The Best Years In Life

Swine Flu Scam Continues, Exposing Elderly and Others to Needless Risks

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The great Swine Flu hoax marches on, once again putting our elderly and other vulnerable people at unnecessary risk for the sake of greed and profits. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the end of the H1N1 pandemic-that-never-was, the untested H1N1 swine flu vaccine is being included in the annual flu jab this winter. Health officials claim that swine flu could still become a major epidemic, but it is most likely being done to reduce enormous stocks of the vaccine that governments were conned into ordering last year.

Forced Vaccination Protocol

Virtually all flu shots usually have questionable benefits and the risk of harmful side effects. However, the decision to include the H1N1 vaccine will pose even greater risks to large numbers of vulnerable people – including the elderly, children, and those with heart disease, chest problems, and diabetes. The H1N1 vaccine has never been properly tested and it contains a mercury-based preservative, thiosermal. Last year, key workers who were vaccinated reported having headaches, sleeplessness and stomach cramps.

A new study in the Journal of American Medical Association suggests that the 2009 H1N1 flu virus had lower risk of most serious complications compared to recent seasonal flus. The study by Edward A. Belongia, M.D. and colleagues found that the 2009 H1N1 flu did not cause more hospitalizations and pneumonia, which are the most common severe complications of influenza.

Last year, some countries refused and/or denounced the H1N1 vaccine, and a report in the British Medical Journal revealed that top scientists who convinced the WHO to declare the pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines. Already this year Australia has banned flu vaccines in children after reports of vomiting, fevers and seizure. Finland has also banned H1N1 flu vaccines and Sweden's Medical Products Agency (MPA) is investigating the H1N1 vaccine Pandemrix on the request of the European Commission after it has been linked to narcolepsy in children. In addition to Sweden and Finland, there have also been cases reported in France, Germany, and Norway.

The truth mainstream medicine and the vaccine makers do not want the public to know is that there are better and safer natural alternatives for preventing and beating the flu. Eating and living healthily to boost the body's natural immune system is a far better plan than relying on risky and marginally effective flu jabs.

Supplementing during flu season with Vitamin D and other natural immune enhancers, immune modulators and pathogen destroyers can provide even more vital protection against the flu. In case one does catch the flu, keeping potent natural anti-virals on hand in case one does catch the flu can help minimize the effects and quickly knock it out.

Superior immune booster supplements include:

*Oleander extract
*Echinacea (forget the flawed mainstream studies!)
*Pau d'arco
*Medicinal mushrooms
*Beta glucans
*Aloe vera

Superior natural anti-viral pathogen destroyers include:

*Colloidal Silver
*Olive leaf extract
*Oil of wild mountain oregano
*Grapefruit seed extract

Most of us have never been exposed to a Swine or Avian type flu, and thus our bodies have no natural antibodies for such influenzas. As a result, exposure to such flus runs the risk of causing the release of a cytokine storm which can literally eat up our lungs or drown us. In addition to anti-virals it would also be very wise to also take natural immune modulators to help prevent such a dangerous over- reaction. Notably, vitamin D3 is a strong immune modulator. Others include:

*Magnesium (which most of us are deficient in to begin with)
*Blackseed oil (Nigella sativa)

The Best Years In Life

Tax Dollars Help Agribusiness-Chemical Coalition Lie About Pesticides

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) The California Department of Food and Agriculture has awarded $180,000 in federal funds to finance an agribusiness-chemical industry plan to "correct the misconception that some fresh produce items contain excessive amounts of pesticide residues". It appears that the funds will actually be used to attack those who warn about pesticide dangers and make false safety claims: helping offset lost profits due to the growing popularity of organic produce and increased awareness of pesticide dangers.

"This grant is a slap in the face of California's rapidly-advancing organic agriculture sector," said Ken Cook, president and founder of Environmental Working Group. "While conventional produce has seen demand stagnate, organics are enjoying dynamic growth. The state should think twice about using U.S. taxpayers money to attempt to give chemical-dependent industrial farming a competitive edge over organics."

Over the past decade, organic fruit and vegetable sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to the Pesticide Action Network of North America, in 2008 California growers deployed 161 million pounds of pesticides on all crops, including 53 million pounds of pesticides on crops whose growers comprise the AAF.

Last July, the AFF set up a web site and press webinar to attack EWG's Pesticide Guide, contending that there is "no scientific evidence" that a small amount of pesticide residue on food "represents any health risk." While the food growers and pesticide companies would have us believe their self-funded studies, real scientific evidence tells us just the opposite.

Pesticides have been linked to leukemia, Parkinson's disease and other nervous system disorders, damage to the reproductive system and other organs, developmental and behavioral abnormalities, disruption of hormone function and immune dysfunction. About 16 million US citizens are sensitive to pesticides (i.e. they have compromised immune functioning as a result of pesticide exposure).

Pesticides accumulate in the fat deposits in the body where they remain and cause damage. Infants and young children consuming breast milk ingest pesticides. Pregnant women can pass pesticides on to their fetus and nursing women pass on the insecticides to their nursing children. Pesticides initiate and propagate multiple chemical sensitivities. Some pesticides become even more toxic as they break down. In addition, so-called "inert ingredients" may be even more toxic than the active ingredients which are listed on pesticide labels. A whopping 3700 chemicals can legally be concealed by listing them merely as inert ingredients without specifying the chemical compound.

Many industry "safety tests" on pesticides are fundamentally flawed: they test for the acute (not chronic) effects of single (not multiple) chemicals on healthy (not sick, chemically sensitive or immuno-suppressed etc.) adult (not fetuses or young) animal (not human) subjects exposed over short (not long) periods of time. Some companies testing pesticides have been charged and convicted of falsifying study data. In the US it is a violation of federal law to state that pesticide use is safe.

Non-industry studies tell a much different story. For example, and EPA-funded study found that eating organic foods provides children with "dramatic and immediate" protection from exposure to two organophosphate pesticides that have been linked to neurological harm in humans. A second study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2006 confirmed these results.

Other pesticide safety studies have found:

*Damage done by pesticides may last for four generations or more.
*Children who have high levels of pesticide residues are 93% more likely to have ADHD
*For every 55% increase in residue in children's urine, there is a 10% greater risk of ADHD.

The Best Years In Life

Ten Top Items: Address Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Many consider it to be an autoimmune disorder; however, others theorize that high hydrogen sulfide levels cause inflammation and lesions typical in ulcerative colitis. Still others believe the disease may be due to problems in the large intestine's protective mucous layer (mucosa). Regardless of the causes, ulcerative colitis can often be addressed naturally without side-effect laden mainstream drugs.

Ulcerative colitis can happen at any age, but it usually starts between ages 15 and 30. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Other symptoms may include:

*Weight loss
*Loss of appetite
*Severe tiredness
*Feeling of urgency
*Inability to have a bowel movement

Symptoms may also occur outside the gut and include joint pain, eye inflammation, skin rashes and lesions, and mouth ulcers.

Mainstream medicine usually treats ulcerative colitis as an immune disorder and often prescribes the dangerous steroids and other drugs to control symptoms. Natural remedies, on the other hand, often control symptoms and lead to prolonged remission without drugs or surgery. Some of the best are:

1) Colloidal silver combined with probiotics can be very effective. Colloidal silver helps eliminate bad intestinal bacteria as well as any other pathogens which have invaded the affected areas. Colloidal silver also aids healing. Since colloidal silver may also eliminate beneficial bacteria, it is essential to take probiotics separate from the colloidal silver.

Probiotics are themselves among the most popular inflammatory bowel disease remedies. "Friendly" bacteria that reside in the gut help manage ulcerative colitis because they help control the number of potentially harmful bacteria, reduce inflammation, and improve the protective mucus lining of the gut.

A University of Alberta study found that probiotic supplementation of 3,600 billion bacteria a day for 6 weeks resulted in 53 percent of the patients having remission and another 24 percent having noticeable improvement.

2) Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil capsules, can reduce inflammation in people with ulcerative colitis. One study found marked improvement from fish oil supplementation and an elemental diet.

3) The herb boswellia has been found to block chemical reactions involved in inflammation. Unlike anti-inflammatory medication, boswellia doesn't appear to cause gut. Rare side effects of boswellia include diarrhea, nausea, and skin rash.

4) A basic diet avoids items, which have been associated with ulcerative colitis and may result in higher toxins, and it may result in marked improvement. Such items to avoid include sweets, bleached white flour, insoluble fiber, carbohydrates, processed meat and alcohol, as well as allergenic foods such as wheat, dairy products and corn.

5) Natural immune modulators can help prevent immune dysfunction which may cause ulcerative colitis. Among the best are magnesium, curcumin, oleander extract and blackseed oil (Nigella sativa).

6) Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple stems, reduces inflammation and aids healing. A Duke University animal study found that daily oral bromelain decreased the incidence and severity of colitis.

7) Folic Acid. People with chronic ulcerative colitis are at greater risk of colon cancer. A University of Toronto study found that dietary folate found four times the RDA of folate significantly suppressed ulcerative colitis-associated colon cancer.

8) Stress should be avoided as it may cause the onset of ulcerative colitis symptoms. Mind/body therapies such as breathing exercises and meditation can help.

9) Cleansing and fasting help eliminate toxins and restore natural balance.

10) Vitamin C helps protect and heal the mucosa.

Other natural remedies for ulcerative colitis include:

*Oral aloe vera gel
*Marshmallow Root
*Slippery Elm
*Devil's Claw
*Ginkgo biloba

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

The Best Years In Life

Reduce and Avoid Dangerous High Blood Pressure Naturally

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) According to the American Heart Association, one out of every three adults suffers with elevated blood pressure. That means that at least one third of our population is at risk of heart trouble. Fortunately high blood pressure can be corrected with common sense, simple dietary and lifestyle changes and natural remedies.

Two of the first areas to look at for correcting high blood pressure are diet and exercise. Artery clogging trans-fats, processed meats and other items in the SADS diet of most Americans often lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Switching to a healthy diet can lower high blood pressure and prevent it from occurring in the future. Likewise, physical exercise helps lower and prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. The combination of good diet and physical activity works even better.

Researchers at the University of Aukland came to a simple conclusion after reviewing 22 blood pressure studies: Physical activity lowers blood pressure. Being more active is likely the best thing you can do to lower blood pressure.

Several studies have found that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps lower elevated blood pressure. Fiber can help. A good diet, along with physical activity, also helps drop excess weight. In one three-year study, people who lost just ten pounds reduced their risk of high blood pressure by two-thirds.

Thus, if you eat sensibly, lose ten pounds and get regular exercise or physical activity (such as brisk walks or swimming), you have a good chance of avoiding blood pressure problems for life.

Here are some other items which can help:

Magnesium has over 300 functions in your body. A study of 41,541 nurses found that magnesium plays an important role in reducing blood pressure.

Vitamin C is key to reducing blood pressure. According to a study published in Hypertension low levels of vitamin C accounted for 25% of the incidences of elevated blood pressure.

Cayenne Pepper is probably the fastest way to lower high blood pressure. Either mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with half a cup of lukewarm water or mix two tablespoons of raw organic honey with two teaspoons of cayenne pepper; boil them with eight ounces of water and drink when it is warm.

Hawthorne berries have rightly been called "food for the heart". They lower blood pressure, as well as protect arterial walls and prevent and treat hypertension and angina.

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil, have a significant impact on blood pressure. As a bonus, they lower triglyceride (blood fats) levels as well.

Cutting out all caffeine can lower blood pressure by 10-15 points off the top and 8-10 points off the bottom.

Other helpful items:

*Eat lots of garlic. Studies have proven that garlic significantly lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure..
*Daily evening primrose oil pills can drop about 10 points off of both the bottom and top blood pressure numbers.
*Cinnamon helps lower blood pressure as well as circulating blood glucose, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.
*Green tea helps prevent clogged arteries and keeps blood pressure under control.
*Ginger reduces blood pressure and prevents blood clots. Ayurvedic physicians suggest that a bit of daily ginger helps prevent heart attack
*Cordyceps is a Chinese herb which slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and yet also increases the blood supply to the arteries and heart.
*ALA, (alpha-lipoic acid) has also lowered blood pressure in a number of studies.
*Grape seed extract with oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCS) can lower high blood pressure.
*Eating payaya on an empty stomach can lower high blood pressure within a month.

The Best Years In Life

Enjoy the Many Healthy Benefits of Beets and Beetroot Juice

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) When most people think about beets, they likely turn up their noses and think "yuck!" However, health-conscious people would be wise to expand their palette and discover ways to utilize and enjoy beets on a regular basis because the oft-maligned beet is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet.

Beets are rich in betaine, which stimulates liver cell function and helps keep the bile ducts healthy and flowing; this enables the body to eliminate toxins properly. Beets also protect against heart disease because another benefit of betaine is its ability to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is the toxic amino acid that increases risk of cardiovascular disease.

Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG), is a minor "mood enhancer". Through a series of events, it increases serotonin levels and can be used to help relieve many cases of depression.

Drinking just over two cups of beetroot juice daily may help keep your blood pressure in check, according to a 2008 study. Within three hours of drinking 500 milliliters (about 17 ounces) of beetroot juice, volunteers showed a significant decrease in blood pressure. What's more, that drop in blood pressure was sustained for up to 24 hours after the juice was consumed.

Beets also help protect against cancer, particularly colon cancer, and there is something called "Beet Therapy" which doctors have used to get rid of tumors and to help with blood diseases and leukemia. Even the leaves of raw beets have been eaten and useful and beneficial to one's health. The leaves have been known to counter "garlic" breath and in Roman times Hippocrates advocated the use of beet leaves as binding for healing wounds.

Among the other healthy uses of beets are:

*Helping cleanse the colon
*Strengthening the gall bladder
*Increasing stamina
*Treating and curing boils, abscesses and even acne.

Beets, which are low calorie and have no saturated fat, contain folic acid which is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells. This is especially important for pregnant woman or anyone undergoing physical healing. Beets also contain sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorous.

Beets are usually bright red (and sometimes white or yellow) and make a colorful and healthy garnish. They also can be made into a number of cold salads. Betacyanin is the pigment that gives red beets their color and is believed to be responsible for helping fight cancer.

Borscht is a vegetable soup made of beets and is a very popular and traditionally loved dish in Poland, Russia, Germany and other Eastern European countries. There are cold and hot Borscht soups and each country varies the ingredients somewhat, but beets are the one main and common ingredient of this revered hearty soup.

Juiced beets are usually called either "beetroot juice" or "beet juice". Beetroot juice has a strong flavor; thus, it is best blended with other juices (such as carrot, apple, and lemon) for better taste. Since juiced beets can be combined with other healthy ingredients for both taste and health benefits, many people prefer to consume beets in juiced form.

Here is a healthy and simple juiced beets recipe:

Beet Juice with Carrots and Celery


*1 small organic beetroot (the small ones are sweeter!)
*2 large organic carrots
*1 stalk of organic celery


1. Wash the vegetables using water and a vegetable brush.
2. Remove the carrot and beetroot tops. Peel the beetroot if the skin is tough. Otherwise, just cut off the top.
3. Slice up the vegetables to fit your juicer.
4. Juice and serve.

For a sweeter drink, add an apple, or use 2 apples instead of the carrots.

The Best Years In Life

Corn Industry Attempts to Hoodwink Consumers with HFCS Name Change

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) In the face of mounting consumer concerns about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and defecting food company clients, the Corn Refiners Association has come up with a solution: Instead of trying to give consumers a healthier product, they have petitioned the FDA to let them give HFCS a new name: "corn sugar"

According to Audrae Erickson, president of the Washington-based Corn Refiners Association, "Clearly the name is confusing consumers. Research shows that 'corn sugar' better communicates the amount of calories, the level of fructose and the sweetness in this ingredient."

On the other hand, increasing numbers of studies are warning about the dangers of HFCS and consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about those dangers. According to one noted market research group, about 58 percent of Americans say they are concerned that high-fructose corn syrup poses risks to their health. As a result of such concerns, many food companies are discontinuing the use of HFCS in their products.

High fructose corn syrup is not naturally made and contains different metabolic structures of fructose, dextrose and sucrose. Our body systems metabolize these very differently than natural forms. HFCS has been strongly linked to the epidemics of obesity and diabetes and the huge consequences of those epidemics on the health of tens of millions of Americans. In addition, excess fructose intake has been associated with adverse health effects such as:

Metabolic syndrome, elevated triglyceride levels, hypertension, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, excess uric acid levels (associated with gout), and elevated levels of advanced glycation end products (linked with aging and diabetes complications).

In May, Princeton researchers announced the results of two studies on HFCS. In the first study, male rats given water sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup in addition to a standard diet of rat chow gained much more weight than male rats that received water sweetened with table sugar, or sucrose.

In the second study, rats on a diet rich in HFCS showed characteristic signs of metabolic syndrome, a dangerous condition in humans. In addition to significant increases in circulating triglycerides and other problems, the rats also ballooned in size. Male rats gained 48 percent more than rats eating a normal diet – the equivalent to a 200-pound man gaining 96 pounds.

Although food label changes aren't common, the FDA has allowed name changes in the past. The ingredient first called "low erucic acid rapeseed oil" was changed to the more pleasant sounding "canola oil" in the 1980s. More recently, the FDA allowed prunes to be called "dried plums."

Notably, and perhaps ominously, the FDA also permitted the use of different names for unhealthy monosodium glutamate (MSG), which now comes hidden in multitudes of food products with over 25 different names, including "natural flavoring" and "hydrolyzed vegetable protein".

Food manufacturers originally flocked to the use of HFCS because it is cheaper than sucrose (table sugar) and mixes well with a variety of products. Should the FDA approve the name change to "corn sugar", food manufacturers will likely continue to use the dangerous re-named sweetener in their products the same as they do with MSG – and perhaps return it to products where it was discontinued. But isn't that what the name change is really all about anyway?

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.

The Best Years In Life

Nobel Scientist Discovers Scientific Basis of Homeopathy

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) At a time when the British Medical Association is calling for an end to national funding for homeopathy and detractors are describing it as "nonsense on stilts", a Nobel prize-winning scientist has made a discovery that suggests that homeopathy does have a scientific basis after all. In July, Nobel Prize winning French virologist Professor Luc Montagnier shocked fellow Nobel prize-winners and the medical establishment by telling them that he had discovered that water has a memory that continues even after many dilutions.

Until Montagnier's research, the bulk of mainstream doctors and scientist had maintained that there was no scientific way that multiple dilutions used in homeopathy could possibly work. In part, such views stemmed from lack of understanding. In larger part, such views likely stemmed from a desire to stem the rising popularity of homeopathy and eliminate it as a competition to mainstream medicine – much the same as happened in the United States a century ago.

One of the foundations of homeopathy maintains that the potency of a substance is increased with its dilution. Montagnier discovered that solutions containing the DNA of viruses and bacteria "could emit low frequency radio waves" and that such waves influence molecules around them, turning them into organized structures. The molecules in turn emit waves and Montagnier found that the waves remain in the water even after it has been diluted many times. To a lay person, that may not mean much, but to a scientist is highly suggests that homeopathy may have a scientific basis.

In Britain the market for homeopathy is estimated to be growing at around 20% a year. Over 30 million people in Europe use homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy is supported in Britain by Prince Charles and the physician to the Royal Family has been a homeopathic physician since the late 1800s.

While homeopathy is also experiencing a resurgence of popularity in the United States, it is far more popular in much of the rest of the world. In India, approximately 130 million people use homeopathy. In Brazil, homeopathy is a recognized medical specialty where 15,000 medical doctors are certified as homeopathic specialists

The latter half of the 19th century was homeopathy's heyday in the United States. Regular physicians could hardly compete. By 1902 homeopaths did seven times the business of allopaths and there were 15,000 practicing homeopathic physicians in the US. During the 1849 cholera epidemic, homeopaths from Cincinnati kept rigorous records showing that they lost only 3% of their patients, while allopathy lost 16 to 20 times more.

Many highly accomplished individuals past and present have chosen homeopathy as their therapy of choice, including several U.S. Presidents. Many of America's literary greats advocated for and often wrote about homeopathy, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Mark Twain – as did European greats such as Goethe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord Alfred Tennyson, and George Bernard Shaw.

At the turn of the 20th century, the AMA came right out and admitted that competition was destroying physicians' incomes. Thanks to funding from John D. Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation, the AMA was able to repress and ultimately eliminate homeopathy and other natural and alternative competition. The 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in 1900 dwindled to just 2 in 1923. By 1950 all schools teaching homeopathy were closed.

Ironically, John D. Rockefeller believed strongly in homeopathy. He referred to it as "a progressive and aggressive step in medicine." Rockefeller lived to the ripe old age of 99 using only homeopathy in the latter part of his life.

The Best Years In Life

Use Nature to Safely and Effectively Lessen and Eliminate Old Scars

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) Few of us go through life without accumulating a few scars. Sometimes those scars can be unsightly and in other instances old scars and scar tissue can cause physical discomfort and other problems. If a person is persistent however, scars can often be greatly diminished and even eliminated naturally. Before opting for cosmetic surgery, lasers, chemical peels or botox, consider the following safer options: 

Jarro Zymes

Digestive Enzymes are particularly effective in removing and reducing scar tissue. Scars are formed from fibrin as part of the body's natural repair mechanism. Digestive enzymes dissolve and remove fibrin. Serrapeptase and nattokinase are among the best enzymes for scar tissue removal. Taking the enzymes in quantity 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach gradually dissolves scar tissue. In time even old scar tissue, including keloids, can be dissolved and "eaten away".

Other natural remedies for lessening and eliminating scars are:

*Applying and massaging lavender oil directly on scars helps them fade and in time can completely eliminate scars. Lavender oil also helps newer injuries heal faster with the application of lavender oil.

*Flaxseed oil is a great way to fade scars. You can buy it at almost any health food store. It is also great for new scars, helping them heal faster and keeping them from becoming as noticeable. Rub the flaxseed oil on old and new scars a few times each day, including after you shower and again before going to bed.

*Virgin, unrefined hempseed oil used twice daily often results in improvement and fading within a few weeks

*Grapeseed extract, jojoba and almond oil are all effective scar treatments, especially when combined together.

*Apply vitamin K cream topically to scars. Depending on the severity of your scars and skin type, you may see results in as little as a couple of weeks to a couple of months when used twice daily.

*Apply olive oil (100% extra virgin) to scars at least twice a day. Within a week you should start to see scars and stretch marks starting to fade.

*Organic raw honey (especially high UMF factor manuka honey) rubbed onto scars twice daily will break up scar tissue and help with healing.

*Take finely ground, powder-like, coffee and mix it with one of the oils mentioned here. Rub into scars for about 60 seconds and wipe off the coffee grounds with a warm moist towel. Do this about twice a day if possible. You should see noticeable results in a few weeks. This remedy is especially good for stretch mark scars.

*Use castor oil, plastic wrap and a heating pad. Note: Be sure to use only food grade plastic wrap that contains no bisphenol A, a dangerous substance found in many plastics. Rub plenty of castor oil on the scars and then wrap it with plastic wrap. Place a heating pad turned on as high a setting as you can comfortably stand and leave on for 20 to 25 minutes. You may see noticeable results in as little as a week or so.

*Use vitamin E oil from punctured gel caps and rub it into scars.

* Colloidal Silver. Colloidal silver is especially good on healing wounds. It aids in tissue repair and can result in significantly lessened scarring.

*Massaging your scars often and consistently will help break up the fibrous tissue and can be especially effective when combined with one of the oils mentioned above.

Note: The key to natural lessening and elimination of scar tissue is persistence. Serious scars may take up to several months, but with persistent and consistent effort you should eventually see good results.

The Best Years In Life

Restore and Maintain Good Vision and Eye Health Naturally

by Tony Isaacs

A number of conditions can lead to poor vision and eye health, including near-sightedness, far-sightedness, macular degeneration, presbyopia, glaucoma, astigmatism and cataracts. As we age, we become increasingly susceptible to many of those problems. However, contrary to popular mainstream dogma, such conditions can be prevented and often even successfully reversed.

Vision Aid
RX Eye

The most common vision robbing eye problems are:

Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, is a defect of vision caused by an imperfection in the eye, such as the eyeball being too short or the lens not being round enough. Hyperopia causes difficulty to focus on near objects and, in extreme cases, may result in the inability to focus on objects at any distance.

Myopia is the term for near-sightedness and is caused by a focusing defect in the eye which makes far-away objects appear to be blurred. This is due to the focus point being a bit outside the eye lens.

Presbyopia, which literally means "old eye", describes an inability to focus on close objects and is caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with advancing age.

Macular degeneration is a vision robbing disorder that increases with age. The disorder damages the center of the retina, which is called the macula, and makes it difficult to see fine details. Eventually it can result in blurring of the central vision. Notably, macular degeneration is a common problem among diabetics.

Glaucoma refers to a group of eye conditions that can lead to damage to the optic nerve, which is the nerve that carries visual information from the eye to the brain. In many instances, damage to the optic nerve comes from increased pressure in the eye, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP). There are three types of glaucoma, one of which requires immediate attention:
* Open-angle glaucoma is characterized by a gradual loss of peripheral (side) vision which is referred to as "tunnel vision". Most people have no symptoms until they begin to have vision problems.
* Congenital glaucoma is characterized by cloudiness of the front of the eye, enlargement of one or both eyes, red eye, sensitivity to light and tearing. Symptoms are usually noticed when a child is only a few months old.
* Angle-closure glaucoma is a serious form of glaucoma where there is sudden, severe pain in one eye. Other symptoms can include decreased or cloudy vision, nausea and vomiting, rainbow-like halos around lights, red eyes and the eye feeling swollen. The symptoms of acute-angle glaucoma may come and go at first or may become steadily worse. Note: Acute-closure Glaucoma should be treated immediately as a medical emergency or else blindness may occur within only a few days.
Astigmatism blurs your vision at all distances and it occurs when the front surface of your eye (the cornea), or the lens inside your eye, has a surface curvature that is slightly different in one direction than it is in the other. Instead of being even and smooth in all directions, eye surfaces in those who have astigmatism may have some areas that are flatter or steeper. Unlike most other eye conditions, astigmatism is often present at birth. It may also occur in combination with nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Another vision concern as we age is the formation of cataracts, which is a clouding of the eye's natural lens. It is caused by the clumping together of proteins in the eye which are normally arranged in a precise way that keeps the lens clear and lets light pass through.
Though most eye problems are usually associated with eye defects or age, problems focusing on distant as well as near objects may also be due to bad habits that cause loss of eye elasticity. Focusing for prolonged periods of time on a fixed distance, such as looking at a computer screen or reading for hours on end, is such a practice. The focusing muscle in the eye tends to lose flexibility with age anyway, but doing a lot of close-up work or otherwise spending long periods focusing at fixed lengths can cause the eye muscle to become increasingly locked in a set position. As a result, objects that are very close or very far, or both, may become increasingly blurred. Taking breaks and focusing far away can help prevent the problem and may even help restore lost vision.

Exercises for the Eyes

Many people have found that regular eye exercises help restore vision and prevent future vision problems. Such eye exercises usually include alternating focusing on distant and close objects, as well as focusing on objects at different angles, and should be done with corrective lenses removed.

For problems reading or otherwise focusing on distant objects, noted health figure Deepak Chopra suggests pinning up some reading material on the wall and then moving back a little bit each day to read it. To enhance reading and focusing at close distance, Mr. Chopra suggests moving a bit closer to the pinup material each day.

Other suggestions from Mr. Chopra include doing the following each day:
* With eyes closed, look in the direction of the sun or a full spectrum light for 15 to 20 seconds.
* Continuing to keep eyes closed gently turn the head away from the sun and back.
* To change the focal length of the lens & improve the internal muscles of the eyeballs, look at an object up close and then at a distance. For example look at your hand 6 inches from your face and then look at an object on the horizon. Repeat this exercise for 15 times without straining.
* Blink eyelids hard and rapidly for 30 seconds.
* Look up and to the left and hold this fixed position for 15 seconds.
* Look down and to the left and hold for 15 seconds.
* Look up and to the right and hold for 15 seconds.
* Look down and to the right and hold for 15 seconds.
* Look directly to the right and hold for 15 seconds.
* Look down to the end of the nose and hold for 15 seconds.
* Look down toward the tongue and hold for 15 seconds.
* Look upward and inward trying to look at the space between the eyebrows and hold for 15 seconds.
Pinhole Glasses

Pinhole glasses (also known as stenopeic glasses) are not actually made of glass but of an opaque substance such as metal or plastic which have several small holes the user looks through. The holes reduce the width of the bundle of diverging rays coming into the eyes and help offset refractive errors common to most eye conditions. The improvement in visual acuity can be striking.
For more information about pinhole glasses, see:
The Role of Diet in Good Eyesight
In 2009, a study published in Opthamology found that proper diet, especially a low glycemic index diet, can be very helpful in preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other sight-robbing diseases. The nutrients that were found to be most protective in combination with a low-glycemic-index diet were vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and the omega-3 fatty acids known as DHA and EPA.

Though there have been no formal studies, there have been many anecdotal reports of improved vision from people who regularly use sea vegetable powder supplements and people who regularly consume super foods powders. Both of those items contain a wealth of vitamins, trace minerals, and phyto-nutrients which are often lacking in most diets. Sea vegetables are especially good sources of over 80 trace minerals that are often missing in today's mineral-depleted soils.

Food Recommendations for Good Eyesight and Eye Health:

* Cold water fish (sardines, cod, mackerel, tuna.) are excellent sources of DHA, a compound which provides structural support to cell membranes and is recommended for dry eyes. DHA is also used as a treatment for macular degeneration and for sight preservation.

* Spinach, kale and green leafy vegetables are rich in carotenoids, especially lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein, a yellow pigment, protects the macula from sun damage and from blue light. Zeaxanthin is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye.

* Eggs are rich in sulphur, cysteine, lecithin, amino acids and lutein. Sulphur-containing compounds protect the lens of the eye from cataract formation. Sulphur is also necessary for the production of glutathione, an important antioxidant for the lens of the eye and the whole body.

* Garlic, onions, shallots and capers are also rich in sulfur.

* Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin A, C, and E and Beta-carotene.

* Dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and dark cherries are high in flavonoids and contain anthocyanins which improve night vision.

* Wine has many important antioxidants and other nutrients which protect vision, heart and blood flow. Needless to say, moderation is always important.

* Nuts and berries are nature's most concentrated food sources. Grains, such as flaxseed, are high in the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and stabilize cell membranes.

* Virgin olive oil is a mono-unsaturated oil and is a healthy alternative to butter substitutes which contain soy, corn or canola.
Top Vitamins for Vision and Eye Health

* Vitamin A is considered by many to be the ultimate eye vitamin and is essential for the retina to function properly. It is also necessary for the production of rhodopsin, which is the visual pigment used in low light levels. Vitamin A-rich foods include sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, spinach, and cantaloupe.

Vitamin A also helps:

– Eyes adjust to light changes
– Moisten the eyes, which can enhance visual acuity
– Prevent the formation of cataracts
– Prevent blindness from macular degeneration.

* Vitamin C helps strengthen capillaries and builds collagen. It helps maintain the shape of the cornea, especially in cases of infection, and fights against free radicals. Vitamin C also helps prevent cataracts from developing due to UV radiation and oxidative stresses. Healthy fruits and 100% fruit juices are the best sources of Vitamin C.

* Vitamin E's antioxidant properties help protect against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. One clinical study showed that vitamin E can cut the risk of developing cataracts in half. Another showed that the combination of vitamins C and E protected against UV rays.

The richest source of vitamin E is wheat germ. Dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, and collard greens), sweet potatoes, avocado, asparagus, and yams are also good sources of vitamin E.

* B Complex vitamins are necessary for nerve functions, especially vitamin B-12. The retinal receptor cells send all their messages through nerve fibers into the optic nerve and into the brain. 1000 mg of B-12, sublingually (under the tongue), a day is recommended for people with optic nerve disease or glaucoma.

B vitamins are abundant in meat and meat products such as liver, turkey, and tuna. Other good sources for B vitamins include whole grains, nutritional and brewers yeast, molasses, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chile peppers, tempeh, and beans.

Top Minerals for Vision and Eye Health

* Magnesium is important in nerve conduction and it dilates blood vessels. It is especially important for maintaining blood flow to the eye and brain in elderly individuals with macular degeneration or diabetes, at a time of decreased blood pressure because they are lying down.

* Chromium is vitally important in regulation of blood sugar. The healthiest form of chromium by far is glucose transfer factor (GTF) chromium.

* Selenium is a trace mineral that helps boost immunity and fight off infections and it is an important co-factor for vitamin E, iodine, and glutathione reductase. Studies have identified low selenium levels in cataract sufferers.

* Zinc is essential for the conversion of beta-carotene into vitamin A. Our eyes contain the greatest concentration of zinc in our body. It plays an important role in the action of many enzymes present in the retina and helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Note: supplementation of more than 30 mg of zinc daily requires adding 2 mg of copper.

* Copper is essential for the production of collagen, a component of connective tissues. Copper gluconate is a readily absorbable form of copper that is one of the most important blood antioxidants. It helps keep cell membranes healthy and aids red blood cells in hemoglobin production.
Other Important Compounds for Vision and Eye Health

* Lutein, found in our retinas, is essential for healthy vision. Lutein and a related dietary carotenoid, zeaxanthin, accumulate within the retina and imbue a yellow pigment that helps protect the eye. It lowers the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration (low lutein intake is implicated as a risk factor in age-related macular degeneration) and may also help to prevent or slow down atherosclerosis.

* Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a very important nerve stabilizer and is helpful in diabetics, and in patients with glaucoma, to protect their remaining optic nerve fibers.

* Dicosahexaenoic acid (DHA), with six unsaturated double bonds, makes up 30 percent of the good fat in the retina, brain and adrenal gland. Following objects at a distance, driving and hand/eye coordination may all be improved with the use of DHA.

* N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is the primary component in the production of glutathione, an amino acid and major antioxidant in the lens of the eye. It is produced and released by the liver. Besides helping protect tissues surrounding the lens of the eyes, glutathione helps fortify the cellular enzymes glutathione, reductase, super oxide dismutase and catalase. Those are the primary free radical fighting enzymes inside our cells.

*Glutathione has been linked in several studies with the prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disease, and diabetic blindness.

* Rutin is also considered to be an important nutritional compound for the eyes due to its ability to strengthen capillaries.

Top Herbs for Vision and Eye Health

* Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant derived from French maritime pine tree bark and the subject of more than 180 studies. Of particular note is its ability to reduce leakage into the retina by repairing capillaries in the eyes. While still largely unknown to American doctors, Pycnogenol is the leading prescription for diabetic retinopathy in France.

* Coleus forskohlii, Pilocarpus jaborandi, and Triphala have all been used to lower intra ocular pressure via parasympathetic relaxation of the body. Triphala has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of glaucoma.

* Silymarin, the primary component of milk thistle, is a major liver support compound. The liver is the key organ for the eye, since all the fat soluble vitamins and glutathione are stored there. The B vitamins are activated in the liver. The eye is subjected to bright light throughout the day and important ingredients for repair are stored in the liver.

* Bilberry is high in a type of bioflavonoid that speeds the regeneration of rhodopsin, the purple pigment used by the eyes' rods. British air force pilots in World War II ate bilberry jam to improve their night vision during evening sorties.

* Gingko biloba has been used for many centuries for eye and central nervous system problems. It is a selective cerebro-vascular dilator and seems to increase circulation to the back of the eye as well as increasing blood flow to the eye. It is also becoming an increasingly popular adjunct in the treatment of macular degeneration and glaucoma.

* Eyebright has been used for centuries to treat eye irritation. The name is thought to have been given the plant because of its valuable properties as an eye medicine that preserved eyesight and so brought gladness into the life of the sufferer.
Remedies for the Eyes

*Bentonite clay poultices have been used successfully by many people with eye problems. Bentonite clay pulls out toxins that cause any different eye issues and is especially good for infections and eye strain. It has even been reported to help restore vision in the instance of cataracts

*Mix half a teaspoon of licorice root powder with half a teaspoon of honey and one fourth teaspoon of clarified butter. Take the mixture twice daily with a cup of milk on an empty stomach.

*Mix one-half to one liter of a combination of carrot, celery, and parsley, and chicory juice to help nourish the optic nerve and muscular system. Amazing results have been reported using this formula.

*Use fennel eaten raw, made into tea or used as an eyewash to help with vision problems, including cataracts.

*Endive juice is considered to be a very effective remedy for myopia. It can also be mixed with other beneficial juices such as carrot, parsley, and celery.

*Cayenne is an anti-inflammatory for the mucus membranes and it increases blood flow to the eye. Use only very small amounts, well diluted with water in eye drop form.

*Use Coleus dropped directly into the eye to increase blood flow to the eye and decrease intraocular pressure.

*Jaborandi is a herb that grows in the rainforest. It's been used for well over 100 years in patients with glaucoma and it contains pilocarpine, an alkaloid compound which causes constriction of the pupils and reduces pressure within the eye.

*Strange as it may seem, many report improved vision from applying mustard oil to the soles of both feet daily and at night.

Remedies Especially for Cataracts

*The use of carrots is considered beneficial in the treatment of cataract. Take plenty of raw carrots daily or else drink two glasses of fresh carrot juice, one each in the morning and evening.

*Eat two or three cloves of raw garlic daily to clean the crystalline lens of the eye. The cloves should be chewed slowly.

*Extract the juice of pumpkin flowers and apply externally on the eyelids twice daily to prevent further clouding of the crystalline lens.

*Mix an equal quantity of aniseed and coriander powder together with one teaspoon of brown sugar, and take the mixture in doses of 12 grams in the morning and evening.

*Place a few drops of raw organic honey in the eyes twice or more each day. This is an ancient Egyptian remedy which is reported to have benefitted many people with cataracts.

*Finely grind seven kernels of raw almonds together with half a gram of black pepper and place in a half cup of water. Sweeten with raw honey and drink the mixture to help the eyes regain vigor and clarity.

*Twice daily, close your eyes and bathe them with hot (but not scalding) water containing Epsom salts. In addition, take an Epsom salts bath at least twice a week. Remain in the bath from twenty-five to thirty-five minutes till you perspire freely. After the bath, cool off gradually.

When it comes to eye remedies, the best results may well come from combining one or more of the suggested remedies.

Final Notes:
Two final ingredients essential to improving vision and maintaining eye health are patience and perseverance.  Most vision problems do not develop overnight and it is unlikely to correct such problems overnight.  However, with patience and perseverance vision problems can often be improved and perhaps even corrected entirely.  And, with good a good diet, habits and other items such as those described in this article, you may be able to maintain good eyesight for a long, long time.

The Best Years In Life

Natural Options Help Combat and Relieve Scleroderma

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) An estimated 300,000 people in the U.S. suffer from scleroderma, an autoimmune related disease that involves changes in the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs. Mainstream medicine attempts to treat the symptoms of scleroderma with immunosuppressant drugs, NSAIDS and corticosteroids, but has no cure and little advice for prevention. However, the world of natural healing has much to offer to help address scleroderma.

Flax Oil
Advanced Colloidal Silver
Chromium GTF

Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a widespread chronic connective tissue disease; its name comes from two Greek words: "sclero" meaning hard, and "derma" meaning skin. It is not contagious, infectious, cancerous or malignant. Skin symptoms are the most often ones associated with scleroderma and include:

*Blanching, blueness, or redness of fingers and toes in response to heat and cold
*Hair loss
*Hard or thick skin that may be abnormally dark or light
*Shiny hands and forearm
*Small white lumps beneath the skin
*Tight and mask-like facial skin
*Ulcerations on fingertips or toes

Digestive tract symptoms associated with scleroderma include:

*Bloating after meals
*Difficulty swallowing
*Esophageal reflux or heartburn
*Weight loss

Bone and muscle symptoms include: joint pain; numbness and pain in the feet; pain, stiffness, and swelling of fingers and joints; wrist pain. Scleroderma can also result in breath problems such as dry cough, shortness of breath and wheezing and may cause eye problems such as burning eyes, itching, and discharge.

Since scleroderma is considered to be an autoimmune disease, natural immune modulators may provide great help in many instances. Some of the best immune modulators are:

*Oleander extract, available in supplement form, is effective against a wide variety of immune disorders. Though it is a powerful immune stimulator, it is also an immune modulator for such disorders.

*Vitamin D3 is an immune modulator and is essential for optimum health. Most of us do not get nearly enough vitamin D3. A recent study has linked vitamin D deficiency to autoimmune and other diseases. See:…

*Magnesium deficiency has been strongly linked to autoimmune disorders and it is estimated that anywhere from 70 to 95% of us are deficient in this vital mineral.

*Curcumin is a powerful immune modulator which has many health benefits. It is also anti-inflammatory.

*Blackseed Oil (Nigella sativa) is another immune modulator and has been used for health issues for centuries.

A healthy, alkaline oriented diet is essential for helping relieve scleroderma. Apples (or pure unfiltered apple juice) may be particularly helpful. Apples contain pectin as well as malic acid, a substance that appears to ease pain and inflammation.

*Eat plenty of essential fatty acids and omega 3's.
*Cut back on consumption of whole grain foods.
*Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners and foods containing bleached flour.
*Eat yogurt which contains active yeast cultures.

Toxin removal could make a difference, as toxins likely play a very large role in many autoimmune disorders and other conditions. In addition to cleansing the liver, colon/bowels and kidneys, parsley, chlorella, cilantro, and apple pectin are all good for removing toxins, especially heavy metals. Another item to strongly consider is removal of any amalgam fillings.

Bone and muscle problems can be especially troubling. Joint pain may be relieved with proven items such as a combination of plant derived minerals, colloidal silver, colloidal gold, MSM and GTF chromium. Many people have found black cherry juice very effective for relieving joint pain.

Note: Mainstream steroids/corticosteroids have been associated with increased risk of renal failure in scleroderma patients. Two natural items also warrant concern. Several studies have associated exposure to silica, especially silica dust, with scleroderma. Collagen buildup is a central feature and problem in scleroderma.