Month: January 2012
by: Ethan A. Huff
(NaturalNews) Some of the most deranged and sociopathic individuals on the planet hold respected positions of authority in medicine and at institutions of higher learning, and a recent journal article in the American Medical Association (AMA)'s Journal of Ethics serves as a reminder of this disturbing reality. In the article, two doctors from Oxford University in the UK advocate forcibly injecting individuals with experimental vaccines "for the greater good of society."
Colloidal Silver
Vaccine Protocol
The totalitarian viewpoint of Sheehy and Meyer, both of whom are members of the UK's Royal College of Physicians, is nothing short of frightening. That any human being is capable of convincing himself that forcibly injecting another human being with chemicals, live viral components, and other toxins is a good idea, is a shocking anomaly in and of itself. But this scenario becomes especially disturbing when those in positions of power adopt this psychopathic viewpoint.
Clearly stated in their paper, Sheehy and Meyer believe mandatory participation in vaccine trials is no different than requiring individuals to serve on jury duty, for instance, or to serve in the military. They also believe that forcing people to take experimental vaccines, even when such vaccines come with obvious "inherent risks," is an individual's required duty to give back to society.
Perhaps the most disturbing element of the paper, though, is its suggestion that "increas[ing] the severity" of diseases will help to facilitate "compulsory recruitment" into experimental vaccine trials. Deliberately creating more deadly strains of disease in order to scare people into vaccine programs, in other words, is apparently considered to be a valid approach by Sheehy and Meyer, whose passionate worship of vaccines have led them to such a preposterous notion.
A little bit of history on vaccine trials — it was revealed back in 2008 that at least 14 Argentinian children died as part of an experimental vaccine trial conducted by British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline ($1m-over-tests-that-killed-14–babies). Also in 2008, 21 homeless individuals in Poland died during an avian flu vaccine experiment (
(NaturalNews) One ingredient found in many of today's green super-food formulas is red beet root powder, which is made from dehydrated beets and then ground into a powder. Although the benefits of beets are not often shouted through the rooftops, red beet roots and beet juice have a storehouse of plant-sourced nutrients and a tremendous amount of healing potential. Beets are a very good source of dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, and folate. Beets are also a good source of Vitamin C, zinc, copper, and iron. Beets contain polyphenols and betalains, which are getting quite a bit of medical attention as important natural antioxidants. Beets have been clinically proven to support liver function in rats. Recent clinical research suggests that beets and beet juice are useful in healing a variety of degenerative conditions.
Research over the past ten years is increasingly documenting the importance of polyphenols in the human diet. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, polyphenols, a type of antioxidants, are clinically proven to prevent cardiovascular disease in humans. Positive results from animal studies suggest that polyphenols would be beneficial in cancer, osteoporosis, and neurodegenerative disease cases. This is because polyphenols go beyond the action against oxidative stress that most antioxidants perform.
Betalains are also getting more attention within the scientific community. Betalains were "discovered" in 2001 as a class of antioxidants found most prevalently in red beets. A relatively low daily dose of betanin, 300 mL (one and a quarter cups) from red beet juice has been clinically demonstrated to be enough to reverse the effects of free radical damage and oxidative stress in humans. Medical researchers are optimisticaly suggesting that beets and beet juice may be a useful healing therapy for a variety of degenerative diseases.
Our mothers were right – beets are good for us
Beets contain a high concentration of polyphenols and betalains. Eating a diet rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants before undergoing any type of surgery has been proven to reduce post-operative complications, according to a study published in a 2007 issue of Nutrition. In this experiment, red beets were added to the regular diet of rats. Low blood pressure was induced for forty-five minutes to the point where liver cells were damaged. While in this state, a variety of liver tests were performed, then the rats were allowed to recover. In the group of rats who were fed beets, the liver antioxidant levels were significantly increased, as was the levels of copper and zinc. The researchers concluded that a diet high in natural antioxidants, such as those contained in red beets and beet juice, help liver cells heal faster after surgery.
Sources for this article include:
Self Nutrition, "Beets, raw"
The American Journal of Clinical "Polyphenols: antioxidants and beyond," Augustin Scalbert, et al. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2005: 81(1); 215S- 217S. "Liver-protecting effects of table beet (Beta vulgaris var. rubra) during ischemia-reperfusion," L. Vail, et al. Nutrition, February 2007; 23(2): 172-8. "Betalains- a new class of dietary cationized antioxidants," J. Kanner, et al. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, November 2001; 49(11): 5178-85.
Learn more:
by: Dr. David Jockers
(NaturalNews) The human body was designed very efficiently for times of scarcity and stress. Food scarcity was a common reality and the body has developed specific pathways to be very efficient in times of fasting. In times of stress, for survival purposes we adapted a fight or flight mode that forces us to work our bodies at a very high-intensity for a relatively short period of time. The combination of intermittent fasting and high intensity exercise promotes hormones that improve tissue healing and metabolic processes.
Fasting allows our body to go into a catabolic (tissue breakdown) period without promoting inflammatory conditions. This enables the bodily resources to eliminate older, damaged cells and replace them with stronger cellular components.
High intensity movement is a way of life
High intensity exercise was a necessity of life for our ancestors as they chased down and killed animals for food. Many cultures battled with other cultures regularly. The fight or flight lifestyle was quite evident and it was almost always at 90-100% of maximal intensity. Anything less than this could quite often lead to death or starvation.
This way of life led to a lean and incredibly strong body. Most men had body fat under 10% while women typically ranged between 10-20%. They were also able to produce incredible muscular forces to overcome obstacles with their battle-trained bodies.
To have high-quality of life in the 21st century, we must understand and work in harmony with our bodies' primitive past. Intermittent fasting and high-intensity, short durational exercise are genetic requirements that help our bodies thrive, adapt and evolve with better survival characteristics. This includes a strong fit muscular system, a titanium immune system and an efficient digestive tract.
Fasting and fitness boost human growth hormone
Intermittent fasting for periods ranging from 12-24 hours along with high intensity exercise has a positive effect on boosting human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is a very important protein-based hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. HGH enhances the cellular repair processes that allow us to age with grace. HGH regulates metabolism to burn fat, build muscle, and slow down the negative effects of stress.
Researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found that men who had fasted for 24 hours had a 2000% increase in circulating HGH. Women who were tested had a 1300% increase in HGH.
A 2009 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that lactic acid accumulation helps to trigger HGH. Lactic acid is only produced in response to intense anaerobic training. Aerobic training is not intense enough to produce the kind of lactate triggering of HGH.
Low-intensity, long duration aerobic training is catabolic in nature. This means that it produces lots of free radicals without promoting significant amounts of repair peptides, enzymes and hormones. The net effect is a wearing down of bodily resources.
High-intensity training also produces free radicals but it triggers an abundance of repair peptides, enzymes and hormones to be released. The net effect of this is healthy tissue repair and favorable effects on body composition and anti-aging qualities.
by: John Phillip
(NaturalNews) Researchers reporting in the prestigious journal, Neurology have found that proper diet and specific nutrients can lower the risk of brain shrinkage by nearly forty percent. Other lifestyle factors including degree of education and elevated blood pressure combined with a healthy diet can slash brain shrinkage risk in half. Shrinking brain volume is very closely associated with the development of many forms of dementia including the most devastating affliction, Alzheimer's disease. In addition to following weight management practices including calorie restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON), middle and advanced aging adults will want to ensure they consume a diet packed with marine derived Omega-3 fats and vitamins B, C, D and E to dramatically lower the risk of reduced brain volume, memory loss and risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Key vitamins and marine derived fats slow brain shrinkage and cognitive decline
An analysis of the results found that the participants ate an otherwise healthy diet, yet 25% were lacking in vitamin D and 7% were deficient in vitamin B12. Dr. Bowman noted that the results showed a significant amount of the variation in brain volume and scores on the thinking and memory tests were tied to levels of nutrient biomarkers.
Researchers determined the nutrient levels accounted for 17% of the variation in the scores, while 46% of the variation was tied to other factors such as age, number of years of education and blood pressure. For brain volume, the nutrient levels accounted for 37% of the variation. The study found that the vitamins and nutrients you get from eating a wide range of fruits, vegetables and fish can be measured in blood biomarkers and have a direct impact on brain shrinkage, memory and cognition.
Dr. Bowman concluded "it is very exciting to think that people could potentially stop their brains from shrinking and keep them sharp by adjusting their diet…I'm a firm believer these nutrients have strong potential to protect your brain and make it work better." In addition to eating a natural, organic diet full of fresh vegetables, fish and fruit, some health-minded individuals may want to consider supplementing with vitamins B, C, D, E along with fish oil capsule to ensure optimal bioavailability of these critical nutrients.
by Mike Adams
(NaturalNews) The weaponization of vaccines just took another leap forward in America with the recent air-dropping of rabies vaccines by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Using a battery of small planes based out of Del Rio, Texas recently dropped 1.8 million edible vaccine packets over 7,700 square miles of rural Texas.
The packets contain edible rabies vaccines dipped in fish oil and coated with fish meal to entice foxes and coyotes to eat them. Once consumed, the animal is "vaccinated" against rabies, researchers claim.
Of course, what these researchers don't yet understand in their scientific ignorance (and arrogance) is that they are also engaged in a rabies DNA / RNA bombardment of Texas. As even the Institute of Medicine has admitted, MMR vaccines for use in humans actually cause measles because many of the vaccines contain live viral strains.
Vaccine manufacturing is conducted under such poor quality control today that vaccines are routinely shipped out the door containing viable viral strains that often infect and sometimes even kill human victims. For example, in 2009 Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught red-handed shipping out live avian flu viruses to 18 countries.
What Texas Dept. of State Health Services workers probably don't yet grasp is that vaccine manufacturers routinely use vaccines to spread the very disease they claim to be preventing. By injecting live rabies strains into a small percentage of the vaccines dropped on Texas (say, one percent), they are effectively engaging in a DNA carpet-bombing run that will absolutely guarantee rabies continues to remain endemic throughout feral animal populations in the state. This, of course, will result in yet more rabies vaccines being purchased to "combat the problem," thereby achieving the goal of the entire scam: To sell more vaccines to the government.
Vaccines become weapons to be inflicted on innocents
This air-dropping of vaccines over Texas is all part of the militarization of modern medicine taking place today. In just the past few months, we've seen the AMA calling for "mandatory participation" in vaccine trials, where you would be "volunteered" by the government to be injected with an experiment vaccine, at threat of arrest .
We've also seen cases where police have been called and CPS workers threatened to take children away from parents who refused to vaccinate their children .
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has already conducted bizarre experiments on genetically engineered mosquitoes that carry vaccines to be silently injected into unsuspecting humans. And that same foundation has also invested heavily in covert vaccination technology that could, for example, vaccinate you with a spray mist used at airport security checkpoints.
As these examples show, vaccines are increasingly being used in the context of weapons: air-dropped, covertly injected or even forcibly injected at gunpoint. These are signs of a system of medicine that operates like a police state, where people are stripped of their rights and freedoms "for the good of society." The individual is sacrificed, in other words, to serve the interests of the state. Such a philosophy is fully consistent with the entire history of secret government-funded medical experiments against blacks (Tuskegee), Guatemalans, and even criminal medical experiments involving Dr. Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine.
Here's a list of just a few of the criminal, inhuman medical experiments that have been conducted on innocent people by the U.S. government:
All this adds up to classic eugenics — especially given that vaccines in humans are strongly tied to lifelong infertility, spontaneous abortions and birth defects. It's all part of a human de-population agenda that Bill Gates has openly admitted to in his public speeches about "reducing world population" with the help of vaccines.
The law of unintended consequences will come back to haunt Texas
The state of Texas, of course, claims its air-dropped rabies vaccines have been a huge success. Rabies cases have plummeted in every area targeted by the vaccine carpet-bombing runs, they insist. But even if you believe those numbers, you must ask: At what cost?
What are the unintended consequences of air-dropping viral fragments of rabies over 7,000 square miles of open terrain? Engaging in such an act is just begging to be humbled by nature as that viral material gets recombined into some other deadly pathogen that exists in the wild, creating a hybrid "Franken-virus" that never would have existed without this arrogant "scientific" intervention. Can you imagine a "rabies bird flu pandemic?" Mother Nature can!
Add to this the fact that many deer in Texas are being fed genetically modified corn (GMOs), and you now have engineered genetic material from bt corn residing in the flesh of deer that might be consumed by the very same coyotes who are eating the air-dropped rabies vaccines. What might be the consequences of such a dangerous genetic experiment involving tens of thousands of animals in the wild?
No one knows. And that's the point, because the Texas scientists don't know either. They were all educated at Texas A&M which is still stuck in the era of chemical agriculture, and they think spraying everything with Roundup is the solution. (Seriously, Texas A&M graduates are totally infatuated with the use of chemical pesticides on everything…) They don't know anything about the dangers of GMOs, nor the recent research published in Cell Research that shows how microRNA (small fragments of genetic code) can pass through the digestive system, attach to organs such as the liver, and alter the physiology of those organs. (…)
These "scientists" do not know what they are doing. They are narrow-minded and short-sighted. They play God with Mother Nature and hope they don't make a mistake. They risk the future integrity of Texas agriculture and wildlife on their bizarre Frankensteinian schemes that run the risk of wreaking total havoc with the biosphere. They are, like most other conventional scientists, blinded by their arrogance.
It's too late to stop them, of course. This program has been going on for 18 years, they say. And they claim it's an amazing success! It's so successful, in fact, that now they're moving on to develop an airdrop vaccine for skunks. So in 2012 and beyond, they'll be carpet-bombing Texas with skunk rabies vaccines.
Gee, did they ever consider the possibility that the reason skunks have so much rabies is because they've been dropping rabies DNA / RNA onto the landscape for nearly two decades? And after they treat the skunks, they still have a long list of animals to target with yet more vaccines, see? What about a raccoon vaccine? How about wild pig vaccines? Deer vaccines? At what point does this effort vaccinate all the wild animals of the world ever end?
If they keep this up, before long Texas will become a DNA battlefield where the entire natural ecosystem is massively contaminated with genetic intervention at every level.
But of course, it keeps the vaccine companies in business, doesn't it? And as Rick Perry proved with his HPV Gardasil scandal, Texas loves to force vaccines on innocent people while collecting payoffs from the drug companies that make them. (
You can bet someone in the Texas Department of State Health Services is receiving a nice, fat payoff for all this.
Learn more:
by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) Bromelain is an inexpensive enzyme supplement with many uses and health benefits. Enzymes don’t get much respect, yet they are considered more important functionally than vitamins and minerals. Without enzymes, food cannot be broken down into its constituent nutrients, and enzymes are needed for most cellular metabolic actions.
This puts a strain on the pancreas to create more proteolytic enzymes for the small intestines to break down the meat proteins. That strain can potentially lead to pancreatic cancer. But what’s more likely, the diversion of breaking down meat proteins takes away some other functions protease enzymes perform to keep or get you healthy.
Bromelain helps treat many modern maladies and cancer
Bromelain proteolytic enzyme supplements grant many health benefits beyond digesting whole proteins. Complete proteins are hard to digest. That’s why only proteolytic enzymes work – they’re tough enough to crack those proteins open. And if they’re tough enough for that, they can help in other areas.
Bromelain protease can dissolve internal scar tissue created from inflammation. Besides calming the inflamed area, this also takes away hiding places for pathogens to lodge. Scar tissue that hangs around is like a breeding shelter that invites disease for long term visits.
Bromelain speeds up recovery from injuries and surgeries. It has been clinically tested to prove that it enhances surgical recovery. Some naturopaths recommend it be taken before and after any surgical procedure, including dental.
Since cancer cells are protected from the immune system’s white “killer” cells by a protein wall, any cancer treatment can be augmented by adding bromelain supplements. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez uses his own type of proteolytic enzymes with his version of William Donald Kelley’s successful innovations for curing cancer with enzymes (
The enzymes used by Kelley and Gonzalez are super premium, used in great quantities, and expensive. They are the main thrust, a sort of natural chemo, for serious cancer cases. But bromelain protease supplements are very cheap, and can be used as a supportive adjunct with any other cancer treatment.
Another role bromelain plays with its tough proteolytic enzymes is busting up clots beginning to form among blood platelets. This is good news for anyone dealing with cardiovascular problems. These are all functions one can expect from a tough protease enzyme.
But wait, there’s more! Some research indicates bromelain is anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It can be used help heal bronchitis and pneumonia. German research has shown that bromelain oral supplements enhance the immune system. Other research indicates that cytokine hormones manufactured in white blood cells are boosted by bromelain as well.
Using bromelain
Therapeutic bromelain doses range from 300 to 1500 mgs per day. One source recommends not exceeding 3000 mgs in one day. Dr. Richard Cohen recommends taking bromelain away from meals if it’s being used therapeutically. This frees up the enzymes from digesting foods to performing other healthy functions.
by: JB Bardot
(NaturalNews) Certain foods and chemical additives disguised as food can aggravate or cause muscle and joint pain associated with arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. Avoiding these foods can pave the way for reduced inflammation, stiffness and pain – setting the stage for ongoing relief, with increased mobility and a better mental attitude. Although it may be a challenge to avoid well-loved foods, keep in mind that many of those foods are causing widespread systemic problems that result in debilitating pain, so they are not your friends.
The nightshade vegetables are lesser-known offenders; however, for some people, eating any nightshade can cause excruciating pain and disability. This small family of vegetables contains a natural substance called solanine; when consumed, it can produce severe pain in the joints and the soft tissue, giving rise to arthritis and fibromyalgia flare-ups. The nightshades include tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, eggplant and tobacco. Because several of these vegetables are included in so many recipes, special attention must be given to eliminating them from the diet. Smokers suffering from arthritis might view the possible cause and effect relationship of tobacco on their condition.
Purine-laden Proteins
Purines are the byproduct of protein digestion, and they break down into uric acid, the main cause of gout. All proteins produce some purines; however, eating certain types of protein is more likely to create a gout flare. Red meats, organ meats and shellfish are considered particularly harmful. Some people are more sensitive to one protein, so each should be monitored for its effects on the disease. Vegetable-based proteins, lean organic poultry and fresh fish are excellent substitutes for those foods eliminated.
Wheat and Gluten
Wheat and wheat gluten are implicated in several diseases, including certain types of arthritis, fibromyalgia, and digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's and celiac disease. Wheat and gluten are especially harmful to the body when highly processed, as in white flour where nutrients are completely stripped from the grain. Less sensitive people are able to eat sprouted wheat products without negative effects; however, eating a gluten-free diet may help reduce most painful joint symptoms.
Trans Fats
Research has shown that eating trans fats can contribute to musculoskeletal pain and aggravate gout, arthritis and a host of other conditions. A diet including regular consumption of fat-laden proteins found in most fast foods may aggravate or cause pain for many people with these conditions. Replace bad fats with healthy fats found in avocados, olives, coconuts, flax seeds and their oils.
MSG and Artificial Sweeteners
Food additives and preservatives and artificial sweeteners are used in almost all packaged products; and they can cause a wide range of mental and physical symptoms including joint and muscle pain. MSG — in all of its disguises — is known to create a multiplicity of symptoms, especially in those who are sensitive to this chemical. Severe joint and body pain, cognitive dysfunction, dizziness and headaches are just a few of the side effects. Artificial sweeteners stimulate the pancreas causing an imbalance in insulin and blood sugar levels and can produce body aches and pains as well as severe digestive disorders and cancers. Replace MSG with spices to flavor foods and use natural foods like raw honey and stevia as sweeteners.
Most people should experience a reduction in their muscle and joint pain and an overall improvement in their conditions after a period of avoiding these offending foods. Always consult a health practitioner before making any major changes in your diet.
Sources for this article include:
Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source — Fats and Cholesterol
Hospital for Special Surgery: Eating Right with Arthritis: Arthritis Nutrition FAQs
University of Washington Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: About Diet and Arthritis
Harvard Health Publications-Harvard Medical School: Arthritis–Keeping Your Joints Healthy
University of Michigan Health System: Gout
University of Maryland Medical Center: Gout — Lifestyle Changes
About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle.
by Mike Adams
(NaturalNews) On Wednesday, January 18, 2012, went "dark" to protest SOPA, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" that is actually a thinly-veiled government censorship effort. We are also protesting PIPA, the "Protect IP Act," which is similarly destructive in its effects. You may have arrived at this page from our mock "seizure" index page which depicts what might happen if SOPA becomes law.
This is crucial for all NaturalNews readers and fans to understand: If SOPA becomes law, will be shut down. In fact, the proposed law contains a specific provision — section 105 — which allows the U.S. government to shut down websites it claims "endanger public health."
Given that NaturalNews openly and repeatedly advocates things like natural sunlight and vitamin C — both of which the government has said are dangerous — our website could be seized by the government under SOPA. And that doesn't even consider our public stance against routine vaccinations, processed food chemicals and dangerous prescription medications (which the government is always trying to push on the public to kill people before they live long enough to collect social security).
If passed into law, SOPA would shut down NaturalNews, InfoWars, Drudge, Lew Rockwell, Reddit and many other alternative news websites
Make no mistake about the seriousness of this issue: If SOPA (or PIPA) becomes law, it will sooner or later result in the government seizure and shutdown of virtually all alternative news websites — especially those that disagree with the criminality of the current corrupt political regime in Washington.
Imagine an internet without Imagine the liberty movement without Imagine the entire world wide web being "sanitized" by the government to remove any websites that do not agree with the government's official position on finance, the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, pharmaceuticals and vaccines. That's what we're facing if SOPA becomes law: A virtual wipeout of all truth across the internet, leaving only the lies of "official" government information… the Ministry of Truth, in other words.
The Internet is the vehicle for restoring freedom and crushing tyranny
Why is the U.S. government working so feverishly to crush independent, truthful information on the internet? Because the globalist controllers realize that the internet is the last bastion of freedom in a world run by global elite corporatists.
While the global elite own and run the mainstream (corporate whore) media, and they own Congress, and they own all the influential non-profits such as the wholly corrupt American Cancer Society, they do not yet control the internet! This freaks them out, especially when they see so much truth being produced by liberty-loving individuals who are exposing the neocons, the socialists, and the criminal-minded thugs who run Wall Street and the White House.
They are desperate to crush internet freedom and SOPA is the tool they hope to use to accomplish that. This is why your opposition to SOPA is absolutely crucial. It's also why internet giants such as Wikipedia and Reddit have joined in this one-day protest against the tyranny of SOPA and what is fast becoming a government-sponsored "information terrorism" campaign against free speech.
Take action NOW – or you will lose internet free speech forever
Click this link to email your Representative:
(Use the little envelope icon that appears to the right of the picture to send them an email.)
And click here to email your U.S. Senator:
(Use the "web form" link.)
Send your representatives and Senator a short message that covers the following fundamental points:
* You oppose SOPA.
* You will not support or vote for any candidate that supports SOPA.
* Urge them to vote against SOPA.
You can also call the capitol switchboard at: (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected with your representatives.
Obama may sign SOPA even if he says he opposes it
Just because Obama says he opposes something doesn't mean he won't sign it! And believe me, the tactics of all these evil minions in Washington is to operate in darkness, meaning they will delay SOPA when people are paying attention but then, a few months later, after public awareness has waned, they will insidiously attach it to some spending bill and quietly make it law. One day you will wake up and all your favorite websites will simply be GONE. Remember, the government has already shut down 84,000 websites with no due process (…).
That's why you need to voice your opposition to SOPA right now and take a stand for internet Free Speech.
If you don't, you may very well wake up one day and find shut down, removed from the 'net, and then your only remaining news options will be CNN, Fox, MSNBC and all the other sources of complete mind-controlled drivel that the corporate "sellout" establishment wants to drill into your head.
Finally, share this article on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. Spread the word about SOPA. Encourage others to take action. Remember: The internet is the last bastion of freedom in our modern world. If we lose the internet, the corrupt criminals and tyrants who run Wall Street and Washington D.C. will have total, unrelenting control over all information, and your freedom will be suffocated under a police state agenda of total disinformation.
Spread the word. Take action. Protect freedom! Protect the People against government censorship!
Learn more about SOPA:
Wikipedia explanation:
Details about PIPA: Why SOPA is dangerous:
Full text of the bill:
Sergey Brin, Other Notable Founders Speak Out Against SOPA…
William Gibson Calls SOPA "Draconian"…
The Guardian: Stop SOPA or the web really will go dark…
Stop American Censorship: SOPA page:
Infowars: SOPA dead on arrival…
Boycott against GoDaddy (Victory! GoDaddy pulled their support for SOPA)
Written by Kurt Danysh
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor anti-depressants (S.S.R.I.'s) hit the market in 1988. Immediately, reports of intense suicidal thoughts and actions while taking these drugs began to flood into the F.D.A.. Despite the reports, and data indicating a higher rate of suicides from those using the drugs than from those using placebos, it took about twenty years for the F.D.A. to issue a warning about the risk.
The warning was considered a victory to many who had lost loved ones to S.S.R.I. drugs. Public perception was that the F.D.A. had stood up to Big Pharma and forced reluctant S.S.R.I. manufacturers to issue an appropriate warning. Thereby, solidifying the perception of the F.D.A.'s role as advocate for the public.
However, this perception has been shattered by a recent federal court ruling that exposed a dirty little secret that the F.D.A. likely hoped would never come to light. In Dobbs v. Wyeth Pharms., the court determined that the F.D.A. repeatedly prevented at least one S.S.R.I. manufacturer from issuing a suicide-related warning for fear that it might "reduce the use of anti-depressants and thereby undermine the benefit of their use in treating depression."
The ruling stems from a lawsuit brought by the widow of a man who was believed to have committed suicide as a result of taking Effexor. The lawsuit accused Wyeth Pharmaceuticals of failing to properly warn patients that Effexor may increase the risk of suicide.
In its defense, Wyeth presented evidence that it had, on three separate occasions, attempted to institute a more "extensive suicide warning", but the F.D.A. had refused to approve each proposed warning.
Wyeth's first attempt occurred on September 25, 2002, when it submitted to the F.D.A. the results of seven Effexor pediatric studies, accompanied by a proposed label alteration describing the rate of suicidality events for children. The F.D.A. rejected Wyeth's proposed label alteration, which would have warned parents of the risk to their children, and then it directed Wyeth to only add the label change proposed by the F.D.A.. The F.D.A. added, "we do not feel that it would be useful to describe these negative trials in labeling, since this may be misinterpreted as evidence that [Effexor] does not work in this population."
The second attempt occurred in August 2003, when Wyeth amended its product label to caution patients about increased reports of "suicide related adverse events such as suicidal ideation and self harm" in pediatric patients.
The F.D.A. ordered Wyeth to remove the language included in the enhanced label warning and to substitute F.D.A. language that was applicable to all S.S.R.I.'s at that time. According to the F.D.A., it did so because it did "not believe that a causal association has yet been definitively established." Never mind that Wyeth's own internal studies (from the manufacturer) indicated sufficient cause for a warning.
Undeterred, Wyeth made a third and final attempt to include a warning about suicide on its drug label. It revised the language contained within its warning, and asked the F.D.A. to allow Effexor's label to continue to include a pediatric precaution.
On May 13, 2004, the F.D.A. ordered the removal of Wyeth's warning. By that time, the F.D.A. had finally admitted that sufficient evidence existed to support a warning about medically-induced suicides, but it required that Wyeth, and all other S.S.R.I. manufacturers adopt the specific language dictated by the F.D.A. rather than use the warnings proposed by the manufacturers.
The whole affair was managed like a public relations campaign, whereby the F.D.A. was presented as the organization leading the charge for labeling that would protect children; when in fact, it was actually the agency that had always suppressed such information, while essentially operating a protection racket for select pharmaceutical companies for roughly 20 years.
Other S.S.R.I. manufacturers have attempted to escape liability by arguing that the F.D.A. would not have permitted them to issue suicide warnings prior to 2004. However, those claims ultimately failed because the manufacturers could not establish that they had made any effort to issue a warning. Wyeth is the first to conclusively prove that the F.D.A. blocked a proposed warning.
As a result, the federal court dismissed the failure to warn claim against Wyeth. However, the case was permitted to proceed, due to additional claims.
Whose Side is the F.D.A. On?
To Wyeth's credit, it is the only S.S.R.I. manufacturer to propose a suicide warning prior to the issuance of the Black Box warning in 2004. Wyeth is also the only S.S.R.I. manufacturer to list "homicidal ideation" as an adverse event on its product label. All other S.S.R.I. manufacturers are vehemently opposed to the issuance of such warnings.
By rejecting Wyeth's proposed warning, the F.D.A. was serving the interests of the other S.S.R.I. manufacturers. Had Wyeth succeeded in issuing a warning for Effexor, other S.S.R.I. manufacturers would have been forced to follow suit.
The F.D.A.'s purported concern that the warning "may be misinterpreted as evidence that [Effexor] does not work in [children]" was nothing more than a smoke screen. S.S.R.I.'s have never been approved for, nor shown to be any more effective than placebos in treating children, with the exception of Prozac. (Prozac's effectiveness is only slightly above that of placebos.) However, despite these facts, millions of children continue to be prescribed S.S.R.I. drugs "off label."
The F.D.A was not so concerned about the public misinterpreting the lack of efficacy within this class of drugs, as it was with the public discovering their lack of efficacy.
The primary concern for S.S.R.I. manufacturers, and F.D.A. officials with financial ties to S.S.R.I. manufacturers, was the effect that an honest suicide warning would have had on pediatric prescription rates. Fewer children being prescribed S.S.R.I.'s would have meant less profits for the drug companies, and less lucrative drug approvals.
As it turns out, the F.D.A.'s fears were prophetic. According to a Medco analysis, the rate of children who received anti-depressant prescriptions fell about 16% in the months following the issuance of the Black Box warning.
In the end, the F.D.A. saved S.S.R.I. manufacturers millions, if not billions of dollars by delaying the issuance of a suicide warning. It also cost countless children their lives.
When it comes to S.S.R.I.'s, the F.D.A. has repeatedly chosen Big Pharma interests over the safety of the public; profits over people.
Perhaps the most ironic and heartbreaking aspect of the story is that parents who had lost their children to S.S.R.I.'s actually broke down in tears, and thanked F.D.A. officials for issuing the F.D.A. Black Box warning in 2004.
Well orchestrated, indeed.
Dobbs v. Wyeth Pharms., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 79140 (case no. CIV-04-1762-F)
Medco Report: Pediatric Antidepressant Use Shows Substantial Decline Over Past Year
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Kurt Danysh is a trained legal investigator. In 2005, he founded The S.A.V.E. Project, which works to expose the harmful effects of anti-depressants ( We reported of Kurt's personal story in the article, The Pharmaceutical Tragedy of Kurt Danysh, and he is also featured in our upcoming documentary, Prescription For Manslaughter.