The Best Years In Life

The Four Horsemen of the Health Apocalypse

by Tony Isaacs author of Cancer's Natural Enemy
First in a New Series

A dark plague has crept across the land, operating largely in shadow for generations and set upon us by an evil master whose footsteps have fouled the earth for as long as man has walked upon it.  Led by four evil horsemen who have been corrupted and enslaved by the master, the plague has cast its shadowy tentacles from sea to sea through towns and cities large and small, sparing no one. Almost no location has proven remote enough to escape its reach and it has visited death, illness and suffering on young and old alike.

The plague is the plague of Bad Health.  Its master is Greed.  And the Four Horsemen perverted into serving greed and spreading the plague are our Food, our Medicine, our Industry and our Government.  The effects of this evil plague can be measured in terms of the dollars and the lives it cruelly affects – billions of dollars annually in ill gained profit at the expense of deaths that run into the hundreds of thousand and suffering that affects millions.

Throughout history, men have existed whose greed and lust for wealth and power has driven them to put their own selfish interests above those of humanity itself. Such greed has been behind most of the evils in the history or mankind and caused untold human suffering. Today the very health of modern man itself is under attack by the greedy elite who willingly trade profits for the ability of their fellow men and women to enjoy good health and live long enjoyable lives.

Through a process that began in the late 1800's, those who place personal gain and wealth above health and humanity have corrupted the four most important cornerstones that should be our shining benefactors and guarantors of providing mankind with good, nutritious food to drink, air to breath and water to drink:  our food supply, our medicines, our industry, and our government. Today, instead of marshalling their efforts to benefit humanity, these cornerstones we depend on have been corrupted to benefit and elite few, turning them instead into just the opposite of what they should be – darkly corrupted purveyors of illness which rob us of our health and our wealth, take years off our life spans, and force us into a lifetime of managed illness and poor nutrition.  If allowed to continue, the downward spiral in health may ultimately threaten the ability of mankind to even continue as a species.

Here then are the four crumbling cornerstones of health and a brief overview of how greed has corrupted them:


Our soils have been depleted, our food crops have been genetically engineered to produce more bulk with less nutrition and to withstand more pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizers that ensure higher yields at the cost of multitudes of health problems for those who consume them. Furthermore, the food on our grocer’s shelves has had the nutrition processed out, with harmful additives processed in to enhance shelf life, color, taste and texture, with the same result.  The advent of large scale industrial farms favored with government subsidies has changed the emphasis from good nutrition coming from a local human face to good production and poor, contaminated nutrition from faceless industries.  Thanks to over-farming and the advent of chemical fertilizers, our soils are rapidly being stripped of valuable minerals, including trace minerals.  Only the three primary minerals plants need to grow are being replaced – from artificial chemical fertilizers, but not the 60 or more they need to have optimum nutrition.


For 6000 years, mankind used nature as the primary means of preventing and controlling illness. In the mid 1800's, there were as many naturopathic and homeopathic practitioners and medical schools as there were modern "germ theory" doctors and universities.  Then the Rockefellers and Carnegies teamed up with the American Medical Society to make germ theory medicine the ONLY acceptable form of medicine solely in order to increase their profits and suppress competition.  Since that time we have seen homeopathic and naturopathic methods not only suppressed, but horrifically persecuted.  Such actions continue to this very day, but nowhere in history was the abuse of power and persecution more criminally blatant than during the reign of terror and personal enrichment of Morris Fishbein, who persecuted such leading alternative giants as Royal Raymond Rife and Harry Hoxsey.

More information on the misdeeds of Morris Fishbein can be found in this informative and factual article:

About the same time the AMA was conspiring to eliminate competition, the world pharmaceutical giants, then located in Germany, were conspiring to replace all natural remedies and healing plants with drugs made in their labs.  In the early 1900's, these companies formed the I. G. Farben cartel, with the express purpose of seizing control of the world's medical drug trade, and their plans have been successful beyond even their own wildest dreams of greed.  For generations now, we have been inundated with a never ending avalanche of propaganda telling us to “ask our doctors” about the benefits of drugs while warning us away from natural alternatives that are  safer, more effective and far less expensive.

For generations, our doctors have been taught at medical schools whose largest source of funding by far is the world pharmaceutical empire.  They have been taught precious little about the role diet, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and natural plants have to play in prevention and healing.  Instead, they have been taught that the way to treat illness and disease is to prescribe medications – medications that just happen to be made by the same people who fund their education.  As a result, safe, effective and less expensive natural healing with hundreds and even thousands of years of proven success has been chastised and made illegal and has been replaced by patentable and hugely profitable synthetics and isolates.  An even darker result is the millions of lives and billions of dollars that could be saved if alternative and natural treatments were allowed for cancer, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes and a host of other conditions that mainstream "approved" medicine has been unable or unwilling to cure.

From the very first, these lab created drugs have had significant and often life-threatening side effects, and, when effective at all, have mostly managed symptoms instead of effected cures.  Often, their prolonged use leads to new illnesses and more medications in a never ending cycle so that by the time a man reaches 65 years of age in the United States, he takes an average of 15 prescribed and over the counter medications daily – when it all began with one or two conditions that could have been treated naturally. When your only marketplace is the human body, it is a wonderful plan to protect and increase profits, but a horrible one for humanity.


Since the beginning of the industrial age and the coal burning plants, every year an increasing amount of literally thousands of metric tons of chemical pollutants, including carcinogens and thousands of other highly toxic chemicals and compounds such as mercury, lead, PCP, arsenic. etc., are spewed into our environment, polluting the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.  While the National Institute of Health has recognized 133 chemical compounds which are, or may be, carcinogens, well over ten thousand industrial compounds have not been tested for safety either singly or in combination, and the number of new compounds introduced to the environment grows by leaps and bounds each year.

Not only have the vast majority of our industries resisted having their growing list of thousands of chemical compounds properly tested for safety, they have resisted controls on the use and emissions of the ones known to be harmful.  Shamefully, it has been revealed that the medical industry that benefits financially from increased illness has often supported industry efforts to control their chemical contaminants that make us ill (see Devra Davis important new book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer). Virtually all of our industries, including the food and medical industries, have for the sake of profits corrupted the agencies entrusted with their oversight into agencies that serve their profits first and the citizens they should serve second. No one outside of industry should begrudge them making a reasonable profit; however, no one inside industry can reasonably argue that they should not make their profits while operating morally and being good neighbors who strive to protect the health and welfare of the consumers.


The government should be the greatest protector of the health and well being of its citizens, but the influence and money of the greedy have corrupted it to a government of the corporation which gives mostly lip service to actually serving its citizens first and foremost.  The United States of America was founded as a constitutional republic to protect and insure the unalienable rights of every citizen to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All levels of government, with the federal level having the least powers of all in most areas, were supposed to derive their powers from the consent of the governed.  Thanks to the relentless pursuit of wealth and power, and the use of that wealth and power to buy votes and influence, our government has become a top down corruption that our founding fathers would surely rise up against in renewed revolt.

No greater example of this corruption of masters and priorities can be found than the FDA – United States Food and Drug Administration.  Although the public widely believes that the FDA is out to protect them, what it actually does is run a protection racket for mainstream medicine, especially the world pharmaceutical empire. Who the FDA really serves and protects becomes crystal clear when you examine their actions.  On the one hand, they twist the rules and impose their own definitions of what constitutes a drug to keep safe and natural competition off the market by actions such as persecuting and threatening cherry growers, and the makers and sellers of products like bitter melon, Stevia and colloidal silver, none of whom have ever caused a single death and each of which has hundreds of Pub Med and other studies vouching for their effectiveness.  On the other hand, they foully delay action, hide studies and outright lie about the safety of products like Vioxx, Bextra, Alleve, Aspartame, Avandia, Fosamax, Gardasil, and a host of others which have been blamed with hundreds of thousands of deaths and illnesses in order for their big pharma and big chemical industry masters to reap billions in profits while the public suffers.

In the words of the last FDA commissioner to stand up for the safety of the citizens and resist the lobbying and pressure of Big Pharma:

"The FDA 'protects' the big drug companies and are subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. People think that the FDA is protecting them.

It isn't.

What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."

Dr. Herbert Ley

And thus concludes this introduction to a new series of articles by the author, ones which may someday comprise a new book.  In future installments we will take an in depth look at each of the "Four Horsemen" and those who are responsible for robbing our health for the sake of their greed, the increasing rates of cancer and heart disease, the reasons for autism and other conditions which have exploded among our children, and we will examine why we spend more money by far on healthcare in the United States than anywhere else in the world, yet have seen our life expectancy drop from 14th to 42nd in the world in just two decades.

We will also examine what we as individuals and as a nation can do to take back control of our health, our bodies and the agencies that are supposed to serve us.

Until next time, live long, live healthy, live happy!

Tony Isaacs

The Best Years In Life

A Plan for Living a Long and Healthy Life – Part 1

Turning the Odds for a Long, Healthy Life to Your Favor

Life is a gamble, and right now, chances are that the odds are very much stacked against you. The contamination in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the highly processed and additive-filled foods you eat all combine to work against you.  Add to that the likelihood of years of lack of proper diet and exercise, lack of proper sleep, the side-effects from taking too many medications, the failure of modern medicine to properly treat and cure disease, and perhaps even your heredity, and the odds can appear to be very long indeed.  The good news is that you can turn those odds back in your favor no matter how old you are, no matter what your physical condition is, no matter what your heredity is and no matter how many years you have neglected to live a healthy life.

As anybody knows, nothing is 100%, and life is no exception.  However, it is pretty easy to see that the odds are pretty strong that you will ultimately face ill health and live a shorter life than otherwise might be the case if you continue to let an unhealthy lifestyle keep stacking the deck against you.  On the other hand, if you follow the advice in this simple series of articles, you can turn the odds very much in favor of living a much longer, healthier and happier life.

Before we look at how you can give yourself the best chances for good health and a long life, it would be a good idea to understand just what we have done, and what has been done to us, to cheat us out of the healthy and happy years we could have.  My own education was an eye-opener and hopefully will also be one for you.

In the beginning – an eye-opening journey

Somewhere around the time I reached my mid-forties I finally began to come face to face with the reality of my own mortality.  All of my friends were getting older, many of them were bothered by various health problems and several were beginning to carry around quite a little satchel filled with bottles of medications that they took daily.  As for myself, I know that I seemed to look the same every day in the mirror (except for certain Mondays after I had spent the weekend acting like I still was young and immortal), but when I looked at pictures taken a decade or so ago, the difference was pretty obvious.  And I knew that I wasn't quite as fast and lively as I was in my 20's and 30's.  So, I reluctantly had to admit that chances were pretty good that I wasn't going to stay young and live forever, and, when I thought about all the bad habits in such areas as lifestyle, diet, exercise and sleep, I really began to be concerned about what I might be able to do to live as long and as healthy of a life as I could.  I began to research health and aging, looking for ways to have more energy and vitality, live longer, and avoid or conquer the diseases and physical conditions that are common in our later years.
When I began my journey and started looking into subjects like anti-aging and disease prevention, I expected to find most of the answers I sought in modern science and medicine.  Although I had a certain amount of respect for folk medicine and the tradition of natural cures, I was pretty much one of those "real drugs for real cures" kind of people who thought that the answer to any health problem was best found in modern medical facilities and on the shelves of modern pharmacies.  I thought that for the most part, folk cures and natural remedies were pretty much superstition and unsupported myth.  If I became ill enough to seek help, my first and only thought was to go see a licensed modern medical doctor and get the latest wonder drug for my illness.  As for so-called alternative medicines, whether it was called naturopathic, homeopathic, folk or chinese medicine, well, I gave that about as much consideration as I would snake oil or the eye of a newt, or tongue of a toad – no witches brew or old wives tales medicine for me!  I found out that I was terribly mistaken!
First the bad news: our medicine has fooled us & our government has failed us
The more I checked into modern medicine, the world pharmaceutical giants and regulatory agencies like the FDA, the more worried and disillusioned I became.  I wondered why the death rate of cancer and heart disease was virtually unchanged for several decades, why so many drugs were being recalled because of serious, even fatal, side effects.  And I kept reading about natural remedies that seemed to be much more effective without serious side effects for many forms of cancers and other diseases when all modern medicine had to offer was long term treatments with little odds of success and horrible, debilitating side effects.  Then one day I came upon the following statement from former FDA Commissioner Dr Herbert Ley:
"The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day."
As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, I then read the results from one of the FDA's own studies released in December 2004 (only after a freedom of information request resulted in the study finally being released two years after it was completed).  According to the study, fully two-thirds of the very scientists that the FDA used to determine if drugs were safe stated that they lacked faith in the FDA's ability to determine drug safety.  And one out of five of them admitted that they had been pressured to approve drugs that they felt were unsafe.  What was going on here?
The more I read and researched, the less willing I became with unquestionably trusting modern medicine and modern drugs.  At the same time, I became more and more impressed with what I discovered about natural healing, herbs and supplements.  In  hundreds of articles, testimonials, and medical studies, I found that there are thousands of people all over the world avoiding diseases, living longer and successfully beating diseases through natural healing and alternative medicines with far fewer side effects than conventional medicine.  Why, I wondered, had modern medicine not embraced this fact?  Why did more people not know about this?  It seemed like to me that someone should be shouting from the rooftops: “CANCER! AIDS! HEPATITIS-C! HEART DISEASE! HIGH CHOLESTEROL! STRESS! STROKE! PROSTRATE DISEASE! KIDNEY DISEASE!  YOU DON’T HAVE TO DIE! YOU DON’T HAVE TO SUFFER! AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPEND AN ARM AND A LEG!”
Soon, the answer became all too apparent:  The largest single source of funding for medical schools is the trillion dollar world pharmaceutical industry.  Does anyone think that it is a coincidence that since early in the twentieth century, modern medicine has taught our physicians to treat disease by prescribing synthetic drugs – drugs made by the same people who funded their medical schools?  For years modern medicine has been taught to ignore natural cures and treatments, or else taught that they such things don’t work.  The FDA has been co-opted into an agency that serves primarily to protect the marketplace of the pharmaceutical industry and suppress natural competition.  Diet and natural herbs and supplements were not only ignored, they were suppressed, for the very simple reason that THERE WAS NO PROFIT IN IT!
Perhaps the most striking proof is the fact that it has taken modern medicine and doctors fully 40 years to finally admit that vitamins are beneficial!  Yes, for four decades, they denied the obvious and dismissed the idea of adding vitamins to our diets as worthless!  Today, as nutrition and natural healing are finally gaining wider acceptance among the medical profession, the big international pharmaceutical companies are fighting back by resisting alternate cures on one hand while on the other hand spending hundreds of millions of dollars on efforts to limit public access to vitamins and supplements. Their tactics are obvious, limit the competition from natural medicine for as long as possible, and then co-opt natural alternative by restricting public access and bringing the herbs and vitamins under their control so that they can drive up the price and keep their profits growing!
As it is, no herb or natural treatment or remedy can be labeled or even advertised legally as a cure or treatment. Think in terms of cancer, for example.  If someone had a herbal supplement where 90% of the patients who took it became disease free, it still cannot be labeled or advertised as a cure or even as a treatment, while a synthetic lab-created chemical that kills more people than it cures can take out full page advertisements in national magazines.  And that is how the public interest is protected from all of those dangerous herbs, which result in maybe 50 deaths a year compared to 106,000 deaths per year for properly prescribed medications that can be advertised as cures and treatments.  Not to mention the 2,000,000 serious drug reactions from properly prescribed medications.

We would like to think otherwise, but the almighty dollar, pound, frank, deutschemark and ruble have dictated otherwise.  To the big drug companies and the doctors that prescribe their medicines, our body is their marketplace.  And the only way for an industry to grow is to increase the market.  That simply cannot happen if too many diseases are cured; in fact, it means just the opposite – diseases must increase!  And that is just what has happened: few cures and more side effects.  Cure rates for major diseases are virtually unchanged over the past 30 or more years.  Depending on the source, anywhere from 50-95% of modern drugs have not only side effects, but serious side-effects.

Death from prescription drug side effects is now the fourth leading cause of death in the United States according to the medical industry itself (the AMA Journal) – and that doesn’t include deaths that are reported to be caused by the original disease that really were the result of drug side-effects, or of miss-prescribed medications that are not reported by doctors leery of malpractice suits and malpractice insurance premium increases (one survey found that only 1 in 24 doctors would voluntarily report themselves in the event of a patient dying of miss-prescribed medications).  When all factors are taken into consideration, improper medical treatment and prescription drugs are considered by some authorities as actually being the second leading cause of death in our country!

Sadly, my friends, if the following applies to a treatment or medication,

1. It works.
2. It's inexpensive.
3. Few, if any, negative side effects.
4. It's not patentable

—odds are it will stay on the black list because no one is going to spend a dime to prove its effectiveness or to prescribe it. Medicine is a business. Cancer and other diseases are part of that business. The FDA serves and protects the drug companies and the AMA from anyone with an inexpensive and effective treatment for money making diseases.

At this point I should probably add that I am not one of the conspiracy nuts who believes that all of our doctors and our governments and big medicine have joined together in a grand scheme to keep us from being healthy.  In fact, I think that the big majority of doctors are dedicated, well meaning and hard working individuals.  The failure of modern medicine lies in the ways that modern medicine has been taught and practiced, the way that alternative treatments and supplements have been regulated, and the way that an unhealthy amount of greed on the part of the drug companies have combined to rob us of the good health that we might otherwise have.

Then there is the environment.  Ever since the industrial revolution began, we have been pouring an increasing number and amount of toxic chemicals and waste into our air, our water and our food.  In the beginning, much of the fault was due to lack of knowledge of the chemicals we used as solvents, pesticides, paints, fuels and any number of other products and industrial processes.  Today, that is no longer an excuse.

Despite the advances in modern science that have identified the damage that the toxic chemicals industry and fuel burning have wreaked on our environment, the process to clean up the environment is woefully slow and industry resists costly expenses to clean up at every step of the way, while the government is often all too willing to drag it’s feet and backtrack in enforcing or passing regulations to protect us.  The well-heeled propaganda machine that serves industry and the politicians their money contributes generously to may paint environmentalist as “tree huggers” and radicals, but the scientific evidence is indisputable:  the progress of industry has come at a huge cost to the public.

Today, the National Toxicology Program (NTP), part of the National Institutes of Health, lists 246 agents in our environment which are either known to cause cancer or reasonably expected to cause cancer, and many feel that the number is tremendously overstated.  For example, the Health Science Institute tells us that the average glass of water contains 2000 carcinogens.  And no matter which side of the environmental fence you may be on, no one who hasn’t lived with their head in the sand, is not aware of the lead, arsenic and mercury that that has been pouring into our environment for over a century now.

Next, we have to factor in the fact that over-farming and widespread use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers have made the food we eat today much less healthy than it was only a couple of generations ago.  The same is true for the foods we buy off the shelf in our local grocers.  Over-processing has removed much of the nutrients while harmful ingredients have been added to increase shelf life and enhance flavor and texture.  Combined with America’s love for fast food, our diet can no longer be counted on to come anywhere close to giving us all the vitamins and nutrients that we evolved to require, much less the ones needed to offset the damages caused by pollution, additives and the sheer stress of modern life.

With so much bad news, is there hope?  Fortunately, that answer is a resounding YES!
And then the good news – It’s never too late!
When you look at someone and say “Doesn’t he or she look young for their age”,  or you remark that someone “sure has a lot of energy for their age”, what you are really seeing is someone who looks, acts and feels a lot closer to what they should for their age than you do.  Whether they were blessed with good genetics, or more likely,  have taken better care of themselves, the real question is: how do you acquire the kind of health and vitality and become the kind of person that people say the same things about.  And, most importantly, is it too late?

The good news is that it is NOT too late – no matter what your age may be.  Recent studies have shown conclusively that people in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s can change their diet and lifestyle and undo most of the damage that a lifetime of neglect has caused.  That’s right, a person who is obese, sedentary, has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoker’s lungs, and other health problems can essentially reverse those problems if they take action NOW and virtually catch up to the same health and vitality of a person who has spent their entire life eating right, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle!  Even people in their 70’s, 80’s and beyond can add quality years to their lives by changing their diets and exercise.  The key is, no matter what your age, you should take action NOW, because a neglected body in poor shape is a ticking time bomb that you want to defuse before it really is too late.  So, with everything to gain and nothing to lose, let’s get started!

The Best Years In Life

Liver and Bowel Cleansing

excerpted from the author's book "Cancer's Natural Enemy"

When it comes to maintaining good health, as well as fighting and warding off disease and illness, no organ is more important than the liver – the body's toxic disposal plant.  Another important area of the body when it comes to health and illness is the stomach, and it has often been said that good health begins in the gut.

One of the best ways to help the liver and the stomach be as healthy as possible is regular cleansing to remove built up toxins and accumulated waste.  It is important to note that when someone is fighting a serious illness or condition by means of diet and natural supplementation, a condition such as cancer for example, having a properly functioning liver and colon free of toxins and waste will result in a body that is better prepared to utilize the good nutrition and supplementation in any natural protocol.

 In this article we will take a look at two of the many approaches one can use to cleanse the liver (the second of which also cleanses the gall bladder, kidneys and blood) and another for cleansing the colon.

How to Cleanse Your Liver – Two Approaches

 First, Doing it ALL By Yourself:

The following liver cleanse was kindly contributed by one of our noted correspondents and a member of the Oleandersoup Yahoo health group.


1/2 Cup Olive Oil Extra Virgin  (= 1.25 dl)

1 Big grapefruit (2 small) (Or 3 lemons)

4 tablespoon EPSOM salts =  ( MgSO4 + 7H2O)

(EPSOM salts  = Magnesium Sulphate =  EPSOMITE = Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate)

3 cups water (=750 dl)

(1 cup = 250 ml = 2.5 dl = 0.25 l )

You can substitute 3 cups water (=750 dl) (that is used in this recipe to dissolve Epsom salt) with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit juice, or freshly pressed apple juice . That way you will not feel unpleasant taste of Magnesium Sulphate
(Magnesium Sulfate = Epsom salt = MgSO4 + 7H2O) ]

If using lemon juice, do not blend juice with oil.
Drink little oil, little juice, from 2 different cups.

If you mix oil and juice, it may (it doesn't happen always) slightly congeal, and get a slimy consistence that is not easy to swallow.  It never happens with grapefruit juice!

Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day.

Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without as they could prevent success.

Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.

2:00 PM.

Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later.

Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar.

(You can substitute 3 cups water with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit juice, or freshly pressed apple juice.)

 This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only).

6:00 PM.

Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, do it right now. You may also add 1/8 tsp. of powdered vitamin C to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive and grapefruit out to warm up.

8:00 PM.

Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salts. You haven't eaten since two o'clock, but you won't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success; don't be more than 10 minutes early or late.

9:45 PM.

Pour 1/2 cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Squeeze the grapefruit by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. You should have at least 1/2 cup, more (up to 3/4 cup) is best. You may top it up with lemonade. Add this to the olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit does this).

Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late.

10:00 PM.

Drink the potion you have mixed. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. (Editors note- don't, just stomach the terrible taste…and it is horrendous- be forewarned…but that's part of the cleanse, you can deal with it just like we have). Take it to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons).

Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Go to sleep. You may fail to get stones out if you don't

Next morning:

Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don't take this potion before 6:00 AM.

2 hours later.

Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. Drink 3/4 cups of the mixture. You may go back to bed.

After 2 more hours you may eat. Start with fresh fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered.

How well did you do?

Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2,000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill. [Editors note: I started passing chaff through normal bowel movements after my 4th colon cleansing fast, approximately after a total of 4×14= 56 days of total colon cleansing within 9 months. The chaff continued in normal bowel movements for 8 months! Thousands of tiny stones, looked like small popcorn and small bee pollen granules, others looked like moth wings. Sometime I would drop at one bowel movement 50-100 pea size stones that would float in the water. It was truly an experience. Almost daily for 8 months! When I did my first Dr. Clark's liver cleanse I immediately dropped over 200 pea size green and tan stones, and when I examined them I was shocked. They crushed in my fingers and what I found was pure fat, pure cholesterol. Can you imagine hundreds of them. Also in my second liver cleanse I had the same experience].

Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as "chaff" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals.  Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging the stones.

How safe is the liver cleanse? It is very safe. My opinion is based on over 500 cases, including many persons in their seventies and eighties. None went to the hospital; none even reported pain. However it can make you feel quite ill for one or two days afterwards, although in every one of these cases the maintenance parasite program had been neglected. This is why the instructions direct you to complete the parasite and kidney rinse program first.

This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are though to be few, not thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this thought: by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the gallbladder, are big enough and sufficiently calcified to see on X-ray, and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems remain.

The truth is self-evident. People who have had their gallbladder removed surgically still get plenty of green, bile coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of "gallstones" exactly."

Another Liver Cleanse:  With a Little Help from Jon Barron

This plan from Jon Barron of The Barron Report and Baseline Nutritionals, cleans the liver, gall bladder, kidneys and blood.

Jon's 5-Day Liver Gallbladder Flush

First thing on rising, drink 8 oz of pure water to flush your digestive tract.

An hour later, in a blender, mix up 8 oz of any fresh squeezed citrus juice (fresh squeezed apple juice or grape juice with all the sediment will work too), one lemon, 1 clove (not the whole bulb, just one clove) of garlic (increase by 1 clove each day), 1 tablespoon of olive oil (increase by 1 tablespoon each day), and a piece of ginger (about 1" long) along with 4-8 ounces of pure water.

It helps to first slice the ginger cross-grain into 1/8 inch slices to minimize the size of the fibers. Then blend the garlic and ginger in a small amount of liquid to minimize "chunking" before adding the bulk of the liquid.

Drink it down and follow with a fresh juice chaser to clear your mouth (If desired).

I know this is hard to believe, but this drink actually tastes great — sort of like a tangy Orange Julius. Here's why. Most people are not aware that fast food outlets rarely use any dairy in their "ice cream" shakes. They use vegetable oil. When you whip the oil at high speed, it gets creamy. Well, the same thing happens with the olive oil: when mixed in your blender at high speed, it makes the drink really thick and creamy — like there was ice cream in it.

Fifteen minutes after consuming this drink, follow with 2 cups of the liver/detox tea. It is also important to take 12 droppers full of the liver/detox tincture each day (spread throughout the day) while on the 5-day cleanse — and continuing after until the bottle is gone. (Again, a dropper full is the amount that fills a dropper when you squeeze and let go — about half the physical dropper.)

The Detox Diet

It is extremely beneficial to incorporate a 2-day raw food and 3-day juice-fast into your 5-day cleanse. (Actually, I usually do a 5 day juice fast while on the detox.)

Day 1

During the morning (after your cleansing drink and stopping one hour before lunch), eat all the live FRESH fruit or vegetable juice you want. Beet juice is especially good. In general, do not mix your fruit and vegetable juices together, and feel free to dilute your juices. (Certain combinations such as carrot and apple work together, but unless you know for sure, don’t mix fruit and vegetable). Make sure to swish all juices thoroughly in the mouth before swallowing.

For lunch you can have more diluted juice, or a raw vegetable or sprout salad. Absolutely do not use bottled dressing. Make your own dressing from fresh olive oil and lemon or apple cider vinegar (organic non-distilled is by far the best) and any fresh herbs and spices you of your choice. (Even better is to use no oil in your dressing. See note on fats below.) If you are hungry throughout the day, feel free to snack on fresh vegetables or juices.

For dinner eat fresh fruit or fruit juice or fruit smoothes.

Days 2-4

After your morning flush, drink diluted juices and herbal tea throughout the day — as much as you can drink. Try to consume 128 ounces during the day. Avoid all oils and fats.

Also recommended throughout the day is to consume cups of potassium broth. Potassium broth takes advantage of the fact that the outside of a potato is one of the highest plant sources of potassium. Take the peelings (1/4" to 1/2" including the skin) of several potatoes. Do NOT use the inside. Add other well chopped vegetables to taste including carrots (with skin), celery , whole beets (including greens), fresh parsley, and lots of onion and garlic (up to 50 cloves).

Simmer for 40-60 minutes in a covered pot using clean filtered water. Strain out the vegetables, cool and drink the broth. Refrigerate leftover broth in glass containers in the refrigerator for use over the next couple of days.

As much as possible, do not add spices to the potassium broth. If you must, though, you can add a little "Bragg Liquid Aminos" or real Tamari sauce for flavor.

Day 5

Same as Day 1

Days 6-8

Very clean diet of organic or locally grown produce – fruits and vegetables. Remember, your body will suck up whatever you put into it right after the cleanse. Eating fried chicken and Ding Dongs, for example, immediately after detoxing, will almost totally nullify the entire detox.

Notes on Liver Detox Tea

The tea helps with the flushing process itself, but also helps minimize any discomfort or nausea. The key herb in the tea is dandelion root, one of the strongest herbal lipotropics known. That is to say, it flushes fat deposits from the liver. Other herbs that you will find in the tea include things like: ginger, clove, cinnamon, burdock root, and horsetail. Incidentally, some of the other herbs used in the tea (such as uva ursi, parsley root, and juniper berries) are also extremely beneficial to the kidneys.

Two cups of the tea should be consumed fifteen minutes after drinking your citrus and olive oil flush. But several cups can and should be consumed throughout the day. In fact, consuming the liver/detox tea as a regular part of your diet is a pleasant and tasty way to continually optimize your health. (Feel free to sweeten the tea with honey or real maple syrup as desired.)

You will want a small tea strainer to clean out the small tea bits in the water.

I like to make my tea in a big 8 quart Dutch Oven pot. I fill the pot the night before and add 4-5 tablespoons of Tea, which I let soak overnight. In the morning I simmer for 20 minutes. Then I turn the heat to as low as it goes to keep the tea warm and scoop out cups as I want during the day. I’ll drink 5-8 cups a day. At night, I turn off the heat and just top the pot off with water and add 2 more tablespoons of tea to the mix and repeat the simmering process in the morning. Each day, the tea just gets stronger and richer.

Notes on Taking the Liver Tincture and Blood Cleanser

To keep things simple, I use 4 droppers of both the liver tincture and the blood cleanser three times a day during the flush. That’s 12 droppers of each a day. Since each bottle contains about 60 droppers, that means I finish the two bottles in 5 to 5 ½ days. There’s no way to make these tinctures taste good. They are very bitter. I put my 8 droppers in about 1 oz of juice (for this, bottled apple juice works fine) and shoot it down like a shot of bad whiskey. Then I chase with a swig of plain juice to clean the palette. (Note: The blood cleanser is not actually part of the liver detox, but I like to combine my liver and blood cleanse into one operation. It's not essential to do it that way, but it makes sense.)  

What You Need to Know About Fats

The way the flush works is that you starve your body of fats all day. This allows bile to build up in your liver and gallbladder. Then, in the morning, you have your only intake of fat (1-5 tablespoons of olive oil, depending on which day of the flush you're on). This causes the liver and gallbladder to literally "wring themselves out" in an attempt to deal with the oil — squeezing out accumulated fat, cholesterol, and toxins in the process. The more fat that you consume during the day,  the more you minimize the purging action of the olive oil drink. In other words, it's best to avoid all fats and oils during the liver/gallbladder flush. Note: the purging action gets progressively stronger each day on the flush. On the last day, when you consume 5 tablespoons of olive oil, that works out to a half cup of oil in one shot. That really squeezes the liver and gallbladder..

Needed Cleansers


      Liver detox tea

      Liver detox tincture

      Blood cleanser (if you choose to do the blood cleanse at the same time)

      Colon activator

      Needed for Morning Drink

      Whole organic oranges for juicing for 5 days. Or organic fresh squeezed orange juice from the market. (Remember, fresh squeezed apple juice or grape juice with all the sediment will work too.)

      5 lemons

      1 bottle of extra virgin olive oil (organic if possible)

      1 big organic ginger root (about 5 inches worth)

      4 Organic garlic bulbs should provide enough garlic for your morning drinks (15 cloves over 5 days) plus 50 cloves for your potassium broth.

      Potassium Broth

      4 Large organic potatoes

      4 large organic carrots (with skin)

      2 sticks organic celery

      3 whole organic beats sliced, plus greens

      2 peeled and sliced organic onions

      50 cloves of garlic (see morning drink)


      Juicer. Any good juicer will do. If you don’t have one, look on the net for the Miracle Juicer, which you can pick up for less than $100. (Note: a good juicer is probably the single best investment you can make in your health.)

      Any combination of all vegetable or all fruit will do. One exception is mixing apple and carrot. I usually make a juice of Apple, Carrot, Celery, and Ginger. (1 large apple, 1 stick celery, ½” piece of ginger, and enough carrots to make 20-24 oz of juice.

In Addition


      Psyllium husks taken daily will help keep things moving and minimize toxic build up. I usually take a tablespoon of psyllium with 8 oz of water about an hour after my morning olive oil drink and at around 6 pm with my Activator to keep everything moving. (Note: if you are allergic to psyllium, use oat bran instead. Do NOT use ground flaxseed during the liver flush as it contains a lot of oil.)

      A couple of packets of Sun Chlorella tak

Colon Cleansing

Bowel movements are the basis of your health. If you don't have at least 1 bowel movement per day, you are already walking your way toward disease. Man's body has not changed very much in the past several thousand years… however man's diet has certainly changed a lot. All the refined sugar, white flour, hormone/antibiotics-filled meats we constantly ingest constitute an assault on our bodies. We are continuously violating our bodies by eating terrible foods. Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. A constipated system is one in which the transition time of toxic wastes is slow. The longer the "transit time," the longer the toxic waste matter sits in our bowel, which allows them to putrefy, ferment and possibly be reabsorbed. The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste matter putrefying in your colon at all times.

Disease usually begins with a toxic bowel. Those having fewer bowel movements are harboring a potentially fertile breeding ground for serious diseases. Infrequent or poor quality bowel movements over an extended period of time may be very hazardous to your health.
A Proper Colon Cleansing Program Removes the Mucoid Plaque From the Colon.

Even a thin layer of mucoid plaque weakens the body. Nature intended mucoid plaque to be sloughed off. But due to stress and diet, most Americans have many hardened layers of mucoid plaque. The healthy colon weighs about 4 pounds. One autopsy revealed a colon choked with 40 pounds of impacted mucoid plaque! A proper colon cleanse and detoxification program prepares your body for optimal health by removing the mucoid plaque.  The person on a typical Western Diet holds 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon, while the person on the high fiber diet holds only 3.
Every One Can Benefit From A Good Colon Cleansing Program

Whether or not your bowel is clean or dirty, or whether or not you have mucoid plaque inside your bowel, everyone benefits from doing a colon cleanse. It improves your health and your well being.

A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon, the last portion of your food processing chain. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a waste filled bowel, the excreted toxins will only get recycled back into your body. So, all congestion and toxins must be removed, and it must begin with cleansing of the bowel.

It takes more time and effort than a liver cleanse, but it is well worth it.  It is said that death begins in the colon, and indeed colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men.  The average person has eight meals in their colon, yet it was designed for only three.  Anywhere from 5 to as many as 40 pounds of decaying and rotted matter may be trapped in your colon.

The Best Years In Life

Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

by Tony Isaacs the author of Cancer's Natural Enemy

The recent widespread mainstream media coverage of the “blue man” Paul Karason and his rare skin condition known as Argyria is the latest in a series of largely misleading and sensationalized scare stories about the dangers of colloidal silver turning a person’ skin blue.

Although this latest story did not appear to originate from mainstream medicine or the FDA, there is little doubt that they have welcomed it with open arms and have been quick to trot out “medical experts” and past FDA warnings to help “sing the blues” about colloidal silver. The truth is that mainstream medicine has a very good reason to cry long and loud about colloidal silver, because it does represent a very real danger – a danger to the huge profits of the pharmaceutical industry’s patented antibiotics.

The truth is that silver has been used effectively by mankind to fight germs and ailments for thousands of years, and the instances of it turning people’s skin blue are so rare as to be almost non-existent. As a matter of fact, almost all of the relative handful of reported instances have involved one or more of the following: older silver products that contained as much as 10% or more silver (compared to mere parts per million in modern colloidal silver), silver nitrate, home made colloidal silver that was contaminated with salt, and silver that has been consumed continuously in very large quantities over a very long period of time

What is also true is that colloidal silver is far safer, more effective and less expensive than the marginally effective and side effect laden mainstream antibiotics. The best and strongest of the FDA approved antibiotics are effective for a handful of bacteria at best, whereas colloidal silver is supremely effective against just about every kind of single celled pathogen, including bacteria, fungal growths and viruses (which antibiotics are often miss-prescribed for, but have zero effect on).

If the public were told the truth, a rarity when it comes to mainstream drugs versus natural competition, colloidal silver would represent a threat to literally billions of dollars of profits and so it is no wonder that mainstream medicine and their duped allies in the mainstream media are singing the blues – just as they have repeatedly done with many other natural plants, supplements, vitamins and minerals that represent safer, more effective and less expensive alternatives to the synthetics created in the labs of the powerful world pharmaceutical empire.

Since the early 1900’s the modern pharmaceutical industry has been all about profits and controlling the world drug trade and their only marketplace is our bodies. They have a longstanding and clear track record of doing whatever it takes to suppress any and all competition, including lies, misleading industry funded studies, and the suppression and persecution of competition through the agency much of the public thinks is protecting the general public, but in reality serves foremost to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical empire it serves and depends on. The same can be said of mainstream germ theory medicine, whose American Medical Association, along with the FDA, also has a track record of supporting industry at any and all costs and suppressing and harassing competition.

While there are a great many natural threats to mainstream profits, whose track records of being used safely and effectively by mankind for hundreds and even thousands of years cast very dark shadows of doubts on industry claims of their dangers and ineffective, perhaps no natural alternative to mainstream drugs represents as big of a threat to industry profits as colloidal silver, and it is no coincidence that colloidal silver has been placed at the very top of the FDA/mainstream medicine hit list.

When it comes to warning and scaring people away from silver, both the mainstream medical industry and the FDA have some very big credibility problems. As noted earlier, silver has a history of safe and effective use dating back thousands of years. Today it is used by NASA, the US military and Potters for Peace for water purification, is used as a germicidal agent by hospitals, medical suppliers and recently was incorporated into a new line of hospital pajamas to prevent the spread of infection.

Moreover, at one time silver products were very much in favor with both mainstream medicine and the FDA. No fewer than 34 different prescribed and over-the-counter medications containing silver were not only widely sold by industry, they were also approved by the very same FDA which now seeks to warn us of its dangers and have us believe it is ineffective. What changed their minds? The obvious answer can be found in the fact that silver fell out of favor at the very same time that patented sulfa drugs and patented antibiotics created in drug company labs came on the market. Once that happened, the non-patentable silver was no longer a tool for healing, but a threat to profits.

Zealous protection of mainstream approved drugs and suppression of natural competition is nothing new – look at the estimated 100,000 or more deaths caused by Vioxx before the FDA finally removed it from the market. Look at the ridiculous actions of the FDA when it threatened Washington cherry growers for telling the truth about the health benefits of eating cherries, or at the storm trooper actions against the makers of Charantia (bitter melon) tea in Florida who dared put references to some of the 650 plus PubMed studies and citations about bitter melon on their website.

The FDA persecutions and prosecutions of cherry farmers, bitter melon, and a long line of other natural alternatives points out just how extreme the protection of the big drug companies products and profits really is. Consider this: other than issues of national security, only in natural health is it a crime to tell the truth. For example, only the makers of FDA approved drugs can use the word cure, or even imply and health benefits without the FDA considering the product a drug.

The catch is that in order to be FDA approved, no matter how many PubMed cited studies or other studies have been performed, and no matter how much of a history of hundreds or thousands of years and users, the FDA only approves drugs that go through its specific approval process – one that costs hundreds of billions of dollars.

When it comes to natural alternatives, spending such money on a natural product that cannot be patented is prohibitive and, though the process is purported to be one which protects the public from unsafe medicines (we see how well that worked for hall of shame list of drugs like Vioxx, Avandia, et al), the net effect of the FDA’s drug definitions and approval process is to exclude natural competition and insure that only the patentable and profitable synthetics created in drug company labs can be approved.

The most recent example of such one-sided treatment favoring industry came in the following news story earlier this past week about a lawsuit filed against the FDA by Public Citizen after the FDA ignored years of complaints about the dangers of ruptured tendons caused by one of the drug industry’s most powerful and profitable antibiotics:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Despite long-standing evidence that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can cause tendon ruptures, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has failed to increase its warnings to patients and physicians about the dangers of the medicines, Public Citizen told a federal court Thursday.

Public Citizen sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, asking the court to force the FDA to act upon a petition the consumer group filed with the agency 16 months ago. The FDA has failed to respond to the petition, which asked the agency to put a “black box” warning on fluoroquinolone antibiotics (such as Cipro, Levaquin and others) to make doctors and patients more aware of the risk of serious tendon injury before tendons actually rupture.

The petition also urged the FDA to send a warning letter to physicians, as well as require an FDA-approved medication guide to be dispensed when prescriptions are filled. Public Citizen contends that the FDA is violating the Administrative Procedure Act by not acting upon the petition.
Stronger warnings could lead to earlier intervention and prevent needless injuries by allowing doctors to switch patients to other antibiotics, said Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group.

“While the FDA sits idly by and ignores the problem, more people will suffer serious tendon ruptures that could have been prevented,” Wolfe said. “The current warning is buried in a long list of possible adverse reactions and is far too easy to miss.”

From November 1997 through December 2005, the FDA received 262 reports of tendon ruptures, mainly of the Achilles tendon, 258 cases of tendonitis and 274 cases of other tendon disorders in patients using fluoroquinolone antibiotics. An additional 74 tendon ruptures have subsequently been reported to the FDA for a total of 336. Because only a small fraction of cases are typically reported to the FDA, the actual number of ruptures and other tendon injuries attributable to the antibiotic is much higher

Source: Healthy News

One can only imagine the FDA's reaction if 336 tendon ruptures had been reported for those who take the best antibiotic and pathogen destroyer on the planet – colloidal silver. No doubt, they would have raided the manufacturer with storm troopers and shut it down years ago, just as they have done many times with the manufacturers and sellers of other natural competitors to drug company products.

In conclusion, as far as I can tell, not one single instance of Argyria has been attributed to properly made colloidal, that has not stopped the FDA from continuing to "sing the blues" about silver or from going after those who make and sell colloidal silver products, not because silver represents a whit of threat to human health but rather because it represents a threat to the inflated bottom line profits of the mainstream drug manufacturers.

Finding out who the FDA really serves is a simple task – all you have to do is follow the money. Don’t take it from me– see what a noted past FDA commissioner has to say:

"The FDA 'protects' the big drug companies and are subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. People think that the FDA is protecting them."

It isn't.

"What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."

Dr. Herbert Ley
Former U.S. FDA Commissioner