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Many Expired or Improperly Stored Vaccines Put Children At Serious Risk

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A recent report issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of the Inspector General contains some shocking new information about vaccines. It turns out that millions of vaccines administered to children every single year are being improperly stored at temperatures that are either too high or too low, or are simply past their expiration dates, which could render them ineffective or even dangerous.

Vaccine Protocol

The 52-page report, entitled Vaccines for Children Program: Vulnerabilities in Vaccine Management, which you can view here (, is an assessment of 45 vaccine providers that operate under HHS' Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. This program distributed 82 million doses of taxpayer-funded vaccines to roughly 40 million children just in 2010, at a cost of $3.6 billion.

For the analysis, a team of investigators chose 45 VFC providers from around the country that ordered the highest number of vaccines for distribution in 2010. They visited each of the sites, observed their vaccine handling practices, interviewed their vaccine coordinators, and generally compiled an assessment of the overall effectiveness of each operation.

They discovered, however, that 76 percent of these high-volume VFC providers were storing vaccines at temperatures that were either too hot or too cold for at least five cumulative hours throughout the day. Thirteen providers were also storing expired vaccines alongside non-expired vaccines, which means they were not paying attention to this crucial information on package labeling.

"[T]he selected providers generally did not meet vaccine management requirements or maintain required documentation," says the report. "Similarly, none of the five selected grantees met all VFC program oversight requirements, and grantee site visits were not effective in ensuring that providers met vaccine management requirements over time."

Medical establishment now blaming vaccine mismanagement for whooping cough outbreak
Remember back in 2010 when the medical establishment blamed unvaccinated children for the inexplicable outbreak of whooping cough that spread across California? Even though it was later shown that most of the children who contracted whooping cough had actually been vaccinated for whooping cough (, the system still blamed unvaccinated children in an attempt to convince more parents to get their children vaccinated.

Well, now the medical system is blaming improperly-stored vaccines for a new whooping cough outbreak in Washington state that is reportedly the worst one since the 1940s. Some news media sources are once again blaming unvaccinated children. But interestingly, an ABC News report suggests vaccine management problems could be to blame.

This could just be an attempt to whitewash the failure of whooping cough vaccines in general. Whooping cough vaccines that are properly stored and not expired still do not provide protection against the disease, which means improperly stored and expired whooping cough vaccines are a convenient scapegoat for explaining disease outbreaks. Or perhaps some in the mainstream media have simply grown weary of blaming unvaccinated children for outbreak, a tactic that, in all honesty, is embarrassingly unscientific and irrational.

In either case, these new revelations just go to show how disastrous America's vaccine system truly is. And what is even worse is that with these admissions, authorities are still urging parents to have their children vaccinated, even though this could mean that they end up getting jabbed with an expired, degraded or inactive vaccine loaded with highly-toxic chemicals.

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