The Best Years In Life

A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol

by Tony Isaacs

Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled.  When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease – fixing or repairing the parts where the symptoms of underlying illnesses manifest themselves, modern medicine fails miserably.

In the instance of cancer, instead of addressing the causes of cancer – toxins and a weakened immune system which result in a loss of proper cellular communication and oxidation and the cells mutating to cells that form a protective coating and replicate without dying –  we see instead treatments that either slash, burn or poison away the tumors and cancer cells, which further weakens an immune system cancer has already defeated and only worsens the conditions that led to cancer to begin with.

As a result, the way is paved for the return of the cancer or the introduction of another cancer or serious condition.  Even worse, the road to further illness is often made easier due to the damage to the immune system and major organs caused by the treatment of the symptom.

Nature, on the other hand, gives us an array of tools to beat cancer and the underlying causes that lead to cancer, including foods, vitamins, minerals, supplements and lifestyle choices.  The key is not merely addressing the tumors and cancer cells that are the symptoms of cancer, but addressing and eliminating the root causes that led to cancer to begin with and prevent it from being eliminated.

Here is a suggested protocol to eliminate cancer cells by either killing them or restoring them to normal function and to address the root causes of cancer based on what we know about cancer and what nature and lifestyle choices have to offer:


As soon as possible, cleanse your body to get rid of built up toxins like heavy metals and pesticides, as well as the undigested food, fecal matter and gallstones that build up in the body by cleansing your colon and liver and by chelation to rid the body of heavy metals.  Such contaminations are breeding grounds for, and causes of, disease and illness.  It cannot be stressed enough how vitally important it is to cleanse, restore and protect the liver before, during and after your anti-cancer and disease battle. Following is a suggested liver cleanse and suggested further measures to take to cleanse, detox, protect and help regenerate the vital liver:

Five day liver cleanse.

It is best to have day 4 on a Saturday or at a time when you are staying at home.

Day 1: Drink 1 liter (4 cups) of apple juice during the day. Eat as normal otherwise.

Day 2: Drink another liter of apple juice. Eat normally

Day 3: Drink a 3rd liter of apple juice. Eat normally

Day 4: Eat a light breakfast and lunch with no fats. Do not eat or drink after 2 pm.

6pm – Take one level tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water

8pm – Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You may find that you already have to take a trip to the toilet before the 8pm Epsom salt.

10pm – Mix one half glass of olive oil and three quarter glass of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice by shaking it very well in a jar with a lid so that it mixes well and immediately get into bed after drinking the mixture. You will probably make more than one trip to the toilet during the night as well as during the next day.

Day 5:

6am: Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water
8am: Take one final tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water.

You will find that many gallstones from the liver will be passed and one will notice them in the toilet. They will vary in size from about pin head size to 10mm. Gallstones in the liver are a major cause of many health problems.

The above liver cleanse can  be repeated every month until one finds that for two months in succession no more gallstones are passed. The liver will then be clean.  (You can read about this in much more detail in Andreas Moritz's book ' "The liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse" which you can download from his site at

Other things to do for the liver:

Organic Coffee enemas – help open the bile ducts so bile and toxins can be released properly.

Organic Coconut oil – a wonderful item everyone should take, it helps maintain a good bile flow.

Beetroot juice – is also good for the liver and bile flow.

Turmeric – is a cancer fighter itself, especially for smokers, and it helps regulate bile flow.

Milk Thistle – is a must as it helps protect the liver and actually regenerate it

Alpha Lipoic Acid – another liver supplement that also helps fight cancer

Selenium – a third liver supplement that is good against cancer too.

In the Berkson Clinical Study, three women who were facing liver transplants or chemo with interferon (a horrendous treatment with very low success rates for hepatitis and cirrhosis), took milk thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Selenium, modified their diets a bit and got some daily exercise and restored their liver functions to normal.

Besides cleansing and detoxing your body, also cleanse your environment to the greatest extent possible of pesticides, herbicides, household cleansers, air fresheners and other manmade chemicals. 


If you have mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, have them replaced.  In many instances, this step alone has led to elimination of cancer.  Cilantro and chlorella can help eliminate heavy metal accumulations in the body.  A specially blended and wild crafted formula which utilizes cilantro and chlorella is Metal Magic by Jon Barron.

Perhaps worse than amalgam fillings are root canals.  According to Bill Henderson, author of  "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free", "root canals are "the big elephant in the room".  Bill reports that "it has been proved by many dentists and oral surgeons I respect that virtually all degenerative disease starts in the dentist's chair and points to the book "The Roots of Disease" by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S.


No matter what supplements or treatments you may choose to combat cancer, you must first establish a good foundation.  While vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements may help you beat the symptoms of cancer and help boost your immune system, the diet and lifestyle you live will be the ultimate keys to beating cancer and keeping it at bay once and for all because in the end it is your own body which will win the war.

Immediately eliminate bad habits and begin building good ones so that you will make sure that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you will be able to build your body to fight and conquer illness.   A sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet, lack of pure water, sunshine and fresh air, and constant exposure to toxins will in time lead to bad health conditions.  On the other hand, also be sure to get an abundance of sleep and physical rest to conserve energy for healing and cleansing. Remember, bad health habits are open invitations for illness and disease to enter your body. Begin and maintain a healthy immune-boosting and cancer fighting diet.  A good balanced diet, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and mild to moderate exercise are some of the essentials. 

How you eat your food is important. Take the time to chew each bite thoroughly – as many as 50 chews if possible – to help aid digestion and take maximum advantage of the available nutrition. (Note: Enzyme supplementation is one of the best ways to enhance digestion.)


So long as you are not physically wasted, fasting is an excellent way to begin virtually any disease fighting protocol.  It helps the body eliminate wastes and toxins and reset itself to optimum health levels for healing and fighting cancer and other illness.  Many people are able to beat disease and illness of all kinds, including cancer, simply by fasting.

After an initial fast of a few days or longer where you provide only the water needed to satisfy thirst, continue with a one-day-a-week fast.  It will help keep your body cleansed and, if you are overweight, also help you reach and maintain your optimum weight.  Two good daily fasts in addition to water only fasts when fighting cancer would be 1) a dark grape fast where you eat all the dark grapes and seeds you want but nothing else other than water (the concord grape is probably the best choice and seeds are a must!), 2) a juiced vegetables fast and 3) a cantaloupe diet is one of the better cellular cleansing diets.

Proper Food Combining

It is important to practice proper food combining in the cause of disease as this prevents the putrefaction and fermentation of foods within the digestive system, and therefore toxicity, caused by mixing a predominantly protein food with a predominantly starchy food at the same meal.  For example poached eggs on whole wheat toast.  Fruits should not be combined with vegetables for the same reason.  Proper food combining requires far less digestive energy which is then released for other more important bodily tasks.

The Importance of Sunshine

The importance of the synergistic relationship between health and regular sunshine cannot be over-emphasized for both physical healing and mental health (which is itself a key to physical healing for cancer and any other illness).  Contrary to popular beliefs about the harmful effects of over exposure to the sun, abundant sunlight has extremely high success rates for:

Safely stopping tumor growth, not destroying tumors (the only effect that conventional medicine recognizes), but stopping growth.

Preventing cancer by stimulating the body's vitamin D production.

Don't overdo the sunshine, but sunshine is essential to the production of vitamin D, and, strange as it may sound, has been found to be essential in warding off melanoma as well as other cancers.  Be sure to get full body sun exposure avoiding the heat of the day and not allowing oneself to become more than mildly "pink" or sunburned by gradually increasing exposure time from a few minutes to perhaps a full hour and more each day. Fair skin and the number of moles are the major risk factor for melanoma (skin cancer), not sunlight overexposure.

Indirect Sunlight Into the Eyes Guidelines

You really can't get enough of this type of light. Sitting in a screen enclosed porch would be the minimum exposure and would require three times the duration to get the same effect as walking in full sunlight. Walking in full sunlight might only require one hour to get full benefit. Wearing a hat with a brim in bright direct sunlight should be sufficient UV protection. The UV problem for eyes is greatly over exaggerated to sell sunglasses which, like sunscreens, should be used sparingly.

Deep Breathing, Stretching, and Stimulating the Lymphatic System

Not only is proper oxygenation a key to beating cancer, but the very foundation of health is a healthy bloodstream, the vital system that transports oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body. If you have a healthy circulatory system, you will live a long and healthy life. The key element for that system is breathing. With each breath, you can stimulate the life processes of each and every cell in your body. Breathing not only controls the oxygenation of the cells, it also partially regulates the flow of lymph fluid, containing the white blood cells – major players in the immune system.

One of the functions of the lymphatic system is to act as part of a ‘sewage system’ for the cells. Every cell in your body is surrounded by lymph. Blood is pumped from your heart through your arteries to the tiny porous vessels called capillaries. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the capillaries, where they are then diffused into the lymph around the cells. The cells, having intelligence for what they need, absorb the oxygen and nutrients necessary for their health and excrete toxins, some of which go back into the capillaries. Dead cells, blood proteins and other toxic material are removed by the lymph system. Deep breathing and stretching activate this lymph system.

The body’s cells depend on the lymph system as the only way to drain off these large amounts of toxic materials and excess fluid, the presence of which can restrict the amount of oxygen available to the cells. The fluid passes through the lymph nodes where dead cells and all other poisons (except blood proteins) are neutralized and destroyed. Many of the ‘fight back’ cells of the immune system are stored in the lymph nodes. One of the best ways to stimulate the lymph system if you are physically up to it is to gently jump on a 36” diameter trampoline 15 minutes each day.

Maintain an Alkaline pH and Get Plenty of Oxygen to the Cellular Level

Once cancer has gained a foothold, it does not survive well in the presence of an alkaline cellular pH level, or in the presence of highly oxygenated cells.   As Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg discovered, low cellular oxygen is a primary causal factor for cancer.  Although many people use food grade hydrogen peroxide to obtain extra oxygen, perhaps a better option without the concerns some have with hydrogen peroxide is the product OxyGen.  Each capsule contains oxygen and the equivalent of 12 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide derived from a combination of magnesium peroxide and pure anaerocidal oxygen.

Potent Cancer Fighting Minerals

Make sure you have plenty of iodine, selenium, magnesium, calcium, potassium (Membrane Complex- the most absorbable form.), zinc, Vitamin D3, and vitamin C.  All have been proven to be essential in beating and avoiding cancer.  As mentioned above, cancer cells have lost the ability to be shut off by the body in what is called cellular apoptosis. These cancerous cells simply become abnormal and outlive the other cells in their normal cell life/replacement cycle and end up crowding out a territory over time. Iodine goes in and both does away with the surrounding cyst where cancer has set up residence and then also goes in and allows the specific shut down of the individual cells that are abnormal, diseased, or beset w/ pathogens to make room for new cells.

Some notes on iodine and selenium:

Many people who take iodine and selenium take far too little for maximum therapeutic benefit.  Both elemental iodine and potassium iodine should be taken and the total amount of iodine should be 100mg or more, perhaps beginning at 50mg and working up.

Lugol’s is considered by many to be the best form of iodine. Magnascent is a good elemental iodine widely used.  Since Lugol’s contains both elemental iodine and potassium iodine, the total amount of iodine one can take with Lugol’s is 300 mg.

Selenium MUST be taken with iodine in order for iodine to be optimally effective. The best form of supplemental selenium for fighting cancer appears to be methylselenocysteine.

Drink Lots of Pure Water

Water is essential for all healthy life; however, regular tap water contains trace amounts of hundreds to thousands of pesticides, carcinogens and other industrial pollutants.  For that reason, the author recommends only the purest drinking water, such as reverse osmosis filtered water.

Exercise Is Essential

Regular exercise does not have to be grueling, but it is essential. Exercise stimulates the immune system, stimulates the production of natural human growth hormone, stimulates the production of hormones and pheromones that make us happier and healthier, and simply leads to a longer and happier life period.  Innumerable studies have demonstrated the overall health benefits of exercise and the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle lacking in exercise.  It is not a coincidence that studies have shown up that those who exercise only a few hours each week have up to 50% less chance of developing many different kinds of cancer.

Trace Minerals Are Vital

Plant derived trace minerals are essential in beating cancer and are in fact essential to virtually all of the body's important processes when it comes to utilizing vitamins, minerals and enzymes for good health.  Two hundred years ago, the top layer of our soil contained up to 80 or more different minerals.  Today, over-farming and the chemical destruction of soil micro-organisms has stripped soils the world over of all but a handful of bio-available minerals, and even those remaining minerals are at levels that are only fractions of what were in the soil 100 years ago and continuing to decline.

Man's body is designed to utilize at least 60 or more trace minerals on a daily basis, and did so for thousands of years by eating the plants that processed such minerals (and the animals that ate the plants with processed minerals.  Quite simply, without minerals nothing else works as designed, and every mineral deficiency, whether major or trace minerals, results in the body compensating in one or more ways which are often unhealthy. The only way to get an adequate supply now is to supplement, and the very best supplementation is from plant derived minerals, such as those that come from the famous plant prehistoric vegetable deposits in Utah and contain 75 trace minerals. The head of the National Cancer Research Foundation, Fred Eichorn, asserts that mineral deficiencies lead to changes in instructions to the DNA to make adjustments for alternate ways to produce hormones and amino acids – and that these changes lead to cancer. 

Get Plenty of Healthy Omega 3's

Good natural sources include extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and organic butter, or better yet grass-fed organic butter.  An excellent supplement is Krill oil, which also contains a healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids and has been shown to help ward against cachexia (the wasting of non-fat body tissue, especially skeletal muscle tissue).

Things to Avoid

Remember, what you avoid can be just as important as what you consume:  Avoid sugar to the greatest extent possible.  Sugar feeds cancer and other illnesses and causes a myriad of other health problems.  Refined sugar is also the number one single cause of health problems in the entire world!  Likewise avoid bread and other items containing bleached white flour, which are essentially empty and harmful calories that convert to sugar once ingested. Other items to avoid include non-fermented soy, pork, MSG, ALL charred foods and foods cooked at high temperature, aluminum and coated cookware, micro-waved food, food in plastic containers and Styrofoam.


The next element of beating your disease and keeping it at bay is to go on the attack.  As a matter of fact, all of the elements of the anti-cancer and disease protocol are elements of attack, because they make the body strong and inhospitable to disease.  What I am talking about here is more than just making the body inhospitable to your disease – I am talking about going on the attack and wiping it out!  In the case of cancer, there are many very potent anti-cancer supplements, such as the ones listed above and several others.

One such supplement, Oleander Pure Concentrate (not to be confused with the European anti-oxidant named OPC), is based on a remedy I have researched and written about, and has been used for the past five plus years in South Africa to treat HIV and cancer.  Several thousand HIV patients have taken Oleander Pure Concentrate now and all are reported to be still alive and well with their symptoms either reversed or stabilized. A new version of the oleander, manufactured by the same makers of Sutherlandia OPC, has just been introduced called Rose Laurel OPC Plus, and it is available for purchase in the United States from the Utopia Silver Supplement company. The new version contains only oleander extract powder and has 33% more oleander than the other version.

Dosage: The suggested dosage for the Rose Laurel OPC Plus is in a capsule form and instructions normally call for five to 25 ml of extract three times daily or 1 to 5 capsules twice daily depending on the stage and aggressiveness of one's cancer.  Begin with small amounts and work up gradually to allow the body time to adjust.

NOTE: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is considered an essential complimentary supplement to use with oleander. NAC may help protect against Cachexia and it is a powerful antioxidant amino acid and a precursor to the critical antioxidant glutathione.

(Editor Note: It has been reported by some that colloidal silver increase the effectiveness of OPC.)

Iodine (see above) is an absolute must for anyone fighting cancer, especially breast cancer.  Many people have beaten cancer with iodine supplementation alone and it is a supremely powerful item to include in any cancer-fighting protocol.

Inositol/IP6 is another supreme cancer tumor destroyer and cancer fighter for many forms of cancer and is found in products such as Cell Forte Max3.  According to several users interviewed by the author, it often seems to just melt away tumors in a very short time period, and works well to normalize the PSA readings in prostate cancer sufferers. Flaxseed Oil is often recommended as a companion of IP-6 and enhances its effectiveness. One caution – Inositol/IP6 may deplete minerals and/or interfere with mineral absorption, especially calcium and magnesium.  Be sure to get plenty of magnesium, calcium, and potassium (a good thing to do anyway) and take a good vitamin and mineral supplement such as, IntraMax, preferably with plant derived minerals (a second good thing to do in any event) (Editor Note: IntraMax mixed 75/25 or even 50/50 with 75 Colloidal Minerals is a more convenient way to take them.)  Intensive cancer fighting dosage of Cell Forte Max3 calls for 8 to 16 capsules per day.  Note: intensive use of Inositol/IP6 is not recommended for more than a few months at a time, with lesser maintenance doses of one to two capsules the rest of the time and occasional breaks from the maintenance dose of up to one month (to guard against mineral depletion).

Colloidal Silver is another must in my opinion – it has been shown to be deadly to single cell organisms and pathogens, and various cancers have been shown to have  viral and/or fungal qualities, at least after they have become established. (Editor Note: It has been reported by some that silver increase the effectiveness of OPC.) The caution with Colloidal Silver is that it may also eliminate beneficial bacteria when taken in amounts large enough to fight cancer and so it is a good idea when taking colloidal silver to also supplement with probiotics (yet another good thing to do anyway – especially after cleanses). Many recommend that colloidal silver be taken with Colloidal Gold because gold appears to enhance the silver's actions when cancer is present.  Take one to two ounces or more daily while actively fighting cancer.

Bromelain. Several studies have indicated anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties of the enzyme bromelain, which comes from the pineapple plant.  One of the primary anti-cancer properties of bromelain may be its ability to help prevent cancer from growing and spreading. Bromelain is also a powerful binder which can greatly increase the absorption of other supplements and medications (for that reason, a qualified medical professional. preferably a naturopathic one, should be consulted before taking large amounts of  bromelain with other medications where increased absorption might be a cause for concern).  Take 500 to 750 mg capsules thirty minutes before meals or two hours after meals.

Pancreatic Enzymes/Digestive Enzymes, especially those that contain chimotrypsin, have been very effective against cancer, especially pancreatic cancers.  Digestive enzymes help in getting tumor response to treatments by disintegrating fibrinoprotein covering of tumors and make easy targets for the immune system to kill cancer cells by natural autophagy means. Also there are studies to show proteolytic enzymes mitigate tumor-induced and therapy-induced side effects, as well as indications that the enzymes are anti-metastatc.

Grapeseed Extract has also been a very effective cancer fighter and a supreme antioxidant with many proven health benefits.

CoQ10 – CoQ10 is a powerful cancer fighter. It works by blocking the free radicals that can ultimately damage the DNA in your cells. It also helps re-energize the immune system cells that get suppressed by cancer. It restores their ability to fight back and attack the cancer cells. 


The final key to winning your battle is your mental attitude.  Remove as much stress from your life as you can and believe that you are going to win.  Stress and worry accomplish nothing – worse, they are actually allies of illness and disease.  You have surely heard the term "stress, the silent killer"?  It's true!  So you must do whatever it takes to remove stress from your life and make your mental attitude your ally.  Pray, meditate, change jobs, go fishing, find a pleasant hobby – do whatever you must to remove stress and have a positive mental outlook.

Equally important, if not more so, is addressing any emotional issues from the present or the past which may be contributing to stress and preventing the body from optimal healing – may even have contributed to your development of cancer in the first place.  There have been many reports of cancer going into spontaneous remission after people successfully addressed emotional issues and stress.

CACHEXIA (Wasting/Rapid Weight Loss)

Cachexia  is loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight, and is frequently seen in cancer, especially advanced cancers, HIV/AIDS and other conditions. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), can help prevent cachexia and is considered an essential complimentary supplement to oleander in general. 

Probiotics may also help combat cachexia as does coconut oil and raw organic goat’s milk. Probiotics support normal gastrointestinal balance of good and potentially harmful bacteria, and maximizes the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the gut.


In my opinion, the more weapons you have in your natural arsenal which are compatible with one another, the greater your chances of success will be.  That is why I advocate including several of the powerful natural supplements that have been proven to beat cancer and boost the immune system, and which address what we know about cancer.

As a final note for those of you who continue to believe the big lie that the harsh and ineffective options offered by mainstream medicine (and its half century record of broken promises to deliver a cure or significant breakthrough) are superior to nature, I ask:  When did God become a quack?

Live long, live healthy, live happy!


The Best Years In Life

Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Practically everyone knows that calcium is vital for healthy bones. What many people are unaware of is that calcium alone is not nearly enough to insure that bones remain healthy. There are in fact a number of other vital minerals and nutrients that are essential for maintaining healthy bones, preventing bone loss and even building bone mass. There are also herbs and other items that can help build and maintain healthy bones

Membrane Complex
Zinc Balance
Chromium GT

Bones are not made from calcium alone. They're an amalgam that includes various minerals such as zinc, boron and copper. Foremost of the additional minerals needed for healthy bones is magnesium, which is actually considered by health experts to be more important for bone health than calcium.

Magnesium is important for many, many areas of health and it is an essential co-factor for calcium. Unless you take magnesium with calcium, your body is unable to properly absorb and utilize calcium. That means that even if you get plenty of calcium, if you do not also get enough magnesium the calcium will be of limited benefit. Alarmingly, various studies and estimates have determined that anywhere from 70 to 95% of us are deficient in magnesium.

The recommended daily minimums for magnesium are 320 mg for women and 400 for men, but optimum daily amounts are more like 500 to 700 mg. It is recommended that a person take one-third to one-half as much magnesium as they do calcium each day in order to get proper benefits from both important minerals.

Boron and zinc are important by themselves for healthy bones. Plus, they and other trace minerals are also necessary for the transport and absorption of calcium. Plant derived trace minerals are the best source of trace minerals. Unlike the "crushed rocks" in most supplements, which are poorly absorbed and pass out through the urine, minerals already digested by plants are potentially 100% absorbable.

Vitamin D3 has been proven in many studies to be extremely valuable for maximum bone health. One should aim for a bare minimum of at least 600 international units of vitamin D3 per day (three times the Recommended Dietary Allowance), and for therapeutic use aim for even more – up to 4000 international units.

Vitamin K is also important. It activates a protein found in bones, called osteocalcin, which holds calcium molecules in place. Healthy Brussels sprouts are a good dietary source of Vitamin K.

Silica (from horsetail and/or shavegrass) works with calcium to maintain strong bones and is especially effective in combination with GTF. GTF Chromium (which stands for Glucose Tolerance Factor Chromium) is made by fermenting nutritional yeast with chromium.

In addition:

* Serotonin has been shown in recent studies to be an important factor for bone density. L-tryptophan is a good supplement to boost serotonin.

* Inositol/IP6 modulates the behavior of bone-forming and bone-destroying cells.

* Besides being an excellent pathogen destroyer, Colloidal Silver also helps bone, tissue and nerve regeneration.

* Dandelion Tea and Red Clover help build bone density. Other herbs that can help build your bones include Chaste Berry, Dong Quai, Black Cohosh and Sesame seeds.

Diet and exercise are also vital for bone health. A poor diet lacking essential vitamins and minerals contributes to osteoporosis. Regular exercise helps maintain healthy bones; whereas, lack of exercise will result in weak bones and loss of bone mass.

Caution: Do not take bone drugs for osteoporosis. Evidence has shown that they produce abnormal bone growth, make bones more brittle and can have serious and even life threatening side effects!

The Best Years In Life

New Study Finds Multivitamins and Calcium Slash Breast Cancer Risks

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) A new study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research's annual meeting has found that women who take multivitamins and calcium drastically reduce their odds of getting breast cancer. The study, conducted at the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico, found that women who routinely took multivitamins reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by almost 30 percent. Women who took nutritional supplements and calcium fared even better – reducing their risk by 40 plus percent.

Membrane Complex

LL Complete

Lead author PhD Jaime Matta and his colleagues from the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico found nutrient supplementation was linked to positive results when taken over an extended period.

"It is not an immediate effect" said Matta. "However, we did see a long-term effect in terms of breast cancer reduction".

The study compared the lifestyle habits of 268 breast cancer sufferers to those of 457 healthy women. Matta concluded that vitamin supplements may help subjugate cancer risk by enhancing DNA repair capacity.

Ironically, the study coincides with another study that is receiving widespread attention. That study conducted by Sweden's Karolinska Institute and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that women who take multivitamins have a 20% increase in the risks of getting breast cancer.

Many find that the idea that adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals could somehow be unhealthy is absurd. Not surprisingly, criticism of the study has been immediate. However, one may have to go far down the mainstream reports to find any criticisms or doubts, if at all.

Professor John Boyages, director of the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute and spokesman for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, said he "wouldn't put any weight" on the study, as there were "many complicated risk factors involved in breast cancer."

Likewise, the Australia Complementary Healthcare Council cautioned consumers to "not panic" at the findings. It also cited "concerns over limitations to the study", such as its reliance on self-administered questionnaires and failure to look at the bioactivity of multivitamin ingredients.

No mention was made in the study of whether the health habits of the women who took the vitamins were compared to those who didn't take vitamins. Neither was there any mention of what kind of multivitamins the women took. Too many people think that they can offset unhealthy diets and lifestyles by popping a daily vitamin pill. In addition, over 95% of such supplements consist of ground up rocks, petroleum by-products and coal-tar derivatives.

Virtually every study which has returned negative results about vitamins or minerals has used the inferior and unnatural forms, instead of the forms found in nature. In addition, virtually all such studies fail to take into account the fact that nature works synergistically.

Isolating individual vitamins and minerals or other nutrients and adding them to an overall unhealthy diet might be compared to putting a hasty patch on a leaky roof on a building with a crumbling foundation. You might get some relief, but when a bad storm (disease) comes along, you may be ill prepared to keep the storm at bay.

Mainstream medical science makes the same mistakes when it tries to synthesize vitamins and compounds found in nature, or else uniquely isolate them. Doing so does not produce the natural molecule with supporting compounds or the whole vitamin profile found in nature. It does, however, produce something that can be patented and profited from. It also produces something that the body does not recognize as natural and which is liable to have side effects over 95% of the time.

It isn't rocket science. Sadly, it is medical science.

The Best Years In Life

Heal and Prevent Heart Disease with Nutrition, Part IV

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Previously we looked at some of the most essential vitamins and minerals for heart health. In today's concluding installment we will take a look at some other items which can help prevent and reverse heart disease, including the best herbs for the heart.

Cardio EZ
Dr. Christopher’s Heart Syrup
Membrane Complex

Cayenne has a wealth of cardiovascular benefits, including strengthening, stimulating and toning the heart, balancing circulation, and calming palpitations.

Hawthorn, a favorite of famed Herbalist John Christopher, improves oxygen and blood supply and is rich in flavonoids that protect small capillary vessels from free-radical damage. Hawthorn has been used effectively for angina, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, blood clots, and hypertension. Best results are normally seen after a few months, but hawthorn is safe for long-term use.

Garlic inhibits bad cholesterol (LDL) production and raises the good kind (HDL). Garlic also lowers blood pressure, prevents blood platelet aggregation, and improves circulation

Pycnogenol is found to be more effective than buffered aspirin in reducing buildup of platelets in the arteries, a major risk factor in heart disease.

Cacao is a natural source of theobromine, long considered a heart tonic and mild stimulant. Cacao also contains epicatechin, a flavonol that improves the function of the blood vessels.

Cat's claw contains a variety of valuable phytochemicals that inhibit the processes involved in the formation of blood clots. It increases circulation and inhibits inappropriate clotting, helping prevent stroke and reducing the risk of heart attack.

Ginkgo has been shown in numerous studies to cause dilation and increase the blood flow in the arteries, capillaries and veins. In addition, it inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood clotting and helps protect our vascular walls from free-radical damage.

Ginger reduces cholesterol and blood pressure and also prevents blood clots. Similar to garlic, ginger interferes with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form, helping prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack.

Turmeric lowers blood cholesterol levels by stimulating the production of bile. It also prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots that can lead to heart attack.

Alfalfa leaves and sprouts help reduce the blood cholesterol levels and plaque deposits on artery walls.

Alpha-lipoic acid works with other antioxidants in the body to increase their effectiveness against oxidative stress and helps keep arteries clear by preventing the LDL cholesterol from being incorporated into artery walls.

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. Bromelain may 'thin" the blood and help clear away debris from artery walls. One study demonstrated that bromelain relieves the pain of angina, which is associated with heart disease.

Essential fatty acids help prevent unnecessary blood clotting, reduce inflammation, and regulate blood pressure. They are found in black currant seed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, fish oil, and flaxseed oil.

Pectin is a fiber found in grapefruit, apples and other fruits and vegetables which helps lower LDL cholesterol and sweeps away fatty plaque deposits from the artery walls.

Other herbs and supplements that are beneficial for the heart include iodine, motherwort, bilberry, arjuna, fo-ti, citrin, artichoke leaf extract, guggul, cordyceps, L-Carnitine, lecithin, taurine, activated charcoal, barberry, black cohosh, butcher's broom, dandelion, rosemary, chamomile, valerian root, kelp, kola, myrrh, psyllium, passion flower, saffron, skullcap, and tarragon.

Caution: Do not use barberry or black cohosh during pregnancy. Do not use ginseng if you have high blood pressure.

In conclusion, many important foods and supplements can help prevent and heal heart disease. It should go without saying that a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, is also essential.

The Best Years In Life

Heal and Prevent Heart Disease with Nutrition, Part III

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The lack of natural nutrition found in our foods today is likely a leading contributor to heart disease. As health author Greg Ciola noted in his article "Whole Food Nutrition to the Rescue", our bodies are intended to be nourished by food and not from ground up rocks, petroleum by-products and coal-tar derivatives which make up more than 95 percent of all supplements.

Cardio EZ
Dr. Christopher’s Heart Syrup
Membrane Complex

Studies have shown that the Vitamin D fortification common in our foods actually results in hardening of the arteries and heart disease, whereas natural vitamin D obtained naturally via sunlight or fish oil is vital to heart health. One example is milk. It is not the fat in milk that makes it unhealthy, it is the pasteurization and homogenization processes which destroy all of the Vitamin D and B6 in milk. Then 4 times as much counterfeit vitamin D is added as the original genuine vitamin D.

Another example is bleached white flower. A hundred years ago we consumed only a tiny amount of such flour. Today that single item makes up 20 percent of the average American diet. Bleaching flour removes over 90 percent of the silicon, selenium and chromium and more than 75 percent of vitamin B6.

Most of the processed foods on our grocers' shelves have had vital nutrients processed out and often harmful additives processed in to enhance shelf life, taste, color and texture. Often those processed foods are then "fortified" with fake vitamins – the ground up rocks, petroleum by-products and coal tar derivatives.

Fortunately, there are several good food sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients vital for our hearts. Some of the best are:

Foods rich in the antioxidants that fight free radicals include fruits, tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, alfalfa sprouts, and whole-grain products. Studies have shown that those who ate five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day had a 39-percent lower risk of stroke than those who did not.

Grapes, eggplant, and red cabbage all contain anthocyanidins which help lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by dilating blood vessels and keeping the blood flowing freely. Anthocyanidins are found in blue and purple fruits and vegetables.

Raw nuts (except peanuts), olive oil, pink salmon, trout, tuna, Atlantic herring, and mackerel contain essential fatty acids important for cardiovascular health.

Garlic and onions contain compounds that help to reduce serum cholesterol levels.

Some other important dietary recommendations are:

Avoid grilled and barbecued foods. Meat cooked over smoldering charcoal increases the risk of cardiomyopathy by forming compounds that contribute to inflammation of the arteries and deterioration of the heart muscle.

Avoid stimulants such as coffee and black tea that contain caffeine. Caffeine increases stress hormones, putting coffee drinkers at greater risk of heart disease.

Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. One study found that men who drank at least five glasses of water every day had a 51-percent lower risk of heart disease than those who did not. For women, the risk of heart disease was 35 percent lower.

Food alone may not be enough for healthy hearts and supplementation from whole food derived sources may be essential. Thanks to over-farming and mineral depletion, most of the vegetables and fruits we eat today are far less nutritious than was the case years ago. It is estimated, for example, that a bowl of spinach our grandparents ate contained 8 times as much nutrition as a bowl we eat today.

In the concluding part of this series we will look at herbs and other supplements which can help prevent and reverse heart disease.

The Best Years In Life

New Study: Four Bad Habits Can Shorten Your Life by Twelve Years

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Four bad habits can shorten your life by 12 years according to a new study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The four bad habits are smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and a poor diet.

In the study, researchers examined 4886 British adults who were age 18 or older in 1984 and 1985. The risky health habits were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily. The researchers then assigned a health score for each person based on bad health habits. A score of zero was assigned to those who had none of the four bad habits and it increased up to a score of four for those who had all four.

Death certificates were checked for the next 20 years and the researchers found that the higher the score, the shorter the average lifespan was likely to be. The most common causes of death included heart disease and cancer, both related to unhealthy lifestyles.

During the 20 year average follow up time, 1080 of the participants died – 431 from cardiovascular disease, 318 from cancer and 331 from other causes. Compared with participants who had none of the bad health habits, the risk of death increased with each additional bad habit.

The healthiest group included never-smokers and those who had quit; teetotalers, women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruits and vegetables at least three times daily.

Lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo said her results are applicable to other westernized nations including the United States. Kvaavik also noted that "you don't need to be extreme" to be in the healthy category.

"These behaviors add up, so together it's quite good" said Kvaavik. "It should be possible for most people to manage to do it."

Kvaavik said that the guidelines used for the study were modest and less strict than many other guidelines. As an example, eating only one carrot, one apple and a glass of orange juice would suffice for the fruit and vegetable cutoffs in the study.

By comparison, the U.S. government recommends four or more cups of fruits or vegetables daily for adults, depending on age and activity level. The U.S. guidelines also call for about 2 1/2 hours of exercise weekly compared to the two hour cut-off for the study.

University of North Carolina public health researcher June Stevens said the results are similar to those of previous studies that examined the combined effects of health-related habits on longevity.

Stevens also observed that, while the findings don't mean that everyone who maintains a healthy lifestyle will live longer than those who don't, doing so will increase the odds.


Laurel Rose OPC

The Best Years In Life

Heal and Prevent Heart Disease with Nutrition, Part I

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Doctors tell us that cardiovascular disease cannot be cured, but instead can only be managed, primarily with drugs such as statins. Likewise they would also have us believe that the best way to prevent cardiovascular problems is through the use of statins and daily aspirin, along with avoiding being overweight. In a sense, the doctors are right – cardiovascular disease cannot be cured by mainstream medicine. However, cardiovascular disease can be cured and prevented by whole food nutrition, and what doctors know about the links between diet, weight and heart disease are mostly wrong

Heart disease is largely caused by improper nutrition and deficiencies in important nutrients and other essential compounds needed for cardiovascular health. Chief among those items are magnesium, coenzymeQ10 (CoQ10), chromium, selenium, silicon, vitamin D3, and vitamin B6. Instead of addressing these deficiencies, statin drugs actually make some of them worse and have actions which are actually detrimental to heart health.

The most common serious side effect of statin drugs is muscle pain and damage – and the heart is the most important and most active muscle in the body as well as one of the largest muscles. Statin drugs' primary method of action is to interfere with the liver function of producing cholesterol. In the process they also interfere with the liver's production of CoQ10 from selenium. CoQ10 is a primary heart protector. Thus drugs that are supposedly for the heart prevent a vital heart protector and cause damage to muscles, such as the heart itself. Not surprisingly, liver damage is another serious statin drug side effect.

The fact is that there are no benefits derived from statin drugs which cannot be achieved from whole food chromium and selenium, neither of which have the many side effects associated with statin drugs. Both chromium and selenium were established as essential minerals for life over half a century ago by the NIH. Yet the use of statin drugs is almost universal in mainstream medicine while the nutritional approach of whole food nutrition with those two essential mineral nutrients remains little known and rarely used.

A second mainstream approach for heart problems is daily aspirin, a dangerous mainstream marketing myth. Aspirin is actually dangerous for the heart. All of the early studies on aspirin and heart benefits used a buffered form of aspirin. The buffering agent used was the heart healthy mineral magnesium and often the buffered aspirin studied contained more magnesium than actual aspirin. In the intervening years no heart benefits have been found in studies on aspirin alone. Nevertheless, the aspirin heart protection myth continues to this day.

Magnesium helps prevent heart attacks, regulates high blood pressure and helps ease heart arrhythmia, in addition to having a great many other vital health benefits. Thanks to today's SAD diet and mineral depleted soils, it is estimated that anywhere from 80 to 95 percent of us are deficient in magnesium.

It was also noted over a half century ago that the mineral silicon played a vital role in heart health since it was abundant in healthy hearts and deficient in diseased hearts and heart vessels. Silicon is responsible for both the strength and elasticity of cardiovascular tissue. It also is a semiconductor that is involved in nervous system message transmissions and is likely important for the heart's electrical functions.

In part two of this three part series we will look at the vital roles of vitamins D3 and B6, myths and truths about the roles of obesity and diet and why it is crucial to get needed nutrition from whole food sources.

The Best Years In Life

Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Safety Studies Investigated for Fraud

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) One of the central figures in the Center for Disease Control`s (CDC) claims about vaccine safety is reported to be under investigation by Danish police after almost $2 million turned up missing that was supposed to have been spent on research. Dr. Poul Thorsen, one of the researchers involved in two highly publicized autism reports published in the influential New England Journal of Medicine, was accused of fraud last month by Aarhus University in Denmark.

According to reports, Thorsen`s fraud was uncovered as the result of an investigation by the university where he worked and CDC. The investigation found that Thorsen had falsified documents and, in violation of university rules, was accepting salaries from both the Danish university and Emory University. At Emory University, which is located in Atlanta near CDC headquarters, Thorsen led research efforts to defend the role of vaccines in causing autism and other neurological disorders.

Thorsen was a leading member of a Danish research group that wrote several key studies supporting CDC`s claims that the MMR vaccine and other mercury-laden vaccines were safe for children. Thorsen`s 2003 Danish study concluded that mercury could not be the culprit behind the increase in autism. In the study, Thorsen noted a 20-fold increase in autism in Denmark after that country banned mercury based preservatives in its vaccines.

The 2003 study has long been criticized as fraudulent. It failed to disclose or account for increases in reports of autism due to the result of new mandates requiring that autism cases be reported for the first time. It is believed that the new mandates and the opening of an autism treatment in Copenhagen accounted for the sudden rise in reported cases after the removal of mercury from vaccines in Denmark.

After Thorsen`s study, CDC and mainstream media were quick to jump on the bandwagon of pointing to the study as proof that mercury-laced vaccines are safe for infants and young children, even at concentrations hundreds of times over the U.S. safety limits. Thorsen`s Danish studies from 2002 and 2003 are widely referred to by groups that dispute the vaccine connection to autism and nervous system disorders. A spokesman for the US Surgeon General`s Office called the reports` conclusions that no connection exists "irrefutable".

Thorsen, who is a psychiatrist and not a research scientist or toxicologist, used his studies to build a lucrative long-term relationship with CDC. He built a research empire called the North Atlantic Epidemiology Alliances (NANEA) that advertised its close association with CDC. Thorsen and his research staff at the center have churned out numerous research papers, many of which assure the public about vaccine safety. In all, CDC is reported to have paid Thorsen`s center $14.6 million since 2002.

Earlier this month, Thorsen resigned from his position in the US as adjunct professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia. The timing of the investigation and Thorsen`s resignation coincide with a US Court of Federal Claims last Friday, which ruled against parents asserting that the MMR vaccines were responsible for their children`s health problems. In addition, Thorsen`s partner Kreesten Madsen recently came under fire after damning e-mails surfaced showing Madsen working with CDC officials intent on fraudulently cherry picking facts to prove vaccine safety.

Thorsen`s widely referenced research articles have been published in major scientific journals. Questions about the validity of Thorsen`s studies and his scientific integrity may force CDC to rethink the vaccine protocols since most of the other key pro vaccine studies cited by CDC rely on Thorsen`s research group`s work.

Dr. Ken's Vaccination Protocol

The Best Years In Life

Latest Study: Diabetes Drugs Do Not Work; Diet and Exercise are Still Best

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) According to a recent study the latest "magic bullet" drug therapy for diabetes and heart disease does not come close to working as advertised. In fact, researchers found that the combination of the high blood pressure drug valsartan and the anti-diabetes drug nateglinide failed to reduce the risk of heart attack at all and valsartan was only slightly successful in slowing the development of type II diabetes.

Lead researcher Robert M Califf from Duke University School of Medicine stated: "This is a sobering confirmation of the need to continue to focus on lifestyle improvements."

In the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that when compared to a placebo, valsartan and nateglinide failed to statistically reduce the incidence of either extended cardiovascular risk or core cardiovascular risk. The cumulative incidence of diabetes was 33.1% in the valsartan group, as compared with 36.8% in the placebo group.

Type II diabetes is known as a "lifestyle disease" because it is brought on by eating processed foods, junk foods and fast foods. It affects around 150 million people around the world and has become THE lifestyle disease of modern times. According to doctors, the two main risk factors are excess weight and lack of exercise.

Some research has suggested that being overweight, as measured by body mass index (BMI), is the greatest risk factor for diabetes. For example, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston conducted a study on 37,878 women who had no diabetes and found that women who were overweight had their diabetes risk increase by nine times. By comparison, those who were relatively inactive only increased their risk by less than one time. What the study evidently did not measure was the kind of foods that led to being overweight. In other words, was the weight increase from relatively healthy food items or was it due to consumption of unhealthy foods, as was likely?

The bottom line is that the best advice for avoiding diabetes is to have both a healthy diet and a healthy, active lifestyle. A sensible diet to help avoid diabetes would be one that includes plenty of vegetables, especially raw and lightly steamed vegetables, some fruits (though little or no fruit juice because of its high sugar content), fermented whole grains, and getting rid of dangerous trans fats. Other good food items include almonds, apples, oranges, coconut oil, garlic, onions, and substances high in omega three oils (such as olive oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil).

Exercise to keep diabetes at bay need not be strenuous. Moderate exercise such as daily brisk walks and staying active should be plenty for most people, though those that are seriously overweight may want to exercise a bit more and restrict their calories to reduce their weight. Even an easily achievable weight loss of 5% has been shown to have significant health benefits, and for many people that might require little more than regular walking and eliminating sugary sodas.

An often overlooked item in diabetes prevention is the importance of adequate iodine. Iodine is a key element in fighting diabetes because it helps regulate the thyroid and is essential for a healthy liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleens and more. While it is well known that diet, obesity, food allergies, viral infections, and stress are all contributing factors for diabetes, it is less widely recognized that these factors are often either a cause of or caused by a weak liver, spleen, and pancreas.

Chromium GTF


The Best Years In Life

Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The answer for lymphomas and other forms of cancer may have been found in an extract of common brown seaweed according to research presented this month at the AACR Dead Sea International Conference on Advances in Cancer Research. At the conference, which was held on March 7-10 at King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea, Jordan, researchers from the Hashemite University in Jordan reported that brown seaweed contains the compound fucoidan which kills cancer tumors.

The researchers used an extract of the seaweed on lymphoma cell lines cultivated in the laboratory and found that the extract suppressed lymphoma growth while leaving healthy cells intact. The researchers also noted a significant increase in apoptosis, or cellular death, in lymphoma cancer cells.

Lymphoma is divided into two classes, Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's, which are in turn further classified into B-cell and T-cell groups.

"Some forms of B-cell lymphoma are especially resistant to standard treatment and thus new therapies are needed," said Mohammad Irhimeh, Ph.D., assistant professor of hematoncology and stem cells at the Hashemite University in Jordan. "In this study, we looked at a new treatment strategy using novel active compounds derived from a natural source — seaweed."

Irhimeh said that research would continue to study the mechanism of fucoidan with the goal of conducting phase II or III clinical trials with human volunteers.

Previously, seaweeds containing fucoidan have been found to have anti-tumor activity in mice and some cell lines, and Japanese researchers at the Biomedical Research Laboratories and the Research Institute for Glycotechnology Advancement found that seaweeds containing Fucoidan caused various types of established cancer cell lines to self-destruct. Examples of cancer cells that self-destructed due to fucoidan included certain kinds of leukemia cells, stomach cancer cells, and cancer cells of the descending colon.

About 4 percent of the total dry weight of many types of brown seaweed is made up of the polysaccharide known as Fucoidan. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide that has a complex structure. Its main components include a sulfuric esterified L-fucose, a healing sugar, and the trace elements of galactose, xylose, and glucuronic acid.

Fucoidan has been touted as one of the ocean's greatest treasures. Among the many benefits reported for fucoidan in addition to being an anti-tumor agent are: helps modulate the immune system, supports normal cellular health, supports blood circulation to native body cells, acts as an anti-contraceptive, helps reduce cholesterol levels and supports healthy joint mobility at all ages. In addition, it is believed that fucoidan may help stimulate immune response when the body is attacked and may help regenerate healthy skin tissue.

The people of Okinawa, Japan enjoy some of the highest life expectancies in Japan and also consume one of the highest per capita amount of the seaweed kombu. The cancer death rate in Okinawa is the lowest of all the prefectures in Japan.

Fucoidan's anti-cancer properties may also be good news for dogs and cats. Lymphoma is one of the most prevalent cancers in dogs and cats and, as noted above, lymphoma is one of the types of cancer which fucoidan has been found to be the most effective.

Rose Laurel