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High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes

by: Randall Neustaedter OMD

(NaturalNews) A new, eye-opening study has taken the novel approach of examining a country’s high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) consumption and correlated that with the incidence of diabetes. This study examines the long-suspected assumption that corn syrup contributes to the rapidly and consistently increasing rise in diabetes in developed countries. No surprise that in this study a high HFCS use by consumers is associated with a higher incidence of diabetes in that country.

Chromium GTF

The study published in the journal Global Public Health compared 43 countries (Goran et al, 2012). Half of those countries had little or no corn syrup in their foods or citizens’ diets. Countries that consume none or very little HFCS include India, Ireland, Czech Republic, Austria, France, and China. The highest HFCS consuming countries include the US, Mexico, Canada, and Japan. The United States is by far the greatest consumer and the greatest producer of corn syrup. The average American consumes 55 pounds of HFCS per year. Far more than any other country.Those countries that consume greater amounts of HFCS have a 20 percent higher incidence of diabetes compared to countries that use none or low amounts. This result was unchanged when the study controlled for possible confounding factors such as body size, carbohydrate consumption, and population size.

Corn syrup (fructose) when eaten in excess causes negative metabolic effects including excess weight gain with accumulation of fat and insulin resistance (Stanhope et al, 2009). Insulin resistance leads to diabetes, and this study shows the clear association between corn syrup and the rise in diabetes rates.

Eliminate corn syrup and HFCS from your diets. Avoid processed foods that contain corn syrup, including highly sweetened electrolyte drinks like Gatorade and other soft drinks.


Goran MI, et al. High fructose corn syrup and diabetes prevalence: A global perspective. Journal of Global Health, 2012, Nov. 28, published online ahead of print.

Stanhope KL, et al. Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2009, 119 (5),1322-1334.

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Some Deadly Side Effects Of Consuming Fluoridated Tap Water

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) The issue of water fluoridation has been in the news recently, with the City Council in Portland, Ore., voting recently to start putting fluoride in the water supply (despite stiff opposition from residents) while voters in Wichita, Kan., rejected a proposal to add fluoride to city water in November, just as residents did in 1964 and 1978, the previous two times the issue came up for a vote.

Detox Protocol

But why all of the hubbub over fluoride? After all, it’s a chemical that serves to improve our lives and our health, right? That’s what the federal government has said for the past 65 years, since the United States Public Health Service began “recommending” cities add fluoride to water supplies.The fact is research has shown repeatedly that long-term fluoride consumption can be extremely harmful, even deadly, and here are some reasons why:

Fluoride consumption leads to lowered intelligence. One of the most researched side effects of fluoride is what it does to lower your IQ. The most recent study was published in the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences journal Environmental Health Perspectives in August. Researchers from both Harvard University’s School of Public Health and China Medical University in Shenyang, in a joint meta-analysis of 27 studies, found there were “strong indications” that fluoride exposure, particularly among developing children, is highly problematic for proper cognitive development and brain formation.

“[O]ur results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment,” Anna Choi, a research scientist at Harvard, and her colleagues wrote in their report. “Fluoride readily crosses the placenta. Fluoride exposure to the developing brain, which is much more susceptible to injury caused by toxicants than is the mature brain, may possibly lead to damage of a permanent nature.”

Increased risk of cancer. According to a study by the Harvard School of Dental Health, fluoride in tap water increases risk of bone cancer in boys, at levels currently present in fluoridated water supplies.

“This is a very specific cancer in a defined population of children,” said Richard Wiles, co-founder of the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a research organization based in Washington, D.C., that made the research available.

“When you focus in and look for the incidence of tumors, you see the increase,” he told The Guardian newspaper.

Half of all fluoride ingested is stored in the body, accumulating in calcifying tissue such as teeth and bones and in the pineal gland in the brain, although more than 90 percent is taken into the bones, the paper said, citing the research.

Fluoride said to contain neurotoxins. This is especially true for children, whose brains are developing rapidly during their earliest years.

“Prolonged excessive intake of fluoride during child’s growth and development stages has been associated with mental and physical problems,” say researchers from the Dental Research Center and Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental School, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, which was published by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. “Children residing in areas with higher than normal water fluoride levels demonstrated more impaired development of intelligence. Thus, children’s intelligence may be affected by high water fluoride levels.”

Fluoride can impede thyroid function. Another major problem caused by fluoride ingestion is the damage it can cause your thyroid gland.

“The effects of fluoride on various aspects of endocrine function should be examined, particularly with respect to a possible role in the development of several diseases or mental states in the United States. Major areas of investigation include . . . thyroid disease (especially in light of decreasing iodine intake by the U.S. population),” the National Research Council concluded in 2006.

The thyroid, which regulates the body’s metabolic rate, is extremely important in overall human health. Chemicals like fluoride can cause thyroid disruption, and can especially cause the thyroid to under-perform (hypothyroidism).

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Ginger Root Is A Miracle Cure For Prostate Cancer

by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) Prostate cancer is one of the most over-treated cancers out there. By 50 years of age, about 40 percent of all men already have prostate cancer and likely will never know it. But it will not kill them either – unless they are screened for it and then treated with Big Pharma protocols. Then things take an ugly turn as the benign and slow-growing cancer turns into the killer kind. The numbers for prostate cancer doubles to 80 percent of all men by the age of 80 years old. If you are in the business of selling cancer treatments, this is a financial boon and a cash-cow.

Saw Palemetto

The male prostate gland naturally enlarges with age. The bigger it gets, the greater the chance that some of the cells in the prostate will turn cancerous. This is mainly due to our highly inflammatory diets full of gluten, cancer causing GMOs, sugars and chemical additives combined with our sedentary lifestyles and poor stool habits.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force this year found that PSA blood tests are too unreliable and give false positives 80 percent of the time with 1,000 men needing to be screened just to prevent a single prostate cancer death – but that's not the worst of it. Many will succumb to impotence, incontinence, heart attacks and even death from treatment of tiny tumors that never would have killed them in the first place.

Ginger is the miracle cure
The British Journal of Nutrition published the results of an American study recently in which ginger extract (zingiber officinale) actually killed human prostate cancer cells while healthy prostate cells did not die. The results occurred at a daily dose of 100 mg of ginger extract per kg of body weight (based on a man weighing 150 pounds this equals about 550 mg extract per day). In eight weeks, the ginger extract slashed prostate tumor growth in half. The researchers have estimated that 100 grams of fresh ginger eaten daily will offer the same results.

As a cancer champion, ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative effects upon tumors making ginger a promising chemopreventive agent. Whole ginger extract holds significant growth-inhibitory and death-inductory effects in a spectrum of cancer cells by interrupting cancer cell-cycle progression, impairing cancer reproduction and modulating apoptosis. But most importantly, ginger does not have any toxicity in normal, rapidly dividing tissues such as gut and bone marrow.

Ginger taken orally can prevent or relieve nausea resulting from chemotherapy, motion sickness, pregnancy, and surgery.

Not only can ginger root cure cancer, but it is a natural remedy for travel sickness, nausea, indigestion, flatulence, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, loss of appetite, chills, poor circulation, menstrual cramps, dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion and many other gastrointestinal problems. Ginger root is also a powerful anti-inflammatory for joint problems and is indicated for arthritis, fevers, headaches, toothaches, coughs, bronchitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, high cholesterol and blood-pressure and can also prevent internal blood clots. Ginger is even anti-viral and makes a warming cold and flu remedy.

Prostate do's and don'ts
There are studies showing that men consuming large amounts of synthetic folic acid and zinc oxide are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Men also taking large amounts of high-dose multi-vitamins develop prostate cancer more frequently. On the other hand, other studies suggest that fish oil, magnesium, curcumin, broccoli and lycopene (found in tomato products) help protect men against cancer. Avoiding all GMO foods and processed foods along with their litany of chemical additives is a must for prostate health. Maintaining a low-carb diet is also known to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Oh, and don't forget to take ginger root.

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Eight-year-old Girl To Be Given Forced Vaccinations

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) An Australian mother who desperately tried with all her might to protect her young daughter from being poisoned with vaccines has lost the battle, according to Judicial tyrants in the Victoria region of Australia recently ruled that the eight-year-old girl, whose mother had chosen to avoid vaccines and instead feed her child organic, biodynamic, and unprocessed foods, would have to subject the girl to the government-mandated vaccine schedule from here on out into the future.

Vaccine Protocol

The mother, who has not been publicly named due to legal restrictions, had made the conscientious and informed decision from the time when her daughter was first born not to have the child vaccinated. Instead, the mother chose to administer safe, side effect-free homeopathic immunizations to her daughter, in addition to feeding her healthy food and clean water, and exposing her to fresh air, dirt and other natural immunity boosters.

But trouble arose when the little girl's father, who is divorced from the mother and lives elsewhere, decided to have the girl vaccinated behind her mother's back while in his custody. According to reports, the father secretly allowed his new wife to take the girl to a medical center and have her vaccinated several years back for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, polio, HIB, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), and meningococcal C, in total violation of the mother's trust.

State decides homeopathic remedies are 'ineffective,' orders mother to inject her child with poison
All the dedication and hard work that the young girl's mother had invested into keeping her daughter safe from being injected with formaldehyde, mercury (Thimerosal), aluminum, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and the dozens of other chemical adjuvants commonly added to vaccines, in other words, was destroyed in an instant with just a single covert visit to a state-run medical office. And the vindictive former husband who allowed it all to happen told a family court later that he had planned to continue "secretly vaccinat[ing]" the girl against her mother's wishes.

The mother, whose hopes for her child's health had been grossly violated, tried to stop her former husband from continuing to have the girl vaccinated by filing an injunction against him. But when the issue was finally brought before family court Judge Victoria Bennett, it was determined that, because a senior pediatrician from Royal Children's Hospital personally believed there was not enough evidence to prove the efficacy of homeopathic immunizations, the girl's mother would have to continue having her daughter vaccinated in accordance with the official vaccine schedule.

So the state, rather than the parent, has once again made the final determination about what will be forcibly injected into a child's body, proving that parental sovereignty is no longer recognized and respected by many that occupy positions of power in government. And if parents are no longer free to choose what medical procedures are appropriate for their own children, then there is no more freedom, and tyranny has won.

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Gary Null Calls Out Dr. Oz For Supporting Monsanto

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) There has been a firestorm of activity concerning Dr. Oz following his publication of an opinion piece in TIME Magazine calling people who buy local, organic, non-GMO food "snobs" and "elitists" and "snooty."


o say this rubbed the organic food movement the wrong way would be an understatement. Dr. Oz's facebook page was hit with a barrage of angry comments denouncing Oz as being "totally out of touch" with real people who want clean, non-GMO food that isn't sprayed with chemical pesticides.

You can read some of the ongoing comments in my original article that called Dr. Oz a "sellout" for caving in to corporate interests and betraying the healthy food movement.

As part of the backlash against Oz, health pioneer and free speech advocate Gary Null wrote this letter that lays it out. Natural News applauds Gary Null for joining the call for Dr. Oz to retract his attack against organic food consumers and publicly announce his advocacy for organic food and, at minimum, GMO labeling.

Gary Null calls out Oz, asks him to reconsider

Dear Dr. Oz,

You may remember when I invited you to appear in a PBS special, Get Healthy Now, along with other medical panelists, in 1999. We have not spoken since, however, my audience and I are very concerned about the inflammatory comments that you made in a recent issue of TIME Magazine. In effect, you stated that there is no basic difference between non-organic, genetically modified produce and organic varieties and that people are wasting their money buying organic foods. You also suggest that individuals who purchase organic foods are taking part in a "snooty" form of "elitism" and that in effect, it's the "99%" just trying to act like the "1%".

This was unexpected as a person with your reputation and resources could easily have found the several hundred to several thousand peer-reviewed articles highlighting the dangers of consuming pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and genetically engineered foods, especially to those people most vulnerable to chemical toxicity or environmentally-induced illnesses, such as children. Also, you could have examined the 40 years of scientific and lay literature on the plight of farm workers who experienced the highest incidence of birth defects and other adverse health consequences as a result of working with toxins in the soil as well as the hundreds of studies confirming the damaging effects of modern commercial meat, poultry and fish production on our health the environment. Additionally, you could have carried out a review of the water and soil conservation literature that shows how the enormous quantities of excess nitrogen released during the production of our commercial, factory farmed foods have contributed to massive fish die-offs and dead zones, the largest of which is at the mouth of the Mississippi river and is larger than the state of New Jersey. And finally, you may want to have a conversation with your wife, who recently used our studios at the Progressive Radio Network along with Jeffrey Smith, the leading critic of GMO foods in the US, to narrate a documentary challenging genetic engineering. Certainly your wife, a dedicated, conscientious and highly educated consumer activist, would be a great resource for you.

My hope is that this information will motivate you to have your staff do their due diligence, research the facts and realize that you are supporting the "1%"- Monsanto, your television network and their sponsors- and that may be a position in need of reevaluation. I will remain optimistic that you will be thoughtful enough to set aside your ego and any special interests that have propagandized you, and that you will seek the truth, speak out and write a rebuttal. I look forward to your communication.

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The Insanity Of Avoiding Magnesium

by: Dr. Carolyn Dean

(NaturalNews) Below, I present a lengthy case history as an illustration of a medical system no longer serving the public as it ignores the amazing properties of magnesium that could revolutionize health care. It was sent to me as a testimonial to the miracle-working powers of magnesium.

Dr. Ken's Miracle Magnesium Oil

As Albert Einstein said, "Insanity can be defined as a person or persons doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome." The current allopathic medical system is insane. Every one of the following diagnoses given to this man was in error. His underlying diagnosis is severe magnesium depletion likely induced by 30 years of blood pressure medications that drain magnesium from the body. Keep in mind that the following scenario is happening to millions of people all over the world who have put their faith in drug-based allopathic medicine.

"Dear Dr Dean,
Firstly we'd like to congratulate you on your recent award from the Heart Rhythm Society. (I was awarded The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management Services Award 2012 at The Heart Rhythm Congress organized by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Sept, 2012.) Well and truly deserved, in our opinion. And thank you for the wonderful advice and magnesium knowledge you are sharing with us all.

Well, we have a magnesium miracle, too, (thanks to you and my 'bible,' 'The Magnesium Miracle') – which we'd like to share with you – a bit long though, I'm sorry – but there's just so much good news.

Over three years ago, at age 59, my husband was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2, followed a few months later by a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Then, a month later (after many months of exploratory scans etc., trying to find the cause of his ongoing pain) he was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis – even though he had no prior pancreatitis attacks nor any history of gall bladder problems or alcohol abuse. The CT scan showed 'small' calcifications on the pancreas.

He collapsed in the specialist's office during the chronic pancreatitis diagnosis and was further diagnosed with arrhythmia. He did have a blood pressure issue for the prior 30 years. In the 1990s he had 2 liver biopsies due to ongoing elevated liver function blood tests – put down eventually to 'strange pathology' in the absence of anything untoward. He also had couple of heel spurs over the years.

But now, his body was just breaking down – and quickly.

Our family was astounded. We always ate 'healthily', loved our veggies, salads, fresh foods, cooked virtually all our food at home, and ate minimal junk, and minimal alcohol. Obviously we could have done a lot better but certainly weren't slack about how we lived. And apart from his blood pressure we thought he had nothing much else happening health wise.

Following his multiple disease diagnosis, the usual cocktail of meds was given to him (in addition to Ramporil & Noten for BP -2 x day for 30 yrs), Lipitor, 8 months before the chronic pancreatitis diagnosis, although he had no cholesterol problems, Metformin (Diabex 3 x day) for Diabetes, Creon Enzymes and Somac for the pancreatitis and codeine for pancreatic pain etc.

He was walking death. He had no energy, was out of breath as well as suffering great pain and losing weight dramatically and very, very scared as he watched himself deteriorating daily.

His GP of 10 years said he'd increase the meds and prescribe opiates as required. His attitude was 'What can you expect, you've got chronic diseases, there's nothing else you can do about it, they'll just get worse.' Nice guy!!

My husband was put on an Invalid Pension – this said it all from his point of view – he was totally gutted. We live in a regional area, a beautiful place, but a problem medically, as the good docs have years of long waiting lists, and the young, foreign doctors only stay 12 months or so to fulfill their obligations then go back to the cities to practice. So we make do with who we can get, in our case a doctor who doesn't believe the patient should be proactive in their treatment and totally closed minded.

My husband had a total meltdown one night – including hallucinations, anxiety, unable to sleep for fear of dying etc. We were able to get an emergency appointment with another Dr within his GP's practice as his usual GP was away. She spent 90 minutes reading his notes, consulting medical books etc., trying to find what was happening. Eventually she said that all his blood tests going back to 2006 showed consistently very low calcium levels. She made immediate arrangements for him to be seen at the local hospital for further testing (Saturday afternoon), where they also included mg testing and found him to have both hypocalcaemia (.47 mmol/L) and hypomagnesmia (1.86 mmol/L). They gave him IV magnesium, with immediate and virtually miraculous results. They took over with daily testing and gave him another magnesium IV two weeks later because levels went down again.

They also prescribed magnesium oxide (which we now know has very low absorption), and calcium. When we went back to his GP and asked him about the low calcium level for 3 years – he said it wasn't 'very low', and that magnesium was 'just a fad'. Meanwhile, he was getting light-headed and wobbly as his BP was getting lower on the magnesium.

Two weeks after the first IV magnesium, all BP meds were stopped and he hasn't had high BP since then. It's been over 3 years now since this journey began. The GP would still not recognize it as anything other than 'one of those things.' After 30 years of meds? We don't think so!

We left his surgery and made an appointment with a Naturopath – and had a totally different experience. Fortunately we had the foresight to ask the hospital doctor for copies of the blood tests they did, and we have copies of every report, scan and blood test he's had from specialists, GP etc., since. Our GP gives them grudgingly, but can't by law refuse. From this point and for 2 years, I kept an in depth daily journal of my husband's illness – which has been a fantastic help to refer back to when things go blip on the radar.

Between the time the arrhythmia was picked up in the specialist's rooms and the time his stress test was booked (about 2 weeks over Xmas), he had been given IV magnesium and started on oral magnesium with the Naturopath. He passed the stress test with no problems, so no meds were required. His GP had been warning him of cardio visits and possible stents being inserted.

At this point I'd started my own research on the net and found your website and book, 'The Magnesium Miracle' and bought 2 copies. I also have your e-book 'Death by Modern Medicine', your 'Future Health Now Encyclopedia' and am a member of your online wellness program, Completement Now. For a person like me, whose nursing experience and medical knowledge combined would fit on a postage stamp and still have space, discovering you was a momentous day in our lives, and life-changing. Sorry if that sounds gushy & corny – but it just was. I believe you saved my husband's life.

I have learned so much to help him from my little, very dog-eared 'Magnesium Miracle' bible, and the information relating to his illnesses I've gleaned from reputable sites and forums on the net. From what I've read in your book, it wasn't hard to work out that magnesium deficiency was probably the cause of ALL of the medical problems he now has, and had in the past (BP, spurs, even the calcifications of his pancreas), and his body couldn't cope any longer.

The Naturopath agrees. It makes me very angry, but in the big pharma world – just a bit of collateral damage, I guess. How many others who never find this information… grrrr!

Unfortunately, just as he was starting to make great progress, we went through another failed experiment in allopathic medicine. He fell into depression; he was always a bit anxious in nature, but never needing meds, and never had depression before. He became so depressed his psychiatrist couldn't find a drug that worked without huge side effects. They asked if he would consent to hospitalization to find something to help him. Huge mistake.

They tried massive doses of anxiety and anti-depressives, not taking into account his Parkinson's, which up until then wasn't bad enough to warrant meds. He was doped out of his brain, so sick, and developed severe Parkinson's symptoms – couldn't hold a cup, cutlery, dress himself etc. And on top of all that they wouldn't believe me that he had a magnesium deficiency despite the evidence from previous blood tests. And they wouldn't allow any of the naturopathic meds as they considered the amount he was taking excessive. And of course we didn't have a GP to back us.

By the time they did their own tests and found he had a huge and on-going magnesium deficiency, worsened by the anxiety and antidepressant meds they were feeding him, the damage had been done. He ended up on Sinemet because the symptoms were too severe to reverse.

Three years later, my husband has long ago ditched Lipitor, Metformin, BP meds, Somac, codeine etc. He is now basically non-diabetic with normal blood sugars every 3 months for the over 2 years. He still has no cholesterol problems; liver function tests are normal for the first time since the 90's; no problems with his pancreas although he does take enzymes. His Neurologist, who saw him at his worst, now says he makes his day whenever he attends his 6 monthly check-ups with in-house PD physical tests – and tells him, whatever he's doing, just keep doing it. His psychiatrist said he couldn't believe the change in him – he thought he was going to die. Unfortunately probably because of the Parkinson's disease, the depression still persists if he's off the SRRI (Citalopram), so we have to accept and work with some of the meds, and increase his magnesium, which isn't so bad, considering how he used to be. Maybe soon he might be able to reduce the SRRI gradually seeing as he's doing so well.

A recent comparative CT scan of his pancreas taken at our request, showed that the small calcifications are still there, but nothing has worsened – so that's a real bonus. And no further heel spur problems, so the magnesium is keeping the calcium properly dissolved and the calcium is now doing its proper job and not attaching itself to the soft tissues.

My husband has no problems with either constipation or insomnia, which are so common with Parkinson's disease. And with his vitamin B supplements he has so much energy I find it difficult to keep up with him. People can't believe how well he is and many have said they thought he was dying. This year has been his best yet. My husband takes approximately 1700mg elemental magnesium every day – and 500mg calcium. It's a lot. I use extra Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil when he used to complain of muscular and pancreatic pain which gave him relief in conjunction with heat packs.

In your book you mentioned that when consuming large amounts of magnesium, over time the body would be saturated and the dose may need to be lowered slightly. He was starting to get loose bowel movements that I couldn't put down to anything else but too much magnesium. But his mg serum levels are never any higher than .8mmol/L. (towards the bottom end of 'normal').

To test the saturation theory, I held back a dose of magnesium and this worked to normalize his bowel movements. This situation coincided with the psychiatrist deciding to get an EKG to check his heart Q-T intervals following the release of new information on possible side effects of taking Citalopram in excess of 40mg/day – even though his dose doesn't exceed this. This was followed by an echocardiograph. The echo showed arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation) and he was referred to a cardio specialist.

A routine blood test taken at this time showed mg levels had dropped to .7mmol/L. His GP said that he'd spoken to the cardio who would be putting him on Warfarin. We couldn't believe he'd come this far only to have it all come crashing down, and we both worried for 6 weeks until the appointment. In the meantime, after again consulting your book, I started to rub his back with 20 sprays per day of Ancient Minerals, (and still withheld the dose of oral magnesium to stop the laxative effect) and after about 10 days, I could no longer hear his irregular heartbeat. Everything was normal, strong and regular to my ear on his chest anyway.

The cardio did another ECG. It was perfect – no problems and as a compromise to the Warfarin asked him to take one half aspirin/day instead with a review in 6 months. Not perfect, but way better than Warfarin, and we may be able to delete this too in due course.

The next blood test shows the magnesium level rose again back to .8mmol/L. Proof that we have to keep his mg levels to this number or he develops arrhythmia. We did try taurine because you suggest it for heart problems, but unfortunately he was not able to tolerate it!

We grow most of our own veggies and copious herbs organically with the addition of magnesium into the soil and a fertilizer. Living in a sub-tropical climate we grow beautiful fruit – mangoes, macadamia nuts, citrus, berries, figs etc – and coffee, which we process ourselves and limit to 1 cup/day. I'm fortunate to have a man who loves good, healthy food so everything we can possibly make at home is done here – that way we know what's in it and can tweak it to suit us and without unknown additives, preservatives, or refined products. We aren't puritans but just try our best.

We're always tweaking recipes to make them as nutritious as possible without him missing out on the foods he's always loved, and enjoyed including Thai curries and similar foods by tweaking and so far no further pancreatic problems. To this end I'm following the Weston A Price/Sally Fallon concepts, within reason – i.e. olive and coconut oils, fats, grains, nuts, seeds, etc – but nowhere near as much fat as they use; and small portions of meat, chicken, fish and huge salads or veggies and herbs.

Also starting to experiment with fermented veggies using whey that sounds like an alternative to the probiotic properties of kefir to which my husband is sensitive, though I put it into my breads and cooking without a problem. Over time he has put on some of the weight he lost (which the GP said he wouldn't because of pancreatic insufficiency) and has stabilized.

We're still on the lookout for an open-minded GP who will work in with us and the Naturopath, and at least take an interest in what my husband is taking rather than telling us to please ourselves what he takes or who he see. But perhaps because of his dis-interest, we're learning so much about how to read the med reports and tweaking to get things back on track, so it's not without its plusses. And if we can slow these chronic illnesses down as long as possible – we're winning – thanks so much to you Dr Dean."

What an incredible story!

It's quite possible that this gentleman has a case of magnesium wasting. It's diagnosed by doing a 24-hour urine for magnesium and then getting a measured amount of magnesium in an IV after which you do another 24-hour urine to see how much your body flushed out. Magnesium wasters flush out a lot of magnesium, and may need four times the normal dose – or more!

The couple asked about my ReMag product that I'm private labeling and if it would work with her husband's current magnesium regime. ReMag is a Pico-Ionic magnesium that's absorbed directly at the cellular level. I use this form of magnesium because you can use high amounts and not get the laxative effect until all the storage sites of magnesium are saturated. When dealing with serious magnesium deficiency, many other forms of magnesium will cause the laxative effect long before magnesium saturation. For example, I've used four times the recommend dosage for atrial fibrillation and other heart conditions and found it just as effective as IV magnesium. ReMag is also in a base of 72 other ionic trace minerals, which I'm sure the body uses in ways we haven't even studied yet.

As for the 500 mg of supplemental calcium. I ask people to consult food lists and check the amount of calcium they are getting in their diet and even in their water. If it's close to 700mg, then they don't require a supplement. Even drinking a cup or two of bone-broth every day can give you enough calcium for all your body functions.

I recommended that her husband continue with Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil because Dr. Norm Shealy says that transdermal magnesium stimulates DHEA receptors in the skin and helps balance that hormone. You can also use 2 cups of Epsom salts in the bath for transdermal magnesium absorption. If there are any issues of sluggish bowel movements, I recommend Natural Calm magnesium citrate powder to be taken in water.

Also, for the treatment of depression and to help wean off SSRI's I recommend EMPowerplus at This natural formula is 90% effective compared with antidepressants which are only 40% effective. This means that drugs are even less than the 50% effectiveness rate show with placebo!

Truehope has funded 20 clinical trials in hospitals and universities with the results published in peer reviewed journals. I know the "inventor" and owner of the company, Tony Stephens. He formulated it with a friend, David Hardy, who is a pig farmer! At church one day, Tony told David he was desperate for a solution because his wife had committed suicide on Prozac and two of his kids were also depressed and he didn't want to lose them too! David told Tony that he put together a vitamin/mineral formula for his pigs when they got depressed! So, Tony and David formulated a similar product for humans and in the process have saved thousands of lives and minds.

About diet, I agree with the writer's summation that the Weston A. Price approach is the most sensible out there but I also don't use as much fat as they recommend. It's a high protein diet with the focus on natural foods. You can find out more by going to the Weston A Price website.

I think this letter speaks for itself. It shows the supreme arrogance of allopathic medicine that makes people believe it's got all the answers when it doesn't even know the questions! My magnesium-genius friend, Morley Robbins just asked me why there is no curiosity in doctors that makes them not ask why their patients aren't getting better, why they are getting fatter and why drugs don't work.

The basic answer is that in medical school we were told that our training would teach us ALL there was to know about the diagnosis and treatment of disease and if we came across something that wasn't taught in medical school then it was either a lie or quackery! That means nutrition, homeopathy, herbalism, acupuncture, naturopathy – all lies and quackery. How else can a supposedly-educated doctor say that the most important mineral in the body IS A FAD!

Unless a doctor has a mystical revelation (which sometimes occurs when he/she or a family member gets sick) they never leave the confines of allopathic medicine. There is also the very serious threat of losing their license if they step outside the standard practice of medicine that keeps doctors in check. The current monopoly in medicine of allopathic drugs and surgery as the only treatments is crippling our society and is unsustainable. People have to learn how to take care of themselves in very basic ways to avoid doctors, hospitals and drugs.
Besides the fact that magnesium is deficient in the soil, cooked and processed out of our food and we're eating a fifth of the amount we got 100 years ago, the most shocking fact is that all drugs deplete magnesium. Drugs that doctors prescribe to help you are just as likely harming you. Here's what I wrote in my book, 'The Magnesium Miracle'.

"Ironically, one of the foremost magnesium experts, Mildred Seelig, M.D., began her research career in the 1960s working for drug companies. It was there she first noticed that many of the side effects of drugs were actually magnesium deficiency symptoms. It seemed to her that many drugs cause increased demand for and utilization of magnesium – for example, by creating acidity in the body, which then draws on available magnesium from the cells to try to neutralize the acid and minimize its toxic effects. Other drugs seemed to deplete magnesium from the body or, conversely, manifest their positive effects because they pulled magnesium from storage sites and increased the level of magnesium in the blood."(14

So, in effect, when you take a drug, magnesium, like the true heroine she is, will rush in to help offset the drug. In doing so, you can experience some magnesium benefits. IN FACT, the so-called "beneficial" effects of many drugs may be due to this flood of magnesium. Of course, that can only happen for so long before a person's magnesium stores are totally depleted. THEN, after 6-8 weeks the drug side effects really take hold. Sounds familiar doesn't it. Drug companies MUST know this. They were told by Dr. Seelig in the 60's what was happening. But they obviously didn't listen to her. That's why she quit and went full-time into magnesium research.

I thought magnesium supported 325 biological enzyme systems on the body but the count if more like 1,440, or 80% of the 1,800 we know about. So, magnesium makes your body work well and it also makes most other supplements work properly in as well. Please make it a point to save someone's life today – simply tell everyone you know to investigate magnesium as a solution to dozens of symptoms they may be having!

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Eliminate Bladder Infections Without Antibiotics

by: Angelo Druda

(NaturalNews) Contrary to conventional medical wisdom, antibiotics are not the first treatment of choice for urinary tract infections. Antibiotics should only be used as a last resort in treating bodily inflammation and infection. Antibiotics have been overused during the last fifty years and this has diminished their effectiveness. They also have negative side effects such as the weakening of the digestive energy so should only be used when absolutely necessary.

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A urinary tract infection or UTI is a bacterial infection that occurs when bacteria invade the urinary tract system. Infection like symptoms can also appear in the urinary tract during high stress periods when bodily inflammation is pushed down into the lower organs. While the majority of urinary tract infections or UTIs are not life threatening, symptoms such as pain, burning upon urination and diminished energy levels are very uncomfortable.

Milder cases of urinary tract infections can be treated and eliminated through the use of kitchen remedies that include baking soda, cranberry juice, blueberries and even pineapple juice. High doses of Vitamin C, preferably in a naturally occurring form, can also treat the problem. It is absolutely important, to eliminate all forms of concentrated sugars. Raw greens should also be used liberally in order to alkalize the blood.

In the more severe cases of cystitis the problem can be eliminated by using either D Mannose or the right combination of medicinal herbs. D Mannose is a naturally occurring simple sugar which differs from ordinary sugars in that it interferes with the ability of certain bacteria and particularly the e coli bacteria to stick to the walls of the urinary tract.

The most stubborn urinary tract infections can be eliminated by using powerful infection fighting herbs that specifically target the location of the infection. Herbs such as Buchu and Uva Ursi are good. Chinese medicinal herbs such as Pyrossia, Dianthus, Gardenia, Scute and Gentian represent a powerful cystitis fighting combination. The traditional formula Long Dan Xie Gan Tang or Gentian Combination is highly effective. Complimentary Prescription's Acti Biotic is good, ITM's Pyrossia 14 is effective and Traditional Botanical Medicine's Clear Bladder Formula contains ingredients that have proven to be effective in treating even the most stubborn infections.

Dosing is critical when using herbal medicine. Medicinal herbs must be taken in high doses during the acute phase. The dose can then be lowered once the infection clears but must be sustained for at least two weeks in order to eliminate all bacteria and prevent reinfection.

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Deadly New Pertussis Strain Linked With Whooping Cough Vaccine

by: Carolanne Wright

(NaturalNews) Whooping cough (pertussis) has reached epidemic levels in the U.S. — the highest in five decades. Considering a majority of those who contract the disease are vaccinated, the absurdity of the call for increased pertussis vaccinations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is yet another example of our broken medical system. Even more disturbing, scientists now suspect that vaccines are actually causing this upsurge in whooping cough — contributing to mutations of the original bacterium into more virulent forms.

The nature of pertussis
Whooping cough is an extremely contagious disease of the lung that can be contracted at any age, but is especially dangerous for children. It begins with congestion similar to a cold, lasting up to 10 days. A severe cough then sets in with a 'whooping' sound accompanying the intake of breath. Recovery can take several months, depending on the constitution of the individual. Babies and small children have the highest death rate due to complications that arise from the disease.

Bacterium mutation linked with whooping cough vaccine
The CDC would like to keep the American population ignorant about this startling fact: Our current pertussis epidemic is caused by a deadly new strain of Bordetella pertussis bacterium (ptxP3) and its emergence is directly connected to the whooping cough vaccine.

According to the article, Whooping Cough Epidemic Caused by Virulent New Pertussis Strain — And it's the Result of Vaccine, research by Frits R. Mooi offers a theory about the recent increase of pertussis:

"The Mooi report focuses on the virulence of the new whooping cough strain and makes a direct association with the vaccine. It points out that the strain was first isolated in the United States in 1984, and that the virulent ptxP3 strains have been replacing the vaccines' ptxP1 strains. They also note that the greater prevalence of whooping cough in older age groups (that is, adolescents and adults) is directly related to the new ptxP3 strains."

This may explain why whooping cough rates are sky high in those who have been vaccinated — bacteria are adapting to the vaccine and mutating, much like antibiotic resistant superbugs, becoming more pronounced and lethal. The dangers of this new mutation include a 10-fold increase of illness and death.

The research paper Bordetella pertussis Strains with Increased Toxin Production Associated with Pertussis Resurgence, found on the CDC website, states the following:

"In this period [1989 -2004], ptxP1 [original pertussis bacterium] was gradually replaced by ptxP3, which increased in frequency from 0% in 1989 to 100% in 2004."

"The persistence of pertussis in the face of intense vaccination is unexpected because B. pertussis is extremely homogeneous, implying a limited ability to adapt. However, the Ptx promoter showed a relatively high degree of polymorphism…"

"…ptxP3 strains were not found in the pre-vaccination era."

"Vaccination against two avian viruses, the Marek disease virus, and the infectious bursal disease virus, were associated with the emergence of more virulent strains."

"Based on mathematical modeling, vaccines designed to reduce pathogen growth rate and/or toxicity may result in the evolution of pathogens with higher levels of virulence."

CDC solution – Increase vaccinations
Even though the CDC is aware of the link between vaccination and a new super-strain pertussis bacterium, their 'solution' for the epidemic is to increase vaccine use. True to form, the mainstream medical establishment actually perpetuates whooping cough through their harmful, propaganda-riddled recommendations. In the end, the pertussis vaccine could land unsuspecting individuals with the very disease they are attempting to avoid.

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How To Stop Heart Attacks And Irregular Heart Beats In Their Tracks

by Tony Isaacs (The Best Years in Life) Each year, 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the United States resulting in over 500,000 deaths. Another common, though usually less fatal, cardiovascular problem is irregular heart beat. Though irregular heart beats are not as serious as heart attacks in most instances, they can lead to serious complications if not treated. The good news is that nature has a potent herbal solution for each condition which will usually stop them in their tracks in short order.Cardiovascular Healing & Rebuilding Protocol
Cayenne Pepper will stop a heart attack in less than two minutes.Sometimes called “the king of herbs”, cayenne pepper has the ability to stop a heart attack in its tracks in less than two minutes. Famed herbalist Dr. John Christopher frequently used cayenne pepper to treat patients for heart attacks and reported that it never once failed to stop a heart attack in only a couple of minutes or less.The best form of cayenne pepper to use to stop a heart attack is cayenne pepper tincture (extract), and it only takes a couple of droppers full to do the trick. Regular cayenne pepper powder, such as is found on the grocers spice aisle, can also be used and the recommended amount is at least two teaspoons full. Either way, anyone who is concerned about the possibility of a heart attack is well advised to keep a bottle or vial of cayenne pepper extract or powder close by at all times.Cayenne pepper is renowned for its overall cardiovascular benefits and is considered by many herbalists to be the top herb for overall heart health. Among its many healthy properties is its ability as a natural blood thinner. It also strengthens, stimulates, and tones the heart, balances circulation and blood pressure, and calms palpitations.Hawthorn Berry can put a quick end to irregular heart beat

Irregular heart beat, also known as heart flutter or atrial fibrillation, is a condition where an abnormality of the heart rhythm results in a rapid and sometimes irregular heartbeat. The herb hawthorn berry is particularly potent in normalizing irregular heart beat in short order. Often a person with irregular heart beat will find their heart rhythm beginning to normalize in just a few minutes after taking hawthorn berry. Like cayenne pepper, the best form of hawthorn berry is extract. One of the most popular extract forms is known as hawthorn berry syrup. Hawthorn berry also comes in supplemental capsules and the raw plant can be used to make hawthorn berry tea.

Also similar to cayenne pepper, hawthorn berry is widely known for its overall cardiovascular benefits. Hawthorn was also one of famed herbalist Dr. Christopher’s favorite herbs for the heart. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids which protect small capillary vessels from free-radical damage. It normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and fat deposits in the liver and aorta. In addition to arrhythmia, hawthorn also helps conditions such as angina, arteriosclerosis, blood clots, and hypertension. Though a dropper of hawthorn berry extract may settle irregular heartbeats in short order, it may take months to realize hawthorn’s full benefits.

Note: In the event of a heart attack, regardless of how soon it is stopped, one should seek immediate medical attention. Likewise, one should seek medical attention for severe and prolonged irregular heartbeats.

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How Aspartame Stole Thanksgiving

by: Matt Stone

(NaturalNews) It's that time of year again and the Calorie Control Council is spewing its warnings about the massive feasting that Americans are about to do this Thursday. They don't have a leg to stand on, so don't let them undermine your celebration.

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They just released some research saying:

"The average American may consume more than 4,500 calories and a whopping 229 grams of fat from snacking and eating a traditional holiday dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. And these figures don't even include breakfast or the late evening munching on leftovers!"

While some have challenged that this is actually true, as few humans are actually physically capable of ingesting this much food in one sitting, and modest calculations on a typical holiday feast come in at roughly half that calorie quantity, the Calorie Control Council insists on spreading obesity fear mongering.

Interesting; seeing that there is very little evidence that calorie consumption or lack thereof is the primary determinant of body weight and body composition, and an extremely large mountain of evidence showing that conscious manipulation of dietary calories is a completely ineffective and perhaps even counterproductive approach for losing weight. In fact, obesity scholar Paul Campos refers to frequent conscious attempts at restricting calories – traditional dieting, as "perhaps the single best predictor of future weight gain."

Thus, the very scientific foundation that the Calorie Control Council rests upon is very shaky. Interestingly, in an informational video on their website, they reveal what is a much more likely motivation for their existence other than vehemently promoting a disproven stance on body fat regulation, or to turn people's attention away from the communion with family members on Thanksgiving and towards the calorie content of the food they are served.

The Calorie Control Council – Conflict of interest?
One of their proposed holiday solutions for excess calorie consumption is to switch from drinking regular soda to a diet soda sweetened with aspartame, which they go on to champion as if they are doing a brief infomercial on its benefits – throwing out specific claims like "you could lose 15 pounds if you did that." "That" referring to replacing one regular soda with a diet soda every day for a year – a completely false and thoroughly disproven line of reasoning.

Interestingly, the Calorie Control Council allegedly is the publisher of the website "The Truth About Aspartame," a site defending aspartame's safety and potential health benefits. Both entities are owned by the Robert H. Kellen Company. Robert H. Kellen, and two of his former company vice presidents, have all at one time been listed as the president of the Glutamate Association, a grouping of powerful international food conglomerates in support of the use of the amino acid-derived monosodium glutamate, which is a close cousin to the amino acid-derived aspartame.

In short, it's probably not advisable to panic about the calorie content of your Thanksgiving meal based on an entity that supports minimizing calorie intake to promote its commercially-driven artificial sweetener agenda. In shorter, don't let aspartame steal your Thanksgiving.