they were extremely vigilant in regard to their health. They exercised, ate low fat diets, received the frequent screenings recommended by their doctors and avoided exposure to known risk factors such as birth control pills.

Yet they not only developed breast cancer, but in many cases, particularly fast-spreading versions of the cancer. One of the plaintiffs in the case, Arline MacCormack of Newton, Massachusetts, stated "The characteristics of my cancer were for women over 60 typically. It wasn't the type of cancer a 40-year-old or a 44-year-old woman gets." Another of the plaintiffs, Jackie White of Centerburg, Ohio, said she became suspicious that DES caused her cancer after seeing the high estrogen levels in her pathology reports.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fact sheet on DES and breast cancer makes note of the research linking the two. The federal agency's information sheet states "Studies have shown a 30 percent increased risk for breast cancer among women prescribed DES while pregnant than among women who weren't prescribed DES." The CDC also notes the recent National Cancer Institute research on DES daughters and while acknowledging that "findings of the study are not definitive," the agency recommends early detection of breast cancer for women exposed to DES.

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In Praise of the Prickly Pear: Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine

by: Marsha Anderson

(NaturalNews) The Prickly Pear cactus is a common sight in the American West and Mexico. The plant is native to Mexico but has been introduced to many other parts of the globe. In the genus Opuntia it's also know as nopales, paddle cactus, beavertail or tuna. There are about 200 species in this genus, they're all edible and most of them are palatable.

Natural Remedies

Prickly pears grow with flat, rounded pads called cladodes or platyclades that are armed with two kinds of spines: large, smooth, fixed spines and small, hairlike ones called glochids that easily detach from the plant and penetrate the skin. Native Americans would roll the fruit around in sand or dirt to wear off the glochids. Rotating the fruit and pads in the flame of a campfire or torch has also been used to remove the spines.

Medicinal uses
The same quality that make the cactus absorb and hold every last drop of water in the desert also makes them helpful in medicinal uses. The mucopolysaccharide gel in Prickly Pear flesh is strongly hydrophilic. The pads can be used as a drawing poultice for wounds and inflammation. Excess body fluids are absorbed osmotically through the skin and into the cactus. A small piece of cactus placed in the mouth against the gums works by the same principal to reduce inflammation and heal mouth sores. Cactus can soften and heal skin fissures. It has been used to stop the pain of bites and burns.

Early Americans used cactus pads as a splint by toasting off the spines, splitting the pads and tying them around a broken bone. Consuming cactus pads and fruit has been shown to be effective in reducing blood sugar in cases of diabetes. Interestingly, if blood sugar is normal eating cactus shows no change in this measurement. Cactus will lower low density (or 'lousy') cholesterol, but has no effect on high density ('healthy') cholesterol. It has also been shown to lower triglycerides. Drinking cactus juice or slurry is effective in reducing the pain of bladder inflammation but it does not affect any bacteria that might be present in an infection. The gel-like sap can be used as a hair conditioner.

It's all edible
Native Americans used the entire plant (roots, pads, flowers, fruit and seeds) for food. Cactus pads that have the spines removed can be substituted in any recipe calling for green beans. The fruits can be pressed in a press type juicer or blended either with or without the peel (spines removed) in a high speed blender to make a slurry. The slurry, juice and fillets will last for about a week in the refrigerator.

Nopales Salad
1 lb of cleaned, diced and cooked cactus pads, boil, drain and rinse (or buy one jar)
1 small onion
2 tomatoes
2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro
1 small jalapeno pepper
2 tablespoons of olive oil
juice of one lime

Chop vegetables and add all ingredients to a bowl and refrigerate for a time to give the flavors a chance to blend together.

Sources for this article include:

Edible and Useful Plants of California by Charlotte Bringle Clarke, University of California Press

Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West by Michael Moore, Museum of New Mexico Press

Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West by Margarita Artschwager Kay, The University of Arizona Press

Health & Freedom

Urge Your Congressmen To Co-sponsor HR 1830 and Restore Raw Milk Rights

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) For 15 years, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been overstepping its regulatory bounds by restricting individuals from buying and selling — or even just transporting — raw milk across state lines. But legislation authored by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) will undo this form of food tyranny, if passed, by once again establishing freedom of food choice for millions of Americans that currently do not have access to raw milk.

One of the foundational principles upon which any free society is built on is the fundamental human right to grow, eat, buy, and sell the food of one's choice. But this freedom stops, at least in most parts of the country, when raw milk comes into the picture, as 15 states currently prohibit the sale of raw milk for human consumption, and another 19 restrict it to on-farm or herd-share forms of distribution only (

Up until 1987, there were no restrictions on the interstate sale and trade of raw milk, which meant that raw milk lovers who lived in a prohibited state could have it shipped in from a nearby legal state. But all that changed when the FDA decided that Americans no longer had the right to carry raw milk across state lines, or to transport it to other people across state lines, a position that the agency has gotten increasingly aggressive in enforcing in recent years (

Last May, Rep. Paul announced House Resolution 1830 (HR 1830), also known as the Unpasteurized Milk Bill. This bill simply states that it will "authorize the interstate traffic of unpasteurized milk and milk products that are packaged for direct human consumption" (

Since being unveiled, the bill has received three additional cosponsors — Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Cal.), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), and Rep. Timothy Walberg (R-Mich.). And the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), a pro-food freedom group, is asking everyone in the health community to move the bill along by contacting their Congressmen and urging support for HR 1830.

FTCLDF has created an "Action Alert" page with two simple steps you can take right now to stop the FDA from continuing to hold captive our food freedom. The first action item is to call your Congressmen and urge them to cosponsor HR 1830. FTCLDF has even created a sample message you say over the phone:

The second action item is an online petition that will send a fax to your local representatives, state senators, and local newspapers, urging support for HR 1830. You can access that petition here:

Sources for this article include:


Health & Freedom

Raw Milk: Good Enough For Queen Elizabeth, But Prohibited For Canadians

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Finding access to raw milk is difficult in many parts of the US, but the situation is even worse in Canada where national law prohibits the sale of raw milk anywhere in the country. Few people realize, however, that Queen Elizabeth and her two sons drink this supposedly "dangerous" food item, as do nearly all Canadian farmers surveyed in a 2010 study published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine.

A writeup on raw milk published in The Globe and Mail back in 2010 explains that Queen Elizabeth personally drinks raw milk, and that when her grandsons Harry and William were students at Eton College, she went out of her way to smuggle it in for them as well. The Queen apparently recognizes some value in raw milk beyond what health authorities are willing to admit.

On the same token, nearly 90 percent of more than 2,100 Canadian farmers who sell their milk to the country's government-run dairy cartel revealed that they siphon off raw milk from their own cows to feed to their families before it gets shipped off for homogenization and pasteurization. Like the queen, these farmers are apparently unswayed by the pseudoscientific nonsense about the so-called dangers of raw milk.

And yet ordinary Canadians continue to be deprived of their freedom of choice in choosing what type of milk to drink. Those with lactose intolerance, for instance, are forced to simply stop drinking milk, as only raw milk contains the lactase enzyme that properly breaks down and digests lactose in the system. The process of pasteurization destroys lactase and all other enzymes, which makes it difficult for many to digest.

Like the US, Canada has had its share of government raids and tyranny against those that even just try to set up herd shares, which allow individuals to purchase shares in a cow or goat, and access the milk. Back in 2010, for instance, the Supreme Court of British Columbia issued an injunction against dairy farmer Alice Jongerden for boarding other people's cows, and forced her to basically stop milking the cows altogether, which is a form of animal abuse (

But the fact that both Queen Elizabeth and thousands of Canadian dairy farmers drink raw milk proves that milk can be produced and consumed safely in raw form. It also represents a blatant double standard, where only the "elite" are privileged enough to make their own food choices, while everyone else is subjected to erroneous and arbitrary restrictions on a wholesome food item that has been consumed safely for centuries, long before tyrannical governments came along and prohibited it.

Health & Freedom

Yes, The War For The Internet Has Begun

by Anthony Wile

By now, people who use the Internet seriously, and even plenty who don't, are aware of the arrest of six-foot-seven, 300-pound Kim Dotcom, an outsize figure in the business of facilitating Internet downloads.

The problem with his company, Megauploads, according to the US Justice Department and the FBI that carried out the arrest, is that his brainchild allowed users to traffic in "stolen" – copyrighted – entertainment on which no royalties had been paid.

In this article, I'll comment on the arrest of Kim Dotcom and try to show how this one action is actually the beginning of an entirely new phase of what we may call the Internet Wars.

I'm not the first to notice this. As Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones, of Infowars fame, pointed out in an article posted today entitled "The Great Internet Wars Have Begun," we wake up to an entirely new Internet era this weekend.

Yes, a war has been joined and human history shall never be the same. For one thing, the outcome is NOT certain – and the power elite that seeks to control and constrain the Internet may yet end up taking a step back – at least in these early rounds, anyway.

For another, the directed history that the Anglosphere power elite has been so clever at inculcating over the past century is gradually fading away. That's perhaps an even more important point. The Dotcom arrest actually reinforces this observation, as I'll try to show in a moment.

There is no doubt, in my view, that the elites practiced directed history in the 20th century, setting up wars and economic catastrophes designed to consolidate world government. But in the 21st century, with so many understanding and evaluating the mechanisms of the elites, this is a considerably harder trick to pull off.

The elites actually have a limited playbook when it comes to influencing the larger society, though that is not intended to downplay its power. The elites use what we call dominant social themes – fear-based promotions – that are designed to frighten middle classes into giving up wealth and power to specially prepared globalist institutions like the UN, IMF, etc.

The other "tools" in the toolkit include war and a pervasive societal matrix of sociopolitical, economic, religious and military elements. The matrix itself was seamless in the late 20th century – for most Western citizens anyway – and allowed the power elite to advance its fear-based promotions without fear of contradiction.

Say, for instance, the elites wanted to promote global warming – in order to create a kind of "carbon currency" that they could control and trade at will. In order to do this, the elites would have to proclaim the threat, back it up with scientific studies and then legislate a response to the supposed threat.

This is something that actually took place. The Anglosphere elites used their control of the scientific establishment to proclaim a phony hypothesis and then planted specially placed "scientists" at critical choke points to further control the dialogue.

It turns out that it doesn't take very many people to control a given conversation or promote a certain campaign. In this case, by generating a cadre of global warming sycophants and putting them in charge of one of only a few "global warming" scientific journals, the elites could virtually create a scientific consensus where none existed.

Once the elites had manufactured a phony global warming meme via "peer approved" articles in complaisant journals, the elite-controlled media was turned loose to trumpet the supposed findings. And once the articles were written, elite-controlled UN agencies created white papers from them that could be used as calls-for-action.

These white papers were in turn picked up by elite-funded NGOs that began to foment full-fledged socio-political campaigns to "crack down" on global warming "polluters." Vast UN conferences filled by elite-proxies (hand-picked politicians) were organized as well to agitate for worldwide legislation to "control" global warming.

Of course, all of this takes a phenomenal amount of money, but money is no object to the Anglosphere elite that controls more than 100 central banks around the world and funds their campaign for a New World Order by printing endless amounts of money-from-nothing.

The entire process I've just described amounts to a vast echo chamber in which each element of the Anglosphere's controlled promotional mechanism plays a given part. There is a scientific consensus that then creates "news" for the media, which in turn galvanizes "action" on the part of specially selected politicians.

And gradually a "consensus" is reached, laws are written and public education textbooks promote the necessity of this directed history to a new generation of tots who have no idea of how manipulated they are – or their world.

Every part of this painstakingly created matrix has been virtually shattered in the 21st century. Again, we can see the result by observing the global warming meme itself. Not only was it put in doubt by the Internet – the one avenue of communication that the elites do not control – but it was virtually blown up by email leaks.

These email leaks are among the most extraordinary in human history. And, no, that's not too strong a statement! They show quite clearly how a tiny group of rogue scientific operatives can virtually control an entire academic dialogue over time simply by the proper positioning.

The ramifications of these emails have yet to be felt because the mainstream media has refused to place them in their proper context. But they are among the most incendiary communications ever leaked, as a proper reading of them will confirm virtually everything I have just discussed above.

Again, it is the Internet – as we've been predicting here at the Daily Bell and other publications for about a decade now – that made the difference. The global warming promotion is in disarray as I write this article, and the reason is because REAL information was disseminated via untraditional channels.

The Internet is what the elites need to destroy – or at least control – as soon as possible. Without control of the Internet, tens of trillions of sunk costs in building this vast matrix of complaisant scientists, academics, media moguls and corporate, military and religious chiefs is rendered virtually useless.

And this is why Alex Jones and others write that the war has now been fully joined. And it has. Again, we turn to history for confirmation of this precedent. When one probes history, even rudimentarily, the parallels between what is going on today and what took place after the invention of the Gutenberg Press could not be clearer.

Just yesterday, in an article entitled "Internet Piracy – Who Are the Thieves?," we pointed out that copyright laws were developed by royalty hundreds of years ago to counteract the spread of information (in books) after the invention of the Gutenberg Press.

The same tactics that applied then are being applied now. War, authoritarian legislation and copyright infringement are all tools of this particular elite that we have been saddled with.

This is simply historical fact and those who wish to argue otherwise are going to have to shift a heavy load of evidence.

As pointed out above, the one-world conspiracy that seemingly has occupied the Anglosphere elite's attention over the past 100-300 years uses a limited toolkit. What was developed hundreds of years ago to counteract the first "real" information revolution is being rolled out once again.

It is not easy to control millions and billions of people. Only the bluntest of instruments will do. War is perhaps the most useful tool – and indeed, after the advent of the Gutenberg Press wars like the so-called Peasant War spread across the whole of Europe and Britain.

There were other tools employed as well, especially false-flag events that were designed to vitiate one elite power base or another. The Catholic Church was split apart by Martin Luther and then the Protestant Reformation was further advanced by John Calvin. Some have speculated that WikiLeaks and its leaders perform the same sorts of services for the elites today.

The copyright issue is an interesting one because much of what the elites tried to do to stop books from circulating was not a success. Gradually, the idea of copyright took hold but it was not accomplished overnight, and even today copyright is an unwieldy tool for the elites to manage. That doesn't mean they won't try.

Both patents and copyrights are questionable inventions. The idea of trying to codify and "own" intellectual property is inherently controversial. Libertarians have been arguing for a long time that intellectual property – being insubstantial – is inherently un-ownable.

More and more this seems to us a bit like counting the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin. In fact, this argument need not be made to discover a satisfactory solution to the problem of intellectual property.

What's the solution? Why, to PRIVATIZE Western "justice." For almost all of human history, private justice was an observed and honored tradition. Duels, vendettas and other forms of private-justice interaction were developed not to USE but to forestall the need for such use.

Private justice, in the best sense, was dispensed either by face-to-face meetings resulting in settlements that might include compensation or via third-party judgments accepted by both sides. It had little impact on daily events, even within families, because it did not include incarceration.

In fact, the vast Gulags built throughout the world in the 20th century would have been thought insane by many societies of the past. But then, these societies did not have the advantage of central banking and the ability to print money-from-nothing, which has fueled most current Western absurdities and genocidal wars of late.

As central banking subsides, as it will, the modern police state will deflate as well. It seems inevitable to us. The current system, in addition to being inhuman, is unsustainable. Without fanfare (perhaps for good reason) the US's FBI alone operates in something like 100 jurisdictions around the world now. These days, almost every country has elaborate agreements in place guaranteeing that it will turn over other countries' citizens for arrest.

What this has done, in point of fact, is put Western law enforcement agencies into bed with some of the most loathsome dictators and regimes in the world. If, say, China wants the return of a "criminal" (a dissident), the host country is almost duty-bound to comply.

This just happened in Canada a few months ago, where Canadian authorities shipped a freedom activist back to China because the treaties called for the cooperation.

These treaties are no accident in my view. They've been worked out painstakingly over the past 50 years or so at the insistence, most probably, of the Anglosphere-driven West. It is apparently the Anglosphere that wants this seamless web of treaties in force so that it can pursue a one-world government without the inconvenience of activists who might offer alternative points of view.

This is one reason, I would think, why Kim Dotcom was arrested by 70 agents in New Zealand the other day over a copyright infringement and how Western law enforcement had the wherewithal to confiscate and otherwise destroy a world-spanning company in a single 24-hour period.

It's not right, of course. As we pointed out yesterday, the US Justice Department virtually destroyed a company based on a judicial theory that may prove untenable in court. The idea that a vendor – Megaupload – is responsible for its users is inherently questionable. Are car companies responsible for their drivers? Are lawnmower builders responsible for the state of their clients front yards?

Nonetheless, Kim Dotcom sits in prison (unless he has already been bailed out) and Western media has been gleefully listing the expensive cars that were confiscated from him and how he was removed – by force – from his "panic room" in his large, rented mansion.

This was the question we asked yesterday: Where is it written that Hollywood has the right to utilize the full force of the US Justice Dept. to destroy someone's corporation and personal life in ADVANCE of any sort of trial, or even a HEARING.

It seems almost like a kind of thuggery. And the motion picture industry's brand new, glittery spokesman Chris Dodd didn't do himself any favors with this quote (via Fox) regarding the larger copyright situation:

Candidly, those who count on quote 'Hollywood' for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who's going to stand up for them when their job is at stake. Don't ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don't pay any attention to me when my job is at stake … I would caution people – don't make the assumption that because the quote 'Hollywood community' has been historically supportive of Democrats, which they have, don't make the false assumptions this year that because we did it in years past, we will do it this year… These issues before us – this is the only issue that goes right to the heart of this industry.

Dodd couldn't have been more clear. Like an old-style Mafia don, he's warning politicians that if they want donations they have to do his bidding. This is not just a stupid statement; it probably expresses a number of potential illegalities. Nonetheless, he is quoted as having said it.

The FBI raid, the ludicrous celebratory articles in mainstream publications about Kim Dotcom's ruin, the general sense that the US Justice Department has dismantled an entire corporation based on a shaky judicial theory – all this is a declaration of a kind of war, if not on the Inernet itself then on certain people who want to use the Internet in certain ways.

But, of course, at root it is not HOLLYWOOD that has declared war but Hollywood's masters, the Anglosphere power elite that wants to create a New World Order and is determined to tame the Internet in order to do so.

Hollywood is merely a spinner of memes – a purveyor of the elite's dominant social themes. But it is the Internet that is blowing them up as fast as they can be produced. This is something that cannot be tolerated.

The trouble – and it IS a problem – is that history shows us that copyright and even patent law are clumsy instruments with which to combat the truth-telling of a particular information facility. People generally – in groups – tend to use a technology to its fullest extent.

A battle has been joined, much as it was joined after the advent of the Gutenberg Press. But it is one that the elites had trouble finishing, and they only fully regained control of the conversation in my view in the 20th century. And now they have to do it all over again.

Featured Articles

Coconut Oil Touted As Alzheimer’s Remedy

Pat Robertson, the commentator for CBN News 700 Club, reports that coconut oil can ease Alzheimer’s disease. An estimated 5.4 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and that number is expected to increase exponentially as baby boomer generation enters their golden years. “But for some people, coconut oil has proven to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and may even prevent it,” says Robertson.

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One of those people is Steve Newport, whose Alzheimer’s has slowed considerably. Some of his symptoms have even reversed, thanks to the unlikely treatment prescribed by his wife, Dr. Mary Newport, a physician who runs a neonatology ward at a Tampa, Fla., hospital. Dr. Newport became determined to help her husband after neurology tests showed her husband was entering the severe stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a long, slow process that takes at least 10 or 20 years to develop before symptoms start to show. Recent research has revealed that Alzheimer’s is a form of diabetes caused by insulin resistance in the brain. It is now referred to as type 3 diabetes. Insulin resistance prevents brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, the brain cells eventually die. But there is an alternative fuel — ketones, which brain cells easily accept. Ketones are metabolized in the liver after eating medium chain triglycerides, found in coconut oil. Dr. Newport added coconut oil to Steve’s diet. He showed almost immediate improvement. Over the course of a year Steve Newport has gone from being on the verge of sever Alzheimer’s to now being diagnosed as a mild case and has regained much of the cognitive skills and memory he had once lost.

Some people are afraid to eat coconut oil because they think it’s bad for the heart. “But it’s actually very healthy,” says Dr. Beverly Teter, a lipid biochemist researcher at the University of Maryland and an expert in the area of dietary fat. “Years ago, coconut oil was criticized for raising cholesterol. But scientists have since learned there are two kinds of cholesterol — LDL, the bad kind, and HDL, which is very good for you. HDL, the good cholesterol, is the kind that coconut oil raises. So they put out the message that it increased serum cholesterol,” Teter explains. “But the truth of the matter is, it was helping the profile of the serum cholesterol. That never has been corrected in the public press, and I think that’s the reason people have misconceptions about it.”

 Teter said the way it helps the brains of Alzheimer’s patients can even be extended to people with Parkinson’s disease, ALS, epilepsy, dementia, even schizophrenia and autism. “Coconut oil also kills bacteria, making it a natural antibiotic without the negative side effects,” Teter says.  “Because of that, it also helps defend against viruses like HIV and herpes. The coconut oil tends to keep the bacteria down so that if you’re assaulted with a virus, your immune system can concentrate on the virus. It doesn’t have to concentrate on 27 other bacteria that day.”