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End the Tyranny of The Federal Reserve

by Barbara L. Minton

(NaturalNews) The bailout opposed by so many Americans was nevertheless negotiated by the Federal Reserve with the help of Congress and the Administration.

The final bill for the hotly debated rescue of the rich is over 1 trillion dollars including the ear marks and special interests sops that were included. But this is small change compared to the money that is being pumped into the monetary system by the Federal Reserve without any debate or consent. New money is being printed at record rates, insuring that the currency you have in your pocket will buy less and less everyday. As more people wake up to the threat to American's future posed by the Federal Reserve, interest is being renewed in the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (HR2755).

This legislation introduced by Congressman Ron Paul in June, 2007 would kill the Federal Reserve Act and would then phase out the Federal Reserve altogether one year after the bill becomes law. Although legislators have yet to bring Paul's bill to the floor, mounting interest in the bill in the face of recent Fed actions suggests it will be revived from its current state of languish in the House Committee on Financial Services.

Although people are just beginning to hear about this proposed legislation in the main stream media, the internet and alternative press reveal the depth of public support for this initiative. Even Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin has placed abolishing the Fed as one of the top planks in his platform that calls for a return to fiscal responsibility for the U.S.

What the Federal Reserve is all about

The Federal Reserve is called that to fool you. It is actually a private corporation run by bankers dedicated to controlling the nation's money supply for the benefit of themselves and other wealthy and powerful people. Its mandate is to control the rest of the people by controlling their access to money and credit.

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the American middle and working classes have been victimized by boom and bust monetary policy. Most Americans have suffered steady erosion of purchasing power at the hands of the Fed's inflationary policies. The result of these policies represents an insidious and onerous tax imposed on the people on top of their already burdensome overt taxation.

The heavy hand of the Fed can be seen by any student of the Great Depression, the torturous stagflation of the 1970's, the dotcom bubble, the housing bubble, and today's financial panic and collapse. Its hand print is on every economic downturn that has robbed American's of their money for the past 80 years, as the Fed has followed a policy of flooding the economy with their easy money and credit. When everyone is in debt up to their eyeballs, the bubble bursts and is followed by a painful recession or depression. To save us from the total devastation they have created, the Fed then rides to our rescue with its printing press causing excessive inflation and the erosion of the purchasing power of the dollar. These policies have made slaves of us all with the exception of the power elite.

A dollar created during the birth of the Fed in 1913 is now worth about a penny thanks to the policies of the Fed. The repeal of its mandate would signal the return of a stable currency. It would provide Americans with incentive to save as they would no longer have to fear inflation eroding their savings. These saving could then be used to return America to the status of producer and exporter to the world.

What Ron Paul tried to explain in the presidential debates

Between interruption, ridicule and unscheduled station breaks, Ron Paul tried to tell us how the Fed policy benefits a few at the expense of many. The beneficiaries are those in position to take advantage of the cycles in monetary policy, with the main beneficiaries being those who receive access to artificially inflated money and/or credit before the inflationary effects of the policy impact the entire economy. They are the people who get to use the newly printed money first.

Think of it like this. Suppose you are the first person in your town to be allowed to print money in your basement. You print up a million or two and go out to spend it. You can buy almost anything you want, because now you are richer than almost everyone else. Then permission to print money is granted to 25% of all the people in your town. They all print up a bucket full of money and go out to spend it. Obviously, there are only so many palaces and luxury cars available, so with that many people wanting to buy them the prices move up swiftly. And finally everybody in your town is allowed to print money in their basements. At this point the money has become virtually worthless because it has lost all meaning. This is the point at which an economy collapses.

The people's appetite for big government has tacitly condoned Fed policy. It has allowed the politicians from both parties to use inflation to cover up the true costs of their welfare-warfare spending of American's future.

The Congress has no authority under the Constitution to delegate control of the nation's monetary policy to the Federal Reserve. The Constitution does not empower the government to erode the American standard of living through inflationary monetary policy. Constitutional mandate regarding monetary policy whould permit only currency backed by stable commodities such as gold and silver to be used as legal tender. Abolishing the Federal Reserve and returning to a constitutional system would enable America to return to a monetary system where the value of money is consistent because it is tied to a real store of value. This is the type of monetary system that is the basis of a true free-market economy.

Your money and gold

The dollar is nothing more that what it looks like – a piece of paper with some fancy design and some numbers on it. It has no intrinsic worth like a loaf of bread, a tank or gas, a person to fix the plumbing, or a gold coin. The name for it is fiat currency, meaning it is a currency that is backed only by thin air.

Throughout most of history, gold has served as the basic money of all people wherever it has been available. It has been chosen by the markets of the world as the most valuable commodity on earth. Why is this no longer the case? Governments have destroyed the gold standard because they regarded it as too inflexible. This inflexibility is the friend of free markets, making governments keep their financial houses in order. Banks are more careful about lending when they can't rely on a lender of last resort like the Fed, with access to a printing press. Inflexibility means prices are more stable. The problems of inflation and business cycles disappear completely. Gold and economic freedom are inseparable. Deficit spending is a scheme for the confiscation of wealth and the enslavement of the people.

When money is as good as gold, the government cannot manipulate the money supply for its own ends. The gold standard puts severe limits on the government's ability to spend, borrow, and create hair-brained programs. The government is forced to raise revenue through taxation, rather than inflation, a task not so easily achieved. Without a gold standard, the government is free to conspire with the Fed to print money without limit. Under the gold standard, the supply of money regulates itself. What the government and the Fed are doing now is creating the spread of mass misery for most people in the U.S., people they were mandated to serve.

Can the gold standard be reinstituted? Certainly it can. The dollar can be redefined in terms of gold. Interest rates can reflect the real laws of supply and demand. The doors of the Fed can be permanently shuttered and no one would miss it except for the few who benefited from its policies. What would motivate us to do this? We would have to be willing to renounce our enslavement. We would have to fall in love with freedom again.

What we can do

The outcry for the abolition of the Federal Reserve is growing louder. Commodities investor par excellance Jim Rogers is calling for the Fed to be abolished to save the world from massive inflation. TV host Glenn Beck is criticizing the Fed for its role in the current financial debacle. According to Beck, "When everyone was meeting with our Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson, I thought to myself: 'Who the hell is representing the American people?'"

Wall Street Journal financial editor Steven Moore is asking, "Who elected Ben Bernanke? Who Elected Alan Greenspan?"

The time is right. People have had enough. Now is the time for Americans to come out of their debt induced comas and start calling their congressmen and women, asking them to support Paul's bill to abolish the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is as deadly to the future of Americans as the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry. There can be no end to these manufactured financial crises until the Fed's rule is replaced by an honest, debt-free money policy.

See Mike Adam's wonderful article about the threat posed to you by the Federal Reserve. It contains a listing of the members of Congress if you need to find out who your representatives are. Call them, email them and write them that you are vehemently opposed to the continuation of the Federal Reserve. Tell them you support the passage of House Resolution 2755.

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Reduce Cancer Risk By Getting Rid of Night Lights

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) A lack of darkness at night may increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Haifa, Israel, and published in the journal Chronobiology International.

Researchers used NASA satellite maps to determine how much light was emitted into space from various neighborhoods across Israel at night, which they believed should approximate how bright those neighborhoods are. They then overlaid this map with breast and lung cancer statistics for the same neighborhoods.

As predicted, the researchers found no connection between light levels and lung cancer, but found that women living in neighborhoods with "average" lighting had breast cancer levels 37 percent higher than those living in neighborhoods with low night light levels. Women in communities with the most nighttime lighting had breast cancer rates 64 percent higher than women in communities with the least light.

"By no means are we saying that light at night is the only or the major risk factor for breast cancer," said lead researcher Itai Kloog, "but we found a clear and strong correlation that should be taken into consideration."

Prior research has found higher cancer levels among rats kept in lighted cages at all times, and also among humans who work night shifts. This research has led the World Health Organization to classify night shift work as a "probable carcinogen."

Because lung cancer is caused primarily by smoking, however, researchers believe that the effects of light on the risk of that particular cancer are minimal.

Scientists believe that the carcinogenic effect of night shift work comes with the fact that light prevents the body's production of the tumor-suppressing hormone melatonin, which is normally produced at night. Light in the blue spectrum, such as that emitted by fluorescent bulbs, is particularly damaging to the body's ability to make melatonin.

Supporting this hypothesis is the fact that blind women, who cannot sense light and who have higher than average melatonin levels, have lower breast cancer rates than other women.

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Vioxx Risks Persist After Use Stops

by Anna Boyd

Merck & Co’s arthritis pill Vioxx was pulled from market shelves over health risks in 2004, after a study showed the drug increased the risk of heart attacks and strokes twice if it was taken for more than 18 months.

Now a new long-tern follow-up study appears to back previous findings, namely the drug nearly doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke compared to no treatment at all. Moreover, the risk persists for approximately a year, according to Dr. Robert Bresalier, a professor of medicine at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and co-author of the study. The good news is “the risk goes back toward normal after a year of follow up” he added.

For the study, Dr. Bresalier and colleagues followed people who had participated in the international APPROVe trial, which compared Vioxx to placebo over 3 years in an attempt to see whether the drug could reduce the recurrence of cancerous colon polyps. The study was stopped early in 2004 because of the increased risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Almost 2,600 people were involved in the trial. The researchers succeeded to contact 84 percent of them and found that a year after finishing Vioxx treatment, those given the pill had a 79 percent increased risk of heart attack, stroke compared with those who had received placebo. Also, their relative risk of death was 31 percent higher.

“Our data are compatible with an early increase in risk that seems to persist for about one year after three years of treatment. The cardiovascular toxicity seems to be a class effect. Indeed, studies of other selective COX-2 inhibitors reported similar findings,” the researchers concluded. Cox-2 drugs were designed to be safer replacements for NSAIDS, including aspirin and naproxen, which can cause deadly gastrointestinal bleeding.

A statement released by Doug Watson, a cardiovascular epidemiologist and senior director at Merck Research Labs says the overall findings were consistent with the original study, but the company officials believe that the research “using limited data from a prematurely terminated study needs to be interpreted very cautiously and in the context of the rest of the data from the extensive clinical development program for Vioxx.”

Last year, Merck paid 4.85 billion dollars to settle 27,000 lawsuits filed by people saying they or their family members suffered injury from Vioxx painkiller drug. As of Oct. 9, 2007, in the United States, the Company had been served or was aware that it had been named as a defendant in approximately 26,600 lawsuits, filed on or before Sept. 30, 2007, which include approximately 47,000 plaintiff groups, alleging personal injuries resulting from the use of Vioxx.

Vioxx had generated sales of $2.5 billion a year before the arthritis and chronic pain pill was withdrawn from U.S. drugstores in 2004.

The study was published online in the Oct. 14 issue of British medical journal The Lancet.

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Three States Urge Companies to Stop Using BPA in Baby Bottles

by Jenny Huntington

On Friday, attorneys general from Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware sent letters to a number of eleven companies that produce baby bottles, urging them to stop using bisphenol A (BPA) in formula containers.

The chemical has raised much concern over the past few months, since several studies have indicated that it might be harmful to humans, who can come to ingest BPA that leaks into water and food.

At the beginning of September, researchers at the Yale School of Medicine revealed that bisphenol A could cause developmental problems in infants’ brains and hormonal systems, thus prompting several United States retailers to decide to drop BPA products within the following year.

Even though the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a report informing that the chemical was safe for use in food packaging and bottles, it seems that the preliminary study that was conducted last month, showing there might be a connection between BPA and increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, has rekindled the controversy.

The attorneys general sent their letters to manufacturers Avent America Incorporated, Disney First Years, Gerber, Handicraft Company, Playtex Products Incorporated and Evenflo Company, as well as to baby formula producers Abbott, Mead Johnson, PBM Products, Nature's One and Wyeth.

BPA provides shatterproof quality to polycarbonate plastic and is found in various products such as water bottles, eyeglass lenses, compact discs and some medical devices.

The FDA has announced that they would further look into the matter and has also advised people to avoid warmimg up food in plastic containers, since heating the latter might cause them to leak the chemical.

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What Women Must Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer

CRUSADOR Interviews Naturopathic Doctor & Book Author Sherrill Sellman, N.D.

Dr. Sherrill Sellman, N.D. has written two books and has done lectures worldwide about the serious dangers of synthetic hormones, as well as the many myths and abuses regarding women’s hormonal health. In her new book and in this enlightening interview, What Women Must Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer, Dr. Sellman sounds the alarm about the deteriorating hormonal health of our daughters and the growing incidences of young women who are now being diagnosed with breast cancer. Shockingly, women in their teens, twenties, and thirties are now being diagnosed. 

Crusador:  What motivated you to write your new book and why have you directed it to women who have children?

For the past decade, I have been dedicated to helping women reclaim their hormonal health and wellbeing naturally. As I traveled around the world lecturing to thousands of women, I began meeting young women who were diagnosed with breast cancer. This was shocking at first because young women are not supposed to be getting breast cancer.  Breast cancer was always thought to be a disease of older women.  In the past two decades or so, we have found younger women with breast cancer…the 40 and 50 year olds.   Within the last five years, a disturbing trend has emerged.  We are now seeing 20 and 30 year old women being diagnosed with breast cancer.

This is a particularly alarming trend since it is well know that young women tend to have a more aggressive breast cancer and a worst prognosis. A breast cancer diagnosis at any age is a devastating experience, but for young women it is shocking.

As I personally met these young women and listened to their stories, I realized that breast cancer was now threatening our young women. Since it takes many years if not decades for breast cancer to develop, it was obvious to me that the factors fueling this trend began very early in a woman’s life…. perhaps, even in the womb.

When I began researching and writing this book, breast cancer in young women was rarely talked about.  However, it has become a more widely recognized problem.    Whenever I get the chance to query doctors about this issue, they all tell me how shocked they are now seeing increasing numbers of young women who have breast cancer.

A recent meta-analysis study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings has shown an increased risk of breast cancer in women who took oral contraceptives prior to pregnancy. Interestingly, 45,000 pre-menopausal women are being diagnosed annually with breast cancer. What I sensed many years ago, unfortunately, is becoming a very real problem.

The purpose of my book is to help bring this issue to light, make women aware of the causes, and provide the solutions.  With the right information, and the willingness to make the necessary changes, mothers (and fathers) can have a profound impact on the future health of their children.

I must add that while the book focuses on the increased risk of breast cancer for our daughters, our sons are equally at risk for hormone dependent cancers and other serious health issues.

Crusador:  What is different about your new book compared to your previous book Hormone Heresy?

Hormone Heresy was written to help women understand the dangers of using synthetic hormones and awaken from the myths that made them believe menopause was a downward spiral, their bodies were failing, and that the only solution was taking dangerous, carcinogenic drugs, called Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Major findings in the past 4 years have proven that everything I wrote about in Hormone Heresy was true, especially about the dangers of synthetic hormones found in HRT and the Pill.

So, you might say that Hormone Heresy sounded the warning to menopausal and perimenopasual women.  My new book is sounding the warning to women that the breast cancer debacle is now occurring in a younger population, and there are known risk factors that are driving this trend. So, we not only have 20 and 30 year olds being diagnosed, but we need to also realize that breast cancer takes 10 or more years to develop. There are things going on in our environment, in our diet and in the pharmaceutical choices we make for our children that are all contributing to a problem that has never existed before.

The purpose of my new book is to expand my message about hormonal imbalances to a whole new generation that is now at risk and get help get us all into action to protect our children. Whether you are a grandparent or a parent, we must be made aware of a very real threat to our children’s hormonal health.

It took more than 40 years for the truth about HRT to be known even though it was already recognized as early as 1938 that estrogen causes cancer. How long will it take us to realize that our 21st century world is challenging the hormonal health and wellbeing of our children?

Crusador:  What can you tell us about the recent news reports that say breast cancer rates have dropped?

These recent reports corroborate what I and many other people have been saying for many years. HRT is a major factor contributing to breast cancer. A major study called the Women’s Health Initiative was canceled three years early in 2002 because the women in the study who were taking HRT were being diagnosed with breast cancer, strokes and blood clots! As a result of this finding, millions of women stopped taking HRT and even medical doctors refused to prescribe it. What we are now seeing in the significant drop in breast cancer, as much as 15% in younger women, is the sad fact that HRT was a major factor in the breast cancer epidemic.  I must add that the US government in 2002 listed estrogen as a known human carcinogen, and progestins (the other ingredient of HRT) were listed as a known human carcinogen years earlier. The WHO also listed estrogens and progestin as known carcinogens.

It is also important to state that the birth control pill is made up of similar carcinogenic hormones, but in higher doses. I am saddened by how many unsuspecting women who were prescribed HRT have died from breast cancer over the years. The birth control pill is also driving the breast cancer epidemic.

Even more is now coming to light about the estrogen-breast cancer connection.  In January, a study published in the journal Oncogene, the researchers reported that estrogen induces the expression of an inhibitor that blocks immune cells' ability to kill tumor cells. This is the first study to identify estrogen's role in shielding breast cancer cells from the action of immune cells. As a result of this major finding, scientists are rethinking estrogen’s role not only in hormone-stimulated cancers, but also other cancers such as lymphomas.

There is growing evidence that estrogen dominance; an imbalance of excessive estrogen whether from hormone drugs, hormone-laden foods, hormone disrupting chemicals, or the boy’s inability to properly metabolize estrogen, is implicated in many mechanisms that cause cancer.

Too much estrogen in our bodies and the bodies of our children is a very dangerous and worrying problem.

Crusador:  Do you believe that breast cancer is genetic or are there other factors that play a role?

Contrary to popular belief, breast cancer is rarely genetic.  Only 5-10 % is attributed to a breast cancer gene. In fact, current thinking believes that those with the mutated gene, who have a greater risk of breast cancer, can alter that genetic expression by making dietary, lifestyle, stress levels, environmental and nutritional changes. Expression of our genes, in fact, can be influenced by these factors and therefore, potentially, never be expressed.

I have a fascinating chapter in the new book explaining how the breast cancer gene was found and the misunderstanding surrounding the breast cancer gene theory.  We have more control over genetic expression than we ever believed. Having the mutated “breast cancer gene” does not mean it will ever be expressed. The National Cancer institute has stated that 90-95% of cancers are caused by environmental and dietary toxicity. Environmental factors play a major role in all cancers, as well as gene expression.

Crusador:  What’s the difference between natural hormones and synthetic hormones found in birth control pills and HRT and why are the synthetic hormones potentially so dangerous to your health?

Hormones found in HRT and birth control are man made chemicals that do not exist in nature with a long list of serious side-effects. Synthetic hormones take over the function of the body.  In the case of the birth control pill, its action on the body is known as chemical castration, actually shutting down the ovaries.  So, our own hormones are shut down and replaced with carcinogenic drugs that are hundreds if not thousands of times more powerful that what our body makes.

In the case of HRT, these hormones also commandeer the functioning of the ovaries.  Synthetic hormones are not the identical match to our own hormones.  As I explained in Hormone Heresy, the majority of women, if they were to get a saliva test to check their hormones, instead of a blood test, will discover that they are not deficient at all in estrogen. So adding more estrogen to a woman’s body that is already making enough, or even too much, will add fuel to the breast cancer fire.

HRT and the birth control Pill have also been associated with strokes, blood clots, compromised immunity, inflammation, depression, loss of libido, liver toxicity, migraine headaches, hypothyroidism, and allergies.

Synthetic hormones are very powerful and very toxic drugs and must be used at the lowest levels, and only when really required. Unfortunately, most medical doctors do not understand this.

Crusador:  How prevalent are synthetic estrogens in our environment and are they even more dangerous than the ones found in the pill and HRT?

Synthetic chemicals, called xenoestrgens or estrogen-mimics, are all pervasive in our environment. We have reached a point in our polluted world, where these chemicals and other hormone disrupting chemicals have invaded our water, food, air, and our bodies.

Since these synthetic chemicals are able to permeate the placenta, it is a sad fact that no child born in the U.S., or for that matter anywhere in the world, does not contain synthetic chemicals in their bodies.

Hormone disrupting chemicals are found in pesticides, insecticides and fungicides…closer to home they are found in commercial cleaning products, commercial personal care products, out-gassing from carpets, plastic bottles, chemicals in processed foods, etc.  They are all pervasive.

Early exposure to estrogen mimics at critical stages of life (i.e. as a fetus, in infancy, and at puberty), act on the delicate hormonal signals and causes massive hormonal havoc. We must remember that estrogen is known as a human carcinogen. Not only can estrogen proliferate cell growth leading to cancers, especially breast, uterine, lung and brain cancers, but early exposure can also make infants sensitive to these chemicals in the future, making later exposure much more powerful.

Crusador:  What other hormone disrupting compounds are we being exposed to beyond synthetic estrogen that can be a culprit in breast cancer, and other cancers?

There are literally thousand of chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis that can create hormone disruption. No one knows exactly how many synthetic chemicals have been unleashed on this planet. A generally accepted figure — necessarily an estimate — is that 100,000 are in use worldwide, with more than 1,000 new chemicals entering the marketplace every year. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency keeps a list of about 85,000 in its registry and of these, only a small fraction have ever been tested individually for their impact on the health of human beings.

Let’s have a look at two of the most pervasive and dangerous classes of hormone disrupting chemicals: parabens and phthalates.

Parabens are a group of chemicals used as a preservative in many personal-care products, such as lotions, shampoo, sunscreen, skin foundation and bath gels. They are used to prevent the growth of bacteria and other organisms in the bottle, but they also acts like a weak estrogen. In some studies, exposure to environmental estrogens, like parabens, has been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer. In fact, parabens have been found in breast tumors.

The other indicated chemical group, phthalates, can be found in nail and hair products, including gels, mousses and hair sprays, as well as skin creams and lotions. These chemicals are used to help the skin absorb the product, but they have been linked to certain birth defects and cancer. Like parabens, they also seem to disrupt the natural hormones in the body, which in turn, may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Estrogens, phthalates and parabens may collect in the tissue over time and slowly alter healthy cells, which is why teens and adolescents may be the most susceptible to their ill effects because over years of use there may be cumulative damage. Adolescence is the time when breasts are developing, so this is clearly a time when exposure matters for developing breast cancer 10, 20 or 30 years later.

Crusador:  Why do women need to be especially concerned about what chemicals babies are exposed to?

Our children are extremely vulnerable to toxic chemicals. These chemicals have free passage through the placenta into the womb and into the bodies of the developing fetus.

Toxic chemicals are absorbed through the skin of our children whether its from the creams, shampoos, bubble bath, bath water, etc. The skin is not a protective barrier but rather, the largest organ of the body that is absorbing these chemicals right into the blood stream. In fact, the skin is 600 times more effective in its ability to absorb than through ingesting by mouth.

Crusador:  How bad are soy infant formulas and why do you feel they should be avoided at all costs?

Contrary to the advertising messages that bombard us about the fabulous health benefits of soy, it turns out to be a very toxic food for many reasons (unless eaten in its fermented form).

Soy infant formula is a disaster for both female and male infants. Soy, in fact, is a very estrogenic food. The daily estrogen exposure to infants who drank soy formulas was 6-11 times higher than adults consuming soy foods.  In fact, research has discovered that that the estrogenic effect from giving soy formula to infants is equivalent to the amount of estrogen in five birth control pills a day! How shocking is that?

In addition to its estrogenic component, soy formulas and soy foods are extremely allergenic foods. They also block the absorption of minerals, lead to malnutrition and digestive distress, they compromise the immune system, and they can alter thyroid function. Giving our children soy foods, at any age, is putting them at risk for many health conditions.

There are recipes included in this section to make health baby formulas.  I list a number of ways of to make your own healthy infant formula or to fortify commercial ones so that you can provide all the nutritional needs that a growing infant requires. What’s scary is that the soy industry is aggressively marketing soy foods as healthy alternatives for our children. Make no mistake, this is a lie.

Crusador:  Why are so many little girls going through puberty at such a young age?

Indications of something going terribly wrong on the hormonal front are the growing incidences of early puberty. A major published study in 1997 received national attention when it was reported that 1 out of 6 eight year old girls were going into puberty. By the age of 10, 50 percent of 10 year olds were getting their menstrual cycles.  I have spoken to parents who are horrified to discover pubic hair and breast buds occurring in their five year daughter.

Those are terrifying statistics.  It is an established fact that the earlier a girl menstruates, the greater her life time risk of getting breast cancer. This is primarily due to long time exposure to estrogens. So, early puberty is a risk factor for breast cancer.

Just look around these days.  Many third grade girls have the breast development of 12 and 13 year olds.  Not very long ago, the average age for a girl to begin menstruating was 14-17 years of age.

There are other problems associated with this early puberty. These girls tend to have more hormonal problems, are more disruptive at school, have more depression, and have a greater risk of suicide. Just imagine what it might be like to have the emotional development of an eight year old with the raging hormones found in a 13 year old. Children with early puberty do not have a clue what’s happening to them, nor the maturity to deal with it.

Crusador:  Your book is mainly focused on females.  Can you elaborate a little on what’s happening with the males?

It's important to understand that all our children, both girls and boys are exposed to these hormone disrupting environments.

Little boys are also going through early puberty.  The statistic are the same as for girls, 1 of out 6 eight year old boys are also showing signs of public hair growth and other puberty changes.  Boys as young as nine years old are developing mature genetalia, producing sperm and have spontaneous erections.

The health risks of early puberty in males include an increased risk of testicular cancer, lower fertility rates and impaired growth, leading to a shorter stature.

Crusador:  How do you feel that your efforts to alert women will in any way get through to a teenager or a career oriented woman that wants the pleasures of sex without producing life when you say they should avoid the pill for health reasons?

It is definitely challenging to get the message across to young women that there are serious health and fertility consequences from taking the Pill. The Pill has become such an accepted part of our modern lives that little thought is given to any consequences.  We have the pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession to thank for that. They continually tell women that the Pill is perfectly safe while prescribing it for any hormonal problem a woman may have.

Not only is the Pill the preferred drug to prescribe for hormonal problems, there is now a huge media campaign by the drug companies to convince young women to eliminate their menstrual cycles by taking the continuous low dose Pill. The media message is that menstrual cycles are unproven, unnecessary, uncomfortable, and a nuisance. So, now the continuous low Pill can totally stop menstrual cycles.  I call it the medicalizing of menstruation.  And why is this happening?  To sell more drugs, of course!  This is an unmitigated disaster to the health, hormonal balance, and fertility of young women.

There are many studies showing that early use of the pill increases infertility. It’s interesting to note that 25 percent of U.S. couples are infertile. Unfortunately, women have lost the knowledge of the sacredness and power of their menstrual cycles.  It is time to restore ancient wisdom teaching women to honor and become in tune with their menstrual cycles.  

Crusador:  What advice would you give to a woman going through menopause that took the pill throughout a good part of her life and now has complications and side effects from it?

My message to women of all ages is that all hormonal imbalances from PMS to menopausal symptoms are symptoms of compromised health.  Our hormones don’t get out of balance by chance or as a inherent programming by nature.  Hormonal issues are the result of a toxic environment, toxic foods, stressful life styles, pharmaceutical drugs, nutritional deficiencies, and poorly functioning physiological systems. The real message is to get healthy.

When I was going through hormonal challenges in my early 40’s with night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, loss of libido, depression etc., I learned that all these imbalances were caused by the all the above issues, not merely the event of perimenopause.

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I have assisted thousands of women with all kinds of hormonal imbalances in regaining their health and thus their hormonal well-being. Committing to making the necessary healthy changes is imperative at any age.

Crusador:  What type of herbs and natural supplements should women of all ages be taking regularly to remain healthy?

First, it’s important to eliminate what I call hormone wreckers.  Certain foods will guarantee hormonal problems.  They include the usual suspects:  refined carbohydrates, sugar, pasteurized milk products, alcohol, processed foods, hydrogenated oil, transfats and processed vegetable oils, non-organic foods, and lack of adequate hydration.

The most basic nutritional support for all of us no matter the age is usually a good probiotic, a good multi-vitamin and a multi-mineral, an anti-oxidant formula and essential fatty acids (i.e., fish oils, coconut oil, virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, and butter).

Obviously, it’s important to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, along with seeds and nuts.   The best hormone balancing foods include cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Onion and garlic are supper healthy foods along with green tea.  I think we should all be using some form of lacto-fermented foods to help with digestion such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso etc.   My favorite spice is turmeric because of it’s a known anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and liver detoxifying properties. Also remember to balance blood sugar by making sure every meal contains some protein, healthy fats and complex carbs (vegetables).  Never skip meals.

Crusador:  What other recommendations can you offer that will leave women reading this interview with a sense of hope and direction.

I hope my greatest message of inspiration is that by making small, incremental changes we can have profound effects on the health of our family and ourselves.  The body has a tremendous capacity for healing and health if given half a chance.

The other important message I would like to share with women is that we are immensely powerful. As we learn and make the necessary changes in our family, our passion and knowledge can expand to our community and out to the world.

I love Eleanor Roosevelt words of inspiration. “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” As women, we have access to tremendous candle power and collectively we can shine tremendous light into this world.

That’s why I wrote this book….to provide a little bit of that candlepower to mothers  (and fathers)  who are determined to make a difference to the health of their children and future generations.

Featured Articles

Bailout, or Blowout? Financial “Rescue” Plan Turns into Mad Spending Spree

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) As the United States of America stands on the verge of irrecoverable bankruptcy, U.S. Senators have decided to orchestrate a final "blowout" spending spree by dressing up the financial bailout plan with so much bloated pork that no lawmaker can resist its lure.

The so-called "rescue plan" (renamed from "bailout plan" by Washington language police) has now ballooned into a 450-page overstuffed pork sandwich, featuring layer upon layer of outlandish expenditures tied to the bill like too must ballast on a sinking ship:

• Tax breaks for NASCAR race tracks
• Big handouts to Virgin Island rum makers
• Yet more tax breaks for Hollywood film producers
• Gifts to companies researching wool
• Huge tax breaks for companies like Microsoft and GE

… and many other handouts yet to be discovered in its 450 pages of pork.

What began as a financial bailout bill to save the future of America's economy has become a free-for-all financial blowout that will only accelerate its demise. What's astonishing here is that even on the verge of financial collapse, Washington lawmakers are incapable of coming to their senses. They offer the same solution to every problem: Spend more!

"This is how Washington works,'' said Keith Ashdown, chief investigator at Taxpayers for Common Sense. "A big pot of pork is their recipe for final passage."

A big pot of pork

A big pot of pork, unfortunately, is exactly what Washington doesn't need right now. With the jackals of hyperinflation already nipping at their heels, Washington policymakers need to be slashing spending with great expediency. To restore confidence to the U.S. dollar and prevent a cascading sell-off of U.S. debt by foreign nations (which would lead to the abrupt ruin of the U.S. government), lawmakers need to be reeling in wasteful spending, balancing their books and opposing the kind of free-for-all blowout spending practices that got us into this position in the first place.

Wasn't it a Bohemian financial policy of unbridled spending and endless debt that brought us to the precipice of global financial collapse in the first place? And yet, standing right on the edge of the cliff, with nothing but nothing but disaster beneath them and the sand eroding from under their feet, all these Senators can think of is how to spend more money!

It's like a heroin addict who decides to get clean, and then suggests the best way to accomplish that is to start shooting up. "I'll get clean," he promises you, "right after this next hit."

An Empire of Debt: $488 billion more for war

U.S. lawmakers are addicted to spending in the worst way. Just like heroin addicts, they will get their fix at all costs, regardless of the harm caused to their family, friends or countrymen. They will spend away all the money in the world, mindlessly, recklessly, without a second thought, as long as it keeps them in office for just one more term. Just one more hit…

Last night, the U.S. Senate quietly passed a $600+ billion spending bill, which earmarked $448 billion in Pentagon funds (war money). This was all done under the cover of the much larger $700 billion financial bailout bill, which managed to keep people distracted from the $448 military spending bill.

Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve quietly, and without any vote, magically created another $620 billion in money and flooded it into the banking system. There was no debate. No vote. No public announcement at all. Just endless, silent money creation at every turn, seemingly conducted without any awareness or concern of the consequences.

And there was certainly no warning of how this would erode the savings accounts and retirement funds of taxpayers. In fact, nothing resembling the truth ever makes it out of Washington these days. This $700 billion pork-barreled bailout scheme is being sold to the American people as a taxpayer benefit! The government is doing us all a favor, didn't you know? And we should feel so fortunate that they're doing it with our money, too.

The Government vs. the People

It's often said that the first casualty of war is the truth. Right now, the U.S. Government is in a financial war, and amid all the propaganda, deception and manipulations of the mainstream media, there's simply no room for something as big as "the truth."

But what is the truth, really?

The truth is that you're watching the boldest, most outrageous swindle that's ever been conducted in the history of the world.

The truth is that you're a witness to the last, sad chapter of a military empire that's fast headed towards financial self-destruction.

The truth is that U.S. debt spending has now entered an escalating geometric progression from which no nation has ever returned in one piece.

Two weeks ago, it was a few hundred billion dollars in fake money and debt spending. This week, it's been nearly a trillion dollars already. Next week, it may be another trillion. With each passing week, the crooks in Washington will tack on another trillion dollars (or more) to the national debt, like heaving two-ton cars onto the back of a cripple who can barely walk to begin with.

It took the United States of America 230 years to accumulate roughly $5 trillion in debt. Washington has now doubled that in less than 30 days. We now stand at $9.8 trillion in national debt.

With the passage of this financial bailout bill, we will be facing — at minimum — $10.5 trillion in debt. And just to make sure we're properly drowned in it, Senators are throwing out tens of billions of dollars more to companies that made really bad financial decisions, like Ford Motors, which is one of the recipients in a $25 billion automaker bailout just announced yesterday.

And don't forget this juicy fact: These financial bailouts aren't limited to U.S. companies, either! If the bailout bill passed, Treasury Secretary Paulson will have full authority to dish out hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out FOREIGN banks, too!

$10 trillion in debt quickly becomes $12 trillion. Then $15 trillion, then $25 trillion. At some point, it all becomes too absurd to track, because there is no nation in the world that will keep pumping useless dollars down the U.S. government financial tar pit. And that means the U.S. will soon run out of willing lenders, just like the heroin addict who can't get any more "emergency" loans to go out and buy more drugs.

Even though I know most consumers simply cannot fathom what's about to happen to them (and their money), I cannot overemphasize this point: The United States government is now on a track to financial annihilation. You are witnessing its suicide march into debtors' demise. Sure, it may be able to string itself along for a while longer, perhaps by terrorizing other nations and extorting money from them to prop up the empire (read the history of the Roman Empire, folks), but in the end, there is no way out of $10 trillion in debt other than to either declare bankruptcy (at which point nobody will loan you money anymore) or hyperinflate the currency to bail yourself out (at which point the currency becomes worthless and the taxpayers are wiped out).

Take a guess which one your esteemed leaders in Washington are pushing for? It's the hyperinflation, of course. Because in the end, they'd much rather lose YOUR money than THEIR power.

I think even the Senators secretly realize this now. Behind closed doors, they know the game's up. This blowout spending spree is their last, desperate chance to bring home a few hundred million dollars to their home states before the federal government becomes completely insolvent. It's really a financial looting of Washington, and the vultures have moved in now in an attempt to scurry away with all the scraps of U.S. dollars they can carry.

Either way, the U.S. dollar is headed towards rapid devaluation. International investors are either laughing their heads off or shaking them in disbelief, wondering what kind of madness has gripped U.S. lawmakers today, and whether their own nations will be safe from the aftershocks of U.S. fiscal failures.

What to expect in the days ahead

The financial bailout bill will be approved by Congress, then signed by the President. For the subsequent 24 hours or so, the stock market will surge upwards as part of a false rally based on the passage of the bailout bill. During this surge, gold will plummet in value, along with gold mining stocks and other precious metals companies.

After the false high in the markets, investors will come to their senses, and we'll see the beginning of a long, slow decline in the value of stocks, coupled with an accelerating inflation of the U.S. dollar (which will sap spending power from those holding dollars in savings or retirement accounts). The price inflation of real goods (food, fuel, etc.) will rise at an alarming pace over the next two years, dampening economic activity.

The early months of 2009 will see a wave of post-Christmas bankruptcies by retailers who suffered a terrible Christmas season. (When consumers can't take unlimited cash out of their homes like they were ATM machines, they tend to spend less on Christmas gifts.)

For more analysis of what's coming in 2009, join my Mindful Wealth Email List:…

In any case, the economic outlook of the United States of America won't be pretty. Burdened with endless debt, unbridled spending and a cascading implosion of financial institutions, the U.S. is almost certain to endure, at the very least, many hard years of a bona-fide economic depression coupled with runaway currency inflation. That's actually a best-case scenario. I won't describe the worst-case scenario because it makes people uncomfortable to even fathom such possibilities.

This is what the banking bailout measure will deliver: A decade (or more) of economic struggle, an erosion of the value of the U.S. dollar, and the decline of America as an economic superpower in the world.

The beginning of the end of the American Empire is now upon us. From here, it's simply a matter of how long its demise can be stalled, and how broke the People will end up before Washington legislators spend every last dollar they can scrounge up and ferret away.

When the music stops, don't be the one left holding U.S. dollars.

Featured Articles

Overeating Makes the Brain Go Haywire

U.S. researchers have determined that overeating makes the brain go haywire, which could lead to diabetes, heart disease, and many other problems.

Eating too much food activates a typically dormant immune system pathway in the brain. This process sends out immune cells to attack and destroy invaders that are not there, according to Dongsheng Cai of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The findings were published in the journal Cell. The research could help explain why obesity causes so many different diseases.

"This pathway is usually present but inactive in the brain," Cai said.

Obesity is a growing problem worldwide with 1.8 billion people estimated to be overweight or obese in 2007.

Cai's team studied mice, and tried to explain previous studies that have shown that obesity causes chronic inflammation throughout the body.

Inflammation is found in a range of diseases related to obesity, including heart disease and diabetes.

Researchers focused on a compound known as IKKbeta/NK-kappaB.

Cai's team found the compound in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain linked with both metabolism in mice and humans.

They wrote, "The hypothalamus is the 'headquarters' for regulating energy.”

When researchers fed mice a high-fat diet, it became extremely active.

The body ignored signals from leptin when the body was active. Leptin is a hormone that normally helps regulate appetite, and insulin, which helps convert food into energy.

Stimulating IKKbeta/NK-kappaB made the mice eat more, while suppressing it made them eat less.

Cai said the research points a master switch for the diseases caused by overeating.

"Hypothalamic IKKb/NF-kB could underlie the entire family of modern diseases induced by overnutrition and obesity," his team said.

Cai does not know why this compound is in the brain and in the immune system.

Scientists hypothesize it evolved long ago in primitive animals that do not have the same sophisticated immune system as modern animals, including mice and humans.

"Presumably it played some role to guide the immune defense," Cai said. "In today's society, this pathway is mobilized by a different environmental challenge – over nutrition."

"Knocking out" the gene using genetic engineering kept mice eating normally and prevented obesity.

Cai say this cannot be done in people but instead believes a drug, or even gene therapy, might work.

Gene therapy means a virus is used to carry corrective DNA into the body, but the approach is still highly experimental.

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Financial Meltdown Has Arrived

by Ron Paul

The financial meltdown the economists of the Austrian School predicted has arrived

We are in this crisis because of an excess of artificially created credit at the hands of the Federal Reserve System. The solution being proposed? More artificial credit by the Federal Reserve. No liquidation of bad debt and mal-investment is to be allowed. By doing more of the same, we will only continue and intensify the distortions in our economy – all the capital misallocation, all the mal-investment – and prevent the market's attempt to re-establish rational pricing of houses and other assets.

Last night the president addressed the nation about the financial crisis. There is no point in going through his remarks line by line, since I'd only be repeating what I've been saying over and over – not just for the past several days, but for years and even decades.

Still, at least a few observations are necessary.

The president assures us that his administration "is working with Congress to address the root cause behind much of the instability in our markets." Care to take a guess at whether the Federal Reserve and its money creation spree were even mentioned?

We are told that "low interest rates" led to excessive borrowing, but we are not told how these low interest rates came about. They were a deliberate policy of the Federal Reserve. As always, artificially low interest rates distort the market. Entrepreneurs engage in malinvestments – investments that do not make sense in light of current resource availability, that occur in more temporally remote stages of the capital structure than the pattern of consumer demand can support, and that would not have been made at all if the interest rate had been permitted to tell the truth instead of being toyed with by the Fed.

Not a word about any of that, of course, because Americans might then discover how the great wise men in Washington caused this great debacle. Better to keep scapegoating the mortgage industry or "wildcat capitalism" (as if we actually have a pure free market!).

Speaking about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the president said: "Because these companies were chartered by Congress, many believed they were guaranteed by the federal government. This allowed them to borrow enormous sums of money, fuel the market for questionable investments, and put our financial system at risk."

Doesn't that prove the foolishness of chartering Fannie and Freddie in the first place? Doesn't that suggest that maybe, just maybe, government may have contributed to this mess? And of course, by bailing out Fannie and Freddie, hasn't the federal government shown that the "many" who "believed they were guaranteed by the federal government" were in fact correct?

Then come the scare tactics. If we don't give dictatorial powers to the Treasury Secretary "the stock market would drop even more, which would reduce the value of your retirement account. The value of your home could plummet." Left unsaid, naturally, is that with the bailout and all the money and credit that must be produced out of thin air to fund it, the value of your retirement account will drop anyway, because the value of the dollar will suffer a precipitous decline. As for home prices, they are obviously much too high, and supply and demand cannot equilibrate if government insists on propping them up.

It's the same destructive strategy that government tried during the Great Depression: prop up prices at all costs. The Depression went on for over a decade. On the other hand, when liquidation was allowed to occur in the equally devastating downturn of 1921, the economy recovered within less than a year.

The president also tells us that Senators McCain and Obama will join him at the White House today in order to figure out how to get the bipartisan bailout passed. The two senators would do their country much more good if they stayed on the campaign trail debating who the bigger celebrity is, or whatever it is that occupies their attention these days.

F.A. Hayek won the Nobel Prize for showing how central banks' manipulation of interest rates creates the boom-bust cycle with which we are sadly familiar. In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, he described the foolish policies being pursued in his day – and which are being proposed, just as destructively, in our own:

Instead of furthering the inevitable liquidation of the maladjustments brought about by the boom during the last three years, all conceivable means have been used to prevent that readjustment from taking place; and one of these means, which has been repeatedly tried though without success, from the earliest to the most recent stages of depression, has been this deliberate policy of credit expansion.

To combat the depression by a forced credit expansion is to attempt to cure the evil by the very means which brought it about; because we are suffering from a misdirection of production, we want to create further misdirection – a procedure that can only lead to a much more severe crisis as soon as the credit expansion comes to an end… It is probably to this experiment, together with the attempts to prevent liquidation once the crisis had come, that we owe the exceptional severity and duration of the depression.

The only thing we learn from history, I am afraid, is that we do not learn from history.

The very people who have spent the past several years assuring us that the economy is fundamentally sound, and who themselves foolishly cheered the extension of all these novel kinds of mortgages, are the ones who now claim to be the experts who will restore prosperity! Just how spectacularly wrong, how utterly without a clue, does someone have to be before his expert status is called into question?

Oh, and did you notice that the bailout is now being called a "rescue plan"? I guess "bailout" wasn't sitting too well with the American people.

The very people who with somber faces tell us of their deep concern for the spread of democracy around the world are the ones most insistent on forcing a bill through Congress that the American people overwhelmingly oppose. The very fact that some of you seem to think you're supposed to have a voice in all this actually seems to annoy them.

I continue to urge you to contact your representatives and give them a piece of your mind. I myself am doing everything I can to promote the correct point of view on the crisis. Be sure also to educate yourselves on these subjects – the Campaign for Liberty blog is an excellent place to start. Read the posts, ask questions in the comment section, and learn.

H.G. Wells once said that civilization was in a race between education and catastrophe. Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow. For the truth is the greatest weapon we have.

In liberty, Ron Paul

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Why Institutions of Western Finance and Medicine Are Doomed to Fail

by Mike Adams

NaturalNews) Here at NaturalNews, we've been publicly predicting the fall of Western Medicine for nearly five years. During that time, we've also covered the increasingly precarious financial situation, warning readers in 2005 and 2006 about the impending housing bubble crash and the implications for the entire financial system.

In covering these two topics (western medicine and western finance), I've come to recognize many strong parallels between the two. This article explores the common threads of deception that characterize these two powerful institutions.

#1 They're both based on fraud and deception
Both Western Finance and Western Medicine are fundamentally based on fraud. The fraud of Western Finance is that you can create money from nothing and everybody can get rich by selling each other fictitious financial instruments that have no connection to reality. The fraud of Western Medicine is that everybody can get healthy by taking fictitious patented chemicals (pharmaceuticals) rather than addressing fundamental issues of nutrition, exercise and exposure to consumer chemicals.

Western Finance's fraud is committed by high-brow academics who contrive complicated derivative financial instruments that are then presented to the investment community as things of real value (which they are not). Western Medicine's fraud is committed by high-ego medical researchers who selectively massage clinical trial data to create fictitious "scientific" results that are then presented to the FDA as fact. The FDA then "approves" such drugs which are sold to the public as medicines that treat "disease" (which are also fictitious, by the way; being voted into existence by a panel of experts who benefit from such disease definitions).

Both the financial instruments and FDA-approved medications are fraudulent to begin with, and they offer nothing of real, lasting value to anyone. They're both sold simply for momentary profits, without any regard for the health or the wealth of the People.

#2 When problems arise, they both treat symptoms rather than solving the causes
The $700 billion financial bailout created in Washington is a classic example of Western Medicine's "treat the symptoms" mentality. Rather than address the root cause of the problem (the Fed's control over the money supply and the very structure of fractional-reserve banking), politicians seem satisfied to rig up a series of financial bandages that allow them to pretend the problem has been solved.

In Western Medicine, this "treat the symptoms" approach is the de facto treatment philosophy taught in medical school: Ignore the real cause, don't bother educating patients about diet or exercise, and simply prescribe pharmaceuticals to mask the problem for as long as possible.

In both cases, the patient inevitably gets sicker: The financial situation festers and grows like an unchecked cancer tumor, and while stop-gap measures can create the illusion of a healthy patient, these actions inevitably contribute to far greater crisis down the road, where the patient eventually crashes and dies.

The financial sickness now infecting banks, lenders and insurance companies across the globe is an unchecked pandemic of infectious debt. But rather than addressing the cause of the infections, the financial industry seems satisfied to refinance the disease carriers so they can rise up, coughing and sputtering as they pass along the disease to anyone within breathing distance.

#3 They both enrich powerful corporations while impoverishing the People
The key agenda of both the financial and health industries is to enrich wealthy corporations at the expense of the public. In Western Finance, this is being done by privatizing the financial gains while socializing the financial losses. In other words, all the profits go to the wealthy elite while all the losses are passed along to taxpayers (this is the fundamental point of the $700 billion bailout, of course).

In Western Medicine, virtually every regulatory policy in effect today is constructed to enrich corporations. The FDA's censorship of true health claims on nutritional supplements, the FTC's crackdown on anti-cancer herbal remedies, the DEA's raids on medical marijuana… these campaigns are all conducted solely to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies at the expense of public health.

Think about it: Monopoly pricing on pharmaceuticals sold in the USA is enforced by the FDA and FTC. Approvals of drugs based on outright fraudulent science is openly granted by the FDA. Raids against vitamin companies, supplement companies and natural product retailers are organized and conducted by both the FTC and FDA, two regulatory bodies that engage in outright extortion, threatening natural health companies with bankruptcy and criminal charges if they don't pay outrageous fines based on fabricated accusations of things like "linking to a scientific journal from your website" (which is now a crime in the U.S. if you sell nutritional products).

These are all the actions of governmental tyrants who act solely as Big Business street thugs, wiping out the competition to protect the profits of their (mob) bosses.

#4 They're both based on arrogance and the worship of money
Arrogance runs high in Western Medicine, where clever men at the top of the pharmaceutical companies think they've outsmarted mother nature by brainwashing consumers into thinking the human body is born with deficiencies of patented synthetic chemicals. This same arrogance is woven directly into the fabric of Wall Street, where greed-based financial players convince themselves they're so brilliant that the mere idea of how to make money is now recorded as a bankable asset on the balance sheets (that's the Enron style of accounting, which has now infected all of Wall Street).

The arrogance in both these industries is astounding. Neither Western Finance nor Western Medicine believes there is such a thing as a reality that shall ever hold them accountable. They don't believe in gold, or real food, or cause and effect. Things are things because they say they are, and nothing is subject to economic reality, scientific scrutiny or real-world common sense.

These two industries have been living in the Twilight Zone for so long, they've completely lost touch with reality. In fact, they no longer have any familiarity with reality. Doctors, for example, have no knowledge of nutrition or superfoods. They are nutritionally illiterate the day they graduate from medical school. Similarly, bankers are almost universally ignorant of the basic laws of economics. Few understand how fractional-reserve banking really works, nor do they grasp the correlations between increases in the money supply and inflation.

Bankers and doctors, it could be accurately stated, have almost no knowledge about the very things over which they have been granted authority.

(For the record, yes I know there are many exceptions to this. Lots of well-educated bankers and doctors break out of the box of ignorance by learning, on their own, those things not taught to them in the land of academia.)

#5 They both seek instant profits at the expense of future generations
Western financial institutions are famous for their focus on the next fiscal quarter. If it doesn't create a profit in the next 90 days, it's not considered a worthwhile investment. This "instant profit" mentality inevitably leads to an abandonment of virtues like saving money or honoring future generations. Instead of leaving our children with equity, the United States of America (and its financial co-conspirators) have burdened future generations with an impossible debt burden.

Pharmaceutical companies think much the same way. Rather than uplifting the health of the nation with sound prenatal nutrition policies (and infant health programs based on disease prevention), it seeks to vaccinate and medicate every living being with a never-ending parade of high-profit pharmaceuticals… from birth to death. There is no attention paid to the environmental effects of flushing all those drugs down the drain (pharmaceuticals are now found in the drinking water of over 50 American cities), nor is there any attempt to actually prevent cancer (or other diseases) in any way whatsoever.

Instead, Western Medicine prefers to wait until people get sick so it can cash in on their disease. Similarly, Western Finance prefers to hide its problems, expanding its debt base until it gets too big to fail, at which point someone has to come along and bail it out.

Neither industry operates with any degree of accountability.

#6 Both are run by unindicted criminals
If I break into your house and steal your wallet, I would be considered a criminal. But when Congress breaks into your finances and steals your life savings, they consider themselves to be heroes!

Make no mistake: Both the Western Finance and Western Medical industries are run by unindicted criminals who steal, lie, and deceive their way to the greatest profits possible. Drug companies routinely bury studies they don't want you to see, and FDA leaders routinely stack their decision boards with "experts" who maintain direct financial ties to the companies selling the pharmaceuticals they're voting to approve.

Meanwhile, top bankers are shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars in favors to Washington politicians in order to avoid any reduction in their multi-million dollar salaries, even while the financial institutions they led are about to be bailed out by taxpayer money. What all this has in common is that the top CEOs, politicians and regulatory decision makers are unindicted criminals who are guilty of various crimes against the People: Theft, conspiracy, racketeering and much more.

If these people were held up to the same laws applied to you and me, they'd all be arrested and spend their lives in prison (or worse).

#7 Both are doomed to collapse
The final parallel between Western Finance and Western Medicine? They're both doomed to collapse.

That very idea was considered absolutely loony just 30 days ago. But I've stuck to this prediction for five years: Western medicine is doomed to collapse. And now, all of a sudden, more people are waking up and seeing their fictional world crumbling around them. The near-collapse of the global financial system, it seems, has rudely awakened a few people who were sleepwalking through life, intoxicated by visions of free riches, free pharmaceuticals and life in the land of zero accountability.

Reality, though, is a stubborn thing. You can daydream all you want, but the laws of economics cannot be violated any more so than the laws of human physiology. When there's a poison in the system (biologically or financially speaking), something must be done to eliminate the poison and bolster the health of the patient. Sadly, Washington remains in the business of denying the problem, which makes it all the more difficult to try to solve it.

Interestingly, the collapse of Western Finance is inevitably linked to the collapse of Western Medicine. How so? Because Big Pharma is almost entirely dependent on the government to protect and feed itself. Without Big Government creating an artificial monopoly market where competing natural products are censored or outlawed, Big Pharma could not compete!

Nobody would buy arthritis drugs if they knew cherry extracts or potent fish oils could solve the problem more safely and affordably. No one would buy high-profit cholesterol drugs if they learned the truth about red yeast rice, aged garlic or policosanol.

Big Pharma is entirely dependent on the government to prop up its business, and when the U.S. government goes operationally bankrupt (which is coming), Big Pharma may suddenly find itself competing in a free marketplace where it no longer has the tools of oppression, censorship and tyranny to bludgeon the competition into irrelevancy. When Big Government goes, Big Pharma will follow, and the collapse of Western Finance is thus a precursor to the collapse of Western Medicine.

Both institutions, of course, will attempt to claw their way back to power, even as they are crumbling. They won't go without a fight, and they may be able to put in place clever tactics that delay their demise by years. But in the end, no nation has a future when its finance — and its medicine — are based on fraud.

Think about that. It's a powerful realization. The U.S. simply cannot continue the way it's running today. With 50% of the population on pharmaceuticals, and children being drugged with Speed (ADHD drugs), and mandatory vaccines poisoning (and killing) young girls, there is no future unless something changes.

With junk foods and energy drinks intoxicating our youth, and dangerous chemicals running rampant through the personal care product industry, and foods being irradiated to destroy their nutritional content, there is no future.

With banks stealing money from the working taxpayers, and $10 trillion national debt knocking on our door, and the government taking ownership of more than 50% of the national economy, there is no future!

The real world will be a shock to many
The end of these systems is now in sight. They are crumbling under their own arrogance and stupidity, revealing a society based on self-righteous deception and global scandal. Everything we thought was real turns out to be fabricated: The money, the medicine, the economy, the law… it's all being revealed for what it is: A Matrix of enslavement, designed to keep the People believing they live in a free society, even as their health and wealth are stolen from them by the sinister few who wield political power.

Western Finance will fall, and Western Medicine will soon end its reign of terror over the people. We will live to see the end of the FDA as we know it; the end of the AMA, the cancer industry and the dominance of the drug companies. We may lose our savings and we may even lose our nation, but we will not lose the one thing that matters most in this cold, dark universe: Our sense of connection with life, nature and each other.

Because when all the fictions fall apart, and the facade of the American Empire crumbles like the twin towers on 9/11, when it's all said and done, we still have one thing we can count on: Mother Nature.

Nature will still be there. The trees, the gardens, the herbs… these things are real. The water, the oceans, the honeybees… these are the things that bring us real wealth.

Wealth is not a collection of digits in a computer. It isn't a promise printed on green paper money. Real wealth is a garden that feeds you, a river that hydrates you, and a system of medicine that nourishes and supports you. Real wealth is a day with sunshine, a night under the stars and a life lived with purpose.

Real wealth is not fleeting, nor subject to cascading collapse. It is as real as the morning dew on a cabbage plant, or the sweet taste of fresh blueberry juice, or the buzz of ten thousand honeybees pollinating an orchard.

These are the things Western society has forgotten, and in that forgetfulness, it has suffered a dangerous, multi-generational amnesia … a disease of delusion, if you will, that is about to collide head-on with reality.

The awakening will be rude. Some will embrace reality and thrive in the Next Society. Others will deny reality and suffer.

As we watch all of this unfold, I invite you to join me in the real world; to eat real food, to experience real (natural) medicine and to make real, lasting contributions to the future of life on Earth. As fictional constructs fall to the ground around us, we are all being granted front-row seats to one of the most amazing transformations in the history of life on Earth: We are about to watch one civilization end, and another civilization emerge from the ruin.

We are, indeed, watching history unfold before our eyes. And you know what? We are all fortunate enough to participate in it! Don't miss this. Stay confident. Help those you can, and prepare yourself for the transition. The next few years are going to be the most interesting we'll see in our lifetimes.

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What You Speak Has A Profound Impact On Your Health

by Ann Musico


Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

If you’ve been a Christian for very long you have heard numerous teachings on the power of your words.  Sometimes I think we tend to over-spiritualize verses like these.  The temptation is to relegate them solely to the spiritual realm and make them ethereal and impractical rather than apply them to our physical lives in a real way.  The research of Dr. Masaru Emoto dramatically illustrates the literal truth of this verse and so many others relating to the power of speech.

Dr. Emoto did scientific research on how water responds to words – spoken, written and even music.  He chose to study water because it is the most abundant substance on earth and our bodies are approximately 90% water.  He found that words of love, blessing and gratitude created perfect, beautiful, ordered ice crystals.  Words of anger, hatred and cursing created ugly, distorted crystals.  The photographs of his results are startling and dramatic.  You can see these amazing pictures in his books, such as ‘The Hidden Messages in Water,” which are available from

Without a doubt his research confirms the truth of God’s Word.  His Word says pleasant words are health to our bones (Pr. 16:24); a wholesome tongue is a tree of life (Pr. 15:4); and by guarding our mouths we preserve our lives (Pr. 13:3).  It gives new meaning to the power of prayer to sanctify our food (1 Timothy 4:5)!  Our words are vibrations and every emotion and thought expressed has a particular vibrational energy.  In fact, we are “electrical” beings who are constantly emitting vibrations with our thoughts and words, affecting not just ourselves, but those around us as well.  Just think about how an angry person affects the atmosphere in a room!  Is it any wonder our words can change things on a molecular level?  Research shows the electromagnetic frequencies of our bodies controls every chemical reaction.

Scientists have proven that the energy of our thoughts, feelings and emotions can positively or negatively effect our DNA structure.  We’ve all heard about how someone taking a placebo is healed simply because they believe the medication (which actually has no medicinal value) will heal them.  Worry and stress changes the pH of your body from alkaline to acidic very quickly.  Even our food has energy – natural, whole food the way God created it does – and that energy is vital to health.

While all words are powerful, God’s Word is especially power-packed (Hebrews 4:12).  Speak and think life and health and blessing to yourself and others – we truly do have the power of death and life in our mouths.