4. Take full doses of IP6/Inositol ultra strength powder or Max 3 capsules twice daily in the morning and at bedtime on an empty stomach for 14-30 days.
5. Take ten tablets/capsules of Oral Systemic Enzymes on an empty stomach 3 times daily, first thing in the morning, mid afternoon and just before bedtime for at least 7 days.
6. Take 300mcg (micrograms) of a quality Selenium three times daily for at least 7 days. (See Chris Barr’s interview on selenium .)
7. If you are unable to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine daily (without a shirt or in tee shirt and shorts) you may want to supplement with up to 5000 I.U. daily of Vitamin D .
8. Again, a Therapeutic Liver Flush using the 2 day protocol of Epsom Salts, olive oil and grapefruit juice should also be used early in this 7 day protocol. If that protocol is too much or not convenient for you (you must stay inactive and near a toilet for 1-1/2 days), a 14 Day Liver Cleanse condensed into 7 days is better than nothing. Even a normal healthy liver may be overtaxed after a vaccination and especially after using intensive body cleanses as suggested in this protocol.
9. Eat nothing but fresh cantaloupe (organic if possible) for the first 24 hours after the vaccination; it is one of the better natural cellular cleansing foods.
10. Get as much rest and sleep as your body needs.
11. Drink fresh squeezed lemonade diluted with a distilled or carbon filtered water morning and evening for the duration which stimulates more bile production and detoxification.
12. As a further suggestion if you have a juicer or access to a health food store selling the ready made products, drink ½ cup (about 4 oz.) of parsley juice, ½ cup (about 4 oz.) of cilantro juice and 1 cup (about 8 oz.) of celery juice (all organic if possible). Do this each day of the protocol if possible.
Notice: If you have a life or health threatening illness we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional who can become familiar with your health situation, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine. We also encourage you to diligently research any information on our websites or in our newsletters to decide if you are in agreement with the opinions offered. All decisions made in the use of supplements is the sole responsibility of each individual.
All information offered herein is strictly opinion and is presented as an exercise of the God-given unalienable Right of free speech, as well as the right to help others, set forth in part by The Herbalist’s Charter. http://utopiasilver.com/legal_doc/healthcare-choice.htm