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Neurosurgeon Challenges Vaccine Zealots: Inject Yourselves With Vaccines!

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, author and expert on "excitotoxins," has issued a public challenge to vaccine pushers everywhere to put their money where their mouths are. During a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the fraudulent science of the vaccine industry, Dr. Blaylock challenged Dr. Paul Offit, vaccine manufacturer CEOs, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and others who insist today's childhood vaccine regimens are safe to publicly receive these same regimens themselves.

Vaccine Protocol

The CDC and state health agencies all across the country are persistent in telling the public that childhood vaccine regimens, which now include dozens of vaccines administered all at once, are completely safe. And Dr. Offit, of course, made the brazenly arrogant and astounding claim several years ago that healthy infants "could safely get up to 100,000 vaccines at once" (

Well, if these claims are true, then those making them should have no problem publicly demonstrating their validity by getting publicly vaccinated with the very same vaccine schedules, right?

Harm caused by vaccines far greater than we're being told
Contrary to the claims repeatedly made by vaccine promoters like Dr. Offit, vaccines are not generally safe, and are known to cause all sorts of serious side effects.

"Most of the damage by vaccines is hidden," says Dr. Blaylock. "We have the […] VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which is voluntary, but even there we see virtually millions of reactions to vaccines reported" (

Vaccines suppress immunity rather than boost it
Rather than promote immunity, vaccines suppress it by confusing the immune system and altering the way it responds to viruses and bacteria.

"If we look at the science of the vaccination process itself, it's becoming evident that the way they do the immunizations — sticking it into the muscle of your arm or your leg — actually suppresses a lot of the immune system, particularly in young children," says Dr. Blaylock. "We found out that, in fact, it causes the immune system to switch to what we call a TH2-type cytokine production which inhibits immunity. And your major protection against viruses and particularly the really virulent, deadly viruses and bacteria is your cellular immunity. Well, vaccines don't stimulate cellular immunity at all, in fact they suppress it."

Vaccines destroy the body's ability to develop lifelong immunity to disease
Before the advent of vaccines, human beings developed natural immunity to diseases like polio and measles. But today, because of vaccines, these conditions and others are making a comeback in a much more virulent way.

"They're giving the impression that before these vaccines existed, these infections were just rampant and massive," says Dr. Blaylock. "But when we look at the data, the historical data on these infections — and that includes all the childhood infections — all of them were falling drastically before there was even a vaccine invented […] When you get natural infections, over time, the population develops massive immunity to the infection."

"The polio virus, in fact, was a mild summer virus that had been present forever before […] Well, interestingly, the period at which this virus suddenly changes character to produce paralysis came on the foot of the vaccination for diptheria, and for tetanus, and for pertussis — that's when they think that the vaccine itself either altered the immunity of these children, or it mutated the virus itself to make it paralytic."

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Why Drinking Alcohol Makes You Fat

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) There are many factors that affect weight loss, making the process more complicated than it may seem. The body produces different hormones in response to different types of foods and/or drinks. Losing weight is not only about calorie consumption but also about the types of foods and drinks consumed. Alcohol is one of the worst culprits when it comes to inhibiting weight loss because it disrupts the delicate balance of nutrition, fluid and hormones needed to lose fat.


Alcohol boosts cortisol, a fat-creating hormone

Drinking heavily or even occasionally increases the body's release of cortisol – the hormone that breaks down muscle and retains fat. This loss of muscle can mean a huge slowdown in one's metabolism, making it easier to gain weight. In addition, alcohol causes a drop in testosterone in men, a hormone which helps burn fat.

Alcohol also blocks the body from burning fat. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that fat metabolism can be reduced by as much as 73 percent after only two drinks of vodka and lemonade in a one-hour time period. In effect, alcohol shuts down the body's ability to access fat stores for energy. The body needs to be well-hydrated in order to build muscle and burn fat. Alcohol has the effect of dehydrating the body.

Drinking often accompanies irresponsible eating

Because drinking often puts one in a relaxed party mood, it is easier to indulge in snacks, potato chips and other unhealthy party foods — the more one drinks the less one seems to care.

Alcohol is a powerful appetizer. An aperitif is often offered in restaurants to stimulate the appetite. Research has shown that there is a definite correlation between the amount of alcohol consumed before a meal and the amount of food eaten and that people eat more when they have beer or wine with their meal. Since alcohol causes the brain to release dopamine, the pleasure and addiction hormone, the result is an often addictive desire for more alcohol and food. This means one is hit with a double whammy when it comes to gaining weight: excess calories come from both the alcohol and the extra food that is usually consumed as a result of a stimulated appetite.

Alcohol is high in calories

Alcohol comes with very little nutritional value but is very high in calories. It is very easy to knock back a 200ml glass of wine but that is equivalent, in calories, to eating 25ml (5 teaspoons) of butter. Seldom do people stop at one glass of wine or one beer, and mixing alcohol with sugary mixers such as lemonade means even morecalories as the drink now contains sugar and alcohol.

Simply put, alcohol consumption on a regular basis and weight loss don't mix.

Sources for this article include:

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, November 1999, Article De
novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics and whole-body lipid balances in
humans after acute alcohol consumption, 928-936, Scott Q Siler,
Richard A Neese and Marc K Hellerstein

Physiological Behavior, March 200;81(1)51-8, article
Dose-dependent effects of alcohol on appetite and food intake, Caton
SJ, Ball M, et al.

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Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

A recent California law, Family Code 6926, allows minors 12 or older to consent to medical care for the prevention of “infectious, contagious or communicable disease” if one that is required by law to be reported to the local health officer, or is a related sexually transmitted disease.”[1] In California, children as young as 12 can get a vaccine, virtually any vaccine—a medical treatment that can permanently injure or kill them—without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Disturbingly, North Carolina has an even broader law: “Any minor may give effective consent . . . for medical health services for the prevention . . . of venereal disease and other [reportable] diseases…”[2] I call these laws “Stealth Vaccine Laws,” because they provide for the administration of vaccines without using the word “vaccine” or “immunization.”

Vaccine Protocol

There are serious legal and moral problems with stealth vaccine laws. (See this formal Legal Memorandum analyzing the 8 legal violations in the NC law, and look for one at this same website addressing the CA law soon!) First, they violate parents’ fundamental Constitutional rights. The Court has stated: “Most children, even in adolescence, simply are not able to make sound judgments concerning many decisions, including their need for medical care or treatment. Parents can and must make those judgments.”[3] Under the 14th Amendment’s due process clause, parents are deemed to be fit absent a showing that they are unfit—not unlike the “innocent until proven guilty” concept—so if a state gives away parental authority, it is deeming parents to be unfit for the authority given away, in violation of their Constitutional rights.[4] As a practical matter, there must be an emergency, a significant harm or risk of harm before someone may make decisions on behalf of a child without the parent’s consent, and even then, the person doing so must be another qualified adult, and not the child him or herself.

Proponents of these child consent laws argue that some children need the ability to consent to medical care, children whose parents abuse them or who won’t give them take proper care. But there are other laws in place to help children in these situations already. Doctors can already treat children in emergencies without parental consent. Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies can take custody of abused children immediately and authorize any necessary medical care. In non-emergency situations where parents are suspected of being unfit, their fitness can be challenged in court and their parental authority given to other persons or agencies that are capable of exercising proper care of the children when necessary. If current laws are letting some children slip through the cracks, then by all means let’s take steps to fix the problem, but enacting laws that violate the Constitutional rights of all parents is not a proper solution. It is, however, a convenient way for doctors and the pharmaceutical industry to bypass parental authority to administer vaccines and other therapies directly to children, to the financial benefit of that industry. And while parents may not all be able to afford payment for medical services, child consent laws ensure payment every time—from the state—the tax revenue from other parents and citizens.

There is a second, narrower Constitutional issue. For legal purposes, a child’s religious beliefs are deemed to be that of the parents. So, a law that would allow a child to consent to an immunization would violate parents’ First Amendment “free exercise” of religion rights in any state that offers a vaccine religious exemption (every state except MS and WV). These child consent laws also conflict with parents’ right to exercise a state philosophical exemption in states that have this such as California.

Finally, child consent laws also fail the common sense test. Children, by definition, lack capacity—the judgment and maturity—to make important decisions for themselves. For this reason, they can’t enter into binding legal contracts, can’t join the armed services, can’t smoke or drink, and don’t even own their possessions (technically, their parents do), unless they go through a judicial process in which they are judged to have adult maturity on a case-by-case basis. So, giving children authority for medical decision-making simply doesn’t make sense. Child medical consent laws put decision-making authority in the hands of those not able to responsibly exercising it by taking it away from the parents who can. This is irrational, a step that could make sense only from the viewpoint of those who stand to profit from it.

Folks, unless each one of us becomes legislatively active, more laws providing for the administration of vaccines and other unnecessary medical treatments will be enacted, because it is profitable for doctors and the pharmaceutical industry to do so. Health rights are not stagnant. We either act proactively to expand them, or we will be passively allowing them to diminish until they disappear completely. There is no safe middle ground! Join the NVIC Advocacy Portal and the Pandemic Response Project to stay informed and be active in vaccine legislative issues. In the meantime, go to your state legislature’s website to see if there are any stealth vaccine bills or laws in your state. If there are, contact your state representatives with your objections, and alert others to do the same. If you live in CA, NC or any other state that has such a law, contact me to discuss how we can work together to change it! Meanwhile, I’m available to assist with other vaccine exemption and legislative issues around the U.S.

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Five Best Home Remedies For Colds, Coughs and Flu

by: JB Bardot

(NaturalNews) From the pantry to the bedside, home remedies you can make in a snap help prevent seasonal colds or cure a stubborn case of the flu.

Flu & Cold Protocol
Colloidal Silver


Garlic tea immune enhancer
A well-known immune system strengthener, garlic shines as an antibacterial and antiviral herb for fighting colds, coughs and the flu. One of the best ways to take advantage of garlic's healing properties is by drinking fresh garlic tea. Sweetened with a little raw honey, it's delicious and helps to heal what ails you. Peel 2 to 3 cloves of fresh garlic and lightly crush them with the side of a wide knife blade. Add them to 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Strain the garlic and allow the tea to cool to mouth temperature. Add raw honey, a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. Drink as much as desired.

Red onion and raw honey cough syrup
A wonderful home remedy for adults or kids suffering from a cough uses brown cane sugar, raw honey or stevia and red onions to make a soothing and tasty cough syrup. Wash, peel and slice the entire onion horizontally. Starting with the base of the onion, layer the slices in a bowl alternating with layers of raw honey or brown sugar. Stevia powder works well for this home remedy too; however, it is extremely sweet. Continue adding layers of onion and sweetener until the entire onion is reconstructed in the bowl. Cover and allow the sweetened onion to remain in the bowl on your counter for about 12-15 hours or overnight. The next day, there will be about a cup or more of sweet syrup in the bowl. The cough syrup contains a range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the onion and the honey to help fight infection and soothe sore throats and quiet a cough. Take a spoonful as needed. Has no onion-y taste.

Raw honey and lemon for sore throats
A mixture of fresh lemon juice and raw honey provides soothing relief for sore throats and helps stop the tickle that stimulates coughing. Raw honey — with all its components including royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen — is high in nutrients and enzymes which kill bacteria and viruses. The vitamin C and antioxidants found in fresh lemons boost the immune system, speeding healing. Together these two home remedies are a powerhouse for getting over a cold and sore throat. Mix the juice of 1/2 the lemon with 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey and sip throughout the day as needed.

Chicken soup antiviral
Chicken soup really does act to knock out a cold or the flu and hasten healing. As long ago as the 12th century, the Jewish physician Maimonides recommended consuming chicken soup to fight colds and flu. Take advantage of the high antioxidant properties and nutrients found in organic vegetables and chicken. Although non-organic chicken soup may relieve some cold symptoms, it also supplies the body with pesticides, growth hormones, herbicides and antibiotics that are not recommended for well being. Go organic all the way and get well quickly.

Mullein tea for coughs and congestion
Mullein tea is well-known for relieving chest congestion from coughs, colds and the flu. It acts as an expectorant, loosening trapped mucous and soothing sore throats. Make mullein tea by filling a tea ball or strainer with dried mullein herb and steeping in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Sweeten with raw honey and drink as needed to relieve symptoms.

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HOA Sues Woman For Planting Flowers In Her Own Yard

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (CBS) – Kimberly Bois’ tiny front yard garden isn’t much to look at right now. But in a few weeks, it’ll be in full bloom, and every blossom will cost her dearly.


  Even though she says her builder gave her permission to do a little planting, the current condo board now says she’s in violation.

They’re charging the Portsmouth, New Hampshire homeowner $50 a day for being so petal pushy. That fine has reached close to $6,000, plus the board’s legal fees.

“It’s just not a happy place to live anymore for me,” says Bois, who planted the small flower bed with the help of her mother, who has since passed away.

She says, “It just feels like we’ve been bullied and really all we wanted to do was have a conversation to figure out how this can benefit all of us.”

A new certified letter arrives every month, ordering Bois to uproot her garden and keeping track of her fines.

It got so bad, she contacted a Realtor friend of hers to talk about just selling the place that she has owned since 2008.

That’s when she got the real shock: the board put a lien on her townhouse for their fines.

Bois says the whole situation has, “gotten out of control.”

She even offered to pull up the flowers and pay part of the board’s legal fees a couple of weeks ago – an offer she says was refused.

The association’s bylaws don’t expressly forbid planting flowers on your property, Bois explains, nor do they explicitly allow it.

Board members have told Bois they just want all the units to look the same.

“Now we’ve gone down a rabbit hole that I just can’t seem to get out of and it’s very sad, and it’s upsetting,” she says.

WBZ reached out to the attorney who represents the condo association, but he did not respond our request for comment.Even though she says her builder gave her permission to do a little planting, the current condo board now says she’s in violation.

They’re charging the Portsmouth, New Hampshire homeowner $50 a day for being so petal pushy. That fine has reached close to $6,000, plus the board’s legal fees.

“It’s just not a happy place to live anymore for me,” says Bois, who planted the small flower bed with the help of her mother, who has since passed away.

She says, “It just feels like we’ve been bullied and really all we wanted to do was have a conversation to figure out how this can benefit all of us.”

A new certified letter arrives every month, ordering Bois to uproot her garden and keeping track of her fines.

It got so bad, she contacted a Realtor friend of hers to talk about just selling the place that she has owned since 2008.

That’s when she got the real shock: the board put a lien on her townhouse for their fines.

Bois says the whole situation has, “gotten out of control.”

She even offered to pull up the flowers and pay part of the board’s legal fees a couple of weeks ago – an offer she says was refused.

The association’s bylaws don’t expressly forbid planting flowers on your property, Bois explains, nor do they explicitly allow it.

Board members have told Bois they just want all the units to look the same.

“Now we’ve gone down a rabbit hole that I just can’t seem to get out of and it’s very sad, and it’s upsetting,” she says.

WBZ reached out to the attorney who represents the condo association, but he did not respond our request for comment.

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Radiation Found To Be The #1 Cause of Tobacco-Related Cancers

by Sayer Ji

It is well-established that 25-30% of all cancer are caused soley by tobacco consumption – a completely avoidable cause.

Immune Booster Protocol

But what if the tobacco itself were not actually the primary cause of the cancer, but something else contaminating it? And what if it the tobacco industry knew this lethal contaminant was in their product, and even knew how to remove it, but did and said nothing for over 30 years in order to conceal this deadly secret from the public?

In 1998, major tobacco industries’ internal secret documents were made available online by the Master Settlement Agreement, revealing that the industry was aware of the presence of a radioactive substance in tobacco as early as 1959.

It was discovered in 1964 that the cancer-causing radioactive substance was Polonium 210, which millions still inhale in their cigarette smoke, unwittingly. Polonium 210 is a byproduct of the decay of uranium daughter isotopes, which, while occurring naturally in the environment, are primarily found within our soil as a result of pollution from various industries. Uranium mining is one source, as are the nuclear and coal-fired power industries. In fact, “fly ash” produced from coal-fired power carries 100 times more radiation into the surrounding environment than a nuclear power plant producing the same amount of energy.1 This is, of course, when nuclear power plants properly contain their radioactive fuel and waste and don't release massive, irretrievable quantities of radioisotopes into the environment, as occurred in Chernobyl and Fukushima. Nuclear weapons and munitions (depleted uranium), are another well-known source of global contamination.  No matter where the uranium comes from, tobacco plants selectively absorbs and concentrates the byproduct of its decay, Polonium 210, to dangerous — if not lethal — levels. The relatively high levels found within tobacco are rather consistent over time and geographical area.2

A recent review published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research summarized this disturbing fact of history as follows:
“…[T]he industry was not only cognizant of the potential "cancerous growth" in the lungs of regular smokers but also did quantitative radiobiological calculations to estimate the long-term (25 years) lung radiation absorption dose (rad) of ionizing alpha particles emitted from the cigarette smoke. Our own calculations of lung rad of alpha particles match closely the rad estimated by the industry. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the industry's and our estimate of long-term lung rad of alpha particles causes 120-138 lung cancer deaths per year per 1,000 regular smokers.
These findings indicate that the tobacco industry’s relationship to their consumer base was (and still is) homicidal, in the worst, premeditated sense of the word. Moreover, the industry actually knew how to mitigate the problem, but realized it would interfere with the addictive power of their product (and therefore profitability) to do so:
"Acid wash was discovered in 1980 to be highly effectively in removing (210)Po from the tobacco leaves; however, the industry avoided its use for concerns that acid media would ionize nicotine converting it into a poorly absorbable form into the brain of smokers thus depriving them of the much sought after instant "nicotine kick" sensation.”
Polonium 210 is extraordinarily toxic when ingested or inhaled. In fact, it is 4500 times more toxic than radium 226  — a startling fact considering that during the Manhattan Project (1944), the "tolerance dose" for workers was set at 0.1 microgram of ingested radium. When incorporated into the body, radioisotopes like  Polonium 210 emit alpha particles, which are the radiobiological equivalent of howitzers on a cellular level, profoundly damaging, mutating and destroying DNA, as well as causing other forms of irreparable damage to the cell. Because of the fact that the dominant radiation risk model does not acknowledge the profoundly detrimental effects of low-dose, internalized radioisotope exposure (largely because it was developed before the discovery of DNA in the early 50’s and was based on external exposures to the type of gamma-radiation associated with atomic bomb blast), the true dangers associated with Polonium 210 have been largely concealed or discounted.
According to a review published in the journal Health Physics in 2010, smoking tobacco has resulted in “443,000 deaths and 5.1 million years of potential life lost among the U.S. population each year from 2000 through 2004.” Furthermore, the review estimated that the associated collective radiation dose from smoking is “more than 36 times that to the workers at all the U.S. nuclear power plants, U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapons facilities, and crews of all the vessels in the U.S. Nuclear Navy.” It is no surprise then that it has been suggested that tobacco products should carry a radiation-exposure warning label.3
If we calculate the death toll associated with tobacco use from 1997 to present (2012) at an estimated 443K fatalities a year, we arrive at a figure of over six million dead — the same estimate of how many Jews died in the Holocaust during World War II.  How many millions more will die from radiation-induced cancer, and related diseases, as a consequence of their uninformed tobacco use?
View the Polonium abstracts from the National Library of Medicine indexed on GMI.

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Vitamin D3 and Curcumin Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) New diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease cases continue to mount at an unprecedented rate, threatening both the lives of those suffering from this dreaded illness and the health care system itself, as billions are spent to care for the millions suffering from this lifestyle-mediated disease. New hope is now offered by scientists from the University of California publishing in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, as they have identified the specific intracellular mechanism regulated by vitamin D3 that may help the body clear the brain of amyloid beta.

Vitamin D3

There has been scant evidence in the past to show that vitamin D and the curry-derived compound, curcumin help to prevent Alzheimer's dementia. Researchers now provide solid research-based science to explain the precise pathway used by these two natural substances to help stimulate the immune system to activate key genes involved in clearing the amyloid-beta protein.

Chief study author, Dr. Milan Fiala noted "This new study helped clarify the key mechanisms involved, which will help us better understand the usefulness of vitamin D3 and curcumin as possible therapies for Alzheimer's disease." Prior research has suggested a synergistic effect between the two compounds and clearance of deadly protein tangles, but no action pathway has ever been postulated until now.

Vitamin D3 and curcumin work together to clear deadly brain plaques
To test their hypothesis, scientists took blood samples from a group of currently diagnosed Alzheimer's disease patients and a control group of healthy volunteers. They then isolated the immune-stimulating component of the white blood cells called macrophages. These special cells are known to target and eliminate amyloid fibrils and other waste products that accumulate in the brain before they manifest into detectable disease conditions.

Researchers then incubated some of the extracted immune cells for a 24-hour period in a solution containing the active form of vitamin D3 (1a, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3). Other cells were exposed to a standardized curcumin extract. Past studies have shown that there are two types of macrophages, Type I and Type II that independently perform different functions, yet must work together to effectively remove amyloid protein in the brain.

The scientists found that Type I macrophage activity is greatly enhanced with optimal saturation of vitamin D3, and Type II immune cells are supported by the presence of curcumin. Researchers found that the action of both Type I and II macrophages are greatly enhanced by the synergistic application of vitamin D3 and curcumin together. Dr. Fiala concluded "Our findings demonstrate that active forms of vitamin D3 (and curcumin) may be an important regulator of immune activities of macrophages in helping to clear amyloid plaques."

Proof positive now exists to support maintaining optimal blood saturation levels (50 to 70 ng/mL) of vitamin D as measured using the simple and inexpensive 25(OH)D test. Most people will need to supplement with 5,000 to 7,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day or rely on sun exposure to obtain ideal levels. Adding curcumin to your regular diet using natural curry-enriched foods or supplementing (300 to 500 mg per day standardized to 95 percent total curcuminoids) will provide a synergistic effect shown to help clear brain tangles and prevent Alzheimer's dementia.

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When is a Hit Piece on Supplements by the Drug Industry a Hit Piece?

By Scott C. Tips, Attorney and President of the National Health Federation

The answer is: Whenever Josh Bloom writes it.  Josh Bloom of the so-called and heavily drug-industry-funded “American Council on Science and Health” just wrote and published a hit piece on supplements in The American Spectator ( entitled “When Is a Drug a Drug?  And, amazingly enough, this drug-happy organization’s spokesman argues the same old, tired myth that supplements are dangerous, supplements are unregulated, and that the FDA is our poor, hands-tied-behind-its-back friend desperately trying to protect the consumer against these dangerous products.


    I am so glad that the drug industry – whose properly approved drugs kill over 100,000 Americans year in and year out (Government statistics, not mine) – is so concerned about protecting my health from supplements that maybe have killed ten people in over 25 years!  In fact, Americans are more likely to die from a bee sting, lightning strike, or falling off a horse than they are from taking a supplement.  That is how incredibly safe supplements in America are.  To regulate them any more than they already are is to raise their costs and to price these healthy, preventative products out of the hands of ordinary citizens.

ACSH is a Front Organization for the Drug Industry

          So where does this noble man, Josh Bloom, come from, to offer up to us his wisdom about the “dangers” of supplements?  Well, Wikipedia notes that as of 1996, 75% of the American Council on Science and Health’s funding came from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries!  Curiously enough, the organization no longer publishes their funding sources and they claim that less than 50% of their funding comes from those sources now, but even if that is true, ACSH’s funding from the drug industry is substantial and leads anyone with a room-temperature I.Q. or better to question their motives in attacking supplements, which are, after all, growing competition for the pharmaceutical industry, which sees its carefully constructed monopoly over health under attack.

          After all, the drug industry spends $6 million per day lobbying Congress and agencies just like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to maintain the drug-industry monopoly over health and healthcare.  Josh Bloom may attempt to casually insult the supplement industry with his smear that it is a “mega-billion-dollar industry,” but the supplement industry is a puny lightweight compared to Big Pharma with easily a half-a-trillion in revenues every year (see revenue chart at

Drugs are Dangerous

          Dr. Andrew Saul, a doctor actually concerned with optimal health, has pointed out that, even when properly prescribed and taken as directed, legal drugs kill some 106,000 Americans each and every year. At over 2,000 deaths each week (and some doctors estimate the toll to be much higher), that is quite a death rate. (See L.L. Leape, “Error in Medicine,” Journal of the American Medical Association, 1994, 272:23 at 1851; L.L. Leape, “Institute of Medicine Medical Error Figures are not Exaggerated,” JAMA, 2000 Jul, 5;284(1):95–97.)

          The number of serious adverse drug events reported to the FDA between 1998 and 2005 more than doubled to 467,809, according to a report in the Sept. 10th issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. Thomas J. Moore and his colleagues (at the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania) analyzed serious adverse drug events reported to the FDA and found in addition to the number of reported AERS, the number of fatal adverse drug events increased from 5,519 to 15,107 in the same time frame, a 2.7-fold increase. “The overall relative increase was four times faster than the growth in total U.S. outpatient prescriptions, which grew in the same period from 2.7 billion to 3.8 billion.”  Drugs are indeed serious concerns; and, clearly, supplements and drugs are not even in the same class.  Nor should they be treated in the same way either.

Supplements are Safe

          As I have been writing and saying for years, dietary supplements are exceptionally safe. Statistically, a person is more likely to die from a bee sting or a lightning strike than he or she is from taking dietary supplements.

          Dr. Andrew Saul confirmed this viewpoint when he wrote, “The 2003 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposures Surveillance System states that there have been only two deaths allegedly caused by vitamins. (See American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2004; Almost half of all Americans take nutritional supplements every day, some 145,000,000 individual doses daily, for a total of over 53 billion doses annually. And from that, two alleged deaths? That is a product safety record without equal.” More recent figures simply confirm this safety record for supplements.

Don’t Listen to the Vested Interests

          Mr. Bloom’s hit piece is pure trash and typical of the kind of scurrilous attack that the drug industry launches in the mainstream media all the time.  That his hit piece appeared in a freedom-loving publication such as The American Spectator is nothing short of baffling.  Calling for more regulation of an already over-regulated supplement industry, Mr. Bloom’s approach is both anti-freedom and makes no sense.  Should the supplement industry really be elevated to, say, the level of careful regulation that lets the drug industry get away with marketing products leading to the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans every year!  Or should supplements be as tightly regulated as the financial industry?  We all know now what a disaster that was when the most-heavily regulated business in America crashed and burned a few years ago amidst incredible corruption and fraud.

          No, Mr. Bloom, please go back to your Masters and tell them that they should actually fight fair in a free-market economy.  Let supplements finally be able to make truthful claims about their many health and preventative benefits.  Are they drugs?  Actually, the science shows that many of them can safely and with no side effects replace the dangerous and deadly drugs that Mr. Bloom’s Masters would restrict us to.  This is what the drug industry is afraid of and this is exactly why they pummel you with pure propaganda every chance that they get.  All I can say to you – to repeat a famous 1984 film line – is, “If you want to live, come with me.”

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Seasonal Allergies? Get relief and Save Money Without Medications!

by: Dr. Daniel Zagst

(NaturalNews) What happened to the winter? Spring has started early and with an early bloom comes a long year for seasonal allergy sufferers. If you are one of the millions suffering from springtime allergies already in March, wouldn't you like to enjoy the summer allergy-free? A simple solution exists that can help you rid the meds and enjoy the outdoors.

Cold Protocol

Texas Juniper Oil

Medication, shmedication!
There's no doubt that our country is over-medicated, not to mention broke from paying for expensive medications. On top of this, terrible side effects with allergy medications make them a gamble to take. The side effects of a popular prescription allergy drug includes: fatigue, coughing, sneezing, headache, nausea, sleeplessness, sore throat, dizziness and even severe allergic reactions! Wait, isn't the medication supposed to prevent allergies and all of these symptoms? What if you could take something safe and natural with no side effects that you don't need a prescription for and costs well under $20?

Raw apple cider vinegar
With an already seemingly endless list of conditions that benefit from apple cider vinegar (ACV), allergies can be placed right in the mix. Allergies arise due to a histamine response from over-exposure to pollens, dander, dust and so on. Although these may be harmless, the human body's immune response views them as foreign invaders that must be destroyed. People with allergies suffer from a heightened immune reaction to a non-threatening stimulus. ACV works by blocking the histamine reaction and reducing inflammation. Raw, organic ACV can be found in most supermarkets and every health food store. Take a shot of 1:1 mix of ACV and water first thing in the morning and up to 3 times a day. Drinking ACV before going outside can prevent an allergic reaction before it starts. Be careful not to burn the throat by drinking it too fast.

LOCAL raw honey
Besides being delicious, honey can reduce allergies or get rid of them all together. Everyone who has allergies generally knows what it is that sets them off. In the case of pollen allergies, one can likely identify which flower or tree gives them the worst symptoms. Most of the time these are plants that pollinate through wind and insects. By consuming a few spoonfuls of local honey from a plant source known to be problematic, one can build up a tolerance to the pollen and reduce the overall immune response to it, hence curing their allergies. Local farmers markets usually have a beekeeper's local honey for sale and may be labeled with different plant sources for the honey. Purchase honey that comes from the plant causing allergies. If they don't have it, try buying honey from the most local source, as this will most likely contain some pollen from many different plants in the area, further building up a tolerance.

If you can't stand the taste of ACV, add some honey to it to dull it down and make it bearable to drink. These two natural remedies can help an allergy sufferer once again enjoy the outdoors without a box of tissues.

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Use Proven Natural Remedies and Herbs To Treat Joint Pain

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Though typically referred to as a single condition characterized by chronic joint pain, arthritis is actually a collective grouping of more than 100 different diseases involving joint inflammation for which many conventional doctors simply prescribe pain drugs as a one-size-fits-all solution. But rather than resort to a lifetime of taking chemical toxins that fail to address the root causes of arthritis, why not try some natural, herbal alternatives that have been proven to provide lasting benefits without causing negative side effects?

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Whether you or someone you know suffers from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout, there are many herbal remedies known to treat arthritis-causing inflammation and pain symptoms. And many of these remedies do more than just treat the systems, as they systemically enhance the body's ability to heal joint tissue and protect it from further damage.

Lemon verbena extract and omega-3 fish oil
In 2011, researchers from Spain published a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM) revealing how lemon verbena extract combined with omega-3 fish oil is a powerful weapon in defeating chronic joint pain. After just nine weeks of treatment, patients taking this combination experienced as much as a 78 percent reduction in their pain symptoms, based on trusted scientific assessments of pain (

"The nutritional supplement containing standardized lemon verbena extract (14 percent verbascoside, w/w) and fish oil omega-3 fatty acid reduced symptoms of pain and stiffness significantly, and improved physical function as shown by WOMAC (Western Ontario McMaster) and Lequesne's scores after nine weeks of treatment," wrote the authors (

Organic sulfur
Organic sulfur, the precursor of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate, two sulfur-based amino acids commonly found in arthritis supplements, is crucial to maintaining bone and joint health. And yet this important nutrient has largely disappeared from the modern food supply due to the advent of chemical-based fertilizers used in industrial agriculture, which have depleted bioavailable sulfur from soils and disrupted the natural sulfur cycle (

This is why any attempt to quell arthritis pain must include supplementation with bioavailable, organic sulfur crystals, also known as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), derived from natural plant sources. Many mainstream MSM formulas contain processed sulfur that is largely ineffective, so be sure to look for pure, organic sulfur crystals in "flake" form rather than in powder or capsule form (

Nettle leaf
Nettle leaf, also known as "stinging nettles," is an herb that has long been used in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation. Rich in natural boron, silicon, and other minerals, nettle has been shown in a number of studies to effectively treat all forms of arthritis, as well as tendinitis and bursitis. Nettle leaf can also be made into a topical cream useful in relieving arthritis symptoms externally

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