Health & Freedom

Publicly Funded GMO Research In India Exposed As Monsanto Seed Fraud

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The nation of India is currently embroiled in a massive scandal involving the use of taxpayer dollars to fund research into genetically-modified organisms (GMO). The Coalition for a GM-Free India (CGMFI) is demanding an immediate end to public sector funding of GMO research after the Indian government and several research institutions were caught using Monsanto's genetic traits in supposedly "indigenous" GM crops.


From all sides, India, the world's ninth largest economy, has been continually bombarded by foreign interests pushing it to adopt GMO technologies. The World Bank, for example, set the stage for the hijacking of India's agricultural system back in the late 1990s when it forced the country to globalize its seed economy. More recently, Monsanto and other key players in biotechnology have repeatedly pushed Indian farmers to adopt GMO technologies by lying to them about its alleged, but unfounded, agricultural benefits.

Rather than fully capitulate to this political pressure, India decided to develop its own publicly-funded GMO research arm that would be tasked with developing indigenous GMOs not connected to any multinational corporation. But now it turns out that this program is a failure as well, as these so-called indigenous GMOs were exposed as containing patented Monsanto traits.

"The current fiasco proves once again that the Indian scientific community is not averse to scientific frauds, misleading the nation and the people," said CGMFI. "We do not need this (GMO) technology force-fed to our farmers and consumers, we have sufficient workable and viable solutions for the agrarian crisis. We demand that the government and public sector institutions work on these solutions rather than fraudulently promote GM technology."

CGMFI refers, of course, to methods that have already been proven to safely and effectively improve agriculture, such as non-GM hybridization, and various chemical- and pesticide-free crop management practices like crop rotation and polyculture. GMO crops have never been proven to improve crop yields, and have actually been shown time and time again to increasing reliance upon and use of toxic herbicides and pesticides.

"All of this is ultimately experimentation happening at the expense of hapless Indian farmers and this is unconscionable," added CGMFI about government-funded biotechnology research. "These scarce and valuable resources should be utilized for taking proven, safe, farmer-controlled technologies to the farmers."

Health & Freedom

Cops Can Secretly Install GPS Tracking On Your Vehicle Says Judge

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) As long as law enforcement officials claim to have reasonable suspicion that you might be involved with committing a crime, they are free to affix a GPS tracking device to your car without your knowledge and monitor your every movement. At least this is the opinion of US Magistrate Judge David Noce from the Eastern District of Missouri, who recently decided that no warrant is needed to secretly track individuals suspected of criminal behavior.

The ruling came after 69-year-old Fred Robinson was accused of receiving $175,000 from the City of St. Louis Treasurer's Office for work that he did not actually perform. Robinson allegedly never went in for work and was suspected of holding his position with the city in name only. This led law enforcement officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to secretly affix a GPS tracking device to Robinson's vehicle while it was parked in a public place, and proceed to monitor his activities.

But rather than conduct a proper investigation, officials allegedly went straight to the GPS option to determine whether or not their suspicion of Robinson's malfeasance was warranted. They apparently had no solid evidence, and obviously no warrant, and yet proceeded to pursue Robinson as if they had a warrant.

Robinson's attorneys and civil liberties advocates say these actions are a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibits unwarranted searches and seizures. But in Judge Noce's opinion, installing secret GPS devices does not constitute a "search," and is thus not a constitutional violation.

The US Supreme Court is currently facing a similar case involving a night club owner suspected of dealing drugs. Just like in Robinson's case, officials installed a GPS tracking device on the man's car without a warrant, which had already expired. The Supreme Court has not yet made a ruling in that case, but Justice Stephen Breyer recently gave testimony before the court that if it does permit this type of warrantless GPS tracking, it will lead to 24-hour monitoring of US citizens by the government.

"There is nothing to prevent the police or the government from monitoring 24 hours a day the public movement of every citizen of the United States," said Justice Breyer. "You suddenly produce what sounds like 1984," he added, referring to the iconic novel written by George Orwell about the rise of totalitarian government.

Health & Freedom

Americans Opposing Government Are ‘Legitimate’ Assassination Targets

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Do you remember when Barack Obama, as a senator and onetime constitutional law professor, opposed legislation he felt incriminated on the rights of American citizens? If that seems like a political lifetime ago, that's because it was; it was back in a time (2007) when he also believed the U.S. should close Guantanamo Bay, restore Habeas Corpus to Muslims around the world and never hold U.S. citizens as enemy combatants.

How a few years have changed things. Nowadays, Obama still believes the U.S. should not hold citizens as enemy combatants; instead, he thinks they should be assassinated or, at least, his "national security" lawyers do.

This startling opinion came as a pair of administration attorneys – Stephen Preston from the CIA and Jeh Johnson from the Pentagon – justified the White House's decision to authorize the CIA to kill Anwar al Awlaki, a U.S. citizen and leading al Qaeda figure who died following a drone strike on his position in a mountainous region of Yemen Sept. 30.

The justification for, say, assassinating this U.S. citizen without a trial, is that anyone – citizen or not – who is "at war" with the United States is a target for assassination (even though, as a matter of policy, the U.S. "officially" does not sanction assassinations).

Perhaps even more alarming is Johnson's assertion that only the executive branch (the president) has the authority and right make so-called "battlefield decisions" about who is and is not a U.S. enemy, not the courts.

And yet, the courts in habeas cases, "such as those involving whether a detainee should be released from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba, make the determination of who can be considered an enemy combatant," Reuters reported.

This legal maneuver may seem acceptable to many Americans because, legitimately or otherwise, the United States is at war with extremism which by its nature, is so much different than wars past, in that there are no armored columns, legions of soldiers, orders of march and squadrons of aircraft coming at us.

It may also seem acceptable because al Awlaki was a bad guy who indeed worked against the United States. But think about it – when did assassination become official policy under the guise of creating "enemy combatants?"

White House hopeful Ron Paul was right when he said after the assassination that nobody knows if al Awlaki killed anyone.

The Obama administration decided in January 2010 to continue a Bush-era policy that authorized the CIA and the military to kill U.S. citizens outside the country if there is "strong evidence" they are involved in terrorist activities. So now, just because the government says you are an enemy, you can be killed, all in the name of combating "terrorism" and protecting the homeland. Surely the founding fathers are doing cartwheels in their graves.

Health & Freedom

FBI Pushes To Classify Animal Abuse Investigations As ‘Terrorism’

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The USA Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and various other unconstitutional "anti-terrorism" legislation all appear to be getting turned right back around on the American people. It has been revealed that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been keeping files on animal rights activists who conduct undercover investigations of factory farms, and the agency is now recommending that these activists be prosecuted as "terrorists."

Most of the video footage that has captured things like chickens stacked in endless rows of filthy battery cages, or pigs being beaten and forced mercilessly through food processing machines was captured by individuals who did so under cover, often having to lie to the farm owners to gain entry. This act of civil disobedience has been crucial in exposing extreme abuse, and in giving the public a glimpse into how animals raised for commercial consumption are treated.

These undercover investigations, of course, have also led many consumers to either stop eating meat altogether, or purchase meat from small-scale, family farms that raise their animals with dignity, and that allow them to live normal lives outside and on pastures, instead of in large, densely-packed warehouses and feedlots where the animals often never see the light of day.

In 2006, Congress passed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), which proponents insisted was only aimed at animal rights groups that burn down buildings, for instance, or commit various other legitimate property crimes. But now that the legislation is law, the FBI wants to use it to target those who merely try to expose what goes on behind the scenes at some of the nation's largest and most well-known factory farms.

According to the FBI, filming horrendous conditions at factory farms can cause said farms to experience "economic loss," which the agency says fits the parameters of AETA's "terrorist" activity. In other words, the mere act of taking pictures or capturing video at factory farms is a "reasonable indication," according to the FBI, that an individual has violated AETA.

In order to combat the FBI's egregious efforts in this matter, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) has filed a lawsuit in Massachusetts challenging the constitutionality of AETA, which can be so broadly defined as to criminalize protesting and free speech. The group says the bill is "unconstitutional" and "in violation of the First Amendment," as well as the constitutional right to due process (

Sources for this article include:

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Gardasil – Don’t Cry For Me Argentina

by: Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC.

(NaturalNews) Last February, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez announced the launch of the country's HPV vaccine program at the National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference. In a stunning admission and before an audience of her countrymen, who did not react to her gaffe, President Fernandez admits that the HPV vaccine kills girls. Was she betrayed by her subconscious or by her criminal unconscious?

"Now we are going to add the HPV vaccine to the Official Immunization Program of the State and therefore (this expensive medicine) will be free (the HPV vaccine), and therefore, with some time, we will get thousands of women losing their lives" – Spanish: "Vamos a lograr que miles de mujeres pierdan la vida". In fact, the President even seems to know more than many of us on the lethal effectiveness of the drug when she says…"with sometime."1.

Of course Argentina is one of many 'middle- and low-income countries' who have struggled to find ways to introduce the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in already cash-strapped health systems that have little experience providing health services to adolescent girls.'2. But that is where Merck's Gardasil Access program steps in with free vaccinations for adolescent girls. The Gardasil Access Program is making available at least 3 million doses of Gardasil Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18 Vaccine Recombinant) to qualifying organizations and institutions for use in approved HPV vaccine projects in developing countries.3..

Of course, we now know that this vaccine has been found to be contaminated with a genetically modified recombinant virus that makes the vaccine bio hazardous and a threat to the health and well-being of the population that it is targeted to protect. 4.

The official propaganda of the country's HPV vaccine campaign flagrantly orchestrated by the Argentinian government & financed by Merck – is an animated cartoon with a girl named Maria who dreams of becoming a doctor. The ad blatantly instills fear into the hearts of adolescents with its message that Maria "will only become a doctor in the future if she is vaccinated against HPV." The real message is that Maria only will be able to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor when she grows up, if she is vaccinated against HPV."

Eva Peron- Death by Betrayal Not Cervical Cancer

President Fernandez supported her lies about the need for the HPV Vaccination Program evoking the death of the legendary Argentinian politician Eva Peron (wife of Juan Domingo Peron), who died of cervical cancer. Using this fear-based reference to Peron is not only painful and malicious, but victimizes a woman who changed the country's history by fighting for the rights of women, including their right to vote. Eva's activities were integral in the history of Argentina and she became a political symbol.

In fact, Juan Peron's first wife also died of cervical cancer and the possibility exists that Peron infected both wives with a particularly aggressive variant of human papillomavirus which combined with other risk factors may have caused cancer in both, or that his first wife infected him and he passed the infection along to Eva.

However, the details and horror around Eva's death are exposed in this New York Times article, dated June 6, 2000 THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; From the Life of Evita, a New Chapter on Medical Secrecy.

When Eva Peron, the first lady of Argentina, underwent a hysterectomy in November 1951, she did not know that her husband, Juan, had summoned a Manhattan cancer surgeon to perform the procedure. The surgeon, Dr. George T. Pack, flew to Buenos Aires, entered the operating room after Eva was anesthetized, and left before she awoke.

A month earlier, using the same secret ritual, Dr. Pack examined an anesthetized Eva to confirm the cervical cancer that Argentine doctors had detected.

The deceit was to keep the cancer secret from Eva and the public during a presidential campaign. Eva's efforts for the poor made a powerful political figure of a woman whose fame was later perpetuated as Evita in a Broadway musical and movie. News that she had a potentially fatal illness could have affected the election's outcome.

The childless Eva underwent both procedures in the belief she had vague female problems. She never knew she had cancer. 4..


Of the 40 million people in Argentina, 51.3% are women. It is estimated that 2,000 women will die from cervical cancer annually in Argentina. That means that only 0.005% of women may die from cervical cancer- and most of those are due to the lack of gynecological screenings and pap testing.

Do these numbers justify vaccinating 100% of girls?

Ignoring the scientific evidence of contamination of viral DNA genetic engineering and international reports on the devastating drug that now has caused countless deaths and thousands of injuries worldwide, President Fernandez insisted that "cancer is a contagious disease," and that all 11 year old girls must receive the mandated HPV Vaccine. Gardasil is now is required for admission to schools, jobs and even the provision of social services or family alowances.

Blind Media

Cristina Fernandez's Business with the giant Merck (Gardasil) or the corporation GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix), two laboratories with Offices in Argentina, should be foiled when the president stepped on itself" or was betrayed by her subconscious. However nobody seems to have heard the statement, although the official video is on-line at the official website of the Argentine government on You Tube.5..

By the way, this is not the first time that Cristina Fernandez has lied about being compliant with pharmaceutical industry. She did it before with swine flu. Even today, today, the flu shot is mandatory in Argentina. 6.

We will ensure that thousands of women will die. Betrayed by consciousness or unconsciousness?

It is obvious that President Fernandez was betrayed by her own truth – since it is now becoming quite clear that the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix increase the risk for cervical cancer if a woman is exposed to HPV prior to vaccination.

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Use Diet And Nature To Control And Conquer Overactive Bladder

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Overactive bladder, also known as urinary incontinence, is one of the most common chronic conditions in the US. Lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as herbs and other supplements, can help end overactive bladder worries.

Membrane Complex

Lifestyle and dietary changes

1. Avoid sugars, artificial sweeteners and caffeine and alcohol, which promote rapid release of urine. Ingest foods containing vitamin C. Cranberries prevent bacteria growth in urine and prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. Fiber helps by absorbing water.

2. Staying active and maintaining weight control can be essential. One way or another, just get moving – because many health problems, including urinary incontinence, are associated with obesity and lack of activity. Studies have shown that weight loss can greatly decrease overactive bladder.

3. Acupuncture can strengthen the urogenital system, tone the pelvic muscles and increase blood flow to the bladder. Acupuncture also boosts the immune system, diminishes swelling, and keeps hormones in balance.

4. Drink plenty of water every day in order to keep your urinary tract properly cleansed. Note: You should not drink liquids right before bedtime and should also limit liquids prior to physical activities.

5. For women, avoid feminine deodorant products as they may be urinary tract irritants.

6. Until you get your overactive bladder under control, wearing absorbent pads can help hide any leakage that occurs.

Herbs and other supplementation

For inflammation which can cause overactive bladder, anti-inflammatory remedies such as bromelain, curcumin or quercetin may help. To combat the oxidative stress that can irritate nerves surrounding the bladder, take antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and alpha-lipoic acid. Flax oil is often taken for overactive bladder and the combination of magnesium and calcium gain better control of muscles in the urinary system.

Homeopathic medicines, which can promote a healthy bladder, include:

*A potassium compound called Causticum helps strengthen muscles weakened by age or damage to the nerves.

*Natrum muriaticum, a table salt compound, aids in incontinence associated with menopause

*Sepia, made from squid ink or dried cuttlefish, helps with incontinence due to stress, particularly in cases resulting from a prolapsed uterus and vaginitis.

Herbs which may help overactive bladder include:

*Buchu (Barosma betulina) has been used by South Africans for hundreds of years to treat bladder and kidney infections and many other ailments. Buchu is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and diuretic. Buchu remedies act like tonics, nourishing the bladder tissue and making it healthier and more supple.

*Cleavers is often used in herbal remedies for urinary problems. In addition to its diuretic effect, it also acts as a soothing coating along the inside of the bladder wall that may protect against irritation, which can cause overactive bladder.

*Cornsilk helps soothe the urinary tract and has been used as a remedy for urinary infections dating back to its use by the ancient Incas.

*Gosha-jinki-gan is made from a combination of several different herbs and is one of the best-studied herbal remedies for bladder problems. Researchers believe this herbal supplement increases bladder capacity and reduces the number of bladder contractions via its effects on the nervous system.

*Horsetail is used to treat kidney and bladder stones, urinary tract infections, and incontinence. Horsetail acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.

*Pareira brava has antiseptic properties that also help ward off urinary problems, including incontinence resulting from prostate enlargements.

*Saw palmetto may help diminish symptoms of urinary incontinence in men. Used primarily for impotence, saw palmetto is also effective against incontinence because it targets the enlarged prostate gland.

*Zincum is used for help with urinating while standing and prostate gland troubles.

Sources included:……………

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Eggs Offer Many Health Benefits

by: Kelly Pepper, D.C.

(NaturalNews) Perhaps you've skipped this breakfast gem for fear of raising your cholesterol. Free yourself from that misconception and indulge in the treasure that a good ol' egg has to offer. Three eggs per day over a 12-week period for obese participants on a carbohydrate restricted diet actually lowered the bad LDL cholesterol and raised the good HDL(1). Another study showed that two eggs per day for six weeks did not affect cholesterol levels or brachial artery endothelial function (2). Yet another study demonstrated that people eating equal to or more than 4 eggs per week had lower cholesterol levels than those eating less than or one egg per week (3).

That aside, eggs are packed with vitamins A, D, E, B2, B6, B9, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and choline (4). Now, when you think choline, think brains and babies. One egg supplies 20% of the daily recommended intake of choline, and it is used as a building block for phospholipids used in all cell membranes and is particularly integral in brain and nerve health. Share with all pregnant women you know that choline from eggs is essential for proper fetal brain development and decreased neural tube defects, and it is a necessary constituent in breast milk. In addition, choline proves important in: memory function, reducing breast cancer risk, and maintaining normal homocysteine levels. It also lowers: plasma C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor, and interleukin 6. In fact, in one study, lack of dietary choline resulted in fatty liver, muscle damage and some organ dysfunction (5).

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the carotenoids that imbue the bright sunshine to the yolk, so think eyes and a healthy macula when the rays beam your way. Lutein levels from eggs beat both cooked spinach and lutein supplements by three times in blood serum, and 12 weeks of eating eggs increased subjects' zeaxanthin serum levels and macular pigment (6,7).

Tryptophan and tyrosine are two amino acid egg antioxidants. Tryptophan, with a little help from a carbohydrate meal, crosses the blood brain barrier and is converted to serotonin. Serotonin, a potent mood enhancer (as many anti-depressants induce elevated levels of) can be then converted in the pineal gland to melatonin, which promotes sleepiness(8). Tyrosine is a precursor to epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and thyroid hormones all modulating your go-go, good feelings, and alertness.

Now before you go out and buy out the market, keep in mind that pasture raised, free-grazing hens produce a superior quality egg and are less prone to salmonella contamination (9). Free hens lay eggs with 3 times more vitamin E, 7 times more beta-carotene, 1/3 less cholesterol, 1/4 less saturated fat, 2/3 more vitamin A, and 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids (10).

A great bargain, eggs are easy on the wallet and packed with goodness. So, be brave, be an egghead, and see what these capsules of dense nutrition can do for you.

1.Mutungi G, Ratliff J, Puglisi M, et al. Dietary cholesterol from eggs increases plasma HDL cholesterol in overweight men consuming a carbohydrate-restricted diet. J Nutr 2008;138:272-6.
3.Song WO, Kerver JM. Nutritional contribution of eggs to American diets. J Am Coll Nutr 2000;19:556S-62S.

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Alternate Treatment For Chronic Acne Sufferers

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Certain pharmaceutical medications prescribed for acne sufferers come with serious side effects. Many sufferers, desperate to be rid of their embarrassing acne, have found out too late that their treatment choice can cause severe, life-threatening diseases. Using a more natural skin care protocol, orally and/or topically, comes without harmful side effects and is often less expensive.

Colloidal Silver

Bentonite Clay
LL Complete Multivitamin

Severe acne can cause permanent scarring and, in many cases, severe psychological damage. Not surprisingly, many chronic sufferers are prepared to try products with seemingly impressive results, but which come with damaging side effects.

A certain brand name medication, which was discontinued two years ago, is still sold as a generic in many parts of the world. These generic products have been linked to a myriad of adverse reactions, including disruption to the development of a foetus, birth defects, clinical depression and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is the name for a group of serious digestive tract disorders that include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Lesser side effects include eye irritation, nose bleeds, raised blood sugar levels and decreased libido.

Chronic acne sufferers, who are prepared to try harmful and often dangerous acne products, should be fully aware of the facts before doing so, and may want to try an alternate protocol, which will not damage their health permanently.

Oral skin care for acne
An oral skin protocol for acne may include:

Vitamin A has been proven to maintain healthy eyes and skin. A healthcare professional should be consulted before self-administering, as excess doses of Vitamin A are toxic.

Guggulipid (Commiphora mukul) is an herb used in Indian medicine to improve blood lipid profiles. It is closely related to the herb myrrh. Guggulipid is said to reduce acne lesions.

Niacin, zinc, and a good probiotic formula taken on a daily basis may help in treating acne or rosacea.

Topical acne skin care
Creams containing the following ingredients may be recommended in the treatment of acne:

Alpha lipoic acid, collagen and vitamins A, C and E may contribute to skin healing.

Chamomile, cat's claw and geranium extract help with inflammation and redness.

Echinacea, tea tree and white willow bark have antibacterial/anti-fungal properties – they have shown to be a useful remedy for acne and boils.

Witch hazel, citrus extracts and calendula are powerful astringents, which makes them useful in fighting acne.

Facial masks made from seaweed extract and bentonite clay are said to calm the skin and aid healing for acne sufferers.

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Vitamin B-12 And Folic Acid Prevent Memory Loss

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Australian National University have shown that essential B vitamins combat stress that results in a loss of memory and normal thought patterns that cause abnormal brain aging. Published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found that long-term supplementation of daily folic acid and vitamin B-12 promotes improvement in cognitive functioning after a period of two years, particularly in immediate and delayed memory performance. B vitamins are crucial for nerve transmission and are needed in higher amounts as your stress level increases. Health-minded adults will want to ensure that they obtain an optimal daily dose of these important vitamins from diet or supplemental sources.


The study leader, Dr. Janine Walker and her team conducted a two year intervention among elderly participants confined in a community-dwelling environment. All participants exhibited symptoms of depression and were under moderate stress due to environmental and lifestyle conditions. The study was designed to determine if nutritional intervention could prevent cognitive decline under randomized and controlled conditions.

Folic acid and vitamin B-12 fight brain stress and inflammation in the elderly
Researchers supplemented one group of study volunteers with an oral dosage of 400 micrograms of folic acid and 100 micrograms of vitamin B-12 daily. This group was compared against a control set of participants that received a placebo. The results were measured at twelve- and twenty-four month intervals using the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status Standardized Test and the Brief Test of Adult Cognition by Telephone (to determine processing speed). An Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly was administered at two years to provide a final analysis of cognitive function.

The study authors found that the group receiving the supplemental B-vitamins experienced significantly better memory function when compared to the control subjects. The research team determined that stress results in inflammation to neuron structures in the brain and inhibits electrical and chemical transmissions between nerves that are required to form new memories and maintain a healthy degree of cognitive function. The body uses B-vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin B-12, to fight brain inflammation and ensure proper brain communications.

After the two-year study period, Dr. Walker concluded "Long-term supplementation of daily oral 400 mcg folic acid and 100 mcg vitamin B-12 promotes improvement in cognitive functioning after 24 months, particularly in immediate and delayed memory performance." The entire family of B-vitamins has been shown to lower the impact of brain stress and inflammation. Health-conscious adults will want to combine a daily supply of B-vitamins with the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA to dramatically lower the risk of memory loss and cognitive decline.

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Chemicals In Fast Food Wrappers Show Up In Human Blood

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Toxic chemicals used to line fast food wrappers migrate easily into human blood, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Toronto and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.


Oily foods such as fast food and microwave popcorn are regularly packaged in paper or cardboard coated with polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAPs), which prevent water or grease from leaking through the packaging. A prior study by the same research team confirmed that PAPs can migrate from packaging into food, and thereby be ingested. This is an issue of particular concern, because the body can metabolize PAPs into a highly toxic class of chemicals called perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs).

The most infamous PFCA is perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8) the active ingredient in Teflon. PFOA and other PFCAs have been linked to a wide variety of health problems including changes in cholesterol and sex hormones. They have produced tumors and even infant death in animal studies.

"PFOA used in non-stick pans (fast-food containers, carpets, furniture and a host of other everyday household products) accumulates in the umbilical cords of babies and is retarding their growth and brain development, according to two new studies published in the prestigious journal Environmental Health Perspectives (August 2007)," notes Andreas Moritz in the book Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation.

"Babies whose umbilical cords had the highest concentrations of PFOA were born lighter, thinner and with smaller head circumferences than others."

In the new study, researchers exposed rats to PAPs and confirmed that they were indeed metabolized into PFOA.

"This discovery is important because we would like to control human chemical exposure, but this is only possible if we understand the source of this exposure," researcher Scott Mabury said.

He noted that the findings refute attempts "to locate the blame for human exposure on environmental contamination that resulted from past chemical use rather than the chemicals that are currently in production."