Healthy Recipes

Raw Pecan Pie and All-Natural Fudge

by: Tony Isaacs (TBYIL) For many of us, traditional holiday feasts include a wealth of scrumptious desserts. However, many of the traditional holiday desserts contain far too much refined sugar and other ingredients that are less than healthy. This year, try these two healthier dessert recipes that are sure to please any dessert lover:

Raw Pecan Pie with Almonds and Dates
If pecan pie is on your mind and you are a raw food fan, you and your guests will love this healthy version. While this recipe uses only healthy ingredients, it produces a super-rich pecan pie that is best served in small portions. Rather than serve this pie in traditional slices, you may want to use a good knife to divide the pie into 2-inch squares.Ingredients:2 cups almonds (raw, if available), soaked for one hour, drained, dried
3 dozen pitted dates, soaked for one hour, drained (save water)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon or lime juice
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups raw pecans, soaked for one hour, drained, dried
Coconut oil


Put almonds and 10 dates in a food processor and blend until they have a crust-like consistency. Add a small amount of water (saved from soaking the dates) if necessary to aid in bringing almonds and dates together.

Grease a pie plate or 9-inch square baking pan with a light coat of coconut oil to prevent the pie from sticking.

Use a spatula or the underside of a spoon to press the almond-date crust into the bottom and sides of the plate or pan. Put the finished crust in the freezer until time to fill it.

Combine the remaining dates, fresh lemon or lime juice, cinnamon, sea salt, and vanilla in a food processor and blend until smooth. Use a small amount of water (left over from soaking dates) if necessary.

Spread the date filling evenly over the almond-date crust and arrange the raw pecans on top of the filling, pressing down lightly to keep the pecans in place.

Note: the pie can also be baked in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, or else cooked on low broil for about five minutes for crispier pecans. Hint: Put a bit of raw honey on top of the pecans for a tasty glaze.

Adapted from:

Easy All Natural Fudge Recipe

This easy and delicious fudge recipe calls for protein-rich almond butter and antioxidant-rich raw chocolate powder, making it a decadent treat that is much healthier than conventional store-bought fudge. Although this fudge is made with all-natural ingredients, it is best to eat only one or two small pieces at a time, as eating honey-rich foods can stress one’s blood sugar.


2 cups almond butter
1/4 cup raw organic cocoa powder, sifted to remove any lumps
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons raw organic honey
1 heaping tablespoon coconut oil, melted (optional)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well.

Spoon mixture into a pan and flatten with the back of a spoon. Place in the freezer for about an hour; then, take out and cut into bite-size squares. Keep these covered and stored in the freezer.

These must be kept in the freezer until just prior to serving – otherwise they will become the consistency they were before freezing.

Varieties: You can substitute dark cocoa for part or all of the cocoa. Also, try adding favorite nuts such as whole or chopped pecans or walnuts.

Healthy Recipes

Natural Oatmeal Raisin or Cranberry Cookies


1/2 cup organic butter, softened

1/2 cup honey

1 brown yard egg

1 teaspoon organic pure vanilla extract3/4 cup stone ground whole wheat flour1/2 teaspoon baking soda1 pinch pink Himalayan salt

3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oats

1 apple, cored a chopped

1/2 cup baking raisins or cranberries


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In a large bowl, cream together the margarine, honey, egg and vanilla until smooth. Combine the whole wheat flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon; stir into the creamed mixture. Mix in oats, apple and raisins or cranberries. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto non-stick cookie sheets.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

Healthy Recipes

Savory Sweet Potato and Leek Gratin

A New Twist on a French Favorite: A sinfully delicious dish that is usually loaded with cheese, cream and butter, this classic French casserole was due for a makeover. By substituting reduced-fat cheese and nonfat milk for the traditional full-fat dairy ingredients, this recipe cuts out most of the saturated fat. Our gratin also calls for sweet potatoes, which not only add a burst of color, but also provide vitamins C and A and a hearty dose of phyto-chemicals.

2 cloves garlic, minced
2 leeks (white part only), well rinsed and coarsely chopped
1 cup fat free, reduced-sodium chicken broth (you’ll add your own mineral salt)
3 large sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed (about 4 1/2 to 5 cups
1 egg (fresh yard egg or organic egg)
1 cup organic goat’s milk
1 cup shredded reduced-fat Swiss cheese, divided
1/2 tsp. pink Himalayan salt, Dead sea salt or other non-processed salt
1/2 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper


1)     Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2)     Coat a large nonstick skillet with olive oil. Sauté the garlic and leeks over medium-high heat for 5 minutes.

3)     Add the broth and simmer over medium heat until the leeks are tender and most of the liquid evaporates, about 10 minutes.

4)     Remove the skillet from the heat and cool slightly.

5)     In a large bowl, combine the leek mixture, mashed sweet potatoes, egg, milk, 1/2 cup of cheese, salt and pepper.

6)     Spoon the mixture into a medium, shallow casserole or gratin dish and smooth the top and sprinkle it with the remaining cheese and cayenne pepper.

7)     Bake until the top is golden brown and the mixture bubbles, about 30 minutes.

Makes 10 servings.

Per serving: 170 calories, 1.5 g total fat (<1 g saturated fat), 34 g carbohydrate, 7 g protein, 4 g dietary fiber, 260 mg sodium

(From AICR)


Healthy Recipes

Eat Yogurt, Avoid Bladder Cancer

If you love yogurt, you’re in luck. You probably already know it’s good for you, but I found a recent Swedish study that gives us more evidence. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm studied the diets of 80,000 patients in a nine-year span and published their findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
If you love yogurt, you’re in luck. You probably already know it’s good for you, but I found a recent Swedish study that gives us more evidence. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm studied the diets of 80,000 patients in a nine-year span and published their findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.They concluded that women who consumed two servings of yogurt every day were 45% less likely to develop bladder cancer than those who only eat it occasionally or not at all (36% for men). What’s interesting is that the researchers found no protective benefit in other dairy products. It was only the yogurt or cultured milk products with lactic acid bacteria.Lead study author Alicja Wolk, Ph.D., says the probiotic called lactobacillus in cultured dairy products could be responsible for providing these protective benefits. (Ref: Women’s Health, March 2009, p. 28)Of course, it’s safe to say that most people who eat yogurt probably lead healthier lifestyles, but the findings are still significant.



Healthy Recipes

Baked Rice and Barley with Oriental Mushrooms

Serves 5 | Prep Time 0:30 | Cook Time 1:00Ingredients

3/4 cup organic short grain brown rice, washed and drained
3/4 cup organic pearled barley, washed and drained

1 cup Eden Sliced Shiitake Mushrooms, soaked 10 minutes in 1 cup warm water,
reserve soaking water
1/2 cup Eden Maitake Mushrooms, soaked 20 minutes in 1 cup hot water, reserve soaking water
2 cup onion, diced
2 Tablespoons Eden Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 teaspoon pink Himalayan Sea Salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground red pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground thyme or sage
4 cup water, including reserved mushroom soaking water
2 Tablespoons fresh parsley, minced for garnish
Heat the oil in a medium saucepan and sauté the onions for 10 minutes. Add the celery and mushrooms. Sauté another 5 minutes over a medium-low flame. Remove from the flame.Heat up a skillet and dry roast the rice and barley over a high flame until most of the water from washing the grain has evaporated. Reduce the flame to medium-low and dry roast 3 to 4 minutes longer. Place in a baking dish. Add the onions, celery and mushrooms. Bring the water to a boil and pour over the rice. Mix in the salt, pepper and thyme. Cover the baking dish and bake for 1 hour at 350° until the grain is tender. Remove and mix in the parsley. Serve.
Nutritional Info
Per serving: 286 Calories, 7g Fat (18% calories from fat), 10g Protein, 66g Carbohydrate, 18g Fiber, 0mg Cholesterol, 104mg Sodium

(Note: Recipe from Eden Organic Foods)

Healthy Recipes

Cranberry or Blueberry-Walnut Oatmeal Breakfast


1 cup steel-cut oats
4 cups water
2 tbsp. honey
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup dried cranberries or blueberries
1/4 tsp. cinnamon

Before you go to bed or when you’re making dinner, boil the water in a medium pot. Once it’s boiling, turn off the heat and stir-in the steel cut oats. Cover immediately with a lid, and allow to sit overnight. In the morning, take off the lid and add the cranberries and walnuts. Cook on medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle cinnamon and drizzle honey on top before serving (optional). If you have leftovers, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Experiment with different fresh or dried fruits and nuts to switch up the flavor. The cinnamon and honey are optional. You can also try agave nectar if you like it sweet.

I hope you enjoy this recipe! Let me know what you think if you try it out.

Healthy Recipes

Herbed Couscous with Chicken

One Pot, Many Flavors
Here’s a one-pot meal that the whole family will enjoy. A fresh take on traditional chicken with rice, this recipe spices things up with a unique blend of Mediterranean flavors. As a bonus, the whole-wheat couscous provides added fiber and nutrients, and it cooks in a fraction of the time needed to prepare conventional rice.
Ingredients (Use fresh organic if available.):1 ½ Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 medium shallot, finely minced
3 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1 cup Brussels sprouts, quartered (fresh or frozen)
2 cups bite-sized cubes of butternut squash, peeled
8 oz. skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size chunks
1 ½ cups non-salted chicken broth, divided
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste (We recommend Himalayan Pink sea salt, which is high in minerals.)
1 cup whole-wheat couscous, uncooked
1-2 Tbsp. dried herbs (combination of sage, thyme, marjoram)

In a medium saucepan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the shallot, garlic, brussels sprouts and butternut squash and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the chicken and ¼ cup chicken broth. Season with Himalayan Salt and pepper.

Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Stir in the couscous. Add the remaining broth along with the sage, thyme and marjoram. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a boil.

Cover, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 more minutes or until the liquid is completely absorbed. Adjust the seasoning and salt to taste.

Makes 4 servings.

Per serving: 310 calories, 7 g total fat (1 g saturated fat), 44 g carbohydrates,
20 g protein, 7 g dietary fiber, 290 mg sodium.

Healthy Recipes

Veggie Quiche

from Henry’s Farmer’s MarketThis delicious quiche makes your morning meal even more memorable. Serve with your favorite hot sauce or Henry’s Markets tasty salsa. It’s a great way to start the day!

Prep time: 40 minutes, Serves 4-6
If available, use only organic vegetables that are uncontaminated by pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

1 unbaked pie shell
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 cups fresh broccoli, chopped
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 1/2 cups grated cheese
4 eggs, well beaten
1 1/2 cups milk
½ -1 Jalapeno pepper (chop fine and add to taste)

Himalayan Pink Salt to taste

Preheat oven 350 degrees F. In large saucepan over medium heat melt butter and saute onion, garlic, broccoli and peppers until tender. Spoon vegetables into pie crust and sprinkle with cheese. Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, throughly combine eggs and milk and season with salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture over vegetables into pie crust. Cook for about 30 minutes, or until knife comes out clean.

Healthy Recipes

Yogurt Cheese

2 cups plain yogurt

Chives or other herbs of choice

Secure a cheesecloth across the top of a bowl. Place a wooden spoon across the top of the bowl and then tie the corners of the cheesecloth around the middle of the spoon, so that the cloth hangs over the bowl like a pocket. Spoon the yogurt onto the cheesecloth and allow to drain overnight. The next day you will have yogurt cheese, about the same consistency as cream cheese. Add herbs to your taste (roughly 2-1/2 tablespoons), mix well, and store in the refrigerator.

Healthy Recipes

Stone Fruit Salad with Cherry Almond Dressing

Serves 6

Mildly sweet, nutty and creamy with a pleasing almond crunch, this dish makes a refreshing dessert, breakfast or brunch option.


1/2 cup roasted almond butter
1 (15-ounce) can pitted tart cherries packed in water, divided
1/4 cup half-and-half

1 tablespoon maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 pounds peaches, plums, apricots, pluots, nectarines or apricots, halved and pitted
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted


Combine almond butter, 1 cup of the cherries, half-and-half, maple syrup and vanilla in a blender and process until smooth. Cut peaches, apricots, plums or pluots in 1/2-inch-thick slices. Arrange fruit on serving plates and drizzle with dressing. Top with additional cherries and sliced almonds.


Per serving (About 9.5oz/265g-wt.): 320 calories (160 from fat), 18g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 7g protein, 38g total carbohydrate (5g dietary fiber, 30g sugar), 5mg cholesterol, 105mg sodium