The Best Years In Life

Natural Help Removes Benzene and Other Harmful Gulf Oil Spill Toxins

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Despite all the self-serving BP commercials and overly optimistic (and often premature) "official" pronouncements, the environmental disaster in the Gulf will continue to threaten millions of lives for years to come. Of particular concern for humans are the toxic chemical compounds like benzene that have been unleashed from the oil and dispersants. In this article, we will look at how natural items can help remove benzene and other dangerous chemicals and help gulf coast residents and workers better weather the toxic storm.

Benzene has been found to be dangerous at mere parts per billion (PPB). It can cause cancers of the blood, leukemia, respiratory disorders and skin problems as well as damage to DNA. Whereas EPA benzene measurements in urban areas range from below 1 PPB to slightly over 100 PPB, measurements in the gulf have been as high as hundreds of parts per million and continue to be higher than so-called "safe" levels.

One of the best and least expensive items that can remove benzene and other toxins is activated charcoal. Activated charcoal aDsorbs (pulls to itself), and it will pull toxins out of the bloodstream and through the intestines. Hence the benzene and other toxins will go directly into ingested charcoal and out the toilet without stress to the liver and other organs.

Some believe that activated charcoal also adsorbs nutrients, but a study done on sheep did not find any loss of essential nutrients. Even if charcoal does adsorb some nutrients in their unnatural/isolated form, it would be well worth it to eliminate benzene and other toxins. Since activated charcoal is sometimes used to determine benzene levels, it would also be a great idea to have bowls of it sitting around houses and offices.

Baking soda (bicarbonate) is another valuable item which removes toxins. Internally, baking soda mops up toxic messes and carries the poisons away. In the process it makes it easier for the body to maintain a healthy alkaline balance. Externally, baking soda can be used in combination with magnesium chloride (such as Epsom salts and magnesium bath flakes) as a cleansing bath for the emergency treatment of toxin exposure. Use plenty of each (1 to 5 pounds). A baking soda/magnesium bath can also provide soothing relief for the flu-like aches and pains which have been widely reported among gulf coast workers and residents.

Bentonite clay can also be used both internally and externally in clay baths to remove toxins. Another powerhouse for eliminating benzene is lemon juice, a well-known benzene binder. Use about 12 large lemons per one gallon of distilled water.

To help eliminate toxins faster and more efficiently, be sure to take measures which help protect and regenerate the body's essential toxin processing organ, the liver, as well as items to keep the bile ducts open and flowing. Such items include milk thistle, alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, beetroot juice, turmeric, coconut oil, and the herb goldenseal.

The Best Years In Life

Cancer: Why There is No Mainstream Cure

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) On the same day of the highly publicized "Stand Up to Cancer" telethon, the mainstream media widely ran an article titled "The top 10 deadliest cancers and why there's no cure". The top three "incurable" cancers listed were cancers of the lung, colon and breast followed by pancreatic, prostate, leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, liver, ovarian and esophageal cancers. An accurate report would have been titled "The top 10 deadliest cancers and why there's no mainstream cure".

Natural Cellular Immune Booster Protocol

The article stated that "Cancer cells, and how they grow, remain unpredictable and in some cases mysterious. Even after seemingly effective treatments, crafty cancer cells are able to hide out in some patients and resurface."

According to the article, we have spent about $200 Billion on cancer research since the early 1970's and there has been a rise in five-year survival rates for all people diagnosed with cancer from about 50 percent in the early 1970's to 65 percent today.

Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, stated: "We would not be where we are if basic and clinical science wasn't funded. Basic science teaches us about mechanisms, about how drugs may be effective, and we take that info and put it into a clinic to find out whether or not those new ideas work in cancer treatment."

An accurate article would have pointed out that five-year survival is not at all the same as a cure. It would also have revealed that the five-year survival rates have increased largely due to earlier detection and the statistical inclusion of highly curable pre-cancerous conditions such as DCIS – which was not considered to be a cancer in the 1970's.

A truly accurate article would also have told us about the natural and alternative cancer "cures" which have had outstanding success against even the most deadly cancers and would have listed the real reasons there is no cancer cure in sight for mainstream medicine, such as:

1. Almost all of the $200 Billion spent on cancer research has been spent either looking for genetic links, looking for ways to detect cancer earlier once it is already established, or looking for improved drugs and treatments that fit into the same mainstream paradigm of the past 40 years: trying to cut out, poison out or burn out the symptoms of cancer instead of addressing the root causes in order to actually cure cancer and prevent its return.

2. Cancer has become a bloated $300 to $400 Billion a year industry, including charitable foundations such as the American Cancer Society and other agencies with high salaries and perks. The continued existence and profits of the cancer industry depend on NOT finding a cure for cancer.

3. In medical schools whose major source of funding comes from big pharmaceutical companies and whose curriculum is controlled by the AMA, oncologists and other doctors are taught virtually nothing about the importance of proper diet and nutrition or about the healing and immune boosting herbs found in nature. Notably, you cannot patent nature. You may be able to patent synthetics and unique isolates based on nature, but that is not at all the same as natural items with all the supporting synergistic compounds.

4. Alternative therapies are little funded and are in fact vigorously suppressed because of the threat they represent to mainstream profits.

5. The people whose toxic products cause cancer and the people who profit from cancer direct research away from the true causes of cancer and towards the treatments and drugs they profit from.

6. Scant attention or research is directed towards prevention.

The Best Years In Life

FDA Approves New Bone Drug Which May Lead to Bone Death

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) In a jaw-dropping and perhaps literally jaw-killing decision, the FDA has just approved a new bone drug for women that may lead to worse bones and even cause bone death. Yes, you read that right: Amgen's newly approved bone drug Prolia, which is designed to lower the risk of fractures in post-menopausal women, may also carry a significant risk of actually causing bone death of the jaw and weaker, more brittle bones that it was designed to prevent. And that isn't all of the bad news.

Membrane Complex

The new drug is designed to address bone resorption and bone formation, which is a natural and essential process that rebuilds bone structure by removing old bone components (resorption) and replacing them with new ones via bone formation. High estrogen levels in post-menopausal women frequently interfere with the body's ability to form new bone material. As a result, such women often have weak, brittle bones and higher susceptibility to breaks and fractures.

Prolia is a so-called monoclonal antibody – a lab-produced antibody that inactivates the body's bone-breakdown mechanism. Like biophosphate bone drugs, Prolia targets the body's ability to break down bone components. Prolia does this by targeting a chemical signal in the body called RANK ligand, which is an essential part of the body's natural process for breaking down bones. The idea is that by slowing the process down, bones will lose less bone mass and be less brittle. While the idea looks good on paper, it can be fraught with danger in actual practice.

A WebMD article described the way Prolia works: "The drug slows the bone-breakdown process — but also slows the entire bone-remodeling process. Over the long term, it's not yet clear what this will mean."

The problem is that suppression of bone breakdown may lead to bone formation outstripping bone breakdown, as has happened with Fosamax and other biophosphate bone drugs. With the other bone drugs, new bone formation often produces unnatural bone growth and results in bones that are actually more susceptible to fractures and abnormalities. Even worse, the bone drugs have caused even more dangerous conditions, including bone death of the jaw and spinal paralysis.

There appear to be no assurances that Prolia will not lead to similar problems. As the FDA's own press release warns, "Prolia causes significant suppression of bone turnover and this suppression may contribute to the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw, a severe bone disease that affects the jaw, atypical fractures, and delayed fracture healing."

Osteonecrosis, which literally means "bone death", is one of the more severe side effects that have been reported for other bone drugs. And, as if bone death of the jaw were not enough of a concern, several disconcerting side effects were observed in Prolia's clinical trials.

As WebMD reported, "In clinical trials, women taking Prolia had a higher risk of serious infections leading to hospitalization, including heart infections. Skin reactions such as dermatitis, rashes, and eczema also were reported."

Some of the other side effects included:

Back pain
Pain in the extremities
Musculoskeletal pain
High cholesterol levels
Urinary bladder infections

Prolia may also cause lowered levels of calcium, an essential mineral for healthy bones.

So there you have it: the FDA has approved and trumpeted yet another unnatural Big Pharma drug whose side effects may far outweigh the benefits. What the FDA won't likely approve or trumpet are the many safer and less expensive natural ways that women can beat and avoid osteoporosis.

The Best Years In Life

Safely and Naturally Prevent and Eliminate Dangerous Gum Disease

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) Many people believe that the worst things about gum disease are bad breath and the possibility of losing their teeth. However, gum disease can result in far worse problems. For example, people with gum disease are three times more likely to have heart problems and twice as likely to have a stroke compared to people that have healthy gums. Gum disease may also worsen respiratory problems such as chronic bronchitis, and most recently has even been linked to a higher risk for cancer.

Advanced Colloidal Silver

The main culprits for gum disease are failure to regularly practice good oral hygiene as well as foods that contain lots of sugar and processed foods. Good oral hygiene includes regular brushing with a fluoride free toothpaste or cleanser and regular flossing. Besides brushing and flossing, regular use of a water irrigator to clean the teeth and gums and stimulate blood flow is also highly recommended.

When it comes to diet and nutrition, your best defense begins with eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Fruits and vegetables promote a healthy alkaline environment in the mouth. They are also high in fiber which can help clean the mouth. In addition to healthy diets, a good whole foods-derived multi-vitamin can also help promote better dental health. Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium are all especially important for healthy teeth and gums.

If you do have gum disease, the following suggestions may help you quickly and safely eliminate the disease and restore your gums and teeth to better health:

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a good toothpaste or tooth powder that does not contain fluoride. Every time you brush, place a few drops of either neem oil or tea tree oil on your toothbrush. Neem and tea tree are antiseptic and effective against bacteria in the gums and mouth. Both have also proven to be very effective at conquering gum disease.

2. Swish you mouth with colloidal silver a few times each day. Colloidal silver is an extremely powerful pathogen destroyer.

3. After your brushing and/or swishing, rub some neem oil or tea tree oil on your gums.

4. Make yourself an herbal mouth wash/rinse. The herbs goldenseal, myrrh, and calendula have all been used for hundreds of years for dental health. Combine 30 drops of the essential oil form of each in a small brown bottle. Store the tincture in a cool, dark place away from children and use as follows:

* Ideally, you should use a water irrigator with a tip that reaches below the gum line so that you can irrigate the areas between your teeth and gums where bacteria accumulate.
* Add 1/4 teaspoon of the herbal mixture to the reservoir of the water jet. For even better results, you can also add a few drops of neem oil or tea tree oil and plenty of colloidal silver. After brushing, spray around and between each tooth for 5 seconds.
* If you do not have an irrigator then swish the mixture in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit out.

While any of the above suggestions will likely help your gums by themselves, using all of the suggestions in combination will almost assuredly be more than a match for gum disease.

Note: To see some healthy tooth pastes, powders and cleansers you can make at home, see:

The Best Years In Life

Avoid and Treat Dehydration During the Dog Days of Summer

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) The long hot dog days of summer have arrived, with temperatures across much of the country regularly reaching into the upper 90's and beyond for days on end. With the heat comes a heightened risk of losing too much of our bodies fluids. Our bodies are normally about two-thirds water. When levels dip below that amount, the result can be dehydration – which means our bodies lack the proper amount of water and fluids. Though dehydration can be a serious and even life-threatening condition, it can be avoided and treated easily with common sense measures in most instances.

Membrane Complex

In the summertime, the main cause of dehydration is sweating from heat. Likewise, exercise and heavy physical activity can cause dehydration due to sweating and the likelihood becomes even greater when physical activity is combined with heat.

Typical symptoms of dehydration include:

* dry or sticky mouth
* low or no urine output
* concentrated sticky yellow urine
* lack of sweating when exposed to heat or during physical activity
* not producing tears
* sunken eyes

The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink plenty of water and fluids and to avoid excessive heat and physical activity which leads to heavy sweating. In the heat of the summer it is especially good to avoid overdoing it and get out of the heat when needed. Most health experts advise us to drink at least 6-8 large glasses of water every day to keep our bodies hydrated. During summertime heat and heavy activities, the amount of water and fluids required can be much larger – as much as twice as much or more. Thus, it is essential to drink plenty of water before, during and after exposure to the heat or heavy physical activity.

If you do become dehydrated, the best treatment is the same as what you would do to avoid dehydration: drink plenty of water and liquids, get out of the heat and cool off. Since dehydration also causes the loss of important mineral electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, sports drinks can be a good way to both restore fluids as well as replenish lost electrolytes. However, commercial sports drinks may contain artificial colors and other ingredients that are less than healthy. Following is a recipe for a sports drink you can easily make at home from common and healthy ingredients:

Homemade Sports Drink

1 large regular teabag
3 regular-sized green tea bags
1/4 to 1/2 cup of molasses
3-4 lemons
1-1/2 teaspoons of sea salt
2-3 cups Apple juice (or your juice of preference)
Honey to taste

Bring water to boil, add salt. Turn off heat and add teabags. Steep for 15-20 minutes. In a gallon jug mix molasses, honey, lemon juice, and apple juice (or your juice of choice) to make 1/2 gallon. Shake well. Add prepared tea and water to complete the gallon. Refrigerate and enjoy.

The molasses adds potassium, some glucose and other good stuff. (Make sure to use real molasses and not the syrup sold as molasses in some stores.) Of course, the salt adds the sodium. Honey is simply good for us, but it also adds some glucose too without raising the glycemic index too much. The lemon is mainly for taste, but the vitamin C can't hurt. The apple juice is definitely for taste, so add whatever juice you prefer (for example, grape juice would be wonderful).

Sports drink recipe contributed by Shara from The Oleandersoup Yahoo Health Group

NOTE: In the instance of severe dehydration, seek immediate medical attention. Severe dehydration is usually characterized by prolonged dizziness, lightheadedness, lethargy and/or confusion.

The Best Years In Life

Haitian Farmers Reject Monsanto Earthquake Relief Donation and Burn GMO Seeds

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) In what many believe to be an attempt to backdoor its products into a new market, Monsanto has donated hundreds of tons of patented hybrid seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to earthquake stricken Haiti. Initially, Monsanto planned to donate GMO "Roundup ready" seeds, but that offer was rejected by Haiti's Ministry of Agriculture. Though Monsanto termed their donation an effort to help provide earthquake relief, Monsanto's "generosity" is being met with skepticism and outright rejection.

Last month, 10,000 farmers marched in protest against Monsanto and a group of small farmers burned a symbolic quantity of hybrid corn seed in the central square of the agricultural town of Hinche. A 200,000-member national coalition is encouraging Haiti farmers to burn all Monsanto seeds already distributed, and has called on the government to reject additional shipments.

Peasant leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste told IPS News: Farmers want to preserve their traditional "organic agriculture that respects the environment and fights against its degradation. We defend native seeds and the rights of peasants on their land." Jean-Batiste also said "Fighting hybrid and GMO seeds is critical to save our diversity and our agriculture" and maintained that a "county has a right to define it own agricultural policies, to grow first for the family and then for local market, to grow healthy food in a way which respects the environment and Mother Earth."

Another peasant farmer stated, "Seeds and water are the common patrimony of humanity."

Global Research called Monsanto's initial donation of 475 tons of hybrid seeds and chemicals a "new earthquake" and "deadly gift".

The corn seeds Monsanto donated to Haiti have been treated with the fungicide Maxim XO, while the calypso tomato seeds were treated with Thiram. Thiram is a highly toxic chemical which the EPA examined and deemed to be so dangerous that agricultural workers are now mandated to wear protective clothing when handling them.

Multinational seed giant Monsanto is known around the world for its aggressive GMO and hybrid policies. It is also known for intimidating and suing farmers and small agricultural companies it claims have violated its contracts and patents, including farmers whose fields have been contaminated by pollen from adjacent genetically engineered crops or who have had voluntary seed sprout from a previous year's crop. By 2007 Monsanto had already collected over $21.5 million in judgments in the U.S. alone.

Monsanto is also infamously known for the deaths and health problems resulting from its highly toxic herbicide product Agent Orange, which caused cancer in large numbers of U.S. Veterans. The Vietnamese government claims that 400,000 of their citizens died or were disabled and 500,000 children were born with birth defects as a result of Agent Orange.

While Monsanto is calling the seeds a donation, it isn't hard to see how the company will benefit by getting farmers hooked on a need that only it can supply, as it has done elsewhere around the world – most notably in the U.S. and Canada. Once Monsantos seeds are introduced, they often also profit from sales of their fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, whose demand usually increases in proportion to the use of its seeds.

Seed company giants Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and Bayer control more than half of the world's seed patents. Monsanto has almost 650 seed patents, most of which are for cotton, corn, and soy. The company also owns almost 30 percent of the share of all the world's biotechnology research and development.

The world's largest confederation of farmers, Via Campesina, has called Monsanto one of the "principal enemies of peasant sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty for all peoples."

The Best Years In Life

Natural Solutions Relieve and Eliminate Joint Pain

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Joints are natural shock absorbers for the body and are cushioned by cartilage and supported by muscles, tendons and ligaments. In addition to osteoarthritis, the wear and tear of daily activity as well as injury, aging, obesity and repetitive motion places stress on joints and causes them to wear down. Often this results in joint pain. When joint pain occurs, nature offers several remedies which can relieve and even eliminate such pain.

Magnesium Oil

Membrane Complex

A low-fat, low-cholesterol diet filled with the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains helps reduce the fat in tiny arteries that supply blood to the joints, allowing more oxygen.

Many juices are effective against joint pain. Black cherry juice is one such juice and it is particularly effective against gout. Pineapple juice is another such juice and is a rich source of the enzyme bromelain (see below for more information about bromelain). Other useful juices include carrot, celery, and cabbage juice especially if used in combination with a bit of added parsley, and the juices of potato, beet, cumber, radish, and garlic.

Other important dietary considerations:

Bromelain, a chemical in pineapple, helps prevent and treat inflammation. Bromelain also helps digest fibrin, which can lead to some types of joint pain.

Boron plays a major role in bone health and helps keep calcium from leaving the body and weakening the bones. Apples, nuts and green leafy vegetables are good sources of boron.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids increase the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Black currant seed oil, flaxseed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, and fish oil all contain essential fatty acids.

Sulfur is an essential component of connective tissue. Sulfur is naturally found in meat, milk, poultry and fish. Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) is also a natural source of sulfur.

S-adenosylmethionine (SAM or SAM-e) is an amino acid derivative that has effects comparable to the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin.

Vitamins and minerals which can help with joint pain include:

*Vitamin C
*Vitamin B6
*Vitamin A

Herbal and other remedies for joint pain:

One herbal remedy calls for mixing equal parts of the herbs black cohosh, gentian root, angelica, colombo, skull cap, valerian, rue and buckthorn bark, and for taking one heaping teaspoon in a cup of boiling water after letting the mixture steep. Drink half a cup three times a day.

Wild Cucumber Bark has been described by herbalists as "the best plant for treating rheumatism and arthritis".

Angelica is an herb that has been used in European folk medicine since antiquity. The Western variety of angelica has multiple anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and pain-relieving constituents.

Feverfew has been used for centuries for joint pain and arthritis and has anti-inflammatory properties which may be greater than NSAIDs

Other useful herbal items include:

*Hop Tea (Humulus lupulus)
*Alfalfa tea
*Devil's claw
*Sarsaparilla tea
*Wild yam

The following combination has been highly effective for many people, including the author and his friends and family:

*Plant minerals
*Colloidal gold
*MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen (often found in combination in supplement form)
*Silica (from horsetail and/or shavegrass)
*Colloidal silver
*GTF Chromium

Hot Epsom salts baths are often used to relieve pain. Epsom salts contain magnesium, an anti-inflammatory mineral which can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of our most important minerals and it is commonly deficient in the American diet.

Capsaicin ointment, made from fiery cayenne peppers, interrupts joint pain signals and can often make joints feel as good as new. Be sure to keep your fingers and hands away from your eyes until they have been washed thoroughly.

The Best Years In Life

New Cancer Guidelines Reverse Decades of Advice for Patients to Avoid Exercise

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) A new set of national guidelines for cancer patients presented at this year's meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is reversing decades of common mainstream advice for such patients to avoid exercise. Instead, the new guidelines advise patients to "avoid inactivity" and to boost quality of life, strength and fitness.


Kathryn Schmitz, PhD, MPH, an associate professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and a member of the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, presented the new guidelines at an educational session at the 2010 ASCO meeting on June 6th. The presentation was titled "Exercise Testing and Prescription for Cancer Survivors: Guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine."

Schmitz, whose previous research reversed decades of cautionary exercise advice given to breast cancer patients with the painful arm-swelling condition lymphedema, led a 13-member American College of Sports Medicine expert panel that developed the new recommendations after reviewing and evaluating literature on the safety and efficacy of exercise training during and after cancer therapy.

"We have to get doctors past the ideas that exercise is harmful to their cancer patients. There is a still a prevailing attitude out there that patients shouldn't push themselves during treatment, but our message — avoid inactivity – is essential," Schmitz says. "We now have a compelling body of high quality evidence that exercise during and after treatment is safe and beneficial for these patients, even those undergoing complex procedures such as stem cell transplants. If physicians want to avoid doing harm, they need to incorporate these guidelines into their clinical practice in a systematic way."

For decades, doctors have been telling cancer patients to take it easy, rest and avoid too much physical activity. Such advice was similar to the advice doctors still often give to cancer patients about avoiding supplements and other items that boost cellular and overall health. In part, such advice may have been due to the longstanding practice of trying to use chemo drugs to beat cancer by lowering cellular activity and "starving out the cancer". Since chemo drugs also weaken major organs, it may have been felt that exercise was risky for hearts weakened by chemo.

However, it has since been established that regular exercise is extremely beneficial for heart attack victims because it strengthens the heart after a heart attack and lessens the risk of further problems. Now, heart attack victims are routinely told to exercise. If the new guidelines are any indication, a similar trend may develop for the advice given to cancer patients.

Exercise also improves the circulation of the blood and its immune cells which neutralize pathogens in the body. The better immune cells circulate, the more efficient the immune system is at locating and eliminating viruses and diseases such as cancer which are trying to attack your body. Regular exercise also reduces insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells. Lowered sugar reduces the risk of developing cancer and having it return once you have beaten it.

Physical exercise has been shown to be particularly beneficial against colon cancer. Physically active adults experience about half the incidence of colon cancer as do sedentary adults. In addition to lowering insulin levels, exercise also lowers prostaglandins and bile acids which may encourage the growth and spread of cancer cells in the colon. Exercise also improves and speeds up bowel function resulting in waste having less time to be in contact with the colon's mucosal lining.

It's also believed that exercise triggers programmed death of cancer cells via the process of apoptosis.

The Best Years In Life

The American Cancer Society Runs Away from the Cure, Part VI

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) In the previous installment of this series, we examined the close relationship the American Cancer Society (ACS) has had with the chemical industry. Today we will take a look at the relationships the ACS has had with the Mammography and other industries that profit from cancer.

Despite increasing studies and reports which have warned of the dangers and questionable benefits from mammograms, the ACS continues to promote mammograms and lure women of all ages into mammography centers. By doing so, the ACS helps provide patients and huge profits to manufacturers of mammogram machines and films. Thus, the ACS continues in virtually all of its important actions to be strongly linked with the mammography industry, ignores the development of alternatives to mammography and exposes pre-menopausal women to radiation hazards from mammography with little or no evidence of benefits.

Why would the ACS, whose mission is supposed to be preventing and finding a cure for cancer, continue to stand so firmly behind the use of mammograms? Perhaps part of the answer comes from the fact that no fewer than five radiologists have served as ACS presidents. In addition, the mammography industry conducts research for the ACS and its grantees, serves on advisory boards, and donates considerable funds.

For example: DuPont, a leading mammography company as well as a leading producer of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, has been a substantial backer of the ACS Breast Health Awareness Program. DuPont has also sponsored television shows and other media productions touting mammography, produced promotional literature for hospitals, clinics, doctors and medical organizations, produced educational films, and lobbied Congress for legislation promoting the availability of mammography services.

The highly publicized National Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign further illustrates the conflicts of interest between the ACS and the mammography and other cancer industries. Every October, ACS and NCI representatives help sponsor promotional events, hold interviews, and stress the need for mammography. The flagship of this month-long series of events is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month organization's sponsored National Mammography Day, which takes place on the third Friday in October. On this day and throughout October radiologists provide free or discounted mammogram screening.

While the country is awash in a sea of pink every year, what is conspicuously absent during Breast Cancer Awareness Month is any information on environmental and other avoidable causes of breast cancer. This has not been by accident. Breast Cancer Awareness Month was created by Imperial Chemicals (now AstraZeneca), which happened to be one of the world's largest manufacturers of chemical carcinogens.

AstraZeneca owns a string of Salick Health Care cancer centers in U. S. hospitals. AstraZeneca subsidiary AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals is also the manufacturer of tamoxifen, the world's top-selling anticancer and breast cancer "prevention" drug.

In the 1990's, the ACS aggressively launched and promoted a "chemoprevention" program along with the NCI to recruit 16,000 healthy yet supposedly "high risk" women for a 5-year clinical trial with the highly profitable drug tamoxifen. The women were told tamoxifen was essentially harmless and could reduce their risk of breast cancer. They were not told that tamoxifen was a highly potent liver carcinogen in rodent tests or that it was a well-known aggressive human uterine cancer agent

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a masterful public relations deception for ACS favorite AstraZeneca as well as other sponsors who either profit from cancer or whose products cause cancer, providing undeserved good will from millions of American women. For an in depth look at the deception involved in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month see:

"Breast Cancer Deception – Hiding the Truth Beneath a Sea of Pink"…

In the next installment in this series we will take a look at how the ACS has used their power and influence to suppress and attack alternative cancer treatments that might offer safer and less expensive options than the treatments of the ACS favored companies whose profits would be at risk if such alternatives were accepted.

The Best Years In Life

The American Cancer Society Runs Away from the Cure, Part VI

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) In the previous installment of this series, we examined the close relationship the American Cancer Society (ACS) has had with the chemical industry. Today we will take a look at the relationships the ACS has had with the Mammography and other industries that profit from cancer.

Despite increasing studies and reports which have warned of the dangers and questionable benefits from mammograms, the ACS continues to promote mammograms and lure women of all ages into mammography centers. By doing so, the ACS helps provide patients and huge profits to manufacturers of mammogram machines and films. Thus, the ACS continues in virtually all of its important actions to be strongly linked with the mammography industry, ignores the development of alternatives to mammography and exposes pre-menopausal women to radiation hazards from mammography with little or no evidence of benefits.

Why would the ACS, whose mission is supposed to be preventing and finding a cure for cancer, continue to stand so firmly behind the use of mammograms? Perhaps part of the answer comes from the fact that no fewer than five radiologists have served as ACS presidents. In addition, the mammography industry conducts research for the ACS and its grantees, serves on advisory boards, and donates considerable funds.

For example: DuPont, a leading mammography company as well as a leading producer of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, has been a substantial backer of the ACS Breast Health Awareness Program. DuPont has also sponsored television shows and other media productions touting mammography, produced promotional literature for hospitals, clinics, doctors and medical organizations, produced educational films, and lobbied Congress for legislation promoting the availability of mammography services.

The highly publicized National Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign further illustrates the conflicts of interest between the ACS and the mammography and other cancer industries. Every October, ACS and NCI representatives help sponsor promotional events, hold interviews, and stress the need for mammography. The flagship of this month-long series of events is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month organization's sponsored National Mammography Day, which takes place on the third Friday in October. On this day and throughout October radiologists provide free or discounted mammogram screening.

While the country is awash in a sea of pink every year, what is conspicuously absent during Breast Cancer Awareness Month is any information on environmental and other avoidable causes of breast cancer. This has not been by accident. Breast Cancer Awareness Month was created by Imperial Chemicals (now AstraZeneca), which happened to be one of the world's largest manufacturers of chemical carcinogens.

AstraZeneca owns a string of Salick Health Care cancer centers in U. S. hospitals. AstraZeneca subsidiary AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals is also the manufacturer of tamoxifen, the world's top-selling anticancer and breast cancer "prevention" drug.

In the 1990's, the ACS aggressively launched and promoted a "chemoprevention" program along with the NCI to recruit 16,000 healthy yet supposedly "high risk" women for a 5-year clinical trial with the highly profitable drug tamoxifen. The women were told tamoxifen was essentially harmless and could reduce their risk of breast cancer. They were not told that tamoxifen was a highly potent liver carcinogen in rodent tests or that it was a well-known aggressive human uterine cancer agent

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a masterful public relations deception for ACS favorite AstraZeneca as well as other sponsors who either profit from cancer or whose products cause cancer, providing undeserved good will from millions of American women. For an in depth look at the deception involved in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month see:

"Breast Cancer Deception – Hiding the Truth Beneath a Sea of Pink"…

In the next installment in this series we will take a look at how the ACS has used their power and influence to suppress and attack alternative cancer treatments that might offer safer and less expensive options than the treatments of the ACS favored companies whose profits would be at risk if such alternatives were accepted.